Post Comments, share Views, read Blogs on CaPe-Coral-daily-Breeze.Com Inside today’s SERV ING CA PE CORAL, PINE ISLAND & N. FT. RR MYERS Breeze APE ORAL RR eal E C C MARKETER sta ate Your complete Cape Coral, Lee County G real estate guide orgeo ous T NO w RTH o EDI -S AP TION St RIL 9 tor , 20 ry 09 y C AILY REEZE OVER PRESENTED B D B Y ROSSM See Page AN REALTY 2 WEATHER: Partly Sunny • Tonight: Partly Cloudy • Saturday: Partly Sunny — 2A Vol. 48, No. 83 Friday, April 10, 2009 50 cents County to use Fort Myers to entice new business Branding scheme raising concern “I’m not happy about it, but you have to follow the data and the facts.” By GRAY ROHRER reasoning behind Lee County bers of the Cape Coral
[email protected] Economic Development Director Construction Industry — Cape Coral City Manager Terry Stewart Despite Cape Coral’s greater Jim Moore’s decision to use the Association. numbers in land mass and popula- city across the river to better pro- Some in the audience took tion, Fort Myers is often thought mote the county as a whole as a umbrage at the Cape playing sec- of as its “big” brother. destination for businesses. ond to Fort Myers. eight-year Cape resident. the Cape. As a city, Fort Myers is more “Site selectors know Fort “I have a very difficult time Moore countered that his over- “I’m not going to promote widely known throughout Florida Myers better,” Moore explained understanding the Fort Myers all approach would excite more Cape Coral specifically.