A^WPul^^-frli, H*Jjji^>jffl^nJfffl£tff«SWF$EftF#ii* (T319-1195 ktt9M&&[ si$m&*t) for, *D^LiBL, ccon^Mcwa^AJ.-n^-yjSA^^ftW-tr/ *- (T319-H95 fc#mflWiP5fc/fettHMn-f;jffi£tffrt) xm^i-i^g'iWnsrfe-

This report is issued irregularly. Inquiries about availability of the reports should be addressed to Research Information Division, Department of Intellectual Resources, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken T319—1195, Japan.

©Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, 2003 JAERI-Tech 2003-028

t&w&T&miz&z TRACY mmftmvwmiimmamfe

*s, m-mm <&n+-=m mm

(2003^1 n 31 B%M)

TRACY zm^tzmmR^mz&ttg>mt)mm&m&&tz®\z, m^^^^m.

*«H&raf: T319-H95 ^ttmajiBfiu^jswa^esw

i JAERI-Tech 2003-028

Measurements of Power Profile in TRACY Supercritical Experiment by Detecting Epithermal Neutrons


Department of Fuel Cycle Safety Research Nuclear Safety Research Center Tokai Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken

(Received January 31,2003)

We have tried to measure the power profile in the TRACY supercritical experiment with high accuracy by detecting epithermal neutrons. In order to measure the epithermal neutrons, a cadmium covered 235U fission chamber was used, and a neutron moderator of polyethylene, was set inside the cadmium to enhance the neutron detection efficiency. In addition, a lead shield was used to reduce the noise current due to gamma-rays. The measured results were compared with the ones using a thermal neutron detector, and it was found that the time delay effect in the thermal neutron detection, which was caused by the flight time of neutrons to reach the detector, distorted the power profile and reduced its peak value. The reduction ratio of peak power was about 4% for the relatively slow power change with the inserted reactivity of 1.5$, but it became more than 40% for the rapid power change with the reactivity of about 3$.

Keywords: TRACY, Power Profile Measurements, Epithermal Neutron Detection, 235U Fission Chamber, Gamma-ray Shield, Time Delay Effect, Peak Power Reduction

+ Department of Safety Research Technical Support

u JAERI-Tech 2003-028

1 . \$Vtb\z 1 2. 4"»7^;i/^-MH 3 2,111 3 2.2 7 4)\-%l£tt^ffi»ffl££ff 29


1 . Introduction 1 2 . Effect of Neutron Filters 3 2.1 Outline 3 2.2 Measurements of Filter Effect 3 2.3 On the Power Oscillation 5 2.4 Summary 6 3 . Results of Power Profile Measurement by Detecting Epithermal Neutrons 15 3.1 Outline 15 3.2 Results of Measurement 15 3.3 Summary 16 4 . Summary 24 References 24 Appendix 1: Outline of TRACY 26 Appendix 2: List of Experiments 28 Appendix 3: Measurement Conditions of Epithermal Neutron Detection System 29

ui This is a blank page. JAERI-Tech 2003-028

1. \tVito\z. u^m^iimnm (ETF» mm) x\$, mm&RmmmmTRACY *ffli»fc-i©Biinns 2 6 &m^m (m&Rmm ZMMLX^Z - \ TRACY x\t, mmv7~)i*®m nm mm 9.98wt%) *«s^tL, s^c 3$*T©s*sa*^jnLfcie»imii*fTvi, ta*. u st. BtKDmrumkofflfezft-DX^Zo Z\# ^e^l0mfinfe^^^#g|5^^ttLfc235US^^mfllffi^ffl^T^'t4Jf^^ffiLTV^o

^ttWiiftS (ISl2-l#M)o ffift 3MK 0 MaxweU frffifc^TS^tt^OSfltfia


#>-?»aHfic, mftWi$Lim (FP) ©ia«K#v>fg£-r5 FP #>-7«a<&9, &#a FP, ^^um^nrnttm^htzmz a5T^J«L.fc**OFP**#ftLTviS^i:

TLS5 10)o £, /i;u^il*7^t>^*fcm*^{t±#noViT©SSo^viSlStt

T-*nan«ksw^88j£fe*K*fc. ^©ai^Ttt, ^ffig§ttfie*tHi: 235u &#^mi$fi*t

7<7)^£#lte£n3fc>AO*yht7I^M- (!ftJKT£5&'H4 7©±PSX*;t^-) « 0.5eV *i^T&D, SH^^nS^n+tt^^gfiJiStt 9800m/s £fcS. i©«^l:, lOm&fliTroi^lffliinttS^-rimst^S**. ^Kte235TJCDl£# g»rfflf**MeV&±-C#«£:£LTv>5 (0 2-1) d«t*^6>. lfcffl£n5*tt7-©^3&Wft

