Written Examination

Proctor Policies and Instructions

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Adopted: 6/18/97 Updated: 01/01/2016 /1/

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Table of Contents













SUMMARY ...... 23











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It is the intent of the Division of Fire Prevention & Control (Division) and Colorado Fire Service Training and Certification Advisory Board (Advisory Board) that all candidates taking any examination for certification receive equal instruction, explanation, assistance and evaluation from a Proctor. In order to accomplish these objectives, this set of Policies has been prepared and provided for you. These Policies adhere to the recommendations and requirements established in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1000, Standard on Fire Service Professional Qualifications Accreditation and Certification Systems.


These Proctor Policies have been designed to allow you, as a State of Colorado certified Written Proctor, to administer written examinations only for certification at levels offered by the Division and for which you meet the prescribed requirements. This document applies ONLY to written examination proctors.

The Colorado Firefighter Voluntary Certification Program was created and is administered by legislative statute. The program is assigned to the Division. The Advisory Board has rule making authority and develops the policies and requirements for administering the firefighter certification program. The Board consists of members appointed by the Governor and represents various fire service constituents throughout the state.

8 CCR 1507-3, printed in the 1996 Public Record Corporation document, Colorado Code of Regulations, titled Department of Public Safety, Division of Fire Prevention & Control, Rules Pertaining to the Firefighter Voluntary Certification Program (Firefighter Rules) was adopted on October 23, 1996, and became effective on November 30, 1996. These Firefighter Rules are revised from time to time, to meet the needs of the firefighter certification program. The most recent revision was adopted on May 4, 2005, and became effective on June 30, 2005.

The purpose of the Firefighter Rules, Certification Policies and this Policy is to maintain a secure certification program, based on integrity, consistency and credibility. This cannot be accomplished without the assistance of each and every participant, department head, training officer, and certified proctor utilizing the system.

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The Division currently is accredited by the International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) and National Board on Fire Service Professional Qualifications System (ProBoard) for the Airport Firefighter, Driver Operator, Driver Operator Pumper, Driver Operator Aerial, Firefighter I, Firefighter II, Fire Officer I, Fire Officer II, Fire Officer III, Fire Instructor I, Fire Instructor II, Fire Instructor III, Hazardous Materials Awareness, Hazardous Materials Operations, Hazardous Materials Technician, Public Fire and Life Safety Educator I, Public Fire and Life Safety Educator II, Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I, Live Fire Evolution Training Fixed Facility Instructor I, Technical Rescue: Rope Rescue Level I and II, Technical Rescue: Confined Space Rescue Level I and II, Technical Rescue: Surface Water Rescue Level I and II, and Technical Rescue: Trench Rescue Level I.

The Division will continue to pursue accreditation for all certification levels as listed in the Firefighter Rules. It is of the utmost importance, therefore, that any level of certification be tested, at written and applicable practical levels, with strict adherence to the adopted Firefighter Rules, Certification Policies, NFPA standards, IFSAC/Pro Board Polices and this Policy.

The applicable NFPA Standards upon which the certification levels in the Firefighter Rules are based as follows:

 NFPA 472, Professional Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents  NFPA 1000, Fire Service Professional Qualifications Accreditation and Certification Systems  NFPA 1001, Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications  NFPA 1002, Fire Department Vehicle Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications  NFPA 1003, Airport Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications  NFPA 1006, Technical Rescue Professional Qualifications  NFPA 1021, Fire Officer Professional Qualifications

 NFPA 1031, Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector  NFPA 1033, Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator  NFPA 1035, Professional Qualification for Public Fire and Life Safety Educator  NFPA 1041, Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications  NFPA 1403, Live Fire Training Evolution

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To become a certified Written Proctor, you must meet the requirements as established in Section 4.15 within the Certification Policy and Procedure Manual.

Applicants for certification as a Written Proctor must meet or exceed all applicable requirements contained in NFPA 1000, Standard on Fire Service Professional Qualifications Accreditation and Certification Systems.

Requirements to become a Written Proctor are:

1. Must be CDFPC personnel or appointed designee.

2. Submit a completed Proctor Affidavit Form at the time of attendance at an approved written proctor training program.

3. Attend and successfully complete a CDFPC approved Written Proctor training program.

4. Proctors may not be utilized to administer written examinations for courses that they have instructed to the candidates.

5. Written proctors may not currently hold and will not be allowed to hold any future state emergency services certifications.

6. Written Proctors are required to attend an updated refresher training as deemed necessary by the Certification Director.

In addition, you will be expected to adhere to the following certification examination policies as established by the Division and Advisory Board:

1. You agree to maintain the utmost security with examinations in your possession.

2. You agree to follow all Proctor requirements and instructions provided by the Division.

3. You agree to abide by all rules and regulations adopted by the Advisory Board.


Any certification issued by the Division, including Proctor certification, may be denied, suspended, summarily suspended, revoked, or limited, for good cause in accordance with the Administrative Procedures Act, C.R.S. 24-4-101 et seq., as amended. Refer to Section 7, Proceedings Pursuant to Denial, Revocation, Suspension, Annulment, Limitation or Modification of Certification, in the Firefighter Rules for additional information.

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To initiate the certification process, requests must be submitted to the DFPC at a minimum of 30-days prior to the written examination date via the Records Management System (RMS) by the candidate’s Training Officer or department designee or for exams that will be administered on a scantron, the Division must receive a completed Application and Request for Examination (Scantron ™ Form). As a Written Proctor, you will be expected to assist applicants in the completion of the Scantron ™ Form. This form is available from the Division upon request. A copy of this form is included in these Guidelines.


The following information is to be provided to an applicant for certification when he/she is completing the Scantron ™ Form. The italicized information in quotation marks are verbal instructions you, the Proctor, should give to the applicant.

THE Application and Request for Examination form MUST BE FILLED OUT USING A NO. 2 PENCIL

1. Inform the applicant not to make any marks on the Scantron ™ Form except as instructed. Marks made on the Scantron ™ Form need to be dark and must stay within the appropriate spaces. Corrections or mistakes need to be completely erased.

2. Notice that the spaces alternate between shaded and white. Advise the applicant to use all spaces in sequence, starting at the left side. It is extremely important that the applicant enter and shade all information accurately. The applicant should double check their entries to make sure the shaded blocks match what is printed in the blanks.

NOTE: Blank spaces between portions of a name or address DO NOT require any shading be done below the space.

The following Instructions (in italic print) must be read to Applicants.


3. NAME. Print your last name, first name and middle initial in the boxes provided. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each letter of their name.

NOTE 1: If the applicant’s name is John L. Doe, Jr., it would be shown as: DOE JR; JOHN; L

NOTE 2: If the applicant wishes to have their test data recorded and certificates printed with their middle name, have them write in their middle name as their first name.

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4. ADDRESS. “Print your home address, leaving a space between the number and street. Print your home city. Print your home state. Your home address is solicited as a means to better serve you in the future”.

Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number and letter of their address, including city and state abbreviation.

5. ZIP CODE. “Print your home zip code. Complete the first five digits and if the last digits are unknown, please leave them blank”. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number of their zip code.

6. TELEPHONE NUMBER. “Print your home telephone number, including area code”. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number of their telephone number.

