Patara Making at Bhavnagar, Part VII-A

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Patara Making at Bhavnagar, Part VII-A PR..<J-_ 28 A. (iii.) <~ 1..000 CENS-US OF INI>IA 1961 V<>L-..:r~ V PAR.T VII-A (3) P .A. T .A. R. ~ ]VI A. :K I :N" <;:­ .AT BI-I.A.VN"AG-AR. R... I<... TRIVEI:>I Superznrendenr of C"ensus Operarfons, GuJarar PR.ICE R.s. 4.95 P ... or II Sh.. '7 d. or $ '-'. S_ 1.79 R GUJARAT INTERNATlONA~ BOUNDARY _._.- ZONA~ BOUNDARY STATE BOUNDARY _._._._ IMPORTANT HANDICRAFTS DISTRICT BOUNDARY _ ._ ._ .- ,- RIVER DISTRICT H. G. @ LEGEND T CENTRES K S ~ • 0 040 NO. CRAFT ao CENTRE DISTRICT 16 0 16 32 04a 2 3 4 ~ .. ' ''0 •• -RANN - 'J-~ TIE AND DYE BAN:JANI (SARI) BHUJ KUTCH 2 EMBROIDERED ATLAS SILK SKIRT BHUJ KUTCH 3 EMBROIDERED COTTON SKIRT DHANETI KUTCH 4 EMBROIDERED COVER KUTCH KUTCH 5 PENKNIVES, NUTCRACKERS AND SCISSORS ANJAR KUTCH 6 TIED AND DYED GHARCHOLA JAM NAGAR (WEDDING SARI) JAM NAGAR ~ 7 CROCHET WORK (BORA CAl') JAMNAGAR 8 WOOLLEN BLANKET JAM NAGAR PORBANDER 9 JUNAGADH WOVEN WOOLLEN TIED AND RANAVAV DYED CAMBAL JUNAGADH 10 SHISHADHAR MIRRORED EMBROI- DERED SKIRT CHORVAD .... JUNAGADH II CHASED SILVER PITCHER RAJKOT 12 BEAD WORK-CHAKLA RAJKOT ~ RAJKOT 13 SILVER ORNAMENTS RAJKOT .,. RAJKOT 14 RAJKOT EMBROIDERED TORAN RAJKOT 0 15 IRON SCALES RAJKOT SAVARKUNDLA :x; BHAVNAGAR -< 16 LACQUERED TOYS MAHUVA 17 BRASS AND COPPERWARES BHAVNAGAR ,. SIHOR 18 WOODEN CHEST (PATARA) BHAVNAGAR ~ BHAVNAGAR N 19 WOOLLEN BHAVNAGAR 0 SHAWL CALLED z RAM-RAJ SHIANI SURENDRA- CJ 20 POTTERY NAGAH. " THANGADH ~ SURENDRA- NAGAI( ~ 21 BRASS AND COPPERWARES C) WADHWAN_ SURENDRA_ JORAVARNAGAR NAGAR 22 PATOLA, DOUBLE IKAT WOVEN SILK SARI PATAN MEHSANA Co '" 23-2~ TERRA-COTTA TOYS PATAN MEHSANA ~ 25 BLACK, MOULD-MADE CLAY SURAHI PATAN MEHSANA 26 MUD RESIST DESIGN, BLOCK ~ PRINTED ON COTTON FABRIC DEESA BANASKANTA 27 EMBROIDERED AND TIED AND DYED COTTON WALL HANGING RAJPUR- DEESA BANASKANTA 28 TERRA-COTTA HORSE AND RIDER POSHINA 29 PERFUMERY SABARKANTA PALANPUR 30 LACQUERED WOODEN TOYS BANASKANTA X IDAR 31 WOODBLOCKS SABARKANTA PETHAPUR MEHSANA ... 32 TEMPLE CLOTH AHMEDABAD 33 TRADITIONAL MORDANT DYED AHMEDABAD BLOCK PRINTED OOHANI AHMEDABAD AHMEDABAD H AKIK OR AGATE ARTICLES (HAND TURNED) CAM BAY KAIRA 35 LATHE-TURNED LACQUERED • 0110 .. CRADLE SANKHEDA BARODA 36 HANDLOOM WOVEN (SUJAN/) BROACH BROACH Co 37 SILK BROCADE OR TANCHHOI SURAT 38 MARQUETRY BOX SURAT ~ SURAT 39 ZARI SARI BORDER SURAT SURAT ). 40 TERRA-COTTA HORSE SURAT VALOD 041 CANE AND BOMBOO SURAT ~ KUDIKAS DANGS '4 CENSLJS C>F CND:I_A 1961 LIST C>F P-UBLICA. TIC>J'..lS CE~TR AI.... CTt3VER N"~EN"T PUBLI~A. 