- 1 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028 mtim^z^mLx^^mm^rM^miDiiiti^^^tLx^iiE^tix^^rzisdiz, mm &wz>t)^ m&%tbxtm?zmft*ft:?-&th$$x\mw tt»©^je**§ST»5. dot*, &>bfrt>mtti%£xz\t\z&K),

*^^ST«, mmntD^z^&mifezftotzMzmMLtzmft^ftT&iiiiz&z mj]mmT2itlsbl£%

■r. JAERI-Tech 2003-028

2. $&?7J)V& —

2.1 m 5 g^^T-c^am, «ms*^tptt:f-!ft'R#T»5*H5^A (cd) TM5;i

*£, S)J:

■&S. ^Ofc*tc, CdftSoTK. +147:«Ji&T*5#Ux^W'>Ttfcfflg8£^

2) #>T$(Dj&j&

is>-?m&mw!rzfcit>\z. t& (Pb) js»#£i8:eL,fc. £U©Cd, #'JIfl/X »*ffl*^t)-ti:fc7>r;^-©^|** TRACY ^*»C«fc 018^

2.2 y4)V9-%i%LM'fe &T\z7F?3>r-7,(Dy ^ )i?-zmmisrzm&feiiimfo&(n mm) zmiZLtzo «K^fflLfc7^M-ffl-i^i2-i c, &7^;i/^-

Case® : &ffi2§£ 0.5mm ff CD Cd <0*T«EBILfc. Case©: ^ffi^^ 10mm H^'JXf |/>T|H, -tOMfiflfc lmm JP Cd T$S, &ft ECSOmmfffl&fcfSfiL-fc. Case® : Case© (I* ^T, tf U X^1/>J¥ $ £ 20mm, !&ff$£ 100mm £1/it. TRACY ©aitett, sussosfca^-rsaHS h7>s?x> h#*wi#K:3i£jfc< - ti: &<0X7-yy°W(Dfcfommm$:ft? r/^;UX5llfe^E—HJ THJfibTUS (TRACY ©SHE

$J;£I£II£, HI 2-3, 2-4 IC^-T. EltWBtrBlH, ilh7>yx>hi?|#{|^|^^

^0#^fc^ffig§;£S^|Bl-(D{ig(I^eLTffofefcWT-$.-5o £&, &*r-7>lS\

- 3 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

/V1/7>tc«to&a^wtf ±L ws+3i7^ t>^s. EI 2-6 t^-rmsRtfco^tTtt, m^^sftn^^si^fc^^w^^ii'j^^.^ns^, ^©^(D/i;i/Xiz:^_h^0gB (fa 0.16~0.18 S>OK) -mJ*«to££LT*3?K Case(3)« CaseCDCJt^TfalOfg, Case©©fa 3 fga>^8K>&*«£ftTU5 £ £1fit)frZ. (u5±rt*r)g&

V^^chT^HT&S (Case®&^© : 2.93$, Case(3)2.97$). -#, &T0 8RTtt. Mit «.%*!;:«'> I, T*3 0, mm 0.2 $J>&l$««8ltJ* l-2g«i:ftoT^5. i©m»Elttt, *mu^mfemm±mztitzr)--%;mtfcz>'tf, /viszav-z&mtFPX >-?mtztf>\z, £©«t 5 ft^fts^LT^s &©£#*. ens. •tts.t>*>. A°;ux©u^±/^o^T-£j&£nfcFP^, *

T^ZZ\ttft)frZ>. -#, &Mft©«^Case®£CDltT&3®/®Tte, 1.5 #CDR^& T *> FP^>T^©^^^te^b#^V^T«S^ >^<, B#^^J0.2#-eCase©i«^|Rli;m»St{it7 ci;oTV^ (02-4#BS)o pp # >Vi»Oj^»*«4SWn«, CaseCD&tfdHi Case®K:Jt0IJL&m«i&ffc£^-f («SKJtA«-

JttfcS) ttfT^S.fel, 3OC0^-XCD€^fI^-&LfcB#rBTO0.2#C0Pt*T«, Case®T$[^HT5^T&3 £t^ X.5. Case®Ttt, &ttii&ftCQjP££ Case©CO 2 f£CD 100mm t LT^S**, Case®t*3^ Tfc, *-5g^C0FP^>-7^C0^#^^^T^§^^tt^S§;fo<7)

^^^^^-tticfcoff^fco &&, ^

^CDffi^Tte, *#&&lr>j&*S*lT^5. #£, Cd «[«©*•© Case®Ttt, ffiKJt^Ttfi **

-4 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

£0, FP%>-?ma&m\t> *{t%tmmmmzfrz\,*t\,*5z\tifito&z>. L^L&# c^(B)\z^^m^^FP^>^m(D^m^mmx^^nm\zmmLx^^z\t^m^Mzti ^tztm^t^K

