Anchor Recordings Ltd DPTT, Synegis House, 21 Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Reading RG5 3LE David Pawson [email protected] Tel. 0118 332 0777 Book Catalogue Email: [email protected] 2016 May

NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES A growing range of in-depth studies by David Pawson of all the books of the New Testament. Volumes of powerful teaching, for group and personal use, to collect, study and share.

Unlocking the New Testament

A commentary on HEBREWS

DAV I D PAWSON See following pages for full details Published by HarperCollins UNLOCKING THE BIBLE ISBN 978 0 007166 66 4 £11.99 1376pp Russian (NT): ISBN 978 1 909886 12 4 German (NT): ISBN 978 1 909886 06 3 David’s international bestselling book. Gives a real sense of the sweep of biblical history and its implications for our lives. Covers the whole of the scriptures, introducing their historical background, culture and spiritual significance, explaining and examining their impact. From creation to the second coming, via the rise of Israel as a nation, its subsequent fall, Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection, and the writings of the early .


A Commentary on the GOSPEL OF MARK ISBN 978 1 909886 26 1 £10.99 318pp Here is a lively journey through the Gospel of Mark, providing many powerful, fresh insights. With a very personal approach to the text, this book helps us to understand and apply revealed truth.

A Commentary on the GOSPEL OF JOHN ISBN 978 1 909886 27 8 £11.99 492pp Eyewitnesses, Jesus’ own words and astonishing works all point to one who was truly God come in the flesh, the living Word, the very glory of God among humanity. John’s collected evidence and proof all make the most compelling testimony to Jesus’ right to demand our ongoing trust and obedience.

A Commentary on ACTS ISBN 978 1 909886 38 4 £11.99 425pp Acts is a book of ‘firsts’: the first outpouring of the , the first converts, the first healing, the first arrest and trial, the first deacons, the first martyr, the first persecution, the first Gentile mission and many more. Nothing can stop the spread of the gospel when the church is on fire! The founding fathers were beset by troubles which, under God’s direction,were all turned into triumphs. Study of their exploits will leave you with some disturbing questions. Should our church be like this? Could it be? Above all, do I want it to be?

A Commentary on ROMANS NEW EDITION, INCLUDES SINGAPORE 2014 TEACHING ISBN 978 1 909886 78 0 £9.99 234pp This book takes the reader to the heart of Paul’s longest letter, which has had a tremendous impact on key figures in church history, with its message about that righteousness which is offered to men and women in the true gospel, so it is vital for all who want to witness and evangelise.

A Commentary on 1 & 2 CORINTHIANS ISBN 978 1 909886 95 7 £11.99 460pp Were it not for problems in the church at Corinth, we might never have had Paul’s teaching on marriage and celibacy, supernatural gifts, the resurrection and, above all, his sublime description of Christian love. We have just two of the four letters he wrote to them. They reveal his major concerns for his converts – to see them mature as individuals and to integrate them properly into Spirit-filled fellowships. Follow-up was essential to New Testament evangelism.

A Commentary on GALATIANS ISBN 978 1 909886 29 2 £10.99 316pp Attacks by the enemy against the church are much more successful when they come from the inside, and one of the quickest ways to do that is to pervert or corrupt or erode the gospel. Legalism and licence are still with us. But so is true liberty. We are free not to sin – and free to be bold, if we will only walk in the Spirit. NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARIES continued

A Commentary on EPHESIANS ISBN 978 1 909886 98 8 £8.99 194pp Unlike Paul’s other letters, this one is not addressed to particular churches or individuals, with their own needs and problems. It is a circular despatch, covering general matters of belief (chap- ters 1-3) and behaviour (chapters 4-6), applicable to all churches and Christians everywhere. It is one of the clearest statements in the New Testament of God’s purpose in saving us and is as practically challenging as it is spiritually inspiring. Perhaps that is why it is such a popular choice for preachers.

