The Rectory, Church Street, . December 1995.

THE HIDDEN PLACES How do you picture the stable where Jesus was born? Probably as some beautiful Bucks barn, clean, warm and hygienic! We all absorb the traditions of our own culture, and the imagery that goes with it. The reality, as we well know, would have been very different. It is quite possible that the stable was a cave. If so, then the infant Jesus would probably have been laid on a stone ledge in the rough wall of the cave. It was on another ledge in another cave that his body was laid thirty-three years later. In both cases, what took place was unbelivably creative, amazing in power, influence and significance. The works of God are mostly hidden, almost secret, a long way away from the razz-matazz of to-day's media hype. The acorn buried in the ground leads to the mighty oak. The idea germinates in the composers mind and a symphony comes to birth. The unseen act of kindness expresses a woman's concern for her sick neighbour Never underestimate what may be happening in the hidden places of your life. There, in secret, God is at work in you, bringing to birth his love, his likeness. This is a never ending creative act. There are many cold ledges that need warming, many dark places that need lighting. It may be precisely the parts of you which you think of least importance that will turn out to be of greatest creative significance. Our weaknesses can matter more than our strengths, and certainly be more open to God's power. May God bring to birth in each of us those things which He knows that we need in order for us to be shaped more and more into the likeness of Christ. What a Christmas gift that is!


Charitable Giving

The All Saints' Committee has reviewed its donations to charities from Church funds, and has decided that 60% of the total set aside should go overseas and the remaining 40% to charities in this country, particularly local ones. The aim is to support chosen agencies on a regular basis to assist their own budgeting.

The following allocations have been made this year: £ Raphael Ryder/Cheshire Mission 1,000 L'Arche Community (for their work in Uganda with young children) 500 South American Missionary Society (SAMS) 400 Leprosy Mission 400 Church Urban Fund 500 Coleshill School 100 Rushymead Hospice 50 Rosanna Hospital 100 Creation Workshop Agencies 150 Bucks Clergy Charity 50 Bucks Historic Churches Trust 50 Sanctuary (National Organisation working with AIDS sufferers 250 Child Bereavement Trust 250 Amersham Hospital Scannappeal 100

Total £3,900

Harvest Charity

The Auction of Promises held on September 22nd was very successful, and made a record profit of £3,903. Together with generous donations from the Church and individuals of £1,735, a total of £5,638 was sent to Raphael for its T.B. work.

Workshop on 'Our Place in Creation'

We had an attendance of 38 at the Workshop on 30th September. The morning started with a video 'A White Hole in Time', which set the scene for our Group discussions. Four study groups, with the topics Creation Centred Spirituality, Christians and Local Agenda 21, Wider issues of Ethics & Environment, and Issues of Genetic engineering, produced a wide range of discussion, which was summarised and taped at a final plenary session. Grateful thanks to the four Study Group leaders, Susan Whipp. 'David Curry, Christopher Hughes and Bob Ward, who had put much thought into the preparation of material, and also to the scribes, who reported back, and to Mrs Stallwood for letting us use the school. A letter to the Bishop of Oxford, asking for the Church to register its objection to the series of French Nuclear tests, was signed by 22 Workshop members. The Bishop has replied with extracts of letters he had already written to the Times and the CCBI on this subject. A further event in the series will be planned for 1995. Another Songs of Praise is planned for Sunday, 4th February at the evening service (6 pm) . It will be followed by a Pre-Lent supper in the Village Hall. Further details will appear in the Church news sheets. Churchyard Madeleine Murray has offered to maintain a rockery in the S.E. corner of the churchyard next to Heather's grave. This will be a welcome development of an untidy corner. A 'Churchyard tidy' afternoon was held on Saturday, 18th November, which has neatened up the fallen leaves, but more helpers are needed on these days . R.A.L.T.


