All communications to be addressed to:

Provincial Grand Secretary The Lodge 128 Newport Road CF24 1DH Tel: 02920 490555 e-mail: [email protected] Website:


R.W.Bro. Thomas Richard Eirian Jones Provincial Grand Master

W.Bro. Dr Paul Richard Calderwood PGSD W.Bro. Stephen Charles Evans Harries PGJD Deputy Provincial Grand Master Assistant Provincial Grand Master


The Mark Degree is under the control of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and and its Districts and Lodges Overseas. It has many similar associations with the old opera- tive system of Freemasonry. The ritual is founded upon ancient Craft legends of this operative system and reflects portions of Biblical History that are far earlier than other degrees.

It deals with events before or at the building of King Solomon’s Temple and the problems that arose during its construction. It was found necessary to ensure completeness and perfect accu- racy in all departments of the work and to establish a system of grades amongst the vast number of workmen employed, under which each member of each grade marked his work with some particular mark or symbol thereby enabling the overseers to know the hand which prepared each particular piece of work.

Thus a very early system for “Quality Control” and ensuring “Value for Money” was established. In the old Guilds the ceremony of selecting and registering a Mark by newly admitted Craftsmen was second in importance only to that of his first admission into the Society. The Mason’s Marks on ecclesiastical buildings are of great antiquity. We are informed that the Cathedral Church of Aberdeen founded in 1357 has upon it Mason’s Marks from the foundation upwards.

Mark Degree is one of encouragement and the ritual is built on a single verse from Psalm 118. “The stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner” It illustrates that the wisest of men can be mistaken and that experts are often wrong, that the weakest can display perseverance far better than the strongest and that we all have a part to play in the building of life. It demonstrates that the pursuit of excellence and the realisation of distinction are within every- one’s grasp. Today the prerequisite for advancement into the “Friendly Degree” is that the candidate has at- tained the rank of Master Mason in the Craft.

3 Dates for the Diary

September 2017

10th September (Sunday) Mark Provincial Grand Lodge Officers and Ladies Luncheon. 12th September (Tuesday) Mark Master Masons Grand Lodge, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London

December 2017

3rd December (Sunday) Mark Provincial G.L. Officers Mess, Christmas Luncheon at Ty Newydd, Hirwaun 12th December (Tuesday) Royal Ark Mariners Annual Assembly and Investiture, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London

March 2018 Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Annual Gala Dinner. Date to be announced 6th March (Tuesday) Mark Masons Grand Lodge, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London

April 2018

28th April (Saturday) Royal Ark Mariners Provincial Assemby and Investiture at The Masonic Hall, Bridgend Provincial Mark, Holiday Weekend Date to be confirmed May 2018

4th May (Friday) Mark Provincial G.L. Officers Mess Annual Dinner, Glyn Clydach Hotel, Neath 17th May (Thursday) Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons. General Purpose Committee Meeting, Penarth. To be followed by the Installation Meeting of Stability Mark Lodge, Penarth

June 2018

6th June (Wednesday) Prov. Mark Grand Lodge Meeting and Investiture, Cardiff Masonic Hall, under the banner of the South Wales Mark Provincial Stewards Lodge No 1829

12th June (Tuesday) Mark Grand Lodge Annual Investiture, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London

Keep fully in touch with events within the Province by referring to the “DATES FOR THE DIARY” as published in the Provincial Web Site


Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. THOMAS RICHARD EIRIAN JONES ‘Sunnybank’ Mill Street, Crickhowell NP8 1BA

Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Dr. PAUL RICHARD CALDERWOOD PGSD 12a Groesffordd Park, Groesffordd, Brecon LD3 7SF

Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. STEPHEN CHARLES EVANS HARRIES PGJD 59 Bowham Avenue, Bridgend CF31 3PA

Provincial Grand Treasurer W.Bro. KEITH B. FERGUSON PGJD

Provincial Grand Registrar W.Bro.Dr. ANTHONY J. STRACHAN PAGSwdB

Provincial Grand Secretary V.W.Bro. S.W.JEFFREY CLARKE PGMO

Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary W.Bro. MARTIN A. JONES PGJD

Provincial Grand Almoner W.Bro. JEFFREY D. WILLIAMS PGSD

Provincial Grand Charity Steward W.Bro. BRYAN J. ISAAC PAGSwdB

Assistant Provincial Grand Secretary W.Bro. ANTHONY W. SEYMOUR PAGSwdB

Provincial Assistant Grand Charity Steward W.Bro. GARETH ANDREWS PPrGJO

All communications to be addressed to: The Provincial Grand Secretary, The Lodge, 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH Tel: 02920 490555

The next Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of South Wales will be held on Wednesday 6th June 2018 at Cardiff. The Meeting of the Provincial General Purpose Committee will be held 17th May 2018 at Penarth Masonic Temple. The Royal Ark Mariner Annual Assembly and Investi- ture of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank will be held at Bridgend at the meeting of the SWIC RAM Lodge No 1201 on 28th April 2018 The Meetings of Mark Grand Lodge are held on the Tuesday next before the Second Wednesday in the month of June (Annual Investiture) and in March and September at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ. An Annual Assembly of Royal Ark Mariner’s is held on the second Tuesday in the month of December, at Freemasons’ Hall, Great Queen Street, London WC2B 5AZ.


V.W.Bro. S.W.J. Clarke W.Bro. Dr A.J. Strachan W.Bro. K.B. Ferguson PGMO ProvGSec PAGSwdB ProvGReg PGJD ProvGTreas

W.Bro. M.A. Jones W.Bro. J.D. Williams W.Bro. B.J. Isaac PGJD ProvDepGSec PGSD ProvGAlm PAGSwdB,PrGChStwd

W.Bro. G. Andrews W.Bro. A.W. Seymour PPrGJO, ProvAsstGChStwd PAGSwdB,ProvAsstGSec


ROYAL ARK MARINER GRAND RANK Invested on Tuesday 13th December 2016

W.Bro. Stephen C.E. Harries 1685 W.Bro. Jeffrey D. Williams 585 W.Bro. G. Anthony Howell 1057 W.Bro. Denis Tucker 1528 W.Bro. William Mullins 1592

MARK GRAND LODGE:- Invested on Tuesday 13th June 2017 Acting Rank: R.W.Bro. Neil H. Matthews, PGJW Re-Appointed Grand Inspector of Works R.W.Bro. R.A. Williams Appointed Grand Secretary W.Bro. Naunton C.W. Liles, PGSD., GOrg Re-Appointed Grand Organist W.Bro. Alun H. Thomas Appointed Grand Steward Promoted: R.W.Bro. R.A. Williams Promoted to PGJW V.W.Bro.Alan F. Thomas Promoted to PGJO W.Bro. Dr Paul R. Calderwood DPGM Promoted to PGSD W.Bro. Nigel L. Angell Promoted to PGSD W.Bro. Stephen C.E. Harries APGM Promoted to PGJD W.Bro. Stanley Evelyn Promoted to PGJD W.Bro. Kenneth J. Heath Promoted to PGJD Appointed: W.Bro. Keith Dascombe Appointed PAGDC W.Bro. Brian E. Dowling Appointed PAGDC W.Bro. Roy Hart Appointed PAGDC W.Bro. Howard J. Lines Appointed PGSwdB W.Bro. Anthony W. Seymour Appointed PGSwdB W.Bro. Paul S. Cage Appointed PGStB W.Bro. Alan C. Greedy Appointed PGStB

In extending our congratulations to these Brethren, we trust that they will continue to support and serve the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Degrees in general and this Province for many years to come.

7 W.Bro. Alun Howell Thomas PrDepGDC to the rank of


W.Bro. Alun Thomas advanced into Afan Mark 1088 on 18th March 2002 served as Master in 2011 and is now the Lodge Preceptor. In 2014 he was appointed Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and in 2015 promoted to Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies, an office he still holds today, being re- appointed in 2016 and 2017. He is the founder Director of Ceremonies of Tremains Mark Lodge No 1952, being consecrated on 12th May 2014. On the 27th September 2014 he became a joining member of SWIMM and is now the Lodge Director of Ceremonies. On 6th February 2016 he became a joining member of the Direc- tor of Ceremonies Lodge of Mark Master Masons No1813 and is currently the Assistant Secretary. On 13th of June 2017 he was appointed as Grand Steward. On the 28th June 2017 he became a joining member of the De Cymru Lodge of Grand Officers. On 25th January 2005 he was elavated into Afan Royal Ark Mariners 1088, served as Command- er in 2008 and was the Scribe from 2010 to 2016. He is the founder Director of Ceremonies of Tremains Royal Ark Mariner Lodge being conse- crated on 4th April 2016. He became a joining member of SWIC Lodge No 1201 in April 2013.

W.Bro. Keith Dascombe PPrJGW to the rank of


W.Bro. Keith Dascome was advanced into Ysgolion Lodge No 1487 on January 26th1996, and was installed as Worshipful Master on the 28th September 2007 and holds the office of Di- rector of Ceremonies. He was appointed to Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies on the 2nd June 2010, and then promoted to Provincial Grand Senior Overseer on the 6th June 2012 and then on the 3rd June 2015 promoted to Provincial Grand Junior Warden. He joined SWIMM Lodge 1201 on the 23rd March 2013 and De Cymru Lodge of Grand Officers No.1606 on 28th June 2017. In the degree of Royal Ark Mariners he was elevated in St John’s Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No 28 in 2002 and became Com- mander on the 18th April 2012. He received Provincial Royal Ark Mariners Grand Rank on the 22nd April 2017.

8 W.Bro. Brian Edmund Dowling PPrGSO to the rank of


W Bro Brian Dowling was Advanced into Barry Mark Lodge No. 1043 on 3rd February 1992 and was installed as Worshipful Mas- ter in April 2007. He was again installed as Worshipful Master in April 2012 and then proclaimed as Worshipful Master in April 2013. In 2014 he became a Founder Member of Tremains Lodge No 1952 and was installed as Worshipful Master in May 2017. He became a Joining Member of South Wales Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1201 in March 2014 and De Cymru Grand Officers Mark Lodge No. 1606 in 2017.

