Highly-Available, Scalable Network Storage

Edward K. Lee Digital Equipment Corporation Systems Research Center [email protected]

Abstract opportunity costs. Products such as redundant disk arrays and logical vol- The ideal storage system is always available, is incre- ume managers often simplify the management of central- mentally expandable, scales in performance as new com- ized storage systems by automatically balancing capacity ponents are added, and requires no management. Existing and performance across disks, and by tolerating and au- storage systems are far from this ideal. The recent intro- tomatically recovering from some component failures [4]. duction of low-cost, scalable, high-performance networks Most such products, however, do not support large-scale allows us to re-examine the way we build storage systems distributed environments. They cannot balance capacity or and to investigate storage architectures that bring us closer performance across multiple server nodes and cannot toler- to the ideal storage system. This document examines some ate server, network, or site failures. They are effective in of the issues and ideas in building such storage systems and managing storage local to a given server but once your sys- describes our ®rst scalable storage prototype. tem grows beyond the limits of a single server, you must face all the old management problems anew at a higher level. Moreover, because distributed systems, unlike cen- 1 Motivation tralized systems, can suffer from communication failures, the dif®culty of the problems is signi®cantly increased. Today, managing large-scale storage systems is an ex- Of course, products to manage storage in distributed en- pensive, complicated process. Various estimates suggest vironments are also available. They collect information that for every $1 of storage, $5-$10 is spent to manage it. from throughout the system, summarize the information in Adding a new storage device frequently requires a dozen or an easy to understand format, and provide standard inter- more distinct steps, many of which require reasoning about faces for con®guring storage components. We are unaware the system as a whole and are, therefore, dif®cult to auto- of any, however, that provides the level of automation and mate. Moreover, the capacity and performance of each de- integration offered by the best centralized storage manage- vice in the system must be periodically monitored and bal- ment products. In this paper, we propose properties that anced to reduce fragmentation and eliminate hot spots. This are desirable of block-level distributed storage systems and usually requires manually moving, partitioning, or replicat- ideas for implementing such storage systems. We describe ing ®les and directories. For example, directories contain- the implementation of our ®rst distributedstorage prototype ing commonly used commands are often replicated to dis- based on these ideas and conclude with a summary and di- tribute load across several disks and ®le servers. Also, user rections for future work. directories are frequently partitioned across several ®le sys- tems, resulting in naming artifacts such as /user1, /user2, etc. 2 An Architecture for Scalable Storage Another importantcontributorto the high cost of manag- ing storage systems is component failures. In most storage The desirable properties of a distributed storage archi- systems today, the failure of even a single component can tecture are straight-forward. First, the system should be al- make data inaccessible. Moreover, such failures can often ways available. Users should never be denied authorized bring an entire system to halt until the failed component is access to data. Second, the system should be incremen- repaired or replaced and the lost data restored. As comput- tally expandable, and both the capacity and throughput of ing environments become more distributed, the adverse ef- the system should scale linearly as additional components fects of component failures become more widespread and are added. When components fail, the performance of the frequent. Aside from the cost of maintaining the necessary system should degrade only by the fraction of the failed staff and equipment, such failures could incur signi®cant components. Finally, even as the storage system's size in-

1 Client Client Client Client Logical Disk

Server 0 Server 1 Server 2 Server 3

Scalable Network D0 D1 D2 D3

D4 D5 D6 D7 /dev/netdisk D8 D9 D10 D11 Storage Server Storage Server Storage Server Storage Server D12 D13 D14 D15

Figure 1: Architecture for Scalable Storage. Figure 2: Round-Robin Data Striping.