Sunday 10th Christingle Service - 5 p.m. 17th Service of Lessons and Carols - 3 p.m. 24th CHRISTMAS EVE 10.30 a.m. Combined Service of Holy Communion 25th CHRISTMAS DAY 9.00 a.m. Holy Communion

IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE CAROL SERVICE ON DECEMBER 17th, THERE WILL BE A CHARITY TEA IN THE VILLAGE HALL. TICKETS: £1.50 adults £1.00 children available from Barbara Plumridge, or at the door. ##*#****#*##


On 26th August 1995, James Eric Ross Evans of Datchet married Carolyn Frances McCammon of Chase Close, Coleshill.

On 8th September 1995, Richard Mathew Evans married Sarah Jane Lucke, both of Coleshill.


I started at the school in September joined by ten new pupils, so that we now have 25 on roll. I hope that they are as happy at Coleshill as I am.

At the end of last term the Pat Panton Memorial Prize was won by Naomi Robertson and Amy Miles and the Scripture Prize from All Saints was won by James Bell.

We are very pleased that numbers are growing but this has presented us with a problem, as it means that Parents only are able to attend our Evening Christmas Concert because of Health and Safety Regulations limiting our numbers to 100. We would, however, like to invite anyone from the village to attend our very special dress rehearsal on Wednesday, 13th December at 9.45 a.m. We do look forward to seeing you.

The school is going to write its own Newsletter to the Village and the first letter should be ready before Christmas so that will contain more news about us. L.M. Stallwood

DATE FOR YOUR DIARY 2nd February 1996 - A Quiz Night supper to be held in Village Hall in aid of Coleshill School. A MESSAGE FROM SYLVIA DOLLEMORE

Just in case anyone missed my letter on the noticeboard, I should like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed in any way towards my retirement, by their cards, letter and gifts, and by their attendance at one of the parties. I was overwhelmed by everyone's kindness. I have a wealth of happy memories of my years at Coleshill School, and shall continue to follow the progress of my former pupils with great interest. Sylvia Dollemore


The village collection amounted to £462.74, an increase of £80.97 over last year. The Royal British Legion is very grateful for the hard work of the collectors and generous donations which achieved this record result. The figure includes £17 donated by Bill Houlton from lending his videos of V.E. Day. A.G.U.


On Thursday, 9th November, over 400 people congregated in St Mary's Church to hear Mark Tully give us a fascinating insight into how Western Society can learn from Indian philosophy. He explained the importance that this places on man's relationship with the environment and the need to achieve balance in all aspects of life. It was a most stimulating evening which provoked much discussion. After his talk Mr Tully signed copies of his new book "The Heart of India". The net proceeds of just over £2,300 will go to the Ryder Cheshire Centre at Raphael, N. India. Tapes of the talk can be ordered at £4 each by telephoning me on 726277. Mary Sadler


This term we had 8 new Brownies, a new Brown Owl and a new Tawny Owl! So a lot of time has been spent on us all helping each other getting settled in. In September we had a Tramps' Picnic at Shardeloes House where we collected nuts, fir cones, conkers etc and then made some very imaginative animals, with the help of a glue gun! In October we enrolled Georgina, Ruth, Jodana, Katie, Natasha, Tiggi, Clare and Kate. 6 Brownies looked after the parents who came to watch completing their Hostess Badges. Naomi has taken her swimming badge and Robyn has also taken her stage 3 swimming badge and Jane has completed her Book Lovers badge. Two evenings were spent making wonderful salt doh figures, then painting and varnishing them which was an enormous success. Now we are planning for the Christmas party we are giving for some of the people in Coleshill. Then we look forward to singing carols at Rushymead on the 10th December. Brown Owl RUSHYMEAD SOCIETY OF FRIENDS

