
History Newsletter & Volume 47 (2015), Number 2

Voices of the Past Reimagined By Amanda Nelson, Associate Archivist, Library & Archives

For more than 50 years, AIP has interviewed audio excerpts, with the ability to search key browsing functions, including: “Topics and preserved the stories of outstanding the full text of all transcripts; and it lists the discussed in this interview”; institutions, physical scientists, most of them Member newest available transcripts and a selection subjects, and people mentioned in the in- Society members. From 2007 to 2013 with of audio excerpts. terview, which allows users to see a list of the help of two National Endowment for the other interviews discussing a chosen topic; Humanities (NEH) grants, the Niels Bohr Li- Transcript pages now integrate with the rest and “Related images”—up to five images brary and Archives placed over 1,000 of the of the history web pages with easy access to from ESVA related to the interview. 1,500 oral history interview tran- scripts in our collection online. The search results page gives us- This initiative made interviews ers all the information on an in- with luminaries like Niels Bohr, terview, a photo (if available), , , and the beginning of the abstract. , and hundreds Results are shown in order of rel- of others globally available. evance. The search results page also allows users to filter searches In 2014, our transcripts were using the institutions and subjects; viewed over 130,000 times and this ability to refine searches saves used in a variety of research proj- time for more efficient research. ects and published works. This past year we’ve been hard at work upgrad- our other collections, including the Emilio Experience how history comes alive through ing the web pages and adding new features, Segrè Visual Archives (ESVA); features ex- the words of those who have dedicated their thus making it easier than ever before to pandable tabs with background information lives to advancing the physical . browse and search the transcripts. We wel- about the transcript, including disclaimer We invite you to spend some time perus- come you to use the new website and to information, preferred citation, abstract, ing this resource and hope that you find it keep coming back, as more interviews con- and whether an audio excerpt is avail- useful and inspiring. Please note, with these tinue to be added as they become available. able; and makes searching and browsing updates the URLs for the interviews have the entire transcript collection easy, with changed, so make sure to update any book- AIP’s new oral history home page enables prominent functions at the top/right of ev- marks you have to them. For any questions visitors to efficiently browse transcript and ery page. Transcript pages now also display or comments, please email [email protected].

In this issue... Voices of the Past Reimagined �������������������������������������������������������������������1 Visit from National History Day Competitors �������������������������������������������9 Dualities Worth Knowing in the History of �����������������������������������2 Niels Bohr Library & Archives Director Joe Anderson Retires �����������������11 A Profile in American Innovation: A Lyne Starling Trimble New Digital Repository for Books and Manuscripts ��������������������������������12 Heritage Public Lecture ����������������������������������������������������������2 Additions to NBLA �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Recording the History of ��������������������������������������3 Projects Underway by the Postdoctoral Historian �����������������������������������13 Recent Grants in Aid ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������4 History of Uranium Mining: The Last Brown Bag Talk of 2014 �����������������14 Scholarly Visitors to the Center for History of Physics �������������������������������6 Teacher’s Workshop Report: Telling the Stories of Women and Through Worlds and Words: The Reception of the ‘Great Debate’ in Early African Americans in Physics ��������������������������������������������������������������14 20th-Century American Popular Science and Science-Fi Literature �����6 American Launches Centennial Exhibit on Shaping a Middle Ground: Emergence of the AGU Committee on the Theory of ���������������������������������������������������������16 Environmental Quality, 1970-1974 �������������������������������������������������������7 The Role of Space Exploration in Cold War Diplomacy ���������������������������18 Charles Galton Darwin and the Statistical Conservation of Energy �����������7 Documentation Preserved �����������������������������������������������������������������������20 The Beginnings of a Scientific Peak: Post WWII Sun-Earth Connection Research in Boulder, Colorado �������������������������������������������������������������8 Cover Image: The Niels Bohr Library & Archives Oral Histories page found Stealing the Rift, Missing Fracture Zones and Magnetic Anomalies �����������9 at www.aip.org/history-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-histories.

AIP Member Societies: Acoustical Society of America • American Association of in Medicine • American Association of Physics Teachers • American Astronomical Society • American Crystallographic Association • American Meteorological Society • American Physical Society • AVS: Science and Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processing • The Optical Society • The Society of Rheology Dualities Worth Knowing in the History of Physics By Leonardo Colletti, University of Trento, Italy

Physics, like most academic disciplines, is essary concepts and experiences. Neverthe- plurality of interpretations and/or a syn- ever growing. Pressed by competition and less, I see university courses in the History thesis. These dualities include contrasts by the fast pace of discoveries, physicists of Physics as an opportunity to preserve a between Galileo and Bacon, Newtonian- work in ever-specializing subfields, com- background unity of the discipline and to ism and mechanicism, Popper and Kuhn, pelled by investors and patrons to focus emphasize its deep cultural connections. and instrumentalism and realism before on technological advancements. A conse- and after . I describe quence of this is that the cultural content of History of Physics is an opportunity to physics concepts as “semantic-increment physics is at risk of being forgotten: a major keep physics connected with history, phi- generators,” i.e., as structures of thought enterprise of humanity to understand the losophy, art, and all that is usually meant able to add meaning also when used met- universe, physics seems unable to say any- by “culture.” I consider a few historical aphorically outside their technical ground. thing concerning the meaning of existence. themes indispensable for the cultural for- mation of physicists. I present them in the This didactic approach, through dualities, What can be done to rectify this tendency? form of dualities, i.e., polarities of thought highlights the cultural issue at stake and Unfortunately, the to-do list for a young which exhaust most of each argument, al- helps students remember these critical as- -to-be is already packed with nec- though without excluding, of course, a pects of physics. (See Good’s article, p. 6.)

A Profile in American Innovation: A Lyne Starling Trimble Science Heritage Public Lecture By Greg Good, Director, Center for History of Physics

Heritage Lecture, given by Dr. Lillian Hod- phase-change memory. deson, a well-known historian of the phys- ical sciences. Hoddeson was awarded the Hoddeson traced Ovshinsky’s unorthodox 2012 Abraham Pais Prize “for her leadership methods to his upbringing. He was born and contributions to writing the history of in Akron, Ohio, in 1922, where his mother 20th-century physics, her pioneering stud- and father had settled after emigrating from ies of American research labs—particularly Lithuania and Belarus. His father collected Bell Labs, Los Alamos, and —and scrap metal from factories, and Stan’s first her perceptive biography of .” jobs in his teens were as a tool maker and machinist. His ideas came from materials Hoddeson spoke movingly of the enthusi- and processes. He was always at home in astically unconventional scientist and entre- industrial settings. preneur, Stanford Ovshinsky, whose biogra- phy she is currently writing. Ovshinsky was During World War II, Ovshinsky conceived important in establishing the investigation of his first successful invention, a high- of amorphous and disordered materials, but speed, center-drive lathe, while working in he was not bound by disciplinary identifica- tool shops for the rubber industry. He estab- tion. Hoddeson quoted Richard Zallen (pro- lished his first company, a machine shop, fessor emeritus of physics, Virginia Tech) as to develop this lathe, patent it, and sell it. Stanford R. Ovshinsky (1922–2012), August 2005. saying, “What Stan does is not science. It’s In the 1950s, he directed research for the Photographed by Glenn Triest for Style magazine. more interesting than science.” Hupp Motor Company and broadened his Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons. interests to include machine intelligence Hoddeson described Ovshinsky’s intuitive and cybernetics. He and his brother found- Stanford Ovshinsky was an American sci- and visual approach, his willingness to forge ed another company, General Automation, entist who approached invention with in- ahead with trials and experiments based on with this general interest, which they com- tuition and drive. He founded Energy Con- his visualizations and pattern recognition, bined with new techniques to produce an version Devices, an American Institute of and his occasional dismissal of the lack of a amorphous, thin-film switch, the Ovitron. Physics Corporate Associate, in the 1960s theory. He and his associates took the amor- In 1960, Ovshinsky—a serial entrepre- and developed innovative new products phous and disordered materials he had neur—started the company Energy Con- that have spurred entirely new industries. created and sought to invent technologies version Laboratory (ECL) with the goal of using them. Over decades they developed solving an energy crisis that would not be The AIP community learned more about nickel metal hydride batteries, thin-film so- generally recognized until a decade lat- Ovshinsky, his life, work, and impact at its lar panels, the Ovitron (the first amorphous er. The working-class Jewish immigrant April 2015 Lyne Starling Trimble Science switch), and then the threshold switch and community in his Akron years had in-

2 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs stilled in him a dedication to solving so- Weiner, who directed the Center for History wrote with Michael Riordan and Adrienne cial problems. He always saw his work in of Physics and Niels Bohr Library in New W. Kolb, will be released this fall: Tunnel science and invention as aimed at solving City. She worked closely with Spencer Visions: The Rise and Fall of the Supercon- problems important to society. ECL de- Weart, who became director of these pro- ducting Super Collider. veloped electronic memory, new batter- grams in 1975. ies, solar cells, and more. Devices in our pockets and on our desktops owe their She wrote much of her dissertation and existence in part to this pioneering work. first book in the library at AIP. She already had a PhD in physics, but, she said, Spen- Ovshinsky died in 2012. cer taught the physicist how to be a histo- rian. Dr. Hoddeson worked on several of Hoddeson also spoke to a smaller group of AIP’s groundbreaking projects and wrote strong supporters of AIP’s History Programs or cowrote The Birth of at a reception graciously hosted by Nancy (1983), True Genius: The Life and Science Greg Good thanks Lillian Hoddeson for her Trimble Greenspan at her home. Hoddeson reflect- of John Bardeen (2002), and several other Science Heritage Public Lecture with a certificate on ed back to her first contacts with Charles respected works. Her latest book, which she behalf of AIP and the Center for History of Physics.

Recording the History of Mauna Kea Astronomy By Teasel Muir-Harmony, Associate Historian, Center for History of Physics

The XXIX International Astronomical Union tographs for an audience made up of as- and flesh out key details in the establish- (IAU) General Assembly, held in Honolulu, tronomers and “Friends of the Institute.” ment of Mauna Kea as an observatory site, Hawaii, in August 2015 presented AIP’s His- the new interview with Jefferies, along with tory Center with an opportunity to preserve Over the course of the general assembly, the other oral histories, will be transcribed the history of modern astronomy on Mauna DeVorkin and Muir-Harmony also conduct- and added to the History Center’s website. Kea, one of the finest astronomical observ- ed oral history interviews with members of ing sites in the world. David DeVorkin, se- the IfA at the University of Hawaii, includ- nior curator for astronomy at the Smithso- ing Alan Tokunaga, Eric Becklin, Ann Mer- nian National Air and Space Museum, and chant Boesgaard, Alan Stockton, Ray Wol- Teasel Muir-Harmony, AIP associate histori- stencroft, and Ginger Plasch. In the final an, spent the conference working with past oral history session of the week, DeVorkin and present members of the Institute for As- and Muir-Harmony conducted an in-depth tronomy (IfA) at the University of Hawaii, interview with John Jefferies lasted over collecting and commemorating this history. five hours. This interview complements an oral history with Jefferies taken by former The week started with an informal gather- History Center director Spencer Weart in ing honoring John Jefferies, the former di- 1977 (available at https://www.aip.org/his- rector of the IfA. Guests—dressed in aloha tory-programs/niels-bohr-library/oral-his- shirts—reminisced about the early years tories/4693). Largely meant to extend the of establishing the observatory site and in- chronological scope of Weart’s interview, John Jefferies at the 2015 interview stitute. An IAU Heritage Session “The De- velopment of Mauna Kea as an Astronom- ical Site,” followed this social get-together. Introduced by DeVorkin and moderated by Muir-Harmony, the forum highlight- ed John Jefferies’s contribution to the IfA and the broader astronomical community. Four astronomers who had worked with Jefferies­—Ann Merchant Boesgaard, Eric Becklin, Alan Stockton, and Alan Tokun- aga—shared stories and asked the former director questions about his tenure at the IfA. Later that week, at the institute, Jef- feries gave a lecture followed by another lecture given by Jim Harwood, who had been responsible for the Mauna Kea site Spencer Weart (at left), former AIP Center for History of Physics director, Jack Eddy (fifth from left, survey in the early 1960s. Both Jefferies standing), and John Jefferies (beside Eddy in the dark trunks) at the Bellingshausen solar eclipse. AIP Emilio and Harwood shared memories and pho- Segrè Visual Archives, Jefferies Collection www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 3 Recent Grants in Aid By Greg Good, Director, Center for History of Physics

The Center for History of Physics continues to support important new historical research regarding the physical sciences through its Grants in Aid program. This program was partially endowed by a grant from the Lounsbery Foundation over a decade ago, and AIP seeks to complete this endowment as part of its “Physics Heritage & Promise” campaign (see p. 27). The following are among the roughly two dozen projects funded in 2014 and 2015.