In Provincial Mark Lodge he was appointed as Provincial Grand Senior Deacon in 2009 and promoted to Provincial Grand Senior Overseer in 2014.

In the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners, he was Elevated into Barry Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No. 1043 on 29th February 2000 and Installed as Worshipful Commander in September 2004. He became a Joining Member of South Wales Installed Commanders Lodge No. 1201 in April 2015 and a founder member of Tremains Royal Ark Mariner Lodge No 1952 in April 2016.

He was appointed to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in April 2010.

W.Bro. Roy Hart PPrGSW to the rank of


W.Bro. Roy Hart was Advanced into the Dunraven Mark Lodge No. 950 in Bridgend on the 5th February 1985 and installed as Master in 1996.

He was appointed Provincial Grand Inner Guard in 1998 and in turn was then promoted to Past Grand Junior Overseer fol- lowed by promotion to Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden and finally to Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden in June 2011. He became a joining member of De Cymru Lodge of Grand Officers 1606 on 28th June 2017.

He was a Founder member of the Dewi Sant Mark Lodge No. 1914 which was consecrated on the 15th April 2010. He was the founding Almoner, an office which he still holds.

In the degree of Royal Ark Mariners he was Elevated in the Dun- raven Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No. 950 on the 7th May 1991 and was Installed as Commander in March 2004. He was appointed to Provincial Royal Ark Mariners Grand Rank in April 2010.

9 W.Bro. Anthony William Seymour PPrGJO to the rank of


W.Bro. Tony Seymour was advanced in the Llynfi Valley Mark Lodge No 1592 in April 1992 He became a joining member of the Barry Mark Lodge No 1043 in April 1993, and served as Worshipful Master in 2009. A founder member of the Tremains Lodge No 1952 in April 2015, currently the Junior Deacon. A member of South Wales Installed Mark Masters No 1201 since 2011 and joined De Cymru Lodge of Grand Officers on 28th June 2017

Appointed as Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremo- nies in 2011. Promoted to Past Provincial Grand Junior Overseer in March 2015. Served as Provincial Assistant Grand Secretary since March 2013.

Elevated in Barry Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1043 in May 2007, and served as Worshipful Commander in 2014. A member of South Wales Installed Commanders Lodge No 1201 since 2014.

W.Bro. Howard James Lines PPrGJW to the rank of


W Bro Howard Lines was Advanced into Neath Mark Lodge No. 1125 in October 1987 and was installed as Worshipful Master in April 1999. He served as Director of Ceremonies from 2010 to 2015 and was then installed as Worshipful Master again in 2015. He became a Joining Member of South Wales Installed Masters Lodge No. 1201 and De Cymru Grand Officers Lodge No 1606 in 2017.

In Provincial Mark Lodge he was appointed to Past Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2002, promoted to Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer in 2005 and further promoted to Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden in 2010.

In the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners, he was Elevated in 2000 into Neath Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No. 1125, and Installed as Commander in January 2013.

10 W.Bro. Paul Simon Cage PPrGSW to the rank of


W Bro Paul Cage was advanced into the Arthur Lewis Mark Lodge No. 585 on the 14th of March 1987 and was installed as Worshipful Master in 1999. He has been Treasurer since 2010. In 2001 he was appointed acting Provincial Grand Senior Deacon and subsequently promoted to Past Provincial Grand Master Overseer in 2007, Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden in 2010 and Past Provincial Grand Senior Warden in 2016. In 2017 He was appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer. In 2005 he became a joining member of the South Wales Installed Mark Masters Lodge No. 1201 and the De Cymru Grand Officers Mark Lodge No. 1606 in 2017. On the 14th of February 1995 he was elevated into the Arthur Lewis Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No. 585, was installed as Worship Master in 2007 and has been Treasurer since 2009. In 2013 he was appointed to Past Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. He became a joining member of the South Wales Installed Commanders Lodge No. 1201 in 2011.

W.Bro. Alan Charles Greedy PPrGSW to the rank of

PAST GRAND STANDARD BEARER W Bro Alan Greedy was Advanced into Principality Mark Lodge No. 1057 on 20th September 1995 and was installed as Wor- shipful Master in October 2005. He became a Joining Member of Ysgolion Mark Lodge No. 1487 in September 1998, South Wales Mark Provincial Stewards Lodge No. 1829 in May 2008, a Founder Member of Dinas Llandaf Mark Lodge No. 1942 in April 2013 and a Joining Member of De Cymru Grand Officers Lodge No. 1606 in June 2017.

In Provincial Mark Lodge he was appointed as Provincial Grand Steward in 2008, promoted to Past Provincial Grand Junior Deacon in 2011, Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer in 2013, Past Provincial Grand Junior Warden in 2014 and ap- pointed as Provincial Grand Tyler in 2015.

In the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners, he was Elevated into Prin- cipality Royal Ark Mariners Lodge No. 1057 on 7th May 1997 and Installed as Worshipful Commander in May 2005.

He was appointed to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in April 2011.


Subscribing GRAND LODGE OFFICERS in the Province and Date of Appointment


R.W.Bro. T.R.E. Jones, PGM [2008 PGJD 2008 Sunnybank, Mill Street, Crickhowell NP8 1BA [2013 PGSD [2015 PGJO [2016 PGM

R.W.Bro. P.R. Clement PProvGM GMRAC [1989 AGOrg 1995 81 Sketty Road, Sketty, Swansea SA2 0EN [1996 PGSD [2001 PGJO [2008 PGM [2016 PPGM

R.W.Bro. D. Barnett PProvGM [1992 AGDC 1995 10a Caemawr Gardens, Porth CF39 9DB

12 [1995 PGJD [1996 PPGM

R.W.Bro. N.H. Matthews [1998 AGDC 1998 Frongelli House, Llanedi, Swansea SA4 1YR [1998 GInspWks [2000 PGMO [2005 PGJW

R.W.Bro. Wg.Cdr.J.I. Davies CBE [1994 GStwd 1998 7 Dan-y-Bryn Close, Radyr, Cardiff CF15 8DJ [1995 DepGDC [1998 PGJO [2005 PGMO [2009 GJW

R.W.Bro. Capt. Sir N.Lloyd-Edwards KVCO, GCStJ, [2009 PGSD 2013 41 Llantrisant Road, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2PU RD* RNR [2013 GJW

R.W.Bro. R.A. Williams [2008 PAGDC 2009 First Floor Flat, 18 Ranelagh Road, London W5 5RJ [2012 DepGDC [2015 DepGSec [2016 PGJO [2017 PGJW V.W.Bro. S.W.J. Clarke ProvGSec, [1991 PAGDC 1992 Mark Prov. G.L., 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH PAsstPGM [1996 PGSD [2001 PGJO [2005 PGMO

V.W.Bro. H. Davies [1997 PAGDC 2000 Pengarth, Cerrigcochion Road, Brecon LD3 7NR [2002 GSD [2007 PGJO

V.W.Bro. A.F. Moore MBE, PDepProvGM [1996 PGJD 1998 83 Van Road, Caerphilly CF83 1LA [2003 PGJO [2012 PGSO

V.W.Bro. J.K. O’Leary [1997 PAGStB 1993 40 Fairfield Road, Bridgend CF 31 3DU [2004 PGJD [2015 PGJO

V.W.Bro. A.R. Thomas [2000 GStwd 2007 1 Lon Brynteg, Dwr-y-Felin, Neath SA10 7RU [2005 PGJD [2011 PGJO

13 V.W.Bro. K. Willans. PDepProvGM (Mon.) [2001 PAGDC 2004 56 Tyn-y-Parc Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 8BP [2007 PGSD [2008 PGJO

V.W.Bro. R.A. Jeffery [2003 PAGDC 2001 118 Glenwood, Llanederyn, Cardiff CF23 6UU [2008 PSGD [2016 PGJO

V.W.Bro. A.F. Thomas [1996 PGStB 1997 “Ty Ni” Port Road West, Barry CF62 3AZ [2001 PGJD [2017 PGJO

W.Bro. N.O.A. Alleyne [1997 PAGDC 1995 13 Maes-y-Rhedyn, Talbot Green CF72 8AN [2004 GSD

W.Bro. N.L. Angell [2011 PAGDC 1 Pendinas Av. Penmaenmawr, Cwmbran NP11 3GP [2017 PGSD

W.Bro. J.R. Bevan [1995 PAGDC 2008 20 New Barn, Flemingston, Barry CF62 4QL [2004 PGJD

W.Bro. M.C. Bignell [2015 PAGDC 12 Court Close, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1JR W.Bro. E.G. Bolton [2007 PGStB 2014 10 The Chantry, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2NN [2014 PGJD

W.Bro. W.G.H. Brice [2007 PAGStB 9 Westville, Abertysswg, Rhymney NP22 5BD [2012 PGJD

W..Bro. D.G. Caddy [2014 PGStB 9 The Drive, Miskin, Pontyclun CF72 8PX

W.Bro. P.S. Cage [2017 PGStB 17 Clos Lancaster, Llantrisant, Pontyclun CF72 8QP

W.Bro.Dr. P.R. Calderwood DepProvGM [2009 PGStB 2011 12a Groesffordd Park, Groesffordd, Brecon LD3 7SF [2013 PGJD [2017 PGSD

W.Bro. J.P. Childs [2007 AGDC 2011 60 Sandpiper Road, Porthcawl CF36 3UT [2013 GSD

W.Bro. P.W. Clee [2000 PAGDC 2001 160 Lake Road East, Cardiff CF23 5NQ [2010 PGSD

W.Bro. D.W. Cotter [2001 PAGDC 2007 4 Meadow Close, Mountain Ash CF45 3DN

14 [2007 PGSD

W.Bro. D.F. Court [2013 PAGDC 19 Yr Ysfa, Maesteg CF34 9AG

W.Bro. K. Dascombe [2017 PAGDC 8 Birchfield Crescent, Victoria Park, Cardiff CF5 1AE