2.3 ffi^JgiJjUOl^T El 2-7 K£tt5##^©ai5£j|g£-ett, /1Jl/Xi(*7^©Ui*l3/jNS/«j:«»*««*$nTVi 5 a*. 7^;i/^-{t^m^Tttv^Tn©^^fciii/jH^nT^^v^ ;i©^gno^T& wrsfc*^, ##&^±Bi5 (*>^M=kDfa 5m ±) KtaSLTfr^fc. ^^^EI 2-9, 2-10 CTKT. 1^0 £«, 7yr)l?—tlsXtoM&VffiZ* 200mm J9«h 20mmi?#>JX5LU'X 1mm i? Cd ^ISMLfe^tti^ (Case®) ©aj£*gm&tf«©&ffl8g * 200mm J?©&TMLfcJ§-& (Case®) tt7£Mt-&££[~=fcD, tf,)x3Lls>&XftoLfcA*e>, EI 2-9, 2-10 £02-7, 2-8 *Jt«-rsi:i:t«t 0 15MJ; 5 fc. Case®t Case(D©ai^iie*ttH«l^—t?»-Dfc. EI 2-10 HSI-^M^tUTjfft^^St, Case®J^© 2 ^T-^«*#^tHf£|^i;

J6I&LW5 Hi: *«#*>£. ^©^tcfcO, A°;i/X^©ffi^j|g»i©^teH7^^^-^^ a-m^^^t^So £fc, EI 2-11, 2-12 ttt*a£ii-coais«g*©it«e*^-r. #1 itT Ot^ltTlO~20%ig^M/>LTV^^M'pvfznffimz case@(Dmmmzm?ixzhZ>ttifrz>o

frT'$>Z>. ft:*, E ^T^LfcHSSt) 2 0© TRACY ^K&^T&*$J£L7ci££3l£i; ti&fcfc© x$>z>* &mtox\zm*zt*tttkWifim--\zi3.z&5\zLT^zifi* HSft&#©fri"j&>fc mt3f\z£r)^±\zmvmm$:mi%'tz>z\t\ziii&te^o £©&#, 02-13^1^^ m So (££T«, 2HI©TRACYmiC43^T*^^-rai^bfcm^e-^ffl©^{b**l%^

- 5 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

2.4 ££#> m9\-*&T&tii\z&z>liitjA)l7.mfeZft?tz&\z. i^©7^;^-©Ml:^tit mfezmmbtzo ^-©*s^, MTommmzMzteitz. • lft*tt7&ffi£ff5IE*©$J^&T«, ^L^6^ffi^£T©f&*147^ft;:£ SMUB©B#rHliitl^M^T^ft:^ (Case®~®t*ft^(Bare)©itK). • ^^4"t47^ffi©7c*^ Cd T$SLfc&fflS£J;S*fJ/rm, B#r^iin©^#^ {gMt-s^tttffi^c^, *&T&&mmf)mi:Lfzz.t\z£K) F?ny-?um)i$k ^ffl*tl$t;:*£<&<3, «(Cte$U#&^fP£-*?-*-3 (Case®t Case©&^®©

• &tc J; 3 #>-?$©)£$;£: tf Cd ^rttc^MLfc^Jx^f l/>©^*t£7Mii ^mc=tS4'tt7^ffi^^©ii^«, ±IB© FP ^>-7^^#©i£Mt-#^TfeS (Case®Vi|ft©jfc«fc&£T£S (Case®t®©It^)„ ±I3©^^J;D, ^4Jtt7^ffB#^(ciSB#^iin©^#^{£Mb, *&&&v>ffl;*j£{t ^S'J^-rSfe56©^^41tt7^J^ffl7^^^-tLTtt, Cd S«THa^Jft:JS3©«^*f fc&KU 3S£JP£ 100mm EU©«ft (fflS) T#>^£M-tSM£WLT^St> ©*©jp$no^-rtt, ^ifcft &M£?T-PW&^7C#>, giift;7^;i/^-^t|-©7ci6(i«^^©Hm$>SV^i^^f|f tt^MT^S. £fc, ^f>-7*|JttiBc{*:tMLTH, ti&mZtfi 100mm £ 200mm Tte^lc &MfrlS&6tt&^o7C/^, ^©MjK^fr(C*3V^T;fo2.2l(5TizK^7c=t5^, ^/>^^©# JAERI-Tech 2003-028