A Commentary on 1 & 2 THESSALONIANS ISBN 978 1 909886 73 5 £8.99 170pp Speculation about the second coming of our Lord is nothing new. The saints in Thessalonica were already being misled. Paul’s two corrective letters, among his earliest, deal with the issue in a way that is profound and practical, as well as giving details to be found nowhere else in the New Testament. The ‘rapture’, the man of lawlessness, the temple – these and other features are uniquely here. But there is also much sound advice for those who are ‘so heavenly minded they are no earthly use’. Meddling in other people’s business, living on the generosity of others rather than earning, despising prophetic words, sexual behaviour that is lust rather than love - these are just some of the arrows that find a target within the church. After two thousand years these letters are as relevant today as they ever were.

A Commentary on HEBREWS ISBN 978 1 909886 33 9 £8.99 232pp Hebrews’ warnings and appeals (‘Don’t go back, do go on’) are needed by Christians teetering on the slippery slope of backsliding or simply standing still. For the eager believer, still running the race, this letter offers a new perspective on both the Old Testament and the Lord Jesus.

A Commentary on JAMES ISBN 978 1 909886 72 8 £8.99 208pp Common sense is not all that common, especially in its sanctified form. But the letter of James to the dispersed Messianic believers of his day is full of it. Sceptical about his half-brother Jesus before his death, he became his devoted slave after his resurrection. No wonder he led the Jerusalem church through its major crisis. His favourite words are the verb ‘do’ and the noun ‘doer’. So faith is something to be done, not just thought or felt. Without being acted upon, it is dead. It cannot save. Like love, it must ‘work’. This emphasis on ‘faith-works’ is not contradictory to Paul’s censure on law-works but a vital and complementary balance to the New Testament concept of faith.

A Commentary on the LETTERS OF JOHN ISBN 978 1 909886 69 8 £8.99 172pp Those who enjoy reading other people’s correspondence should welcome much of the New Tes- tament! In the first epistle, the apostle John echoes the stark contrasts in his Gospel, reminding his readers of the choice between living in the ‘darkness’ of lust, lies and lawlessness or the ‘light’ of love and life. He encourages all believers, young and old, to be satisfied, sinless, safe and sure, grounded in the Word made flesh rather than deceived by the world in its folly. The second and third are addressed to a woman and a man respectively, reflecting the weaknesses of their gender: emphasising love at the expense of truth and vice-versa.

A Commentary on JUDE ISBN 978 1 909886 28 5 £7.99 151pp The letter of Jude has a sharp cutting edge which exposes raw flesh. That indeed is the real problem: flesh in the church. This little letter will cut through that and expose it, and this is going to sting.

A Commentary on the ISBN 978 1 909886 25 4 £9.99 250pp The book of Revelation focuses on the future and is the only book in the whole Bible to which God has attached a special blessing and an awful curse. Written for ordinary people under extraordinary pressure, suffering is the key to its understanding. It is a manual for martyrdom. As history draws to a close, all Christians need its message of warning and encouragement. ANGELS ISBN 978 1 909886 02 5 £4.99 56pp Angels may seem a bit unreal to some people. One day they will be terribly real to you. One day you won’t question whether Mr Pawson knew what he was talking about. One day you will meet either the good ones or the bad ones face to face, and know that you will be living with them for evermore. If you are not living with the good ones it won’t be anybody’s fault but your own for you have heard the truth and the gospel is for everyone who believes. Jesus died to open the kingdom of heaven to all believers.

BY GOD, I WILL – The Biblical Covenants ISBN 978 1 909886 21 6 £6.99 108pp It must bewilder many Christians that teachers and preachers using the same Bible can come up with so many different interpretations and applications of God’s Word. One of the main reasons for this is their handling of the word ‘covenant’. How many covenants has God made with human beings and how many of these apply to Christians today?

COME WITH ME THROUGH ISAIAH ISBN 978 1 909886 61 2 £11.99 411pp The book of Isaiah is the whole Bible in miniature. The first 39 chapters reflect the themes of the 39 books in the Old Testament and the last 27 chapters prefigure the events of the New, from John the Baptist to the new heaven and earth. Yet the prophet lived and died (horribly) centuries before Jesus was born. A miracle in words!

