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COPENHAGEN 2021 LGBTI+ Human Rights Forum HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM 16TH - 20TH AUGUST 2021 COPENHAGEN 2021 LGBTI+ Human Rights Forum HUMAN RIGHTS FORUM 16TH - 20TH AUGUST 2021 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Human Rights Conference Global Interpar- liamentary Plenary Assembly 1:1 Democracy Festival Immigration, Bor- ders and Refugees Summit EXECUTIVE SUMMARY receptions for the invitees to the Inter-parliamentary Plenary and a number of other guests. The Scandinavian model of a “Folkemøde” 1:1 Democ- racy Festival will open 5 days of events that are part of The Copenhagen 2021 LGBTI+ Human Rights Forum is an the Human Rights Forum. Open to the general public, international experience existing out of multiple high-level, ac- this event will invite attendees, politicians and speakers cessible events: out on the square to connect and converse with the local community. In the square, two large tents will provide A 3-day Human Rights Conference, from Tuesday the 17th until Thursday the 19th of August 2021 space for different sessions (i.e. debates and panels). The There will also be a strong presence of civil society orga- conference focuses on LGBTI+ issues and is organized nizations located in various smaller tents to engage with for, by, and with the diverse global LGBTI+ Community the community. We will bring the LGBTI+ cause close to in order to go deeper into the challenges and lives of the the general public to create compassionate awareness community. Starting with a high-level plenary session about issues and challenges the community experienc- with a diverse group of speakers, followed by 2 days of es in various parts of the world. Speakers from both the break-out meetings and discussions based on different Global Interparliamentary Plenary Assembly and the topics, ending with a closing and feedback plenary. Conference will be given the opportunity to address the public at large. The Democracy Festival will take place The Global Interparliamentary Plenary Assembly, Monday the 16th of August until Friday the 20th Friday the 20th of August from On . Up to 220 elected offi- of August. cials from all over the world will be invited to gather for an LGBTI+ Global Interparliamentary Plenary Assembly The Immigration, Borders and Refugees Summit will at Christiansborg Palace, the seat of the Danish Parlia- take place in Malmö, Sweden, which is located just a ment. The attending elected officials are from diverse short train ride over one of the most famous bridges in ideologies, regions, backgrounds and beliefs, making Europe that connects centuries old Scandinavian part- this event an impactful network and learning experience. ners, Denmark and Sweden. Activists and speakers In collaboration with our strategic partners, we aim for discuss the challenges regarding Immigration, Borders the inclusion of elected officials from every continent. and Refugees, in the region, on the continent, and in the Together with these partners we will design an impact- world. This event will take place on Friday the 20th of ful and engaging program which will motivate the par- August and is the official closing of the Human Rights ticipants to sign a Human Rights Forum Parliamentary Forum. This international event will be organized in co- Declaration. This declaration can serve as a benchmark operation with different civil society organizations from paper to monitor progress. The Danish Parliament, the both Malmö and Copenhagen, and in collaboration with City of Copenhagen, and the Government will each host the city of Malmö and Malmö Pride. Patron of Copenhagen 2021 Her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Denmark is the patron of Copenhagen 2021, the greatest and most inclusive LGBTI+ event in Denmark ever, celebrating WorldPride and EuroGames simultaneously for the first time. With the patronage, the Crown Princess takes on the task of sharing the message that in 2021, Copenhagen will host the largest international Human Rights event of that year, that fights to ensure equal rights for LGBTI+ people all around the world. AIMS & IMPACT be heard, when discussions shaping Human Rights take place. LGBTI+ Refugees are an important minority, often overlooked and marginalized by governments dealing with the influx of for- eign citizens or stateless people. We will bring their situation into the spotlight and discuss it in a summit ending the 5 days Universal decriminalization of same-sex relationships by 2030 of Human Rights events. is one of the main goals we want to see addressed in 2021 by governments, politicians, activists, media and all other attend- Through the 1:1 Democracy Festival we will heavily target the ees. We want to promote the recognition of LGBTI+ Rights as public at large. We want the general public to develop a more inalienable Human Rights. As of 2020, 73 jurisdictions criminal- in-depth understanding of LGBTI+ Rights to create awareness ize same sex sexual activities of which 12 jurisdictions still pre- and show that we are all human, without exceptions. We need scribe the death penalty for same sex-relations. Furthermore, to change mindsets and