~Answers 208

debt servicing liability and ronment and Forests, any other foreign ex- Govt. of . change costs should be met by export earnings of [Translation] the promoters. No free foreign exchange would Weekly, Fortnightly and Dally Newspa- be made available to the per Published from company for such pur- poses (Feed Stock import 5626. DR.LALBAHADURRAWAL:Will of Naptha on incremental the Minister of INFORMATION AND basis for NOCIL and be- BROADCASTING be pleased to state: yond what is available in- digenously from vizag will (a) the number of weekly, fortnightly and have to be covered, simi- daily being published from Uttar larly through their own Pradesh; foreign exchange earn- (b) the names of those weekly, fort- ings). nightly and daily newspapers which have a wide circulation; and (iv) The company will obtain environmental and pollu- (c) the names of the places from where tion clearance from the these are published? Mintstry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of In- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MIN- dia and no constructton ISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROAD- activity relating to the pro- CASTING (KUMARI GIRIJA VYAS): (a) posed expansion shall be According to the live register maintained by undertaken by the com- Registrar of Newspapers for India, 407 dai- pany until environmental lies, 1847 weeklies and 467 fortnightlies are clearance as well as published from Uttar Pradesh as on clearance for any related 31.12.1989. activities of the proposed expansion are approved (b) and (c). Details are given in the by the Ministry of Envi- statement attached. STATEMENT ~ ~

Newspapers Published from Uttar Pradesh having a circulation of more than 25,000 copies per publishing day and their place of publication. ;E ~­ Q) :::s Name of paper Language/periodicity Place of publication Circulation )I. :::s (I) 1 3 ~ 2 4 (iJ

1. Jagran /Daily ·1,71,328 m :I: 2. . Hindi/Daily 1,26,007 )> 0 JJ 3. Aj. Hindi/Daily Kanpur )> ,1,06,532 .... $..> .... 4. Swatantra Bharat Hindi/Daily Luck now 89,941 ~.... w

5. Hindi/Daily Kanpur 76,270 -~ ~ 6 .. Maya Hindi/Fortnightly 2,26,722

7. Manorma Hindi/Fortnightly Allahabad 2,17,095 ~

~- 8. Pioneer English/Daily 67,138 )I. ::3 (I) 9. Jagran Hindi/Daily Luck now 65,577 i N 10. Amar Ujala Hindi/Daily 58,683 .... 0 N...... Name of paper Language/periodic~ Place of publication Circulation

1 2 3 4

)1. 11. Amar Ujala HindVDaily Bare illy 55,153 'il 12. HindVDaily Meerut 51,644 !

13. Jagran Hindi/Daily 50,532

en 14. Aj. HindVDaily Gorakhpur 43,122 m "tJ n1 15. Aj. Hindi/Daily Lucknow 41,888 5m ::D 16. Northern India English/Daily Allahabad 38,028 Jt> ... Patrika I...

17. Dainik Jagran Hind~Daily 37,104

18. English/Daily Lucknow 38,856

19. Bijnor Times Hindi/Daily Bijnor 36,690 )1.f 20. Jag ran HindVDaily 33,504 I 21. Himachal Times HindVDaily Meerut 33,475 N... N N.. Name of paper Languagelperiodici~ Place of publication Circulation w

~ 1 2 3 4 !! ~ )1, 22. Uttar Ujala Hindi/Daily Nainital ::, 33,426 Cl) I 23. Swatantra Bharat Hindi/Daily Varanasi 32,700 iiJ

24. Vishwa manav Hindi/Daily Bareilly 32,521

:I: "'> 25. Pioneer Hindi/Daily Varanasi 32,324 0 ~ ..... 26. Himachal Times English/Daily 32,129 $A) ..... U) 27. OuamiAwaz /Daily Lucknow 31,736 ..w

-~ 28. Times of India English/Daily Luck now 28,749 -~ 29. Aj Hindi/Daily Agra 27,927

30. Jag ran Hindi/Daily 26,350 a~ ! 31. Hindi/Daily 26,007 )1, ~ 32. Navjivan Hindi/Daily Luck now 25,383 I N .....