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Review of Palaeobotany and 178 (2012) 59–90

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Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology

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Research paper Palynostratigraphy of the –lower Palaeogene sedimentary succession in the Kangerlussuaq Basin, southern East

Henrik Nøhr-Hansen ⁎

Geological Survey of and Greenland, GEUS, Øster Voldgade 10, Dk-1350 K, Denmark article info abstract

Article history: A new palynological event for the Cretaceous–lower Palaeogene succession in the Kangerlussuaq Received 8 March 2011 Basin, onshore southern East Greenland is presented. Sixty-three biostratigraphical marker events are recog- Received in revised form 25 February 2012 nised, based on the first and last occurrences of dinoflagellate cysts and from eleven key outcrop sections Accepted 27 March 2012 through the Sorgenfri, Christian IV, Bjerge and Vandfaldsdalen Formations of the Kangerdlugssuaq and Available online 5 April 2012 Blosseville Groups. The palynological events are correlated with published event and with palyno- logical zonations from North–East Greenland, West Greenland, , the and the Faroe– Keywords: Cretaceous Shetland Basin. The palynological records date the Sorgenfri Formation as middle Albian to Coniacian or ?early Palaeogene Santonian, the Christian IV Formation as ?late Campanian to late Maastrichtian and the Sediment Bjerge Forma- palynostratigraphy tion as late to late . The biostratigraphic ranges of dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and around the lower to upper Maastrichtian boundary are discussed and correlated. Kangerlussuaq Basin The palynological records and recent isotopic dating results (40Ar/39Ar) of volcanic rocks indicate that the youngest southern East Greenland of the Vandfaldsdalen Formation are of or early . The study documents two major hiatuses in the area: the boundary between the Sorgenfri and Christian IV Formations spans the ?upper Coniacian–Santonian and Campanian, whilst the between the Christian IV and Sediment Bjerge Formations possibly spans the uppermost Maastrichtian and the lower Danian, indicating that the Cretaceous– Palaeogene boundary is represented by a major unconformity, as recognised widely around the northern North Atlantic. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) and CASP (formerly Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme). The project was initi- pre-drift reconstructions of the North Atlantic locate the ated in February 2005 and formed part of the research programme: southern East Greenland margin only 50–100 km north–west of the “Future Exploration Issues Programme of the Faroese Continental present-day Faroe Islands (e.g. Skogseid et al., 2000), illustrating that Shelf” (the ‘Sindri’ programme) established by the Faroese Ministry the Kangerlussuaq area in southern East Greenland is an obvious of and financed by the partners of the Sindri Group. Data candidate for field and biostratigraphic studies with respect to gathered in the Sindri project have shown that the exploration on the Faroe continental shelf. No Cretaceous and only Upper Cretaceous–lower Palaeogene succession of the northern very little Palaeogene palynological data has been published from North Atlantic still presents problems for biostratigraphic correlation. Faroese territory. Waagstein and Heilmann-Clausen (1995) dated The main reasons for the apparent correlation problems are the lower to lower upper volcaniclastic sediments extensive erosion at the K–Pg boundary at basin margins, poor dredged from the Faroe shelf, based on dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts). preservation of palynomorphs due to intense thermal heating by Mudge and Bujak (2001) subsequently described the Paleocene to Palaeogene intrusions, and extensive reworking of Cretaceous sedi- lower Eocene biostratigraphy of four wells in the Faroe– ments. The study presented here investigated the correlation problems Shetland Basin. for the Upper Cretaceous–lower Palaeogene succession in the northern The present study represents the palynological results of the North Atlantic (West and East Greenland – Faroe – UK) based on the research project: “Biostratigraphy zonation (palynology and macro- biostratigraphic framework established in onshore sections. This has ) of the Upper Cretaceous–lower Palaeogene based on the been accomplished by analysis of a large number of mudstone samples sedimentary succession in East Greenland” jointly conducted by the from the Kangerlussuaq Basin in southern East Greenland. The present results are correlated with palynostratigraphic schemes established in on- and offshore West Greenland (Nøhr-Hansen, 1996; Nøhr-Hansen ⁎ Tel.: +45 38 14 27 21; fax: +45 38 20 50. et al., 2002; Nøhr-Hansen, 2008, 2009), onshore East Greenland E-mail address: [email protected]. (Nøhr-Hansen, 1993; Nøhr-Hansen and Piasecki, 2002) and from the

0034-6667/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2012.03.009 Author's Personal Copy

60 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90

North Sea (Schiøler and Wilson, 1993; Mudge and Bujak, 1996; 2. Geological setting Mangerud et al., 1999; Mudge and Bujak, 2001). The results of the study are important for dating and correlation of Previous studies by Larsen et al. (1999a, b., 2001) and Larsen and wells drilled in prospective areas around the Faroe Islands and for Whitham (2005) led to the initiation of sedimentological and predicting the influence of volcanism on basin and reser- biostratigraphic studies within the Sindri projects (Larsen et al., voir potential in the lower Paleocene. 2005a; Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2006, 2007) which have demonstrated

Fig. 1. Geological maps of the Kangerlussuaq Basin, showing the distribution of the Cretaceous–Palaeogene sediments and the Palaeogene flood basalts of the southern East Greenland volcanic province. Modified after Larsen et al. (2005a). Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 61 that southern East Greenland allows a unique possibility to study at assignment that was followed by Higgins and Soper (1981), Larsen outcrop the sedimentary basins associated with rifting and break-up of et al. (1996, 1999a,b, 2005a) (Fig. 2). the North Atlantic. Sub- and synbasaltic sedimentary successions of The group is named after the fjord of Kangerdlugssuaq (original and Palaeogene age are exposed in the Kangerlussuaq spelling of the modern name: Kangerlussuaq). The Kangerdlugssuaq Basin (Fig. 1), whereas early post-basaltic sediments (Eocene–Oligocene) Group is characterised by a succession of sandstones and mudstones are exposed farther north at Kap Dalton and Savoia Halvø (Larsen et al., up to 700 m thick. The younger Blosseville Group was also defined 2005b; Heilmann-Clausen et al., 2008). GEUS has carried out field by Soper et al. (1976, Fig. 2); this group consists predominantly of work in North–East Greenland in the 1980s and since 2008, in plateau basalts, but basal pre-basaltic sediments (sandstones, mud- the Kangerlussuaq Basin in 1995, 2000 and 2004 and at Kap Dalton stones and minor coals) constitute the lower part of the up to 9 km and Savoia Halvø in 2001, and has established a comprehensive thick succession. sample database for the Cretaceous and Palaeogene of East Greenland. Larsen et al. (1999a) recognised four major associations in the The present background information is based on previous GEUS Sindri Kangerdlugssuaq Group: 1) alluvial plain and shallow marine (?upper projects and GEUS's databases. Aptian); 2) fluvio-estuarine (upper Aptian–lower Albian); 3) offshore The northeastern margin of the onshore Kangerlussuaq Basin is marine (Upper Cretaceous–lower Paleocene); 4) submarine fan and not exposed, although the basin may continue below the Palaeogene channel-levee (lower Paleocene). In the overlying Vandfaldsdalen flood basalts along the Blosseville Kyst (Fig.1); data pertaining to the Formation of the Blosseville Group two associations were recognised: possible offshore extent of the basin is not available. The basin 5) fluvial (mid-Paleocene) and 6) volcanic (Paleocene to Eocene). These consists of fault blocks bounded by southwest–northeast striking normal associations together with recent sedimentological, biostratigraphic and faults; the major fault at Sortekap, for example, has Cretaceous mud- sequence stratigraphic studies form the basis for a new lithostratigraphic stones in the hanging wall to the southeast, faulted against Archean scheme established by Larsen et al. (2005a, Fig. 2). basement (Fig. 1; Larsen et al., 1999a). The footwall basement rises Larsen et al. (2005a) divided the Kangerdlugssuaq Group into the today more than 800 m above the mudstones, indicating a normal following formations: Watkins Fjord (new), Sorgenfri, redefined displacement of 800–1000 m (Wager, 1947). This major fault probably (originally established by Soper et al., 1976), Christian IV (new) and controlled the position of the north western margin during Early Sediment Bjerge (new) whereas they redefined the lower part of Cretaceous and mid Paleocene sea level lowstands. To the west and the Blosseville Group, the Vandfaldsdalen Formation (originally north, beyond the margins of the Lower Cretaceous basin, the basement established by Soper et al., 1976). Six new members (Torsukáttak, is onlapped by Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene sediments (Larsen et al., Suunigajik, Fairytale Valley, Klitterhorn, Schjelderup, Willow Pass 1999a). and Kulhøje) were defined within the succession of Larsen et al. The sedimentary successions in southern East Greenland are (2005a, Fig. 2). formally assigned to the Kangerdlugssuaq Group, upper Barremian With a pre-drift position only 50–100 km northwest of the (Lower Cretaceous)–Selandian (Paleocene) and the Blosseville present-day Faroe Islands, the Kangerlussuaq Basin in East Greenland Group (Paleocene–Oligocene). The Kangerdlugsuak was first probably forms the most important analogue for understanding the mentioned by Wager (1934), and subsequently referred to as the offshore sub-basaltic basins. Major at the Santonian– Kangerdlugssuaq Sedimentary Series (Wager, 1947). Soper et al. Campanian and Maastrichtian–Paleocene boundaries, and potentially (1976) modified the name of this succession, introducing the a minor mid-Paleocene hiatus, may indicate periods of sediment Kangerdlugssuaq Group as a formal lithostratigraphic unit, an input from the west into the Faroe–Shetland region.

Wager Wager Soper et al., Higgins and Soper Hamberg Larsen et al., Larsen et al. 2005a 1934 1947 1976 1981 1990 1996, 1999a, 1999b Age Period

Volcanic Ypresian

Kulhøje Upper part Vandfalds- Vandfalds- Member with Vandfaldsdalen Vandfaldsdalen Plateau Basalts dalen dalen Thanetian lower Formation Formation Formation Formation basalts & Willow Pass tuffs with Member Blosseville Group Blosseville Group Blosseville Group Blosseville Blosseville Group Blosseville agglome- rates Ryberg Schjelderup Ryberg Palaeogene Sandstone Sandstone Mb Member Schjelderup Schjelderup Mb Schjelderup Mb Bed Felspathic Klitterhorn Selandian Sandstone Member Member Sediment Bjerge Formation Kangerdlugsuak Series Fairytale Valley Ryberg Ryberg Ryberg Lower part Member Formation Formation Formation Danian

Kangerdlugssuaq Sedimentary Series Christian IV

Kangerdlussuaq Group Maastrichtian Formation

Kangerdlugssuaq Group Coniacian Kangerdlugssuaq Group Kangerdlugssuaq Group Sorgenfri Sorgenfri Sorgenfri Sorgenfri Turonian Formation Formation Formation Formation Cenomanian Upper Cretaceous

Kangerdlugssuaq Group Suunigajik Albian Unnamed Member Watkins Fjord Upper part of Kangerdusuak sandstones Formation Series known to lie on Torsukáttak metamorphic complex with base of Kangerdlugssuaq Group not seen Member unconformity

Metamorphic Cretaceous Lower Gneiss Gneiss complex

Fig. 2. Generalised history of the stratigraphic nomenclature for the pre-basaltic sedimentary succession in Kangerlussuaq. Modified after Larsen et al. (2005a). Author's Personal Copy

62 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90

Plate I.