• Prof. Amit Hagar (Indiana University) interviewed Edward Fredkin (1934- ) about his research career at the intersection of physics and computing. Fredkin worked on DARPA-funded projects and was a professor at MIT.

• Alexandre Bagdonas Henrique (Federal University, Bahia, Brazil) investigated George Gamow’s contributions to relativistic cosmology and .

• Prof. Thomas Scheiding (University of Wisconsin–Stevens­ Point) worked in the records of AIP Corporate Associates on aspects of the role of industry in physics.

• Prof. Andrea Candela (University of Milan, Italy) used records in the Niels Bohr Library & Archives related to the history of uranium mining and nuclear technology transfer.

• Jaco de Swart (MSc student, theoretical physics, University of Amsterdam) visited AIP, , and MIT to uncover the development of the problem of dark matter. He conducted a dozen oral history interviews, which are being transcribed.

• Samuel Robinson (PhD student, University of Manchester, UK) was supported to present his research on physical oceanography in the Cold War at the conference “Place and Practice: Doing Science in and on the Ocean, 1800-2012” in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

• Prof. Catherine Westfall (Michigan State University, Lyman Briggs College) was supported for an oral history interview with Roy J. Holt (Argonne National Laboratory).

This is not a complete listing. Several short articles by other grantees appear in this issue of the newsletter.

Please visit our website for more information about applying for a Grant in Aid.


4 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Note of Appreciation

To Whom It May Concern,

I would like to take this opportunity to express all my gratitude to The American Institute of Physics for awarding my research project on history of uranium, and entitled: Exploring radioactive resources: Nuclear energy, mining and technological transfer during the Atomic age (1950–1970). The Grant in Aid was broadly useful in order to arrange some starting points of analysis for my three years post-doctoral research. First and foremost documentary materials, kept at the Niels Bohr Library and Archives, were helpful to establish as well as find out the outstanding role played by U.S. Atomic Energy Commission in fostering a worldwide peaceful use of atomic energy since the early 50’s. A deep and detailed analysis of some primary sources – i.e. A) U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Office of Public and Technical Information records, 1946-1952 (3 boxes); B) Spencer Weart research material for his book, Nuclear Fear: A History of Images, 1957- 1987 (2 boxes); C) Press releases and letter, 1935-1967; D) One World or None (edited by D. Masters and K. Way, London, Latimer House, 1947) – revealed that AEC attempted to attain this aim both supporting uranium exploitation, with huge laymen’s participation as well, and promoting international agreements in order to guarantee safer civil uses of nuclear technology. During the two months I spent at AIP, I also focused my readings on the different Prospector’s guides and handbooks which the Atomic Energy Commission fostered and published for increasing uranium mining and, consequently, supplies. Not only are these booklets interesting primary sources to better understand the cultural backdrop of well-known ‘uranium rush’, which widely involved self-made prospectors and laymen over the 50’s and 60’s, but they also represent a unique sample of geological and, more generically, science popularization. Together with different instructions, for example, on how using a geiger counter or claiming a stake, they included easy explanations about radioactivity and physical processes of ore deposit genesis, indeed. They, undoubtedly, epitomized that ‘entrepreneurial ’ which distinguished a specific attitude of the American nuclear culture. Moreover, considering their rhetoric and language, Prospector’s guides and handbooks played an important role in propaganda activities of some American scientific institutions, whose purpose was to promote positive representations, images, and imaginaries of atomic energy. Finally I would like to thank all staff members of the Niels Bohr Library & Archives for hospitality, availability, kindness and supporting my research. I’m really grateful to them and I appreciated the interest that the Center for History of Physics showed on my proposal. I look forward to sharing outcomes of my research soon.


Andrea Candela

Università degli Studi dell’Insubria Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences Via Mazzini 5, 21100 Varese (VA, Italy)

www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 5 Scholarly Visitors to the Center for History of Physics By Greg Good, Director, Center for History of Physics

Every year scholars and researchers visit the for her dissertation (see below). She also scholarly journal. Niels Bohr Library & Archives to investigate shared a work-in-progress talk with us. historical topics or to find material to- im Albert (Skip) Theberge, a retired NOAA prove their teaching of physics and its his- Gabe Henderson, now a postdoctoral re- scientist with a long interest in the history tory. We encourage many of these visitors searcher at the University of Aarhus, Den- of oceanography, presented his argument to present lunch-time talks for the ACP staff. mark, chaired the organizing committee that the Mid-Atlantic Rift was established On these few pages we print descriptions of of the 2nd AIP Early Career Conference in in a publication by Gunter Dietrich before the research and talks presented by several History of Physical Science in 2014. (See World War II and that claims of priority for visitors in 2015. Professor Leonardo Collet- his article in AIP History Newsletter, vol. Bruce Heezen and Marie Tharp are mis- ti, of the Physics Department at the Univer- 46, no. 2, Fall 2014, p. 19.) He writes now placed (see p. 9). sity of Trento, Italy, is a condensed matter about and the history of physicist with a strong interest in history . Printed on p. 7 is the Professor Joseph Bassi, who has just pub- of science. He has lectured to high school abstract of his lunch-time talk. lished A Scientific Peak: How Boulder students and philosophers on topics such Became a World Center for Space and as “Scientists and War” and “Why Quan- Ben Johnson has been a recipient of several Atmospheric Science, with the American tum Mechanics Matters.” He serves on the AIP Grants in Aid. Like Dr. Colletti, he is not Meteorological Society Press, presented an Committee on Informing the Public of the a full-time historian of science but spends overview of this book for another lunchtime American Physical Society (article on p. 2). his days involved in research at the Fritz audience at ACP. Haber Institute in . He nevertheless is Victória Flório Andrade, a PhD student who conducting several distinct historical inves- Lastly, a PhD candidate at Georgetown Uni- is working with our colleague and friend tigations. This piece (on p. 7) summarizes versity, Robynne Mellor, presented a work- Professor Olival Freire in Brazil, visited AIP his work on Charles Galton Darwin, which in-progress talk on her dissertation on ura- on a Grant in Aid to conduct archival work is under consideration in a fuller form at a nium mining (see p. 14).

Through Worlds and Words: The Reception of the ‘Great Debate’ in Early-20th Century American Popular Science and Science Fiction Literature By Victória Flório Andrade, PhD student, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil

“What are galaxies? No one knew before History of Physics Grants-in-Aid program, the telescope. Popular science journalists 1900. Very few people knew in 1920. All I was able to expand my doctoral research and science fiction authors exposed these astronomers knew after 1924.” project to include primary sources held in scientific limitations to the lay-public and the Niels Bohr Library & Archives, such as dealt with the more dramatic aspect of the summarized in one pas- biographical files of Harlow Shapley,- Ed subject. This understanding of the distanc- sage the establishment and outcomes of win Hubble, and Heber Curtis, and the es in astronomical scale meant several the controversy regarding the existence of microfilmed papers and correspondence things: the universe could be much larger other galaxies. This controversy is known of Shapley. Going further, my aim is to ex- than previously thought; humanity might by historians of astronomy as The Great plore the disclosure of new galaxies and not be unique in the universe; the solar Debate, a public debate held by the Na- worlds through popular science and sci- system was not the center of the universe; tional Academy of Science in April 1920, ence fiction magazines, and to provide and the possible existence of other galax- in Washington, DC. Later developments some understanding of the scientific influ- ies like our own. Later, the confirmation of the debate redefined our understanding ence of the new genre of science fiction in of the existence of other galaxies marked of the structure of the Milky Way and the early 20th-century America. The disclosure an increase in science fiction stories with Universe. The disagreement among astron- of new worlds opens the possibility for themes of interstellar travel. omers Harlow Shapley and Heber Curtis social and political discussions on a new on the of nebulae and astronomical framework. Identifying transmitted and received mes- scales was solved when Edwin Hubble cor- sages and their differences is historically rectly calculated the distance to the nebula My initial research points to attempts from relevant, according to Peter Burke in his M31. The episode is well known by histo- astronomers, journalists, and science fic- History and Social Theory. My goal is to rians, but its reception in popular science tion authors to demystify the concept and explore the influence of scientific ideas and science fiction literature remains- un measurement of distances in astronomi- on narratives in science fiction literature, studied. cal scales. For the astronomers it meant and to find a bridge to connect scientific that they had to address technical aspects knowledge and culture at large, specifical- Thanks to the support I received from the such as new methods for calculating dis- ly through historical analysis of the context American Institute of Physics Center for tances and the technical limitations of of scientific controversy.

6 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Shaping a Middle Ground: Emergence of the AGU Committee on Environmental Quality, 1970-1974 By Gabriel Henderson, Postdoctoral Researcher, Aarhus University, Denmark

In 1970, Helmut Landsberg, renowned cli- a robust institutional platform to challenge matologist and president of the American what many interpreted as exaggerated pub- Geophysical Union, established the Com- lic claims of future environmental catastro- mittee on Environmental Quality (CEQ). phe. Although it was dissolved shortly there- Chaired by atmospheric physicist S. Fred after in 1974, the brief existence of the CEQ Singer, the CEQ was envisioned as a unique illuminates the precarious risk of pursuing opportunity to strengthen the role of Ameri- what Singer conceived of as a sober-minded can geophysicists in national discussions of “middle course” within an increasingly po- Gabe Henderson delivering his Brown Bag Lunch talk on environmental degradation while providing larized political environment. Helmut Landsberg.

Charles Galton Darwin and the Statistical Conservation of Energy By Benjamin Johnson, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany

mechanics one year later. In 1922 Charles However, Darwin’s use of the wave descrip- Galton Darwin had already offered his own tion of light and his reliance on the statis- preliminary quantum theory of dispersion, tical conservation of energy soon became which presaged key ideas later found in obsolete. Like many of Darwin’s theories, Kramers’ theory. Specifically, he abolished his description of dispersion in the context classical orbits in the description of these two concepts was taken seriously of the interaction of light and matter and re- by his professional colleagues and inspired placed them by a rudimentary form of har- further scientific development; but like monic oscillator combined with probabili- many of Darwin’s theories, although stimu- ties of atomic excitation. The latter remains lating, it later proved to be incorrect. While Darwin, Thomas, and Breit sit outdoors. AIP Emilio Segrè an important tool for the visualization of his work allowed him to continually gain a Visual Archives, Goudsmit Collection quantum mechanics today. Also, the use of foothold in the new physics, he often did “observables” (transition frequencies) was not arrive at a complete solution. Charles Galton Darwin (1887-1962), the emphasized for the proper expression of grandson of the famous biologist, was a atomic dynamics. For this reason, Darwin makes appearanc- theoretical physicist known for his daring es in the historical literature while tackling contributions to the physics of the early Correspondence and scientific publication high-risk subjects, and historians often use 20th-century. He began his career under show that, on the subject of conservation of his quotes to illustrate the state of physics at the University of Man- energy during interactions of light and mat- during his career. His ability to simply re- chester and ultimately became the director ter, Darwin played a key role in influencing late complex physical ideas is well docu- of the National Physical Laboratory. My re- the thought of some of the most prominent mented, and his colleagues were aware of search on Darwin and the development of scientists laboring on the subject, most no- and admired him for this talent. Darwin quantum mechanics was supported by an tably, Niels Bohr. Darwin’s contributions occupies a sagelike or visionary position in AIP Grant-in-Aid and highlights Darwin’s are evident throughout the discussions of the history of 20th-century physics, with a role in the evolution of quantum dispersion the topic preceding the Bohr-Kramers-Slat- well-regarded ability to ignite interest in pi- theory and places him and his work in prop- er (BKS) theory, although they are often not oneering areas of research. er historical context. explicitly acknowledged. An early advocate of requiring only a statistical conservation The story begins with the roots of Darwin’s of energy in atomic processes, Darwin often thought in his examination of ’s relied on physical conceptions of joining radiation law in the 1910s, follows him classical wave trains and quantum discon- through the 1920s and the birth of quantum tinuities in a single model and the rejection mechanics, and ends in the early 1930s, of the possibility of a “frequency” associ- when physicists were left to deal with the ated with the quantum of light. His ideas aftermath of what they had discovered. were developed, often in tandem with Niels Bohr, although Bohr relied on philosophi- At the brink of a historical discovery, H.A. cal, causal arguments that the wave char- Kramers’ quantum theory of optical disper- acteristics of light exclude the possibility of sion of 1924 supplied critical insight into conservation of energy in his favorite exam- Grant-in-Aid recipient Benjamin Johnson visiting the Werner Heisenberg’s formulation of matrix ple, the photoelectric effect. Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen. www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 7 The Beginnings of a Scientific Peak: Post-WWII Sun-Earth Connection Research in Boulder, Colorado By Joe Bassi, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University/Worldwide

