SCAR Bulletin, No

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SCAR Bulletin, No NTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC UNIONS No. 27 September 1967 SCAR SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON ANT ARCTIC RESEARCH BULLETIN ARGENTINA AUSTRALIA BELGIUM CHILE FRANCE JAPAN NEW ZEALAND NORWAY SOUTH AFRICA UNITED KINGDOM UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS UNITED ST A TES OF AMERICA PUBLISHED BY SCOTT POLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, CAMBRIDGE, ENGLAND . INSTITUTO ANTARTICO ARGENTINO, BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA \) Reprinted from Polar Record, Vol 13, No. 87, 1967, pp. 584-610. ERRATUM SCAR Bulletin, No. 27, 1967 Page 863, line 39. For (Chairman/Secretary) read (Chairman). The Secretary of the Working Group on Geology is: R. J. Adie, Department of Geology, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham 15. Reprinted from 584 The Polar &cord, Vol 13, No 87, 1967, p 861-65 Printed in Great Britain SCAR BULLETIN No 27, September 1967 STATIONS OPERATING IN THE ANTARCTIC, WINTER 1967 (Those marked with an asterisk are north of lat 60" S.) Argentina "Decepci6n ", lat 62° 59' S, long 60° 43' W "General Belgrano'', lat 77° 58' S, long 38° 48' W "Alfarez de Navia So bra!", lat 81° 04' S, long 40° 36' W "Orcadas", lat 60° 45' S, long 44° 43' W "Teniente Matienzo", lat 64° 58' S, long 60° 02' W "Almirante Brown", lat 64° 53' S, long 62° 53' W "Petrel", lat 63° 28' S, long 56° 17' W Australia *Macquarie Island, lat 54° 30' S, long 158° 57' E Mawson, lat 67° 36' S, long 62° 53' E "Wilkes'', lat 66° 15' S, long 110° 32' E · Chile "Capitan Arturo Prat'', lat 62° 29' S, long 59° 38' W "Presidente Pedro Aguirre Cerda'', lat 62° 56' S, long 60° 36' W "General Bernardo O'Higgins", lat 63° 19' S, long 57° 54' W France *Ile de la Possession, Iles Crozet, lat 46° 25' S, long 51° 52' E *Ile Amsterdam, lat 37° 50' S, long 77° 34' E *Port aux Fran9ais, lat 49° 21' S, long 70° 12' E "Dumont d'Urville", lat 66° 40' S, long 140° 01' E Japan "Syowa ", lat 69° 00' S, long 39° 35' E New Zealand "Scott.base", lat 77° 51' S, long 166° 46' E *Campbell Island, lat 52° 33' S, long 169° 09' E [ 861 l 585 SCAR BULLETIN South Africa *Marion Island, lat 46° 53' S, long 37° 52' E *Gough Island, lat 40° 19' S, long 9° 51' W "Sanae", lat 70° 19' S, long 2° 22' W 30° Tristan ~a Cunha r -~~-4~·~~~- 7 Gough Island Prince Edward ·Bouvet¢ya 7 • Islands South 0 South ! 60 Georgia \Sal}_dwich- , Isles Islands Crozet • 4 Falkland ,south Orkney 7 60° ~Islands 8 'l".8 1 1,1,nd\\ ·""~""" / Archipel . 8 ~€1ks ij1[1lSJf)'§J Ji;:\&~. ''ill![ 1 ;; l:;;;:\ Kerguelen 44 Heard Island 120° 120° 150° O 1 SO \\ Shet/alJ Nautical miles o~~ .<;;;:J <t 2 0 Macquarie ..,. • .s'91 Islands Island • 149 6• Campbell Island Stations operating in the Antarctic, winter 1966. Station •. 1, Argentina; 2, Australia; 3, Chile; 4, France; 5, Japan; 6, New Zealand; 7, South Africa; 8, United Kingdom; 9, United States; 10, USSR. r 862 I SCAR BULLETIN 586 United Kingdom Deception Island, lat 62° 59' S, long 60° 34' W Stonington Island, lat 68° 11' S, long 67° 00' W Argentine Islands, lat 65° 15' S, long 64° 15' W Signy .Island, lat 60° 43' S, long 45° 36' W. Adelaide, lat 67° 46' S, long 68° 54' W Halley Bay, lat 75° 31' S, long 26° 38' W *Grytviken, South Georgia, lat 54° 17' S, long·36° 30' W *Stanley, Falkland Islands, lat 51° 45' S, long 57° 56' W USA "Amundsen-Scott", South