NOTIZIE ITALIANE Newsletter of the Embassy of in Israel No. 52 November 2008

Dear Friends, President Napolitano on State Visit to Israel As I assume my period of service in Israel I would like to send my warmest he President of greetings to readers of Notizie Italiane. I T Italy, , will pay a consider it a profound honor and unique State Visit to Israel on opportunity to have been chosen to represent November 25 - 27. Italy in this wonderful country. The President will be This is a decisive and intense moment accompanied on his three in my personal and professional journey, day visit by Foreign and I am humbled by the enormous Minister Franco Frattini. <> responsibilities that my mission will bring, President Giorgio Napolitano with in light of the deep and rich ties of friendship Israeli President at and cooperation that characterize Italian Palazzo Quirinale in Rome on Israeli relations. September 5, 2007 I know that I can depend on the profound ties of friendship that unite our peoples and our countries, developed over many years of fruitful collaboration between us, which Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo presents credentials have been progressively strengthened and mbassador Luigi Mattiolo, enriched by progress in the common A just two weeks after his challenges we face. arrival in Israel, presented his I am proud to offer my contribution to letter of credentials to President the development of Italian Israeli relations Shimon Peres. The ceremony, which included the participation in many sectors, expressed and enriched of Embassy officials, was held through daily contact and exchange between in a very cordial and friendly large numbers of enterprises from both atmosphere, the solemnity of the countries. I also know that I can count on occasion notwithstanding. the wellsprings of friendship, trust and In his heartfelt words of solidarity that unite our two countries welcome President Shimon Peres paid warm tribute to Italy through the presence of various Italian and its people, reminding his communities and institutions which are guests of the Italian Head of permanently or temporarily resident here. State’s courageous stand against President Shimon Peres and Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo drink a toast in Jerusalem Today we open a new chapter in our the attempted boycott of Israel at this year’s Italy through centuries of friendship as well as relations with our host country, which we Turin International Book Fair, and expressed his the intense nature of current economic bilateral will write together with all residents of Israel keen anticipation for the forthcoming state visit relations, which culminated in his traditional who maintain ties with the Embassy, to Israel by President Giorgio Napolitano. participation at the recent Ambrosetti Forum in Israel’s President also called to mind the deep Cernobbio. including readers of Notizie Italiane, thus and historic cultural ties that unite Israel and President Peres also had warm words of ensuring a constant flow of information and appreciation for Prime Minister exchange to which we will continue to and Foreign devote our utmost care, attention and Minister Franco Frattini stressing resources. how, under their guidance, bilateral My keenest aspiration is to witness an relations have reached an extraordinary level of development increase in the frequency and intensity of and agreement never before dialogue between our two countries and achieved. with each one of you, whom I hope to meet Thanking President Peres for his personally, in order to fulfil and successfully warm words of appreciation complete my mission. Ambassador Mattiolo conveyed President Napolitano’s greetings and keen interest in his forthcoming state Luigi Mattiolo Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo presents President Shimon Peres with his letter visit to Israel at the end of November. of credentials <>

1 NOTIZIE ITALIANE November 2008

Seventy years since the racial laws in Italy conference on the accompanied by a vast propaganda A consequences for Jewish campaign that prevented any expression education of the racial laws, seventy of the expected reaction of horror or years after their promulgation in Italy dissent.” “And yet”, added the by the Fascist regime, was held in Ambassador, “this was a choice Jerusalem on October 26-28. diametrically opposed to the basic values One of the results of the racial laws, the of human society, even suicidal, inasmuch as establishment of a Hebrew school network for it was destined to impoverish and separate our Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo addressing the conference at Italian Jews expelled from the public school nation from its lifeblood.” Yad Vashem system, constitutes not only a challenge to Present at the conference were particularly its cultural advisor Mrs. Cecilia discrimination but also a constructive, and representatives from Israel’s Italian community Nizza, Prof. Sergio della Pergola of the perhaps the only, inheritance that has survived and officials from the Embassy and the Italian Hebrew University, representatives of the Union the ruins of that war and persecution. Institute of Culture. Among speakers at the of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI), the The opening session of the conference, conference were Michele Sarfatti, Director of Israel Foreign Ministry, Unesco and the Lazio timed deliberately to coincide with the annual Milan’s Jewish Documentation Center, Liliana Region. commemoration of the deportation of the Jews Picciotto, an expert on the Shoah, Mario An important part in the organization of the of Rome on October 16, 1943, was addressed Toscano, lecturer at Rome’s La Sapienza event was played by the Italian Institute of by Prof. Avner Shalev, Director of Yad Vashem, University, Ambassador Sergio Minerbi and Culture and its Director Simonetta Della Seta followed by Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, who the historian Carlo Ghisalberti. Organizing who, aside from assisting the scientific stressed the shocking and disturbing nature of the heavily attended three day conference were committee, also moderated one of the sessions. the racial laws, “fruit of a repugnant choice members of Jerusalem’s Italian community, <>