'TI<e>N"S ~e~s"I1s of'" India, 1961 Volume V-G-ujarat is being published in. the Iol1owin.g part:s : I-.A(i) c:ienera1 R..eport I-A(ii)a " I-.A..(ii)b I-ACiii) Gen.eral R-eport:-Ecoflomic Tren.ds and Projections 1-B R..eport on. Vital Statistics a.nd Fert.ility Survey I-C S-u.bsidia.ry Ta.bles II-A General Popula. tion. Tables II-B{I) <Jenera.l Econom.ic Tables (Tables B-I t:o B-IV-C) II-B(2) Ci-eneral Econom.ic Tables (Tables B-V to B-I:X:) II-C Cu.ltura..l an.d l"VIigration Tables III I-Iousebold Economic Tables (Ta.bles B-"X_ t.o B-"X:VII) I-V-A. R-eport 0:11 FIou-sing a.nd Establishment.s IV-B I-Iousing a.nd Est:ablishment: Tables V-A Tables an Schedu.led Castes and Scheduled Tribes V-B Ethnogra.phic ~otes on. Scheduled Castes a.nd Scheduled Tribes (including reprints) VI Village Survey :rvt:on.ographs (25 1'V'[oT1ogra.'phs~ VI1-.A. Select:ed Craft:s <>f Ci-ujara,1: VII-B Fairs and Fest:ivals VIII-.A. .A.dminis"t:ra.tioD. .R..ep0r"t:--Er:J.umera.tion. ~ot ror Sate VIII-B Adm in i_ s tra. ~i on. R..eport--"I"a. bu la 1: i on_ } I:::X: .A.t:Ia.s Volume :x::.-.A. Special Report on. Cit.ies :X::-B Specia.l Tables on Cit:ies and Bl<>ck: I>irect:<>ry :x:-c Special .l'vI:igrant Tables Cor Ahmeda. bad Cit.y S-r.A. TE CJOVERN'l'II"E:N"T' PUBL I<=:.A. TTC>"N"S ~ 7 I:>ist:rict :FI:an.dbo<>ks in. English ~ 7 __District: Census ~andbooks jn. G-u.jarat:i P.R I N'T'EI:» .A. T S.A.~ JIV PR.Ir-;rTE R "Y,.. .A. alVl"EI=>ABAI> PUBLIS.FI"EI=> B~ T~E l'.-I"A.:N".A.CJER C>F P£JBLT~A..TIOr-.l, ~EL~I :1966. .ACKN<>"'LEI>GE~ENTS FIELI> I~VESTICTATIC>~ : 1'\11:. L_ ACHARY.A, B_ A_, ~S"rar;Sr;CCTr Assi"'ran r 1 O_ffice of -ehe Regiszrar GeneraL 2 :K.- I.:>- V .A.IS:rI~A. V 1\I.[AP AN"D ART WORK.. = 1 SC>~ALAL SI:-:IA.I:-I .2 Ci-TR:IS~ P..A.TEL 1"v'I _ p_ JACC>B ..FIe-ad Proof-reL7der S-U-PE.:R..VISION" .A.."N"I:> FI RST :DcRAFT _ IC_ P _ Y AJ:N"IK.., 1'VI:_ A-_, LL_ D_, L:>epury Superfnrenaenr of C:::ensus ~peraZfons,. <,special Srzu7ies Secrion) C <=> N" T E-l'J Y"'S PAGES FC>REWORI:> vii-x.. PR..EF.ACE xi SECTIC>N" I INT.R.~I:>VCTI C>~ Ci-e:n.eral-Locatio-n.-Bhavn.a.gar Cit:y-:Elistory of the Cra.ft: 1-4 SECTION" II CRAFT A.~I:> CR.A.FTS1VI:E~ S-ut:har-<Jrigin ~f S-u u t.ha.r-"K um bha r-SaraI1ia-Sa1:hwara- I:>audi Vora-Social aI1d Pers<>nal Characterist.ics-I-IoLlsiTlg Condit.ioIlS­ W orksh ops-Lit.eracy 5-15 SECTI<>~ IIJ. R.A. W l"\.I:I.A.TER I.A..LS 16-20 SECTJ.C>N" IV TECFI~IQLJES .A.:N"I> PROCESSES Tools aTld ImplemeI:1t.s-Techr:liques a:n.d Pcocesses-:Designs 21-24- SECTION" V FIN"ISI-IEI:> P ROE> VCTS 25 SECTION" VI 1'V'£.AR.K.ETI N"<J Sale Pract:ices-C>t:hcr Centres 26--28 SECTI~N VII CI-IA RACTERISTICS Financial Pc>sit:ie>ll-Cost a.nd Earnings-Ec<>I1omic Stat:us-Organisat.i<>nal Ch is tics-Cone] l1si <> T1 29-33 A..P PENI:>ICES I T~ _III 37-48 .A.PPEN".DI:X I 'T"ABLES 37-42 II "LTNSTR ~C"T U RED BIOCi RAPI-J: IES 43-46 III BI-IA "r~ACiAR. 