THE CHARACTER OF GOD ISBN 978 1 909886 34 6 £6.99 124pp Even among Christians, opinions vary about the kind of God they worship. While the author was preparing a series of sermons on God’s multifaceted­ character, he hit on the idea of linking divine attributes to the letters of the alphabet, hoping thereby to make it easier for his listeners to remember them.

CHRISTIANITY EXPLAINED ISBN 978 1 909886 64 3 £7.99 160pp Revised and updated version of the popular title Truth to Tell. The author explains, clearly and accessibly, man’s need for God, and he teaches the basic Christian beliefs. The book is biblically orthodox and a proven tool for evangelism.

DEFENDING ISBN 978 1 909886 31 5 £7.99 122pp David Pawson addresses the arguments of the anti-Zionist writers who have attracted wide publicity.

THE GOD AND THE GOSPEL OF RIGHTEOUSNESS ISBN 978 1 909886 68 1 £4.99 64pp Calling the church back to the very heart of the good news. For many, the ‘gospel’ is that God loves everybody unconditionally. Yet neither Jesus nor his apostles ever preached like that. They seem to have thought that the world needed to know about his righteousness and his willingness, even his eagerness, to share that with us.

IS JOHN 3:16 THE GOSPEL? ISBN 978 1 909886 62 9 £6.99 96pp This radical book exposes misguided teaching, clearing up many common misunderstandings and providing an extremely helpful and detailed explanation of the verse in its context. Many fascinating insights equip the reader to understand the true meaning and significance of the passage and its proper application.

ISRAEL IN THE NEW TESTAMENT Extended edition ISBN 978 1 909886 57 5 £9.99 315pp Over 80% of the promises and of the Old Testament have been literally fulfilled. It is a simple matter of faith in God’s faithfulness to believe that he means what he says, and will do what he says he will do. This Extended edition now includes an additional chapter:Israel in Galatians. JESUS BAPTISES IN ONE HOLY SPIRIT ISBN 978 1 909886 66 7 £8.99 253pp Clear, detailed exposition on the topic of in the Holy Spirit, asking how, when and why the Holy Spirit is received. This popular book has been translated into many languages.

JESUS: THE SEVEN WONDERS OF HISTORY ISBN 978 1 909886 24 7 £8.99 224pp Taking the middle section of the Apostles’ Creed as a framework, the author explains the fundamental facts about Jesus, on which the Christian faith is based, in a fresh and stimulating way.

KINGDOMS IN CONFLICT ISBN 978 1 909886 04 9 £7.99 138pp Chapters cover: The Kingdom of God; The Kingdom of Satan; The Kingdom of Israel, the Kingdom of Christ, The Kingdom and the Holy Spirit and The Prospects for the Kingdom.

LEADERSHIP IS MALE ISBN 978 1 909886 67 4 £6.99 96pp A study of the Bible’s teaching on the subject of gender and leadership, tracing the topic back through the Old Testament and looking especially at Peter and Paul in the New.

LIVING IN HOPE ISBN 978 1 909886 65 0 £6.99 96pp The true hope Jesus gives us in the Gospel according to Matthew, chapters 24 and 25. In this powerful teaching, the author explains the signs we are beginning to see in the world around us, and which we are still to look for.

LOOSE LEAVES FROM MY BIBLE ISBN 978 1 909886 55 1 £5.99 76pp A collection of paraphrases from David Pawson, who writes: “I prepared these extracts for others, but I was greatly blessed myself. Somehow, as I put God’s word into my words, it became part of me in a fresh way.” Passages from Genesis, Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Habakkuk, Luke and John, together with the complete books of Jude and Galatians.

THE LORD’S PRAYER ISBN 978 1 909886 71 1 £6.99 106pp The Lord could never have used it himself, with its central and longest plea for forgiveness. Though he gave it as a model for private prayer, it has become the most common corporate liturgy of the church. Even though it begins with God, whom Jesus called ‘my’ Father, but we must say ‘our’ Father, it ends with the devil: deliver us from the evil (one).

THE MAKER’S INSTRUCTIONS ISBN 978 1 909886 30 8 £7.99 142pp A new look at the Ten Commandments.