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land Edited by: group of over 180 members of the The Embassy of Italy in Israel A Italian parliament and their families (Economic and Commercial Office) concluded a six day private visit to the Holy Trade Tower, 25 HaMered Street, Tel Aviv 68125 Land on September 9. Tel: 03-516.1744 Fax: 03-516.1755 The group was headed by President of the [email protected] Senate Renato Schifani, Vice President of the Chamber Maurizio Lupi, Justice Minister Message from the Ambassador p.1 , Undersecretary for Family Ambassador Mattiolo presents credentials p.1 Affairs Carlo Giovanardi, and the Mayors of President Napolitano on State Visit to Israel p.1 Rome and Palermo Gianni Alemanno and Diego Cammarata. The pilgrimage was led Racial Laws and Jewish education in Italy p.2 by Mons. Rino Fisichella President of Members of the Italian parliamentary delegation render Pilgrimage to the Holy Land p.2 Pontificia Accademia della Vita. <> homage at Yad Vashem Father Piccirillo, 1944 - 2008 p.2 Italian business mission to Israel p.3 Sicily examines Israeli water technologies p.3 Campania region strengthens ties with Israel p.3 Israelis visit Italian trade fairs p.4 Father Piccirillo, 1944-2008 Design tour in Turin p.4 he death was and Israel, while his discovery of New Defense Attaché joins Embassy p.4 T announced on mosaics includes hundreds of p.4 November 19 of Father square meters of invaluable works Italian creativity day in Jaffa Piccirillo, archeologist and of art. Father Piccirillo was a Israel-Saloniki: a wartime rescue operation p.5 friend of Israeli and Arab friend of ministers and governors, 8th Italian Language Week in the World p.5 ministers and officials. cultivated a deep friendship with Stalker Theater performs in Israel p.5 Born in 1944 in Carinola, the Jordanian royal family and p.6 near Cosenza, Father Piccirillo was friends to many eminent Puccini Prize to Israeli Opera lived in Jerusalem but traveled Israeli politicians. Return to San Remo p.6 frequently between Tel Aviv, When Pope John Paul II Teatro Due: ‘The Investigation’ p.6 Damascus and Amman as part visited the Holy Land, Father Events in Israel p.7 of his activity as an Piccirillo guided the Pontiff on p.7 archeologist. In over 40 years a climb to Mt. Nebo in Jordan, Events at the Nahon Museum of activity he discovered which is reputed to be the place Events in Italy p.8 countless numbers of Christian where Moses was allowed to see Italian Trade Fair Calendar p.8 churches erected between the 5th and 8th the Promised Land before his death. Now it is centuries throughout Syria, Lebanon, Jordan Father Piccirillo’s turn to rest in peace. <>