Geographical Pole "New Byrd", lat 80° 01' S, long 119° 32' W McM urdo, lat 77° 51' S, long 166° 37' E "Palmer Station", lat 64° 46' S,'Iong 64° 04'·W "Plateau Station", lat 79° 28' S, long 40° 35' E USSR Mirny, lat 66° 33' S, long 93° 01' E "Novolazarevskaya", lat 70° 46' S, long 11° 50' E "Molodezhnaya'', lat 67° 40' S, long 45° 51' E "Vostok ", lat 78° 28' S, long 106° 48' E PERMANENT DELEGATES TO SCAR (Amendments to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966, p 278) !UBS: Dr R. Carrick, Mawson Institute for Antarctic Research, The University of Adelaide, Box 498 D, GPO, Adelaide, South Australia. IUGS: R. W. Willett, (amended address), Geological Survey, DSIR, Box 30368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand. URS!: Dr F. J. Hewitt (new address), Vice-President, South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, PO Box 395, Pretoria, South Africa. PERMANENT WORKING GROUPS OF SCAR Bio!ogy (Amendments to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966, p 278) Argentina: Dr A. Corte, Instituto Antartico Argentino, Cerrito 1248, Buenos Aires. Australia: Dr R. Carrick (new address), Mawson Institute for Antarctic Research, The University of Adelaide, Box 498 D, GPO, Adelaide, South Australia. Geology (Amendment to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966, p 280) New Zealand: R. W. Willett, (amended address), (Chairman/Secretary), Geological Survey, PO Box 30368, Lower Hutt. [ 863 J 587 SCAR BULLETIN Geomagnetism (Amendment to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966,_p 280-1H) Working Group disbanded (IX/SCAR). Glaciology · (Amendments to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966, p 281) France: Professor A. Bauer (new address), Centre D'Etudes Glaciologiques des Regions Arctiques et Antarctiques, Face au 22, Quai Carnot, 92-Saint-Cloud le. !ASH: Professor H. Hoinkes, Institut fiir Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universitiit Innsbruck, Schopfstrasse 41, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. (Amendment to SCAR Bulletin, No 25, 1967, p 568) USA: Dr Charles Bentley (new address), Department of Geology, Geophysical and Polar Research Center, 6021 South Highlands Road, Madison, Wisconsin 53705. Logistics (Amendments to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966, p 281-82) Australia: Dr P. G. Law (new address), Victoria Institute of Colleges, State Savings Bank Building, 258 Little Bourke Street, Melbourne C.I. Belgium: Major F. At! F. Bastin (Secretary), 548 Avenue de la Couronne, Bruxelles 5. USA: Rear-Admiral J. Lloyd Abbot, Jr, Commander, US Naval Support Force, Antarctica, Washington Navy Yard, Building 210, Washington DC 20390. Oceanography (Amendment to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966, p 283) USA: Dr Dale F. Leipper (Secretary), Department of Oceanography, College Station, Texas 77843. Upper atmosphere physics (Amendment to SCAR Bulletin, No 23, 1966, p 284) Australia: Dr F. Jacka (delete Chairman/Secretary). Secretary: Dr R. Schlich, Institute de Physique du Globe, Observatoire du Pare Saint Maur, 4 avenue de Neptune, 94 Saint Maur Des Fosses, France. EXCHANGE SCIENTISTS IN THE ANTARCTIC, 1966--67 Winter 1966 [in addition to list in SCAR Bulletin, No 25, 1967, p 547-481 Country of origin Name Subject Host country UK G. Wilson Bio1ogy Argentina ("Almirante Brown") [ 864 l SCAR BULLETIN 588 Sommer 1966-67 Country of origin Name Subject Host country