How are scientific “peaks,” or centers of significant achievement in research and technology, created? Places such as Silicon Valley and Route 128 near Boston come to mind. Do they spring from the Earth like Venus arising from the sea in Botticelli’s painting? No, scientific centers are the result of complex historical processes, and a prime example of this is the complexity of how Boulder, Colorado, became a world center for space and atmospheric sciences in the early Cold War era. From being considered a “scientific Siberia” in the 1940s, Boulder developed into “AstroBoulder” by the mid-1960s. So, how did a small town in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, home to only a then-middling state university, become a world center for atmospheric and space sciences in less than two decades? Unlike places such as Los Alamos or the scientific cities of the former Soviet Union that were intentionally created by governments for very specific purposes, Boulder rose to scientific prominence organically from the swirls of opportunities in the post-World War II era. The key was that Boulder became a home for solar- terrestrial science right after WWII. NCAR Construction: "Constructing the iconic, I.M. Pei-designed, National Center of Atmospheric Research building, There was a fascinating confluence of 1963." UCAR Archives individual scientific ambitions relating to solar-terrestrial research, the post- WWII context of science in the , and political machinations at various levels of government. In early phases of this process, solar astronomer Walter Orr Roberts, Colorado Senator “Big Ed” Johnson, the Boulder Chamber of Commerce, and others combined to bring Sun-Earth science, including , to Boulder in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The Chamber of Commerce launched a “prosperity insurance drive” to collect money from citizens and businesses to buy land to bring the National Bureau of Standards Central Radio Propagation Lab (CRPL) there—an early form of “crowd funding”! Benefitting from the CRPL, Boulder was then poised to become home for much science of the International Geophysical Year (1957- 1958). Soon after, Boulder was ideally suited to become home of the NSF’s National Center for Atmospheric Research—among the first federally funded scientific centers in the United States. President Eisenhower at the dedication of the National Bureau of Standards labs in Boulder in 1954.

8 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Stealing the Rift, Missing Fracture Zones, and Magnetic Anomalies: How Bruce Heezen and Marie Tharp "Discovered" the Mid-Atlantic Rift Valley By Skip Theberge, NOAA Central Library

Various histories, both in published books establishes Dietrich’s priority of discovery Ocean had errors approaching 100 nautical and found on the Internet, give Bruce of the Mid-Atlantic Rift Valley. It will be miles in the location of the rift valley and Heezen, Marie Tharp, and shown that Heezen was aware of this paper no indication of fracture zones. Heezen and credit for the discovery of the central rift and engaged in a form of bathymetric Tharp ignored their own data in production valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, and by plagiarism by following Dietrich’s tracklines of this map and followed the time-honored extension, the world-wide rift system. throughout the North Atlantic and claiming method of placing the legend over their According to Heezen and Tharp, they Dietrich’s discoveries for himself and Marie area of greatest confusion. Surprisingly, discovered the rift valley both by developing Tharp. Ironically, in doing so Heezen was Heezen’s apparent fascination with Dietrich bathymetric profiles of the North Atlantic the first to encounter large Atlantic fracture continued into the 1960s when he formed a seafloor and by tracking zones, but because of confusion and polygon with a ship trackline that enclosed epicenters. However, a little-known paper possibly fear of ridicule he suppressed this Dietrich’s “most striking depression” and published prior to World War II by the information for over ten years. As a result, declared the existence of the Kane Fracture German scientist Gunter Dietrich clearly the first physiographic map of the Atlantic Zone.

Visit from National History Day Competitors By Melanie Mueller, Assistant Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

In July, the Niels Bohr Library & Archives The students were excited to hear that the Curie displayed in our photo gallery of enjoyed a visit from two young scholars Center for History of Physics and the Niels Nobel laureates. competing in the 2015 National History Bohr Library & Archives were close enough Day contest—Gabrielle Goodgame and to visit when they were in town for the The Niels Bohr Library & Archives welcomes Alexandria Sarkissian, students at the competition, and they chose to visit the scholars of all ages, and with more of our Kainalu Elementary School in Kailua, American Insitute of Physics when they resources online, we are able to reach Hawaii. The students used the Center for had a free day to tour the area. The students students as far away as Hawaii. Next years’ History of Physics web exhibit, “ met with library and archives staff and National History Day theme is “Exploration, and the Science of Radioactivity,” as one took a brief tour of the library, and posed Exchange, and Encounter,” and we wish of their sources when creating their two- with the photographs of Pierre and Marie Gabrielle and Alexandria good luck! person dramatic performance, titled “Marie Curie: The Mother of Modern Physics.”

The National History Day contest, held each year in College Park, MD, is the final event of a series of regional and state contests. Gabrielle and Alexandria were among the youngest competitors in their age group and won first place at the state level in Hawaii before moving on to the National History Day contest.

National History Day competitors Gabrielle Goodgame and Alexandria Sarkissian investigate additional resources available at the Niels Bohr National History Day competitors Gabrielle Goodgame and Alexandria Sarkissian perform their play “Marie Curie: Library & Archives. The Mother of Modern Physics.” www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 9 What type of books do we collect? The Niels Bohr Library & Archives at the American Institute of Physics continues to seek book dona- • Textbooks tions. We are especially looking for books in our • Lab manuals and other instructional materials allied fields of rheology, crystallography, optics, • Instrument catalogs acoustics, meteorology, and physics in medicine. • Published correspondence Your book donations in these fields will help us • Biographies and history of science monographs with our goal of documenting and promoting the • Institutional histories history of the physical sciences and allied fields in • Conference proceedings the 19th and 20th centuries.

Successive editions of texts and conference proceedings are of particular importance to us.

Through collecting books that document the history of science, the Niels Bohr Library & Archives aims to preserve this valuable information for future generations and to provide access for researchers.

We appreciate your help in preserving historical documentation and we will reimburse shipping costs.

Please contact Elaina Vitale at [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions or books you wish to donate.

Fax: 301-209-0882

Niels Bohr Library & Archives • American Institute of Physics • One Physics Ellipse • College Park, MD 20740, USA Niels Bohr Library & Archives Director Joe Anderson Retires

Joe Anderson, a key staff member of the last two decades, dramatically increasing AIP History Programs for 22 years, retired the resources available to the scholarly on November 30, 2015. He joined AIP community. Today the library and archives as head of the Niels Bohr Library, then continues to forge relationships between part of the Center for History of Physics, the physical sciences, archives, and history in November 1993, three weeks after the communities to insure that the history of Institute moved to College Park from New modern science is preserved and made York City. He was named assistant director known. of the Center in 1997 and associate director in 2002, and he has been director Joe is a Fellow of the Society of American of the Niels Bohr Library & Archives since Archivists, and his previous experience 2006. Joe’s position was endowed as the R. includes positions at the Archives of the Joseph Anderson Directorship in 2013 by Wisconsin State Historical Society; the the Avenir Foundation. Department of Manuscripts and Archives, Yale University; and the Library & Archives The Niels Bohr Library & Archives has of the Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies. He long been recognized internationally as an has published in The American Archivist, innovative leader in the archives of modern ISIS, and other publications, and has served science, and it has expanded existing in a number of national and international programs and initiated new ones over the archival organizations.

Joe Anderson on vacation a few years ago.

www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 11 New Digital Repository for Books and Manuscripts By Chip Calhoun, Technical Services Archivist, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

The Niels Bohr Library & Archives is proud In addition to these new materials, the hosted by a vendor, Lyrasis. We have spent to be launching a new digital repository to repository will also become the new home most of 2015 working with Lyrasis to move house our growing collection of digitized for our existing online digital collections, our collections and metadata into the new materials. The new repository will launch including the papers repository, test the new system, and to train with more than 40 books which have and the Society of Rheology’s Rheology our staff to use the repository effectively. not previously been available online. The Bulletin. This new platform makes it much simpler books include the entire collection of well- to place new materials online and will known historian of science Paul Forman, The new repository uses the Islandora allow us to grow our online collections. and his rare and influential German platform, which integrates the open-source mechanics texts from the late 19th and early Fedora Commons digital repository with This is a critically important step in “future- 20th centuries. We will also be adding 20 the Drupal content management system proofing” the collections of the Niels Bohr newly digitized manuscript biographies. used across www.aip.org. Our repository is Library & Archives.

The new repository launched November 1st and can be accessed through our website at


Additions to NBLA By Amanda Nelson, Associate Archivist, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

Each year the Niels Bohr Library & Archives Additionally, we have had a productive Other highlights we’ve received this year acquires historically relevant and valuable year in growing our American Institute include the annual addition to the materials through donations from AIP’s of Physics Member Society collections. Research Foundation (GRF) essays; a set of Member Societies and from individuals in- From the American Astronomical Society papers from Samuel Goudsmit’s daughter, terested in preserving the history of physics. (AAS), we now have the administrative Esther Goudsmit; a documentary on Henri- This past year we’ve received numerous col- files from Helmut Abt’s time as editor of etta Leavitt by P. Papacosta; two DVDs of lections to help us document topics such as The Astrophysical Journal and the records lectures from the 10th Hawaii Conference the history of physics societies, the teaching from Joseph Tenn’s tenure as the AAS His- on High Energy Physics; and recorded tele- of physics, and new manuscript biographies torical Astronomy Division (HAD)’s secre- vision programs of Holger Moller Hansen from the physicists themselves. tary-treasurer. The AVS sent us their annual and Robert Bruce Lindsay. We also received addition to their records that includes manuscript biographies by Louis Brown on With the appointment of Robert G. W. awards, committees, divisions, and con- "Beryllium-8: A Half-Century of Nuclear Brown as the new AIP CEO, we received ference material. The American Physical Physics," two sets of remembrances of Nor- a new set of records that span the work Society (APS) sent us sets of records of the man Foster Ramsay, and Walter Harrison’s of our former Executive Directors Marc APS Committee on Applications in Physics "Tunneling into Physics." Finally, we con- Brodsky and Fred Dylla. We also received (CAP) and the APS Division of Biological tinue to receive single folder collections, Fred Dylla’s journals from his time here Physics (DBP), and we collected the presen- which become part of our Miscellaneous and two additions to email collections from tations sponsored by the APS Forum on the Physics collection, to help round out the Marc Brodsky and former AIP Secretary Ben History of Physics (FHP) from the APS sources available to our researchers. These Snavely. These email collections mark a big March and April 2015 meetings. The included atomic weapons training booklets step forward in the archives being able to American Crystallographic Association from Janet Wert Crampton; sets of corre- accept born-digital records and make them (ACA) sent us biographical interviews spondence from Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen available to researchers when permitted. and additional materials from their news- and between Richard Dalitz and Michael To round out our AIP-centered collections, letter and John R. Helliwell’s accep- Jones; lecture notes from the Brandeis Uni- this year we were given an addition to the tance lecture for the Patterson Award. versity Summer Institute in Theoretical Phys- AIP Office of the Secretary records and the Lastly, we received an addition of video in- ics in 1959; and sets of correspondence and master tapes of the AIP News Services Divi- terviews from the American Association of supplementary material between Karl Dar- sions’ Discoveries and Breakthroughs Inside Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) to bring our row and three APS divisions during his time Science (DBIS). collection up to date. as secretary.