2 NOTIZIE ITALIANE November 2008 Italian Business Mission to Israel Sicilian industry espite the international financial crisis from these factors, is Israel’s ideal port of entry D relations between Italy and Israel are into European markets. examines Israeli water strengthening. Over a hundred entrepreneurs These conditions create an important and leading government officials from Italy technological reservoir between the two will arrive in Israel at the end of November countries whose potential still remains to be technologies for a two day visit aimed at strengthening fully exploited. A further integration between he Industrial Councillor for the Sicily commercial and business ties between the Italian SMEs and Israeli entrepreneurship and T Region, Giuseppe Gianni, paid a three two countries. The delegation, led by Minister research in highly innovative sectors as well day visit to Israel in August to strengthen of Economic Development Claudio Scajola, as in more traditional areas, through either academic, scientific and industrial ties with will include Emma Marcegaglia, President direct investments or joint ventures, would Sicily in research and development of of Confindustria and Umberto Vattani, open up many new opportunities for innovative technologies in water management. President of ICE (Italian Foreign Trade collaboration. <> Mr. Gianni paid an extended visit to the Institute). Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research at the The delegation will Sde Boqer Campus of Ben Gurion University, concentrate on specific areas of where he held discussions with its director Prof. interest, such as high tech, Eilon Adar on the establishment of a task force medical technologies, of Israeli and Sicilian researchers to examine infrastructure and possibilities for collaboration in the agriculture.The initiative would management of water resources, desalinization, develop and strengthen sinergies recycling, waste control, remote satellite sensing in scientific, industrial and and irrigation for agriculture. commercial fields between Italy The Sicilians also held talks at the Embassy’s and Israel. Italian Business Desk with Michel Hivert, Bilateral industrial ties and Director of MATIMOP, Israel’s Industry Center cooperation between Italy and for R&D, to examine the Region’s interest in Israel have increased strengthening ties with Israeli enterprises in significantly over the last few general and for the establishment of a joint years. Italy, thanks to it’s partnership for the construction of a geographic and cultural desalinization plant in Sicily in particular. proximity, its propensity for Mr. Gianni expressed his intention to innovation, its large base of intensify ties between Italian organizations such small and medium enterprises as the Universities of Catania and Palermo, and the flexibility which derives CNR, ENEA, INFN and Italy’s Space Agency, with Israeli universities and research centers. These could be included within the framework of the Bilateral Agreement on Scientific, Campania Region strengthens ties with Israel Technological and Industrial Cooperation. <> visit to Israel by a Palumbo, Director, Campania A delegation from Region; Dr. Giuseppe Donatiello, Campania, led by the Vice President Benevento Chamber Deputy President of the of Commerce; Dr. Cosimo regional council Rummo, President Confindustria Antonio Valiante, was Benevento, also representing hosted in Tel Aviv on Confindustria Campania; Dr. September 23-27. Antonio Campese of The purpose of the Deputy President of the Campania Regional Confartigianato Campania and visit was to inaugurate Council Antonio Valiante Unioncamere; and Dr. Lorenzo a partnership program Guarnaccia. between the Campania Region and Israel with The Campania Region has developed a the establishment of a local Antenne partnership program which offers specialised Campaniamed office. The meetings took place services to enterprises in Mediterranean countries Members of the delegation from Campania held discussions at the offices of the Israel-Italy Chamber of which are interested in launching trade at the Embassy's Italian Business Desk Commerce (IICC), part of the Embassy’s Italian partnerships with Campanian-based companies. Business Desk. For Israel, in particular, the creation of an Italian Institute of Culture in Tel Aviv, Simonetta The delegation was composed of Dr. Sergio “Antenna informativa” will develop cooperation Della Seta, as well as by economy and industry Betti, President of CeRICT, Centro regionale in such sectors as agro-industry, food and delegations from Campania and Israel. At the competenza ICT; Dr. Ludovico Barone, Information & Communication Technology end of the works Deputy President Valiante met President of MARSEC, Mediterranean Agency (ICT). the management of Matimop, the Israeli Export for Remote Sensing and Environmental Control; The presentation of the project was attended Institute, the federation of Israeli chambers of Prof. Carla Pepe of “Suor Orsola Benincasa” by Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, the president commerce and the industrial association of Israel. University of Naples; Prof. Francesco de of the Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce and Antenna informativa will be based in the Simone of Salerno University; Dr. Rosanna Industry, Ronni Benatoff, the director of the offices of the IICC in Tel Aviv. <>

