Project Document
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Project Document Government of The Gambia & United Nations Development Programme Lead Implementing Partner: Department of Parks and Wildlife Management (DPWM) of the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Water Resources & Wildlife (MECCWW) Further national counterparts: Office of the President; Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Water Resources & Wildlife; Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Agriculture (NEMA Project); National Environment Agency; Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs GEF Implementing Agency: United Nations Development Programme UNDP Project ID PIMS 5000 / GEF Project ID PMIS 5529 Gambia Protected Areas Network and Community Livelihood Project Brief Description Over a period of 4 years and for close to USD 1.5 million from the GEF and a further estimated USD 4 million in co-financing, the project will strengthen the national protected areas network and management effectiveness, focusing on a cluster of priority PAs namely, Jokadu National Park (JNP, 15,028 ha), Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve (BBWR, 22,000 ha), and Kiang West National Park (KWNP, 11,526 ha) through a c. 5,000 ha expansion of JNP to connect to BBWR, and a c. 10,000 ha expansion of KWNP. Basic PA offices will be established, equipped and staffed in JNP and BBWR (KWNP already has adequate PA offices) – with institutional and technical capacities being built through targeted training. On-the-ground boundaries of JNP and BBWR – as well as of the newly added PA areas – will be demarcated using valuable and useful tree species that local communities respect and protect. The project has a focus on the communities, primarily farmers and their households, totalling an estimated 70,000, that exert significant pressure on the integrity of these PAs. Working closely with and through the National Agricultural Land and Water Management Development Project (NEMA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, the present project will introduce biodiversity-friendly sustainable land and natural resource management practices; it will establish nurseries and plant suitable fruit, forage, firewood and multi-purpose trees and vegetation; pilot the latest conservation tillage agriculture; establish inter-cropping regimes and nutrient-rich plants and hedges in degraded farmland; establish agro-forestry regimes and village woodlots and shelter belts; revisit fire and grazing practices; replant mangroves in degraded wetlands; pilot new salt-tolerant wet rice varieties to reduce land conversion for dry rice production; promote and distribute fuel efficient stoves; and increase bee farming and horticulture. Agreements will be entered into with local communities that will form the basis of these community-based interventions to be undertaken by the project. The implementation of the proposed project will have an immediate global environmental benefit, through the increased integrity and management efficiency of Protected Areas and their surrounding buffer zones. This will lead to the restoration of natural productivity and conservation of the habitats of a number of plant and animal species and valuable ecosystems. As a result, globally significant biodiversity will be conserved and valuable ecosystem services will be safeguarded. In addition, important steps will be undertaken to restore ecosystem functions to the degraded agro-pastoral landscapes adjacent to the targeted PAs. As a result of the significant effort that the project will make on PA institutional capacity building and the mainstreaming of a sustainability ethic into land use and agricultural practices, these benefits will be sustainable. 1 SIGNATURE PAGE Country: THE GAMBIA Project Title: Gambia Protected Areas Network and Community Livelihood Project UN Development Assistance Framework Outcome(s)/lndicator(s): Pillar 1, Outcome 3 - Environmental sustainability and disaster risk reduction systems and services operationalized Expected UNDP Country Programme Action Plan Outcome(s) & Output(s): Outcome 2 - Sustainable livelihood security enhanced for the disadvantaged groups through the promotion of income diversification opportunities and better management of environmental resources Output 2.3 - Sustainable use of environmental resources enhanced UNDP Ecosystoms and Biodivorsity Stratogy: Signature Programme 2 - Unlocking the potential of protected areas (PAs), including indigenous and community conserved areas, to protect biodiversity while contributing to sustainable development. Key Action Area: Strengthen PA systems and their ability to conserve biodiversity and maintain and enhance ecosystem services Expected UNDP IIRF Outcome(s)/Output(s)/lndicator(s) to be monitored by UNOP Including UNOP Country Office: Outcome 1: Growth and development are inclusive and sustainable, incorporating productive capacities that create employment and livelihoods for the poor and excluded Outcome Sub-indicator 1. S.A. 1. 