7. DATE OF BIRTH. “Print the month, day and year of your birth. This information will be used for statistical purposes only”. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number of their date of birth.

8. SEX. “Choose one. This information will be used for statistical purposes only”. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box.

9. YEARS IN THE FIRE SERVICE. “Enter your total number of years in the fire service”. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate boxes for the years of service. (If the years of service is zero, please fill in and mark zero, zero.)

10. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. “Enter your Social Security Number. This number is used as an identifier to match each individual participating in certification with the correct master record in the Division files and to better assist you in obtaining certification records”. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number of their Social Security Number.

11. STATUS. “Shade the appropriate box showing your personal affiliation with one or more organizations”.

12. DEPARTMENT AFFILIATIONS. “Enter the five (5) digit fire department identification number(s) (FDID) of the organization(s) that you are currently affiliated with, starting with the primary to the least primary department. The primary department is the one you want your certifications recorded with. A list of FDID numbers will be provided”. Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number of the FDID given.

NOTE: FDID numbers are attached to this guideline.

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13. CERTIFICATION LEVEL DESIRED AND TYPE. “Complete this area with information provided to you by your organization or the Proctor.” Have the applicant shade the appropriate examination activity, (Exam, Retake, Renewal, or Practical) on the correct line of the Certification Level Desired or Type. A list of certification levels is Attached.

14. SIGNATURE. “Sign your name on the front of your application form”.

The Application must have the signature of the candidate (on the front side) to be considered complete for processing.

The signature may be written in pencil.


a. TEST DATE. For a written examination request, this will be the date the examination is administered. Shade in the appropriate box for each number of the selected test date.

b. PROCTOR NUMBER. Enter your Proctor certification number, assigned to you by the Division. Shade in the appropriate box for each letter and number of your Proctor number. c. C. PROCESS.

1) Shade APPLICATION if the form is being completed to enter an individual or department/organization into the certification database maintained by the Division.

2) Shade EXAM if the form is being completed to request an initial examination, a retake examination or a certification renewal.

16. The form must have the signature of the applicant (on the front side) and the Proctor signature (on the back side) to be considered complete for processing. If received by the Division without these necessary signatures, it will be returned to the organization or Proctor.

NOTE: To be considered a valid signature the proctor’s signature must match the assigned certified proctor number.

17. Payment, either in the form of a check payable to the Division of Fire Prevention & Control, a completed purchase order, or valid credit card MUST be submitted with the Scantron ™ Form. The Division will not process the form without payment and will return the form(s) to the organization.

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18. DO NOT STAPLE ANYTHING TO, FOLD, BEND OR CREASE the Scantron ™ Form in any way. Any damaged form cannot be scanned for processing.

19. If you, as a Proctor, are assisting an applicant in completing the Scantron ™ Form, review ALL areas for completeness and accurateness. The Division will return any incomplete form to the organization or Proctor.


Information Regarding Disclosure of Personal Information

The principal purpose of the information requested on the Application and Request for Examination (Scantron ™ Form) will be used for processing applications and maintaining records of participation in certification and training programs administered by the Division of Fire Prevention & Control. Information such as age and sex are used for statistical purposes only, and will not be considered in evaluating applications for training or certification.

The Social Security number is used as an identifier to match the person completing training or certification with the correct master record in order to better assist you in obtaining certifications and training records. The use of the Social Security number is necessary because of the large number of individuals who have identical names and birth dates, and whose identities can only be distinguished by the Social Security number.

The home address and telephone number are solicited as a means to better serve you in the future. At the present time, the Division of Fire Prevention & Control does not have the means to communicate directly with participants in the training and certification programs. Disclosure of this information will permit the Division to mail training notices and newsletters directly to program participants.

Personal information provided on this form is given on a voluntary basis. Failure to provide the requested information, however, may result in a delay in processing applications or certifications and locating master records. Failure to provide home address and telephone number will preclude the Division from contacting you directly on training and certifications matters.

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A Written Proctor shall follow all requirements of the Proctor/Candidate Instructions.

ALL examinations must be administered by State of Colorado certified Written Proctors.

Security shall also be maintained after administration of the examination.

The following administrative policies are to be adhered to by a Written Proctor:


 Maintain security and integrity of all examinations.

 Verify you have the correct test booklets and/or amount of iPads for the candidates who are registered to test.

 Review all information contained in the Proctor/Candidate Instructions.

 Comply with all provisions and sign the Written Proctor’s Affidavit included in testing materials and return the signed Affidavit to the Division with the testing materials.

 Comply with all provisions and sign the Facility and Equipment Verification Form included in each set of testing materials and return the signed form to the Division with the testing materials.

 Make sure that the organization has provided No. 2 lead pencils and scratch paper for each candidate.

 Verify all iPads that will be used for examinations are fully charged, cleared of any open applications and ready for Candidates use.


 Verify identification of all candidates prior to the time of examination to ensure that they are the same person who applied for testing. A listing of candidates who have registered to take a written examination will be sent to you in the testing materials packet. Verification of identification may be done through the use of photo identification, (e.g. driver’s license).

 Facility location has adequate space that will comfortably seat the required number of candidates. (Test participants will be seated with a minimum of one (1) foot between each candidate.)

 Enforce the requirement that nothing should be on the table at the time of the examination; i.e. beverages, books, reference materials, notes or other paperwork. All ball caps must be removed and out of view of the candidates. The only items allowed on the table are pencils, scratch paper and test booklet or iPad.

 Provide each candidate with written instructions on using the iPad during testing. These instructions should include; confirmation of internet access, general use procedures, access and log-in information for NetExam, instructions on entering a proctor key (a unique one-time use key which will be provided to you with the list of candidates and must not be provided to candidates until the time they will be starting the examination) and instructions on taking the examination. Page | 12

 Make sure that the candidate(s) has/have signed his/her Certification Test Answer Sheet before turning in their test materials.


 When a candidate has finished their examination please follow this procedure:

a. Have him/her bring all testing materials to you.

b. Make sure they have pressed “complete and grade exam” on iPads.

c. Check to be sure the following items are turned in:

1) Test booklet or iPad. 2) Answer sheet. 3) All scratch paper. 4) Writing Utensils.

d. List any problems with an examination, devices or comments on the back side of your Written Proctor’s Affidavit (i.e. missing test, internet connectivity issues, iPad issues, unusual activities, disqualifications, no shows, any marked test booklet, any test booklet that has come apart, any test question challenges, etc.)

 Complete and sign the back of the Written Proctor’s Affidavit included in the testing materials.

 Complete and sign the back of the Facility and Equipment Verification Form included in the testing materials.

 All testing materials must be returned to the locked container upon completion of testing and iPads returned to carrying case.



The following instructions are provided to assist a Proctor in administering the written examination(s).

 When a candidate enters the room, please have him/her show positive photo identification (e.g. driver’s license) and check his/her name against the list of registered candidate’s names provided to you in the test materials packet.

 Give each candidate two No. 2 lead pencils and instruct him/her to be seated.

 Blank scratch paper should be provided for solving problems and for any comments each candidate may have regarding an examination. This paper MUST be collected by the Written proctor when the examination materials are turned in.

 After all the scheduled candidates have arrived and have been seated, proceed with your instructions.

