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Filename.Pdf APPENDICES 2008: Facts and Figures ............................................................................................................................ 2 Budget ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Library Staff .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Services ............................................................................................................................................. 2 Collections ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Branch Library Statistics ........................................................................................................................... 3 Web Statistics ........................................................................................................................................... 5 2008: Organisational Structure ................................................................................................................ 6 2008: UQL Staff list ................................................................................................................................... 7 Social Sciences and Humanities Library .................................................................................................... 7 Fryer Library ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Law Library ............................................................................................................................................... 8 UQ Ipswich Library .................................................................................................................................... 9 Graduate Economics and business library ................................................................................................ 9 Biological Sciences Library ........................................................................................................................ 9 Joint Princess Alexandra Hospital/UQ Library ........................................................................................ 10 UQ/Mater Mcauley Library .................................................................................................................... 10 Herston Health Sciences Library ............................................................................................................. 10 Dentistry Library ..................................................................................................................................... 11 UQ Gatton library ................................................................................................................................... 11 Dorothy Hill Physical Sciences and Engineering Library ......................................................................... 12 Innovation Lab ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Architecture and Music Library .............................................................................................................. 12 Library Technology Service ..................................................................................................................... 12 Information Access Service .................................................................................................................... 13 Library Corporate Services ..................................................................................................................... 14 2008: UQL Staff publications and presentations .................................................................................... 16 2008: UQL Staff external involvements .................................................................................................. 20 2008: Speaker Sessions .......................................................................................................................... 25 Future Focus Program ............................................................................................................................ 25 Wellness Program ................................................................................................................................... 26 2008: Staff Training Sessions .................................................................................................................. 27 2008: Donations ..................................................................................................................................... 29 Fryer Library Gifts ................................................................................................................................... 32 2008: Key to Abbreviations used in this report ...................................................................................... 33 2008: FACTS AND FIGURES BUDGET Funding 2008 2007 2006 2005 OPERATING GRANT 30,880,572 29,823,564 29,086,306 27,744,541 CARRY FORWARD 1,384,610 694,971 798,649 149,722 IPSWICH 1,492,970 1,569,462 1,503,000 1,417,960 EXTERNAL INCOME 795,416 779,165 693,694 625,492 OTHER INCOME 314,154 185,014 75,954 RIBG 750,000 725,000 725,000 700,000 TOTAL 35,617,722 33,777,176 32,806,649 30,713,669 Expenditure SALARIES 16,257,867 15,445,995 14,758,334 13,661,145 MATERIALS 13,703,090 14,127,715 14,043,848 14,283,515 MAINTENANCE & EQUIPMENT 2,137,545 2,514,198 3,037,533 2,267,172 RESEARCH/INFRASTRUCTURE 750,000 725,000 725,000 700,000 MATERIALS TOTAL 32,848,502 32,812,908 32,564,715 30,911,832 LIBRARY STAFF PROFESSIONAL LIBRARY POSITIONS 83.5 87.54 85.48 88.1 MANAGERS AND COORDINATORS 15.91 23 19.19 9 SUPPORT STAFF 149.97 164.39 151.5 158.3 TOTAL 249.38 251.93 256.17 255.4 SERVICES 2008 2007 2006 2005 ITEMS LENT 953,186 1,077,954 1,131,912 1,538,434 ITEMS SHELVED 1,502,577 1,557,321 1,582,333 1,804,886 ITEMS SUPPLIED TO OUTSIDE 18,800 19,623 18,626 19,536 LIBRARIES ITEMS RECEIVED FROM OUTSIDE 17,667 19,720 18,967 22,134 LIBRARIES INFORMATION SKILLS EVENTS HELD 2,606 2,833 2,953 2,713 INFORMATION SKILLS EVENTS 45,379 50,436 51,366 49,861 ATTENDEES NORMAL OPENING HOURS PER WEEK 98.5 81 81 81 QUERIES ANSWERED 228,625 253,157 238,714 305,832 TURNSTILE COUNTS 3,090,091 3,024,418 2,878,812 3,088,041 COLLECTIONS BOOKS: TOTAL VOLUMES 1,869,037 1,763,426 1,787,933 1,701,019 PERIODICALS: TOTAL CURRENT 62,300 61,108 58,597 79,202 TITLES EBOOKS 409,100 387,000 370,974 358,000 NETWORKED DATABASES 970 960 1,014 BRANCH LIBRARY STATISTICS Infoskills Enquiries Turnstile Classes/ Loans Monograph Doc Del Doc Del Attendees volumes Supplied Received Social Sciences and Humanities Library Service Graduate Economics and Business Library 6,110 98,765 ‐ 6,502 10,725 ‐ ‐ Fryer Library 23,367 98,381 12/140 30,864 98,069 190 ‐ UQ Ipswich Library 8,238 161,014 116/1980 38,763 36,583 424 598 Law Library 21,614 231,585 175/2708 64,544 33,438 295 ‐ Social Sciences and Humanities Library 63,425 898,858 316/5502 496,289 687,897 8,992 6,332 Architecture and Music Library 11,398 138,894 70/1012 42,465 53,212 334 442 Engineering and Sciences Library Service Biological Sciences Library 33,405 571,620 189/3,710 135,086 99,612 2,815 7,076 Dentistry Library 4,227 84,300 19/327 11,542 5,796 189 253 Dorothy Hill Physical Sciences and Engineering Library 26,886 443,377 108/2,017 97,774 94,365 2,308 2,205 UQ Gatton Library 7,697 72,447 84/1,365 26,708 52,042 387 1,694 Herston Health Sciences Library 11,624 101,125 120/915 33,110 20,278 1,498 4,085 The Joint Princess Alexandra Hospital/UQ Library 10,525 99,925 75/473 28,385 6,603 215 2,482 UQ/Mater McAuley Hospital Library 6,142 49,299 65/515 16,845 8,675 479 1,505 WEB STATISTICS ( ) Library Public Website Statistics 2008 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr Annual Successful Page requests for 15,679,522 41,739,529 43,423,503 34,444,516 135,287,070 bit Average successful requests 515,053 1,375,197 1,418,096 1,123,550 4,431,896 d Successful requests for home 3,909,486 8,220,865 7,027,849 4,881,692 24,039,892 Data transferred (Gb) 523.71 1,185 1,294 980 3,982 Average data t’ferred per day 17.25 39 42 32 131 (Gb) Busiest day (page requests): 692,592 26 August Busiest month (page requests): September 2008: ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 2008: UQL STAFF LIST SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES LIBRARY Executive Manager Ros Follett Senior Manager Bill Beach Manager, Business, Economics and Law Faculty Karen Borchardt Manager, Social and Behavioural Sciences Faculty Sandra Rothwell Q150 Project Officer Mark Cryle Senior Librarians Anne Draper Pauline Line Michael Whiteway Librarians Helen Cooke Jennifer Creese Birgit Culloty Adriana De Michiel John East Patrick Jewell Wai Wai Lui Pam Schindler Ryan Weymouth Senior Library Technicians Alison Stewart Tricia Bichel Senior Library Assistants Rebecca Carter Hilary Collins Karen Crouch Margaret Keys Bernadette Lane Naminda Peiris Wayne Sharma David Symons Gail Tattam Stacey Van Groll Stephanie Wright Library Assistants Adam Atkinson Sarah Bennett Maureen Cashman Rosslyn Clarke Kim Davies Kerrie‐Ann Fitch Mark Holland Edie Kaczor Kevin Kearney Val Lawson Kim Mussche Anita Petterson Virginia Reis Martin Rhodes Belinda Spinaze Mila Zincone Service Support Team Leaders Lyn Adams
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