creases, the overhead in managing the system should re- tolerate and recover from component failures. All the intel- main ®xed. ligence needed for implementing the storage system is con- Such a scalable storage architecture would allow us to tained within each individual scalable storage server; the buildstorage systems at any desired level of capacity or per- storage servers do not require help from the clients or a cen- formance by simply putting together enough scalable stor- tralized command center. To the clients, the storage servers age components. Moreover, a large storage system would collectively appear as a single large highly-available high- be no more dif®cult to manage than a small storage system. performance disk with multiple network interfaces. When We could start with a small system and incrementally in- an additional storage server is added, the storage systems crease its capacity and performance as the needs of our sys- simply looks like a larger, higher-performance disk with tem grew. more network connections. But how do we design such scalable storage systems? To conclude, all systems, whether they are biological, The key technological innovation that makes scalable stor- social, or computational, are limited in size and effective- age systems feasible is commodity scalable (switch-based) ness by the capabilities of their basic control and transporta- networks and interconnects. Without scalable intercon- tion infrastructure. The advent of commodity scalable net- nects, the size of a computer system is limited to a single works and interconnects radically alter the basic assump- box or at most a few boxes each containing a few process- tions we use for building computing systems. In particular, ing, storage and communication elements. Only so many we believe that they willdramatically alter the way we build CPU's, disks and network interfaces could be aggregated and use distributed storage systems. before the system interconnect, usually a bus, saturates. In contrast, scalable interconnects can support almost arbi- trary levels of performance, allowing us to build systems 3 Availability and Scalable Performance with an arbitrary number of processing, storage and com- munication elements. Furthermore, we could group many The main technical challenges in designing scalable elements together into specialized subsystems that provide storage systems are availability and scalable performance. superior performance but can be accessed and managed as We have found that in large distributed systems, scalable if they were a single element. performance is closely tied with good load-balancing. Fur- Figure 1 illustrates these concepts when applied to the thermore, because almost all schemes for providing high- storage subsystem. Each scalable storage server consists availability impose a performance penalty during the nor- of a processing element, some disks, and a network inter- mal operation of the system and also because failures face. In the ideal case, we plug the components into the should not cause disproportionate degradations in perfor- scalable interconnect, turn them on, and the components mance, the availability and performance issues are closely auto-con®gure, auto-manage and communicate with each related. This section discusses the basic mechanisms for other to implement a single large, highly-available, high- meeting these challenges: data striping and redundancy. performance storage system. In particular, the servers auto- Figure 2 illustrates round-robin data striping. The solid matically balance capacity and performance across the en- rectangles represent blocks of storage on the speci®ed stor- tire storage system and uses redundancy to automatically age server, the dotted rectangle emphasizes that the storage

2 Logical Disk Logical Disk

Server 0 Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Server 0 Server 1 Server 2 Server 3

D0 D0 D1 D1 D0 D1 D2 D3

D2 D2 D3 D3 D3 D0 D1 D2 D4 D4 D5 D5 D4 D5 D6 D7 D6 D6 D7 D7 D7 D4 D5 D6

Figure 3: Mirrored-Striping. Figure 4: Chained-Declustering.

servers appear as a single logical disk to its clients. Each we can do much better. For example, since Server 3 has letter represents a block of data stored in the storage system. copies of some data from servers 0 and 2, servers 0 and 2 The ®gure shows that the ®rst block of data, D0, is stored can of¯oad some of their normal read load on Server 3 and on storage server 0, the second block of data, D1, is stored achieve uniform load balancing. on storage server 1, and so on. This effectively implements Although we have presented this example with four a RAID 0 [4], using storage servers instead of disks. The servers, the same type of of¯oading can be done with many main problem with this arrangement is the availability of more servers. Chaining the data placement allows each the system. Any single disk failure will result in data loss server to of¯oad some of its read load to either the server and any single server failure will result in data unavailabil- immediately following or preceding the given server. By ity. cascading the of¯oading across multiple servers, a uni- In theory, you can implement a distributed RAID 5 us- form load can be maintained across all surviving servers. ing storage servers [2]. However, in practice, the complex- A disadvantage of this scheme is that it is less reliable ity of the additional synchronization required for RAID 5 than mirrored-striping. With mirrored-striping, if Server 1 systems in comparison to a -based redundancy failed, only the failure of Server 0 would result in data un- scheme is greatly ampli®ed in a distributed environment. availability. With chained-declustering, if Server 1 fails, Also, RAID 5 has the undesirable property that the failure the failure of either Server 0 or Server 1 will result in data of a single storage server increases the average read load unavailability. by a factor of two. This makes RAID 5 unacceptable for Figure 5 illustrates a variation on the many performance-critical applications such as video-on- chained-declustered data placement called multi-chained- demand. declustering. Instead of having a single chain of stride Figure 3 illustrates the mirrored-striping data placement one, multiple chains of varying strides are used. The sys- scheme. Data is striped round-robin across a set of mir- tem illustrated in Figure 5 uses chains of both stride one rored servers. This provides good reliability by protecting and stride two. If dynamic load balancing is not used, the system from both disk and server failures. However, this scheme provides better load balancing than chained- should Server 0 fail, Server 1 must assume all of Server 0's declustering. For example, if Server 2 fails, servers 0, 1, load while servers 2 and 3 experience no load increase. 3, 4 each experience a 25 % increase in the read load com- Clearly, it would be better if all surviving servers experi- pared to 50 % with chained-declustering. In large con®g- enced a 33 % increase in the read load rather than having a urations, multi-chained-declustering has an additional ben- single server experience a 100 % increase in load. e®t over chained-declustering. With chained-declustering, Figure 4 illustrates the chained-declustered data place- multiple failures can prevent uniform load balancing by ment scheme [7]. Note that Server 0's copy of D0 is on breaking the chain in more than one place. This effect is Server 1, Server 1's copy of D1 is on Server 2, and so on. most pronounced if the two failures occur close together in Now, if Server 1 fails, servers 0 and 2 share Server 1's read the chain. With multi-chained declustering, this is not prob- load but Server 3 experiences no load increase. This is not lem since the chain of stride two can be used to skip over perfect but much better than having a single server bear all the failed servers. As expected, however, multi-chained- of Server 1's load. By performing dynamic load balancing, declustering is less reliable than chained-declustering. If,