W.Bro. B.T. Davies [2007 PGStB 40 Alexandra Road, Gorseinon, Swansea SA4 4NN

W.Bro. D.E. Davies [2006 PGStB 2006 39 Brynteg Road, Gorseinon SA4 4FR

W.Bro. M. Davies [2014 PAGSwdB 537 Pentregethin Road, Caereithin, Swansea SA5 8AB

W.Bro. N. Davies [2015 PAGDC 206 Emlyn Avenue, Ebbw Vale NP23 5UB

W.Bro. P. Davies [2015 PGStB 2012 Whitewalls 39 Church Lane, Pontardulais SA4 8JG

W.Bro. P.W. Davies [2014 PAGDC 79 St Martins Road, Caerphilly CF83 1EH

W.Bro. B.E. Dowling [2017 PAGDC 32 Westward Rise, Barry CF62 8PN

W.Bro. W.P. Ellis [2009 PAGSwdB 234 Heathwood Road, Cardiff CF14 4BS

W.Bro. C. Evans [2012 PGStB 2007 21 Waun Sterw, Rhydyfro, Pondardawe SA8 4NF W.Bro. G.D. Evans [2010 PAGDC Coed y Felin, Mill Place, Mountain Ash CF45 4DH

W.Bro. S. Evelyn [2008 PAGDC 2015 13 Melville Avenue, St. Mellons, Cardiff CF3 9TZ [2017 PGJD

W.Bro. K.B. Ferguson [2005 PAGDC 2009 168 Gower Road, Sketty, Swansea SA2 9BR [2013 PGJD

W.Bro. F. Fox [2004 PGStB 2012 14 Heol Carne, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1HD [2012 PGJD

W.Bro. P. Frost [2004 PAGDC 2011 2 Llanquian Close, Cowbridge CF71 7HQ [2011 GSwdB

W.Bro. D.G. Gait [2003 GStwd 2007 25 Bryn Derwyn, Cwmdare, Aberdare CF44 8SE [2008 PGJD

W.Bro. Dr. J.C. Giddings [2009 PAGDC 57 Windermere Avenue, Cardiff CF23 5PR

W.Bro. M. Grant [2016 PGStdB 22 Heol Iscoed, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 6PA 15 W.Bro. A.C. Greedy [2017 PGStB 12 Bargoed Street, Cardiff CF11 7AF

W.Bro. W.J.L. Groom [1999 PAGDC 2003 Flat 2 Geoffrey Ash Court, Cardiff Road, Cowbridge CF71 7EP [2005 PGSD

W.Bro. L.J. Guttridge [2002 PAGDC 2015 5 De Breos, Drive, Porthcawl CF36 3JP [2008 PGSD

W.Bro. K.H. Harries [2012 PAGDC 32 Heol Cae Rhys, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 6AP

W.Bro. S.C.E.Harries AsstProvGM [2015 GStwd 2016 59 Bowham Avenue, Bridgend CF31 3PA [2017 PGJD

W.Bro. R.R. Harry [1995 PAGDC 2006 10 Marchwood Close, Rumney, Cardiff CF3 3LZ [2009 PGSD

W.Bro. R. Hart [2017 PAGDC 60 Westminster Way, Bridgend CF31 4QX

W.Bro. K.J. Heath [2011 PAGDC 81 Westgate Court, Caerleon, Monmouthshire NP18 1NB [2017 PGJD

W.Bro. Cdr. R.K. Hopkin R.N. [1996 PGJD 12 Maes-y-Dderwyn, Creigiau, Cardiff CF15 9JS W.Bro. G.A. Howell [2010 PGStB 2016 15 Llanrumney Avenue, Cardiff CF3 4BP

W.Bro. B.J. Isaac [2012 PAGSwdB 52 Cimla Road, Neath SA11 3TL

W.Bro. R. Jasinski [2015 PAGDC 5 Orchard Close, Siginstone, CF71 7LY

W.Bro. E.W. Jones [2011 PGOrg 2006 55 Blackoak Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff CF23 6AW

W.Bro. G. Jones OBE [2009 GStwd 32 Celyn Grove, Cardiff CF23 6SH [2012 PGJD [2014 PGSD

W.Bro. G.H. Jones [2015 GIG Railway Cuttings, 18 Clos Llysfaen, Lisvane, Cardiff CF14 0UP

W.Bro. M.A. Jones [2011 PAGSwdB 77 Lakin Drive, Barry CF62 8AH [2016 GJD

W.Bro. M.J. Kidd [2013 PGStB 33 St.Francis Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1AW

W.Bro. P. Kelvin-Smith [2014 PAGDC The Banks,10, Tudor Gardens, Machen, Caerphilly CF83 8PD 16 W.Bro. F. Langford [1999 PAGDC 2000 62 Huntinton Court, West Cross, Swansea SA3 5AL [2009 PGSD

W.Bro. B.E. Langley [2012 PAGDC 5 Ffordd y Berllan, Morganstown, Cardiff CF15 8EY

W.Bro. A.P. Lewis [2011 PGStB Hafod House, East Street, Llandrindod Wells LD65 5DS

W.Bro. M. Lewis [2016 AGDC Dunraven, Goitre Coed Road, Quakers Yard CF46 5BB

W.Bro. N.C.W. Liles [2008 AsstGOrg 2013 100 Cornerswell Road, Penarth CF64 2WB [2010 DepGOrg [2013 GOrg [2014 PGSD

W.Bro. H.J. Lines [2017 PAGSwdB 15 Glebeland Street, Cadoxton, Neath SA10 8AY

W.Bro. W.G. Lloyd [2013 PAGDC 2012 92 Coychurch Road, Bridgend CF31 2AP

W.Bro. D.M. Mogford [2004 PAGDC 2002 ‘Y Mans’ 2 Grove Road, Pontardawe SA8 4HH [2010 PGSD

W.Bro. D.N. Morgan [2012 GStB 2013 18 Tynycymmer Close, Porth, Rhonnda CF39 9DE W.Bro. I.D. Moseley [2014 PGStB 21 Lion Street, Hay on Wye HR3 5DT

W.Bro. W. Mullins [2007 PAGDC 36 St. Mary’s Crescent, Maesteg CF34 0UX [2014 PGSD

W.Bro. R.J. Nettleship [2009 PAGDC 2013 97 Goetre Fawr Road, Killay, Swansea SA2 7QT [2015 PGSD

W.Bro. H. Osborne [2009 PAGSwdB 231 Derlwyn, Dunvant, Swansea SA2 7PE

W.Bro. K. Pearson [2001 PGStB 2001 5 Bryneglwys Gardens, Porthcawl CF36 5PR [2013 PGJD

W.Bro. D.G. Powell [2014 PAGSwdB 21 Castle Street, Fleur de Lys, Blackwood NP12 3UH

W.Bro. D.C. Preece [2014 PAGDC Cae y Rhedyn, Twyn Pandy, Llangynyidr NP8 1NF

W.Bro. K. Probert [2012 PAGDC 4 The Walk, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8RS

W.Bro. W.M.H. Pulman [2006 PAGDC 2011 Penyrenfys, Cleydyfagwr, Swansea Road, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1HR 17 W.Bro. G. Richards [2015 PAGSwdB 2 Ashwood Drive, Gellinedd, Pontardawe SA8 3HL

W.Bro. R.F. Richmond [2009 GStB 211 Heol Hir, Thornhill, Cardiff CF14 9LA

W.Bro. A.W. Seymour [2017 PAGSwdB 16 Heol Y Blodau, Llangewydd Court, Bridgend CF31 4UF

W.Bro. W.S. Shemwell [2016 PAGSwdB 11 Margaret Street, Gilfach, Bargoed CF81 8JN

W.Bro. N.M.M. Simons [2013 PGStB 1 Waterford Close, Grangetown, Cardiff CF11 8JN

W.Bro. R. Slater [2016 PAGSwdB 2015 Skirr House, Llys Gery Llan, Pontardulais SA4 1HS

W.Bro. M.J. Stayt [2000 PAGSwdB 1997 108 High Street, Glynneath, Neath SA11 5AL

W.Bro. A.J. Strachan [2013 PAGSwdB 1 Cornelius Close, South Cornelly, Bridgend CF33 4RQ

W.Bro J. Taylor [2001 PGJD 7 Dannog-y-Coed, Barry CF63 1HF

W.Bro. A.H. Thomas [2017 GStwd 60 Tyn Yr Heol Road, Bryncoch, Neath SA10 7EB

W.Bro. A.M. Thomas [2008 PGStB 2012 13 Cardiff Street, Treorchy CF42 6BG

W.Bro. W.G.H. Thomas [2010 PAGStB 9 Heol St.Denys, Lisvane Cardiff CF14 0RU

W.Bro. D. Tucker [2011 PAGDC 2016 8 Caer Odyn, Dinas Powys CF64 4UF

W.Bro. W.B. Warlow [2013 AsstGOrg The Haven, Ocean View, West Drive, Porthcawl CF36 3HT

W.Bro. V.G. Watkins, JP [2016 PAGDC The Gilwern, Ty Du Road, Nelson CF46 6PH

W.Bro. J.C. Welch [2010 PAGSwdB 2015 87 Coed Isaf Road, Pontypridd CF37 1EN

W.Bro. A. Williams [2006 AGIG 2006 23 The Drive, Miskin, Llantrisant CF72 8PX [2010 PAGDC [2016 PGSD

W.Bro. A. Williams [2014 PAGSwdB 36 Daphne Road, Riddings, Neath. SA12 8DP

W.Bro. J.D. Williams [2005 PAGDC 2016 12 Clos Lancaster, Llantrisant CF72 8QP [2016 PGSD

W.Bro. M.G. Williams [2005 AGStB Valleys View, Danylan Road, Pontypridd CF37 1ES

18 [2014 PGJD

W.Bro. Sir P.M. Williams OBE., CSt.J., DL. [2012 GStwd 2013 191 Cyncoed Road, Cyncoed Cardiff CF23 6AJ [2014 PGSD

W.Bro. W. Wilson [2000 PGStB 2000 34 Riverside, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9DA [2015 PGJD Subscribing RAMGR OFFICERS without Mark Grand Rank


