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Index Accounting standards, 126. Bank supervision, 169–170 See also Historical cost Barclays Bank, 141 accounting; Mark-to-market Basel Capital Accords, 97, 107, accounting 163, 170 –171 Agricultural banks, 67 Bear Stearns, 134 –135 American Bankers Association, 54 Bernanke, Ben, 3 – 4, 132, American International Group 143 –144, 148 –149 (AIG), 142–146 Blankfein, Lloyd, 145 http://www.pbookshop.comBook insolvency, 31 Bailout legislation. See Troubled Boren, David (D-OK), 44, 45 Asset Relief Program (TARP) Bradfi eld, Mike, 30 –31 Bair, Sheila C., 146 Brady, Nicholas, 121 Baker, HowardCOPYRIGHTED (R-TN), 50 Breeden, MATERIAL Richard, 119 Baker, James, 26 –27, 87, 162 Brokered deposits, 56 –57, 61– 62 Baker, Richard (R-LA), 139–140 Buchanan, Vern (R-FL), 5, 8 Bank of America, 52, 141 Bush, George H.W. Bank regulation, 96 administration, 27, 97, 119 Bankruptcy, 170 Bush, George W. administration, Banks and fi nancial disclosures, 94 122, 152 211 bbindex.inddindex.indd 221111 006/06/126/06/12 88:00:00 AAMM index Butcher, C.H., 47, 51 money market funding, 65 Butcher, Jake, 47, 50 –51 Penn Square bailout and, 39 Butcher banks, 47–52 sale options, 73 Treasury and, 74 –76 Capital Purchase Program (CPP), Cooley, Dick, 39– 40, 76, 77 153 Cost test, 136 Capital requirements, 170 –171 Countercyclical bank regulation, Carter, Jimmy, 14 96, 128, 171 Chase Manhattan, 29–30 Cox, Christopher, 122–124 Chrysler, 152 CPP. See Capital Purchase Citicorp, 71–72 Program (CPP) Citigroup, 147 C&S Bank, 49 Clinton administration, 111, 140 Commercial Paper Funding
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