12 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Projects Underway by the Postdoctoral Historian By Teasel Muir-Harmony, Associate Historian, Center for History of Physics

With History Center director Greg Good, I contributed two articles to the Physics that I initiated as AIP’s associate historian. initiated a new multiyear oral history project Today website, including a piece based on on the history of heliophysics. Motivated by a talk I gave at AIP in March. Since coming to AIP I have also been invited the question of how heliophysics coalesced to speak at the Special Libraries Association into a distinct discipline, this project aims With Pennsylvania State University Professor Conference and the Space Policy and to capture the history of a scientific field Greg Eghigian, I organized a session for History Forum at the Smithsonian Institution. in formation through the collection of the upcoming History of Science Society I have presented my research at the roughly fifty oral history interviews with Annual Meeting in November. The session, Society for Historians of American Foreign heliophysicists and related scientists. In “Imagining Science and Technology in the Relations Annual Meeting, the Artefacts August I conducted one of the first oral Shadow of the Cold War,” includes three XX Conference, and The World’s Fair Since history interviews for the project with speakers and one commentator who will ’64 Workshop, and discussed the History Shadia Habbal, an astronomer specializing explore how the evolving geopolitical Center’s web exhibitions at the American in space physics at the University of Hawaii. landscape in the postwar world helped Association of Physics Teachers Meeting This oral history will not only contribute to shape compelling narratives about scientific in July. At the 2014 History of Science the new heliophysics project but also be part fact, technological progress, and the Society Annual Meeting I moderated a of the History Center’s initiative to collect makeup of scientific communities. My own panel discussion on the television series oral histories with women and minorities contribution to the session, “Projecting the Cosmos. I also moderated a forum at the in the physical sciences. I also conducted Best of American Science Abroad During the International Astronomical Union Congress oral history interviews in August during the ‘Crisis of Confidence’: US Science-themed on “The Development of Mauna Kea as an International Astronomical Union General Propaganda Films in the 1970s,” examines Astronomical Site.” In addition to presenting Assembly, a project which is also described a critical period when public diplomats, my work at conferences, I was asked to give in this newsletter on p. 3. seeking to support the country’s foreign guest lectures at MIT for a graduate course relations objectives, attempted to refashion in the Aero/Astro Department on the history We have begun initial planning for the America’s scientific image through their of Project Apollo and at Auburn University Third Conference for Graduate Students propaganda programming. This will be the for a course on US technology through and Early-Career Scholars in the History of first presentation based on archival research foreign eyes. the Physical Sciences, which will be held in Annapolis, Maryland, in April 2016. The conference has been held on a biannual basis and attracts early-career historians from universities in the United States, Europe, and around the world.

Along with Martin Collins, a curator at the Smithsonian Institution, I am co-editing a special issue of the Pacific Historical Review, which will bring the history of science and technology into the journal’s usual stream of conversation, which focuses primarily on the history of the American West and the Pacific World. We are working with four historians on topics ranging from the Philippine mahogany trade to the “Alaskan Salmon War,” to explore the ways that bilateral relationships, and commodity production and consumption, contribute to larger issues in the Pacific region. My other upcoming publications include a chapter in the volume Reasserting America in the 1970s: U.S. Public Diplomacy and Teasel Muir-Harmony discussed the use of the American Institute of Physics’ web exhibits in teaching at the Rebuilding of America’s Image Abroad the AAPT summer meeting in College Park, Maryland. (University of Manchester Press, 2016) and an in-depth essay, “Foreign Policy and the Come visit our web exhibits at Space Race,” for the Oxford Reference Encyclopedia in American History (Oxford www.aip.org/history/exhibits.html University Press, 2016). In addition, I www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 13 History of Uranium Mining: The Last Brown Bag Talk of 2014 By Robynne Mellor, PhD candidate, Georgetown University

As a PhD candidate at Georgetown the environment. The main hypothesis of the examination of the war’s direct effects University, I have spent several months my dissertation is that indirect and direct on people and landscapes connected with doing dissertation research in the Niels connections intricately interwove the uranium mining. Bohr Library & Archives, and I presented a history of uranium procurement in North talk on my findings there on December 18, America and the Soviet Union. Ideological Editor's Note: Robynne is spending this 2014. My research examines the history opposition and the arms race directly linked year conducting archival research in of uranium mining and milling in North the programs, and the similar radioactive various cities in the United States, Canada, America and the Soviet Union from 1945 to legacy that all government programs and Russia. 1985, using and building upon approaches created indirectly linked the programs. from environmental history, diplomatic history, and international comparative My research connects nuclear technology history. To do this, I will use four case to its origins in nature in order to bring to studies from Canada, the United States, light the history of oft-ignored historical and the Soviet Union. These case studies actors, such as uranium miners and include Elliot Lake, Ontario; Grants Mineral populations who lived around the mines. Belt, New Mexico; the Pyatigorsk region, It also illuminates how nuclear technology Stavropol Territory; and Krasnokamensk, development programs affected the Zabaikal Territory. The examination of these environment. My dissertation will be case studies will illuminate the complex based on archival research in Canada, connections among science, technology, the United States, and Russia, providing a Robynne Mellor presents her research at an AIP History government, economic policy, culture, and new analysis of Cold War history through Programs’ Brown Bag Talk in December 2014.

Teacher’s Workshop Report: Telling the Stories of Women and African Americans in Physics By Greg Good, Director, Center for History of Physics

Quick: name a physicist. If you immediately real histories about women’s and African California, Texas, Wisconsin, Mississippi, thought of , Robert Oppen- Americans’ lives in science. The teachers Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, and heimer, or some other white, male physicist, also offered ideas for how to include the Massachusetts. They included teachers from you are not alone. How many of you thought stories of these role models in an active, public and private schools, from elementary, of a woman? How many of an African Amer- hands-on classroom. Teachers came from middle, and high schools. ican? The Center for History of Physics is working to broaden the image of scientists to be more inclusive by focusing attention on women and underrepresented minorities who have been successful scientists through- out history.

AIP’s Center for History of Physics began de- veloping teaching materials on women and African Americans in science and engineer- ing so that more K-12 students can see role models with backgrounds like theirs. Each summer since 2013 a team of undergraduate and graduate students has worked at AIP to add to and refine online teaching materials. The undergrads are members of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) and were SPS Sum- mer Interns.

In July 2015 we took this process to a new level. Nine teachers from across the United States participated in a week-long workshop Teachers from across the United States joined Dr. Good (second from left) and the summer Society of Physics at the American Institute of Physics to learn Students Intern Team for a week-long workshop.

14 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs The teachers critiqued AIP’s Teaching various storytelling elements into his class- Dr. Renuka Rajasekaran, AP Physics and AP Guides, digging deeply into some of the room to actively engage different types of Chemistry teacher from Luella High School lesson plans. They learned that many more learners. Mr. Sanders is a strong proponent in Locust Grove, GA, capped off the testimo- women scientists besides Marie Curie should of science, technology, engineering, arts, nials saying: “I take a great feeling of excite- be well known: , Inge and mathematics (STEAM) education, spon- ment and commitment from the workshop Lehmann, and , for ex- sors the HHS Robotics Team, and is an ac- on Telling Stories of Women and African ample. Likewise, well-known African Amer- tive member of the Red Mountain Makers’ Americans in the Physical Sciences by the ican scientists , Jr., and Teacher Grant Program. He wrote: “The AIP American Institute of Physics. The extraordi- James West are only two among many whom CHP workshop has been an invaluable ex- nary deliberations, teaching guides, and the students should know. perience! The Teacher Guides are excellent lesson plans provide me the impetus to take resources which offer a refreshing perspec- this work to the next level. I will be imple- The teachers learned that antinepotism laws tive on physics education, and I am honored menting these stories in my classroom, in my kept women with PhDs from working at the by the opportunity to assist in their develop- school through other teachers, and am deter- same institutions as their husbands until the ment.” mined to spread it beyond our school. I am mid-20th century. They learned that women pretty convinced that students are going to astronomers observed at Harvard Observa- Phyllis Friello from the Baltimore School for reap the benefits of these stories in abundant tory before 1900 and that women worked the Arts noted: “The AIP workshop was an measures. In this workshop, we have indeed on the Manhattan Project, at NASA, and in invaluable opportunity. Not only did we in- created a professional learning community computing. They learned that the first African crease our knowledge base, but we also had of nine great teachers who would serve as American to obtain a PhD in physics was in the opportunity to contribute to the effort to physics ambassadors to spread this great mis- 1876 (Edward Bouchet, Yale) and that Afri- encourage young women and African Amer- sion across the nation and countries around can American physicists first found employ- icans to pursue careers in the physical sci- the world.” ment outside of historically black colleges ences.” and universities (HBCUs) with the US mil- The feedback of all of these teachers provid- itary, with NASA, and in other government Whitman-Hanson High School (Massachu- ed a wonderful experience for our SPS in- scientific agencies. setts) physics teacher Dan Moriarty wrote: terns and graduate student research assistant. “The opportunity to attend this workshop Equally important, the workshop provided Workshop participants reacted positively to has provided terrific insight into difficulties useful feedback for the Center for History of their experiences. One participant, Dr. Pa- that women and African Americans experi- Physics. mela Quintana, physics professor at the Al- enced while pursuing their careers in phys- abama School of Mathematics and Science ics. These stories provide real life examples Our thanks go out to the American Asso- (ASMS) in Mobile, AL, wrote: “I feel confi- that our students in science and history can ciation of Physics Teachers (AAPT), which dent that the lesson plans provided by AIP’s use to investigate the discrimination and in- helped us find teachers for the workshop. Center for History of Physics will be very justices that these people endured. It was a We would also like to thank our SPS in- useful in classrooms across the country and fantastic opportunity to work with the AIP’s terns, Brean Prefontaine and Connor Day, will help to encourage women and other un- History Center and I thank them for allowing as well as our graduate research assistant, derrepresented groups of people to explore me the opportunity.” Joanna Berhman. possible careers in physics. I also feel hon- ored to have been selected to help in the de- velopment of these lesson plans.”

Taz Daughtrey, the incoming physics teach- er at E.C. Glass High School, in Lynchburg, VA, wrote: “This experience drew on my in- terest in the history of science to help pro- vide information and possible role models for underrepresented groups as professional scientists. I intend to share lesson plans and resources that can be used at all grade levels within Lynchburg City Schools.”

Dana Krejcasek, Kohler (Wisconsin) High School science teacher, earned graduate credit for her participation in the workshop through a cooperative agreement with Mari- an University in Fond du Lac, WI.

Justin Sanders, a physics teacher at Huffman High School (HHS) in the Birmingham City Workshop teachers played “Scientists of Catan,” a spin-off of a popular board game, to model the School District, is interested in integrating dynamics of scientific research. www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 15 American Institute of Physics Launches Centennial Exhibit on the Theory of General Relativity By Joe Anderson, Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

Albert Einstein remains the iconic figure dington, and others; to the revival of interest enables the project to reach an international of modern physics, and his name conjures in general relativity after World War II; and audience and links to three major sites that up the complexities of science as well as to the results expected from new gravita- provide additional information. its attraction for the public. On March 14— tional detectors like LIGO and eLISA. his 136th birthday—AIP History Programs AIP’s Niels Bohr Library & Archives contains launched a small web exhibit to celebrate The exhibit grew out of a joint project by a variety of publications by Einstein and the centennial of the publication of his the- AIP, the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech, others on general relativity, and the History ory of general relativity. The exhibit briefly and the Albert Einstein Archives at the He- Program’s popular web exhibit, “Albert Ein- traces the progression of the theory from brew University of Jerusalem. The illustra- stein, Image and Impact,” draws more than Einstein’s initial three publications in No- tions and text were first used in AIP’s annu- 750,000 users each year to learn about his vember 1915 through tests offered by Karl al calendar, which was sent to donors and life and science. In addition, our extensive Schwarzschild, , Arthur Ed- friends at the end of 2014. The web exhibit collection of online oral histories contains

In 1915, (1873- 1916) proposed the first exact solu- tion to Einstein's field equations of general relativity. It contained a singularity that, under certain condi- tions, produces what today is called a .

Karl Schwarzschild photo: © AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, courtesy . Black hole image: © NASA / Dana Berry, SkyWorks Digital.

In November 1915, the mathemati- cian David Hilbert (1862-1943) wrote a paper containing the gravitational field equations in an implicit form, based on variational principles.

David Hilbert photo: © AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Lande Collection. Gravitational waves: © Henze, NASA.

16 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Find more information and images at: www.aip.org/commentary/aip-launches-centennial-exhibit-theory-general-relativity

information on relativity from both his con- 1923 and covering the first 44 years of his Albert Einstein Archives typifies the Ameri- temporaries and later scientists. life. The Digital Einstein Papers, created by can Institute of Physics’ core philosophy in the Einstein Papers Project at Caltech with preserving and making known the history Einstein’s original correspondence, note- the support of Princeton University Press, of the physical sciences. The physicists who books, and other papers are preserved at provides scholars and the public alike with created the American Institute of Physics’ the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and an easily accessible panorama of Einstein’s History Programs in the early 1960s speci- the Einstein Papers Project, now at Caltech, work and personal life. In its first four fied that we would work cooperatively with is an ongoing, decades-long undertaking months the site has had 135,000 users with other repositories and programs to support to translate, annotate, and publish the pa- 1.5 million page views. an international effort to document the his- pers. The project reached a major milestone tory of our fields. The History Programs’ on December 5, 2014, when it published Our work with the California Institute of staff continues to work to accomplish this 5,000 of the documents online dating to Technology’s Einstein Papers Project and the important and ambitious goal.