PRACTISING THE PRINCIPLES OF PRAYER ISBN 978 1 909886 63 6 £9.99 281pp A clear, practical, biblical guide to prayer: Prayer to the Father; Prayer through the Son; Prayer in the Spirit; Prayer against the devil; Prayer with the saints; Prayer by myself; Prayer for others; Prayer without hindrance.

REMARRIAGE IS ADULTERY UNLESS.... ISBN 978 1 909886 22 3 £7.99 136pp This volume primarily appeals to those for whom the Bible is the final authority in all matters of belief and behaviour, especially those who preach to, teach and counsel others. The author believes that the church should be leading the world uphill rather than following the world downhill. THE ROAD TO HELL ISBN 978 1 909886 59 9 £8.99 255pp Many preachers are reluctant to explain what the Bible teaches about hell. David Pawson sets out clearly the teaching of the New Testament on this vital topic. Includes a section of ‘Scripture Studies’ useful for personal and group study.

SIMON PETER — THE REED AND THE ROCK ISBN 978 1 909886 23 0 £9.99 296pp Jesus taught this fisherman how to catch more fish, then how to catch people. He used Peter to preach the good news of his death and resurrection for the very first time, netting thousands for the kingdom of God. In this book David Pawson draws some unexpected lessons from Peter’s failures and successes for our individual and corporate lives as part of the church of which Peter was the original pastor.

WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT ISBN 978 1 909886 54 4 £10.99 310pp An important and comprehensive account of the teaching found in both Old and New Testaments about the Holy Spirit.

WHERE HAS THE BODY BEEN FOR 2000 YEARS? ISBN 978 1 909886 20 9 £9.99 274pp This is an intensely readable look at the church down the ages, providing powerful messages for our own times. Many church members know little or nothing about the story of Christianity between the New Testament period and today. They therefore may not realise how much they have been influenced by traditions developed during that time.

WHY DOES GOD ALLOW NATURAL DISASTERS? ISBN 978 1 909886 58 2 £6.99 96pp Major disasters strike countries around the world. Do we deserve natural disasters? Will they ever cease? Have Christians found the answer? The powerful teaching here points us to the truth that God has revealed to mankind.

WORD AND SPIRIT TOGETHER ISBN 978 1 909886 60 5 £8.99 251pp Charismatic and Evangelical Christians should be united in witness and proclamation. This book helps us to see how this is possible, as the author goes behind and beyond the controversies and considers the content and application of Scripture.

The Explaining Series Each book in the Explaining Series examines an important aspect of the Christian faith and is written in a way that presents the message of the Bible clearly and simply

EXPLAINING WATER BAPTISM ISBN 978 1 909886 82 7 £5.99 78pp

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EXPLAINING THE RESURRECTION ISBN 978 1 909886 83 4 £5.99 92pp Published by Hodder & Stoughton NOT AS BAD AS THE TRUTH ISBN 978 0 340864 27 2 £8.99 256pp The autobiography of David Pawson.

ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED? ISBN 978 0 340610 66 4 £8.99 192pp Subtitled “A Study in Perseverance and Inheritance” this classic book examines carefully the biblical meaning of salvation.

THE CHALLENGE OF ISLAM TO CHRISTIANS ISBN 978 0 340861 89 9 £8.99 208pp Russian Edition ISBN 978 1 9098861 3 1 £9.99 Moral decline and erosion of a sense of ultimate truth has created a spiritual vacuum in the United Kingdom....

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WHEN JESUS RETURNS ISBN 978 0 340612 11 8 £8.99 288pp International Spanish Edition Cuando Vuelva Jesus ISBN 978 1 9098860 9 4 £9.99 Russian Edition ISBN 978 1 9098861 4 8 £9.99 Christians everywhere await Christ’s return. Will he come to the whole world or just one place? Soon and suddenly or after clear signs? What can he achieve by coming back here and how long will it take?

Foreign language titles from Anchor – please see list on next page

Covers may differ from those illustrated and prices may vary from those shown. Many books by David Pawson have been translated into languages other than English. For further information on the availability of International Publishing Rights, please email: [email protected]

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Unlocking™, Unlocking the Bible™, Unlocking the New Testament™ and the Unlocking logo are trademarks of the David Pawson Teaching Trust.