1. Quantouendinium cf. Q. dictyophorum, Watkins Fjord 2004, 483069-3, 70 m, 20.5–12.5, LVR 32380 2. Odontochitina ancala, Pyramiden, 255096-3, 60 m, 45.2–19.2, LVR 29727 3. Pseudoceratium aff. P. expolitum, Pyramiden, 255096-5, 60 m, 30.3–7.1, LVR 29738 4. Subtilisphaera kalaalliti, Pyramiden, 255096 H1, 60 m, 43.5–18.0, LVR 32363 5. Nematosphaeropsis aff. N. densiradiata, Pyramiden, 255096-4, 60 m, 30.9–17.0, LVR 29734 6. Rugubivesiculites rugosus, Pyramiden, 255096-3, 60 m, 33.5–8.8, LVR 29732 7. Ovoidinium verrucosum, Pyramiden, 255096 H2, 60 m, 31.4–4.5, LVR 32367 8. Ovoidinium verrucosum, Pyramiden, 255096 H2, 60 m, 48.8–15.2, LVR 32368 9. Cyclonephelium cf. C. compactum, Pyramiden, 255096 H2, 60 m, 37.8–10.6, LVR 32364 10. Hapsocysta benteae, Pyramiden, 255101 H2, 70 m, 33.4–16.8, LVR 32369 11. Odontochitina ?porifera, Pyramiden, 255101-5, 70 m, 54.8–19.5, LVR 29748 12. Rhombodella paucispina, Pyramiden, 255101-4, 70 m, 52.0–18.1, LVR 29740 13. Litosphaeridium siphoniphorum, Pyramiden, 255101-4, 70 m, 21.0–11.8, LVR 29744 14. Ovoidinium sp. 1 Nøhr-Hansen 1993, Pyramiden, 255101-4, 70 m, 18.4–6.0, LVR 29752 15. Ovoidinium sp. 1 Nøhr-Hansen 1993, Pyramiden, 255101-5, 70 m, 54.7–5.1, LVR 29750 16. Xiphophoridium alatum, Pyramiden, 255096-3, 60 m, 22.7–4.2, LVR 29726

Plate II. (see on Page 64)

1. Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum, Pyramiden, 255099-3, 80 m, 25.2–7.5, LVR 29753 2. Stephodinium coronatum, Pyramiden, 255099 H1, 80 m, 21.1–14.3, LVR 32370 3. Stephodinium coronatum, Pyramiden, 255090 H2, 90 m, 41.8–6.7, LVR 32372 4. Isabelidinium acuminatum, Pyramiden, 255090 H2, 90 m, 38.9–11.8, LVR 32371 5. Isabelidinium magnum, Pyramiden, 255090-3, 90 m, 26.6–14.3, LVR 29757 6. Wrevittia cassidata, Pyramiden, 255090-5, 90 m, 52.9–10.0, LVR 29756 7. Cauveridinium membraniphorum, Pyramiden, 255100-4, 100 m, 39.8–22.7, LVR 29729 8. Cauveridinium membraniphorum, Pyramiden, 255102-5, 150 m, 33.4–19.2, LVR 29783 9. Rottnestia aff. R. wetzelii, Pyramiden, 255091-2, 110 m, 29.1–16.5, LVR 29770 10. Odontochitina cf. O. rhakodes, Pyramiden, 255091 H2, 110 m, 50.2–5.7, LVR 32375 11. Odontochitina cf. O. rhakodes, Pyramiden, 255091 H2, 110 m, 25.4–5.4, LVR 32373 12. Xenascus gochtii, Pyramiden, 255088 H1, 130 m, 21.9–9.5, LVR 32378 13. Xenascus gochtii, Pyramiden, 255088 H1, 130 m, 36.4–2.7, LVR 32379 14. Achomosphaera sp., Pyramiden, 255103-4, 140 m, 47.6–18.7, LVR 29787 15. Heterosphaeridium difficile, Pyramiden, 255091-2, 110 m, 53.4–16.6, LVR 29776 16. Heterosphaeridium difficile, Pyramiden, 255088-H1, 130 m, 20.1–24.7, LVR 32377 17. Heterosphaeridium difficile, Pyramiden, 255091-4, 110 m, 49.4–20.4, LVR 29775

Plate III. (see on Page 65)

1. Alterbidinium acutulum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493848-8, 80 m, 29.9–7.8, LVR 29501 2. Alterbidinium acutulum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493848-8, 80 m, 40.5–2.2, LVR 2950 3. Cerodinium diebelii, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493829-4, 60 m, 50.1–4.8, LVR 29503 4. Cerodinium diebelii, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493829-5, 60 m, 33.0–11.2, LVR 29504 5. Wodehouseia sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493829-4, 60 m, 46.7–15.8, LVR 29505 6. Rhombodella paucispina, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493829-7, 60 m, 24.0–15.7, LVR 29507 7. Cauveridinium membraniphorum, Pyramiden, 255100-4, 100 m, 39.8–22.7, LVR 29729 8. Cauveridinium membraniphorum, Pyramiden, 255102-5, 150 m, 33.4–19.2, LVR 29783 9. Aquilapollenites sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493829-7, 60 m, 28.1–5.2, LVR 29506 10. Aquilapollenites sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493838-7, 70 m, 39.6–11.3, LVR 29510 11. Isabelidinium sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493838-9, 70 m, 34.0–10.3, LVR 29511 12. Isabelidinium sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493838-9, 70 m, 41.6–9.1, LVR 29513 13. Heterosphaeridium heteracanthum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493838-9, 70 m, 33.6–24.7, LVR 29515 14. Laciniadinium arcticum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493843-3, 75 m, 37.4–12.9, LVR 29516 15. Bourkidinium sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493843-3, 75 m, 39.1–15.0, LVR 29517 16. Odontochitina operculata, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493859-7, 90 m, 41.5–11.7, LVR 29518 17. Palaeocystodinium ?australinum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493859-9, 90 m, 42.2–21.3, LVR 29519

Plate IV. (see on Page 66)

1.– 2. Cerodinium pannuceum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493863-9, 92 m, 19.9–20.8, LVR 29520–21 3. Palaeocystodiniu ?australinum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493869-9, 100 m, 20.9–16.4, LVR 29522 4. Alterbidinium acutulum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493869-10, 100 m, 19.8–5.6, LVR 29523 5. Wallodinium lunum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493869-10, 100 m, 16.6–21.0, LVR 295243 6. Trithyrodinium ?evittii, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493894-4, 139 m, 25.8–20.7, LVR 29525–26 7. Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493894-5, 139 m, 33.1–8.5, LVR 29527 8. Trithyrodinium quinqueangulare, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493894-5, 139 m, 36.6–4.1, LVR 29528 9. Trithyrodinium quinqueangulare, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493894-5, 139 m, 38.6–21.3, LVR 29529–30 10. Cerodinium speciosum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493894-5, 139 m, 16.0–4.3 LVR 29531 11. Wodehouseia spinata, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493704-3, 145 m, 52.3–3.7, LVR 29533 12. Tanyosphaeridium sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493719-9, 160 m, 26.7–11.4, LVR 29536 13. Cerodinium speciosum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493704-3, 145 m, 49.3–7.6, LVR 29535 14. Isabelidinium sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493720-6, 162 m, 23.5–8.9, LVR 29537 15. Isabelidinium sp., Skiferbjerg 2004, 493721-6, 164 m, 17.4–10.5, LVR 29538 16. Aquilapollenites cf. A. clarireticulatum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493822-7, 166 m, 19.6–13.7, LVR 29539 Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 63

Plate I. Author's Personal Copy

64 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90

Plate II (caption on page 62). Author's Personal Copy

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Plate III (caption on page 62). Author's Personal Copy

66 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90

Plate IV (caption on page 62). Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 67