£2-1 femLtzy^iv?—JE

Case yj)i$-(DmtfL 32*1 ® &tf}2§£ 0.5mm B© Cd T««. Cd(0.5) © &tiJ3g£l0mmWJX31l/>T'B^, *-©*HM£ P(10)+Cd(l)+Pb(50)

lmm^CdT^a, M^MlZ 50mmff&£tggo ® Case©K£t^T, jtf'J X511/>J|S* 20mm, &J¥£ P(20)+Cd(l)+Pb(100) * 100mm H^IL. ® ^tJHgg^ 200mm J?&TH^, ^©ftfllJK: 20mm J?# Pb(200)+P(20)+Cd(l) UX^U >£$!». m^-Wi^lmmW-CdXWMo ® &ffi3§£ 200mm JP©&T«o Pb(200)

U-235 Fission MT = 18 1 Q t; i i iiiinf i i nirnf i i imm—i i iMiiq—i i iiiiiq—i i innip T T nnn| i i mini i i iiiiiq—i i 11unj i i i■ nn|—i i IIIIH)

10" I »l I I ■* I Hill ' ' ■"■"! ■ ■ mml ' ' iiiml io"4 10"3 10"2 10"1 10e 101 io2 io3 io4 io5 io6 io7 Neutron Energy (eV)

0 2-1 235u (Dmftmmmm OENDL-3.2 ^7 7^ u">)

7 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

U-235 fission chamber Lead: 50 mmt U-235 fission chamber

Polyethylene: 10 mmt Cd: 1 mmt

(a) Case®© 7-Y^^ (b) Case©©7.f;l^- Cd(0.5)* P(10)+Cd(l)+Pb(50)*

U-235 fission chamber Lead: 100 mmt

Cd: 1 mmt

' • ' "v v:**;■■!' ^!_r JS, ■ at* .?..r^!i.Ms--&®2SZJ£~Jia -J^. Polyethylene: 20 mmt

(c) Case®© 7 .-f^- P(20)+Cd(l)+Pb(100)*

U-235 fission chamber Polyethylene: 20 mmt

Cd:lmmt \ / Lead: 200 mmt U-235 fission chamber Lead: 200 mmt V 1

•"'"V ^L^S" '*"'*?. J; ■*;" "i ■fa*********

>£r-'\ \ t-:1 ■'!'•'• ■■■;, V* "A''-■ ' i

(d) Case®©7^;U^ — (e) Case®©7-r;U^' Pb(200)+P(20)+Cd(l)* Pb(200)*

2-2 »*tt7$itfiffl7^;^ lis *)P: tfUX5P^>, Pb:ffi, Cd : * h'^DASST. # y n ft©tHiite; mm TO©J¥£ Sr^St".

- 8 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

Effect of Filters 10"3 ■®Cd(0.5) 4 IO" ©P(10)+Cd(1)+Pb(50) -a— (DP(20)+Cd(l)+Pb(100) IO-5




10" 0.0 0.50 1.0 1.5 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

02-3 yj)i?-m%:(Dnfem& (nm$.) a)

Effect of Filters 10"3 ■®Cd(0.5) IO"4 ®P(10)+Cd(1)+Pb(50) -H-(DP(20)+Cd(1)+Pb(100) IO"5


IO"7 "*-*a- --s-„


IO"9 0. 10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

2-4 7^;U^-$jJ|©)!PlJ/£ISm (mm^) (2) JAERI-Tech 2003-028

Effect of Filters 15


®AIK 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time after rectivity insertion (s)

02-5 mmm

Effect of Filters 15


0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Time after rectivity insertion (s)

02-6 mmm(D}k(Dmr$m\: (2)

- 10 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

Effect of Filters

-©— ®Cd(0.5) -*-®P(10)+Cd(l)+Pb(50) ^-(DP(20)+Cd(1)+Pb(100) #ft^(Bare)

0.0 *<*& 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

02-7 7^;i^H^©$jA&i£jii (ffi^ftS) (I)

Effect of Filters

0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

0 2-8 7 4)ls9-%l%:

- 11 JAERI-Tech 2003-028

Effect of Lead Shielding

-^— @Pb (200)+P (20) +Cd (1) -*-(§)Pb(200) -Q— Bare ----*tt*(Bare)

0.0 #{*£ 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

0 2-9 &M#©^3I (ffi^&H) (l)

Effect of Lead Shielding 1010


9 -^©Pb(200) IO -H— Bare ■2M*£(Bare)




10s 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

02-10 mmmw

- 12 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

Effect of Lead Shieldng

-©— ®Pb(200)+P(20)+Cd(1) -*-©Pb(200) -Q- Bare

0.0 ',Bare 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

0 2-n &m#©?jm mmm) (D

Effect of Lead Shieldng 10"4 -^— @Pb (200) +P (20) +Cd (1) -*-®Pb(200) 10"5 -Q— Bare