47-48- BIBL.IOCi RAPFlY 49 CJ L<>SSA R._ y­ 50 IN"DE:X 5~ v LIST OF ST.A..T.E.~ENTS IX"I 'I'.E.x::-r St:a"temen"t N"o. Tit:le I 1...i teracy and edu.cational stat us 14 II Finished. produ.ct:.s 2S III a.nd va.lue of products, I963-64 26- IV :I\IIarketing Centres a.n.d. Transporta.tion Charges 26 V a.1 Pos i tioD. 29- VI ~o-u.seholds according to Income R.ange 30 V:lI Workers by Age G-rou.p 31. Table ~o_ LIST' OF TA.BLES IN" A.pPE~IX" I I 'N"llmber <>f persons employed 37 II I>istrjbut.ion of artisa.TI. com_-mllnit:ies 37 III I>istributi<>n of ra.w materials 37 IV ~a.t:erials 38 V I>esigns 39 VI Cost of productioI1, sale price: and earning 40 VII List of very skilled craftsmen of each community 40 VIII Tools and im.plemen. ts 41 I:x. Patara making in other Cen.tres 42 ILL-U-STRA. TION"S F"ACiES ~ap of Imp<>rtant FIand..icrafts in. ~ujarat: spiece Plate N"o_ I The finished. produ.ct that Pata.ra. is Facing page 14- II "Vishvak.arma, the :DiviD.e A..rchitect: Between. pages 14-15 III Front view a.nd gro.... I1d plan of vvork::shop-c"U7rZ-dwelling ,,. ,., 14-15 IV Savvin.g a.nd c'U.tti:ng by elect.rically opera.ted circ'U.lar saw Facing page 34- V Top: ~ak:ing the frame ..Bo£rorrz: Embossing t:.he frill Bet"VVeen. pages 34-35 VI :::z-rop: Fixi.D.8 the rrame Borro7n: ~ark:in.g the guide lines ,.. 34-35 " VII I>ifferent pa.rts accorded in. a. Pa..t:a.ra 34-35 " " VIII CJivin.g convex to iro~ strips on. an. a.nvil ,,. ,,. 34-35 Fitting iron strips on. the lid __ _ I.x: .... ".. ... 34-35 ~ Fixing ir<:>n strips 0.0 the inner side of the lid ,,, 34-35 " :XI Perforating design.. 0"11 an iron. strip ,,. ,,. 34-35 ::x:.II ~o'p: ~ec<>ra.t:jve and other fi:x:t:uces ..BorrC7lrZ: ~ecorating the froI1t __ _ '" .. , 34-35 :XIII wooden. wheels an.d. a.x.les at: the bottom. __ _ " .. , 34-35 :XIV Putti.n.g hasp for lock: ,., 34-35 " :XV C::::Overing the Pai:ara. with lid __ _ 34-35 " X:VX Ca.rpenters Tools " 34-35 " " :XVII Chisels and implements .... ,., 34-35 X:VIII ~ea.r ,,"iew of tbe Pa"tara ., 34-.35 " :X::I:x. Pat.aca in. 'With secret drawers ,,, 9' 34-35 :xx. Striking the bargain __ _ " " 34-.35 vi One of" the first st.eps to be taken.
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