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 Explain the locations of exits to the candidate(s), in case of an emergency.

 Explain to the candidate(s) where restrooms are located. There will be only one person allowed to go to the restroom at a time. He/she must raise their hand and request to use the restroom. At that time he/she must put their Certification Test Answer Sheet in the test booklet and turn the test booklet upside down.

 All pagers, radios, beepers, cell phones or any notification devices that would interrupt the test shall be turned off (even vibrate mode). Furthermore, when examinations are given at a fire station, the test proctor should make every effort to isolate the room from any outside noise.

 Give each candidate a Certification Test Answer Sheet or iPad. DO NOT PASS OUT THE TEST BOOKLET(S) OR THE PROCTOR KEY AT THIS TIME.

 Provide the following to the candidate(s) to assist him/her in completing the Certification Test Answer Sheet. The italicized information in quotation marks are verbal instructions you, the Proctor, should give to the candidate.

Each Certification Test Answer Sheet must be filled out using a No. 2 pencil.

1. Inform the candidate(s) not to make any marks on the Certification Test Answer Sheet except as instructed. Marks made on the Certification Test Answer Sheet need to be dark and must stay within the appropriate spaces. Corrections or mistakes need to be completely erased.

2. Notice that the spaces alternate between shaded and white. Advise the candidate to use all spaces in sequence, starting at the left side. It is extremely important that the candidate(s) enter and shade all information accurately. The candidate(s) should double check their entries to make sure the shaded blocks match what is printed in the blanks.

For consistency, the following Instructions (in italic print) must be read to all Applicants.


3. NAME. “Print your last name, first name and middle initial in the boxes provided” if you are testing online locate the NetExam Learner icon and sign in with the username and password previously emailed to you.

NOTE 1: If the applicant’s name is John L. Doe, Jr., it would be shown as: DOE JR; JOHN; L Page | 14

NOTE 2: If the applicant wishes to have their test data recorded and certificates printed with their middle name, have them write in their middle name as their first name.

4. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER. “Enter your entire Social Security Number. This number is used as an identifier to match each individual participating in certification. Your Social Security Number is the master record that the Division uses to better assist you in obtaining certification records. Unfortunately, the Scantron™ machine will not read your exam if you do not enter your entire Social Security number.”

Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number of their Social Security Number.

5. DEPARTMENT AFFILIATIONS. “Enter the five (5) digit fire department identification number (starting from the left hand column to the right hand column) of the organization you are currently affiliated with. If necessary, use zeros for the first several numbers of your department identification number. Zeros should be used for individuals that are unaffiliated.”

Have the applicant shade in the appropriate box for each number of the FDID given.

NOTE: FDID numbers are provided in this Guideline.

6. VERSION NUMBER. “Enter the digits of the examination version number as given to you by the Proctor.“

NOTE: The version number is located on the front page of the test booklet next to the word “Version”.)

“It is important to fill out the Scantron™ Form correctly. Since test versions are only 4 numbers the last 4 columns will be empty.”

Have the applicant shade the appropriate box for each number of the version number.

For iPads, select the examination tab and click on the appropriate certification level.

7. DATE. “Enter today’s date in the columns provided. Today’s date is ______.”

8. SIGNATURE. “Please turn the Scantron™ Form over and sign your name in the bottom right-hand corner of this form. It is important that you sign within the line provided. The Scantron™ machine will not read your exam if your signature is outside of the line provided.

 Do not sign into the answer area of the Scantron™ Form.  If you fail to sign the back of the Certification Test Answer Sheet, your exam results will not be forwarded appropriately.

Once you have completed your signature, turn the Scantron™ Form back to the first page.” Remind candidate that the answers to questions will begin at number 1, not number 101.

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You may now give the candidate(s) their test booklet and advise the candidates:


 PROCEED TO THE Candidate’s Instructions.

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For consistency, the following Instructions (in italic print) must be read to all Applicants.


The following examination rules are to be provided to a candidate for certification when he/she is sitting for a written examination. The italicized information in quotation marks are verbal instructions you, the Proctor, should give to the candidate.

NOTE: Including these examination rules in the examination booklet is an accepted method of providing this information to the examination candidate(s).

1. “All work on the examination must be your own.”

2. “The only objects allowed on the table will be the iPad or test booklet, Certification Test Answer Sheet, scratch paper and two pencils. Other items required for the test shall be approved by the Division or Advisory Board.”

3. “There will be no talking unless specifically authorized by the Proctor. Any questions shall be directed to the Written Proctor.”

4. You may not leave the testing area after the examination has started without permission of the Proctor. If you must leave the test site for any reason, you must turn in your iPad or test booklet, Certification Test Answer Sheet and scratch paper to the Proctor. You must wait a minimum of thirty (30) days to retake the test and must take the entire test over.”

5. “You may not remove any examination materials from the room where the examination is being administered.”

6. “Testing improprieties and any infractions of the examination rules will not be tolerated while attending any examination associated with State of Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control. If you compromise the examination, or are suspected of compromising the examination, the following actions will be taken:

a. The individual(s) involved will not be allowed to continue the examination and will be removed from the testing location.

b. The appropriate department head or department training officer will be notified, as well as the Certification Director for the Division of Fire Prevention & Control.

c. A review of circumstances will be conducted and appropriate actions will be determined by the Colorado Fire Service Training & Certification Advisory Board, after consultation with the Certification Director.

d. The individual(s) involved, and possibly the department or agency the individual represents, will not be allowed to continue in the Certification Program until the issue is resolved.”

Provide the following test instructions to the candidate(s) before administering examinations. The italicized information in quotation marks are verbal instructions you, the Proctor, should give to the candidate. Page | 17

NOTE: Including these test instructions in the examination booklet is an accepted method of providing this information to the examination candidate(s).

1. “The Certification Test Answer Sheet form MUST BE FILLED OUT USING A NO. 2 PENCIL.”

2. “This examination tests your knowledge of material concerning .” (Verbalize this appropriate certification level information to the candidate(s).)

3. “Each examination is scored pass/fail. The Firefighter I examination requires a passing score of 70% (also the EMS First Responder examination). All other written examinations require a passing score of 80%.”

4. “Your examination contains (number) test items. Each test item is worth one point. The entire examination is worth points (indicate total value). You must obtain (indicate point value) points to pass this examination.” (Fill in the blanks with the appropriate number of test questions, total point value, and point value required to meet the 70% or 80% passing score)

Number of Minimum Score Certification Level Time Limit Questions Needed to Pass* Airport Fire Fighter 100 80 1 ½ hours Driver Operator 75 60 1 ¼ hours Driver Operator Pumper 100 80 1 ½ hours Driver Operator Aerial 100 80 1 ½ hours Emergency Services First Responder 100 70 1 ½ hours Fire Fighter I 100 70 1 ½ hours Fire Fighter II 100 80 1 ½ hours Fire Officer I 100 80 1 ½ hours Fire Officer II 75 60 1 ¼ hours Fire & Emergency Services Instructor I 100 80 1 ½ hours Fire & Emergency Services Instructor II 75 60 1 ¼ hours Fire & Emergency Services Instructor III 50 40 1 hour Hazardous Materials Awareness 25 20 ½ hour Hazardous Materials Awareness/Operations 25 20 1 ½ hour

(100 total questions: 25 HMA 75 HMO) 75 60 Hazardous Materials Technician 100 80 1 ½ hours Juvenile Firesetter Intervention Specialist I 50 40 1 hour Live Fire Training Evolutions Instructor Fixed Facility 75 60 1 ¼ hours Public Fire & Life Safety Educator I 50 40 1 hour Public Fire & Life Safety Educator II 50 40 1 hour Technical Rescue: Core & Rope Rescue Level I 100 80 1 ½ hours Technical Rescue: Rope Rescue Level II 50 40 1 hour Technical Rescue: Confined Space Rescue Level I 50 40 1 hour Technical Rescue: Confined Space Rescue Level II 50 40 1 hour Technical Rescue: Surface Water Rescue Level I 50 40 1 hour Technical Rescue: Surface Water Rescue Level II 50 40 1 hour Technical Rescue: Trench Rescue Level I 50 40 1 hour “If you fail an examination you will be entitled to a retake examination. This retake examination will be the entire test.”