3 Logical Disk

Server 0 Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Server 4 Server 5 Server 6 Server 7

D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7

D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6

D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15

D14 D15 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13

Figure 5: Multi-Chained-Declustering.

for example, Server 2 fails the failure of any one of servers

0, 1, 3, and 4 results in data unavailability. As this exam- AdvFS NT FS PC FS BSD FFS ple illustrates, in the absence of dynamic load balancing, a tradeoff exists between load balancing in the face of failures and the availability of the system.

Scalable Network

4 Virtual Volumes

/dev/vol5 /dev/vol1 /dev/vol3 The primary practical, in contrast to technical, problem /dev/vol4 /dev/vol2 in designing scalable storage systems is making them easy to manage. Designing systems to automatically tolerate and recover from component failures and to automatic balance load is an important part of the solution, but it is not suf- Figure 6: Virtual Volumes. ®cient. Although we have described how to build a sin- gle large block-level device with high-availabilityand scal- able performance, we have not provided any mechanism for sharing this device in heterogeneous distributed environ- It is only when locations in the virtual volume are used that ments or for making consistent backups and restores of such physical storage is allocated and mapped to an address in large devices. For the scale of storage systems we are con- the virtual volume. Thus, a virtual volume need not have sidering, the standard UNIX mechanism of statically par- a de®nite size. This can be an advantage for advanced ®le titioning a device into several ®xed-size devices is inade- systems that can dynamically grow in size. For some ap- quate. Our solution to the problem applies a well known plications, it may be desirable to guarantee each virtual vol- technique for sharing resources in computer systems; we ume some minimum amount of physical storage. Likewise, virtualize the resource. it is probably desirable to place maximum size restrictions The primary storage management abstraction we sup- on volumes to prevent it from using up all the physical stor- port is the virtual volume. A virtual volume looks like a age. Figure 6 illustrates how virtual volumes might ®t into large block-level device but unlike a real device, it can be heterogeneous distributed environments. created and destroyed as needed by clients of the scalable Virtual volumes are implemented by explicitly mapping storage system. Each virtual volume gives each client ac- each virtual volume identi®er and offset to a correspond- cess to the performance capabilities of the entire scalable ing physical disk address. The existence of this map be- storage system. Similar to the virtualaddress space abstrac- tween virtual and physical addresses allows us to play the tion supported by many operating systems, the creation of same type of mapping games found in virtual memory sys- a virtual volume only allocates a range of virtual disk ad- tems. For example, by adding a facility for making vir- dresses and does not in itself allocate any physical storage. tual volumes copy-on-write, we can support an ef®cient