Australia J. H. Bryan } D. Carter A. McClaren Geology USA (McMurdo) C. T. McElroy G.Rose Belgium E. E. Picciotto Glaciology USA ~"Plateau") R. Sauchez Geology USA McMurdo) Czechoslovakia J. Sekyra Geology USSR Japan M. Yamanaka Motor engineering USA (McMurdo. "Plateau") Norway 0. Orheim Snow studies USA ("Plateau") USA W. Dort Jr Glacial geology Japan ("Syowa") V. P. Hessler ELF observations USSR (" Vostok ") Winter 1967 USA E. E. MacNarnara Geology USSR (Molodezhnaya) USSR P. A. Astakhov Upper atmosphere USA (South Pole) physics L. M. K.Jirnov Vulcanology .USA (McMurdo) [ 865 l Reprinted from 590 The Polar Record, Vol 13, No 86, 1967, p 629-58 Printed in Great Britain REPORT OF FOURTH ANTARCTIC TREATY CONSULTATIVE MEETING, SANTIAGO, CHILE, 1966 [The Report of the Third Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting appears in the Polar Record, Vol 12, No 79, 1965, p 453-72. Hy 16 February 1967 the Recommendations then made had been approved by all the contracting governments except as follows: Recommendation 111-Vll not approved by the United States; Recommendation Ill-VIII not approved by Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States. The text reproduced below was received from the United Kingdom Delegation.] The following is the list of participants: Secretariat: His Excellency Julio Escudero (Chairman); Francisco Jose Oyarzun (Secretary General); Mario Barros (Alternate Secretary). Argentina: His Excellency Ezequiel F. Pereyra (Leader); His Excellency Roberto E. Guyer, M. Izaguirre (Alternates); F. A. Rio, J. R. Munoz, J.M. Cohen, R. N. Pan­ zarini, J. Leal (Advisers). Australia: His Excellency Ralph L. Harry (Leader); D. F. Styles, J. L. Lavett (Alternates); F. Ch. Ness (Adviser). · Belgium: His Excellency Roger Malengreau (Leader); A. van der Essen (Alternate); E. Vanderlinden (Adviser). Chile: Guillermo Pinto (Leader);· J. Araos, E. d'Etigny (Delegates); A. Forch, Srta. L. Nufiez.,Srta. L. Ramirez, R. Orellana, R. Sagredo, V. Bunster, J. Becerra, V. Dezerega, N. Bahamonde, A. Aguayo, R. Vidal (Advisers). France: HisExcellencyGerard Raoul-Duval(Leader); M. de Ladoucette (Alternate); P. Rolland (Delegate). Japan: His Excellency Augustin Kanayama (Leader); T. Nagata, M. Ito (Altere nates); T. Nishimaki, M. Kubo (Delegates). New Zealand: J. Shepherd (Leader); E. I. Robertson (Alternate). Norway: His Excellency J6rgen Magnus Finne Gr6nn (Leader); His Excellency M. Knut Aars (Alternate). Republic of South Africa: His Excellency Robert H. Coaton (Leader); H. S. van der Walt (Alternate); J. J. le Roux (Delegate). USSR: His Excellency Alexandr Anikin (Leader); E. Tolstikov (Alternate); A. Movchan (Delegate); V. Rozanov (Adviser). United Kingdom: A. J. D. Stirling(Leader);B. B. Roberts, J. A. Heap, D. H. Ander­ son, A. Hird (Alternates). United States: His Excellency Ralph A. Dungan (Leader); J. Simsarian (Alternate); H. S. Francis Jr., P. Roberts, M. E. Sanders (Delegates); S. Moskowitz (Adviser). 1. In accordance with the provisions of Article IX of the Antarctic Treaty, the Representatives of the Contracting Parties (Republic of South Africa, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Chile, the United States of America, France, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) met at Santiago, Chile, on 3 November 1966 to discuss the items submitted for the consideration of the Fourth Antarctic Treaty Con­ sultative Meeting.
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