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5. “Your responses must be clearly marked on the Certification Test Answer Sheet and correspond with the same question number. Incomplete erasures or stray marks may be computer graded as incorrect.”

6. “These are timed examinations and must be called in when the time expires. You will be given (amount of time) to complete the examination. iPad examinations will start once you select ok and will shut off when time expires.” (Verbalize the appropriate amount of time for each examination being given)

NOTE 1: Refer to the examination envelope(s) for the amount of time allowed. If more than one certification level is being administered you must tell each candidate how much time they will have to complete their examination.

NOTE 2: Please refer to the above chart for examination time.

7. “Read each question carefully. Answer each item to the best of your ability and choose the most correct answer although it might look like there is more than one correct answer. It is best to read each item completely before you respond. You may flag questions on the iPad and return to them for review, but you must answer each question and un-flag the marked ones before you select “complete and grade”.

8. “The examination Proctor cannot explain the test items or assist in your response to them.”

9. “The Division of Fire Prevention & Control is committed to assuring that every examination meets rigorous standards of quality and fairness. In order to achieve this goal, each test question is subjected to a review process before it is ever used on an examination. Each new question undergoes a careful review to ensure that:

-it is clear and unambiguous

-it has one and only one best answer that most accurately and most completely answers the question.

-it meets the standards for fairness and sensitivity

Despite these precautions, on rare occasions an error or ambiguity may be found in a test question by a candidate. If this occurs, the candidate may demonstrate in writing by making an appeal and/or suggestion to the validity of an examination question or answer.

The challenge must be put in writing using an “Examination Challenge/ Appeals/Suggestion Form.” Please let your Proctor know if you need this form.”

“This form must be completed and turned into the proctor before the candidate leaves the testing area. The candidate must fill out this form completely and independently. In other words, the challenge is not a group effort or in any way a joint effort amongst the proctor and candidate. Additionally, the candidate shall not refer to reference materials when completing the form.

The proctor will send the challenge to the Division of Fire Prevention & Control with the candidate’s examination. Once the Division receives the challenge, it will be forwarded to a committee for review.

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A decision will be made within 60 days of receipt of the challenge. The written response will state the decision reached by the committee concerning the candidate’s inquiry or challenge, and explain the reasons for that decision. If you disagree with the decision by the committee, you may submit a reply to the committee’s response to the Director of the Division of Fire Prevention & Control. The decision of the Director is final.”

10. “If you fail an examination you will be entitled to a retake examination. This retake examination will be the entire test.”

11. “If you have any questions, please raise your hand and the Proctor will try to help you.”

12. “DO NOT MARK IN YOUR TEST BOOKLET OR ATTEMPT TO OPEN ANY APPLICATIONS OTHER THAN NETEXAMS ON YOUR IPAD. This may void your examination, as well as the examinations of the others testing with you. Report any markings you may find in your test booklet to the Proctor.

13. “There are a number of versions of each examination. The person next to you probably has a different version than you do.”

14. “For test booklet TRUE/FALSE questions, mark “A” for True and “B” for False.

15. “Your test scores will be emailed eighteen (18) hours after completion of your examination. Examinations taken on a scantron™ will have test scores faxed or emailed (within 30 days after the receipt of the examination from your proctor), to your fire service organization department head or designee, by the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control. If you are not affiliated with a fire service organization, your results will be sent directly to you.”

16. “When you have completed the examination, confirm all questions have been answered, check the “complete and grade” button on the iPad, turn in the iPad or examination booklet, Certification Test Answer Sheet and any scratch paper to the Proctor. The Proctor will check your iPad or examination answer sheet to ensure all of your information is filled in appropriately.”

ATTENTION PROCTOR!!! When the candidate turns in his/her Answer Sheet, double-check that the FDID#, examination version and entire Social Security Number are filled in correctly. For iPad exams make sure the candidate has answered all questions which will allow them to check “complete and grade.” If they have successfully completed the exam they will receive a message that that their results will be emailed in 18 hours.


At this time, provide the unique Proctor key to the candidates that are testing online. Note that the key is case sensitive. The Proctor may now instruct the candidate(s) they may begin the examination. The Proctor will note the time the examination process begins and must make sure it ends on time. Enter all of the data requested on the back side of your Written Proctor’s Affidavit and sign when the form is complete. The Proctor must also complete, sign and return the Facility and Equipment Verification Form.

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SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES EXAMINATIONS CDFPC is committed to providing reasonable accommodation(s) for persons with special circumstances during written examinations. Proctoring a written examination for an applicant with special circumstances is allowed under the Firefighter Rules. Examples of special circumstances may be one or more of the following, but not limited to:

 Visual impairment;  Hearing impairment;  Learning/reading disability (e.g. dyslexia, limited reading level);  Writing arm impairment (e.g. arm/hand in a cast, sling or brace).

When testing, the department/agency which the applicant is affiliated must notify, in writing, CDFPC of the special circumstances prior to the scheduling of the written examination.

 The candidate must provide medical evaluation documentation demonstrating the need for special accommodation.  Submitted documentation will be reviewed by CDFPC staff to determine accommodations to be granted.  The candidate or training officer shall be contacted to make arrangements or advise denial for special accommodation testing. Based on accommodations granted, if a reader is required he/she must meet the following:  Examination will be proctored by CDFPC staff  The reader must be certified at or above the level being tested

A candidate, or candidates, scheduled to test at a particular date and time but unable to attend the scheduled test, may reschedule the examination if arrangements are made between the Proctor and the Division. Circumstances which might allow this rescheduled test date would be:

 Sudden illness  Change in work schedule  Emergency response  Other unexpected family emergency (e.g. illness, death)

For a candidate with circumstances not addressed here, contact the Division to ask for direction regarding the circumstances involved.

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In the event that a candidate is observed or suspected of cheating and if, based on the preliminary investigation, the circumstances are judged to be sufficient, the individual(s) involved will not be allowed to continue the examination and will be removed from the testing location. The appropriate department head or department training officer will be notified, as well as the Certification Director. The written proctor will prepare and forward a record of circumstances to the Certification Manager. A review of circumstances will be conducted and appropriate actions will be determined by the Certification Manager. The individual(s) involved, and possibly the department or agency the individual represents, will not be allowed to continue in the Certification Program until the issue is resolved.


