Primary School

Headteacher: Lisa Meacher BA(Hons) PGCE NPQH Tel/fax: 01406 380440 Email: [email protected] Website:

13th February 2013

Dear Parents

Along with 5 other small schools we have just become part of a Collaborative Partnership. The schools within our group are , , , Shepeau Stow and Tydd St Mary. Historically many of us have worked closely together in the past enabling us to take part in larger scale events. In the run up to Christmas we put forward a business plan to the local authority to support our partnership enable us to provide even better opportunities for the pupils in our schools. Our plan was successful and has been fully approved by the local authority. We have now secured the funding and are able to begin a very exciting year.

Our partnership will, over the next year, be taking part in events not only for pupils but also for our staff. The aim is to continue to raise standards in our schools for your children. We have joint training and professional development opportunities planned for staff. We also have some exciting educational experiences planned for the children which will also enable staff to take further knowledge back into school. All events the children take part in will be fully funded by our partnership. This is a very exciting opportunity for our schools.

The first of these events for pupils is a Mad Science Day on 1st March for children in Reception and Key Stage 1. The following week, 8th March, pupils from Key Stage 2 will be attending. These events will be held at the community centre in . We have many other events planned over the coming year including maths challenge days, multicultural activity days, literacy focussed events and an art event.

Between our schools we have approximately 400 children. Our partnership is committed to making a difference to the educational opportunities of those children. We may also at some point be asking for support from our PTAs and Friends of Schools as we want you as parents and carers to be involved too.

We look forward to the coming year and being able to share our successes with you.

Lisa Meacher Maureen Martin Anita Bandey Sonya Ripley Alison Buddle Headteacher Headteacher Headteacher Headteacher Headteacher

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