involve everybody if we want real 15 jurisdictions criminalize the gender identity and/or expres- change to happen. sion of transgender people. In some parts of the world we see a decline of the rights of the community and all these jurisdic- In the course of the different events organized during the Hu- tions need to be confronted. man Rights Forum, we will be critical towards our own govern- ments, the European Union and the world at large. We will be Moreover, the killings of, and violence and discrimination demanding all actors to do more. We have a responsibility to against the LGBTI+ Community needs to be heavily discussed. push governments to take action and protect the global com- The community is entitled to equal protection, and the same munity from hate crimes, violence, discrimination and punish- rights as every other person. The community is not asking for ment until every place on earth is a safe, accepting and inclu- any exceptions, the community is asking for the same rights as sive space for our community, but also other minorities being any other person enjoys. discriminated against. Furthermore, Copenhagen has a strong tendency to show On a European level we will focus extra on backlashes in Po- the public that Pride is not merely a celebration, it is a Human land, Hungary and Bulgaria, amongst other European Union Rights movement that, for the past five decades, has brought Countries. Furthermore, the enlargement of the European together hundreds of millions of people; these people and their Union in the Western Balkans is imminent, we need to stay requests cannot be ignored. Copenhagen 2021 will focus on critical and push for maximum accountability and change with- exploring and establishing the parallels and convergence of in the candidate member states in the Western Balkans. On the Pride movement and universal Human Rights. a broader scale we see the difficult situation of our communi- ty in Turkey, Russia and the countries of our European Union Next to that, it is of high importance to pay extra attention to mi- Eastern Partnership, amongst others. We cannot and should norities and intersectionality within our community. We cannot not ignore these difficulties. Nevertheless, we need to create a talk about inclusion, if we do not make space for all voices to platform to discuss and act, not only on a European level, but on a global level. We are working together with LGBTI+ Orga- will have a guiding role throughout the different events taking nizations from all over the world to set the agenda. place within the Human Rights Forum. The diversity between the events and the aim of the different These Thematic Topics are: events, concisely described in the executive summary, create opportunities to target different groups. Examples hereof are 1. Politics and Law politicians, activists, media and the general public, and bring 2. Education, Labor Market and Civil Soci- them together to create awareness, understanding and give ety everybody the possibility to broaden their horizons. 3. Intersectionality and Global Trends 4. Borders, Decolonization and Racism Lastly, we want to highlight the importance of collaborations. 5. Technology and Online Communities Many organizations and governments are working on improv- 6. Arts, Sports and Culture ing the situation of the LGBTI+ Community. We often have a 7. Pride as a global Human Rights Movement common agenda and we have to show unity in order to move 8. Breaking the Binary forward in an ever-changing world. Copenhagen 2021 will col- 9. Sexual well-being and Health laborate with different highly professional organizations that will 10. Open for the undefined partner with us to promote Copenhagen 2021, work on content and agenda setting for the Human Rights Forum and execute a These 10 topics will for example be used during the proposal thorough follow-up to maximize impact and sustainability. for sessions within the Human Rights Conference and the 1:1 Democracy Festival. In order to make an impact and be inclusive, we are deter- mined to execute an ambitious Outreach Program, to ensure The following pages will give a more in-depth idea of the set-up strong participation from all parts of the world, with a special of the different events. This concept note is a living document focus on marginalized communities on a global, regional and and therefore will change overtime. national level. These people are often overlooked or not given a voice. This outreach program will be executed by Copen- hagen 2021 with the (financial) support of different strategic partners, international organizations, governments, and by cor- porate sponsor money from vetted companies with a proven history of LGBTI+ inclusion. In other to keep enough focus, synergy and structure within and between the different events, the Governing Board in con- versation with the International Advisory Board and the Director of Human Rights have decided on the following 10 topics that 3-DAY HUMAN RIGHTS es with place for between 800-1200 participants we aim to program an inclusive and relevant conference following the CONFERENCE beforementioned broadly defined 10 topics that can make an impact.
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