3 NOTIZIE ITALIANE November 2008

Israelis visit Italian trade fairs New Defense Attaché The Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce (IICC) recently organized visits by Israeli delegations to two important Italian trade events joins Embassy Fiera Del Levante In cooperation with the Fiera Del Levante, the Israel-Italy Chamber of Commerce organized a visit of an Israeli delegation to the 72nd edition of the Annual International Trade Fair, which took place on September 13-21 in Bari (Puglia Region). Fiera Del Levante is a unique platform for Colonel Nunzio Tarantelli international producers looking to enter the meetings during the fair. market in southern Italy, as well as providing The Israeli delegation, composed of 5 n September 8 Colonel Nunzio Tarantelli access to other markets in the Balkan and buyers, was lead by Ms. Roberta Anati, Vice O took up the post of Military Attaché at Mediterranean Regions. President of the IICC. In this framework, Fiera the Embassy. Col Tarantelli is an officer of The aim of the visit was to introduce the Del Levante offered the IICC an Israeli booth. the Signal Corps who has extensive national Italian Trade Fair to the Israeli market and to During the fair, information about the Italian and international experience. develop relations between Italian companies Business Desk was handed out to the visitors In Italy Colonel Tarantelli attended the and their Israeli counterparts in the food and and the Israeli delegates met many principal military training colleges and served furniture sectors. The Israel Italy Chamber of representatives from various Italian companies with distinction as an officer in various branches Commerce was in charge of assisting the and institutions. of the Signal Corps. Israeli operators in the organization of business <> Internationally, Col. Tarantelli has seen service with the UN in the Middle East, with NATO in the Balkans and with US troops as Flormart Exhibition part of ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ in Iraq. In cooperation with Fiera Milano and now in its 18th year, Flormart/Miflor In addition he attended various courses at the Padova Fiere, the Italy-Israel attracts over 1200 exhibitors and NATO school in Oberammergau, Germany, and Chamber of Commerce organized the 26,000 trade visitors travelling to at Israel’s National Defense College in 2007- visit of an Israeli delegation to the Padua from all over the world. 8. Colonel Tarantelli has a Masters degree in Flormart Exhibition, which took The Israeli delegation included Strategic Science from Turin University as well place in Padua on September 11-13. buyers and visitors specializing in as a degree in National Security from the The aim of the project was to promote nurseries and gardening, including the Editor- political science department of Haifa University. collaboration between Flormart Ð an in-Chief of the magazine Gan ve Nof the only Colonel Tarantelli is married to Antonietta and international horticultural exhibition, and landscape and gardening magazine in Israel. has three children Emanuela, Riccardo and Israeli operators in this field. In the framework of the exhibition, the Stefano. On November 4 Colonel Tarantelli Flormart-Miflor is the only European event Israeli participants met representatives from greeted the Israeli Defence Community on the taking place in September, an ideal time of many horticultural companies, establishing 90th Anniversary of Italy's victory in year for the successful planning of horticultural new business connections and consolidating World War I. <> production designed to meet the expectations already existing relations. of the general public. This is the reason why, <> Italian Creativity Day Design Tour in Turin at Beit Wizo Italia n October 19 an Italian Creativity Day, n September 21-24 the highly specialized SME’s in O sponsored by the Embassy, was held at O Israel Italy Chamber of these sectors. Beit Wizo Italia in Jaffa. Commerce, in cooperation Earlier this year the city of The idea of the event was to accent Italian with the Interiors and Turin was chosen as the World art by building a Succah decorated in the manner Building Department of the Design Capital in recognition of the 18th century, which was enthusiastically Piedmont Agency for of the special role it and the hand painted by groups of children who also Investments, Export and Tourism (CEIP), Piedmont Region enjoys on an international produced paintings inspired by the works of organized a tour of Italy’s Turin-Piedmont level. The Israeli delegation was composed of Carrà, De Chirico and Morandi. The youngsters region for Israeli architects and designers of 10 Israeli architects and designers specializing also created magnificent ‘jewelry’ made of gold residential and commercial interiors. The visit in the hospitality, residential and commercial and silver colored pasta, which was then was organized on behalf of the Turin Chamber interiors sectors, including the Editor-in-Chief combined with a splendid tomato sauce and of Commerce. of the magazine Binyan Vediur. consumed heartily by all. The aim of the project was to promote the During the visit, the Israeli delegates met The event, organized by the dedicated team Made in Piedmont label, which boasts a strong local representatives of institutions and visited of Mirella Nissim and Sandra Montefiore, tradition in the production of high quality Italian companies from the Piedmont Region. attracted a large number of children and was building materials for interior design and is <> attended by Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo and characterized by the presence of numerous, his wife Stefania. <>