3. Methods 5.1. Sorgenfri Formation

Palynological preparation and studies of the samples were carried The Sorgenfri Formation has been dated as middle Albian to latest out at the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS). Coniacian or ?earliest Santonian based on 18 palynological events Palynomorphs were extracted from 10 to 20 g of sediment from (Fig. 3). The Sorgenfri Formation is represented in 5 sections (Table 1), each sample by modified standard preparation techniques including four of which (Skiferbjerg Basal, Pyramiden, Watkins Fjord 2004 and Sill treatment with hydrochloric (HCl) and hydrofluoric (HF) acids, sieving City) yielded lower to mid Cretaceous palynomorphs (Fig. 3; Appendix 1). using a 20 μm nylon mesh and oxidation (3–10 min) with concentrated nitric acid (HNO3), often followed by washing with a weak potassium 5.1.1. Albian to Santonian palynological events hydroxide solution (KOH). Finally, palynomorphs were separated The lower part of the Sorgenfri Formation is recorded from the from coal particles and woody material in most samples, using the Skiferbjerg Basal section (Appendix 1). A middle Albian age is indi- separation method described by Hansen and Gudmundsson (1978) or cated by the first occurrences (FOs) of Chichaouadinium vestitum by swirling. After each of the steps mentioned above, the organic and Leptodinium cancellatum and by the last occurrence (LO) of residues were mounted in a solid medium (Eukitt ®) or in glycerine Pseudoceratium polymorphum (Fig. 3). The poorly-preserved as- gel. The palynological slides were studied with transmitted light using semblage also contains common Oligosphaeridium complex togeth- a Leitz Dialux 22 (no. 512 742/057691). Dinocysts, er with a few specimens of Apteodinium cf. A. grande, Hapsocysta acritarchs and selected stratigraphically important and pollen benteae, Litosphaeridium arundum and Oligosphaeridiuim sp. 1 (miospores) species were recorded from the sieved, oxidised or Nøhr-Hansen 1993. Apart from one questionable specimen of gravity-separated slides. Approximately 100 specimens were counted Circulodinium sp. 1 Nøhr-Hansen 1993, no upper Albian marker whenever possible. Stratigraphically important dinocysts and pollen species have been recorded (Appendix 1). The assemblage suggests are illustrated on Plates I–X; each illustration is marked with sample a correlation with the Rhombodella paucispina Zone (IV) defined number, slide number, locality, stratigraphic height and image database from the middle Albian in North–East Greenland by Nøhr-Hansen number, laser-video-record number (LVR). The palynological slides are (1993). stored at GEUS, the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, The FO of Quantouendinium dictyophorum together with common Copenhagen, Denmark. In this paper, the systematics of Fensome and Rugubivesiculites rugosus pollen indicates a late Albian age for the Williams (2004) is followed. Sorgenfri Formation at the Watkins Fjord 2004 section (Appendix 1). The sample positions and the relative abundance, bases, tops and Quantouendinium dictyophorum was originally described as a non- acmes of stratigraphically-important species referred to in the marine species from the Lower Cretaceous of Northeast China by biostratigraphic section (below) are illustrated on range-charts of Mao et al. (1999). Quantouendinium dictyophorum is possibly synony- selected sections (Appendices 1–4 and supplementary information). mous with Vesperpsis aff. V. fragilis which has been recorded from the upper Albian in North–East Greenland by Nøhr-Hansen (1993). The present low diversity assemblage suggests a restricted marine 4. Material palaeoenvironment. A similar flora has been recorded from Disko, West Greenland (Nøhr-Hansen, 2005, 2008) and from the Western More than 200 samples representing 30 sections from the Interior, U.S.A. (Bint, 1986). Kangerlussuaq area (Fig. 1) collected by GEUS and CASP between The middle to lower part of the Sorgenfri Formation is recorded 1995 and 2004 have been studied. Based on detailed study of 149 from the Pyramiden section (Appendix 1). A late Albian or early GEUS samples from 11 sections (Table 1; Appendices 1–4 and supple- Cenomanian age is indicated by the FO and LO of Ovoidinium sp. 1 mentary information), stratigraphic marker species have been picked Nøhr-Hansen 1993 and Ovoidinium verrucosum and by the LO of for correlation and for establishing a palynological stratigraphy for Pseudoceratium aff. P. expolitum (Fig. 3). The co-occurrence of these the Kangerlussuaq Basin. species with Hapsocysta benteae, Litosphaeridium siphoniphorum and The organic material is dominated by coal fragments and amorphous common Subtilisphaera kalaalliti suggests a correlation with the material of unknown origin, whereas dinocysts and miospores are often Ovoidinium sp. 1 Subzone (V3) of Nøhr-Hansen (1993), upper part of rare. The preservation of the dinocysts is fair to poor and their colour the Subtilisphaera kalaalliti (V) Zone of Nøhr-Hansen (1993). Williams varies from brown to black (e.g. Plates VIII, IX) due to intense thermal et al. (2004) also suggest an upper Albian to lower Cenomanian range heating by Palaeogene intrusions. Despite poor preservation and low for Ovoidinium verrucosum. recovery, dinocysts are shown to be useful and probably the best bio- The FO of Cauveridinium membraniphorum indicates a late stratigraphic tool for dating the sediments from the Kangerlussuaq area. Cenomanian age together with Hystrichosphaeropsis aff. H. quasicribrata, Common reworking of Upper Cretaceous palynomorphs into the lower Isabelidinium acuminatum, Isabelidinium magnum, Stephodinium corona- Paleocene caused some dating problems in the early part of the study tum, Wrevittia cassidata,commonChlamydophorella nyei and common but experience with the Cretaceous floras from this area facilitated to abundant Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum (Appendix 1). Cauveridi- recognition of reworked specimens. Ella Hoch (Geological Museum, nium membraniphorum has its first common occurrence in the upper Copenhagen) kindly provided GEUS with ten samples from the Cenomanian onshore UK, according to Dodsworth (2000) and Pearce Pyramiden area (Fig. 1). The samples are of unknown exact stratigraphic et al. (2009), and its last common occurrence in the uppermost position, but have been placed in stratigraphic order based on the palyno- Turonian (Pearce et al., 2003). The presence of Isabelidinium magnum logical content (Appendix 1). and the absence of Heterosphaeridium difficile support a late Cenomanian age (Costa and Davey, 1992). The lower Turonian is indicated by the FOs of Heterosphaeridium 5. Cretaceous palynostratigraphic results difficile and Chatangiella spp. and the LO of Odontochitina cf. O. rhakodes, together with the presence of Rottnestia aff. R. wetzelii. Costa and Davey Palynological data from outcrop sections representing the middle (1992) recorded a lowermost Turonian to uppermost Santonian range Albian to Coniacian or ?lower Santonian Sorgenfri Formation and for H. difficile and Fensome et al. (2008) reported a lower Turonian LO the ?Campanian to upper Maastrichtian Christian IV Formation is for O. rhakodes. presented below. For each formation, biostratigraphic event species A Coniacian age is suggested for the upper part of the Sorgenfri are listed, discussed, and where possible correlated with stratigraphic Formation based on the FO of Xenascus gochtii which indicates an schemes within and outside the region. age not older than middle Coniacian (Prince et al., 2008) and by the Author's Personal Copy

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Plate V.

1. Phelodinium kozlowskii, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493822-7, 166 m, 28.7–21.0, LVR 29541 2–3. Triblastula utinensis, Sequoia West, 406748-3, 1482 m, 17.9–8.3, LVR 29593–95 4. Hystrichosphaeridium quasicribrata, Skiferbjerg 2003, 455633-4, 125 m, 25.2–21.0, LVR 29642 5. Rottnestia cf. R. wetzelii, Sequoia Nunatak, 406765-3, 1505 m, 53.9–19.7, LVR 29596 6. Rottnestia cf. R. Wetzelii, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493722-7, 166 m, 24.3–12.6, LVR 29542 7. Hystrichostrogylon coninckii, Sequoia Nunatak, 406765-4, 1505 m, 39.8–21.1, LVR 29640 8. Hystrichostrogylon coninckii, Skiferbjerg 2003, 455633-4, 125 m, 38.2–19.5, LVR 29643 9. Cerodinium pannuceum, Sequoia Nunatak, 406769-7, 1510 m, 36.3–24.8, LVR 29597 10. Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493723-6, 167 m, 40.6–21.4, LVR 29543 11. Rhombodella paucispina, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493724-6, 169 m, 20.7–18.9, LVR 29545 12. Deflandrea cf. D. galeata, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493726-9, 170 m, 36.0–14.9, LVR 29546 13. Cerodinium speciosum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493726-8, 170 m, 40.3–21.5, LVR 29547 14. Cerodinium speciosum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493726-10, 170 m, 50.6–14.7, LVR 29548 15. Cerodinium speciosum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493726-10, 170 m, 34.9–15.2, LVR 29549 16. Palaeocystodinium australinum, Skiferbjerg 2004, 493726-10, 170 m, 50.5–13.1, LVR 29550

Plate VI. (see on page 70)

1. Isabelidinium sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493727-6 171 m 22.7–19.3, LVR 29551 2. Heterosphaeridium heteracanthum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493727-6 171 m 42.6–12.0, LVR 29552 3. Cerodinium diebelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493730-6 174 m 40.9–23.3, LVR 29553 4. Dinogymnium cf. D. kasachstanicum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493730-6 174 m 40.9–23.3, LVR 29553 5. Cerodinium speciosum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493731-6 175 m 36.0–18.8, LVR 29555 6. Areoligera sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493731-6 175 m 47.7–5.7, LVR 29556 7. Areoligera sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493731-6 175 m 47.7–5.7, LVR 29557 8. Cerodinium striata Skiferbjerg 2004, 493731-7 175 m 20.2–8.4, LVR 29558 9. Cerodinium diebelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493731-7 175 m 20.8–24.5, LVR 29559 10. Areoligera sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493732-7 176 m 19.6–21.7, LVR 29560 11. Areoligera sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493732-7 176 m 29.4–7.0, LVR 29561 12. Areoligera sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493732-5 176 m 29.8–15.3, LVR 29562 13. Trithyrodinium quinqueangulare Skiferbjerg 2004, 493733-6 177 m 20.5–14.2, LVR 29563 14. Areoligera sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493734-7 178 m 30.8–18.9, LVR 29564 15. Palaeocystodinium australinum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493734-6 178 m 40.5–10.9, LVR 29565 16. Cerodinium striatum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493735-9 180 m 32.9–19.7, LVR 29566

Plate VII. (see on page 71)

1. Cerodinium striatum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493735-10 180 m 49.2–20.6, LVR 29567 2. Diphyes colligerum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493735-10 180 m 21.0–23.7, LVR 29568 3. Cerodinium striatum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493744-7 190 m 46.9–12.3, LVR 29569 4. Diphyes colligerum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493744-7 190 m 16.3–20.5, LVR 29570 5. Palaeocystodinium cf. P. australinum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493744-9 190 m 32.2–9.2, LVR 29571 6. Palaeocystodinium cf. P. australinum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493744-9 190 m 54.1–24.1, LVR 29572 7. Deflandrea cf. D. galeata Skiferbjerg 2004, 493744-10 190 m 32.1–16.8, LVR 29573 8. Alisocysta circumtabulata Sequoia West, 406752-4 1500 m 20.7–7.2, LVR 29645 9. Cerodinium pannuceum Skiferbjerg 2004, 493761-7 207 m 23.1–18.0, LVR 29577 10. Isabelidinium sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493761-5 207 m 53.4–24.2, LVR 295778 11–13. Fibradinium annetorpense Sequoia Nunatak, 406772-4 1550 m 35.2–20.9, LVR 29647–49 14. Fibradinium annetorpense Sequoia West, 406752-3 1500 m 40.1–9.5, LVR 29646 15. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493768-6 214 m 24.5–17.1, LVR 29579 16–17. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493772-6 218 m 19.1–16.2, LVR 29581–82 18. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493772-6 218 m 29.0–24.5, LVR 29584 19. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493772-7 218 m 24.9–23.1, LVR 29585

Plate VIII. (see on page 72)

1. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493772-6 218 m 25.4–25.2, LVR 29583 2–3. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493772-7 218 m 27.2–20.3, LVR 29586–87 4. Impagidinium sp. Skiferbjerg 2004, 493772-7 218 m 32.1–5.6, LVR 29589 5. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493772-7 218 m 35.6–12.8, LVR 29590 6. Rottnestia wetzelii Skiferbjerg 2004, 493770-7 216 m 41.4–6.4, LVR 29591 7. Cerodinium aff. C. kangiliense Watkins Fjord 2003, 483066-4 88 m 46.6–16.3, LVR 29599 8–9. Areoligera coronata Watkins Fjord 2003, 483067-5 89 m 20.3–22.2, LVR 29600–01 10. Areoligera coronata Watkins Fjord 2003, 483067-5 89 m 22.0–5.6, LVR 29602 11. Spiniferites ‘magnificus’ Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-1 100 m 30.1–10.3, LVR 29603 12. Senegalinium iterlaaense Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-1 100 m 53.7–9.9, LVR 29604 13. Cerodinium diebelii Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-4 100 m 27.7–18.5, LVR 29606 14. Palaeocystodinium bulliforme Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-2 100 m 29.8–22.5, LVR 29607 15. Palaeocystodinium bulliforme Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-2 100 m 35.9–16.3, LVR 29608 16. Cerodinium striatum Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-1 100 m 50.2–13.8, LVR 29609 Author's Personal Copy

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Plate V. Author's Personal Copy

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Plate VI (caption on page 68). Author's Personal Copy

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Plate VII (caption on page 68). Author's Personal Copy

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Plate VIII (caption on page 68). Author's Personal Copy

