Hugo Lake, Kiamichi River, Oklahoma, Furnished with Your Letter Dated 21 September 1973
FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT HUOO LAKE KIAMICHI RIVER, OKLAHOMA Prepared by TULSA DISTRICT, CORPS OF ENC,INKERS TULSA, OKLAHOMA February 1974 Statement of Findings Hugo Lake, Kiamichi River Basin, Oklahoma As Acting District Engineer, Tulsa District, Corps of Engineers, it is my duty in the role of responsible Federal Official to evaluate project data presented in the environmental statement, draw conclusions, and make recommendations to my higher authority. The overall public interest has been given the utmost consideration and personal concern in my review and evaluation of the documents concerning the proposed action, as well as the stated views of other interested agencies and the public, relative to the various alternatives in accomplishing the purposes of flood con trol, water supply, recreation, and fish and wildlife. Therefore, I have both a professional and personal concern in drawing the soundest possible conclusions from the studies, observations, and consultations made in the investigation of Hugo Lake. Project formulation studies for Hugo Lake occurred prior to the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act. During those studies public meetings, informal meetings, and workshops were conducted within the project area to determine public preferences, opinions, needs, and objectives. All project-related information derived from these meetings was carefully evaluated during plan formulation and was incorporated into the planning ana development of Hugo Lake for the total public interest. The construction of the project was 83 percent complete on 31 October 1973. A draft environmental statement was completed and released for review by other agencies, groups, and individuals on 21 September 1973. The final statement was then prepared utilizing comments received on the draft statement, technical assistance from the University of Oklahoma, and additional environmental studies by the Corps of Engineers.
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