Patricia M. Parker (née Lawston), Ph.D. Assistant Research Scientist (effective 07/01/2020) Postdoctoral Research Associate Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC), University of Maryland NASA Goddard Space FliGht Center Code 617.0, BldG 33, Room H104 Greenbelt, MD 20771 Email:
[email protected]; Tel: 301-614-5319 EDUCATION 2017 Ph.D. ClimatoloGy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 2013 M.S. GeoGraphy, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 2010 B.S. MeteoroloGy, Mathematics minor, Millersville University, Millersville, PA PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS 7/2020–Present Assistant Research Scientist, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) at NASA Goddard Space FliGht Center 1/2017–7/2020 Postdoctoral Associate, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center (ESSIC) at NASA Goddard Space FliGht Center PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS In Review (2020 expected) Shepherd, M., A. Thomas, J.A. Santanello, P.M. Lawston, J. Yoo: Warm core structure maintenance over land: A case study analysis of Cyclone Kelvin. Submitted to Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 6/11/19 (preparinG for 2nd review). (2020 expected) Yoo, J., J. A. Santanello, M. Shepherd, S. V. Kumar, P. M. Lawston, A. M. Thomas: Quantification of the Land Surface and Brown Ocean Influence on Tropical Cyclone Intensification over Land. Submitted to Journal of Hydrometeorology 9/13/19 (under 3rd review). (2020 expected) Shellito, P. J., S. V. Kumar, J. A. Santanello, P. M. Lawston Parker, John D. Bolten, Michael H. Cosh, David D. Bosch, Chandra D. Holifield Collins, Stan LivinGston, John Prueger, Mark Seyfried, Patrick J. Starks: AssessinG the Impact of Soil Layer Specification on the Observability of Modeled Soil Moisture and BriGhtness Temperature.