IO"7 I-

10"8 "*•» *«*»->WsJo.tH».v^

IO"9 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Time after reactivity insertion (s)

02-12 &M&©^ (mmm) (2)

- 13 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

Effect of Lead Shielding 2 IO"5

1 10"5 —e—(5)Pb(200) -*— Bare 5 1 IO' -Q- W#©S3ft£

1 IO'5

8 IO"8

6 10'8

4 IO'8

2 10'8

0 D»- 0. 15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.20 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

2-13 mm#

Effect of Lead Shielding 10'4

-^— @Pb (200)+P (20)+Cd (1) 10"5 r- -*--®+B3iE£

10"8 -

10'7 -

IO"8 -

10- 9 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 Time after reactivity insertion (s)

2-14 fiy~?mz&z>ititi/i)i7mfr

- 14 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

3.1 mt ^ %2mX®&*mLfZ74 )lf- (Case®) fcffl^T, -m»s \m 390gU/liter, ffi^«fett#«J 510mm TS^-ST**. fcmbtzy J )l?-\Zm2M\Z m^fz Case(DT& 0 . ^tUgs (235Ug^t»i) * 20mmi?#U X^U>TB<^, ■£© MM£lmmJ3Cd'r»«, $bCMSS: 100mm |C»T|oTl^. £©#itfJ§§£*P


3.2 $1^31 x^^itf^^^^^^m\z^^mmt^^mz^^m^^^^m\z^^mmm^(Ditm^ ^To fcfc, &fl+14^tfcfflK±5ffl;&5i--*©iRjETtt, fg 2 $«^/t©£|p]$K, /i;^SB©St^«l*«3S&'t'tt^*ftffi©«^t-a-rs«t5»cL/fc. £&£*£«, ##tL T«SSfll«©ffi*©ai^il8*ibfifii:T^L'r»5. (1) Kf&8l.50$

0 3-ixtf3-2t. ^jps*sai.5o$©«^©ffi*/^;ux©a!^iigm*^-r. f&ft*^

«to izm^&T-tktnx\zmi]tf&/ux\,*z z\ttftifrz. A°;i/7,iH7&©tfj*j^t-m,


#t!~*ffi©l£tt*?J4%T&9, ^^-I4^^trifCct-5B#^jin©ai^h0-i7fi^©^^«/jN

(2) TO^ 1.80$ I3-3W34C, mmfc&8tlJ80$iLt>±.ff9

- 15 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

&£* t&TW.&Z.£tft>frZ>. tfj*t-^ti:oisTtt, S3-2t^Lfc«fc5tc:, ^4^7&ffi©Ji£7^8%±£< ftoT*0, ^JaSJt^i:i::bH^4'tt7-^tll©ISm

(3) £jfc^2.00$, 2.40$, 2.97$ 0 3-5-3-10 IC, M£tf^2.00$, 2.40$, 2.97$©*§£©aj;ft/i;i/;*©ffi!l£il&££*T. /i;i/X©iz:^±^D, tiTQfflz&ttzm^&Tfototf&ft-^&Tiktiiamz. -t$© 2 y-xtii^ctfts. *fc, /ui^&T&cm^fln?*), ±iB(2)tiwia©mv^^ tlTt^. SJ&flf 2.00$-2.97$©€^tCti, /VV7>&7Sm\Z\Zf£J]

ffi^l £-7fi££tt3M#©M«, *3-2 K/Kfcfc"5 t^SnS*SSlii

(4) ^>Tiianmn«k5a*ai£iig*-7i»s^^^ +tt^^mjc«tsffl*tf-^fii©H:*^-r. [5i0j;o, u*^tt^^mt«t5trj^hr-^fi ©i®/hM^££$*PM$©itJra1£fete, Mfi$i$[;:*£<&oW5:t^fc^s. £&, ^>-7«ftmi:^n4,tt:f^ttl©2o©a!j^i|g^©|lttg^5%tai*ffl!l^lSII Oft 10%) ©ftHPlTftO, ffi#«&V*--Bc£UTV>3.

3.3 ££#> ^JnS*SS 1.50~2.97$©Xx^7°^^JP©^[SI^^^(C^^§t±i^/No;i/X©iPJJ^^ii+

SfJ^Ttt, «ff^fWfc:«t5«iai©jin**teffiT#^^^i:*«t)^-pfc. £©&»«, *£JJP Mg££feKtf*U tf-£ffl;fjTJt8rf 5v*i^i±jfcj;5ateie^t^^-a[*^bfc.