P.W. Adamson 2011 38 Broadacre, Killay, Swansea SA2 7RU

C.A. Cook 2013 Derlwyn, Cross Common Road, Dinas Powys CF64 4TQ

B. Davies 2010 119 Ffordd Cambria, Pontardulais, Swansea SA4 8AD

P.G. David 2002 Hendre Wen, Llanharan, Pontyclun CF72 9QE

A.S. Duthie 2010 Capel Bwythyn, Ffordd y Gyfraith, Cefn Cribwr CF32 0BS

B.W. Hithersay 2010 11 Ladywell Prospect, Sawbridgeworth, Herts CM21 9PR

D.L. Lewis OBE 1994 ‘Four Winds’ Princes Rise, Caerphilly CF83 1HP

M. Lloyd 2014 12 The Crescent, Cwmdare, Aberdare CF44 8TN

A. O’Neill 2005 11 Tydfil Road, Bedwas, Caerphilly CF83 8EF

D.G. Rowlands 2010 39 Brynteg Terrace, Treharris CF46 5RE

D.N. Smith 2001 29 New Road, Porthcawl CF 36 5DL


Grand Master His Royal Highness PRINCE MICHAEL OF KENT, KCVO

Pro Grand Master Raymond John Smith

Deputy Grand Master John Herbert Prizeman

Assistant Grand Master Stephen Davison


G Senior Warden ...... Alan John Englefield G Junior Warden ...... James Anthony Harrison G Master Overseer ...... Christopher Lintern Moore G Senior Overseer ...... Stephen Richard Nigel Fenton G Junior Overseer ...... Maxwell William Bayes G Chaplain ...... Rev’d Bruce David Harry President of the General Board ... Peter Hawken, MBE G Treasurer ...... John Norman George Howitt G Registrar ...... H.H. Judge Keith Charles Cutler CBE President of the Mark Ben.Fund ... Dr John Lawson William Wright, RD, FRCS G Secretary ...... Ryan Andrew Williams G Dir. of Ceremonies ...... Francis Charles Spencer G Insp. of Works ...... Neil Howard Matthews G Sword Bearer ...... David John Boswell Dep G Chaplain ...... Rev. William Whitfield Dep Pres of the General Board ... William Arthur Divall Dep G Registrar ...... The Rt. Hon. Sir John Murray Chadwick, ED Dep President of the Mark Ben Fund ... Anthony Morris Dep Grand Dir of Ceremonies ... Mark Francis Golding ...... John Edward Vause ...... Matthew Damian Hampson Dep Grand Inspector of Works ... Vincent John Driver Dep Grand Sword Bearer ...... Richard Neil Bedells G Senior Deacon ...... Brian Albert Collyer ... .. Clive Copley ...... Trevor Maughan Jenkins ...... Sidney John Smith ...... Christopher Gavin Maiden ...... Nigek Wilkinson G Junior Deacon ...... Dr Simon Kenneth Archer ...... Kenneth Boon ...... John Patrick Glendinning ...... Jack Lee Rose ...... Hak Chiu Herman Tsoi ...... Alan John White

20 Asst G Chaplain ...... Rev. Justin Trevelyan Parker Asst G Registrar ...... Michael St. John French Asst G Secretary ...... Jonathan Charles Roberts ...... Daniel Mark Heath Asst G Dir. of Ceremonies ...... Anthony Edward Farrar ...... Peter Furness ...... David Nigel Hanson ...... Robert Charles Neal ...... George Harry Scaife ...... Raymond Arthur Walton Asst G Insp. of Works ...... Sanjiv Bhimji Gohill Asst G Sword Bearer ...... Derek Shen Leong Lo Grand Librarian ...... James Frederick Sacre G Organist ...... Naunton Charles William Liles G Standard Bearer ...... Christopher William Hill ...... Clifford William Norris Deputy Grand Organist ...... Mario Rizzardi Asst G Standard Bearer ...... Christopher Robert Cook ...... Gary King Asst G Organist ...... David Cynrig Timothy Gregory Roberts-Jones G Inner Guard ...... William Raymond Barr Asst G Inner Guard ...... Peter Reginald Howard Morgan ...... Bassil John William Soundy G Stewards ...... John Bassford ...... Harry Andrew Crook ...... Graham Ronald Denman ...... Colin Michael Charles Edwards ...... Edoardo Nachaat Tarek El-Attrache ...... Martyn Patrick Farrell ...... Timothy Ford ...... Clifford Peter Hall ...... Gary Raymond Horstman ...... Alan John Krzysica ...... John William Linkin ...... Joseph Fahmy Khalil Marzouk ...... Gareth Owen ...... David Barry Platten ...... John Stephen Priestley ...... David George Rainford ...... Arthur Robinson ...... Derrick Martyn Silver ...... Donald Christopher Smith ...... Alun Howell Thomas ...... Simon John Trevains ...... Robert Ward ...... Andrew Leslie Wright ...... Norman Leslie Yarde G Tyler ...... Leonard John Millings


The Lodge, 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH Tel. No. 029 20490555 Fax 029 20491666

Constituted 1870 Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Thomas Richard Eirian Jones

Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro.Dr. Paul Richard Calderwood PGSD

Assistant Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Stephen Charles Evans Harries PGJD

OFFICERS 2017 - 2018 W.Bro. S. Evelyn,PGJD ...... Senior Warden W.Bro. N.F. Charles, 1487 ...... Junior Warden W.Bro. J.T.J. Davies 1914 ...... Master Overseer W.Bro. M.J. Lewis 1487 ...... Senior Overseer W.Bro. D.R. Lewis 950 ...... Junior Overseer W.Bro. Rev. A.E. Swinford 823 ...... Chaplain W.Bro. K.B. Ferguson PGJD ...... Treasurer W.Bro. Dr. A.J. Strachan PAGSwdB ...... Registrar V.W.Bro. S.W.J. Clarke PGMO, PAsstPGM ... Secretary W.Bro. D. Tucker PAGDC ...... Dir.of Ceremonies W.Bro. D.H. Elliott 1318 ...... Insp. of Works W.Bro. C.D. Davies 639 ...... Sword Bearer Bro. Rev. E.F. Dowland-Owen 823.. ... Deputy Chaplain W.Bro. M.A. Jones PGJD ...... Deputy Secretary W.Bro. A.H. Thomas GStwd ...... Dep.Dir.of Ceremonies W.Bro. J.D. Williams PGSD ...... Almoner W.Bro. B.J. Isaac PAGSwdB ...... Charity Steward W.Bro. C.D. Peters 1043 ...... Senior Deacon W.Bro. T.N. Douglas-Jones 1455 ...... Senior Deacon W.Bro. H. McGleish 950 ...... Junior Deacon W.Bro. W.J. Jones 1377 ...... Junior Deacon W.Bro. A.W. Seymour PAGSwdB ...... Asst. Secretary W.Bro. R.M. Coombes 179 ...... Asst. Dir.of Ceremonies W.Bro. M.P. Wake 1573 ...... Asst. Dir.of Ceremonies W.Bro. G. Andrews 1318 ...... Asst Charity Steward W.Bro. J.L. Howells 1914 ...... Organist W.Bro. R.J. Corbett 28 ...... Standard Bearer W.Bro. R. Lawrence 1088 ...... Asst Standard Bearer W.Bro. Capt. A.S. Rance 1057 ...... Inner Guard W.Bro. A. Morton 1348 ...... Steward W.Bro. A. Hutchings 1845 ...... Steward W.Bro. R.G. Parsons 1487 ...... Steward W.Bro. M.J. Randell 1590 ...... Steward W.Bro. A.C. Greedy PGStB ...... Tyler


W.Bro. D.C. Rowlands 28 ...... PPrGSD W.Bro. K.R. Mason 585 ...... PPrGSD W.Bro. A.J. Owen 1685 ...... PPrGJD W.Bro. R.A. Rees 1725 ...... PPrGJD W.Bro. C. Roberts 1812 ...... PPrGJD W.Bro. S.J. Rowe 1845 ...... PPrGJD W.Bro. D.C. Hicks 784 ...... PPrAGDC W.Bro. W.H. Rowland 1590 ...... PPrGStB ##W.Bro. A.W. Lewis 1348 ...... PPrGIWks ##W.Bro. M.P. Nicholls 1125 ...... PPrGJD ## Rule 78


W.Bro. K. Duggan 28 ...... PPrGSW W.Bro. R.T. Peltzer 179 ...... PPrGSW W.Bro. J. Anthony 1043 ...... PPrGSW W.Bro. P.J. James 1573 ...... PPrGSW W.Bro. J.R. Aston 1685 ...... PPrGSW W.Bro. D. Rees 1685 ...... PPrGSW W.Bro. J. Daniel 639 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. W.A.M. Jones 823 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. K.J. Puncher 1043 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. D.M. Allen 1057 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. M. Buckley 1318 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. C.M.L. Davies 1487 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. D.J. Yeates 1487 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. M.L. Clarke 1590 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. D.E. Williams 1592 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. L.A. Clark 1685 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. G.M. Davies 1829 ...... PPrGJW W.Bro. C. Tugwell 28 ...... PPrGMO W.Bro. D.A. Williams 1088 ...... PPrGMO W.Bro. D.J. Goodall 1043 ...... PPrGSO W.Bro. J.W. Hatherley 1573 .. ... PPrGSO W.Bro. I.H. Jones 585 ...... PPrGJO W.Bro. N. Marsh 585 ...... PPrGJO W.Bro. J.D. Phillips 1088 ...... PPrGJO W.Bro. P.C. Hunt 1487 ...... PPrGJO W.Bro. K.R. Jones 1670 ...... PPrGJO W.Bro. E. Bowen-Jones 758 ...... PPrGReg W.Bro. P. Matthews 1590 ...... PPrGReg W.Bro. K.J. Evans 1845 ...... PPrGReg W.Bro. S. Waters 1590 ...... PPrGSwdB W.Bro. A. Jones 1725 ...... PPrGSwdB W.Bro. D.J. Irish 1845 ...... PPrGSwdB W.Bro. P.E. Taylor 1952 ...... PPrGSwdB W.Bro. M. Richards 179 ...... PPrGSwdB W.Bro. G.L. Lewis 784 ...... PPrGSD W.Bro. E.H.H. Pahl 1528 ...... PPrGSD W.Bro. A. Jones 1812 ...... PPrGSD W.Bro. G.D. Hall 1829 ...... PPrGSD Bro. S.R. Adam 1942 ...... PPrGSD