In order to help raise funds for the Rushymead Hospice Day Care Centre at Coleshill, Nr Amersham, we have recently formed the Society of Friends. The Hospice is funded entirely from donations, fund raising and sponsorship. It is not funded by the Council of Health Authority. The Hospice has 35 guests at present who enjoy one day a week in beautiful surroundings with professional nursing care supported by volunteers to provide coffee, tea, serve lunch and offer company. It has a lively and happy atmosphere with many activities going on. Although sharing the same building as the Residential Homse run by Chiltern Hundreds Housing Association, we are a separate and independent organisation. Our aim is to achieve a maximum capacity of 60 guests per week by the end of 1996. We need money to keep the Hospice running as it is an important part of the Chiltern community. On November 10th the Society of Friends held a Wine and Cheese party at the Hospice. It was very well supported and raised just over £1,000. We are very grateful to everyone who came and thank you for your generosity. We do hope you enjoyed the evening. Thank you also to those who kindly gave donations. We are planning more events for next year and these will be advertised in the village. We do hope you will join us if you can, as your support is much needed to help us to care for those who need the Hospice now and in the future. The Hospice is also very much in need of volunteers, most especially drivers tocollect guests and bring them to the Hospice by about 10.30 am and/or take them home again at about 3.30 pm. If you would like to help, please contact Tony Hulme on (01494) 434110. Heather Hollamby


In the last couple of months a dishwasher has been installed, which we hope will ease the burden of washing up! The repair of the piano is in hand, but it is thought a more permanent solution may be necessary.

Dates for your diary, when we hope to see you in the Village Hall: December 1995 Friday 15th/Saturday 16th Coleshill Village Drama Group's Santa in Space Sunday 17th Tea in the Village Hall after the Carol Service January 1996 Friday 19th Coleshill Tennis Club's Bingo Night February 1996 Friday 2nd Quiz night supper in aid of Village School Sunday 4th Pre-Lent Supper I.E.

N.S.P.C.C. I would like to thank everyone in the village who has supported us during the year via our cookery demonstration, house to house collection and coffee morning. We have raised almost £2,000 which is tremendous, and goes directly to the Child Care Team for our area which is based in Milton Keynes. We finish the year with our carol singing on Tuesday December 19th at 7 pm and would welcome anyone who would like to join us. S.H. THE ROSANNA HOSPITAL

I would like to thank every one in Coleshill for their help and support in raising money for the Rosanna Hospital. We have now raised sufficient money to build the hospital and the foundations are being layed at this moment, although the hospital will not be up and running until late in the summer next year.

We have obtained a grant from the European Commission which will go a long way towards equipping and buying the drugs for the hospital. We still do not have enoughlmoney to maintain the hospital for 5 years, so that any further help with and ideas for fund raising would be very welcome indeed.

Marigold Curling


There has been plenty to keep members busy in the past months, the good summer making outside activities all the more enjoyable. Members of the St Saviour's club for Deaf people were invited by the Institute to lunch and tea in August. This year they had a tour of Old Amersham, and were pleased to be welcomed in St Mary's Church by the Revd William Brierley. It is hoped some of them may attend the carol service at All Saints this Christmas. The County organised a day to Bristol, and Jean E Powell made up a party to spend the day in Worcester, including a tour of the China Factory. Ann Cox made arrangements for a tour of Eton College and has organised a party to go to Evensong at St George's Chapel, Windsor in December. Good wishes and flowers were presented to Marjorie Long-Brown from the Institute to celebrate her ninetieth birthday, and Ann Cox was congratulated on her Ruby Wedding. A film presented by Mr Ball from Tate & Lyle ;showed some surprising facts about sugar - not least that the average lady consumes about 80 Ibs in a year. (Not in Coleshill W.I. surely). Mrs Elsberry gave a timely demonstration of Gift Wrapping. The Great Car Boot Sale in September was, surprisingly - after such a dry summer, cancelled because the venue was waterlogged. So many "things" having been collected for it, a Jumble Sale was held in the Village Hall in November which proved to be a useful fund-raising event, thanks to those who organised it and bought from it At the beginning of January, the Chess Group, to which the Institute belongs, with and W.I.s, will be merged with Woodland Group, comprising Afternoon, and W.Is. The new group will appropriately be named "Chesswoods". The last Garden Party was held in August and Coleshill W.I. hosted the last meeting of Chess Group. At the Annual General Meeting, the President, Helen Savory, who was re-elected, thanked the Committee for their support during the year. She was sorry that two Committee members have had to leave, and welcomed those who will replace them. So, the Institute is all set for what will, one hopes, be another happy and successful year. J.P. MAGPIE CLUB - CHRISTMAS 1995