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LO of Stephodinium coronatum (Fig. 3, Appendix 1) which indicates an The FO of Alterbidinium acutulum also indicates an early Maastrichtian age not younger than middle Coniacian (Williams et al., 2004). The age. Antonescu et al. (2001) regarded the first common occurrence of presence of Heterosphaeridium difficile suggests correlation with part Alterbidinium cf. A. acutulum as a potential boundary approximation of the H. difficile interval of Coniacian to early Santonian age for the Maastrichtian at the Campanian–Maastrichtian stratotype at described by Nøhr-Hansen (1996) from West Greenland which was Tercis les Bains, France. defined as the interval from immediately above the LO of Arvalidinium The FO of Trithyrodinium quinqueangulare also indicates an scheii to the LO of H. difficile. early Maastrichtian age; the species was described from the upper The uppermost part of the Sorgenfri Formation has been recorded lower Maastrichtian in (Marheinecke, 1992) and common from the Sill City section (Figs. 1, 3, Appendix 1) and dated as middle Trithyrodinium cf. T. quinqueangulare was recorded from the lower Turonian to ?earliest Santonian based on the FO of Raphidodinium Maastrichtian in France (Schiøler and Wilson, 2001). fucatum and the LO of Xiphophoridium alatum. Williams et al. (2004) An acme (presumed to be of local significance) of Palaeocystodi- reported the FO of Raphidodinium fucatum from the upper Coniacian nium australinum occurs below the LO of Alterbidinium acutulum. and Costa and Davey (1992) reported the LO of Xiphophoridium Schiøler and Wilson (1993) recorded the LO of A. acutulum from alatum from the lower Santonian. their Danish North Sea A. acutulum Interval Subzone (lower part of their Triblastula utinensis Range Zone, Fig. 5) of late early Maastrichtian age. 5.2. Christian IV Formation The FO of Cerodinium speciosum suggests a late early Maastrichtian age. May (1980) recognised rare specimens of C. speciosum from the The Christian IV Formation (Figs. 2, 4) has been dated as ?late lower Maastrichtian in New Jersey, U.S.A. Campanian to late Maastrichtian based on 32 palynological events. The lower part of the Christian IV Formation, between the FO of The Christian IV Formation is represented in 7 sections (Table 1), Cerodinium diebelii and the FO of the pollen Wodehouseia spinata four of which (Skiferbjerg Basal, Skiferbjerg 2004, Sequoia West and (see below) correlates with the C. diebelii interval (Fig. 4, Appendix Sequoia Nunatak; Appendices 2a, 2b and supplementary information) 2a) described from the lower Maastrichtian of West Greenland by yielded Maastrichtian palynomorphs, whereas no time-diagnostic Nøhr-Hansen (1996). events were recorded from the three other sections (Kulhøje, Watkins Fjord 2003 and 2004; supplementary information). Preservation of 5.2.2. Upper Maastrichtian palynological events the organic material is generally poor and many specimens can only The FO of Wodehouseia spinata is here regarded as a marker for the be identified to generic level. basal upper Maastrichtian. The exact age correlation of the FO of The palynomorph assemblage of the Christian IV Formation is dom- Wodehouseia spinata is discussed below. inated by Hystrichosphaeridium tubiferum, Isabelidinium spp. and Spini- The FO of Deflandrea cf. D. galeata together with the FO of Chatangiella ferites spp. and the pollen Aquilapollenites spp. is present throughout cf. C. victoriensis and common Circulodinium distinctum indicate a mid to the formation. Reworked specimens of Albian–Cenomanian age (Bour- late Maastrichtian age (Fig. 4). Schiøler et al. (1997) reported D. galeata kidinium spp. Rhombodella paucispinosa and Chlamydophorella nyei) from the entire upper Maastrichtian of the type Maastrichtian and of Campanian age (Isabelidinium microarmum) are recognised in sectionintheNetherlands.Kirsch (1991) defined the base of his mid the Maastrichtian Christian IV Formation (Appendices 2a, 2b). Maastrichtian D. galeata Subzone in Germany by the FOs of D. galeata The presence of the dinocyst Cerodinium diebelii throughout most and Cerodinium speciosum. of the Christian IV Formation suggests an age not older than early The FOs of Diphyes colligerum and Rottnestia cf. R. wetzelii indicate Maastrichtian and the presence of the pollen Wodehouseia spinata in an earliest late Maastrichtian age (Fig. 4). May (1980) and Brinkhuis the upper part suggests a late Maastrichtian age. and Zachariasse (1988) recorded the first occurrence of D. colligerum The bivalve Spyridoceramus tegulatus and the ammonite in the upper Maastrichtian in New Jersey, U.S.A. and in Tunisia, Acanthoscaphites tridens have also been recorded from the lower respectively. Firth (1987) recognised the FO of D. colligerum at the Maastrichtian part of the Christian IV Formation at the Skiferbjerg base of the high abundance of Areoligera cysts from the lowermost 2004 section (Figs. 4, 5; Kelly and Whitham in Nøhr-Hansen et al., part of the upper Maastrichtian in Georgia, U.S.A. Kirsch (1991) recorded 2006). Scaphitid ammonite fragments have previously been recorded the FO of D. colligerum justabovethetopofhismidMaastrichtian from the upper Maastrichtian part of the Christian IV Formation in Deflandrea galeata Subzone from Germany. Diphyes colligerum seems the lower part of the Sequoia Nunatak section (Nørgaard-Pedersen, to have a narrow range in the middle part of the upper Christian IV 1991). Formation (Fig. 4; Appendix 2b). Schiøler et al. (1997) reported R. wetzelii from the lowermost upper Maastrichtian in the Maastrichtian stratotype 5.2.1. ?Campanian–lower Maastrichtian palynological events in the Netherlands. A possible Campanian age may be suggested for the lower part of The FO of Hystrichostrogylon coninckii is also indicative of the the Christian IV Formation based on fragmented and poorly preserved upper Maastrichtian. Heilmann-Clausen in Thomsen and Heilmann- palynomorphs. The record of one possible specimen of Spongodinium Clausen (1984) described H. coninckii from the Danian in Denmark delitiense from the lower part of the Christian IV Formation at the and noted that the species also ranges down into the upper Skiferbjerg 2004 section (Appendix 2a) may suggest an early Campanian Maastrichtian. age or younger according to Williams et al. (2004). The Skiferbjerg Basal The FO of Triblastula utinensis indicates mid Maastrichtian. Schiøler section yielded one possible specimen of Laciniadinium arcticum which and Wilson (1993) recorded the range of T. utinensis from their suggests an age not younger than late Maastrichtian and a possible T. utinensis Range Zone (Fig. 5) of mid early to early late Maastrichtian specimen of Phelodinium kozlowski which suggests an age not older age, in the Danish North Sea. Schiøler et al. (1997) reported the LO than late Campanian. of T. utinensis from the lowermost upper Maastrichtian in the The FO of Cerodinium diebelii and the FO of the pollen Wodehouseia Maastrichtian stratotype in the Netherlands. spp. and the presence of Aquilapollenites spp. indicate an early The first common occurrence of Areoligera spp. and the FO of Maastrichtian age. Schiøler and Wilson (2001) recorded the FO of Cerodinium striatum from the middle part of the Christian IV Formation C. diebelii from the uppermost Campanian in the Campanian– (Fig. 4) indicate a mid Maastrichtian age. Firth (1987, 1993) recognised Maastrichtian stratotype at Tercis les Bains, France, and Nichols and the FO of Cerodinium dartmoorium together with a high abundance of Sweet (1993) considered the FO of the genus Wodehouseia to mark Areoligera cysts from the lower–upper Maastrichtian boundary in the Campanian–Maastrichtian boundary. Georgia, U.S.A.; he suggested that the abundance of Areoligera cysts Author's Personal Copy

74 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 might reflect a level of maximum transgression in the mid Maastrichtian. The uppermost part of the Christian IV Formation, just below the Schiøler and Wilson (1993) also recorded common Areoligera spp. from basalt, is barren of palynomorphs or only contains corroded and the lower Maastrichtian in the North Sea and Schiøler et al. (1997) thermally degraded specimens of the genus Isabelidinium (Fig. 4, reported Areoligera coronata from the lower part of upper Maastrichtian Appendix 2b). This and the absence of markers of latest Maastrichtian in the Netherlands. age (e.g. Palynodinium grallator) indicate that the age of the upper- The FO of Alisocysta circumtabulata also indicates a late Maastrichtian most Maastrichtian strata could not be further refined. age; the species seems to have a narrow range in the middle part of the The upper part of the Christian IV Formation, between the FO and upper Christian IV Formation (Fig. 4; Appendix 2b). Firth (1987) LO of Wodehouseia spinata correlates with the W. spinata interval of recorded the FO of A. circumtabulata from the upper Maastrichtian of late Maastrichtian age, as described from West Greenland (Nøhr- Georgia, U.S.A. Alisocysta circumtabulata first occurs in the lowermost Hansen, 1996, Figs. 4, 5). It has not been possible to prove the presence upper Maastrichtian in the Maastrichtian type section in the Netherlands of the uppermost Maastrichtian Palynodinium grallator Zone (Fig. 5) (Schiøler et al., 1997). Marheinecke (1992) recorded the first occurrence reported from the North Sea (Schiøler and Wilson, 1993) and West of A. circumtabulata from the uppermost lower Maastrichtian in Greenland (Nøhr-Hansen and Dam, 1997, 1999) which may indicate Germany. the presence of a hiatus spanning the K–Pg boundary. The LOs of Trithyrodinium quinqueangulare, Deflandrea cf. D. galeata, Palaeotetradinium silicorum and Rottnestia wetzelii occur in 6. Biostratigraphic discussion of the lower/upper Maastrichtian the upper part of the Christian IV Formation In the Maastrichtian boundary type section in the Netherlands, the LOs of T. quinqueangulare and R. wetzelii occur just below the FO of the uppermost Maastrichtian According to Ogg et al. (in Gradstein et al., 2004) the definition of marker Palynodinium grallator (Schiøler et al., 1997)whereasthe the boundary between the lower and upper Maastrichtian is still a LOs of D. galeata and P. silicorum are situated just a few meters matter of debate. The FO of the pollen Wodehouseia spinata was above this marker. Marheinecke (1992) also recorded the LO of T. regarded as an upper Maastrichtian marker by Nichols and Sweet quinqueangulare from the uppermost lower Maastrichtian in (1993) in the Western Interior Basin. They reported the lowest occur- Germany. rence of W. spinata in the ammonite zone of Hoploscaphites aff. The LOs of Wodehouseia spinata, Laciniadinium arcticum, Wodehouseia H. nicolleti (Fig. 5) in Montana in the central part of the basin and in spp. and Impagidinium victoriense (possibly synonymous with the the equivalent Sphenodiscus Zone in Wyoming, whereas this species species Impagidinium cf. I. dispertitum of Nøhr-Hansen, 1996)indicate ranges as low as strata just above the Sphenodiscus Zone or possibly an uppermost Maastrichtian age according to Nichols and Sweet (1993) as low as the underlying ammonite Baculites clinolobatus Zone in and Nøhr-Hansen (1996). the southern part of the basin in Colorado (Nichols and Sweet,

Plate IX.