The Division has attempted to develop, through the use of nationally recognized test banks, written examinations which are factually correct when specific knowledge objectives are involved. The Division does not allow candidate or organization representative review of their written examinations. It is important in ensuring test validity that this type of review not be allowed. Any candidate may challenge a question on a written examination. The challenge of a question must be placed in writing using an Examination Challenge/ Appeals/Suggestion Form. This form must be completed and turned into the proctor before the candidate leaves the testing area and forwarded to the Division’s Certification Manager. Once the Division receives the challenge, it will be forwarded to a committee for review. A decision will be made within 60 days of receipt of the challenge. The written response will state the decision reached by the committee concerning the candidate’s inquiry or challenge, and explain the reasons for that decision. If the candidate disagrees with the decision by the committee, he/she may appeal the decision to the Director of the Division of Fire Prevention & Control. The decision of the Director is final.

If you have any questions or require clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the Division of Fire Prevention & Control at 303-239-4600.

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 You MUST be a certified Written Proctor to administer a written certification examination.

 ALL candidates taking a written examination for certification must receive equal instruction, explanation and assistance from their Written Proctor.

 As a certified Written Proctor, you agree to follow all Proctor requirements and instructions as contained in the Firefighter Rules adopted by the Division of Fire Prevention & Control Advisory Board.

 It is of the utmost importance that levels of certification be tested with strict adherence to the adopted Firefighter Rules, Certification Policies, NFPA Standards, accreditation standards and these Policies.

 You must sign the Written Proctor’s Affidavit included in each set of testing materials and return the signed Affidavit to the Division with each set of testing materials.

 You must complete and sign the Facility and Equipment Verification Form and send it to the Division to be kept on file.

 As a certified Written Proctor you will be acting on behalf of the Division of Fire Prevention & Control in the administration of the Voluntary Firefighter Certification Program and have a responsibility to maintain the security and integrity of the Program.

If you have any questions, or need clarification regarding these instructions, please contact the Certification Manager with your concerns at:


Thank you for being a part of the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control testing process!

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Colorado Division of Fire

Prevention & Control Colorado Firefighter Certification Program

Proctor Course Application

Applicant InformationProctor Application

Last Name: First Name: MI:

Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip Code: SSN:

Work Phone: ______Region (Check One): Metro North South East West Home Phone: ______

Department Affiliation: ______

Email Address: Enter FDID#-Primary to Least FDID# FDID# FDID#

Certification Level Currently Held Certification Type Check for Certification Type Check for Level Level (Listed Alphabetically) Level Held (Listed Alphabetically) Level Held 24 Airport Firefighter 31 Fire Officer I 8 Driver Operator 13 Fire Officer II 9 Driver Operator Pumper 25 HazMat Awareness 10 Driver Operator Aerial 26 HazMat Operations 11 EMS First Responder 27 HazMat Technician 4 Fire Instructor I 40 Juvenile Fire Setter I 5 Fire Instructor II 19 Public Fire Educator I 29 Firefighter I 20 Public Fire Educator II 30 Firefighter II Other: To be Completed by Regional Proctor

Date of Training: Location of Training:

Type of Proctor: Written FF Practical D/O Practical

Regional Proctor Coordinator (Please print): ______Proctor # ______

Signature of Regional Proctor Coordinator: ______Date: ______To be Completed by CDFPC Proctor Administrator

Proctor Number: Proctor Level:

Date Card Issued: Expiration Date:

Proctor Administrator: :

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Page | 25


Type Level Desired Type Level Desired

Live Burn Evaluation Firefighter I Public Fire Educator III 1 21 Not in Use Fire Investigator 2 22 Not in Use Airport Firefighter Live Burn 3 23 Fire Instructor I – Accredited Airport Firefighter – Airport Firefighter 4 24 Fire Instructor II Haz Mat Awareness – Accredited 5 25 Fire Instructor III Haz Mat Operations – Accredited 6 26 Live Fire Training Evolution Fixed Facility Haz Mat Technician 7 Instructor 27 Driver/Operator Utility – Accredited Not in Use 8 28 Driver/Operator Pumper – Accredited Firefighter I – Accredited 9 29 Driver/Operator Aerial Firefighter II – Accredited 10 30 Emergency Medical Responder Fire Officer I – Accredited 11 31 Not in Use Colorado Executive Fire Administrator 12 32 Fire Officer II – Accredited Fire Suppression Inspector 13 34 Fire Officer III - Accredited Haz Mat Awareness Section - Re-Take 14 35 ONLY Fire Officer IV Haz Mat Operations Section - Re-Take 15 36 ONLY Fire Inspector I Haz Mat Awareness & Operations - Initial 16 37 &Practical ONLY Not in Use Fireworks Pyrotechnic/Special Effects 17 38 Not in Use Fireworks Display Operator 18 39 Public Fire Educator I Juvenile Fire Setter I 19 40 Public Fire Educator II 20

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9. ENTER THE PROCTOR KEY (Provided by the proctor- this is case sensitive)







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The undersigned agrees to proctor the enclosed WRITTEN CERTIFICATION EXAMINATION(S) for the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control, and to adhere to the applicable regulations as set forth in the Division of Fire Prevention & Control “Certification Policy and Procedures Manual” and the “Instructions for Written Examinations”. The undersigned also acknowledges:

 I will maintain security of the written examination(s) and will not allow any person to review or reproduce, duplicate or copy the examination(s) while they are in my custody.

 I will ensure that the examination will not be made available to the candidate(s) until the date and time designated for their administration while they are in my custody.

 I will ensure that all work on the examination has been completed independently by the candidate(s).

 I will keep the test documents sealed until I have explained and read the Instructions to each/all candidate(s).

 I will not allow any candidate to have a textbook or notes of any kind with them during the examination.

 I will not discuss the examination content, with any candidate, either before or after the examination.

 I will ensure that the candidate(s) was/were under the constant supervision by me (the proctor) during the entire examination.

 I will ensure that the candidate(s) did not reproduce test questions in any form, and neither communicated nor dictated questions or answers while I am responsible for them.

 I will not reproduce, duplicate or copy any written examination.

 I will complete this Written Proctor’s Affidavit and return it to the Division of Fire Prevention & Control.

I understand that responsibility for the credibility and integrity of the Voluntary Certification Program is extended to me by the Colorado Division of Fire Prevention & Control, and that I am acting as a testing officer for the Division while proctoring written examinations. I realize that I am providing a service of supervision to those in attendance and will act in a professional and ethical manner. Furthermore, I will not jeopardize the reputation and credibility of those participating in an examination. I UNDERSTAND THAT: · PURSUANT TO 8 CCR 1507-3 (FIREFIGHTER VOLUNTARY CERTIFICATION PROGRAM), FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE ABOVE REQUIREMENTS MAY CAUSE THE INVALIDATION OF THE EXAMINATIONS AND REVOCATION OF MY PROCTOR CERTIFICATION.


I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that the statements made herein (on both sides of this form) are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

DATED THIS ______DAY OF ______, 20______.