CAROL SINGING - Meet at the Church. Please bring 4 mince pies in a plastic bag, tied with a ribbon and tag saying " Merry Christmas from The Magpie Club". We thought that it would be rather nice to sing a little later this year and it would therefore be a good idea to bring a torch or lantern if you have one. All children under 8 must be accompanied by an adult. LynnWoodgate 728224


CHRISTMAS PARTY with an entertainer in the Village Hall. Please bring a contribution of food for tea . The cost this year is £2.00 per child or £5.00 for a family. Michelle Denyer 724696 Kirn Hilton 432465


COFFEE MORNING and 50/50 SALE Pat Dawson has very kindly agreed to us holding our Coffee Morning at her house in Village Road this year. As well as a Cake Sale we are having a 50/50 Sale of children's clothes, games and books. Its the ideal opportunity to make space for all those new presents they had for Christmas. Don't forget to label your items for sale with the price you would like, at the end of the sale you will receive 50% of the price of anything you sell.

For further information please call either Kirn Hilton 432465 or Jane Stainer on 725671


All Saints' Magpie Club, which meets in the village school, once a fortnight during term time, has been very well attended, with several new faces. The children have painted pictures of each Bible story that we have heard this term. They have enjoyed playing games and singing to Ruth's accompaniment on the piano. Next term starts on January 19th, 5 - 6 pm, all children 3-10 years are welcome and mothers too. R.V. 1ST COLESHILL GUIDE COMPANY CHRISTMAS 1995 UPDATE

I Company Profile Meetings: • Time: Monday evenings - 7.00 to 8.30 PM • Venue: Coleshill Village Hall • Subs £8.00 per term

Guiders and Help; • The guider (details below) is supported by an experienced guide, Anna Stratford, from the 1st Amersham on the Common Company who comes to help every Monday. • Three mums - Ms Milsom, Pool and Tuffney - helped with guides whilst the Guider was away in September. Thanks to all the above for their support. Enrolments: • Our small company of 6 guides (at the end of 1993) has now grown up to 18 with the new guides coming up from Brownies and from outside the guiding movment. Additionally we have Emma who has transferred to another company. • We will be working on the enrolments for the new guides (Michelle, Olivia, Claire, Katie) in the new year. i1 Activities Theme of Challenge and Development: • The guides helped at the wedding of their guider in September - specifically helping with the refreshments and to entertain the Contact for the Aged guests. • Games Tournament • Rescue games/Treasure hunts on the Common • Making sweets • Cooking on the Common • Learning the Deaf alphabet • Nite Hike from Winchmore Hill to Coleshill village

Fund Raising: • Ran the Aunt Sally Wet Sponge stall at the Coleshill Fete in June • We have our major 1994 event will be held on December 9 when we put on the Coleshill Christmas Extravaganza for the village, friends and family and ...... This event is at 6.30 PM at the Coleshill Village Hall and we guarantee to provide original entertainment, a raffle, refreshments and Christmas Cheer! Proceeds go to the local charities (animal shelter and children).

Kaye Hughes Anyone interested in joining guides please call me on Amersham 433419 or at work on 081 231 8713 COLESHILL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY

Since our last report the main event has been, of course, the Annual Show in September. The flower and vegetable judge was both surprised and pleased by the ability of Coleshill gardeners to enter such good quality produce at the end of such a long, hot and dry summer. Indeed in all sections of the Show there was a very commendable number and quality of entries. Due to the tremendous demand for judges at shows all over the county on the date of our show we were not able to provide as many judges as usual. We hope that not too many people were disappointed by the very high and exact standards demanded in the sections for baking and preserves by our hard worked judge. I am pleased to report that our full number of usual judges have been booked for the 1996 Show. As ever we are indebted for the successful organization of our Show to the hard work of the Committee members and to the great help from other "volunteers" and to the managers and staff of the Village Hall. Congratulations to all the prize-winners, and especially this year's Cup Winners who are:

