Flight Is Not Flight, Expulsion Is Not Expulsion
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P.B.B. ÖSTERREICHISCHE POST AG PZ 08Z037896 P AUSGABE 2 | 2018 ILLUSTRIERTE NEUE WELT JUDENGASSE 1A/25, 1010 WIEN EINZELPREIS € 4,50 Das Titelbild stammt von Shalom Neumann, einem multinationalen und multimedalen Künstler, der zwischen Amerika, Israel und Tsche- chien aktiv ist. Die Assemblage besteht aus Öl, Acryl, Holz und gefun- denen Objekten (22“ x 17“ x 4“). AUS DEM INHALT NAHOST Versäumte Gelegenheiten SEITE 2 NAHOST Feuern und Feiern SEITE 3 POLITIK Iranisches Abkommen SEITE 5 POLEN Antisemitismus – ein Machtinstrument? SEITE 6 UNGARN George Soros im Visier SEITE9 FOTOGRAFIE Die Macht der Bilder SEITE10 FILM Milos Forman SEITE13 LITERATUR Meister der Sprache: Philip Roth SEITE 16 RELIGION „Koschere” Wikipedia SEITE 20 FLIGHT IS NOT FLIGHT, EXPULSION IS NOT EXPULSION ANTON PELINKA t is difficult to conceive of the State of Israel’s existence Every discourse on Israel‘s history is also - at least indirectly and the war of 1948 exemplifies this. Notwithstanding Nak- without the Holocaust, without the murder of six mil- - a discourse on National Socialism. Every trivialization of ba’s tragedy: the traumatic experience of the Arab-Palesti- lion Jews in Europe. On its own, the Balfour Declaration National Socialism always also involves the trivialization of nian flight is an example for an ethnic „cleansing“ endorsed Iof 1917 would hardly have been able to afford Zionism with the Holocaust. While this does not in every instance lead to by various actors - by Israel as well as the Arab states which the political traction that led to an almost universal accep- the denial of the Holocaust, relativizing the Shoah is almost (in their misjudgment of the geopolitical situation) commu- tance of a Jewish state at the end of the British mandate always linked to a rejection of Israel. Yehuda Bauer‘s qualifi- nicated to the refugees (and are still doing so today), that they over Palestine. Without the survivors of the Holocaust, and cation of the Holocaust as a first (and so far, unique) crime could soon return to their towns and villages, to their homes certainly without the horror of the crimes unprecedented against humanity is being ignored by the trivializers. The and apartments. in Europe until 1945, the State of Israel would scarcely have murder of the six million is relativized, quasi tallied against It is comprehensible that the descendants of the 1948 had the legitimacy that, 70 years later, allows a proud retros- other victims. refugees and displaced persons perceive the anniversary of pective of what has been achieved. The political instrumentalization of the Nakba - the flight Israel’s founding primarily from the point of view of their Israel’s opponents are aware of this connection. They and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of people from Is- own role as victims. This understanding howe- A Seite 2 challenge such a connection between Israel and the Shoah. rael’s territory, in connection with the founding of the state 2 AUSGABE 2 | 2018 MIDDLE EAST F Seite 1 ver should not lead us to overlook Hebron as well as other re- flight and expulsion - in one plication in the Saudi-Iranian conflict (in Sy- the context that is all too easily forgotten with gions of Palestine annexed The victims’ direction and the other - is ria and elsewhere), the stabilizing of the status respect to the assault of Israel’s borders: by Jordan in 1948 were instrumentalization a tragedy that should be re- quo is currently the best option, also and espe- 1. The hopes for a „return“, spectacularly completely “freed of Jews”. membered. Mutual respect cially for Israel. The framework conditions of displayed during the demonstrations, are a re- One expulsion cannot is the prerequisite for any Israel‘s existence - defined by the outcomes of jection of any peaceful solution. The refugees’ be set off against another. The Holocaust, the lasting peaceful solution. Although such solu- the wars in 1948, 1967 and 1973, as well as by and displaced persons’ grandchildren cannot Shoah, was unique and occurred for the first tion is in the far future, its parameters are well treaties with Egypt, Jordan and the PLO - have return to Israel. The grandparents’ houses no time in history. Neither one of the two expul- known: Israel‘s Jewish character must be preser- contributed to the country’s ascension and re- longer exist, in most cases. No Israeli govern- sions, neither the flight and expulsion from Is- ved - and Israel must find a modus vivendi, a lative stability. The „non-violent“ protestors in ment can accept that the millions of the third rael, nor the flight and expulsion of Jews from settlement with the people of Arab identity in Gaza invading Israeli borders are calling this generation, who, as Nakba victims, are held Arab countries were first-time