Representing and acting on behalf of the David Pawson Teaching Trust: DPTT, Synegis House, 21 Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Reading RG5 3LE Tel. 0118 332 0777

Anchor Recordings Limited is a company registered in England, and is limited by guarantee Registered Office: Reg. in England Company 661108 Reg. Office: Station House, Connaught Road, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey GU24 0ER Company No. 00661108 Registered Charity No. 224579 Publications in languages other than English include the following:

International Spanish ABRAMOS LA BIBLIA EL ANTIGUO TESTAMENTO (Unlocking the Bible, Old Testament) ISBN 978 1 909886 10 0 £20 €27.50 US$29.50 818pp

ABRAMOS LA BIBLIA EL NUEVO TESTAMENTO (Unlocking the Bible, New Testament) ISBN 978 1 909886 76 6 £19.95 €27.50 US$29.50 622pp

UNA VEZ SALVO, ¿SIEMPRE SALVO? (Once Saved, Always Saved?) ISBN 978 1 909886 07 0 £8.99 €10.00 US$12.50 202pp


DAVID PAWSON ISBN 978 1 909886 80 3 £7.99 €10.00 US$12.50 224pp En estos días de creciente preocupación

D por los últimos tiempos, ¿qué se sabe “Éste es un manual sobre obstetricia espiritual, D I V A realmente acerca de la segunda venida CUANDO escrito desde una profunda preocupación por los muchos cristianos que han tenido un mal de Cristo, y cómo podemos prepararnos

P EL NACIMIENTO ‘parto’. Con demasiada frecuencia, el origen para este evento? de una enfermedad espiritual posterior puede N O S W A VUELVA ser rastreado a una iniciación inadecuada en el CRISTIANO Reino. Un mejor nacimiento signifi ca un mayor Los cristianos de todas partes aguardan el regreso de Cristo. ¿Vendrá crecimiento en una saludable vida cristiana”. EL NACIMIENTO CRISTIANO NORMAL a todo el mundo o en un solo lugar? ¿Pronto y de pronto o luego de claras señales? ¿Qué puede lograr él con su vuelta aquí, y cuánto NORMAL CUANDO VUELVA JESÚS Basando su estudio en el Nuevo Testamento, David Pawson propicia EL NACIMIENTO CRISTIANO NORMAL JESÚS una síntesis del énfasis “liberal” en el arrepentimiento, el “evangélico” en tiempo necesitará? la fe, el “sacramental” en el bautismo y el “pentecostal” en el Espíritu. Luego relaciona estas “puertas espirituales” con los conceptos de la David Pawson aporta claridad y perspectiva a estos y muchos otros conversión y la regeneración. temas cruciales que rodean el retorno corporal de Jesucristo a nuestro mundo. Basándose en un nuevo enfoque de interpretación del libro (The Normal Christian Birth) EL NACIMIENTO CRISTIANO NORMAL considera textos de Apocalipsis, discute en detalle el polémico y malinterpretado tema cruciales y polémicos, desafi ando interpretaciones tradicionales. del “rapto” y revela la verdadera importancia del “milenio”. La sección fi nal sobre la consejería evangelística cuestiona la sufi ciencia del enfoque de la típica “oración del pecador”. Haciendo uso de las escrituras y la experiencia, el autor brinda muchas sugerencias prácticas para ayudar a potenciales discípulos a arrepentirse, creer, ser bautizados y recibir el Espíritu. ISBN 978 1 909886 08 7 £10.99 €12.00 US$12.95 David Pawson tiene un ministerio itinerante principalmente para líderes de iglesias en el Reino David Pawson tiene un ministerio itinerante Unido y en el exterior. Es autor de una gran cantidad principalmente para líderes de iglesias en el Reino de libros, que incluyen Una vez salvo, ¿siempre salvo?, Unido y en el exterior. Es autor de una gran cantidad El nacimiento cristiano normal y Abramos la Biblia. de libros, que incluyen Una vez salvo, ¿siempre salvo?, Cómo dar a los nuevos Cuando vuelva Jesús y Abramos la Biblia. creyentes un inicio Anchor Recordings Ltd

