Requests Advice Concerning Util Application for Authorization Of

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Requests Advice Concerning Util Application for Authorization Of ' "' ' a .- .d < /. 4m . ~, i ' .v/ .u : ~ :. A _: .o . J A'._*.s . 1 5 % 4 1 .- . 2.L J. ~. o ^ k . ' , , * * 8. LENNART CELERDORO A1TORNEY AT LAW SOOM SYNDif 4TE SUH.,OING '4 40 5'tOADWAr OAKtAND $2. CA12Polt,NIA TaLape.ooes H8eAvs 4-dese DIXON In WATSON .o. ,s . October 9, 1961 Atomic Energy Commission Washington, D. C. Gentlemen: Re: Pacific Gas & Electric Gompany Power Plant Bodega Bay, California | I am writing in behalf of Mrs. Rose S. Gaffney who owns approximately 437.85 acres adjoining the "Strow property" on Bodega Head, now owned by Pacific' Gas & Electric Company. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company is seeking through condemnation , ' Utility'sto acquire present 64.9 acres holdings. belonging to Mrs. Gaffney adjoining the I am representing Mrs. Gaffney in the condemnation suit. Will you please advise concerning the following two matters : 1 - Has Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for and | been granted a permit or any. authorization for the purpose of constructing an atomic energy power plant on Bodega Head? , If such has been granted, kindly advise the date thereof. t 2 - In view of the extensive acreage owned by Pacific | ' Gas & Electric Company on Bodega Head, is it necessary that | | this Utility also acquire an additional 64.9 acres from Mrs. Gaffney, and if so, is the requirement being made by the Atomic Energy Commission or is it solely the desire of the Utility to acquire this additional property? I will appreciate an early reply to the above inquiry. Very truly yours, SLC/36 g /pth( ' | Reg. S. Lennart Cederborg ' , 8709100181 B51217 PDR FOIA i J! FIRESTOB5-665 PDR (1 | : -nyvm * ~L o ~r**7'7'9~hW~T"D TW""='XT'? ^~'YY ^ ' " '~ W " __ ' j . \ & 1 e s e n.,, e e e f 4 , . ., . b | -N fMB WmitM INF!rJ84f4T || A ggggggg COPY Of fMS OAaG...A& oN pas a TMil Orsece o % W "Anl3 a333' 1 CARRY, EREYTUS k McTERNAN EUG M D wwAMs 341 Market Street Cd i 6"'.,a .- m. e* ". r* , o,, u= d , ad 2 San Francisco 5, California > w ..,m.o ,,,. m EXbrook 2-1310 ar' i,t 4d"'/ < .'"*.e 4 5 * ci6' r~f- N. HEISL'::R f.: STZWART 8 h D:' u n 4', ' Lincoln at Seventh f,'' i, ? "4 " P. O. Drawer 3996 1 1933 5 Carmel, California EUSDE O. A '.'. .. *:r ung # M.Ayfair 4 1202 '' * *' NOCWi-. "'v vr c. ass 6 Attorneys for Petitioners 7k I a IN THE SUPIRIOR COURT OF TKI STATE OF CALITCENIA g< E4 AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SCNOMA ' 10 '1 NORTHERN CALIFCRNIA ASSOC'A- ') 11 :' ; TION TO PRISIRVE 3CO20A EI!.O AND HARECR, a corporatica, W.RY ) . 12 ! LARL;ic, SIL;.S OARLMO, CHARLCS ) | i | '?h z; GCODALZ and OORIS SLOAN. N C. 4 13 } 2t . 3 1 P etiticae r s . ) ) CROIR TO EMO;-7 Cr.L:I ( ,e '4 ) )j$h 15 V8' f THC 30ARD CT SUP2RVZ15 OT TMC f COUNTY CF SONOMA, 57 .72 CF Ce. ; , $f*Ik| 16 }. ? =, rcRNIA, - : 17 - , . 3|2 Re a pcc.iaat. j| 13 ) sy ) u * I 19 a ; e ::a ri 20 , Lpon reading and fi;ir.; u.e . ..ica for Wr:: cf i:andt:e or Cer 21 herein, and it appearing t:.enfrcen On 4: is a pros,e r cause the refor: f 22 j IT IS HERE3Y O2LIRZO cat ne responden* THE 3CA3C CT SUPIR 4 i he and 23 i VISCRS OF TZO COUNTY 07 SONO;. A, STATI OF CALIFORNI.r., s O of the r.tove entMed Co rt on ne j 74 j appear in Departrnent No. - s (v, i , 1963, at ce hour cf 1C:00 A.hL of day,1: 25 | day of 4 . 20 f the Sonom/ County Courthoase, Sar.ta Rosa. Califernia, Ben ar.d dere to I show cause, if any there be, why: 27 | 28 1. A writ of rnandate shocid r.ct issue out cf a.r.i under de seil of 21 29 I court, directed to THE EOARD OF SU?IRVISORS OF TEI COUNTY CT 30 SONOMA, STATE 07 CALIFORNIA, ccmmanding de said 30ARD to set 31 ! aside its decision granting to the Pacific Gas and I;ectric Company a use f 32 - permit on or abov.t February 9.1960, to construct a steam electric ;er.e> 1. > , * * * * _ _ . sum eF, 957.p, .ah yay gpgsPgsW4g g t , q qs e. qee. gp e@p tagg ,g p. e . , , * ' e 4 . ., ~ Lt . r # , ~ *y* .e4 i___ _ W- ._ -. # ^0 - * ^ . _ . _ _ __ . I p. ' , D , , , . h y -n - . ! ! ! l; ing plant on Sodega Head; 2 I 2. Pending judgment, the court should nct stay the operation of Resch. 