W.Bro. K. Dascombe 28 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. D.J. Yeates 28 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. R.T. Pelzer 179 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. N. Marsh 585 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. M.H. Williams 950 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. K. Hearne 1043 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. E.J. Shepherd 1088 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. K.O. Fry 1125 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. P.W. Davies 1348 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. P.F. Brothers 1377 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. M.H. Williams 1455 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. M. Green 1528 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. D.N. Parker 1590 ...... ProvRAMGR W.Bro. H.L.G. Vaughan 1725 ...... ProvRAMGR

24 The Wardens

W.Bro. Stanley Evelyn W.Bro. Neil F. Charles PGJD, ProvGSW ProvGJW

The Overseers

No Photograph Available

W.Bro. John T.J. Davies W.Bro. Michael J. Lewis W.Bro. D. Roger Lewis ProvGMO ProvGSO ProvGJO

The Directors of Ceremonies

W.Bro. Denis Tucker W.Bro. Alun Thomas W.Bro. W.Bro. Martyn P. Wake PAGDC, ProvGDC GStwd, ProvDepGDC R. Michael Coombes ProvAGDC ProvAGDC

25 The Chaplains

W.Bro. Rev. Alistair Swinford Bro. Rev. Edward Dowland-Owen ProvGChap ProvDepGChap Died 15th August 2017 Requiescat in pace

Inspector of Works Sword Bearer

W.Bro. David H. Elliott W.Bro. Christopher D. Davies ProvGInsWks ProvGSwdB

Inner Guard Tyler

W.Bro. Capt. Andrew S. Rance W.Bro. Alan Greedy ProvGIG PGStB, ProvGTyl

26 The Deacons

W.Bro. W.Bro. W.Bro. W.Bro. Christopher D. Peters Timothy Douglas-Jones Hugh McGleish William J. Jones ProvGSD ProvGSD ProvGJD ProvGJD

Organist Standard Bearers

W.Bro. W.Bro. W.Bro. John L. Howells Robert J. Corbett Richard M. Lawrence ProvGOrg ProvGStdB ProvAGStdB

The Stewards

W.Bro. W.Bro. W.Bro. Bro. Alun Morton Arnold Hutchings Roger G. Parsons Mark J. Randell ProvGStwd ProvGStwd ProvGStwd ProvGStwd



R.W.Bro. T.R.E. Jones Prov Grand Master Sunnybanks, Mill Street, Crickhowell NP8 1BA

W.Bro. Dr. P.R. Calderwood Dep Prov Grand Master 12a Groesffordd Park, Groesffordd, Brecon LD3 7SF

W.Bro. S.C.E. Harries Asst Prov Grand Master 59 Bowham Avenue, Bridgend CF31 3PA

W.Bro. S. Evelyn Senior Warden 13 Melville Ave., St. Mellons, Cardiff CF3 9TZ

W.Bro. N.F. Charles Junior Warden 14 Bridgewater Road, Llanrumney, Cardiff CF3 5TF

W.Bro. K.B. Ferguson Treasurer Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

W.Bro. Dr. A.J. Strachan Registrar Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

V.W.Bro. S.W.J. Clarke Secretary Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

28 W.Bro. D.Tucker Director of Ceremonies 8 Caer Odyn, Dinas Powys CF64 4UF

W.Bro. M.A. Jones Dep. Secretary Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

W.Bro. A.H. Thomas Dep. Dir. of Ceremonies 16 Tyn Yr Heol, Bryncoch, Neath SA10 7EB

W.Bro. J.D. Williams Almoner Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

W.Bro. B.J. Isaac Charity Steward Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

W.Bro. A.W. Seymour Asst. Secretary Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

W.Bro. G. Andrews Asst. Charity Steward Mark Prov. G.L. 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH

Veteran Mark Master Masons who are subscribing members of this Province, having continuous Membership of 40 years and over.

Donald Lewis Lewis OBE 1057 20th Feb 1957 Robert R. Harry 1057 20th Sepr 1961 Ralph Arthur Jeffery 28 6th Apr 1966 John Selwyn Bishop 1318 3rd Sep 1966 Alvern Myron Murray Hart 1573 4th Mar 1968 John Kenyon O’Leary 1088 20th Jan 1969 Hywel Davies 585 2nd Jun 1970 Alan Penry Lewis 1318 12th Sep 1970 Stanley William Jeffrey Clarke 758 12th Oct 1970 William Wilson 950 2nd Mar 1971 Desmond Barnett 585 13th Apr 1971 Geoffrey Richards 1125 8th Dec 1971 Alan Ford Thomas 1043 7th Feb 1972 Anthony William Wynne 585 8th Feb 1972 Alun Anthony Jones 1043 6th March 1972 Robert Clive Measday 1125 14th May 1973 Roger Mark Budden 639 15th November 1973 Thomas Gerwyn Davies 1088 17th February 1975 Francis Langford 179 26th March 1975 Russell Jones 1043 3rd November 1975 Philip Gwyn David 784 8th April 1976 Alistair Stewart Duthie 1043 4th October 1976 Maldwyn Glyndwr Williams 585 5th April 1977 Lyn John Guttridge 1377 12th May 1977 Anthony Francis Moore 1348 12th May 1977 David Griffiths 1088 19th September 1977 Neil Howard Matthews 1455 7th November 1977 Glyn Watts Jones 950 6th December 1977

Veteran Royal Ark Mariner Masons who are subscribing members in this Province having a continuous Membership of 40 years and over.

Donald Lewis Lewis OBE 1348 1957 John Kenyon O’Leary 1088 1969 Stanley William Jeffrey Clarke 28 1971 William Wilson 950 1974 Alan Ford Thomas 1043 1975 Robert Ramsay Harry 823 1975


Benevolent Fund- Registered Charity No 254319

Names of Trustees

R.W.Bro. T.R.E. Jones PGM Chairman W.Bro. Dr. P.R.Calderwood PGSD, DepPGM Dep. Chairman W.Bro.K.B. Ferguson, PGJD Treasurer V.W.Bro. S.W.J. Clarke, PGMO Secretary W.Bro. S.C.E. Harries, PGJD, AsstPGM Trustee W.Bro. M.A. Jones, PGJD, ProvDepGSec Trustee W.Bro. J.R. Bevan, PGJD Trustee W.Bro. J.D. Williams, PGSD, ProvGAlm Trustee

Mark Benovolent Fund Festivals


Berkshire 2017

Lincolnshire 2018

Sussex 2019

Kent 2020

East Lancashire 2021

Oxon 2022

30 The 2020 Appeal

Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of our Province In aid of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of South Wales Benevolent Fund Reg. Charity No. 254319

Support by Gift Aid or Donations and join the 150 Club

We need your support to build for the future

For further details contact your Lodge Charity Steward or the Provincial Office



1870-1881 T.M. Talbot 1968-1979 W.B. Porter 1881-1895 Sir Pryce Pryce Bart. 1979-1983 N.A. Morgan 1895-1899 J. Marsden (Dep. In Charge) 1983-1991 S.B. Roberts 1899-1904 Col.Sir E.S. Hill KCB 1991-1996 M.H. Thompson 1904-1921 R. Lock 1996-2008 D. Barnett JP 1921-1938 Lord Kensington CMG DSO 2008-2016 P.R. Clement 1938-1950 Dr.J. McGregor MB 2016- T.R.E. Jones 1963-1968 T.W. Hughes


1880-1881 J. Rogers 1964-1969 W.B.Porter 1881-1895 J.Marsden 1969-1974 R. Hughes 1895-1899 J. Marsden 1974-1978 N.A. Morgan 1899-1905 R. Lock 1978-1980 Lt.Col. AJ. Lennox OBE 1905-1909 A.G.P. Lewis 1980-1984 S.B. Roberts 1909-1910 Vacant 1984-1989 Lt.Col. J.B. Davies OBE 1910-1922 Rev.Canon D. Bowen 1989-1990 J.K Evans 1922-1937 F.P.S. Creswell 1990-1995 K.T. Browning 1937-1938 Dr.J. McGregor MB 1996-2008 P.R.Clement 1938-1947 H. Crabtree 2008-2013 A.F. Moore MBE 1947-1950 Sir F.J. Alban CBE 2013-2016 T.R.E. Jones 1950-1964 T.W. Hughes 2016- Dr. P.R.Calderwood


1985-1986 P.G. Williams 1996-2008 A.F. Moore MBE 1987-1987 J.G.J. Williams 2008-2013 T.R.E. Jones 1988-1990 K.T. Browning 2013-2016 Dr. P.R.Calderwood 1990-1993 S.W.J. Clarke 2016- S.C.E. Harries 1993-1996 D. Barnett JP


1883-1906 N.D. Marks 1974-1981 Lt.Col.J.B. Davies OBE 1906-1949 J. Rees 1981-1982 J.E. Lock 1949-1953 P.E. Williams 1982-1984 W.K. Jones 1953-1969 H. Shaw 1984-1993 A.W. Hines 1969-1974 N.A. Morgan 1993- S.W.J. Clarke

The Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of South Wales included Dyfed until the separation in 1989


R.W. Bro. THOMAS RICHARD EIRIAN JONES Provincial Grand Master

W.Bro. Dr. PAUL RICHARD CALDERWOOD PGJD Deputy Provincial Grand Master

W.Bro. STEPHEN CHARLES EVANS HARRIES PGStwd Assistant Provincial Grand Master

The Annual Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held at the Masonic Temple, Cardiff on Wednesday 7th June 2017 under the banner of the Brychan Mark Lodge No. 1725.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master assisted by the Deputy and Assistant Provincial Grand Masters and Officers opened Provincial Grand Lodge at 2.30pm.