4 NOTIZIE ITALIANE November 2008 Israel-Saloniki: an Italian wartime rescue operation 8th Italian Language fascinating evening action to save the lives of the city’s persecuted A comemorating the Jewish citizens. The project, receiving its world Week in the World activities of the Italian premiere in Israel, was coordinated by the Consulate in Saloniki in Italian Institute of Culture under its Director order to help that city’s Simonetta Della Seta, and made possible beleagured Jewish citizens through the generosity of several organizations during the darkest days of World War II was and individuals including Bank Hapoalim’s held in the presence of a large and varied Yahel Foundation in memory of Leon Recanati. public at Tel Aviv University on September The show was repeated in Saloniki on 23. September 27 and in Over a thousand Venice on November 22 he Eighth Italian Language Week in the guests attended the event, as part of the Biennale T World, held on October 20-26, served as including Israel’s fifth International Theater a significant and thoroughgoing immersion President Itzhak Navon; Workshop. into Italian culture all over Israel. Mrs. Yael Huldai, wife The stage production The inauguration was held in the entrance of the Mayor of Tel Aviv; was written and directed hall of the Trade Tower in Tel Aviv, home to a former Italian by Ferdinando Ceriani number of Italian institutions, where an Ambassador to Israel and with contributions by exhibition of photographs of piazza’s in Italy Greece Gian Paolo Antonio Ferrari, Prof. from the Alinari Archive was on display Cavarai; Tel Aviv Alessandra Coppola and throughout the week. University President Zvi the Greek journalist Italian was also heard at the Jewish Eye Film Galil; Holocaust Yanis Crisafis. The Festival in Ashkelon, at which director Carlo survivors from Saloniki A scene from the staged dramatization of Israeli premiere included Lizzani, who was the guest of honor, received as well as representatives “Salonicco 43” a simultaneous translation recognition for career achievement by of Israel’s Italian community. The gathering into Hebrew. the jury. Opening the proceedings was Lizzani’s was opened by Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, The second part of the evening featured a film Hotel Maina, recounting the story of the who outlined some of the heroic actions taken performance of Gold of the Ashes, a symphonic first massacre of Italian Jews by Nazi troops at that time (1943) by not a few Italian officials poem by Israeli composer Dov Seltzer written in 1943, which subsequently won the festival’s of Saloniki, who put their own lives at risk in in commemoration of the expulsion of Spanish Best Film award. Other films by Lizzani order to help save fellow Italians and others Jewry, which was performed by the screened at the festival included Achtung! who risked persecution and death merely for Symphonette of Raanana and the Efroni Banditi! (1951), Celluloide (1996), Mussolini having being born Jewish. Children’s Choir directed by Maya Shavit. ultimo atto (1974) and L'Oro di Roma (1961). The evening, made possible by the work Also participating at the event were ex Beersheva also hosted a number of Italian of several people including Ambassador Gian members of Saloniki’s Jewish community some events, including the exhibition ‘Piazze del Paolo Cavarai and Antonio Ferrari of Italy’s of whom, like Dario Sevi, survived Auschwitz. Piemonte’ and a performance by Turin’s Teatro Corriere della Sera newspaper, was held in Sevi, who spoke in Italian, recalled vividly the Stalker, which actively engages its public in the two parts, a staged presentation and a concert, unceasing efforts of Italian Consul Guelfo action on stage (see article). <> and was inspired by the work of the late Tel Zamboni to award temporary citizenship Aviv University Professor Daniel Carpi, who certificates, a life saving document not only published the original documents. Salonicco for Italian Jewish citizens but also to all those 43, una storia italiana, tells the story of some who, in one way or another, could prove or Italian diplomats of Saloniki, once known as even invent some relationship to Italy during the Jerusalem of the Balkans, who took timely those dark hours and days. <> Stalker Theater performs in Israel he Eighth Italian T Language Week in the World, held on October 20- 26, hosted the first visit to Attending the Stalker Theatre's performance (from right) Israel of the Stalker Theater Mrs. Stefania Mattiolo and Simonetta Della Seta of Turin. The Italian company to the public, was inaugurated in the entrance performed twice, in of the library in the presence of the Cultural Beersheva and Haifa. The Counsellor of Beersheva Municipality Ori Enon first workshop ‘Incontri’ and our Honorary Consul Ms. Blima Storchyan. (‘Meetings’) tooke place in The ‘Teatro Stalker’, composed of 9 actors, the municipal library of director Gabriele Beccaccini and Manager Beersheva within the Audience participation is a key element in productions by the Stalker Theater Luca Zanotti, has for years worked on framework of a day developing interactive theater, engaging its dedicated to Italy organized by the Cultural municipality. A photographic exhibition of cities public through staged meetings between Institute, the local Italian community and the and scenes from the Piedmont Region, still open different people. Their show (cont. p.6)