- 16 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

3-1 HIfc&#-|£

Run iv'ivL'/mlx. SJSffi (gU/liter) (N) (°C) (mm) (mm) ($) 204 391.0 0.56 25.6 506.05 551.41 1.50 197 386.8 0.60 25.7 514.18 574.14 1.80 196 385.5 0.58 25.6 511.66 582.50 2.00 195 385.5 0.58 26.2 517.17 604.13 2.40 203 388.2 0.58 25.7 512.17 623.76 2.97 * mte^mmmmmfciz

3-2 tf-^m^aij&is* tf-^ffla&tfMBSIH if-* Run jia^tt^ais mfwttmm ($) (s"1) HJ*(w) B#IH(s) ffl*(W) SIW(s) *&*/!» 204 1.50 86.5 1.46E+08 0.469 1.52E+08 0.465 1.04 197 1.80 137.0 3.44E+08 0.380 3.72E+08 0.377 1.08 196 2.00 169.4 4.93E+08 0.346 5.66E+08 0.344 1.15 195 2.40 234.3 8.43E+08 0.271 1.09E+09 0.269 1.29 203 2.97 333.5 1.44E+09 0.187 2.08E+09 0.185 1.45 a) 1.46E+08 [i. 1.46X10* £&ti<

- 17 - Power (W) Power (W) c=>


CO ] u> en Ni m —i CD -R- 3 P> CD —K f# w ^ B> CD ^ » ~ cn ^4 CD ^•6 m EE CD so =a* •>r &) ^+ O —3 CD CD 'Til £ 5* <.ni O 4f O Jar < zr i to © h_1 HJ < i± i—* o In t! w Ln & — 8 «< EEEE I FF >< o o "50 =3 d-a- 00 n en 2n CO 9T S CD :gt^JJ 0< 00 1! CD EE EE rr *# EE -» if- a- -B-S L! SHJ - o •g! -jS W 3 en HJ FF en S -& ■e- S F* HJ HJ ~ CJ1

O) ro CO cn cn cn

Pressure (MPa) Power (W) Power (W)


CD -B- m CD —ti ^ CO 551 > — CD en m ^6 EE ?o 1 ft ^ V v CD i & -^ a- -H 1 CD O CD Uli 5# O -B- O EP tO St Wr ~ ft tO < 1 O m O 1 h-» < ^ if H w 00 *"*' oo EEEE I & m o o EE «< o 8 a- a-a- to —' 00 f't ® CO 3 £i 9r CO CD *-& e> CD nr ^. -frF* EE F** if — 8 O en 4*~ FF 3


C7» en —» ro co .t*. en Pressure (MPa) Power (W) Power (W) O O O

1*1 ro ' ! 1 w en Ov —1 ^ CD -a- CD D> o M »> w ~zX Hi CO Ol CD "•^ 531 CD o -^ > ^i ft. EE ^ cn **>>w^ CD P -* i CD a- ^ *XV O CD to 5# O o rrr o ft W- -a- CD S ~m li ffl < 1 to o N) Hi < CO „■»* 1! o Si b ^. en b a- EEEE CO 5B o >< m I v» FF »< s o 4tr a aa ISO r < 3 00 —3 CO 1919 *r / .-'" CO ^ CD *-fr CD 1! e>< f ," rv o EEEE -frf* EE "2* _ FSH4 .H — 4*. Jy a-a O *~ 8 3 cn Pressure (MPa) Power (W) Power (W)

=> CD O <=> CD cn o> —j oo co

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-a- CD OS r o "^** **>^*^ —+i 6) ^"•^•""^^ H CD ro 551 CD cn ^^-6 cn m ft ^ EE so PO c ^S a- CD i 1 CD -H UXI 551 O to CD to CD cn O **+■ -B- ft ST Sat St -o CD to m m < O 1 to < CO H to a- ro CoO CD >< 4k. 1 o 8 O *< f /■ ■ o FF /1 S 45 ♦» to J ■ 00 j/ » 3 ] > CO CO i/ CD CD EE EE FF ^ CD ^" a a a- # CO 8 O en m 19 3 * -a FF -a ft & CO I* H» * ~ I*t . ii i i i

Pressure (MPa) Power (W) Power (W)


- " T- " T I _!_-_- OJ CD h—' o —i CD m 3 -it CD CD F* CD CD -^»

Hi - CD 551 CD cn > en 3D m ft EE C SO e CD 3 :r:r B> 1 5» ro —j CD "^^^ >--^ O o < *» to a aa^ 00 n c/i 3 *—' l! CD CO mm e>4 CD 1 / EEEE rv ** EE -^ CD aa -frF$ — ro ii - SHI a8- o cn W 3 *-& HJ FF -&F* & co F» + Ji Hiw It cn ro /' 1 1 1 1 cn JAERI-Tech 2003-028

1.5 1 ! i i • »tt*tt*fcai • 1.4 - □ #>v*M*iU □

CO 1.3 - • - CD

O °- 1.2 CO CO » Q_ 1.1 ' - m • 1 I I 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Stable inverse period (s"1)

