Level 3, 60 Leicester St Carlton Victoria 3053 Phone 03 9347 5188
[email protected] www.vnpa.org.au ABN 34 217 717 593 Parliamentary inquiry into environmental infrastructure for growing populations Submission by the Victorian National Parks Association 28/09/2020 Thank you for inviting submissions to this inquiry into the current and future arrangements to secure environmental infrastructure, particularly parks and open space, for a growing population in Melbourne and across regional centres. We hope that this inquiry will help to support better environmental urban planning and help to inform the improvement of the quality and accessibility of nature and open space for the health and enjoyment of all Victorians. Established in 1952, the VNPA is Victoria’s leading community based nature conservation organisation. We are an independent, non-profit, membership-based group, which exists to support better protection and management of Victoria’s biodiversity and natural heritage. We aim to achieve our vision by facilitating strategic campaigns and education programs, developing policies, undertaking hands-on conservation work, and by running bushwalking and outdoor activity programs which promote the care and enjoyment of Victoria’s natural environment. The following submission provides discussion and recommendations on 5 topics: 1. The importance of accessibility to nature and open space for urban populations 2. Enhancing Melbourne’s “Green Edge” 3. Planning, creating and enhancing urban nature space networks 4. Management and funding for national parks, metropolitan parks and natural areas 5. Blue Infrastructure – “Blue Wedges” and coasts Contact: Matt Ruchel Executive Director Victorian National Parks Association
[email protected] Mob: 0418 357 813 1.