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EL NUEVO MATRIMONIO ES ADULTERIO A MENOS QUE … (Remariage is Adultery Unless...) ISBN 978 1 909886 86 5 £8.99 €12.50 US$12.50

LO QUE LA BIBLIA DICE ACERCA DEL ESPÍRITU SANTO (What the Bible says about the Holy Spirit) ISBN 978 1 909886 96 4 £9.99 €13.00 US$14.95

German Language Schlüssel zum Neuen Testament Unlocking the Bible – New Testament (German) ISBN 978 1 909886 06 3 632pp £15.99 €19.00 US$27.00

Russian Language Unlocking the Bible – New Testament (Russian) ISBN 978 1 909886 12 4 £14.99 €18.00 US$19.95 Unlocking the Bible – Old Testament (Russian) ISBN 978 1 909886 87 2 £18.00 €18.00 US$25.00

«Надеюсь, что я не прав. Надеюсь, ДЭВИД

что это ложное предсказание» ДЭВИД ВЫЗОВ ИСЛАМАХристиане повсеместно ждут прихода Христа. При- «Вызов ислама христианству» является наиболее важным и, дет Он ко всему миру или только в отдельное место? пожалуй, наиболее отрезвляющим пророческим посланием Скоро и внезапно или после ясных знамений? Что бу- When Jesus Returns (Russian) Дэвида Посона к современности. Моральный упадок ПОСОН дет в период Его прихода и как долго он продлится? и разрушение чувства окончательной истины создало ХРИСТИАНСТВУ

ПОСОН духовный вакуум в обществе Великобритании. Посон верит, Дэвид Посон дает ясное понимание этих и других важных что ислам лучше оснащен, чем (христианская) церковь, вопросов относительно физического возвращения Иисуса чтобы заполнить эту пустоту, и очень вероятно, что скоро Христа на нашу землю. Основываясь на новом подходе тол- станет доминирующей религий в стране. кования книги Откровения, он детально обсуждает спорные

ISBN 978 1 909886 14 8 £9.99 €12.00 US$15.95 Книга раскрывает и объясняет позицию Посона, а также и труднопонимаемые вопросы «Восхищения» и раскрывает представляет положительную модель для последовательного истинную значимость «Тысячелетнего Царства». ВЫЗОВ ответа церкви на данную ситуацию. Христиане должны снова

открыть и продемонстрировать обществу три качества, КОГДА которые делают христианство уникальным: реальность, взаимоотношение и праведность.

Прочесть эту книгу необходимо каждому христианину. ИСЛАМА

ИИСУС ДЭВИД ПОСОН несет служение, совер- Дэвид Посон имеет широкий спектр служения, шая много поездок для обучения лидеров совершая много поездок для обучения лидеров церквей как в Великобритании, так и в дру- церкви как в Великобритании, так и в других гих странах. Он является автором многих

странах. Он – автор большого количества книг, книг, среди которых: «Нормальное рожде- ВЕРНЕТСЯ

ХРИСТИАНСТВУ The Challenge of Islam to Christians (Russian) включая такие как «Нормальное рождение ние христианина», «Крестный ход в ад» и христианина», «Дорога в ад» и «Когда Иисус «Спасен однажды – спасен навсегда?» вернется». Дэвид Посон пишет и говорит об актуальности, сохраняя посвящение к ясности и бескомпромиссной верности по отношению к Священному Писанию. В Великобритании многие его принимают как лучшего толкователя Библии. ISBN 978 1 909886 13 1 £9.99 €13.50 US$16.50


New English titles expected in 2016: New foreign language titles expected in 2016: SPANISH A Commentary on 1 & 2 Peter Living in Hope A Commentary on Philippians Explaining the Resurrection Explaining Water Baptism Explaining the Second Coming PORTUGUESE Unlocking the Bible Old Testament Unlocking the Bible New Testament Remarriage is Adultery, Unless...