3-n ]&*&7fclti\z£%^2ftti\zftT%mWfe7m{tiRZ£ #>-7*tfefflK

- 23 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

4. ££#>

TRACY Sffl^&Sffil^OftKfc^T, i«i§tfJ#/i;U*£fifaf&<«J£t" 5fc#C> &ft

^^t^T©«'J^©feJ6t, #FS£A (Cd) $S©235U*£#l^$£2g£$fflU *te ^^ffi^^*(^-h^ii:Sfe«6©ftJtt^M)iWtLT^Ux51l/>^ Cd MrtCilLfc. sfc, ^>T«t«t5y-i'XG)j^»sfi^-r5fcJ6nia3SiR#*iS!Jtfc. cn^©, cd,

(:ttS4%-eSD, S!l3tSllcbl^^SafT*5^, S^^^3$(3^St, 40%£UZ£tft)fr-2fc. &£, TRACY-PttPI«fh'7>>Jx>h#*-^^ST5l

^n*wsi^fai]inoi^»tt/hc?v»cbviA5. nfim&i*nt£ifi* z\0mmzz>\,*x\zw*>frx\zi£^. sfc, $&»»#£<*£ FPtf^jsi ©^^^«6^n/c^, Mfe%&^nmi£xiJ>-?m*iB.mLx^2> mz* mmx^x^ta^o ^, c:n^oan*#pwr5fc*©*»wwsr2*^5-c*s.

1) T. P. McLaughlin et al., A Review of Criticality Accidents, 2000 Revision, LA-13638, Los Alamos National Laboratory (2000).

2) H. Yanagisawa, K. Nakajima, K. Ogawa et al., "Experiments on Transient Behavior of a Low-Enriched Uranyl Nitrate Solution System with TRACY to Study Hypothetical Criticality Accidents in Reprocessing Plants," Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Nuclear Criticality Safety, September, Versailles, France, p.900 (1999). 3) ##£#, /WU», ffiSUt- m, TTRACY ©aifeia^J , JAERI-Tech 2002-031, 0# MJ-JjQtftW (2002).

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4) K. Nakajima, Y Yamane, K. Ogawa et al., TRACY Transient Experiment Databook, 1) Pulse Withdrawal Experiment, JAERI-Data/Code 2002-005, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (2002).

5) K. Nakajima, Y Yamane, K. Ogawa et al., TRACY Transient Experiment Databook, 2) Ramp Withdrawal Experiment, JAERI-Data/Code 2002-006, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (2002).

6) K. Nakajima, Y Yamane, K. Ogawa et al., TRACY Transient Experiment Databook, 3) Ramp Feed Experiment, JAERI-Data/Code 2002-007, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (2002).

7) H. Yanagisawa, A. Ohno, K. Ogawa et al., "Time Delay of thermal Neutron Detection during Power Burst in TRACY,"/. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 38[8], 591 (2001).

8) H. Yanagisawa and A. Ohno, "Evaluation of Power History during Power Burst Experiments in TRACY by Combination of Gamma-Ray and Thermal Neutron Detectors," J. Nucl. Sci. Technol., 39[6], 597 (2002). 9) mmfcm, mmmn&%(DRfom®xftfirt-7>hmmz&tt%ititimmRzsft7m M&mmvwmizM'rmni, &^m±¥±¥&j:¥wmm±wz% 2002 ¥ 1 n (2002).

10) H. Yanagisawa, A. Ohno and E. Aizawa, "Determination of Gamma-Ray Exposure Rate from Short-Lived Fission Products under Criticality Accident Conditions," J. Nucl. Sci. Technol, 39[5], 499 (2002).

11) T. Nakagawa, K. Shibata, S. Chiba et al., "Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library Version 3 Revision-2: JENDL-3.2,"/. Nucl. Sci. Technol, 32[12], 1259 (1995).

12) H. Yanagisawa, K. Nakajima, A. Ohno et al., "Evaluation of Photon Shielding Capability for Epithermal Neutron Detection during Reactivity-Initiated Power Burst Experiments," J. Nucl. Sci. Technol, 39[7], 800 (2002).

