For each multiple choice question, fill in the appropriate location on the scantron

1. This was a protest technique used by students that 8. Martin Luther King JR. was founder and the first leader challenged segregation by demonstrating at “whites of the only” public places? A. A. Boycott B. Freedom Democratic Party B. Freedom Rides C. Southern Christian Leadership Committee C. Sit-Ins D. Students Nonviolent Coordinating Committee D. Marches 9. “De Jure” segregation is segregation that results from 2. Poll Taxes were outlawed in the A. Laws A. Voting Rights Act of 1965 B. Random choice B. 24th Amendment C. Habit and custom C. 22nd Amendment D. Inequalities in education D. 10. Appealing to many African ’ anger & 3. Which of the following was NOT advocated by the Black frustration over a lack of social and economic power, Panthers? ____ preached a militant approach to civil rights. A. A. Martin Luther King, Jr. B. B. C. C. D. Community development D.

4. Which of the following confirmed the legality of racial 11. A major turning point in the was segregation and prompted the passage of the Jim Crow marked by laws against ? A. the conversion of Malcolm X to orthodox Islam A. The 14th Amendment B. the drifting apart of SNCC and SCLC B. The Civil Rights Act of 1875 C. the of Martin Luther King Jr. C. The decision in Plessy v. Ferguson D. the assassination of Robert Kennedy D. The decision in Morgan v. 12. Martin Luther King, Jr, influenced by Gandhi, believed in 5. Which doctrine relating to public education was A. “an eye for an eye” overturned by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. B. violent revolution Board of Education? C. fighting back only if struck first A. Due process of law D. nonviolent protest B. “” C. “All deliberate speed” 13. The greatest achievement of the NAACP during the Civil D. Equal protection of the law Rights movement was winning the Brown v. Board of Education decision which 6. Which of the following is an example of “de facto” A. ordered public schools to desegregate segregation? B. allowed black-white marriages A. Poll taxes C. ended segregation of transportation B. D. protected blacks rights to vote C. A concentration of urban African Americans in slum areas 14. The individual who often credited with beginning the D. A voter literacy test given to African Americans in Civil Rights movement is the South A. B. Malcolm X 7. To achieve victory in the struggle for Civil Rights, Martin C. Luther King Jr. and other members of SCLC encouraged a D. policy of A. Armed confrontation 15. What two decades are famous for the vast majority of B. Lawsuits the Civil Rights Movement occurring C. Nonviolent protests A. The 1930s and 1940s D. National strikes B. The 1940s and 1950s C. The 1950s and D. The 1960s and 1970s

16. Most of the early events of the Civil Rights movement took place in A. South Carolina B. Alabama C. Georgia D. Washington DC

17. The first African American to break the color barrier in Major League Baseball was A. Satchel Paige B. C. Willie Mays D.

18. President Eisenhower sent troops to integrate a high school in A. Little Rock, Arkansas B. , Louisiana C. Oxford, Mississippi D. Atlanta, Georgia

19. This court case ruled that segregation was constitutional as long as the facilities for blacks and whites were “separate but equal”. A. Plessy v. Ferguson B. Sweatt v. Painter C. Brown v. Board of Education D. Boynton v. Virginia

20. During what event did Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his famous “” speech? A. The Selma campaign B. The C. The on Washington D. The

21. James Meredith was the first African American A. student to attend Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas B. Student to attend the University of Mississippi C. Supreme Court justice D. Secretary of State

22. Martin Luther King Jr. was A. an auto worker B. a politician C. a bricklayer D. a minister