1. Cerodinium denticulata Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-1 100 m 32.2–21.8, LVR 29610 2. Palaeocystodinium bulliforme Watkins Fjord 2003, 413269-4 100 m 29.0–11.0, LVR 29611 3. Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum Watkins Fjord 2003, 413271-4 105 m 36.0–10.0, LVR 29616 4. Areoligera sp. Watkins Fjord 2003, 413271-4 105 m 36.2–10.5, LVR 29614 5–6. Areoligera sp. Watkins Fjord 2003, 413271-4 105 m 44.1–14.5, LVR 29612–13 7. Areoligera sp. Watkins Fjord 2003, 413271-2 105 m 36.0–9.9, LVR 29618 8. Hystrichodinium voigtii Sill City, 483055-3 30 m 27.0–15.0, LVR 29619 9. Raphidodinium fucatum Sill City, 483055-4 30 m 21.0–9.6, LVR 29620 10. Palaeoperidinium ?cretaceum Sill City, 483055-5 30 m 43.7–11.2, LVR 29621 11. Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides Sill City, 483055-5 30 m 22.4–12.7, LVR 29622 12. Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum Sill City, 483233-3 87 m 29.6–4.2, LVR 29624 13. Areoligera sp. Sill City, 483234-5 88 m 50.6–12.4, LVR 29625 14. Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum Sill City, 483236-4 90 m 20.0–3.1, LVR 29626 15–16. Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum Rybjerg Fjord, 455448-5 90 m 21.4–13.5, LVR 32679–680

Plate X. (see on page 76)

1. Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Watkins Fjord 2003, 483064-3 86 m 16.3–15.2, LVR 29627 2. Senegalinium sp. Fairytale Valley, 413144-8 141 m 35.1–20.5, LVR 29628 3. Dino sp. Fairytale Valley, 413144-7 141 m 45.1–4.2, LVR 29629 4. Senegalinium sp. Fairytale Valley, 413144-6 141 m 40.2–5.5, LVR 29631 5. Senegalinium sp. Fairytale Valley, 413144-3 141 m 46.3–19.1, LVR 29633 6. Spinidinium ?ovale Fairytale Valley, 413144-3 141 m 28.1–20.2, LVR 29630 7. Senegalinium sp. Fairytale Valley, 413144-5 141 m 44.6–5.0, LVR 29632 8. Cordosphaeridium gracile Rybjerg Fjord, 455439-3 108 m 42.8–9.3, LVR 30437 9. Cordosphaeridium gracile Rybjerg Fjord, 455439-3 108 m 54.4–9.5, LVR 30439 10. Cordosphaeridium gracile Rybjerg Fjord, 455439-7 108 m 44.2–22.9, LVR 30443 11. Cordosphaeridium gracile Rybjerg Fjord, 455439-7 108 m 48.2–3.9, LVR 30444 12. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-5 66 m 35.8–14.1, LVR 30425 13. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-5 66 m 26.5–23.2, LVR 30426 14. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-5 66 m 38.5–20.5, LVR 30427 15. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-5 66 m 28.7–23.9, LVR 30428 16. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-5 66 m 58.2–10.2, LVR 30433 17. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-5 66 m 53.6–6.6, LVR 30434 18. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-4 66 m 29.1–24.9, LVR 30435 19. Gen et sp. indet. Piasecki 1992 Sequoia Nunatak, 84-138-4 66 m 42.7–16.7, LVR 30436 Author's Personal Copy

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Plate IX. Author's Personal Copy

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Plate X (caption on page 74). Author's Personal Copy

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Table 1. Summary of studied section and formation data.

Section Appendix Samples Formation and Depositional Geological ages Preservation number analysed thickness environment

Skiferbjerg Basal 1 2 Sorgenfri Fm 30 m Marine Middle Albian Fair 1 ?Christian IV Fm ?5 m Marine ?Late Campanian/early late Maastrichtian Fair Pyramiden 1 10 Sorgenfri Fm ? m Marine Late Albian/early Cenomanian to Fair Coniacian Skiferbjerg 2004 2a and 2b 61 Christian IV Fm 250 m Marine Early to late Maastrichtian Poor to fair Sequoia West 8 Christian IV Fm 94 m Marine Late early to early late Maastrichtian Fair Sequoia Nunatak 6 Christian IV Fm 80 m Marine Early late Maastrichtian Fair 1 Sorgenfri Fm 60 m Marginal marine Cretaceous Poor Watkins Fjord 2003 0 Christian IV Fm 11 m 3 7 Sediment Bjerge Fm 29 m Marine Late Danian Poor 1 1 Sorgenfri Fm 10 m Marginal marine Cretaceous Poor Watkins Fjord 2004 5 Christian IV Fm 22 m Marginal marine Cretaceous Poor 2 Sediment Bjerge Fm 29 m Marine Late Danian Poor Fairytale Valley 3 6 Sediment Bjerge Fm 47 m Marine Middle to late Selandian Poor Sill City 1 6 Sorgenfri Fm 82 m Marine Late Cretaceous Poor 11 Sediment Bjerge Fm 14 m Marine Late Selandian Poor Rybjerg Fjord 4 3 Sediment Bjerge Fm 85 m Marine Late Selandian Poor 3 Vandfaldsdalen 32 Fm Marine Late Selandian/Thanetian Poor Kulhøje 1 Christian IV Fm 12 m Marine Cretaceous Poor 4 15 Vandfaldsdalen Fm 115 m Lacustrine to marginal marine Thanetian/Ypresian Poor

1993, p. 580). The lowest occurrence of the ammonite Hoplosca- The latter is in disagreement with Kennedy et al. (1999), who phites birkelundi (formerly Hoploscaphites aff. H. nicolleti)is, showed that the original Discoscaphites angmartussutensis material according to Ogg et al. (in Gradstein et al., 2004)aninformal from West Greenland (Birkelund, 1965) contains matrix that yielded marker for the base of the upper Maastrichtian in the Western In- palynomorphs belonging to the Cerodinium diebelii interval. However, terior; Ogg et al. (in Gradstein et al. 2004)demonstrated(fig. matrix from a younger monospecific assemblage of Discoscaphites aff. 19.1, p. 355) that the B. clinolobatus Zone occurs just below the D. angmartussutensis, in West Greenland, described as Hoploscaphites upper Maastrichtian in the Western Interior, indicating that the aff. H. angmartussutensis (Birkelund, 1965), which ranges up to 10 m possible occurrence of W. spinata in the ammonite B. clinolobatus Zone below the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary, yielded a flora belonging (Fig. 5) in the Western Interior may represent a FO of latest early Maas- to the Wodehouseia spinata interval of Nøhr-Hansen (1996). The trichtian age. Srivastava (1970) originally erected the W. spinata Zone matrix from one of the Discoscaphites aff. D. angmartussutensis for the upper Maastrichtian in Alberta, Canada and subdivided the specimens from West Greenland contains the pollen Wodehouseia cf. zone into three subzones. However, Catuneanu and Sweet (1999) W. fimbriata, which is remarkable since the FO of W. fimbriata is erected a fourth subzone in the lowermost part of the W. spinata Zone normally a lower Paleocene marker (Srivastava, 1970; Catuneanu and suggested a latest early Maastrichtian age for the new Subzone A. and Sweet, 1999). A.R. Sweet (personal communication, 1994) has Subzone A was defined by the presence and co-occurrence of W. spinata confirmed, however that specimens similar to the Wodehouseia cf. and Scollardia trapaformis, the general absence of other miospore taxa W. fimbriata from West Greenland have been recorded from the typical of early late Maastrichtian age and a reverse polarity chron uppermost Maastrichtian in the Western Interior (see Nøhr-Hansen, (C30r). 1996, p. 25). The discussion above indicates that the lower part of the Wodehouseia The presence of Wodehouseia spinata in the upper part of the spinata interval in the Kangerlussuaq area may be of latest early Christian IV Formation in the Kangerlussuaq Basin thus most likely Maastrichtian age. However, it has tentatively been referred to the indicates a late Maastrichtian age (Figs. 4, 5). upper Maastrichtian based on the absence of the lower Maastrichtian marker Scollardia trapaformis. The younger part of the Christian IV Formation from the FO of Deflandrea cf. D. galeata is most likely of late 7. Palaeogene palynostratigraphic results Maastrichtian age as Schiøler and Wilson (1993) recorded a FO of D. galeata from the middle part of the late Maastrichtian in the Danish A marked decrease in marine species diversity and abundance part of the North Sea, whereas Kirsch (1991) recorded the FO of occurs across the boundary between the Christian IV Formation D. galeata from the mid Maastrichtian in southern Germany. The over- (Maastrichtian) and the Sediment Bjerge Formation (lower Paleocene). lying part of the Christian IV Formation from the FO of Diphyes colligerum, This may indicate a change in basin configuration leading to restricted Rottnestia cf. R. wetzelii and Hystrichostrogylon coninckii, however, strongly marine circulation. Similar changes are observed in wells of the suggests a late Maastrichtian age based on the presence of several upper Faroe–Shetland area and the change may have been a regional North Maastrichtian marker species. Atlantic event. A discussion of the biostratigraphy of the Maastrichtian Detailed studies of the upper part of the Kangerlussuaq succession succession in the Kangerlussuaq area was presented by Kelly and have made it possible to subdivide the Palaeogene succession in Whitham (in Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2006). These authors conclude that Kangerlussuaq. Most of the lower Danian is missing, corresponding the ammonite Acanthoscaphites tridens, the bivalve Spyridoceramus to the development of unconformities in the marginal areas of the tegulatus and the dinocyst Cerodinium diebelii interval characterise an Faroe–Shetland Basin. early early Maastrichtian age, whereas the ammonite Discoscaphites Palynological data from the outcrop sections representing the upper angmartussutensis in association with the bivalve S. tegulatus, dinocysts Danian to upper Selandian Sediment Bjerge Formation and the upper and miospores of the Wodehouseia spinata interval may characterise a Selandian–upper Thanetian or lower Ypresian Vandfaldsdalen Forma- later early Maastrichtian age (Figs. 4, 5). tion is presented below. For each formation the biostratigraphic event Author's Personal Copy

78 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90


Palyno events Palyno Subzone Palyno Skiferbjerg Basal Skiferbjerg Fjord 2004 Watkins Pyramiden Sill City Palyno Zone Palyno Group Formation Age Sant.