5 2008 ItalianItalian NOTIZIE ITALIANE November CulturalCultural InstituteInstitute Tel.Tel. 03-516136103-5161361 Puccini Prize awarded to Israeli Opera Return to San Remo s part of the celebrations commitment to emphasizing the importance Return to San Remo’, an hour long A commemorating the 150th anniversary of the operas of the Italian composer and television show on the famous Italian of the birth of the composer, the Puccini promoting them to the Israeli public, including popular music festival, was the most viewed Foundation and the Puccini Festival have this to young audiences." television program during the recent Jewish year conferred the International Puccini holiday season, with peak ratings achieved Award to the Israeli Opera. by Israel TV’s first channel transmission of The award was presented in Tel Aviv at a ‘Ritorno a Sanremo’, a nostalgic look at some gala concert of celebrated arias by Puccini of Italy’s most popular song festival. organized by the Italian Institute of Culture on Chief proponent of the initiative was September 17 that included the participation celebrated TV personality Yigal Ravid, in of three Italian soloists (tenors Fulvio Oberto collaboration with the Italian Institute of and Massimo Terranova and the baritone Culture, following a visit to Israel last March Massimiliano Valleggi) and two leading Israeli by members of RAI, Italy’s state broadcaster, sopranos (Larisa Tetuev and Ira Bertman). to promote Italian films on Jewish subjects. Attending the concert were Tel Aviv Mayor The transmission was made possible thanks Ron Huldai and Luigi Mattiolo, recently to the availability of rights obtained by the appointed as Italy’s new Ambassador to Israel (from left) Hanna Muntz, Director of the Israel Opera, RAI to broadcast clips from all previous and who, only hours before the concert, had shows the Puccini Festival award, with Ambassador and installments of the Festival. presented his credentials to President Shimon Mrs. Mattiolo and Simonetta Della Seta The Israeli public, which for years has Peres. “Puccini is an artist totally rooted in followed the live transmission from San Remo, Italian tradition yet at the same time open to Also present at the award ceremony, which harbors a special affection for programs of other cultures including, symbolically, as an included the screening of an historic film about Italian light music and song which are expression of the unshakeable cultural ties that Puccini made during the composer’s lifetime, broadcast twice daily on the radio, in daytime unite Italy and Israel,” affirmed the Ambassador. were Franco Moretti, Director of the Puccini and nightly transmissions. Massimiliano Simone, President of the Festival Foundation, Simonetta Della Seta, ‘Return to San Remo’, alternating between Puccini Festival, presented the prestigious Director of the Italian Institute of Culture and historical clips and interviews with local award to Hanna Munitz, General Director of Michael Ajzenstadt, Artistic Director of the enthusiasts of the Festival, emphasized the the Israeli Opera "in recognition of its deep Israel Opera. <> influence and importance which Italian culture and music holds for Israelis from all sectors of society. The show was transmitted three times on television as well as on the Internet. Teatro Due brings ‘The Investigation’ to Israel <> ne of the most Seta and Ms. Nurit examples from the best of Israeli O important Tinari Head of Cultural contemporary drama, ‘War’ and examples of a modern Department, Foreign ‘Pshuta: Denuded’, which were docudrama, Peter Weiss’ Ministry, who assisted in staged in October during the ‘The Investigation’, was the realization of the Parma Theater Festival. presented to the Israeli project. Together with Berlin’s public for the first time ‘The Investigation’ is Schaubühne Theater, Habimah in Italian by Parma’s Peter Weiss a ruthless documentary was also involved in the Parma Teatro Due Foundation, drama of the Frankfurt Festival’s presentation of ‘Third which has performed the drama Auschwitz trials, which Generation’, a drama that uninterruptedly in Italy for the last 25 years. the author attended in attempts to untie the gordian knot Invited to Israel by the Habimah National 1963-5. Using the actual A scene from Teatro Due's representation of memories that unite Germans, Theater ‘The Investigation’, directed by Gigi testimony of survivors of The Investigation Israelis and Palestinians. Dall’Aglio, played to packed houses on from Auschwitz, testifying as witnesses against Habimah’s tour of Italy and Teatro Due’s September 16-17 at Tel Aviv’s Arison Theater. those who exploited them and others, Weiss visit to Israel were made possible thanks to The presence in the audience of a number of creates a riveting drama in eleven cantos which support by Italy’s Ministry of Culture, the important Israeli literary and cultural figures, ends without resolution, its silent verdict Province of Parma, the Embassy of Italy in Tel such as author A. B. Yehoshua, assured the serving as an open-ended warning for the Aviv, the Israel at 60 Association and the event considerable media coverage. Also future. The collaboration between Habimah Reggio Parma Festival, under the patronage of present at the presentation was the Director of and Teatro Due continued in Parma with the the Emilia-Romagna Region. <> the Italian Institute of Culture Simonetta Della presentation by the National Theater of two Stalker Theater performs in Israel (cont. from p. 5) was received enthusiastically by reacted warmly and enthusiastically. The intiative noted actor and director Selim Daw. The show, the audience which participated willingly with forms part of a long term plan to introduce Italian attended by a large crowd, was preceded by a the actors in developing the on-stage action on language studies in Beersheva, which are period of preparation which included the themes and songs taken from the Bible, with expected to be held in the municipal library. participation of young Israeli Arab actors and particular reference to peaceful cohabitation On October 24 ‘Incontri’ was presented in several members of the Donna Maris cultural between peoples. The public in Beersheva Haifa’s Al Maidan theater, coordinated by the association led by Symaya Abboud. <>