In 1922 (1888- 1925) discovered nonstatic solutions to Einstein's cosmological equation and predicted that the universe can expand and, in some scenarios, also contract, collapse, and be born again. Even before the astronomical discovery of the redshift, Friedmann was able to estimate the age of the universe at the order of 10 billion years.

Alexander Friedmann photo: © Alexei Kojevnikov. Cosmic microwave background radiation image: © NASA.

Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves in 1916. Although indirect evidence has been provided by measurements of the Hulse-Taylor binary system, definitive results are expected from current and future gravitational detectors, such as LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational- Wave Observatory) and eLISA (Evolved Laser Interferometer Space Antenna).

LISA waves image: © NASA. Public domain. LIGO photo: © LIGO.

www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 17 The Role of Space Exploration in Cold War Diplomacy By Teasel Muir-Harmony, Associate Historian, Center for History of Physics

In late July 1969, the Apollo 11 crew suc- cessfully landed on the Moon and returned safely back to Earth. After they splashed down in the Pacific Ocean, President Nix- on greeted them on the USS Hornet aircraft carrier and asked them to act as his repre- sentatives on a goodwill tour that took them to nearly 30 cities around the world in just under two months. When they returned from their trip, Nixon thanked them for acting as his ambassadors and, according to Neil Armstrong, told the crew “He had been trying for years to get a meeting with Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu, and, after leaving the Hornet, he was able to get an appointment. President Nixon said something to the effect, ‘That meeting alone paid for everything we spent on the space program.’” The meeting Nixon was referring to laid the groundwork for normalizing rela- tions with China, which would become one of the Nixon administration’s major accom- plishments in foreign relations. Although Nixon greeting the Apollo 11 crew at the White House after their Goodwill Tour in 1969. Image courtesy of NASA. Nixon’s comment is clearly not a formal evaluation of Project Apollo, it does reflect the broad criteria used to assess the value of federally funded scientific and engineering programs during the Cold War.

Project Apollo was an enormous national investment. It became the largest scientific and technological program in US history and, at the time, the greatest open-ended peacetime commitment by Congress. Send- ing men to the Moon cost the United States roughly $25 billion in the 1960s, more than 18 times what the country spent on the Pan- ama Canal, over five times the expense of the Manhattan Project, and even more than the Eisenhower administration’s Interstate Highway System. This large-scale national investment highlights the political priority placed on international prestige during the Cold War, as well as the significant role that science and technology had come to play as diplomatic instruments in US foreign re- lations.

What factors should we take into account The Apollo 11 crew in Mexico City on their Giantstep Goodwill Tour in 1969. Image courtesy of NASA. when funding and evaluating science? This question was as vital to American policy- ence and engineering programs. Science mizes this symbiotic relationship between makers in the 1960s as it is today. The Cold was viewed not only as an engine of prog- science and diplomacy in this period. War was a period when the “international ress, but also as a direct index of nation- political–psychological factors” of scientific al power, which made it a key element in Roughly a month before the first lunar land- and engineering programs were considered maintaining a strong geopolitical position ing, Nixon met with his advisors to discuss when allocating funding and assessing sci- during the Cold War. Project Apollo epito- the upcoming Apollo 11 lunar landing. In

18 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs that meeting he decided that he would fly to first of a series of secret meetings leading up Apollo 11 crew’s world tour, provided what the Pacific to greet the Apollo 11 crew when to the Paris Peace Accords and an attempt were considered “nonpolitical” opportuni- they returned from the Moon, which would to end US military involvement in Vietnam. ties to have political discussions. By taking not only demonstrate his enthusiasm for the advantage of the soft power potential of this mission, but also provide him with an op- So, when the Apollo 11 crew splashed popular science and engineering program, portunity to visit Romania. According to his down in the Pacific on July 24, 1969, Nixon the Nixon administration gained a foothold speechwriter, “Nixon wanted an excuse to was there to greet them. Later that day he to begin the process of normalizing US re- go [to Romania], and he wanted a note of flew to Guam to begin his “Moonglow” dip- lations with China, which would ultimately triumph to set the tone for his initiative. The lomatic tour of Asia and Europe to promote alter the trajectory of the Cold War. trip to the far Pacific was a perfect answer.” “the spirit of Apollo” and present for the first Nixon hoped to send the message through time what would later come to be known President Ceausescu to both North Vietnam as the Nixon Doctrine. Throughout the rest and China that the United States was ready of his trip—which took the president to the to consider normalizing relations. Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Pakistan, Romania, and the United According to Nixon, a postlunar landing Kingdom—Nixon drew on space-themed diplomatic tour would also provide Na- rhetoric to couch larger foreign relations tional Security Advisor Henry Kissinger issues, especially the United States’ role in with “the perfect camouflage” for a secret Vietnam. meeting with the North Vietnamese. Since Kissinger would be expected to fly to -Par This story exposes some of the diverse is to brief the French on Nixon’s tour, he ways that policymakers and diplomats can could use the trip as an opportunity to meet engage with science to advance and sup- in secret with the North Vietnamese’s chief port foreign relations objectives. Nixon’s President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia meeting the Apollo negotiator in Paris. This would be Kissinger’s “Moonglow” tour, as well as the subsequent 11 crew in 1969. Image courtesy of NASA.

President Joseph Desiré Mobutu and the Apollo 11 crew at a reception in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1969. Image courtesy of NASA.

www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 19 Documentation Preserved Compiled by Melanie Mueller, Assistant Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives

Our report of new collections or new finding aids is based on our regular survey of archives and other repositories. Many of the collections are new accessions, which may not be processed, and we also include previously reported collections that now have an online finding aid available.

To learn more about any of the collections listed below, use the International Catalog of Sources for History of Physics and Allied Sciences at www.aip.org/history/icos. You can search in a variety of ways, including by author or by repository.

Please contact the repository mentioned for information on restrictions and access to the collections.

NEW COLLECTIONS Research) Scientific Information Service. dates: 1909-1964. Size: 2 cubic feet (533 CH-1211 , Switzerland items).

American Philosophical Society. Library. archives. Collection Garland Branch notebooks on Feynman 105 South Fifth Street, , PA dates: 1959-2007 (bulk 1992-2007). Size: lectures. Collection dates: 1947. Size: 3 19106, USA 13 linear meters (116 boxes). volumes.

Francis Galton collection. Collection dates: Mervyn G. N. Hine archives. Collection Joe Burns papers. Collection dates: 2000- 1867-1909. Size: 16 items. dates: August 1950-March 2004. Size: 21 2007. Size: 3 cubic feet. linear meters (185 boxes). American Physical Society and American Board of Trustees Philosophical Society. Joint Committee William Owen Lock archives. Collection Committee of Inquiry Concerning the on the History of Theoretical Physics in dates: May 1954-February 1993. Size: 38 Activities of Professor Philip Morrison the Twentieth Century. Collection dates: linear meters (337 boxes). records. Collection dates: 1950-1956. Size: undated. Size: 12.5 linear feet. 12 cubic feet. Helmut (Karl) Reich archives. Collection dates: June 1955-December 1981. Size: 2 James R. Houck papers. Collection dates: California Institute of Technology. Institute linear meters (20 boxes). undated. Size: 69 cubic feet. Archives. 1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA Applications of quantum mechanics [notes Colgate University. Case Library. Special on lecture by ]. Collection California Institute of Technology Chem- Collections Department. Hamilton, NY dates: 1949. Size: 1 volume. istry Division selected correspondence 13346-1398, USA files. Collection dates: 1935-1958. Size: 1 James C. Keck notebooks. Collection dates: linear foot. Colgate University Physics Club records. 1946-1949. Size: 1 cubic foot. Collection dates: 1914-1972. Size: 0.15 Paul B. MacCready papers. Collection cubic feet. New York State Meteorological Bureau dates: circa 1930-2002. Size: 57 linear feet weather summaries. Collection dates: (112 boxes, 2 oversized items). 1888-1890. Size: 1 volume. Cornell University. Carl A. Kroch Library. Division of Rare and Manuscript Sigma Delta Epsilon records. Collection Carnegie Institution of Washington. Collections. 2B Carl A Kroch Library, dates: 1920-2012. Size: 9.2 cubic feet. Geophysical Laboratory. Library and Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Archives. 5241 Broad Branch Road NW, Harold F. Webster notes. Collection dates: Washington, DC 20015, USA Arecibo Ionospheric Observatory and 1945-1953. Size: 16 volumes, 1 folder. Electrical Engineering reports. Collection Frederick Eugene Wright papers. dates: 1950-1975. Size: 1 linear foot. Kenneth G. Wilson papers. Collection Collection dates: 1900-1956. Size: dates: 1960-2000. Size: 6.3 cubic feet. 7.5 linear feet (16 document boxes, 1 Hans Bethe reprint collection. Collection legal-sized document box, 1 photograph dates: 1900-1980. Size: 18 cubic feet. Ralph Wyckoff papers. Collection dates: binder box). 1930-1994. Size: 0.2 cubic feet. CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Niels Bohr reprint collection. Collection . Rauner Special

20 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Collections Library. Hanover, NH 03755, USA Audit and follow-up audit of the management of Mauna Kea and the Mauna Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Archives. JPL John G. Kemeny papers. Collection dates: Kea Science Reserve: A report to the Archive, MS 512-110, 4800 Oak Grove 1942-1992. Size: 34.5 linear feet (23 boxes). Governor and the Legislature of the State Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109-8099, USA of Hawaii / submitted by the Auditor, State Oral history interview with Agnar Pytte. of Hawaii. Collection dates: 1998, 2005. Bruce C. Murray and Charles H. Terhune, Collection dates: 2002 May 15. Size: Size: 106 pages. Jr. Director’s Office Papers collections. Transcript: 39 pages. Audio recording: 3 Collection dates: 1971-1979. Size: 5.7 cassettes. cubic feet (262 folders). Henry E. Huntington Library. 1151 Oxford Richard E. Stoiber papers. Collection Road, San Marino, CA 91108, USA dates: 1911-2001. Size: 34.5 linear feet (23 Library of Congress. Manuscript boxes). Lorand Eotvos Warmelehre autograph Division. James Madison Memorial notebook. Collection dates: circa 1868. Building, First Street and Indepen- Harald Ulrich Sverdrup papers. Collection Size: 1 item (24 pages). dence Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20540, dates: 1931-1948. Size: 0.5 linear feet. USA letters. Collection dates: 1961-1974. Size: 2 letters. Evelyn Briggs Baldwin papers. Collection Eidgenãssische Technische Hochschule dates: 1649-1933. Size: 7.2 linear feet (18 Zãrich. Handschriftenabteilung. Zurich, Sir William Herschel letters. Collection containers and 2 oversize). Switzerland dates: 1777-1807. Size: 8 letters. Abbott Lawrence Rotch papers. Collection manuscripts and corre- John Tyndall letters. Collection dates: 1873- dates: 1896-1912 (bulk 1903-1910). Size: spondence. Collection dates: 1909-1955. 1891. Size: 6 letters, plus note. 1.4 linear feet (4 containers plus 1 oversize).

Albert D. Wheelon papers. Collection Fermilab. History and Archives Project dates: 1940s-2012. Size: 32 banker boxes, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Office, MS-109 PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 2 smaller boxes, 5 loose binders. Institute Archives and Special Collections. 60510, USA M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, , MA 02139, USA Universities Research Association Institute for Advanced Study. Shelby White publications. Collection dates: 1966-2003. and Leon Levy Archives Center. 1 Einstein Victor Starr papers. Collection dates: 1948- Size: 0.5 linear feet (2 boxes). Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA 1975. Size: 13.9 cubic feet (13 records cartons, 2 manuscript boxes, 1 half-size James R. Blackwood collection on Albert manuscript box). George Washington University. Department Einstein. Collection dates: 1934-1997 (bulk of Special Collections. University Archives. 1934-1935). Size: 1 folder. Herbert Bridge papers. Collection dates: 2130 H Street NW, Washington, DC, USA undated. Harish-Chandra papers. Barry Berman papers. Collection dates: Peter T. Demos papers. Collection dates: 1963-2010 (bulk 1966-1991). Size: 4 linear Marianne Iceland collection on Albert undated. feet (4 boxes). Einstein and Josef Scharl. Collection dates: 1941-2000, undated (bulk 1941-1954). Martin Deutsch papers. Collection dates: Size: 1 folder. undated. Georgetown University. Library. Special Collections Division. 37th and O Streets Institute for Advanced Study School of Peter S. Eagleson papers. Collection dates: NW, Washington, DC 20057, USA Natural Sciences records. Collection dates: undated. 1930-1986. Size: 3 linear feet. Georgetown University Seismological papers. Collection dates: Observatory records. Collection dates: Institute for Advanced Study School of undated. 1907-1971. Size: 1.5 linear feet. Mathematics records. Collection dates: 1935-1993. Size: 20 linear feet. Hermann A. Haus papers. Collection dates: undated. . Archives. Pusey Otto Nathan correspondence chiefly with Library. Cambridge, MA 02138, USA Helen Dukas. Collection dates: 1955. Size: Henry W. Kendall papers. Collection dates: 1 folder. undated. Henrietta Swan Leavitt notebooks. Hawaii State Archives. Iolani Palace Hermann Weyl collection. Collection dates: (continued from page 21) Grounds. Honolulu, HI 96813, USA 1938-1955. Size: 0.5 linear feet. www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 21 Arthur K. Kerman papers. Collection dates: Astronomy. Collection dates: 2012. circa 1960-1990. John von Neumann papers. Collection dates: 1919-1966 (bulk 1919-1949). Size: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory William Parrish papers. Collection dates: 0.2 linear feet (1 half-size archival box). website records of the Astrophysics Data undated. System. Collection dates: 2013.