Raphidodinium fucatum Xiphophoridium alatum Stephodinium coronatum Xenascus gochtii Coniacian Turonian difficile (pars) Heterosphaeridium

Heterosphaeridium difficile,

Upper Cretaceous Chatangiella spp. Odontochitina cf. rhakodes Cauveridinium membraniphorum

Sorgenfri Pseudoceratiom aff. expolitum, Cenomanian Ovoidinium sp. 1 Nøhr-Hansen 1993,

Kangerdlugssuaq Ovoidinium verrucosum sp. 1 (V3) sp. Ovoidinium Ovoidinium sp. 1 Nøhr-Hansen 1993, Ovoidinium verrucosum

Subtilisphaera kalaalliti (V) Subtilisphaera Rugubivesciculites rugosus, Quantouendinium dictyophorum Albian Lower Cretaceous Lower

Pseudoceratiom polymorphum

LO Chichaouadinium vestitum, FO Rhombodella

paucispina (IV) Leptodinium cancellatum

Fig. 3. Lower to Upper Cretaceous palynological marker events and biozonation (Nøhr-Hansen, 1993, 1996) of the Sorgenfri Formation, represented by 4 sections in the Kangerlussuaq Basin.

species are listed, discussed, and where possible correlated with strati- overlain by volcanics (Fig. 2). The depositional environment of the graphic schemes within and outside the region. Vandfaldsdalen Formation has been interpreted as distal fluvial, lacustrine and shallow marine, all influenced by volcanic activity 7.1. Sediment Bjerge and Vandfaldsdalen Formations (Larsen et al., 2005a). Palynomorphs are recorded from the Vandfaldsdalen Formation in the Rybjerg Fjord and Kulhøje sections The Sediment Bjerge Formation has been dated as late Danian to late (Appendix 4; Table 1). Selandian based on 9 palynological events (Fig. 6). The Sediment Bjerge Formation is subdivided into the lower Fairytale Valley Member, 7.1.1. Upper Danian palynological events interpreted as sandy turbidite channel fills in a proximal submarine fan Upper Danian palynomorphs have been recorded from two sections: environment (Hamberg, 1990) and the upper Klitterhorn Member, inter- Watkins Fjord 2003 and Watkins Fjord 2004 (Fig. 6; Appendix 3 and preted as shallow marine sandstones (Larsen et al., 2005a). Palynomorphs supplementary information); these sections represent the lowermost are recorded from the Fairytale Valley Member in 5 sections (Watkins exposed part of the Fairytale Valley Member. Fjord 2003, 2004, Fairytale Valley, Sill City, Rybjerg Fjord; Fig. 6; The FOs of Palaeocystodinium bulliforme, Senegalinium iter- Appendices 3, 4; Table 1 and supplementary information), whereas laaense, common Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum and the absence of palynomorphs from the Klitterhorn Member were only recorded from Alisocysta margarita, followed by the FO of the informal species Spi- the Rybjerg Fjord section (Appendix 4). The Vandfaldsdalen Formation niferites ‘magnificus’, first mentioned by Mudge and Bujak (1996) has been dated as late Selandian to Thanetian or earliest Ypresian but not described or illustrated, Cerodinium denticulata,common based on 4 palynological events (Fig. 6). The Vandfaldsdalen Formation Areoligea species and by the LOs of P. bulliforme and S. ‘magnificus’ is subdivided into the Schjelderup, Willow Pass and Kulhøje Members within the lowermost part of the Fairytale Valley Member (Fig. 6, Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 79

Macrofossils Kangerlugssuaq Kelly and Whitham Sections in Nøhr-Hansen et al. 2006 Palyno events Ammonite records Bivalve records Palyno Zone Palyno Epoch Group Formation Age Skiferbjerg 2004 Skiferbjerg Basal Skiferbjerg Sequoia West Sequoia Nunatak Isabelidinium spp. Laciniadinium arcticum, Wodehouseia spp. Wodehouseia spinata, Impagidinium victorianum Rottnestia wetzelii

Palaeotetradinium silicorum Deflandrea cf. galeata, Trithyrodinium quinqueangulare,

Alisocysta circumtabulata

Diphyes colligerum Alisocysta circumtabulata late Maastrichtian Wodehouseia spinata Wodehouseia

Areoligera spp. Common, Cerodinium striatum Triblastula utinensis Hystrichostrogylon coninckii Rottnestia cf. wetzelii, Diphyes colligerum Circulodinium distinctum Acme

Chatangiella cf. victoriensis, Deflandrea cf. galeata, Discoscaphites angmartussutensis

Wodehouseia spinata

Christian IV Cerodinium speciosum Kangerdlugssuaq Upper Cretaceous Spyridoceramus tegulatus Spyridoceramus Acanthoscaphites tridens

Alterbidinium acutulum

Palaeocystodinium australinum Acme early Maastrichtian Cerodinium diebelii

Trithyrodinium quinqueangulare

Alterbidinium acutulum Wodehouseia spp., Cerodinium diebelii, Aquilapollenites spp. LO Phelodinium kozlowskii FO

?Campanian Spongodinium delitiense

Fig. 4. Maastrichtian, Upper Cretaceous palynological marker events and biozonation (Nøhr-Hansen, 1996) correlated with selected macrofossil records from the Christian IV Formation, represented by 4 sections in the Kangerlussuaq Basin.

Appendix 3) indicate a late Danian age, correlating with the P. bulli- Palaeocystodinium bulliforme is common onshore Nuussuaq, forme Zone described from Nuussuaq, West Greenland by Nøhr- West Greenland where it ranges from the P. bulliforme Zone (mid Hansen et al. (2002, Fig. 5), who correlated this zone with the to upper Danian) and into the Alisocysta margarita Zone (upper Danian lower and middle part of nannoplankton Zone NP4 of Martini or lower Selandian, Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2002). Palaeocystodinium (1971, Fig. 5). bulliforme has also been recorded onshore at Kap Brewster, East el n hta in Whitham and Kelly 5. Fig. aaoeeplnlgclbooaino h agrusa ai orltdwt ayooia oain rmWs reln n h ot e.N oe of Zones NP Sea. North the and Greenland West from zonations palynological with correlated Basin Kangerlussuaq the of biozonation palynological Palaeogene 70.5 70.0 69.5 69.0 68.5 68.0 67.5 67.0 66.5 66.0 65.5 65.0 64.5 64.0 63.5 63.0 62.5 62.0 61.5 61.0 60.0 59.5 59.0 58.5 58.0 57.5 57.0 56.5 56.0 55.5 60.5

Age Ma l. Selan- dian

early ? Chrono- late Maastrichtian Danian Selandian Thanetian/Ypresian Age Maastrichtian stratigraphy ørHne ta.(2006) al. et Nøhr-Hansen ?? Lithostratigraphy Kangerlugssuaq Blosseville Group Kangerlugssuaq

Christian IV Sediment Bjerge Vandfaldsdalen Formation Schjelderup Klitterhorn Volcanic

Fairytale Valley ? Willow Pass/Kulhøje Member Shetland Faroe- Sullom Vaila Lamba Flett Formation T40 T45 Sequence of T10 T20 ?T20-30 T30 Ebdon et al. 1995 ?Palaeoperidinium Palaeocystodinium Palaeoperidinium Kangerlugssuaq Present study Wodehouseia pyrophorum pyrophorum Cerodinium Palynology Intervals/ bulliforme Zones spinata diebelii orltdwt eod rmWs reln ( Greenland West from records with correlated Palaeocystodinium Trithyrodinium Wodehouseia Senegalinium pannuceum Cerodinium Cerodinium iterlaaense Alisocysta bulliforme Intervals/ Nøhr-Hansen andDam1997; margarita Palynology WestGreenland spinata diebelii Zones evittii Nøhr-Hansen etal.2002 Nøhr-Hansen 1996; Spong. delitiense Trithyrodinium Palynodinium Sen. inornata Subzones grallator evittii Hystrichostrogylon borisii Palaeocyst. denticulatum Author's Palynodinium grallator Triblastula utinensis Wilson 1993 Schiøler and Isabelidinium Palynology North Sea cooksoniae Zones end ta. 1999 al., et Kennedy NP Zones NP 6pars Martini Zones 1971 NP1 NP2 NP3 NP4 NP5 Personal Spiniferites magnificus n arfsi oain from zonations macrofossil and ) Palaeoperidinium Senoniasphaera Isabelidinium pyrophorum viborgense inornata Zones DP1 DP2 DP3 DP4 Mudge andBujak1996 Palynology NorthSea Apectodinium augustum DP2b Spinif.magnificus DP4a Palaeoperidinium DP4b Palaeoperidinium DP2a Aliso.reticulata DP3a Thalassiphora Copy DP3b Isabelidinium pyrophorum acme pyrophorum viborgense cf. delicata Subzones DP6b Acanthoschaphites angmartussutensis g n g (2008) Ogg and Ogg Macrofossils Kangerlugssuaq Discoscaphites in Nøhr-Hansenetal.2006 Ammonite records tridens Kelly andWhitham Spyridoceramus atn (1971) Martini records tegulatus Bivalve . Kennedy etal.1999 angmartussutensis angmartussutensis Dicoscaphites aff. West Greenland Discoscaphites Macrofossils Monospecific assemblage Ammonite records eetdmcooslrcrsfo agrusuqby Kangerlugssuaq from records macrofossil Selected . Hoploschaphites birkelundi (Formerly H.aff.nicolleti) Baculites clinolobatus Ammonite zones Western Interior, North America Ogg and2008 Russian Platform Spyridoceramus Central /

Bivalve range


80 .Nh-asn/Rve fPlebtn n ayooy18(02 59 (2012) 178 Palynology and Palaeobotany of Review / Nøhr-Hansen H. 90 – Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 81


Palyno events Period Age Group Formation Member Zone Palyno Watkins Fjord 2003- 4 Fjord 2003- Watkins Valley Fairytale Sill City Rybjerg Fjord Kulhøje Volcanic

Gen. et sp. nov Acme

Pediastrum spp. Acme

Cordosphaeridium gracile Acme Blosseville Willow Pass/Kulhøje Willow Vandfaldsdalen Thanetian/Ypresian

Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum pyrophorum late ? Palaeoperidinium Schjelderup ? Selandian ? ? ? Cerodinium striatum, Areoligera spp. Acme

Cerodinium diebelii Klitterhorn pyrophorum Palaeogene Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum Acme Palaeoperidinium late Selandian

Palaeocystodinium bulliforme, Spiniferites magnificus Kangerlugssuaq Sediment Bjerge Fairytale Valley Fairytale Spiniferites magnificus, Areoligera spp. Acme bulliforme Palaeocystodinium Danian Palaeocystodinium bulliforme


Fig. 6. Palaeogene palynological marker events and biozonation (Mudge and Bujak, 1996, Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2002) of the Sediment Bjerge and Vandfaldsdalen Formations, repre- sented by 6 sections in the Kangerlussuaq Basin.

Greenland where it co-occurs with Thalassiphora delicata and A. margari- Subzone DP3a of Mudge and Bujak (1996, Fig. 5), whereas Mudge ta, suggesting a late Danian or early Selandian age (Nøhr-Hansen and and Bujak (2001) recorded the LO of the closely related species Piasecki, 2002). Palaeocystodinium cf. P. australinum from the top of their uppermost The last common occurrence of Palaeocystodinium bulliforme is a Selandian DP4b Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum Subzone (Fig. 5). useful regional North Sea bio-event according to Mangerud et al. The range of Spiniferites ‘magnificus’ and the increase in Areoligera (1999), who recorded the event from the top of the oldest subzone spp. in the lower part of the Fairytale Valley Member suggest within their Grane B (early late Paleocene age) in the upper correlation with the S. ‘magnificus’ Subzone DP2b of Mudge and half of the Våle Formation offshore Norway. This subzone correlates Bujak (1996, Fig. 5). The top of the uppermost Danian S. ‘magnificus’ with the lower part of the lower Selandian Thalassiphora cf. T. delicata Subzone (DP2b; Fig. 5) was defined by the LO of S. ‘magnificus’ in Author's Personal Copy