The Grindley Challenge Cup Mr Andrew Domin The Jerram Challenge Cup Mrs J Whitefield The Woolacott Vase Mrs L Haubner The Cotswold Challenge Cup Mrs D Heimann The Orchard Trophy Mrs D Heimann The Premier Cup Mrs D Heimann The Jackie Ferguson Memorial Award A Mrs L Haubner The Coleshill Challenge Cup Mrs S Platzer The Joseph Cup Mrs H Hitchen The Edmond Waller Cup Mrs P Ware The Ovington Rose Bowl Mrs K Barber The Windmill Sown Mrs S Bullough The Clifton Cup Mr T Platzer The Le Mead Cup Mr H Green The Children's Cup Jenna Herbert The Magpie Award Tanya-Marie Richardson The Grtienfingers plant bring and buy event was held on 21st October on a dry and sunny day. Next autumn an even greater blaze of publicity may precede the event - apologies if some people missed out this year. Looking to the future, our dynamic committee has already met twice to mull over activities for 1996 - the Society's 50th Show year - and will meet again on January llth. If you have any suggestions, please make them to a Committee member before that date. J.S.


Jack Joseph and staff at Cherry Tree Stables would like to thank Coleshill village residents for their loyal support through the years in supplying the stables with their old newspapers, and do hope this will continue.

They send their best wishes to all for Christmas and the New Year. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS - 1995 * *##********#**##-tt--*^

Joan Allan Peter & Ann Lawrence & Family Tony & Kate Barber Marjorie Long-Brown John & Rita Bennett John & Mary Machin Peter & Jennifer Brock lan & Amanda McCallum David & Sue Bullough David & Ineke McCammon & Family John & Ann Chenevix-Trench George & Pat McNeil Walter Clayton George & Ruby May Kitty Clifton Henry Maynard Bill & Sue Colacicco & Family Ron, Ruth, Gregory & Alex Murphy Ronald & Mary Colles Philip & Hazel Pearce Nancy Collier Tony & Stella Platzer Catherina & Mary Cossey George & Barbara Plumridge Leslie & Jean Croydon Peg Pomeroy Marigold Curling Derek, Alex, Philip & Susanna Pond Minnie Darvill John & Jean Powell Tony, Pat, John & Fiona Dawson Margaret Price Christina (Deaky) Deacon Micky Prothero Jim & Alison Dening & Family Graham & Linda Pyle & girls Peter & Barbara Dodds Jim & Pleasance Riley Sylvia Dollemore Colin, Gillian, Clare & Fiona Sach Alan & Jean Dover & Family Nick & Mary Sadler & Family Ted,Ann,James,Robbie & Nicky Downie John & Helen Savory Jonathan & Lindsey Eardley & girls Ewart & Jean Smith & Family Louie Edwards Cecilia & David Spackman Jack & Pat Emblow The Spencer Family Robin Ferguson & Family Mollie K. Stone Steve,Janice & William Foster-Jones Pam & Paul Stubbings Bernard & Joan Frost Graham & Dumpy Swerling David & Chris George & boys Chris & Kirn Teal Maisie & Andrew Grant Hazel & Graham Thorne Howard & Catherine Green Bob & Mary Tilson John Guest Ann Trotman David & Sharon Hall & girls Donald & Anita Urry Denis & Chloe Hall Richard & Rosemary Valentine & Family Jack,Lindsey,Mikki & Nicola Haubner Dick, Penny, Tessa & Dickon Ware Ray & Stephanie Hernandez & Family Sidney & Ann Ware John & Lavinia Horsbrugh-Porter Duncan & Catherine Watts & Family Bill & Barbara Houlton & Auntie Chris & Mary Wege & Family John & Kezia Jefford Mercy & Martin Williamson Geoff & Ginny Jordan Spike & Phyllis Wright Teddy & Betty Joseph Patsy Wright-Warren Chris King

The above have advised that they do not propose to send Christmas Cards locally, but extend to all friends their best wishes for Christmas and the New Year *#**#*****#**************#*************** COLESHILL CRICKET CLUB The Chairman, Committee and members would like to wish all our Vice-presidents, supporters and friends a very Happy Christmas *##********#********#******************#****

As soon as all donations are received from the above greetings, a cheque will be forwarded to the Treasurer of All Saints' Church YOUTH CLUB

The new Youth Club for Coleshill, Winchmore Hill and Penn Street, to be held in the Methodist Church Hall in Winchmore Hill, will start, we hope, early in the New Year, and will be for those in school years 5, 6, 7 and 8.