Irwin A. Pless papers. Collection dates: Schenectady Museum. Nott Terrace Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 1964-1994. Heights, Schenectady, NY 12308, USA website records of the Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Denis Robinson papers. Collection dates: John M. Anderson papers. Collection dates: Physics. Collection dates: 2010-2012. undated. 1911-1993, 2001-2006. Size: 6.6 linear feet. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory George Edward Valley papers. Collection Central Engineering Department dates: undated. James Dillon Cobine papers. Collection assignment/support requests and drawings. dates: 1950-1980. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Collection dates: 1975-2000. Size: 168.25 papers. Collection dates: linear feet (76 record storage boxes, 65 undated. Kouan Fong papers. Collection dates: 1947- blueprint storage boxes, 1 oversize folder, 2001. Size: 5 linear feet. 61.54 non-standard boxes).

National Academy of Sciences. 2101 General Electric General Engineering Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC Laboratory papers. Collection dates: 1918- Contracts and Grants Department grant 20418, USA 1926. Size: 0.3 linear feet. proposals. Collection dates: 1990-2005. Size: 9 linear feet (9 record boxes). National Academy of Sciences, Science James Lafferty papers. Collection dates: Advisory Board records. Collection dates: 1976-1998. Size: 2.6 linear feet. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 1925-1941. Size: 10 linear feet. Contracts and Procurement Office Emil Remscheid papers. Collection dates: contract, grant, and procurement records. 1907-1909, 1932-1935, 1952, 1965. Size: Collection dates: 1969-1984. Size: 17 linear Oregon State University. Libraries. Speci-al 2 linear feet. feet (16 record boxes, 2 document boxes). Collections. Corvallis, OR 97331, USA Chester W. Rice papers. Collection dates: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory History of science oral history collection. 1906, 1912-1936, 1940-1948, 1951, 1964. Contracts and Procurement Office grant Collection dates: 2009-2015. Size: 28.3 Size: 2 linear feet. proposals. Collection dates: 1991-1999. gigabytes (38 sound files, 2 video files, 9 Size: 17 linear feet (17 record boxes). photographs). Simon Fraser University. University Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Archives. Burnaby, British Columbia V5A Department of Contracts, Grants and Pennsylvania State University. Libraries. 1S6, Canada Property Management grant proposals. Special Collections Division. University Collection dates: 1957-2001. Size: 68 Park, PA 16802, USA Patrick McTaggart-Cowan fonds. Collection linear feet (68 record boxes). dates: 1929-1998. Size: 3.71 meters of Pennsylvania State University Ionosphere textual records, circa 400 photographs and Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Research Laboratory records. Collection 17 artifacts. Sponsored Programs and Procurement dates: 1927-1985. Size: 11 cubic feet. Department grant award files. Collection Evelyn T. Palmer and Leigh Hunt Palmer dates: 1998-2007. Size: 49 linear feet (49 James J. Tietjen papers. Collection dates: science collection. Collection dates: 1971- record boxes). 1963-1992. Size: 4 cubic feet. 2003. Size: 12.5 centimeters of textual records and 17 sound recordings. Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Sponsored Programs and Procur- Princeton University. Department of Klaus E. Rieckhoff fonds. Collection dates: ement Department grant proposals. Rare Books and Special Collections. 1 1960-1993. Size: 13 centimeters of textual Collection dates: 1988-2010. Size: 31 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544, records. cubic feet (31 record boxes). USA Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Hanna Fantova collection on Albert Smithsonian Institution. Archives. Capital Subcontracts and Procurement Department Einstein. Collection dates: 1945-1958. Size: Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507, 600 proposals, quotations, and bids. Collection 1.5 linear feet (1 box and 1 flat print box). Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC dates: 1969-1984. Size: 17 linear feet (17 Ogden Rood correspondence. Collection 20024-2520, USA record boxes). dates: 1843-1902. Size: 0.2 linear feet (1 Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Smithsonian Institution Office of half-size archival box). website records of Aesthetics and Telecommunications records of “Search for

22 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs the Tunguska Meteorite.” Collection dates: 1985, 1994-1995. Size: 1.5 linear feet. Varian Associates: An early history. Leo Brewer papers. Collection dates: 1921- Collection dates: 1998. Size: 0.02 linear 2004 (bulk 1939-2004). Size: 34.25 linear Smithsonian Institution Polaris Expedition feet (1 folder). feet (25 cartons, 2 boxes, and 1 oversize records. Collection dates: 1871-1876. folder). Size: 2 linear feet (1 record box, 1 half-size Oswald G. Villard papers. Collection dates: document box). 1932-1998 (bulk 1958-1998). Size: 100 George C. Pimentel papers. Collection linear feet (121 boxes). dates: 1880-1990 (bulk 1939-1990). Size: 81.55 linear feet (60 cartons and 13 boxes). Smithsonian Institution. National Air and Fu Chun Yu lab notebooks. Collection dates: Space Museum. Archives Division. MRC 1949-1950. Size: 0.25 linear feet. Ronald S. Rivlin papers. Collection dates: 322, Washington, DC 20560, USA circa 1940-2005. Size: 7.25 linear feet (5 cartons). Hugh L. Dryden memorabilia. Collection State University of New York at Stony dates: circa 1910-1960. Size: 1.5 linear feet Brook. Frank Melville Jr. Memorial Library. Cornelius A. Tobias papers. Collection (3 boxes). Stony Brook, NY 11794, USA dates: circa 1963-1974. Size: 1.25 linear feet (1 carton). Gerard K. O’Neill collection. Collection Gerald E. Brown papers. Collection dates: dates: circa 1950-1990. Size: 35.14 linear 1960s-1990s. Size: 2.7 linear feet. feet (75 boxes). University of California, Los Angeles. Max Dresden papers. Collection dates: University Research Library. Department Hans von Ohain papers. Collection dates: undated. of Special Collections. Los Angeles, CA circa 1930-1989. 90024-1575, USA Peter Kahn papers. Collection dates: Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory undated. Size: 11 linear feet. Jakob Bjerknes papers. Collection dates: Baker-Nunn satellite tracking collection. circa 1900-1988. Size: 1 linear foot (2 Collection dates: 1965-1983. Size: 8 linear boxes). feet. University of California, Berkeley. The Bancroft Library. Berkeley, CA, 94720- Irving Krick papers. Collection dates: 1921- Harold F. Stimson collection on Robert H. 6000, USA 1996. Size: 58 linear feet (116 boxes, 7 Goddard. Collection dates: 1950-1982. oversize boxes.) James F. Bell papers. Collection dates: circa Television Infra-Red Observation Satellite 1937-1995. Size: 26.25 linear feet (21 (continued from page 23) (Tiros) documents. Collection dates: 1959- cartons). 1970.

Phoebe Waterman Haas photo album. Collection dates: 1909-1914.

Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives. Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Ronald Bracewell papers. Collection dates: 1958-2007. Size: 71 linear feet.

Karl P. Cohen papers. Collection dates: 1931-2010. Size: 30 linear feet (61 boxes).

Robert Engelmore papers. Collection dates: 1976-1998 (bulk 1978-1986). Size: 2.5 linear feet.

Arthur Lee Loeb papers. Collection dates: circa 1940s-2002. Size: 54.75 linear feet (105 manuscript boxes, 3 cartons, 2 card boxes, and 4 oversize flat boxes). Varian, Inc. records. Collection dates: Jocelyn Bell Burnell, first observer of , date unknown. The , courtesy AIPEmilio 1950-2003. Size: 44 linear feet. Segrè Visual Archives. www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 23 . The Joseph Regenstein Library. Department of Special University of Miami. Richter Library. Benjamin Franklin papers. Collection dates: Collections. 1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, Archives Division. Main Library, 8th Floor, 1730-1791. Size: 48.5 linear feet. IL 60637, USA Coral Gables, FL 33124, USA L’Athénée de Paris letters. Collection dates: Ole Kleppa papers. Collection dates: 1950- University of Miami Rosenstiel School 1792-1853. Size: 0.5 linear feet (227 items). 2005. Size: 25.5 linear feet (51 boxes). of Marine and Atmospheric Science oral history project. Collection dates: 1988- Stuart Alan Rice papers. Collection dates: 2005. Size: 43 interviews. California Institute of Technology. Institute 1947-2004. Size: 27 linear feet (54 boxes). Archives. 1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA Albert E. Shaw papers. Collection dates: University of Washington. University 1921-1940. Size: 1.25 linear feet (3 boxes). Archives. Mailstop #0-10. Seattle, WA Samuel Epstein papers. Collection dates: 98195, USA 1942-2002. Size: 36 linear feet. Joseph V. Smith papers. Collection dates: 1949-2007. Size: 2.5 linear feet (5 boxes). John M. Wallace papers. Collection dates: Marvin L. Goldberger papers. Collection 1969-1988. Size: 3 cubic feet (3 boxes). dates: 1959-1987 (bulk 1969-1987). Size: 103 linear feet. University of Illinois at Chicago. Richard J. Daley Library. MC 234, 801 S. Morgan, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Gordon J. Stanley papers. Collection dates: Chicago, IL 60607, USA Archives. McLean Lab, MS 8, 360 Woods 1942-1994. Size: 3 linear feet (7 boxes). Hole Road, Woods Hole, MA 02543, USA University of Illinois at Chicago Oliver R. Wulf papers. Collection dates: Department of Physics records of Inder P. Arthur E. Maxwell papers. Collection dates: circa 1917-1987. Size: 3 boxes. Batra. Collection dates: 1964-2007. Size: 6 1928-1969. Size: 0.5 linear feet (1 box). linear feet. Richard E. Payne papers. Collection dates: Carnegie Institution of Washington. University of Illinois at Chicago 1962-2012. Size: 7.5 linear feet (6 boxes). Library. 1530 P Street NW, Washington, Department of Physics records of James DC 20005, USA Kouvel. Collection dates: 1955-2003. Size: Aarhus University. Institute for the History 3 linear feet. of Science. Aarhus, Denmark Carnegie Institution of Washington archives. Collection dates: 1890-2001. University of Illinois at Chicago Bengt Strömgren papers. Collection dates: Size: 352 linear feet (162 records cartons, Department of Physics records of Seymour 1915-1977. Size: 1.3 cubic meters. 34 document boxes, 4 half-size document Margulies. Collection dates: 1948-1974. boxes, 7 card file boxes, 5 map case Size: 7.5 linear feet. drawers, 108 feet of personnel records, 61 American Philosophical Society. Library. feet of bound materials). University of Illinois at Chicago Department 105 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, of Physics records. Collection dates: 1987- PA 19106, USA 1999. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Columbia University. Rare Book and University of Kansas. Libraries. Kenneth Bache family papers. Collection dates: Manuscript Library. Butler Library, 6th Spencer Research Library. University 1770-1923 (bulk 1770-1890). Size: circa Floor East, New York, NY 10027, USA 50 items. NEW FINDING AIDS Edward C. Bullard papers on Maurice A. D. Bache papers. Collection dates: 1835- Ewing. Collection dates: 1923-1980. Size: 1864. Size: 94 items. 2 linear feet (circa 750 items in 4 boxes). Archives. Lawrence, KS 66045, USA Max Bergmann papers. Collection dates: Robert B. Canfield manuscripts. Collection Austin Baily papers. Collection dates: 1900- circa 1930-1945. Size: 7.5 linear feet (circa dates: 1858-1862. Size: 0.5 linear feet (19 1970. Size: 2 linear feet (2 boxes, 1 oversize 7500 items). items in 1 box). box, 1 oversize folder). William Buckland letters. Collection dates: Marshall MacDuffie research materials on Jacob Enoch papers. Collection dates: 1817-1848. Size: 85 items. Leo Szilard. Collection dates: 1941-1964. 1951-2009. Size: 1 linear foot. Hans Thacher Clarke papers. Collection Size: circa 500 items (1 box). dates: circa 1903-1973. Size: 3 linear feet University of Kansas Department of Physics (circa 3,500 items). Ogden N. Rood papers. Collection dates: and Astronomy William Pitt Telescope 1855-1902. Size: circa 1,000 items (5 collection. Collection dates: 1927-1970. papers. Collection dates: boxes, 2 portfolios). Size: 10 oversize folders. 1947-1980. Size: 19 linear feet (circa 12,000 items).