4 mechanism for creating instantaneous snapshots of vol- the scalable storage driver is installed, a client can access umes. Such a snapshot facility is needed to make consis- the scalable storage system just as if it were a locally at- tent ®le system dumps withoutmaking ®le systems unavail- tached disks. able for long periods of time. Periodic snapshots can also A basic design principle in implementing the server and be used to recover accidentally deleted ®les and directories client software was to implement all the necessary function- without resorting to tape backups. Finally, read-only snap- ality in the server software and to maintain only ªhintsº in shots of volumes can be mounted as read-only ®le systems the client software. This makes it unnecessary to imple- on several ®le servers simultaneously, allowing commonly ment complicated consistency protocols to constantly up- accessed ®les such as executables to be servered from mul- date information cached at clients, and ensures that a client tiple machines without having to partition or replicate the cannot compromise the logical consistency of data stored in ®les. the scalable storage system. The client currently maintains only a small amount of high-level mapping informationthat is used to route read and write requests to the most appro- 5 Our First Prototype priate server. If the request is sent to the wrong server, the server updates the information at the client and the client Over the past year, we have applied the ideas described retries with the new information. in this paper to construct our ®rst scalable storage proto- A primary example of this design philosophy, is that type. The primary goal of the prototype is to study the high- is implemented completely within the availability and scalable performance characteristics of the servers; the clients are completely unaware of the redun- scalable storage system. Currently, the prototype survives dancy scheme that is used or, indeed, that any redundancy any single component failure including disk, server, and scheme is being used. This results in a particularly sim- network failures. Appropriately partitioning the servers ple network interface that makes it easier to experiment over two or more sites should allow the system to sur- with different redundancy schemes and makes it impossible vive site failures, but this has not been tested. The proto- for the clients to compromise the data redundancy mech- type currently does not support virtual volumes. The pro- anisms. This also means that the clients are not burdened totypes is implemented using Alpha/OSF workstations and with the additional work required for supporting data re- the AN1 [9] (similar to switched FDDI) network. Due to dundancy. For example, when a write request is generated the current lack of spare disks in our computing environ- by a client, the appropriate scalable storage server is re- ment, we have thus far simulated the disks. sponsible for generating any additional network requests Our ®rst prototype uses the chained declustered data needed for updating the corresponding replica. placement described previously. One nice property of this Preliminary performance measurements of our untuned data placement is that, assuming an even number of servers, ®rst prototype show that each server can service 1100 512- placing the even and odd numbered servers at different sites byte read requests per second and 400 512-byte write re- results in a system that can survive any single site failure. quests per second. For 8 KB requests, each server can A system using the multi-chained declustered data place- service read requests at 4.8 MB/s and write requests at ment described in this paper can also be partitioned to sur- 1.6 MB/s. The reader may have noticed that the write vive site failures, however, this placement requires a mini- performance for both small and 8 KB requests is approx- mum of three rather than two sites. imately one-third the read performance. This is because We use the fail-stop failure model in designing the pro- for a read request, the storage system need only read the totype's redundancy mechanisms. That is, we assume that requested data from, the simulated, disk and send it out when a component fails, it ceases to operate. In particular, a over the network, whereas for a write request, the storage failed component does not continue to operate incorrectly. system must receive the data, send it to the corresponding A distributed voting mechanism based on timeouts ensures replica server and the replica server must subsequently re- that all servers can agree on the failed or operational status ceive and process the data. Thus, a write request generates of each other in the face of communication failures. three times the network processing overhead generated by a The software components of the scalable storage proto- read request. As expected, preliminary performance analy- type can be broken into roughly two basic components: the sis of the system indicates that optimization of the network- server software that runs on each scalable storage server, ing code should result in signi®cant performance improve- and the client software that runs on each client of the scal- ments. The reader should bear in mind that the above de- able storage system. The client software looks just like a scribes the performance that is achieved by each server in standard block-level device driver to its host operating sys- the scalable storage system. We expect the performance of tem. From the clients' perspective, adding a scalable stor- the system to scale linearly up to a hundred or more servers. age system is similar to adding a new disk controller. Once The largest scalable storage system we have tested to date

5 is with four servers. References

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