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TO 1 : TRACY !7\Z, 235U ?S» 10% (DffiWiO y-)]/*& WL*%iMtz>z\tiz£iomm%i:fD„ &>b9>>7yy\z\z3*(D &£W££*&$« (yyy°%$m #&, ®m&b7>i?x.>bi$*nw} mmz^Q^fetoftg (g* 900cm/min) T?'F^£3I$< (^>7°3Ife£) #*£, (3) Mh^>vx>h#£j£fgSM!M{;:J;DTO (&J0.2#) K:jN^53lfe< (/t;u *§l&#) ^fe©3££DTfT^o SJSj£©»Ste**3$, £7cHffcl[U&£D© 18 ?i^m*«9kwh ($c#»io ) £T?Kf&ii&2ttTV>5. mmxo&j&mmaiz* ^


&& TRACY ©^kte, #M>^ > Mfjfcfan- BOM m«>m

£i#«, F*3&>&* 500mm, iSS & #t $ 2000mm, ^ J* j&* 10mm©HffiMKT, Xf>k X • x^-)imx&z>o &>b &8S2S V>hi'Aft«fl| 9>P\Z. cf^t^g 76.3mm

Tvi5. *P^>^MT£I$ ttSSjffl^tt^JH (Am-Be) #


- 26 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028


lara^^^^, «*f$cm^7)u«, ^^cstsnT^s. ^©a

^>^TSI5JS®f'l»«^*l^iKiSfi$nTV^a^, ^^^iLTlO^^©^^^

•HTsy-tyRWfP'bzyv^z. '<>vfi7sV>7'v>>fWLmttwtM-£nx^z>. mmm

NOx #X*££©fi!££fT"5.

- 27 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

TO 2 :££-* *WSrSl;*viT^JfiLfcj@BS^^gftO*fr-KSg A-l i&tf A-2 JC^-T. ^©fit^Kte,

A-l ^ifc£#-f£ (Sg2*: 7 4)l#-$bmmk) E$J^;&& mm Run U;1JI immm TrJ$±EB TrfcTI® (Case#-§-) (gU/liter) (N) (g/cm ) (°C) (mm) (mm) (mm) ($) 192 384.9 0.54 1.53348 25.8 508.06 619.44 619.36 2.93 Case® 194 385.6 0.51 1.53422 26.4 507.92 619.16 619.16 2.93 CaseCp Case® 203 388.2 0.58 1.53693 25.7 509.62 623.76 623.76 2.97 *#£(Bare) 219 395.5 0.57 1.54909 25.6 489.83 587.78 587.77 2.89 Case® 220 396.0 t).60 1.54947 25.4 488.95 586.46 586.46 2.89 Case© 221 395.9 0.63 1.54989 25.5 488.74 586.17 586.17 2.89 Bare

A-2 mm-w. (%3m: mtimmmmzm-rzmm) aiifttt mm fflt# Run U;lj£ Unas Tr

- 28 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

TO 3 : m9\-*&7tkth%(Dmi£&ft mft*&7-&&o zwnm® pfco :g A-3 £&ffi2§©tt$£, £fc, 12 A-2 ldU£[s]S& m&z^to isiA-3S^A-4ti«, *&%m\ztmLtz±x

*A-3 ^^^mSI^©tt^ JUS itm Mis WL-23621 (Westing House 82) ftm-^fe HlftJB, fl-& 3.8mm Xg£ 76.2mm («:^ 25.4mm) tfK #ft •1® x'j-yuxm &&& A1203 235 *tti^T!i# U308 ( Ujg*il^93%), USS£j0.9mg £ifA#7, 7)lziy mm#tt #m§»20nF, ffi^Str[105Q^± g* PPJnmffi 250 V £& m*&7J& 1014nv xy?mmm 1.7xl09 R/hr ^$J ZSxlO^nvt EP^E 50~150V $J£*£ffl ~1014nv m*&7®m lO^'A/nv %y*?mmm 1.5xlO"14A/R/hr

[fc^T] :T] (^^ii:+150V)

(;H77l»: 1010A)

HA-2 iWSlHl»*ric

- 29 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

tkft^ i« -\> N

Run R(mm) X(mm) H(mm) 192 2260 -1000 250 194 2610 -1300 -525 195 2610 -1300 -465 196 2610 -1300 -465 197 2610 -1300 -465 203 2610 -1300 -465 204 2610 -1300 -465


(1) ¥®E


tP'b&y&feM X (W.& 0 mm (Ditm.)

J_. —H^Sf■_H t

(2) tmm

mA-3 mn^'Y^m^^mta^mm (i) Runl92, 194, 195, 196, 197, 203, 204 t&tf-51EB

- 30 - JAERI-Tech 2003-028

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(l) ¥M

wttj^§ Run X(mm) H(mm) 219 900 5520 -I— 220 900 5520 221 900 5520

tP'bfyy H

($& 0 mm (D&W)

(2) Mm

EIA-4 tm^&T-mfem&m&mmw (2) Run 219, 220, 221 \Z&\i%MW

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1 0 101972 0 224809 1 10 1972 9 86923 7 50062 x 103 145 038

9 80665 1 2 20462 /ti 0 0980665 1 0 967841 735 559 14 2233

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