______(Signature of Proctor) Printed Name Proctor #

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Name(s) of No Shows:


Testing Materials including all Answer Sheets, Identification Material (copies of Applications), the Proctor Affidavit, and scratch paper must be returned to the Division of Fire Safety within twenty-four (24) hours after the scheduled examination date unless other arrangements have been approved by the Division. Page | 29


This form is used to challenge, appeal and/or make a suggestion regarding the validity

of a written or practical examination item. The candidate must fill out this form completely and independently. All fields are required.

Candidate Information Last Name: ______First Name: ______MI: ______

Date of Exam: ______Last 4 of SSN: ______Candidate E-mail address Proctor Information Written/Lead Proctor’s Name: ______Proctor #: ______Examination Information

(Please answer as applicable.) Version Number of Written Examination: ______Type of Practical Examination: ______(May be obtained from the exam booklet)

Please insert Written/Practical Examination Question/JPR Number(s) with each challenge and describe in complete detail your concern.

Candidate Signature Signature: ______Date: ______

Page | 30


Location: Date:

Address: Suite/Room#:

POLICY: DFPC Facility and Equipment verification TASK: Determine if the agency’s facilities and/or equipment is adequate for the written/practical examination. testing of the examination requirements.

PERFORMANCE OUTCOME: The check of the agency’s facilities and/or equipment is adequate for the examination to be conducted.

CONDITIONS: Given this form the written/lead proctor has determined that the following meets DFPC required policy.

EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: All necessary items listed below to provide a comfortable location for the candidate(s) to test.

MEET POLICY NO. TASK STEPS RETEST Yes No WRITTEN EXAMINATION Facility location has adequate space that will comfortably seat the required number of 1. candidates. (Test participants will be seated with a minimum of one (1) foot between each candidate.) 2. Facility location has adequate lighting for testing. 3. Facility location has adequate ventilation/climate control capability in the testing area. 4. Facility location has rest room facilities. All pagers, radios, beepers or any notification devices that would interrupt the test shall be 5. turned off. When examinations are given at a fire station, the test proctor should make every effort to isolate the room from any outside noise The only object allowed on the table will be the test, Certification Test Answer Sheet, and 6. two pencils. Other items required for the test (scratch paper, calculator, etc.) must be approved by the DFPC, if necessary. 7. All test candidates shall be in full view of the examination proctor. PRACTICAL EXAMINATION 1. If the practical examination has a written component, the task steps above must be met. All equipment and/or apparatus needed to conduct the practical is in full compliance with all applicable NFPA Standards and is present at the testing location. (Lead Proctor will contact training officer/coordinator in advance of the testing date to ensure that all 2. equipment and apparatus needed for the testing is available. Equipment requirements will vary depending on the version of practical that is received by the proctor. Lead proctor must refer to the practical to decide what equipment is needed to complete the testing safely.) If this is a live fire, this facility is in compliance with all required NFPA standards, Federal 3. laws and State of Colorado standards, policies, and guidelines. (If no, the practical evaluation MUST be cancelled).

Written/Lead Proctor Comments: ______

______Written/Lead Proctor (Print & Sign) Date

______Agent of Facility (Print and Sign) Date Page | 31

04505 Carbondale & Rural Fire Protection District FIRE DEPARTMENTS 02115 Carmel Fire Department (Northwest Conejos County FPD) 04112 Cascade Volunteer Fire Department FDID # FIRE AGENCY NAME 03510 Castle Rock Fire & Rescue Dept. 00020 CBRNE Enhanced Response Force Package 01710 #1 Fire Protection District (Cheyenne County) 02905 Cedaredge Fire Department (Delta County FPD #3) 05995 Adams and Jefferson County Hazardous Response 10915 Center Fire Protection District Authority 04710 Central City Fire Department 03905 Agate Volunteer Fire Department 02120 Central Conejos Protection District 00003 Aims Community College 07705 Central Orchard Mesa Volunteer Fire Department 12105 Akron Volunteer Fire Department 01535 Chaffee County Fire Protection District 00310 Alamosa County Fire Protection District 08905 Cheraw Volunteer Fire Department 00305 Alamosa Fire Department 04157 (NORAD) Fire and Emergency 01303 Allenspark Fire Protection District Services 05125 Almont Fire Department 04115 Cimarron Hills Fire Protection District 09505 Amherst Volunteer Fire Department (Holyoke FPD) 11925 City of Victor Fire Dept (Victor FPD) 00029 "Anheuser-Busch, Inc." 01940 Clear Authority 00595 Antarctic Fire Department 07710 Clifton Fire Protection District Arapahoe/Douglas Hazmat Team 05912 Coal Creek Protection District 00703 Archuleta County Emergency Operations Department 04340 Coal Creek Volunteer Fire Department (Florence 12555 Armel Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma County FPD) FPD) 07117 Cokedale Volunteer Fire Department 05140 Arrowhead Volunteer Fire Department (Arrowhead 00017 Colorado Mountain College FPD) 00185 Colorado Refining Company Fire Department 08105 Artesia Volunteer Fire Protection District 04525 Colorado Rescue 05903 Arvada Fire Protection District 04118 Colorado Department 09705 Aspen Fire Protection District 00010 Colorado State Patrol HazMat 12303 Ault-Pierce Fire Protection District 00022 Colorado Task Force One CoTF1 00505 Aurora Fire Department 00032 Community College of Aurora 10905 Baca Grande Volunteer Fire Department 00018 Coors Brewing Company, Office of Emergency 03705 Basalt & Rural Fire Protection District Management 00110 Bennett Fire Protection District 12110 Cope Fire Department 06905 Berthoud Fire Protection District 11710 Copper Department 10105 Beulah Fire prevention and ambulance district 08310 Cortez Fire Protection District 03940 Big Sandy Fire Protection District 02310 Costilla County Fire Protection District 06915 Big Thompson Canyon VFD (BTCVFD) 04320 Cotopaxi Fire Rescue (Deer Mountain FPD) 04103 Black Forest Fire Rescue Protection District 08110 Craig Fire/Rescue 04705 Black Hawk Fire Department 02910 Crawford Fire Department (Delta County FPD #5) 02305 Blanca Volunteer Fire Department 05105 Crested Protection District 10110 Boone Volunteer Fire Department 10920 Crestone Fire Department (Northern Saguache 01315 Rescue County FPD) 01375 Boulder Mountain Fire Protection Dist. 11905 Cripple Creek Emergency Services 01321 Boulder Rural Fire Protection District 07505 Crook Volunteer Fire Department 07115 Branson Fire Department 02510 Crowley Volunteer Fire Department 12305 Briggsdale Fire Department 06920 Crystal Lakes Volunteer Fire Department 00115 Brighton Fire Rescue District 04120 Crystal Park Volunteer Fire Department 09910 Bristol Volunteer Fire Department 00535 Cunningham Fire Protection District 04137 Broadmoor Fire Protection District 07720 De Beque Fire Protection District 08705 Brush Fire Department 04360 Deer Mountain FD #1 (Deer Mtn FPD) 00120 Buckley AFB & Emergency Services 00540 Deer Trail Fire Protection District 01505 Buena Vista Fire Department 10515 Del Norte Fire Department (Del Norte FPD) 06305 Burlington Fire Protection District 02920 Delta County Fire Protection District #1 04540 Burning Mountains Fire Protection District 02935 Delta County Fire Protection District #4 (Hotchkiss 00515 Byers Volunteer Fire Department Fire Division) 04109 Calhan Fire Protection District 01601 Denver Fire Department 00910 Campo Fire Department 00026 Denver Health Paramedic Division 04305 Canon City Area Fire Protection District 08120 Dinosaur National Monument (NPS) 02110 Capulin Fire Department (Northwest Conejos County 11915 Divide Fire Protection District FPD) 08320 Dolores Fire Protection District Page | 32