82 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 the North Sea by Mudge and Bujak (1996), who noted that S. most samples, whereas no evidence of any marine algal types (including ‘magnificus’ had not been recorded outside the North Sea. Sub- dinocysts) was recorded. sequently Mudge and Bujak (2001) reported the subzone from the Re-examination of the Kulhøje Member samples (Appendix 4) has Faroe–Shetland Basin, and Mangerud et al. (1999) defined the top illustrated that the bisaccate pollen peak in the lower part is followed of their lower Paleocene (Danian) Grane A Biozone by the LO of the by abundant Pediastrum specimens whereas common specimens of S. ‘magnificus’ in the middle of the Våle Formation offshore Norway. the dinocyst Gen et sp. indet. of Piasecki et al. (1992; Plate X) occur Mudge and Bujak (2001) also reported common to abundant Areoli- in the middle part. The new record of this taxon is interesting, not gera spp. in the upper Danian S. ‘magnificus’ Subzone within the only as it is regarded as a fresh to brackish water indicator, but also Faroe–Shetland Basin. The late Danian age suggested here for the since it is of stratigraphic value. The species was first recorded from lower part of the Sediment Bjerge Formation correlates with the top shale clasts in subaqueous volcanic breccias from the lower Rinks of sequence T10 of Ebdon et al. (1995) and the upper part of the Sul- Dal Member in West Greenland (Piasecki et al., 1992), dated as 60.5± lom Formation (Mudge and Bujak 2001, Fig. 5). 0.4 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar measurements (Storey et al., 1998), indicating a Selandian age. The species has subsequently been recorded commonly 7.1.2. Upper Selandian palynological events in offshore wells of eastern Canada (Nøhr-Hansen, 2004)insediments Very poorly preserved, thermally altered upper Selandian palyno- within and just above the Apectodinium maximum (upper Thanetian assemblages of low diversity and low density have been recorded or lower Ypresian, top of the Apectodinium augustum DP6b Subzone of from three sections: Fairytale Valley, Sill City and Rybjerg Fjord Mudge and Bujak, 1996, 2001, Fig. 5), and recently Gen et sp. indet. of (Fig. 6; Appendices 3, 4 and supplementary information). The sections Piasecki et al. (1992) has been recorded from Wollaston Forland, represent the uppermost part of the deep marine Fairytale Valley onshore North–East Greenland from a thin mud layer, of presumably Member, the shallow marine Klitterhorn Member of the Sediment Bjerge the same age, which is directly overlain by volcanic rocks (Nøhr- Formation and the lower part of the fluvial-dominated Schjelderup Hansen et al., 2011). The oldest lava analysed from Wollaston Forland Member of the Vandfaldsdalen Formation (Figs.2,5,6). has been dated as early Ypresian (55.02±0.49) by 39Ar/40Ar (L.M. Larsen Common Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum, Areoligera spp. and the LO personal communication, 2008), indicating an early Ypresian minimum of Cerodinium diebelii in the upper part of the Fairytale Valley Member agefortheyoungestprevolcanicsediments. (Fig. 6) indicate an age not younger than mid to late Selandian corre- These new records indicate that Gen et sp. indet. of Piasecki et al. lating with the P. pyrophorum Zone DP4 of Mudge and Bujak (1996, (1992) ranges from Selandian to upper Thanetian or lower Ypresian 2001, Fig. 5). and that the age of the Kulhøje Member is thus within the upper Common Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum, Areoligera spp. and the LO part of that range. of Cerodinium striatum in the middle part of the Klitterhorn Member also indicate an age not younger than late Selandian, correlating 8. Discussion of the palynological dating of the youngest sediments with the upper part of the P. pyrophorum Zone DP4 of Mudge and and volcanics of the Vandfaldsdalen Formation Bujak (1996, 2001, Fig. 5). The very poor preservation state of organic-walled fragments The onset of volcanism in East Greenland has previously been recorded from samples from the Schjelderup and Willow Pass constrained by an intrabasaltic mudstone containing the dinocyst Members make species identification almost impossible. Some poorly Wetzeliella homomorpha (now Apectodinium homomorphum; Soper preserved dinocyst fragments have been suggested to be fragments of et al., 1976). Soper et al. (1976) suggested that the Wetzeliella flora Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum (Appendix 4, Plate IX), which if correct indicates an early Sparnacian age, corresponding to the Ypresian indicates a latest Selandian age, probably the uppermost part of (early Eocene). The original sample material has, however, not been P. pyrophorum Zone DP4 of Mudge and Bujak (1996, 2001, Fig. 5). available to the present study. An attempt in 2004 to resample the The present study indicates that the upper part of the Fairytale Valley section at Rybjerg Fjord (Fig. 1) failed due to inaccurate descriptions Member, the Klitterhorn Member and the lower part of the Schjel- of the original sample location. derup Member correlate with the upper part of the Vaila Formation A latest Paleocene (T40) age was later suggested by Jolley and (Mudge and Bujak, 2001), zones NP5 and NP6 of Martini (1971) Whitham (2004) based on samples from the pre-basaltic Kulhøje and with the top of sequence T20 or lower part T30 of Ebdon et al. Member of the Vandfaldsdalen Formation (Kangerlussuaq area) and (1995, Fig. 5). their correlation with North–East Greenland floral assemblages. The youngest marine dinocysts are recorded in the Willow Pass The present new records of dinocysts from the Willow Pass Member Member from the Rybjerg Fjord section. The presence of common and the Kulhøje Member (Vandfaldsdalen Formation, Appendix 4)and Cordosphaeridium sp. fragments (?Cordosphaeridium gracile; Plate X) recent absolute dating (Storey et al., 2007) suggest a late Thanetian or may suggest a Selandian or Thanetian age for the Willow Pass Member early Ypresian age for the youngest Palaeogene sediments in the Kanger- (Appendix 4; Figs. 5, 6). lussuaq Basin. The different dating results for the onset of volcanism in southern 7.1.3. Thanetian/Ypresian palynological events East Greenland are presented below. A new palynological study of the youngest pre-basaltic part of the Jolley and Whitham (2004) previously dated their Unit 1 or ‘Upper’ Vandfaldsdalen Formation (the Kulhøje Member, Fig. 2)fromthe Rybjerg Formation (now Sediment Bjerge Formation, Figs. 2, 5) in the Kulhøje section at Sequoia Nunatak (Appendix 4)hasrevealed Sorgenfri/W4218 section and the Pyramiden/W4229 section as T40 non-marine dinocysts that suggest a late Thanetian or early Ypresian (late Thanetian) based on the common pollen Caryapollenites age. veripites and Alnipollenites verus. According to Jolley and Whitham Based on their study of the Kulhøje section, Hjortkjær and Jolley (2004), C. veripites had its first appearance in NW Europe at the (1999) correlated the non-marine Kulhøje palynoflora with palyno- T38/T40 boundary, and the common to abundant occurrence of this associations from the upper part of the Lamba Formation (T36) and the taxon is restricted to the T40 interval succeeding the late Paleocene lower and mid Flett Formation (T40, late Thanetian, Fig. 5)intheFaroe– thermal maximum (LPTM). An Apectodinium spp. bloom and the Shetland basin. D.J. McIntyre (in Larsen et al., 2005a)alsodescribedthe presence of Apectodinium augustum in the North Atlantic region palyno-flora of the Kulhøje Member from the Kulhøje section at Sequoia were attributed to the LPTM by Crouch et al. (2001), this corresponds Nunatak and suggested a Paleocene age based on miospores. D.J. McIntyre to the Paleocene–Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) of subsequent recorded abundant bisaccate pollen, especially from the lower part of the workers which occurred at about 56 Ma and lasted for c. 170 kyr section, and noted that the freshwater algae Pediastrum are present in (Harding et al., 2011). However, A. augustum and the Apectodinium Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 83 spp. bloom were not recognised in the sample material from the Kan- Sill City successions, a palyno-stratigraphy has been proposed for the gerlussuaq area, neither by Soper et al. (1976) nor by Jolley and Cretaceous–lower Palaeogene succession in the Kangerlussuaq area of Whitham (2004). They based their T40 age designation from the Kan- southern East Greenland. gerlussuaq area on correlation of the pollen C. veripites and A. verus The Lower to Upper Cretaceous Sorgenfri Formation has been with sections in North–East Greenland where the pollen co-occurs dated as middle Albian to latest Coniacian or ?early Santonian; with A. augustum (Jolley and Whitham, 2004). 18 biostratigraphical marker events have been recognised and Samples from Kulhøje (now Kulhøje Member of the Vandfaldsda- correlated with three zones and one subzone of Nøhr-Hansen len Formation, Figs. 2, 5) also included palynofloras typical of the T40 (1993,1996). interval (Jolley and Whitham, 2004). Based on the presence of Carya- The Upper Cretaceous Christian IV Formation has been dated as pollenites veripites and Alnipollenites verus, Jolley and Whitham early to late Maastrichtian, and divided into two palyno-intervals. (2004) dated both the Sediment Bjerge and Vandfaldsdalen Forma- Ten biostratigraphical marker events have been recognised in the tions (not specified into members) as late Thanetian (upper part of lower Cerodinium diebelii interval representing the lower Maas- T40). trichtian and 22 biostratigraphical marker events have been recog- The recorded fragments of Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum in the nised in the upper Wodehouseia spinata interval representing the present study from the Rybjerg Fjord section (Appendix 4) suggest upper Maastrichtian; the uppermost part of the Maastrichtian that the Klitterhorn Member (upper part of Sediment Bjerge has not been recorded from the Kangerlussuaq area. The biostrati- Formation) and the lower part of Schjelderup Member (basal unit of graphic ranges of palynomorphs and macrofossil around the Vandfaldsdalen Formation) are not younger than late Selandian, lower to upper Maastrichtian boundary have been discussed and that the lower part of Willow Pass Member (middle part of correlated. Vandfaldsdalen Formation) may be of late Selandian age, and that The Sediment Bjerge Formation and the Vandfaldsdalen Forma- the upper part of the Willow Pass Member may be of Thanetian age tion are dated as late Danian, Selandian and Thanetian or early (Fig. 2). Ypresian age; 13 biostratigraphical marker events have been recog- Hansen et al. (2002) proposed the name Urbjerget Formation for nised and correlated with the Palaeoperidinium pyrophorum Zone of the oldest dated onshore pre breakup lava flows from Prinsen af Mudge and Bujak (1996) and the Palaeocystodinium bulliforme Zone Wales Bjerge (Fig. 1), southern East Greenland. They dated the lava of Nøhr-Hansen et al., 2002. as late Danian–early Selandian (61.0±1.1 and 61.6±1.3 Ma) by The results indicate two significant hiatuses: between the Sorgenfri 40Ar/39Ar and indicated that the intermixed basaltic lava flows and and Christian IV Formations spanning the ?upper Coniacian–Santonian sediments of the Urbjerget Formation have chemical characteristics and Campanian, and a younger hiatus between the Christian IV and similar to the coastal Vandfaldsdalen Formation lava flows. These Sediment Bjerge Formations spanning the uppermost Maastrichtian workers also noted, however, that “it is difficult to postulate that and the lower Danian, representing a break of 2–3 million . A the ‘old flows’ at Urbjerget are related to the same volcanic third minor hiatus may occur in the mid Paleocene. as the Vandfaldsdalen Formation lavas, mainly because of the large The youngest sediments of the Vandfaldsdalen Formation are dated as distance (c. 80 km) between the two areas of exposure” (Hansen et Thanetian or early Ypresian based on palynological dating and these al., 2002, p. 207). results are discussed in relation to the radiometric datings of the Palaeo- Recently, Storey et al. (2007) dated the lowest basalts at Nansen gene volcanic successions. Fjord (Fig. 1) to 59.2±1.4 and 57.7±0.5 Ma by 40Ar/39Ar (early The majority of the 63 recognised biostratigraphical marker events Selandian to early Thanetian). At Nansen Fjord, the basalts rest facilitate direct correlation with Cretaceous and Palaeogene events on Paleocene sediments and have been described informally as and palynozonations from West Greenland, North–East Greenland, the ‘Nansen Fjord Formation’ (Larsen et al., 1999). Storey et al. and the North Sea, and these results provide a robust framework for (2007) also dated a syn breakup lava flow sample (GGU no. correlation to the Faroe–Shetland Basin. 404107) from the Milne Land Formation to 56.1±0.5 by 40Ar/39Ar (late Thanetian or early Ypresian); this sample is important for the dating of the Kulhøje Member as it is collected at Lindbergh Fjelde Acknowledgements (L.M. Larsen personal communication, 2011), very close to the Kulhøje section (Fig. 1). The companies of the Sindri Group are gratefully acknowledged The present palynological data indicate that only the lower part of for their generous support of the project. The licensees of the Sindri the Vandfaldsdalen Formation (the Schjelderup Member and maybe Group during the project were: Agip Denmark BV, Amerada Hess the Willow Pass Member) may be time equivalent with the Urbjerget (Faroes) Ltd., Anadarko Faroes Company, P/F Atlantic Petroleum, BP Formation, whereas the upper part of the Vandfaldsdalen Formation Amoco Exploration Faroes Ltd., British Gas International BV, DONG (the Kulhøje Member volcanics) may be younger than the Nansen Føroyar P/F, Enterprise Oil Exploration Ltd., Føroya Kolvetni P/F, Fjord Formation and older or time equivalent with the lower part of Petro-Canada Faroes GmbH, Phillips Petroleum Europe Exploration the Milne Land Formation. Ltd., Shell (UK) Ltd., and Statoil Færøyene AS. The interpretations It is not yet possible to present a full solution to the challenge of dating given in this paper are based on GEUS samples collected during and correlating the oldest Palaeogene volcanic successions in the field work by GEUS and CASP in the period 1995–2004 by a number Kangerlussuaq basin (Urbjerget, Nansen Fjord, Milne Land and upper of . Particular thanks are directed to M. Larsen, L. Hamberg Vandfaldsdalen Formations) and the youngest mixed successions of sand- (DONG Energy) S.R.A. Kelly, A.G. Whitham, C. Johnson and C.S. Pickles stones and mudstones with strong influence of volcanic activity (lower (CASP), M. Bjerager (GEUS), S. Olaussen (Statoil), and E. Hoch, The Vandfaldsdalen Formation) although the absolute datings and the paly- Geological Museum of Copenhagen. M. Larsen and M. Sønderholm nological records described above indicate a broad late Danian or early (DONG Energy), S. Piasecki (GEUS) and S.R.A. Kelly (CASP) are Selandian to late Thanetian or early Ypresian age for the volcanic– thanked for discussion, and J.R. Ineson (GEUS), the Editor-in-Chief sedimentary complex. Prof. M. H. Stephenson and two anonymous referees for constructive criticism of the manuscript. The author is grateful to Y. Desezar, 9. Conclusion A. Ryge and D. Samuelsen (GEUS) who prepared the samples and to J. Halskov (GEUS) who produced the figures. The paper is pub- Based on material from the Pyramiden area, the Skiferbjerg lished with permission of the Geological Survey of Denmark and succession and material from the Watkins Fjord, Fairytale Valley and Greenland. Appendix pedx1. Appendix 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Elevation (m) Cenomanian e. Santonian m. Turonian- Albian - middle Albian

