I - .. :'-- - '. ." ',.:" ., . - .. ". ' -"'. to "local atIairs" and institutions .. • '. ,,-'. -i' ,_.', ," , '" -" , ", By the mid_twenties"""l'lye.ch!)es numh.r,.mly 180 came fromCana- tinue anyWaY, he.said, as."the<>.rgan also rec.~iv,ed :'. J,onsi!ieration, wi\h lpe".,tion. with ~e P~ ~ were already heard in Winnipeg of dian Hachsharilitraining' institu~ ization hests~itedand oo'~t orjent- Sol . Kanee; ·.western : chairman of THE JEWISH POST ;esting:.their 'benight~d' nat:i,9~ the Histadrut campaigns, iitaugur- tions. ...... at•. d to carry out the tasks'~ that Canadi.ui J';";'isii Congress, ur~ POALE ZION. it Vias not untU the de~'~ ate.d somewhat over a quarter cen- In his disCUssion lead, ~; Drache Jewry must perform in relation to Zionists to take a more active and The disposal of the Hilisverband, and (COlit. from page 14)' direct ,role 'in, su~h. matters, ~d",,· and founders of the Liberty Temple, of the , CCF, that poale. Zion's." . , t\lry ago in Is);"ael. saw Zionists. today in a· state of Israel. PEOPLE'S' BOOK' STOllE (fanied territorialist, who died in Women's division of Canadia:n Jew met and planned their projects and interests on the lo~al. sceJ?e. (This new perioli w'lS cov\>red in "complete hefuddlement" ahout' the· The que~tion of Zionist attention (Cant. from page 14) Russia), Dr. Cha;';' hiUowsky, and ish Congress for collecting funda and institutions at this friendly centre. JOYOUS NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO YOU.ALL Nachman Syrkin. dispatching relief overseas. to German. ltur'al wo.rk. continued .' !luring N, Witman's article on.
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