The customary Salutations were afforded to the R.W. Provincial Grand Master under the direc- tion of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. The R.W. Provincial Grand Master suitably responded.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master received the Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Standard escorted into Provincial Grand Lodge by representatives from all the Royal Ark Mariner Lodges within the Province and bid them welcome.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master proposed that the Minutes of Provincial Grand Lodge held at Cardiff on Wednesday 1st June 2016 as printed and circulated in the 2016/17 year book be taken as read. The Provincial Grand Senior Warden W.Bro Melville Davies, PAGSwdB seconded the proposition. This was confirmed, and the Minutes were adopted.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master welcomed the distinguished guests who were in attendance:

From the Province of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire R.W.Bro. George E. Bonham, PGM

From Mark Masons Hall R.W.Bro. Lt. Cdr.Angus P. D. Hannigan, GSec

From the Province of Bristol R.W.Bro. John D. A. Platts. PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Allan G. Badman, ProvGJW

From the Province of Sussex R.W.Bro. C. Martin Wilson, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Jeffrey Daniels, ProvGJW

From the Province of North Wales R.W.Bro. Peter Talbot, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. David A. Wright, DPGM, W.Bro. Graham R. Bradshaw, ProvGSec and V.W.Bro. Bernard W. Sole, PGJO

33 From the Province of Dyfed R.W.Bro. Ronald Jones, PGM Accompanied by V.W.Bro. Gareth R. Hicks, DPGM & PGM Designate, W.Bro. Martin Lowe, DPGM Designate, W.Bro. Dilwyn Littlejohns, ProvGAlm, W.Bro. Dawson H. James, PGSD, W.Bro. Eric G. S. Mock, PGSD and W.Bro. Lyndon Hughson, PAGDC

From the Province of Warwickshire R.W.Bro. Roger S. Mac, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. John B. Ratcliffe, PPrGSW, W.Bro. John Ashmore, ProvGJW and W.Bro. Ian D. Belsham, ProvAGSec

From the Province of Monmouthshire R.W.Bro. Derek Thomas, PGM Accompanied by V.W.Bro, David Powell, DPGM, V.W.Bro. Keith Willans, Past DPGM, W.Bro. John M. Steward, ProvGTreas, W.Bro Phillip E. Sefton, ProvGSec, W.Bro. Brendan Williams, ProvGDC, W.Bro. Norman Davies, ProvGChStwd, W.Bro. Rev. Malcolm C. G. Lane, PDGChap, W.Bro. Louis Mahendra, PGJD, W.Bro. Derek Giddings, PAGDC and W.Bro. Melvin Buckley, PPrGJW

From the Province of Berkshire R.W.Bro. Richard J. Olliver, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Michael F. Sanders, ProvGSec, W.Bro. Edward Lewis, ProvGSD and W.Bro. Frank Haines, PPrGSwdB

From the Province of Cornwall R.W.Bro. Kevin J. Hicks. PGM Accompanied by V.W.Bro. Peter F. Johns, DPGM, W.Bro. Christopher J. Hawkey, APGM and W.Bro. Roger P. Quinn, ProvGSec

From the Province of Surrey R.W.Bro. Ian N. Clarke, PGM Accompanied by V.W.Bro. Richard N. Baker, DPGM

From the Province of Oxfordshire R.W.Bro. His Hon. Ian D. G. Alexander, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Ian W. Wright, DPGM

From the Province of Gloucester and Herefordshire R.W.Bro. F. John Gillo, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Tim Tudge, ProvGSW and W.Bro. David Headley, ProvGChStwd

From the Province of Buckinghamshire R.W.Bro. David Tremaine, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Nigel H. Dyke, ProvGSec

From the Province of Dorset R.W.Bro. Michael J. L. Whelan, JP, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Richard Paisley, ProvGChStwd

From the Province of Hampshire & Isle of Wight R.W.Bro George Deacon, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Nigel Bell, ProvGSec .

34 From the Province of Devonshire R.W.Bro.Peter J. Balsom, PGM Accompanied by V.W.Bro. William S. Humphries, DPGM, W.Bro. David C. Purdie, APGM and W.Bro. John P. Clendinning, ProvGSec

From the Province of Leicestershire R.W.Bro. Phillip J. Mann, PGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Donald A. Peacock, DPGM

From the Province of Staffordshire and Shropshire V.W.Bro. Ian C. M. Smith, DPGM Accompanied by W.Bro. Lawrence Knight, PProvGSec

From the Province of Linconshire W.Bro. Ronald H. Harrison, APGM

From the Province of Wiltshire W.Bro. Ian D. Gibson, ProvGSec Accompanied by W.Bro. Simon Finn, ProvGDC

From the Province of Kent W.Bro. John W. Linkin, ProvGSec Accompanied by W.Bro. Martyn Summers, ProvDGDC

From the Province of Worcestershire W Bro Adrian C. Hutt, ProvDGSec

The Distinguished Guests were then given a hearty Welsh welcome.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master then welcomed those heads and representatives of the other Masonic Orders who were present:

Distinguished Brethren within the Province of South Wales R.W.Bro. Desmond Barnett, Past PGM R.W.Bro. Paul R Clement, GMRAC, Past PGM V.W.Bro. Anthony F. Moore, PGSO, Past Dep. PGM V.W.Bro. S. W. Jeffrey Clarke, PGMO, Past Asst. PGM R.W.Bro. Neil H. Matthews, PGJW, GInspWks, GMRAC R.W.Bro. Wg. Cdr. John I. Davies, PGJW R.W.Bro. Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards, PGJW

From the Craft Province of South Wales W.Bro. Gareth Jones, OBE, PGM W.Bro. Rev. Alistair E. J. Swinford, APGM Bro. William E. Jenkins, APGM V.W.Bro. Hywel Davies, PGJO, Past PGM R.W.Bro. Captain Sir Norman Lloyd-Edwards, Past PGM W.Bro. Peter Frost, Past DPGM W.Bro. John Taylor, Past APGM W.Bro. Brian Eveleigh, Past APGM W.Bro. Robert J. Nettleship, Past APGM Bro. D. Gerald Rowbottom, ProvGSec

35 From the Holy Royal Arch Chapter of South Wales W.Bro. Gareth Jones, OBE, Third Grand Principal W.Bro. David A. Westall, M.E. Grand Superintendent W.Bro. John Taylor, Past Grand Superintendent W.Bro. Marc Lewis, Second Provincial Grand Principal W.Bro. Gwilym H. Jones, Prov. Scribe E.

From the Order of Knight Templar R.W.Bro. Paul R. Clement, Most Eminent & Supreme Grand Master W.Bro. Dr. Paul R. Calderwood, Provincial Prior W.Bro. Graham S. Gubb, Past Provincial Prior W.Bro. Alun H. Thomas, Prov. Vice Chancellor W.Bro. Dr. Vivian Thomas, Provincial Prior of Northamptonshire, Huntingdonshire and Bedford- shire

From the Order of Red Cross of Constantine W.Bro. Graham S. Gubb, Intendant General W.Bro. Ronald Slater, Deputy Intendant General

From the Royal and Select Masters W.Bro. Gwilym H. Jones, District Grand Master W.Bro. Denis W. Cotter, Deputy District Grand Master V.W.Bro. Hywel Davies, Past District Grand Master R.W.Bro. Neil H. Matthews, Past District Grand Master W.Bro. Desmond C. Preece, District Grand Recorder

From the Allied Masonic Degrees W.Bro. Ronald Slater, District Grand Prefect R.W.Bro. Paul R. Clement, Past District Grand Prefect W.Bro. John Massey, Past Deputy District Grand Prefect W.Bro. Anthony J. Strachan, District Grand Secretary

From the Order of the Secret Monitor R.W.Bro. Paul R. Clement, Grand Supreme Ruler W.Bro. Gordon D. Evans, Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler W.Bro. Keith B. Ferguson, Deputy Provincial Grand Supreme Ruler

From the Order of Scarlet Cord W.Bro. Keith B. Ferguson, Provincial Grand Summus W.Bro. Allun D. Jones, Deputy Provincial Grand Summus R.W.Bro. Neil H. Matthews, Prov. Grand Recorder

From the Holy Royal Arch Knights Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom W.Bro. Alun Williams, District Recorder

From the Royal Order of Scotland V.W.Bro. Alan R. Thomas, Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Graham S. Gubb, Prov. Grand Secretary

From the Order of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia W.Bro. Wayne B. Warlow, Chief Adept

36 ROLL OF LODGES: - The Roll of Lodges was called, and all the Lodges in the Province were represented. Apologies for absence and messages for good wishes from Provincial Grand Mas- ters, Executive Officers of other Provinces, together with those from members of Provincial Grand Lodge were reported.

REGISTRAR’S REPORT: - The Provincial Grand Registrar W.Bro. Dr. Anthony J. Strachan, PAG- SwdB presented the Registrar’s report, and the statistical report for the year ending 31st August 2016 as produced in the circulated booklet of business, and submitted the report for approval. The Provincial Grand Senior Warden W.Bro Melville Davies, PAGSwdB seconded the proposition. The report was approved and adopted. The Provincial Grand Master thanked W.Bro. Dr. Anthony J. Strachan, PAGSwdB for his report and for carrying out the duties of Provincial Grand Registrar.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master called on the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, who referred to members of Provincial Grand Lodge who had been called to the Grand Lodge Above since the last Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge:

2016 Bro. Owen William Rees Caerffilil Mark Lodge No. 1348 Bro. Oliver John Edwin Herdman Talbot Mark Lodge No. 179 W.Bro. David Colin Evans, PPrGSD Principality Mark Lodge No. 1058

2017 W.Bro. Harry Bernard Marriott, PPrGJW Caerffili Mark Lodge No. 1348 W.Bro. Ronald Edward William Bennett, PGSD Langley Mark Lodge No. 28 W.Bro. Vernon Holtam, PPrGSW Barry Mark Lodge No. 1043 W.Bro. David John Waite, PPrGJW Stability Mark Lodge No. 758 W.Bro. George Leslie Richards, PGJD Stability Mark Lodge No. 758 W.Bro. David Henry Withers, PPrGSW St. Tydfil Mark Lodge No. 639 Bro. Venon Llewellyn Bryant Barry Mark Lodge No. 1043 Bro. David Anthony Street Barry Mark Lodge No. 1043 W.Bro. John Beddoe, PGSD St. Illtyd Mark Lodge No. 784 W.Bro. Malcolm Edgar George Clarke, PPrGJD Talbot Mark Lodge No. 179

The Brethren stood to Order as a token of respect and the Provincial Grand Chaplain offered Prayer.

GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTEE REPORT: - The Provincial Grand Secretary V.W.Bro. S. W. Jeffrey Clarke, PGMO, presented the report of the General Purpose Committee Meeting held on Thursday 18th May 2017 as previously circulated, together with the committee’s recommenda- tions: That a sum of £2000 be made available to cover the cost of the Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge and That a sum of £900 be made available to cover the cost of the Provincial Year Books.

The Provincial Grand Secretary proposed acceptance of the Report and this was seconded by the Provincial Grand Junior Warden W.Bro Howard L. G. Vaughan. The proposition was carried.

PROVINCIAL ACCOUNTS: - The audited accounts for the year ending 31st March 2017 which were contained in the booklet of business were presented by the Provincial Grand Treasurer W.Bro Keith B. Ferguson, PAGDC. The Provincial Grand Senior Warden W.Bro Melville Davies, PAGSwdB proposed, and the Provincial Grand Junior Warden W.Bro. Howard L. G. Vaughan seconded that the accounts be adopted and entered in the minutes, together with the thanks to the Provincial Grand Treasurer and Auditors. This was carried.

37 The Provincial Grand Master thanked the Treasurer and the Auditors, W.Bro. John H. T. Aylward and W.Bro. Anthony W. Seymour, for their contribution to the Province.

ELECTION OF ACCOUNTS EXAMINER: - The Provincial Grand Senior Warden proposed and the Provincial Grand Junior Warden seconded that W.Bro. John Hopkin Thomas Aylward (179) and W.Bro. Anthony William Seymour (1043) be elected as Provincial Accounts Examiners as per the recommendations of the General Purposes Committee. This was approved.

CHARITY STEWARDS REPORT: - The Provincial Grand Charity Steward W.Bro Bryan J. Isaac, PAGSwdB proposed that the Charity Stewards Report and Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet of the Provincial Benevolent Fund for the year ended 31st March 2017 as printed in the booklet of business and as presented to the General Purposes Committee on Thursday 18th May 2017 be approved and adopted. The Provincial Grand Senior Warden Melville Davies, PAGSwdB seconded the proposition and it was carried. The Provincial Grand Master thanked W.Bro. Bryan J. Isaac and the Provincial Assistant Charity Steward, W.Bro. GarethAndrews for the services that they had rendered to the Province

APPOINTMENT AND INVESTITURE OF OFFICERS: - The R.W. Provincial Grand Master re- appointed W.Bro. Dr. Paul Richard Calderwood, PGJD as Deputy Provincial Grand Master and W.Bro Stephen Charles Evans Harries, PGStwd as Assistant Provincial Grand Master. The Pro- vincial Grand Director of Ceremonies led the Salutations and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master suitably responded.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master then appointed and invested the acting Provincial Grand Lodge Officers for the year, together with those appointed and promoted to Past Provincial Grand Rank.

The customary salutations were given under the direction of the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies.


Distinguished Guests and Brethren, I begin my address by welcoming you all to the Annual meet- ing of Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of South Wales. Having already welcomed and introduced our Distinguished Guests, many of whom have travelled considerable distance to be with us today, I now also welcome the members of the Province whom I am pleased to see here in large number.

I find it difficult to believe that a year has passed since I was Installed in this temple as Provincial Grand Master by the Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master, M.W.Bro. Richard Victor Wallis. I have enjoyed every moment of my first year and it has made me feel so grateful to be in charge of such a happy and successful Province. Happy and successful due, in no small part, to my immediate predecessors, R.W.Bro. Desmond Barnett and R.W.Bro. Paul Clement and I am delighted to see both of them here with us today.

May I now offer my congratulations to the brethren invested today; either awarded well-earned promotions or appointed to Provincial Grand Rank, each of which reflecting the contribution that they have made within their respective lodges and the Province. I do not need to remind you that a Provincial Grand Rank appointment is not automatic, nor a right, and although an Installed Master may be considered for Provincial rank a year after he has relinquished the chair, Provin- cial offices are awarded according to merit and ability and to brethren who the Province consider are able and willing to support all its activities. As in all Orders, we are governed by the Book of Constitutions with our appointments so inevitably, in some years, some brethren are unsuccessful in obtaining a Provincial Rank due to the restricted number of places available.

38 To all the Brethren receiving new appointments, I welcome you and look forward to working with you during the coming year. I wish all active officers a very enjoyable and rewarding year as you go around the Province. You have a hard act to follow to match your predecessors, but all that the Province ask of you is that you represent the Province well, and that you make it a point to enjoy the year, and communicate that enjoyment to others. Here I must thank all the Provincial Officers of last year. I believe that we have had an excellent year and you served the Province extremely well. You all helped to make my first year as PGM a very enjoyable one; I have valued and en- joyed your company and I thank you.

I must make a special mention here of W Bro. Naunton Liles, G.Org., who retires today as Pro- vincial Grand Organist after 17 years of providing harmony under three Provincial Grand Masters. W.Bro. Naunton, I offer you my sincere thanks for such outstanding service during your term of office and I am sure that we will continue to enjoy your presence throughout the Province for many years to come. We look forward to enjoying your harmony at Grand Lodge next week.

Which brings me to the subject of next Tuesday, when many of us will be attending the Annual Investiture of Mark Grand Lodge, and supporting several of our Brethren who are to be honoured. I know you would all wish me to offer them your congratulations.

Acting Grand Rank R.W.Bro. Neil Howard Matthews Re-appointed Grand Insp of Works W.Bro. Naunton Charles William Liles Re-appointed Grand Organist V.W.Bro. Ryan Andrew Williams Appointed Grand Secretary W.Bro. Alun H. Thomas Appointed Grand Steward

Promotions V.W.Bro. Ryan Andrew Williams Promoted to PGJW W.Bro. Alan F. Thomas Promoted to PGJO W.Bro. Paul R. Calderwood Promoted to PGSD W.Bro. Nigel L. Angell (Prov Alm Mon) Promoted to PGSD W.Bro. Steven C.E. Harries Promoted to PGJD W.Bro. Stanley Evelyn Promoted to PGJD W.Bro. Kenneth J. Heath (ProvJW Mon) Promoted to PGJD

First Appointments (Past Rank) W.Bro. Keith Dascombe Appointed to PAGDC W.Bro. Brian E. Dowling Appointed to PAGDC W.Bro. Roy Hart Appointed to PAGDC W.Bro. Howard J. Lines Appointed to PAGSwdB W.Bro. Anthony W. Seymour Appointed to PAGSwdB W.Bro. Paul S. Cage Appointed to PGStB W.Bro. Alan C. Greedy Appointed to PGStB

I would also like to congratulate the five brethren who were appointed and invested to RoyalArk Mariner Grand Rank last December, namely: W.Bro. Stephen C E Harries, our APGM, W.Bro. G. Anthony Howell, W.Bro. William Mullins, W.Bro. Denis Tucker and W.Bro. Jeffrey D. Williams

We extend to each and every one of these Brethren our congratulations and trust that they will continue to promote the good of Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Masonry for many years to come.

39 My first year as Provincial Grand Master has been a busy and memorable year for me. A number of events particularly stand out. My first Provincial task after my Installation in June was to pres- ent a 50th year Jubilee warrant to the Rhaeadr Gwy Lodge No.1318. In December my Provincial team and I were pleased to dedicate an honours board at the De Cymru RAM Grand Officers Lodge; and the following evening delighted to see 102 brethren, including over 20 Grand Officers, dine at the Porthcawl Mark Lodge Installation meeting. In February another large attendance was present to see our Most Excellent Grand Superintendent of the Holy Royal Arch in South Wales, Bro. David Westall Installed into the chair of the Cowbridge Mark Lodge. In April I was pleased to present a 50 year continuous membership certificate to W.Bro. Selwyn Bishop of the Rhaeadr Gwy Lodge, and in May to present a similar certificate to W.Bro. Hywel Hughes of the Brychan Mark Lodge.

During the past year the enthusiasm of our members has been clearly evident in the way that they have supported our meetings, especially the Installation meetings, and on behalf of my Deputy, Assistant and myself I thank the Grand Officers, Provincial Grand Officers and the Brethren of the Province for their presence and constant support. The enthusiasm of our members has also been shown in the way that many have supported our 2020 Appeal to mark our sesquicentenary year, our 150th anniversary in three years’ time. Ninety four brethren have already contributed enough to qualify for our appeal token and hopefully in the coming year this number will increase substantially.

So Brethren, It has been another good year for the Province. Despite some of the problems that modern day Freemasonry faces, we continue to maintain our membership, both in the Mark and Mariner Degrees. We have been fortunate to advance 39 brethren into the order during the year and indeed I welcome some of them to our Provincial Meeting today. Newly advance brethren, I look forward to meeting and speaking to you at our reception after this Provincial meeting.

Despite the advancement of these brethren, there is no room for complacency however, and it is essential that we as Mark Master Masons fully support our Craft Lodges and for every brother to play his part in attracting suitable brethren into our wider brotherhood of Freemasonry. Indeed, speaking of membership, the Provincial executive have compiled a presentation for delivery to our Craft Brethren, explaining the merits of the Mark degree. Such a presentation will be delivered in the coming Masonic year, initially at a Mark white table evening. Details of this will be forthcom- ing.