late Albian - late Cenomanian Turonian - Coniacian Age early Cenomanian opst ag-hr o h ognr omto,rpeetn aaf data representing Formation, Sorgenfri the for range-chart Composite

Sorgenfri Formation Rhombodella Subtilisphaera Heterosphaeridium difficile (pars) Palyno Zone paucispina (IV) kalaalliti (V) Ovoidinium sp. 1 (V3) Sub Zone Nøhr-Hansen 1993 Fjord 2004 Skiferbjerg Watkins Sill City Basal Pyramiden Section 255090 255100 255091 255089 255088 255103 255102 483054 483055 455680 455685 483069 255096 255101 255099 Samples

1 11151 11 4 11 11111115 111 Bourkidinium spp. Chichaouadinium vestitum 142242111111121111 112214111 4 222 4 11 3 1 21123135 1 1 11 1 12 2111558 110121 1 211 9418211112111211221 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 8 1 4 19 16 1 22 2 6 1 1 3 12 82281 64114 42 ?1 1? 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 25 14 1 4 12 14 51 53 1? 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 32 15 1 6 15 15 41 11193 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 35 9 1 1 11 2 2 14 14 89511 91 29 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 9 17 1 5 9 18 Circulodinium distinctum 9113461 ?111112 6 20 1 1 1 1 1 1? 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 7 1 12 6 4 3 1 1 29

Desmocysta plekta Epelidosphaeridia spp. Gonyaulacysta spp. Hapsocysta benteae Hystrichodinium pulchrum Kiokansium polypes Leptodinium cancellatum Oligosphaeridium complex

3 Palaeoperidinium cretaceum Pseudoceratium spp. 51 3 4 Spiniferites spp.

Tanyosphaeridium spp. Wrevittia cf. helicoidea Apteodinium cf.grande Circulodinium sp. 1 HNH 1993 Cleistosphaeridium huguoniotii Cribroperidinium spp. Litosphaeridium arundum Odontochitina spp. o h akn jr 04 kfrjr aa,PrmdnadSl iysecti City Sill and Pyramiden Basal, Skiferbjerg 2004, Fjord Watkins the rom Oligosphaeridium cf. asterigerum Oligosphaeridium poculum Oligosphaeridium sp 1 HN-H 1993 Pseudoceratium polymorphum

Surculosphaeridium longifurcatum Author's 1? Quantouendinium dictyophorum Chlamydophorella nyei

Cyclonephelium cf.compactum 2 Florentinia spp. Litosphaeridium siphoniphorum Nematosphaeropsis aff. densiradiata ?1? 1? Odontochitina ancala Odontochitina costata 2 21 1?1?523 1221? 8 1?

Odontochitina operculata Personal Ovoidinium sp 1 HN-H 1993 1?

Ovoidinium verrucosum Dinocysts 1 2? Palaeohystrichophora infusorioides Palaeoperidinium sp 1 HN-H 1993 Pervosphaeridium pseudhystrichodinium Pseudoceratium aff. expolitum Rhombodella paucispina Subtilispharea kalaalliti 1? ?2? 1? 2? 631 1111 11 3111 26 Xenascus ceratioides 1? 1? Xiphophoridium alatum 1312 11 1? 2? 2? 2? Achomosphaera spp. Callaiosphaeridium asymmetricum Cometodinium spp. Dinopterygium cladoides Copy Endoscrinium campanula Epelidosphaeridia spinosa Heslertonia spp. 1 Impagidinium spp. Odontochitina porifera Palaeohystrichophora cheit Stephodinium coronatum Vesperopsis mayi 1

2 Cauveridinium membraniphorum 1? Hystrichosphaeropsis aff. quasicribrata 7 Pervosphaeridium spp. Coronifera oceanica n.L:ls curne FO: occurrence, last LO: ons. Fromea fragilis 1? 1

1? 1? Isabelidinium acuminatum Isabelidinium magnum Isabelidinium spp.

1? Wrevittia cassidata Chatangiella spp. Cribroperidinium exilicristatum Florentinia deanei Fromea amphora 61 Heterosphaeridium difficile

Odontochitina cf. rhakodes Rottnestia aff. wetzelii 1 Oligosphaeridium spp. Xenascus gochtii Cometodinium obscurum Trichodinium castanea 1? 3? fi

s curne C ciacs P prsadpollen. and spores SP: acritarchs, AC: occurrence, rst Microdinium spp. 5 Chlamydophorella cf. nyei 4 Hystrichodinium voigtii 1? Raphidodinium fucatum 1 spp. AC 1 Paralecaniella indentata 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 SP

13 Rugubivesciculites rugosus 40 50 60 70 80 90 110 130 140 150 160 165 27 Apteodinium Pseudoceratiom polymorphum, arundum, Litosphaeridium Circulodinium Quantouendinium dictyophorum Rugubivesciculites rugosus, Ovoidinium verrucosum Pseudoceratium aff. expolitum, Ovoidinium siphoniphorum, Litosphaeridium Ovoidinium verrucosum, Subtilisphaera kalaalliti Pseudoceratium aff. expolitum, Ovoidinium siphoniphorum, Litosphaeridium Hapsocysta benteae, Stephodinium coronatum Cauveridinium membraniphorum aff.Hystrichosphaeropsis quasicribrata, Isabelidinium magnum Isabelidinium acuminatum, Wrevittia cassidata, Odontochitina Rottnestia difficile,Heterosphaeridium Chatangiella Xenascus gochtii aff.Hystrichosphaeropsis quasicribrata difficile Heterosphaeridium Stephodinium coronatum, alatum Xiphophoridium alatum Xiphophoridium Raphidodinium fucatum Leptodinium cancellatum Chichaouadinium vestitum, aff. wetzelii sp 1HN-H1993, sp 1HN-H1993, cf. grande, Hapsocystabenteae sp 1HNH1993 cf. rhakodes Events



84 .Nh-asn/Rve fPlebtn n ayooy18(02 59 (2012) 178 Palynology and Palaeobotany of Review / Nøhr-Hansen H. 90 – Author's Personal Copy .Nh-asn/Rve fPlebtn n ayooy18(02 59 (2012) 178 Palynology and Palaeobotany of Review / Nøhr-Hansen H. – 90

Appendix 2. a. Range-chart for the lower part of the Christian IV Formation, representing data from the lower part of the Skiferbjerg 2004 section. LO: last occurrence, FO: first occurrence, Rew. dino.: reworked dinocysts, S & P: spores and pollen. b. Range-chart for the lower part of the Christian IV Formation, representing data from the upper part of the Skiferbjerg 2004 section. LO: last occurrence, FO: first occurrence, Rew. dinocysts.: reworked dinocysts, S & P: spores and pollen. 85 86 .Nh-asn/Rve fPlebtn n ayooy18(02 59 (2012) 178 Palynology and Palaeobotany of Review / Nøhr-Hansen H. Author's Personal Copy – 90

Appendix 2 (continued). Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 87

Appendix 3. Composite range-chart for the lower part of the Sediment Bjerge Formation, representing data from the Watkins Fjord 2003 and Fairytale Valley sections. LO: last occurrence, FO: first occurrence, Rew. dinocysts.: reworked dinocysts. Author's Personal Copy

88 H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90

Appendix 4. Composite range-chart for the upper part of the Sediment Bjerge Formation and the Vandfaldsdalen Formation, representing data from the Rybjerg Fjord and Kulhøje sections. LO: last occurrence, FO: first occurrence, FU: fungal, S & P: spores and pollen. Author's Personal Copy

H. Nøhr-Hansen / Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 178 (2012) 59–90 89

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