24 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Cornell University. Carl A. Kroch Library. Division of Rare and Manuscript Augustus Shaw records. Collection dates: Collections. 2B Carl A. Kroch Library, 1925-1926. Size: 0.5 linear feet. Ithaca, NY 14853, USA

Cornell Electrical Engineering Centennial George Washington University. Department Symposium records. Collection dates: of Special Collections. University Archives. 1985. Size: 1 volume, 29 videotapes. 2130 H Street NW, Washington, DC, USA

Blake and Rood families papers. Collection George Gamow papers. Collection dates: dates: 1847-1906 (bulk 1847-1891). Size: 1934-1955. Size: 1.5 linear feet (2 boxes). 0.2 cubic feet. George Washington University Department Sigma Delta Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Physics records. Collection dates: 1935- records. Collection dates: 1921-1990. Size: 2000. Size: 37.25 linear feet. 2.1 cubic feet.

Institute for Advanced Study. Shelby White Dwight D. Eisenhower Library. Abilene, KS and Leon Levy Archives Center. 1 Einstein 67410, USA Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA

C. C. Furnas papers. Collection dates: Institute for Advanced Study Office of the 1918-1969. Size: 8.8 linear feet (circa Director records. Collection dates: 1920- 17,200 pages). 2005. Size: 159.5 linear feet (320 boxes).

C.C. Furnas addition to papers. Collection dates: 1914-1969. Size: 12 volumes (7.6 Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. linear feet). James Madison Memorial Building, First Mercedes Richards, astronomer at Penn State University, Street and Independence Avenue SE, date unknown. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Thomas Keith Glennan diary and memoir. Washington, DC 20540, USA courtesy of AIP Emilio Segrè Visual Archives, Physics Collection dates: 1958-1961. Today Collection. Lloyd V. Berkner papers. Collection dates: Gordon Gray papers. Collection dates: 1905-1967. Size: 21,000 items. 164 1946-1976. Size: 4 linear feet (7,800 containers. National Academy of Sciences. 2101 pages). Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC H. T. Friis papers. Collection dates: 1924- 20418, USA George B. Kistiakowsky diary. Collection 1976. Size: 600 items. 8 containers. dates: 1959-1960. American Geophysical Union records. Simon Newcomb papers. Collection dates: Collection dates: 1919-1965. Size: 7 linear Donald A. Quarles papers. Collection 1854-1936 (bulk 1865-1909). Size: 46,000 feet. dates: 1950-1959. Size: 10 linear feet. items. 147 containers, plus 6 oversize. National Academy of Sciences Space NASA selected documents. Collection Science Board records. Collection dates: dates: 1953-1962. Size: 400 pages. Minnesota Historical Society. Division of 1958-1974. Size: 20 linear feet. Archives and Manuscripts. 345 W. Kellogg President’s Commission on National Goals Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102, USA records. Collection dates: 1959-1961. Size: New York University Polytechnic School of 22 linear feet. 3M historical corporate records. Collection Engineering. Bern Dibner Library. Archives dates: 1902-1995. Size: 140 cubic feet. and Special Collections. 6 MetroTech President’s Committee on Scientists and Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA Engineers records. Collection dates: 1956- 1958. Size: 16 linear feet (approximately Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Herman Mark papers. Collection dates: 32,800 pages). Institute Archives and Special Collections. 1918-2013 (bulk 1928-1992). Size: 50 M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, linear feet (30 boxes). MA 02139, USA Fisk University. Library & Special (continued from page 25) Collections. Nashville, TN 37208, USA MIT Office of the Vice President records. National Society of Black Physicists Collection dates: 1932-1938. Size: 0.3 Smithsonian Institution. Archives. collection. Collection dates: 1990-1996. cubic feet (1 manuscript box). Capital Gallery, Suite 3000, MRC 507, 600 Size: 1 linear foot (2 boxes). Maryland Avenue SW, Washington, DC www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 25 20024-2520, USA feet. University of Chicago Department of Physics records. Collection dates: 1937- Smithsonian Institution Office of the From Maser to Maser: Talk by Arthur 2002. Size: 26 linear feet (42 boxes). Secretary correspondence of Samuel P. L. Schawlow at Lawrence Livermore Langley. Collection dates: 1866-1906, Laboratory: Videorecording. Collection Yerkes Observatory Office of the Dir- 1927. Size: 65 linear feet. dates: 1982. Size: 1 video cassette: color; ector letterbooks and correspondence. 3/4 in. Collection dates: circa 1892-1947. Size: Smithsonian Institution Office of the 26.5 linear feet (53 boxes). Secretary records of Charles D. Walcott. Press conference on receipt of Nobel Collection dates: 1890-1929. Size: 58 Prize [video recording]. Collection dates: linear feet. October 1981. Size: 1 video tape cassette University of Washington. University (VHS): sound, color; 1/2-inch. Archives. Mailstop #0-10. Seattle, WA Smithsonian Institution Office of the 98195, USA Secretary records of Charles D. Walcott. Collection dates: 1851-1940, and undated. Tulane University. Howard Tilton Memorial John S. Blair papers. Collection dates: Size: 108 linear feet. Library. Special Collections Division. 1923-1982. Size: 3 linear feet. Manuscripts Collection. 7001 Freret Street, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA Ronald Geballe papers. Collection dates: Smithsonian Institution. National Museum 1950-1998. Size: circa 32.5 cubic feet. of American History. Archives Center. MRC John Karlem Riess papers. Collection dates: 601, 12th Street and Constitution Avenue, 1866-2002 (bulk 1920s-1990s). Size: 13.5 Herbert M. Parker papers. Collection dates: NW, Washington, DC 20560, USA linear feet. 1938-1984. Size: 11.83 cubic feet.

Walter Guyton Cady papers. Collection University of Washington Department of dates: 1903-1974. Size: 22.5 cubic feet (51 University of California, Berkeley. The Physics records. Collection dates: 1924- document boxes, 21 shoe boxes). Bancroft Library. Berkeley, CA 94720- 1999. Size: 18.2 cubic feet. 6000, USA Lloyd Espenscheid papers. Collection dates: University of Washington Nuclear Physics 1907-1969. Size: 11.3 cubic feet. Luis W. Alvarez papers. Size: 36.5 linear Laboratory records. Collection dates: 1949- feet (78 boxes, 3 cartons). 1995. Size: circa 15.88 cubic feet. Mr. Wizard papers. Collection dates: 1906- 2008. Size: 26 cubic feet. D. A. Glaser papers. Collection dates: circa 1947-1997. Size: 18 cartons (22.5 linear Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Albert G. Ingalls papers. Collection feet). University. Carol M. Newman Library. dates: 1920-1956. Size: 8.7 cubic feet (26 Special Collections Department. P. O. Box document boxes). 90001, Blacksburg, VA 24062-9001, USA University of California, San Diego. Ladislaus Laszlo Marton papers. Collection Mandeville Special Collections George Collins papers. Collection dates: dates: 1908-1973. Size: 4.6 cubic feet (14 Library. 9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, 1952-1993. Size: 2.0 cubic feet. document boxes). CA 92093, USA Thornton L. Page papers. Collection dates: Photograph collection relating to physics Marine Biological Association of San Diego 1936-1983. Size: 0.7 cubic feet. and allied sciences. Size: 25 cubic feet. records. Collection dates: 1903-1912. Size: 1 volume.

Smithsonian Institution. National Museum Oral history Interview with Ellen Clark of American History. Division of Electricity Revelle. Collection dates: 1998. Size: and Modern Physics. 12th Street and Sound recording: 6 cassettes (ca. 60-90 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC minutes each). Transcript: 175 pages. 20560, USA

Transformer history collection. Collection University of Chicago. The Joseph dates: circa 1856-1900, 1935-1960 (bulk Regenstein Library. Department of Special circa 1856-1960). Size: 0.6 cubic feet. Collections. 1100 East 57th Street, Chicago, Learn more about the new Stanford University. Department of Special IL 60637, USA Collections and University Archives. collections at Stanford, CA 94305, USA Robert Maynard Hutchins papers. www.aip.org/history/icos Collection dates: 1921-1951. Size: Benoit Mandelbrot papers. Collection circa 33 feet. dates: 1932-2010. Size: circa 380 linear

26 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs The American Institute of Physics’ History Programs are seeking to raise two million dollars to build capacity by strengthening programs that currently have partial support and to ensure their sustainability for the long term. The programs include the Lyne Starling Trimble Science Heritage Public Lecture Series, Grants-in-Aid, Grants to Archives, and the Emerging Technologies Fund—all of which are instrumental in making widely known the human face of science and the physical sciences’ impact on modern life.

Trimble Lectures AIP History Programs intend to use a portion of the funds toward fully endowing the Lyne Starling Trimble Science Heritage Public Lecture Series. The series was partially endowed at $100,000 from Professor Virginia Trimble, in memory of her father, and will be fully endowed at $500,000. The lecture series is an important public outreach ini- tiative featuring prominent science historians and writers who aim to highlight the important roles that science plays in modern society and culture.

Grants-in-Aid & Grants to Archives The Grants-in-Aid and Grants to Archives programs fund research in the history of physics and allied sciences (such as astronomy, geophysics, and optics) and their humanistic interactions. These programs have assisted more than 250 scholars to produce dozens of publications and helped archives make 69 major collections available for research. The programs are partially funded by AIP and endowment income. The Institute aims to expand the programs and complete its endowment of these programs through this campaign.

Emerging Technologies The Emerging Technologies Fund allows AIP History Programs to keep current with digital technologies. The goal is to satisfy the growing demand for robust online, interactive resources and to make our collections more available to the global community of scholars and historians. New technologies will also enable staff to preserve and digitize the rarest, most fragile books and documents in AIP’s history collections.

www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 27 Friends of the Center for History of Physics

We gratefully acknowledge the support of many Friends whose contributions have helped to preserve and make known the history of physics and allied sciences. This list is our public acknowledgment of Friends who contributed in 2014 to the Center for History of Physics. Patrons contributed $2,500 or more; Sponsors contributed $1,000 to $2,499; Colleagues contributed $500 to $999; Associ- ates contributed $250 to $499; and Members up to $249. Bookplate donations honor or memorialize a colleague while supporting the purchase or conservation of rare books. * Designates our Physics Heritage Donors, who have given each year for the past seven years or more. ‡ Designates a recently deceased donor. If you would like to join the Friends in supporting the Center for History of Physics, please write to us at: One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3843, call 301-209-3006, e-mail [email protected], or visit our web page at www.aip.org/history/historymatters.