01339 Gold Hill Fire Protection District FIRE DEPARTMENTS 05942 Golden Fire Department 05943 Golden Protection District 09915 Granada Volunteer Fire Department FDID # FIRE AGENCY NAME 00030 Grand County EMS 00028 Grand County Sheriff's Dept. 04127 Donald Wescott Fire Protection Dist. 04915 Grand Fire Protection District # 1 03315 Dove Creek Fire Department 07735 Grand Junction Fire Department 06770 Durango Fire Rescue Authority 04925 Grand Protection District 06725 Durango La Plata County Airport Fire Department 04530 Grand Protection District 06110 Eads Volunteer Fire Department 03720 Greater Eagle Fire Protection District 03750 Eagle County Airport Fire Department 12333 Greeley Fire Department 03725 Eagle River Fire Protection District 04151 Green Mountain Falls/Chipita Park VFD 04910 East Grand County Fire Protection District 05135 Gunnison - Regional Airport 07725 East Orchard Mesa Fire Protection District Department 12312 Eaton Fire Protection District 00034 Gunnison County Haz-Mat Team 12510 Eckley Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma Rural 05120 Gunnison Fire Department FPD) 00031 Gunnison Valley Hospital 05927 Edgewater Fire Department 03730 Gypsum Fire Protection District 04130 Edison Volunteer Fire Department 12570 Hale Fire & Rescue Department (Yuma County FPD) 11310 Egnar-Slick Rock Fire Department 04515 Hanging Lake Tunnel Fire Department 01915 Eisenhower Tunnel-CDOT 04154 Hanover Fire Department 04100 El Paso County Wildland Crew (El Paso County 09920 Hartman Fire Department Sheriff's Office) 09315 Hartsel Fire Protection District 03925 Elbert Fire Protection District 01120 Hasty-McClave Fire Department & Ambulance 03930 Elizabeth Fire Protection District Service 05930 Elk Creek Fire Protection District 06115 Haswell Fire Department 04133 Ellicott Fire Protection District 09520 Haxtun Fire Department 00545 Englewood Fire Department 08720 Hillrose-Snyder Fire Department 06925 Estes Valley Fire Protection District 07130 Hoehne Fire Protection District 12318 Evans Fire & Rescue 09925 Holly Volunteer Fire & Ambulance District 05933 Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department 09525 Holyoke Volunteer Fire Department (Holyoke FPD) 05936 Fairmount Fire Protection District 09110 Horsefly Volunteer Fire Protection 04142 Falcon Fire Protection District 04930 Hot Sulphur Springs-Parshall Fire Protection District 00135 Federal Heights Fire Department 04310 Howard Fire Department 07125 Fisher's Peak Fire Protection District 12339 Hudson Fire Protection District 06310 Flagler Rural Fire Protection District 05520 Huerfano County Fire Protection District 07515 Fleming Fire Department 07315 Hugo Volunteer Fire Department 04330 Florence Fire Protection District #1 01342 Hygiene Fire Protection District 11945 Florissant Fire Protection District 12515 Idalia Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma County 05970 Foothills Fire Protection District FPD) 04145 Fort Carson Fire Department 05948 Indian Hills Fire/Rescue 06745 Fort Lewis-Mesa Fire Protection District 01345 Indian Peaks Fire Protection District 12321 Fort Lupton Fire Protection District 04375 Indian Springs Volunteer Fire Department 08715 Fort Morgan Volunteer Fire Department 05951 Inter-Canyon Fire/Rescue 04148 Fountain Fire Department 03530 Jackson 105 Fire Protection District 01336 Four Mile Fire Department 01351 Jamestown Volunteer Fire Department 11930 Four Mile Fire Protection District 09330 Jefferson-Como Fire Protection District 08915 Fowler Rural Fire Protection District 12520 Joes Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma County FPD) 03525 Franktown Fire District 12342 Johnstown Fire and Rescue 12324 Frederick-Firestone Fire Protection District 11515 Julesburg Fire Department 00023 Community College 07335 Karval Fire Protection District 12327 Galeton Fire Protection District 07135 Kim Area Volunteer Fire Department 07730 Gateway-Unaweep Fire Department 06120 Kiowa County Fire Deaprtment (Kiowa County 05939 Genesee Fire Rescue Sheriff Office) 07310 Genoa Rural Fire Department 03935 Kiowa Fire Protection District 06930 Glacier View Fire Protection District 12525 Kirk Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma County FPD) 07760 Glade Park Volunteer Fire Department 04935 Kremmling Fire Protection District 06935 Glen Haven Area Volunteer Fire Department 10925 Kundalini Fire Management 04520 Glenwood Springs Fire Department Page | 33

