Federal Register/Vol. 64, No. 62/Thursday, April 1
15718 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 62 / Thursday, April 1, 1999 / Notices agency's estimate of burden including DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of the eligibility and suitability of the the validity of the methodology and Glover and Mountain Fork Rivers for assumptions used; (3) ways to enhance Forest Service possible Congressional designation the quality, utility and clarity of the under the National Wild and Scenic Significant Amendment of the Land information to be collected; or (4) ways River System (NWSRS). and Resource Management Plan of the to minimize the burden of collection on Significant amendments to Forest Ouachita National Forest for Managing Plans follow the same procedures those who are to respond, including the Approximately 111,580 Acres of use of appropriate automated, required for the development and Acquired Lands in McCurtain County, approval of forest plans (36 CFR part electronic, mechanical, or other OK technological collection techniques or 219.10(f)), including completion of an other forms of informational technology. AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. EIS. The Forest Service determined that Comments regarding this information ACTION: Notice of intent to prepare an the amendment discussed in this notice will be significant because (a) it will collection requirement should be environmental impact statement. establish goals, objectives, management directed to the Office of Information and SUMMARY: Pursuant to 16 U.S.C. areas, standards, and guidelines for a Regulatory Affairs, Office of 1604(f)(4), the Forest Service will block of approximately 111,580 acres of Management and Budget, Attention: prepare an environmental impact acquired lands newly added to the Desk Officer for Agriculture, statement (EIS) for the decision to National Forest System (the ``Broken Washington, DC 20503, and to Diane amend the Land and Resource Bow unit'') and (b) as a result of Sharp, Director, Production, Management Plan (Forest Plan) for the allocating these lands to management Emergencies, and Compliance Division, Ouachita National Forest.
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