1: Number ofhectares ofland managed under an in-situ conservation regime Outcome SUb-indicator 1.S.A.2.1: Number of hectares ofland managed under a sustainable use regime Output 1.1: National and suh-national systems and institutions enabled to achieve structural transformation of productive capacities that are sustainable and employment - and livelihoods- intensive Output Sub-indicator 1.1.3 .A. 1. 1.. Number of additional demonstration schemes which expand and diversify the productive base based on the use ofsustainable production technologies Output 1.3: Solutions developed at national and sub-national levels for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem services, chemicals and waste Output sub-indicator 1.3.2.A.3.1: Total number of additional people benefitting from strengthened livelihoods through solutions for management of natural resources, ecosystem services, chemicals and waste Output 2.5: Legal and regulatory frameworks, policies and institutions enabled to ensure the conservation, sustainable use, and access and benefit sharing of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, in line with international conventions and national legislation Output sub-indicator 2.5.1.C.1.1: Extent to which institutional frameworks are in place for conservation, sustainable use, and/or access and benefit sharing of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems Lead Implementing Partner: Department of Parks and Wildlife Management (DPWM) Project duration 48 months Total ProJect Resources: $6,016,219 ATLAS Award 10: TBD Total Resources in TBW: $1,444,310 ATLAS Project to: TBD GEF $1 ,324,310 GEF PMIS#: 5529 UNDP(TRAC) $120,000 UNDPPIMS#: 5000 Others: Mgt ArranQement NIM Govemment of The Gambia $4,570,909 PAC Meeting Date: Total Co-finance: $4,690,909 Agreed by (Government): Signature Agreed by (Implementing Partner): Date/MonthlYea r: NAME: LMM \\~ ..}AWl'\- It ,,, (op;.. ) Signature Agreed by UNDP: Date/MonthlY ear: NAME: L ~ "-~ . Signature 2 r CONTENTS Signature page Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 1 SITUATION ANALYSIS 6 1.1 Introduction 6 1.2 The Gambia environment 7 1.2.1 The physical environment 7 1.2.2 Ecosystems and biodiversity 10 1.2.3 The socio-economic environment 14 1.2.4 Policy and institutional context for biodiversity management 16 1.2.5 Ecosystem functions and services 21 1.3 Threats and impacts to the Gambia environment 22 1.4 The Gambia's response - the Baseline Project 24 1.5 Remaining challenges and outstanding gaps 27 2 STRATEGY 29 2.1 Project Rationale and policy conformity 29 2.1.1 The GEF alternative and incremental reasoning 29 2.1.2 Project sites 30 2.1.3 Stakeholder analysis 37 2.1.4 Fit with GEF Focal Area Strategy and Objectives 39 2.1.5 Conformity with UNDP and UNDAF 40 2.2 Project Objective, Outcomes and Outputs/Activities 40 2.2.1 Project Objective and Components 40 2.2.2 Project Outcomes 42 2.2.3 Indicators 42 2.2.4 Project Outputs and Activities 45 2.3 Assumptions and risks 48 2.4 Cost effectiveness 50 2.5 Expected global, national and local benefits 50 2.6 Gender strategy 51 2.7 Project consistency with national priorities/strategies 52 2.8 Coordination with other relevant GEF financed and other initiatives 53 2.9 Sustainability of project results 54 2.10 Environmental and social safeguards 55 3 PROJECT RESULTS FRAMEWORK 57 4 TOTAL BUDGET AND WORK PLAN 60 5 IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS 64 6 MONITORING FRAMEWORK AND EVALUATION 67 7 LEGAL CONTEXT 71 ANNEXES 1 Terms of Reference for key project personnel 2 Letters of co-financing 3 Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) 4 Trackifl,9 Tools 3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AfDB African Development Bank ANRWG Agriculture and Natural Resources Working Group APR Annual Progress Report BBWR Bao Bolong Wetland Reserve CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBOs Community Based Organizations CBNRM Community Based Natural Resources Management CHM Clearing House Mechanism CSRP Sub-regional Fisheries Commission DCD Department of Community Development DEC District Extension Centre DoA Department of Agriculture DPWM Department of Parks and Wildlife Management EDF European Development Fund FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FFF Forest and Farm Facility FIBA International Foundation for the Bank d’Arguin FTS Food Technology Services GamPAN Gambia National Protected Area Partnership and Network GBoS Gambia Bureau of Statistics GDP Gross Domestic Product GEAP Gambia Environment Action Plan GEF Global Environment Facility LDC Least Developed Country ICAM Integrated Coastal Area Management (Project) IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature JNP Jokadu National Park KWNP Kiang West National