The Bridle Bits , and the Same Bits and Bridle, Without a Change, Used At

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The Bridle Bits , and the Same Bits and Bridle, Without a Change, Used At T H E B RIDLE BIT S . A TREATI S E ON AL HO R S EMA HIP PRACT IC NS . BY B T T E C O L O . R . J . A S B Y , “ LAT E F I R ST NE W YO R $ ( L I NC O LN) C A V A LRY ( T H E G A LLANT F I R ST NE W YOR$ ' ’ C U TE R D I VI I O N A N C R P A R N N A H E R ID O MY O F T HE HE A D O AH U s . S S S , S S S , S , I L L U S T R A T E D N E W' Y O R $ ’ P T DD D V ID J DD RE S , W. U O . J U C O . , A , %I B R O A D W A Y . 1 8 8 6 . En te e a di n to Ac t O f C n e ss i n th e e a 1 886 b th e r d , ccor g o gr , y r , y 0 . J UD D C O . , In th e O ffi e O f th e Li bra rm n 0 1 C n e ss a t Wa sh i n t n . c o gr , g o ’ E PUBLIS HERS PREF AC . A long and varied experience with horses, in both d civil and military capacities in ifferent countries, gives Colonel Battersby the ability to be o f essential service bo th to th e horse and to his owner in this volume . The n o t o n o n treatise is bits alone, but breaking and training horses for every use to which they are respectively adapt e d n b e , particularly to their use u der the saddle and fore the carriage . The important part played by the n bit in its various forms in re dering the horse the docile, ’ willing servant he is , in promoting man s profit and h t e . pleasure , leads to the adoption of title of the book It c o n si d is at once specific and comprehensive . Tender cration and respect for the horse is the impression the n — author makes and i culcates that by proper mouthing , n traini g, use and treatment he can be made all the more a t serviceable, and the same time more agreeable to his rider or driver in the performance of his work . The position Colonel Battersby had as Assistan t In d ’ spector General in Sheri an s Cavalry Corps , and under the gallant Custer and his ever successful commander, is a guarantee that he may be considered authority o n what he says regarding cavalry bits and bridles . The charac te ri sti c s of a large n umber of$ the animals used as carriage horses , as depicted by the author, together with his clear explanations as to the style to be sought and the method b to secure it, are well worthy the attention of reeders, while no horseman can peruse the volume without profit to himself and essential benefit to the noble animal in W hose interest the book is largely written . N C O N T E T S . INTR OD UC TION CHAPTE R I . H S E A S HIP AND AININ —Tll e uth i n Bi t i s t D e e OR M N TR G . Mo g ; F r gr e S e co n d Le s s o n i n Tra i n i n g ; Ha n dli n g R e i n ; Wi ld a n d Ta m e d Horse s ; Th e S a ddl e -Hors e ; S te ps a n d Moti o n s ; S n a fii e Bi t ; ’ a t u e Art a n d S i e n e Di ff e e n e i n H se s de a s n s t u o N r , c c r c or I ; I r ’ t s E l or rrors i n Pri n ci p e . HA I C PTE R I . ENGL IS H V S IRIS H m m — f E n li sh a n d i sh S a ddl . E a Portra i ts o g Ir e Ho rs e s ; Con di ti on O f th e Ri de r ; Horse - l e a p C h u rch ; Ju m pi n g t h e Ba u re n e Top pi n g th e Wa l l Th e Pou n d Wa ll ; Th e U s e o f t h e E a rs ; Usi ng th e Hors e a s a Wa tch ; Ha bi t s ; In te lli ge n c e o f th e Mu l e ; S i gn s o f Good a n d Ba d Horse s f o r th e S a ddl e ; L e a di ng Hors e s Th e Pe lh a m Bi t 35 HA E III C PT R . THE BIT-AND - I D N F O R S AD D LE -H S E S — b BR OO OR . Th e Cu r ; Th e Ma r ti nga l e 53 HA E I C PT R V. THE A AL I — C V RY B T Mo un te d Poli ce ; Mo u nte d Pol i c e Bi t ; F i n ge r h e i n i ng t Re s . 60 HA E C PT R V . TH E A A BIT -AND - ID O —Th C V LRY BR O N . e Bri doo n Bi t i n Ac ti o n ; C a v — — a i ry Ch a rge Poi nt t o th e F ro n t C ut to th e Re a r ; Fore i gn or E a s te rn Bi ts 64 HA E I C PT R V . A ALR O R M I LITA Y BIT C V Y R . HA E C PT R VII . ME$ ICAN RING BIT HA E C PT R VIII . EAS TE RN HORS E S HA E I$ C PT R . — LE I Th e D nk e Bi t . THE MU B T. o y (7) 8 CONTENTS . C HAPTER X . DR IV ING ITS —Th e i d n Bi t w i th i n s o tra i ts o f S a ddl e B Br oo R g ; P r , s e s Ca rri a ge a n d D ra f t Hor . HA E $ I C PT R . THE BRI D OON BIT WITH HALF GUARD S HA E $ II C PT R . IT I TH D LE I T AND HALF G A D — m BRID OO N B W OUB JO N E R S . Co m o n ‘ S na fii e Bi t ; Pla i n S n a fii e HA E C PT R XIII . - E D AF E BI T —a n h THE DOUBLE JOINT S N FL . P t ogra p S n a tfle ; D o ubl e Ba rre d S na ffle i n Use ; Do u bly S e ve re ; Wi re S n a fii e Bi t HA E $ I C PT R V . — x u THE BAR BIT Pa ck i ng Bo B ggy . HA E $ V C PT R . I TS S T AI HT AND E D ITH I E P L S LI D E —P BAR . O S i B , R G CURV , W L V R OO ti o n s i n R unn i n g ; S tra i gh t-Ja ck e t ; Norm a n S ta l li o ns ; Con tra di cti on s HA E $ V I C PT R . C ARR IAGE BAR BIT W ITH C UR B AND BEARING RE I N HA E C PT R XVII. THE IA E BIT-AND -B ID —O e a ti n o f th e i l CAR R G R OON . p r o Br doon S ty e v s i n a n h k e i n A a n n n . Br d oo d C e c R b do e d O cc up a t O f th e C a r ri a ge ; Pa ssi n g i n R e vi e w ; Je w e l ry O f th e Tu rn ou t ; Bre e di n g f o r t h e a i a e a t e d n o t a t h e d H se s S e ll i n Ill C rr g ; M , M c or ; g a t h e d e a m s S m a ll Pe r e n t. O f a i a e H s e s H s e s M c T ; C C rr g or ; or , Ca rri a ge s a n d Ha rn e s s S t ock t o Br e e d Fro m Fly i n g Ch i l de r s Bre e di ng th e Wro n g Wa y ; NO S ty l e or Gra c e i n S h ort -L e gge d Ho r h e a i a e H e se s ; T C rr g ors .
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