PATRONS Alan D. Krisch* Robert Leroy Maher Gerald Holton* Arlo U. Landolt* Christopher H. Marshall* Gordon P. Riblet James S. Langer Dan McCammon William P. Reinhardt Harry Letaw David K. McCarthy* Rex D. Pendley* Jonathan Mersel SPONSORS Robert K. Rader Horst Meyer David C. Blewett T. Douglas Reilly* Linn F. Mollenauer Edward N. Clarke Steven R. Riedhauser Bogdan Nedelkoff Russell J. Donnelly* Gary W. Sjolander* Anthony V. Nero Hans Frauenfelder* James L. Smith* Philip E. Nielsen Michael L. George Robert F. Stewart* William F. Pickard* Roderick M. Grant* Eri Yagi Don D. Reeder Brian J. Kiefer William A. Reupke * ASSOCIATES John S. & Diana W. Rigden* Louis J. Lanzerotti* Peter Almond R. G. Robertson* Victor W Laurie E. D. Alyea* Nancy G. Roman* Robert A. Morse* Jagadeesh S. Moodera & Geetha P. Berera Stephen L. Shapiro Lillian C McDermott George F. Bing* James H. Stith* John B. and Patricia N. Pegram William T. Bridgman Richard D. Taylor* Marc H. Brodsky* Elizabeth Roemer* Nancy Yanofsky & Ed Brown MEMBERS Keith Runge Steven Clawson Koichi Abe Theodore T. Wall* Jack H. & Rita Colwell* S. C. Abrahams* Spencer R. Weart* John Cook* Louis W. Adams* Benjamin B. Snavely Janet Crampton Lewis E. Agnew Peter Cziffra* Mercedes M. Agogino* COLLEAGUES Paul D. Dapkus Leif Anderson Ahrens Robert Arns Paul O. Davey* Lawrence K. Akers Derek Boyd Larry & Judith V. East Michele L. Aldrich Lewis M. Branscomb Richard M. Elrick Moorad Alexanian William F. Brinkman Guy T. Emery* David J. Allard David C. Cassidy* William E. Evenson* Lawrence Alquist Edward K. Conklin Alexander L. Fetter B. Jeffrey Anderson Nicole Crosby Theodore & Frances H. Geballe* Nils O. Andersen William C. Davis Nancy Greenspan* Gordon W. Anderson Loyal Durand* Shaun Hardy* Lowell L. Anderson H. Frederick Dylla* Michael J. Harrison R. J. Anderson Sandra M. Faber Warren Heckrotte* Judith Flippen-Anderson Gerald J. Fishman Judy C. Holoviak* Howard Andrews Kenneth W. Ford* Jean-Francois S. Van Huele Michael W. Arenton Bernard Gottschalk* Kern Kenyon* Ivan P. Auer Bill Hassinger* Toichiro Kinoshita* Dewayne A. Backhus John L. Heilbron John A. Koschik George J. Baier Kenneth R. Hogstrom* Bruce A. Kowert R. C. Bailey David W. Ignat Stephen F. Kral Robert W. Balluffi William E. Keller Marvin Litvak William A. Bardeen

28 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Marcia Frances Bartusiak Robert E. Daniell Harvey A. Gould Ewa M. Basinska Max F. Dannecker Hans P. Graf Sunanda Basu Teymour Darkhosh Walter T. Grandy Steve Bauer Anne R. Davenport Michael Grasso* Gordon A. Baym Robert L. De Zafra* Alexander R. Grone Leonard C. Beavis Kenneth G. Demers Thomas H. Groves* Frederick D. Becchetti Samuel Denham Sol M. Gruner John Bechhoefer Samuel Derman* Jeffrey Guenzel Stephen A. Becker Stanley Deser William J. Gunning* Benjamin Bederson David DeVorkin Rajendra Gupta Leila A. Belkora Ruth A. Dickinson William C. Guss Frederick & Eva E. Bergmann* Paul & Eleanor W. Dickson Francis X. Haas Joseph P. Bevak* Bruce R. Doe Blanca L. Haendler Ignacio & Jennifer Birriel Allen C. Dotson Gerhard E. Hahne Nirendra N. Biswas Richard G. Dower Melvyn L. Halbert* James D. Bjorken Richard J. Drachman Bertrand I. Halperin Philip Lewis Dreike* Paul Halpern Irene A Beardsley & Dan Bloomberg Leonard Duda Rosamond Hooper-Hamersley Jack S. Boparai Michael D. Duncan Joseph H. Hamilton Charles A. Bordner Emilio Mutis-Duplat D. A. Hamlin* Timothy H. Boyer Timothy E. Eastman James E. Hammerberg* Donald W. Brill Edgar & Charlotte A. Edelsack Richard Hanau* Ronald A. Brown Fred T. Erskine* Jorgen L. Hansen* Laurie M. Brown Steven R. Federman* Kenneth J. Harker Gail R. Brown Joe & Jean L. Ferguson Wesley H. Harker* John C. Browne Robert W. Field Alan W. Harris Stephen G. Brush* Alan S. Fisher Frederick A. Harris* William Burdett Michael E. Fisher James B. Hartle Patricia V. Burke* Philip C. Fisher* Michael Hauser Bruce C. Burkey Timothy E. Fitzsimmons Jo N. Hays* Earl F. Burkholder* Allen Flora* Jeffrey C. Hecht* Bruce M. Burnett Thomas Von Foerster Otto Heinz Nancy A. Burnham* Jerry W. Forbes Dennis C. Henry Stephen H. Burns* Paul Forman George A. Herbert Wit Busza John Fournelle Boel Denne-Hinnov William T. Buttler Kenneth Fowler* Jeanne Hladky Warren E. Byrne* Eduardo H. Fradkin Christine A. Hlavka David O. Caldwell* Albert J. Franco Lillian H. Hoddeson Harry S. Camarda William G. D. Frederick Rush D. Holt David K. Campbell Laurence W. Fredrick Karl Hufbauer* Jerrold L. Caplin Edwin R. Fuller Howard Huff Bartley L. Cardon Wendy W. Fuller-Mora* Stephen Hurt D. H. Carlson Stephen A. Fulling* James S. Jarratt* Robert E. Carter* Ronald V. Furia Hugh Jeanette Joseph Cerny* Mary Katharine Gaillard* Kenneth E. Jesse William H. Chambers Mark R. Gander David C. Johannsen Thomas M. Christensen* Samuel D. Gasster Lisa A. Johnson Kurt Christoffel Judith A. Gates Robert L. Johnson Donald D. Clayton Katharine B. Gebbie Michael D. Jones* Richard T. Close Neil Gehrels Lawrence W. Jones* James R. Clynch* * Kevin M. Jones James A. Cole Owen Gingerich H. J. Juretschke* Henry L. Collin Joseph A. Giordmaine David G. Karraker Robert C. Cook* Maurice Glicksman* Boris & Susan Kayser Leon N. Cooper* Robert P. Godwin* Thomas Kelsall Hans Courant Joshua N. Goldberg Charles F. Kennel Charlotte M. Cranberg Albert Goldstein* Robert L. Kernell Patrick Crane Gordon L. Goodman Daniel J. Kevles Stephen Craxton* Joel E. Gordon Ray E. Kidder Julian C. Cummings Leon Gortler* Charles H. King* www.aip.org/history-programs History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 29 Miles V. Klein Frederic R. Morgenthaler Edward G. Sartore Rikio Konno* Steven A. Moszkowski* Roberta P. Saxon* Victor Korenman* Mark R. Mueller* Morton Schagrin Raymond Kosiewicz George P. Mueller* Philipp G. Schmelzle Thomas A. Koster John S. Muenter* Robert & Barbara Schneider* Michael A. Kriss Taoufik Nadji Jack Schneps* John Kronholm* Mark Nagumo* Alan Schoenfeld Marvin S. Kruger Theodore S. Needels Melvin J. Schwartz William H. Kuhlman Dwight E. Neuenschwander Brian B. Schwartz* Lorenz A. Kull Jeff Newmeyer Bertram M. Schwarzschild Roger O. Ladle* Richard J. Noer* Silvan S. Schweber* Vasudevan Lakshminarayanan Mary Jo Nye Jan V. Sengers Muriel J. Landauer Jan H. Oelering Frederick D. Seward* Neal F. Lane Dennis L. Orphal Howard Shafer* Anthony J. LaRocca William H. Orttung* Alan E. Shapiro James D. Larson Geraint & Ruth Owen* Stephen L. Shapiro Robert G. Lauttman* Lyman Alexander Page* Joel F. Sherman A. C. Lawson* John M. Palms Joseph C. Shields* William Leahy Pangratios Papacosta Jag J. Singh Harvey S. Leff Chrys E. Papadopoulos Ronald K. Smeltzer Braxton Lewis William & Janice Parker Eugene R. Smith Elinor Lichtman* Thomas A. Pauls Luther W. Smith* David R. Lide G. W. Paxton James L. Snelgrove Donald H. Liebenberg Neil K. Perl* Thomas M. Snyder Kurt M. Liewer Peter Pesic Arnold L. Snyder* Chelcie B. Liu Thomas O. Philips Daniel I. Sober C. D. Livengood* Gary W. Phillips Siavash H. Sohrab John M. Livingood William Phillips Charles M. Sommerfield Peter N. Lombard Julia M. Phillips Lee R. Sorrell John H. Lowenstein David Pines Grace M. Spruch* Gloria Lubkin Michael Plett Frieda A. Stahl* Thomas Lucatorto John K. Pribram Richard R. Stanchi Tim Lynch Kay M. Purcell Robert W. Standley* David D. Lynch* Monroe S. Rabin Walter A. Stark Joseph H. Macek Jack Rallo Richard B. & Barbara J. Stephens Maura & Michael J. Mackowski* Stephen J. Rant Frank Stern* John R. Magan Joseph T. Ratchford Donald T. Stevenson Mark L. Maiello* Richard T. Rauch James R. Stevenson Stephen P. Maran Lanny Ray Gordon E. Stewart John V. Martonchik Albert J. Read Ian E. Stockdale Frederick J. Mayer Joseph Reader James Stone John L. McClure George Redlinger David R. Stover Walter O. McDonald Randolph A. Reeder* Alan J. Strauss Robert B. McKibben Leonard Reiffel Bertram & Lynne Stries John A. McKinney John E. Rhoads David Strozzi John L. McKnight Paul E. Rider Curtis J. Struck Priscilla J. McMillan Joseph Di Rienzi Harry Stuckey* Ethan Merritt Howard K. Rockstad* Folden B. Stumpf* Irving Michael Alan Rogers Jean H. Swank Andre F. Michaudon Edward John Rojek* J. Patrick Tatum* John Michel* Robert Rolewicz Harvey D. Tananbaum Ronald E. Mickens Kenneth L. Rose Frank R. Tangherlini Herman L. Miller Carl Rosenfeld* Takao Tanikawa Deborah F. Minehart Lawrence N. Rothenberg Howard S. Taylor Mark B. Moffett* Lawrence G. Rubin* Joseph S. Tenn Bernhard P. Molldrem Klaus Ruedenberg George Tessler* Louis Monchick Kenneth S. Rumstay David R. Thiessen Hendrik J. Monkhorst Robert Sahakyan Deborah Toll Kurt R. Moore* James A. Salsgiver Christopher H. Tong W. E. & Sharon Moerner Richard H. Sands George H. Trilling

30 History Newsletter | Volume 47, No. 2 www.aip.org/history-programs Alvin W. Trivelpiece Peter J. Wanderer Brenda & Manfred Winnewisser* Benjamin M. Tsui Robert L. Warasila James F. Woodward Kenneth Ulin Charlotte Ward Paul P. Woskov Toru Uno Robert T. Ward Bradford L. Wright* Bjarne E. Ursin Robert E. Warner Carl I. Wunsch Zenaida Uy George D. Watkins* Andrew T. Young Randy C. Van Vranken Bill Weaver* Glenn R. Young Michael Vaughn* Samuel A. Werner Lawrence Younghouse Robin & Antoinette Verdier* William R. Wheeler Clyde S. Zaidins* Ronald J. Versic* Stephen H. White* Carl R. Zeisse* William Wallace John A. & Rebecca White Al Zeller David L. Wallach Ralph M. Wilcox* Walter B. Zimmerman Ronald A. Walton Donald Wilke John W. Zwart*

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History Newsletter


Staff Members This newsletter is a biannual publication of the Center for History of Gregory A. Good, Director, Center for History of Physics Physics, American Institute of Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College R. Joseph Anderson, Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives Park, MD 20740; phone: 301-209-3165; fax: 301-209-0882; Melanie Mueller, Assistant Director, Niels Bohr Library & Archives e-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]. Editor: Gregory A. Good. The Chip Calhoun, Technical Services Archivist newsletter reports activities of the Center for History of Physics and Savannah Gignac, Photo Librarian Niels Bohr Library & Archives, and other information on work in the Nancy Honeyford, Senior Library Assistant history of physics and allied fields. Stephanie Jankowski, Senior Administrative Secretary Sean McEnroe, Digitization Assistant Any opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views Teasel Muir-Harmony, Associate Historian of the American Institute of Physics or its Member Societies. This Amanda Nelson, Associate Archivist newsletter is available on request without charge, but we welcome Mary Romanelli, Senior Photo Archives Assistant donations (tax deductible) to the Friends of the AIP Center for History Elaina Vitale, Assistant Librarian of Physics (www.aip.org/donate). The newsletter is posted on the Nathan Cromer, Web Designer web at www.aip.org/history-programs/history-newsletter.

Center for History of Physics One Physics Ellipse College Park, MD 20740 301 209 3165 www.aip.org/history