6 NOTIZIE ITALIANE November 2008

Italian Cultural Institute Tel. 03-5161361 Events in Israel Conference on Italian Constitution latest book ‘Israel and Palestine: Literature and Commitment Dec. 8, Jerusalem, Dec. 9, Haifa the force of numbers.’ The Nov. 25 – 27, Jerusalem The conference, which compares Constitutional author holds the Shlomo Argov On the occasion of the State Visit to Israel disciplines regulating ties between the state and chair of Israel-Diaspora by President of the Republic Giorgio religion in Italy and Israel, is organized by the Relations at the Hebrew Napolitano, a three day conference entitled IIC of Tel Aviv in collaboration with the University of Jerusalem. ‘Literature and Commitment: Italian - Israeli Faculties of Jurisprudence at the Hebrew and dialogues’ will be held on November 25 Ð Haifa Universities and the Universities of Milan Concert for Life and Sergio Della 27 at the Van Leer Institute and the Hebrew and Trento. The event is part of the program Peace Pergola th Dec. 21, Jerusalem University in Jerusalem. The three day event, celebrating the 60 anniversary of the Italian a project realized by the Italian Institute of Constitution and of Italian-Israeli bilateral The annual Concert for Life and Peace, held at Culture in collaboration with the Institute relations. the Henry Crown auditorium of the Jerusalem for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, Theater, features the choir of the Pietà dei Visit to Massada Turchini of Naples directed by Maestro Antonio has received support from, among others, Dec. 12 Florio. The concert, promoted by the Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the Italian and Guided visit to the archeological site of Massada. Associazione per la Vita e per la Pace in Israeli Ministries of Culture, the For more information please call the Italian cooperation with Conférence permanente des Municipality and the Jewish Community of Institute of Culture, Tel Aviv, tel. 03-5162151 Villes Historiques de la Méditerranée and under Rome, the Hebrew University and the Van the patronage of the Italian Presidency, will be Leer Institute. A large number of well known Literary Café transmitted in Italy by state broadcaster RAI on literary and academic figures from both Dec. 16, Tel Aviv Christmas Day. <> countries will participate in the conference. Presentation of Prof. Sergio Della Pergola’s

Luchino Visconti Retrospective Film Tel Aviv Haifa Jerusalem Dec. 1-31, Tel Aviv Morte a Venezia 1/12 6/12 23/12 The Italian Institute of La caduta degli dei 2/12 22/12 12/12 Culture pays homage to the Rocco e i suoi fratelli 3/12 7/12 11/12 great Italian director with a Senso 14/12 18/12 9/12 retrospective of his films Ludwig 19/12 10/12 28/12 hosted by the three main Il Gattopardo 20/12 12/12 21/12 cinematheques of Tel Aviv, L’innocente 11/12 25/12 24/12 Jerusalem and Haifa. Gruppo di famiglia in un interno 28/12 24/12 27/12 The director Luchino Visconti Il lavoro 6/12 17/12 20/12

Winter at the Museum of Italian Jewish Art November - December 2008 Gilding workshop of shapes, textures and styles: one shaped like Italian Jewish Musical Heritage Nov. 25 a Renaissance castle, another made from a Dec. 2008 Learn the ancient soldier’s helmet, a third adorned with a clock, An enchanting Venetian technique of and many other beautiful menorahs and the evening of gold leaf gilding as exciting stories behind them. music used by Italian artists documenting since the Renaissance Nights of Italian opera the Italian period at a workshop led by professionally Dec. 4, 11, 18 Jewish musical trained gilding and restoration artists. The Three concerts of heritage from workshop will include 6 two-hour courses once operatic arias the historical a week on Tuesdays. performed by Leo Levy Italian opera collection of Chanukah singer Valeria rare recordings. menorahs from Fubini and pianist <> Italy Sonya Mazar and a magical nocturnal visit to Dec. 7 – Jan. 1 the museum, which will stay open until 1am, The Museum will host featuring works by Verdi, Puccini, Mascagni a selection of ancient and others. Italian Chanukah Admission is free. Seats are limited. Please menorahs in a variety reserve in advance.