We are advertising for a paid part-time youth worker to run the club on Fridays from 6.30 - 8.30 pm. Anyone interested in the job should phone William Brierley (726089) for further details. The closing date for applications is llth December.

We shall neet volunteers to be part of a rota or support helpers each week and would also like to hear from anyone who might be willing to take on the role of Treasurer. Please phone Penny Ware (722486) if you think you might be able to help.


I'm sure you are all well aware by now that we're putting on an amazing extravaganza of a pantomime very soon. Called "Santa in Space", it has all the usual ingredients - a villain, a dame, a principal boy (?), appallingly bad jokes etc - together with spaceships, a monster and weird aliens from another world. Co come along and join in the fun. Performances are at 8 pm on Friday 15th December, and 2.30 pm and 8 pm on Saturday, 16th. Tickets available from the Red Lion, Amanda McCallum, Lindsey or me.

Immediately after Christmas, we'll be reading possible plays and then casting for our next performance which we intend to put on in May. More details will appear on noticeboards but we'd very much welcome anyone who thinks they might like to take part. Dick Ware (722486)


Coleshill Tennis Club held its AGM on Monday 13th November by candlelight for the first time in the new hut, followed by a glass of wine. This last year has been C.T.C's first full one where membership stands at 141 members - this includes 93 adult, 36 Junior and 12 social. The season began well with many new members coming to Club nights, although this did fall off during the long hot summer, mid July to end of August. Matches went well both last winter and during the summer - certainly the Team Manager, Robin Ferguson, was coaching from the sidelines if not playing himself!! The annual Coleshill Tournament was well attended where we certainly saw new faces in the semi-finals, all of whom were members. We were pleased with the Junior Tournament and Barbecue at the end of August - hopefully the Juniors enjoyed this too, but next year we would like to get more juniors involved from the surrounding villages. We have now started the 100 Club - ALL VILLAGERS PLEASE JOIN - it is £1 a month - ask Chris Teal (434270) the organiser, or any committee member - you stand a much better chance of winning than the National Lottery. Please everyone - note a date for your diary - there is to be a Bingo Supper in the village hall on FRIDAY, 19th JANUARY 1996. We look forward to seeing you, and Christmas Greetings to everyone.

David George


The Reverend Anthony M. Priddis, The Rectory, Church Street, Amersham, Bucks Tel: Amersham 729380 The Revd Dr William Brierley Tel: Amersham 433198

St Mary's Church, Amersham

Sunday Services 8.00 am Holy Communion 10.15 am Family Service (Creche, Sunday School] 11.45 am Matins 6.00 pm Evensong

Sunday Services: 9,00 am Parish Communion 6.00 pm Evensong (1st Sunday in month only)


Sunday 10th December 5.00 pm CHRISTINGLE SERVICE Sunday 17th December 3.00 pm CAROL SERVICE Sunday 24th December 10.30 am Combined Service of Holy Communion CHRISTMAS DAY 9.00 am HOLY COMMUNION

Pro-Wardens Miss P. Wright-Warren, 1 Amber Cottage 433356 N. Sadler, Clivia, Coleshill 762277

Hon. Treasurer D.C. Urry, Ardlair, Coleshill 727420 Hon. Secretary Miss A. Trotman, Lawyers Cottage, Magpie Lane 433545

Brownies - 5.30 - 7.00 Monday Evenings Village Hall

Guides - 7.00 - 8.15 Monday Evenings Village Hall

W.I. - 2nd Thursday of each month (except August) 2.30 pm Village Hall

The Mobile Library calls in Coleshill every Wednesday morning: 9.15 - 9.50 stopping alternately at Village Hall and Village Way