05978 North Fork Fire Protection District FIRE DEPARTMENTS 00180 North Metro Fire Rescue District 05730 North Park Fire Rescue 10705 North Routt Fire Protection District FDID # FIRE AGENCY NAME 00145 North Washington Fire Protection District 02150 Northeast Conejos County Fire Protection District 02155 La Jara Fire Department (Northwest Conejos County 00025 Northeast Jr. College FPD) 07330 Northeast Lincoln County FPD (Arriba FD) 08920 La Junta Rural Fire Protection District 11920 Northeast Teller County Fire Protection District 12354 La Salle Fire Protection District 10910 Northern Saguache County Fire Protection District 05530 La Veta Fire Protection District 09305 Northwest Fire Protection District 01354 Lafayette Fire Department 11320 Norwood - Redvale Volunteer Fire Department 05315 Lake City Volunteer Fire Department 08530 Nucla-Naturita Volunteer Fire Department 11725 Lake Dillon Fire Protection District 12363 Nunn Fire Protection District 09335 Lake George Fire Protection District 10725 Oak Creek Fire Protection District 05963 Lakeside Fire Department 05145 Ohio City Fire Department 09930 Lamar Fire Department 08535 Olathe Fire Protection District 07765 Lands End Fire Protection District 02525 Olney Springs Volunteer Fire Department 03535 Larkspur Fire Protection District 02530 Ordway Volunteer Fire Department 01130 Las Animas-Bent County Fire Department 12125 Otis Fire Department 06515 Leadville/Lake County Fire Rescue 09125 Ouray Volunteer Fire Department 01357 Lefthand Fire Protection District 11525 Ovid Volunteer Fire Department 08325 Lewis-Arriola Fire Protection District 00715 Pagosa Fire Protection District 07320 Limon Area Fire Protection District 07750 Palisade Fire Department 00560 Littleton Fire Rescue 04163 Palmer Lake Volunteer Fire Department 06990 Livermore Fire Protection District 02940 Paonia Fire Department (Delta County FPD #2) 12355 Lochbuie Fire Department 08540 Paradox Volunteer Fire Department 05972 Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company - Plant 09340 Park County Sheriff's Office Protection Dept. 12357 Pawnee Fire Protection District 08520 Log Hill Mesa Fire Protection District 07525 Peetz Volunteer Fire Department 07156 Long Canyon Volunteer Fire Department 04350 Penrose Volunteer Fire Department (Florence FPD) 01360 Longmont Fire Department 04166 Peterson Air Force Base Fire Dept. 06735 Los Pinos Fire Protection District 04169 Peyton Fire Protection District 01366 Louisville Fire Protection District 06955 Pinewood Springs Fire Protection District 06945 Loveland Fire & Rescue Department 09750 Pitkin County Airport Fire Rescue 06947 Loveland Rural Fire Protection District 05130 Pitkin Volunteer Fire Department 11735 Lower Blue Fire Protection District 07755 Plateau Valley Fire Protection District 07740 Lower Valley Fire Protection District 09345 Platte Canyon Fire Protection District 01367 Lyons Fire Protection District 06985 Platte River Power Authority Fire/Rescue 08330 Mancos Fire Protection District 12366 Platte Valley Fire Protection District 04160 Manitou Springs Fire Department 12369 Platteville/Gilcrest Fire Protection District 08925 Manzanola Rural Fire Protection District 05981 Pleasant View Fire Department (Metropolitan 08135 Maybell Volunteer Fire Department District FD) 00011 Memorial Health EMS Office 08345 Pleasant View Fire Protection District 07522 Merino Fire Department 06940 Poudre Canyon Fire Protection District 08335 Mesa Verde National Park 06960 Poudre Fire Authority 12360 Milliken Fire Department 00925 Pritchett Fire Department 07905 Mineral County Fire Protection District 09940 Prowers County Rural Fire Department 10930 Moffat Fire Department 00024 Pueblo Community College 10530 Monte Vista Fire Protection District 10140 Pueblo Depot Chemical Fire Dept. 08510 Montrose Airport Fire Department 10100 Pueblo Emergency Response Teams 08525 Montrose Fire Protection District 10145 Pueblo Fire Department 00335 Mosca-Hooper Fire Department 10150 Pueblo Rural Fire District 11935 Mountain Communities Volunteer Fire Protection 10155 Pueblo Department District 05150 Ragged Mountain Fire Protection District 00021 Mountain Rescue Aspen 10315 Rangely Rural Fire Protection District 01363 Protection District 03950 Protection District 01369 Nederland Fire Protection District 10157 Red Creek Fire Department 12375 New Raymer-Stoneham Fire Protection District 06975 Red Feather Lakes Volunteer Fire Department 03915 North Central Fire Protection District 00002 Red Rocks Community College Page | 34

00001 Authority FIRE DEPARTMENTS 00195 Suncor Energy USA Fire Department 01384 Sunshine Fire Protection District 04365 Tallahassee Rural Fire Protection Association FDID # FIRE AGENCY NAME 11330 Telluride Fire Protection District 00175 Thornton Fire Department 11750 Red, White & Blue Fire Protection District 04735 Timberline Fire Protection District 03325 Rico Fire Protection District 06135 Towner Volunter Fire Department 09130 Ridgway Volunteer Fire Department 10165 Transportation Technical Center (TTCFD) 04535 Rifle Fire Protection District 04181 Tri-County Volunteer Fire Department 10325 Rio Blanco Fire Protection District (Meeker 04155 Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District Volunteer Fire & Rescue) 07160 Trinidad Fire Department 06970 Rist Canyon Volunteer Fire Department 00935 Two Buttes Fire Protection District 03707 Rock Creek Volunteer Fire Department 04193 U.S. Air Force Academy Fire Department 04355 Rockvale Volunteer Fire Department (Florence FPD) 05540 Upper Huerfano Fire Protection District 08940 Rocky Ford Fire Department 06760 Upper Pine River Fire Protection District 00150 Rocky Mountain Arsenal Fire Department 08375 Fire/EMS 01327 Rocky Mountain Fire District 03745 Vail Fire and Emergency Services 10158 Rocky Mountain Steel Mills Plant Protection 12560 Vernon Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma County 02160 Romeo Fire Department (Northwest Conejos County FPD) FPD) 00940 Vilas Fire Department 04370 Royal Gorge Bridge & Park Fire Department 10960 Villa Grove Fire Department (Northern Saguache 10160 Protection District County FPD) 00155 Sable-Altura Fire Department 06910 Volunteer Fire Department of Big Elk (Big Elk 10965 Saguache Fire Department (Northern Saguache Meadows) County FPD) 06335 Vona Fire Protection District 01545 Salida Fire Department 12530 Wages Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma Rural 09535 Sand Hills Fire Department (Yuma Cty & Holyoke FPD) FPD) 00945 Walsh Fire Department 05155 Sargents Fire Department 12565 Wauneta Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma County 04139 Schriever Air Force Base Fire Department FPD) 04172 Security Fire Protection District 06980 Wellington Fire Protection District 11535 Sedgwick Volunteer Fire Department 01730 West Cheyenne Fire Protection District (Kit Carson 06325 Seibert Fire Protection District VFD) 00575 Sheridan Fire Department 03570 West Douglas County Fire Protection District 11130 Silverton San Juan Volunteer Fire Department 05909 West Metro Fire Rescue 00530 Skyline Fire Protection District 10170 West Park Volunteer Fire Department 09735 Snowmass-Wildcat Fire Protection Dist. 10740 West Routt Fire Protection District 00160 South Adams County Fire District 04315 Western Fremont Fire Protection Dist. 01550 South Arkansas Fire Protection District 00190 Westminster Fire Department 02170 South Conejos County Fire Protection District 02725 Wet Mountain Fire Protection District 10540 South Fork VFD (Del Norte FPD) 02730 Wetmore Volunteer Fire Department 00520 South Metro Fire Rescue Authority 05996 Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District 12345 Southeast Weld Fire Protection District 08745 Wiggins Fire Protection District 09325 Southern Park County Fire Protection District 02340 Wild Horse Mesa Volunteer Fire Department 00165 Southwest Adams County Fire Protection District 09935 Wiley Fire Department 04125 Southwest Highway 115 Fire Protection District 07535 Willard Volunteer Fire Department Incorporated 12120 Southwest Washington County Fire Protection 04345 Williamsburg Volunteer Fire Department (Florence District FPD) 07110 Boncarbo Fire Protection Fire District 12381 Windsor-Severance Fire Protection District 07150 Spanish Peaks/Boncarbo Fire Protection District 04187 Woodmen Valley Fire Protection Dist 00930 Springfield Fire Department 04190 Woodmoor-Monument Fire Protection District 10735 Steamboat Springs Fire Department 12535 Wray Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma County 07530 Sterling Fire Rescue FPD) 07155 Stonewall Fire Protection District 10745 Yampa Fire Protection District 00170 Strasburg Fire Protection District 10755 Yampa Valley Regional Airport 04175 Stratmoor Hills Fire Protection District 12550 Yuma Volunteer Fire Department (Yuma Rural FPD) 06330 Stratton Fire Department 02535 Sugar City Volunteer Fire Department 01381 Sugar Loaf Fire Protection District Page | 35