27, Hillel st., Jerusalem Tel: 02-6241610 Fax: 02-6253480 [email protected]

7 NOTIZIE ITALIANE November 2008

Events in Italy George Seurat, Paul Signac and the which also coincides with the opening of the Umbria Jazz Winter Neoimpressionists new season at La Scala. 30 Dec. - 4 Jan., Orvieto Palazzo Reale, Milan Castello Sforzesco, Milan Umbria Jazz Till Jan. 25, 2009 Winter is the The exhibition, curate by French academic Christmas in Trento sister event of Marina Ferretti Bocquillon, focuses on the Until 24 Dec., Piazza Fiera the summer figures of Georges Seurat and Paul Signac, jazz festival presenting a selection of their outstanding held in works, from some of the most important Perugia, and continues the successful formula museums in the world (including the Musée of fine live music in historic venues. The festival d'Orsay in Paris, and the Metropolitan and takes place throughout the city in the form of Guggenheim Museums in New York). It is an With a wonderful setting inside the old city afternoon and evening concerts, jazz lunches, opportunity for the public to discover these two walls, surrounded by snow-white peaks, the dinners and other cultural events. Some of the artists, the roles they played respectively, and Alpine town of Trento organises Christmas in indoor concerts have an entrance fee, but there the fundamental contribution they made to the Trento, a month of festivities, with a market in are several at the Palazzo dei Sette which are birth and development of Neo-Impressionism, Piazza Fiera marking the focal point of the free. which spread rapidly above all in France and celebrations. Dozens of wooden huts display Belgium, from the end of 19th century to 1910. traditional crafts, food and mulled wine complemented by concerts, exhibitions and Venice Carnival 2009 competitions at local churches, theatres and 13 - 24 Feb., Venice Oh Bej! Oh Bej! museums. With a two- 5 - 7 Dec., Milan week series of Every year processions, Milan New Year's Eve in the Piazza masquerades, organises an Dec. 31, Rome traditional ancient Rome's ceremonies, Christmas traditional New music and all- market full of Year's Eve round sweets and celebrations are festivities typical products. The "Oh Bej! Oh Bej!" fair, centered in among the held in the area surrounding the Sforza Castle, Piazza del canals, is one of the main annual folkloric events in Popolo. The squares and the city. Stalls sell local food products, programme palaces of this doughnuts, sweet pancakes, chestnuts and spun includes fireworks, rock and classical music ancient city, sugar. Local children used to go around the concerts lasting well into the night. When the the Venice Carnival is the highlight of the city's market exclaiming "che belli! che belli!" ("so grown-ups go to bed on 1 January, a children's year. Every year the event is inspired by a new beautiful! so beautiful!"), which in the local celebration with papier-mâché masks, theme, which in 2009 is "Sensation", inviting Milanese dialect ends up sounding more or less performers on stilts, clowns, acrobats, fire-eaters visitors to discover, see, feel, touch, smell and like "Oh Bej! Oh Bej!" The fair is held around and all sorts of other attractions takes place on taste the city and its six districts. the day of St Ambrose, Milan's patron saint, the emptied Piazza for the day. <>

Italian Trade Fair Calendar Dec. 08 - Jan. 09

MOTOR SHOW LA VETRINA DEL ESPOSIZIONE CANINA MARCA 5 Ð 14 Dec., Bologna TEMPO 10 Ð 11 Jan., Milan 15 Ð 16 Jan., Bologna Access MBA Tour International car exhibition 10 Ð 18, Jan., Pordenone Milan Dog Show Private label expo Antiques Fair January 28, Milan The Access MBA IDEANEVE OROMACHINE LINK.IT 5 Ð 14 Dec., Genoa BIKE EXPO 10 Ð 18, Jan., Vicenza 15 Ð 18 Jan., Bologna One-to-One event Handicrafts, winter tourism 16 - 18 Jan., Padua Jewelry manufacturing Fashion trade show offers quality, Bicycles and accessories personalised services for MBA candidates. Much more than a fair, MINERAL SHOW VICENZA ORO SO FRESH the Access MBA Tour provides 5 Ð 7 Dec., Verona COLLEZIOSA 10 Ð 18, Jan., Vicenza 15 Ð 16 Jan., Bologna qualified professionals the Precious stones, fossils, gifts 17 - 18 Jan., Modena Gold, silverware, gems Fresh food expo opportunity to meet admissions' Small-scale models, hobbies <> directors of prestigious and accredited international business ROMA SPOSA PITTI IMMAGINE schools individually or in small 9 Ð 18 Jan., Rome FELINA UOMO groups. Wedding wear, accessories 10 Ð 11 Jan., Padua 13 Ð 16 Jan., Florence Int’l Cat Show Men's Fashion