occurrences. Israel and in the West Bank. into question – as do those who, through an al- hostage by Arab politics, permanently “return” These expulsions in the wake of 1948 are of Anything that is aimed against these foun- liance with a US President with an expiration to the country. Those who sustain the illusion a similar (tragic) quality as other ethnic “cle- dations for peace is dangerous: the instrumen- date, an unstable Egypt and an equally unstable of return want to destroy Israel. ansings” - such as the expulsions of „ethnic talization of the illusion of a „return“ of the Pa- Saudi-Arabia are trying to ignore the Palesti- 2. The flight and expulsion of a part of Pa- Germans“ from Central and Eastern Europe lestinians living in refugee camps; but also, the nian reality. lestine’s Arab population have to be seen in in 1945, or the catastrophic corollaries of Bri- illusion of Israeli politics, which hopes to escape A glimpse at history may help: The Nakba the context of another story of flight and ex- tish India’s partition in 1947. a compromise with the Palestinians by joining cannot be compared with the Shoah; and the pulsion: the Jewish population of Arab states It is however possible to pay respect to all an anti-Iranian alliance. flight of the Palestinians is not unique. And: The was also driven out in 1948 and immediately victims’ narratives. That the founding of the In light of the recent escalation at the Gaza area where Israel was created as a Jewish state in thereafter. And the Old City of Jerusalem and State of Israel was accompanied by a wave of border, as well as the possibility of Israel’s im- 1948 was and is also Jewish - but not only. n he 70th anniversary of the State of 1948. It also provided that Israel would return breakthrough for a definitive peace agreement peaceful, could cross the Israeli border? Why Israel gives rise to joy, but also raises the Sinai Peninsula, along with its oil wells and had been achieved, Arafat dropped the negoti- were children and young people deliberately questions about its future. In Israel, a strategic positions, to dismantle Israeli settle- ations, alleging „If I sign this, I‘m a dead man“. instigated to participate? The Palestinians Tlarge majority today believes that only a two- ments and transfer the Jewish population in Shortly thereafter started the second Intifada, also know that a return to the territories is state solution could bring a détente. It is inte- those areas, even by force, such as in Jamit. In which ended only with the withdrawal of Is- not possible. Instead of developing the land resting that, in the past, Israelis strongly rejec- addition, the free passage of Israeli ships th- raeli settlers from Gaza in 2005. that is available and to provide opportunities ted the creation of a Palestinian state. Today, rough the Suez Canal would be granted, and In 2007, the terrorist movement Hamas for the people living there, Hamas betrays its despite the failing of the Oslo Accords, a two- the Straits of Tiran and the Gulf of Aqaba re- took over the Gaza Strip and expelled the constituents. state solution seems now a viable option. cognized as international waterways. moderate representatives of the PLO. It is an Besides, there remains one unanswered The Palestinians have not missed an op- In 1993, in the presence of Yitzhak Ra- undeniable fact that since then, thousands of question: Reportedly, there are five million portunity to realize their dream of a separate bin, Yasser Arafat and Bill Clinton, Foreign rockets have been launched from Gaza into Palestinian refugees. How did some 700,000 state – already in1948 they were convinced Ministers Mahmoud Abbas and Shimon Pe- Israeli territory. Instead of the tens of billions refugees, who left the country in 1948, grew that they could ignore the UN de- to today‘s alleged figure ? cision and expel the Jews. Surpri- The UNWRA, which disposes singly, the sparsely equipped Jewish of more money than the refugee army succeeded, under great sacri- organization UNHCR distribu- fices, to fend off the attack on the tes to all other countries, should newly formed state. MISSED OPPORTUNITIES finally cease to support the re- Also in 1967, when the UN wi- fugees’ grandchildren, who, over thdrew its peacekeeping mission JOANNA NITTENBERG two generations, have in many from Sinai, Israel was able to thwart cases created a new existence for the Arab plan with a preventive themselves somewhere else. They surprise attack and gain control over additio- res signed the „Declaration of Principles on of dollars that Europe, the United States, and still enjoy refugee status. Do Israeli Jews ever nal territories. Immediately after the conquest Temporary Self-Government“ (also known as the Arab states invested in the Gaza Strip to demand a „return“ to the millions of homes of parts of the West Bank, the Israelis were Oslo Accords) in Washington.