Supplementary Material Click Here to Download Attachment to Manuscript: Brassica Fitzjohn Suppl Resubmit.Doc
online supplementary material Click here to download attachment to manuscript: brassica_fitzjohn_suppl_resubmit.doc 1 Supplementary material for ‘Hybridisation within Brassica and allied genera: 2 evaluation of potential for transgene escape’ 3 4 Online Appendix 1: 1 !experimental" sources 5 Papers documenting experimental hybridisation, including cross direction and % success/failure used in making Figures 1 3! "#uccess$ means that any trial in the article ( &as successful, &hile "Fail$ means that all trials &ere unsuccessful! 'rticles that ) successfully produced hybrids, but reported one or more trials &here hybrids &ere not . produced, are indicated &ith an asterisk *+,! -n lists "'s male$ or "'s female$ refer to the 10 role of the crop species in the cross! /ote that crosses &here both parents are crops 11 species *Brassica carinata, B. juncea, B. napus, B. nigra, B. oleracea, B. rapa, Raphanus 12 sativus and Sinapis alba, are listed t&ice! 13 14 1rassica carinata 15 1% 2 ith Brassica juncea 1( • 's male *success,3 4 *1.35,5 6ahman *1.(%, 1.(),5 'nand et al! *1.)5,5 7atiyar 1) 8 9upta *1.)(,5 #ubudhi 8 6aut *1..4b,5 7atiyar 8 :hamola *1..5,! + 1. • 's female *success,3 6ahman *1.(%,5 9etinet et al! *1..4, 1..(,! 20 • 's female *failure,3 4 *1.35,! 21 22 2 ith Brassica maurorum 23 • 's male *failure,3 :hrungu et al! *1...,! 24 25 2 ith Brassica napus 2% • 's male *success,3 4 *1.35,5 6oy *1.)0,5 2 ahidu;;aman *1.)(,5 Fernande;< 2( =scobar et al! *1.)),5 :hen 8 >eneen *1..2,5 6ashid et al! *1..4,! 2) • 's female *success,3 6oy *1.)0,5 2 ahidu;;aman *1.)(,5 Fernande;<=scobar et 2.
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