270 ABStract This article is a coda to Paul Oskar Once Again: Kristeller’s criticism of the scholarly behavior of Raymond Klibansky Paul Oskar (d. 2005) found in my 2015 article “Kristelleriana: Two Biographical Notes.” In a letter of 24 February Kristeller 1995 to the independent scholar W. Cameron McEwan, Kristeller and Raymond (d. 1999) accused Klibansky of refusing to acknowledge Kristeller’s discoveries concerning the Renaissance Klibansky philosopher Nicholas of Cusa and explained how he had been warned against Klibansky by the distinguished JOHN MonFASani contemporary scholars Ernst Cassirer, University at Albany, Erwin Panoksky, David Ross, and State University of New York, Richard Walser. Department of History, 1400 Washington Ave, Albany, NY, United States of America
[email protected] https://doi.org/10.5507/aither.2020.015 INTERNATIONAL ISSUE NO. 8/2020 JOHN MonFASani 271 ONCE AgAIN: PAUL OSKAR KRISTELLER AND RAymOND KLIBANSky Some years ago I published slightly even though they share the same a memorandum that Paul Oskar Kris- basic theme, Klibansky’s bad behavior teller (1905–1999) left behind in his pa- as a scholar. The letter to McEwen is dis- pers at Columbia University detailing the tinguished by Kristeller’s much greater moral failings as a scholar of Raymond concern to record the agreement of other Klibansky (1905–2005), a tabula pecca- scholars concerning Klibansky’s bad torum, as I described it in the abstract character. In a letter 18 February 1995, of the article.1 Recently, however, I have McEwan had posed a series of questions come across a passage in the correspond- to Kristeller concerning his relationship ence between W.