A R M C P B, M R R S

Vegeta on cover and Health Facili es distribu on in in

610 A R M C P B, M R R S


A R M C P B, M R R S

P.f and P.v of malaria microscopy diagnosis in Salin Township in 2010 and 2011

Percentage of pa ents approched to health facili es in Salin Township in 2011

Percentage of Posi ve (P.f) pa ents treated with ACT in Salin Township in 2010 and 2011

613 A R M C P B, M R R S

Age and gender wise malaria examina on and posi ve (P.f) in Salin Township, 2010

Age and gender wise malaria examina on and posi ve (P.f) in Silin Township, 2011


A R M C P B, M R R S

Vegeta on cover and Health Facili es distribu on in in Magway Region

618 A R M C P B, M R R S

619 A R M C P B, M R R S


A R M C P B, M R R S

P.f and P.v ra o of malaria microscopy diagnosis in Saw Township in 2010 and 2011

Percentage of pa ents approached to health facili es in Saw Township in 2010 and 2011

Percentage of Posi ve (P.f) pa ents treated with ACT in Saw Township in 2010 and 2011 622 A R M C P B, M R R S

Age and gender wise malaria examina on and posi ve (P.f) in Saw Township, 2010

Age and gender wise malaria examina on and posi ve (P.f) in Saw Township, 2011


A R M C P B, M R R S

Vegeta on cover and Health Facili es distribu on in Saydoktaya Township in Magway Region

627 A R M C P B, M R R S

628 A R M C P B, M R R S


A R M C P B, M R R S

P.f and P.v ra o of malaria microscopy diagnosis in Saydoktaya Township in 2010 and 2011

Percentage of pa ents approached to health facili es in Saydoktaya Township in 2010 and 2011

Percentage of Posi ve (P.f) pa ents treated with ACT in Saytoketaya Township in 2010 and 2011 631 A R M C P B, M R R S

Age and gender wise malaria examina on and posi ve (P.f) in Saydoktaya Township , 2010

Age and gender wise malaria examina on and posi ve (P.f) in Saydoktaya Township, 2011


A R M C P B, M R R S

Vegeta on cover and Health Facili es distribu on in in Magway Region


A R M C P B, M R R S

P.f and P.v of malaria microscopy diagnosis in in 2011

Percentage of pa ents approached to health facili es in Seik Phyu Township in 2011

Percentage of Posi ve (P.f) pa ents treated with ACT in Seik Phyu Township in 2011

638 A R M C P B, M R R S

Age and gender wise malaria examina on and posi ve (P.f) in Seikphyu Township, 2011