THE TIDES OF TIME OXFORD DOCTOR WHO SOCIETY ISSUE 38 Summer 2016 Tides of Time 38 Summer Vacation 2016 1 The Tides of Time Change: Change is a common theme in Doctor Who. From Issue 38 Summer Vacation 2016 regeneration, to the number of memorable companions who have accompanied the Doctor over his many incarnations and even the very premise of the show, with its focus on fantastic journeys through time and Editor: Daniel Alford space, very little stays the same for long. Indeed even the iconic TARDIS and Sonic Screwdriver have
[email protected] undergone many redesigns and in some cases been practically or fully retired for series at a time. In the time I have been in this society, not long Contents compared to some, it has also experienced a great deal of change. Since our last issue commemorating the 50th Marco Polo- 50 Years On: Episode 1- anniversary of the show the society has both expanded Dramatis Personae 3 and diversified, welcoming a whole new generation of Whovians and integrating a greater variety of events Katrin Thier discusses the characters, both than ever before! Live screenings of the new season, arts and crafts, fan video nights, a trip to Cardiff and a historical and fictional, in the series one Varsity Quiz against the recently established serial. Cambridge Doctor Who Society have joined weekly serial screenings and the Geek Quiz to ensure that this past year has been an exciting and eventful one for The Arcs in Space 11 veteran society members and newcomers alike.