3 tion Number 19032 cf the Board of Supervisors of Sonema Count',; and 4 3. A writ of certiorari should not issue from ::,urt cCrected to 5, THZ SOARO CF SUPERV150RS CF TIC COUNTY OF SCNCMA, STATO C.' 6 CALIFORNIA, commandir.g it to certify fSy to tnis court, at a specifiei 7i time and place, a transcript of the record and proceedin;s of said 3 car:t tr $ 8 granting a use permit to the Pacific Gas ar.d Electric Compc.y on or thout 9 February 9,1960, to the end that same be reviewed by this court. and fur- 10 < ther why ce Resolution of the Board granting such use should not be 11 set aside and annulled as being made and ordered without jurisdiction in ne . 12 ; pr emis e s, zf 13 | D ATED: ' 13I933 $- i i | 14 "Ie0. a;4-8 a# JOllD.tX 1 M.\ tiTINELLI a ;a 15 ) <.m a ue wperar wr - <I 16 g{!|0. 4 ifI: 17 $ a- , e aa 1 I 19 s E | 20 1 21 22 ' 23 . 2s 23 27 ; 1 | 23 i 29 30 31 32 ? i I | , ' g , h ,, * ..-.,,...... .s, . _ . ,.,.m ,. ,, __ _ ,._. __..m. .. , , _ . _ _ , , . ,-* _ *-._. -.'" < . t, }- -' . , " . 4 . ' . ,. 5 . * . ,,j, + , .4| - . - . -- . ..~2 , , f' '| . ' * * .'. .. 4 " W . ., . .. i _ ; ' ! i 1 CARRY, DREYFUS & McTERNAN 341 Market Street (}k 2 San Francisco 5, California .f EXbrook 2 1310 ( 3 , I HEISLER & STEWART - . 4 ; Lincoln at Seventh fugg 61%,,,* ' t Cl I | P. O. Drawe r 3996 & #fAtm ar ; j | 5 Cartnet, California ' Owg MAyfair 4-1202 M ' i a ,, ' { | 6 Attorneys for Petitioners 7 | 8 q 9 b 10 11 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STA'rE OF CALIFORNIA g 12 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SONOMA I j1 13 ' b 14 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION ) j; ag TO PRESERVE BODEGA HEAD AND ) ,jjg 15 HARBOR, a corporation, MARY DARLING, ) e y& SILAS DARLING, CHARLES GOODALE ) ! 16 and DORIS SLOAN, ) - O e *g ) i $#|; 17 Petitione rs, ) i v ) 18 vs. ) NO. ,.gg { ! 19 THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE ) 2 COUNTY OF SONOMA, STATE OF ) . 20 CALIFORNIA, ) . ) 21 Re sponde nt. ) ' , . ) ' 22 | 23 PETITION FOR WRIT OF MANDATE OR CERT!ORARI ' 24 The verified petition of NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION TO :i i 2S PRESERVE BODEGA HEAD AND HARBOR, a corporation. MARY DARLING, | | 26 SILAS DARLING, CHARLES GOODALE and DORIS SLOAN, for a writ of * 27 mandate or certiorari renfectfully shows: 28 g | 29 Petitioner NORTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION TO PRESERVE ' i 30 BODEGA HEAD AND HARBOR 1e a corporation organized and existing under , 31 1 and by virtue of the laws of the State of California; its corporate purposes are 32 to protect and preserve the scenic beauty and recreational vale e of Bodega N < 4 ,f ' - ; -h,rs'm p'W , r g w~7 m- q 7 % ~7t.*;'"r ~.,:w'. g=:7m m yg;,,;,pn. m n m , .p5=r . a +. u/ ,- ~ - - - .- - - ~- ~l, f. .. .. ~ | . J ! ' - . i . I * . , I 4 ,. 8 c . 1 .J .1 .l : i 1 , | ' | 1 ' a . .|. i - l 1' ' I ' | . I i . t 1 Head. Sonoma County, against commercial and industrial intrusion. i | 2 u , | , ! l 3 Petitioners MARY DARLINO and SILAS DARLINO are now and have j | 4 >een at all times rnantioned herein residents, citisens and taxpayers of the , O County of Sonoma, State of California; they reside on real property owned by I' | 1 8 them situated in the town of Bodega Bay, approximately one and one-half miles I 7 from the site of a certain proposed nuclear-fueled reactor at Bodega Head. 8 hereinafter described. ' . 9 III , 10 Petitioner DORIS SLOAN is now and has been at all times herein | 11 mentioned a resident, a citizen, and a taxpayer'of the County of Sonoma, g 12 State of California; she resides on real property owned by her situated at 734 1 z! 13 Litchfield Avenue, in the City of Sebastopol, approximately eleven miles from "f 14 the site of the said proposed nuclear. fueled reactor at Bodega Head. * y, "f : 3 15 IV g 4 m le ' 1 Petitioner CHARLES OOODALE is now and has been at all times 4 g| 37 herein mentioned the owner of real property situated near Bloomfield in the ' W { | 18 i | County of Sonoma State of California, and a taxpayer on the tax rolls of i " 1p Sonoma County: his real property is approximately six miles from the site of | | 20 the said proposed nuclear-fueled reactor at Bodega Head. 21 V 22 Respondent BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF 23 SONOMA (hereinafter referred to as " BOARD") is compo, sed of the 24 following duly elected, qualified and acting members: E. J. Ouidotti. ' 05 Ouy King. Arthur Ruonavaara. Leigh Shoemaker . and Carson . 26 Mitchell. 27 V1 28 PAQ FIC OAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY was and is now a 29 corporation organised and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the , 30 State of California, with its principal place of business in the City and County 31 of San Francisco, State of Callfornia.
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