Brethren, thank you for attending in such numbers. It is clear to see why our Order is known as “The Friendly Degree” . A special thanks today must go to the brethren of the Provincial Stewards Lodge and the host lodge, the Brychan Mark Lodge, for preparing the temple and the dining room and for continuing to act as Stewards shortly at our Festive board.

Brethren, I cannot thank deeply enough the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Dr. Paul Calderwood and the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Stephen Harries for their efforts over the past year. They have represented me at many Installation meetings and travelled widely within and outside the Province and I am extremely grateful to them for their assistance, support, and their dedication to our Order, especially knowing how busy they are in other Orders in the Province. They, and four other brethren, W. Bros Phillip Davies, John Theo Davies, Gareth An- drews and David Elliott, also represented the Province on the recent MBF charity walk in London and I thank them for that.

The sincere thanks of us all must also go to the Directors and Staff here at the Cardiff Masonic Hall Company for providing this venue for us today and for looking after our every need.

40 Brother Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, please escort R.W.Bro. Richard Olliver, PGM of Berkshire to me. R.W.Bro. Richard, this year your Province of Berkshire is hosting the MBF Festival. I am sure it will be a great success and I look forward to attending. Please accept, from the Province of South Wales, this contribution towards your festival.

Brother Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies, please escort W.Bro. Ronald Harrison, APGM of Lincolnshire to me. W.Bro. Ronald, next year your Province of Lincolnshire will host the MBF Festival in its 150th anni- versary year. I am sure it will be a great success and I look forward to being there. Please accept, from the Province of South Wales, this contribution towards your festival.

Brethren I thank you all for your attention and for your presence on this special day. Dinner now awaits us, over which may we continue to enjoy each other’s company. Brethren, please continue to enjoy your Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Masonry and go on you way rejoicing. May the Great Overseer of the Universe bless you and your families.

The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master called on the Provincial Grand Secretary to transact any other business properly brought.

An invitation from the Worshipful Master, officers and brethren of the South Wales Mark Provin- cial Stewards Lodge No. 1829 to convene the 2018 Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting in Cardiff on Wednesday 6th June 2018 was received and was accepted with much pleasure by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master.

The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Dr. Paul R. Calderwood congratulated and thanked the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master for presiding over the meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge, wishing him good health and looking forward to another happy and important year in the history of the Province.

The Closing hymn was sung, during which an Alms collection was made.

There being no further business, Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in due form at 4.00pm.

The Welsh National Anthem and the National Anthem were sung.

The R.W. Provincial Grand Master accompanied by his Officers and distinguished guests retired in procession.

41 Mark Degree - Membership Returns for year ending 31 August 2016

Lodge Name 2015 Advanced Joined Chargeable Resigned Deaths Excluded Actual Delta 28 Langley 27 1 28 1 27 0 179 Talbot 36 36 1 35 -1 585 Arthur Lewis 66 5 71 1 2 68 2 639 St. Tydfil 40 1 41 4 2 35 -5 758 Stability 31 2 1 34 1 33 2 784 St. Illtyd 36 3 39 2 37 1 823 Cambria 30 1 31 5 1 25 -5 950 Dunraven 36 2 1 39 2 37 1 1043 Barry 51 2 53 53 2 1057 Principality 23 2 25 2 1 22 -1 1088 Afan 31 3 34 2 32 1 1125 Neath 41 4 45 45 4 1201 South Wales Installed Mark Masters 101 7 108 108 7 1318 Rhaeadr Gwy 28 1 3 32 32 4 1348 Caerffili 47 3 1 51 4 47 0 1377 Porthcawl 42 1 43 3 40 -2 1455 Sir Frederick Alban 26 26 4 22 -4 1487 Ysgolion 35 35 2 1 32 -3 1528 Cambrensis 22 1 23 1 22 0 1573 Cowbridge 27 27 27 0 1590 Cynon Dare 28 1 29 29 1 1592 Llynfi Valley 26 1 27 1 26 0 1606 De Cymru Mark Grand Officers 76 12 88 1 1 86 10 1670 Mark Lodge of Progress 34 1 1 36 1 1 34 0 1685 Sketty Hall 37 1 1 39 39 2 1725 Brychan 39 1 40 40 1 1812 Cwm Rhondda 28 2 1 31 1 3 27 -1 1829 South Wales Mark Provincial Stewards 30 2 32 1 31 1 1845 Trinity 28 28 1 2 25 -3 1914 Dewi Sant 32 1 33 33 1 1942 Dinas Llandaf 26 1 27 5 22 -4 1952 Tremains 39 2 41 3 38 0 1199 39 34 1272 47 16 0 1209 11

RAM Degree - Membership Returns for year ending 31 August 2016

Lodge Name 2015 Elevated Joined chargeable Resigned Deaths Excluded Actual Delta 28R St. John's 25 1 1 27 27 2 179R Abertawe 22 1 23 23 1 585R Arthur Lewis 34 1 35 1 1 1 32 -2 639R St. Tydfil 31 1 2 34 4 1 29 -2 758R Stability 22 1 1 25 1 1 23 1 784R St. Illtyd 27 27 1 26 -1 823R Cambria 23 3 26 1 1 24 1 950R Dunraven 28 1 29 1 28 0 1043R Barry 28 2 30 3 1 26 -2 1057R Principality 21 21 2 1 18 -3 1088R Afan 15 1 16 2 14 -1 1125R Neath 24 24 24 0 1201R S.W.I.C. 89 13 102 1 101 12 1348R Caerffili 31 2 33 3 1 29 -2 1377R Porthcawl 35 1 2 38 38 3 1455R Sir Frederick Alban 23 23 5 1 17 -6 1528R Cambrensis 30 1 1 32 2 30 0 1590R Cynon Dare 19 2 1 22 2 20 1 1592R Llynfi Valley 21 21 3 2 16 -5 1606R De Cymru 45 5 50 1 2 47 2 1685R Sketty Hall 23 1 1 25 25 2 1725R Brychan 28 1 29 1 28 0 1952R Tremains 1 25 26 1 25 644 21 52 718 31 12 5 670 1


Masonic Temple, Guildford Crescent Cardiff. Masonic Temple, St. Helen’s Road, Swansea. First Wednesday, October, November, March and April. Fourth Wednesday, October, January, March WARRANT 15th JUN. 1859(SC) INSTALLATION 4th OCT. 2017 WARRANT 18th AUG. 1874 INSTALLATION 25th OCT. 2017 30th DEC. 1869(EC) Number of Subscribing Members - 35 Number of Subscribing Members - 27

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 5th October 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 26th OCT. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * R.G.Payne W.M. * B. Richards I.P.M. * H.M. Priddle I.P.M. * G.S. Mabbett S.W. G. Payne S.W. P.C. Bunyan J.W. P. Camilleri J.W. M.L. Bevan M.O. B.R. Munn M.O. N. England S.O. M.J. Thomas S.O. D.S.J. Lewis J.O. J.D. Swift J.O. T. Angelow Chap. * M. Fogarty Chap. * H. Osborne Treas. * K. Duggan Treas. * P. Davies Reg. M. * W.D. Williams Reg. M. P. Williams Sec. * R.A.Jeffery Sec. * H.A. Barnes D.C. * N.F. Charles D.C. * M. Davies Alm. * C. Tugwell Alm. * H. Osborne Ch.Stwd. * D.L. Woolf Ch.Stwd N. England S.D. A.W. Preece S.D. M. Poptani J.D. R. Bickerton J.D. R.J. Fryer A.Sec. * E.M. Wannell A.D.C. * R.M. Coombes A.D.C. * R. Prole Org. I.G. * M. Green I.G. M.J. Bevan Stewards J. Blount R.W. Wathan Stewards M.W. Williams C.Y. Phak K.M. George Tyler * D.C. Rowlands Tyler * M.E.G. Clarke


1983 R.A. Jeffery,PGJO 1992 P. Davies, PGStB 1993 F.L. Farr, PPrGSW 1993 D.E. Davies, PGStB 1999 K. Duggan PPrGJW 1994 B.T. Davies, PGStB 2000 M. Fogarty, PPrGJW 1997 L.E. Hughes, PPrGJW 2001 D.L. Woolf, PPrGJW 1998 R.D.Jones, PPrGJW 2002 W.D. Williams, PPrGJW 2000 H. Osborne, PAGSwdB 2003 E.M. Wannell, PPrGJW 2003 R.T. Pelzer, PPrGSW 2004 R. Prole, PPrGJO 2006 R. Boardman, PPrAGDC 2007 C. Tugwell, PPrGInsWks 2007 M. Davies, PAGSwdB, ProvGSW 2008 S.G. Merrey PPrGJD 2009 Dr.A.J. Strachan, PAGSwdB, ProvGReg 2009 M Green PPrGSD 2010 R.E.J. Harries, PPrGJD 2010 M. Green PPrGSD 2011 M. Richards PPrSD 2012 P.M. Jones PPrGSD 2012 H.A. Barnes PPrAGDC 2013 R.J. Corbett ProvGStdB 2013 J.H.T. Aylward PPrGSD 2014 D.C. Rowlands 2014 R.M. Coombes ProvAGDC 2015 M. Priddle 2015 G.S. Mabbett

JOINING PAST MASTERS JOINING PAST MASTERS R.A. Williams PGJW, GSec N.F. Charles 1487 PPrGJW B.H. Mackintosh, 185 PPrGJD (Mon)

W.M. 16 Heol-y-Barcud, Cardiff CF14 9JB

S.W. 37 Mountbatten Close, Cardiff CF23 5QG W.M. 114 Pentreporth Road, Morriston, Swansea SA6 6AQ

J.W. 11 Dan-y-Coed Close, Cardiff CF23 6NJ S.W. 31 Heol-y-Fran, Cwmrhydyceirw, Morriston, Swansea SA6 6TL

Treas. 40 Lon-y-Celyn, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 6BW J.W. 9 Broadacres, Church Village, Pontypridd CF38 1BZ

Sec. 118 Glenwood, Llanederyn, Cardiff CF23 6UU Treas. Whitewalls, Church Lane, Pontardulais SA4 8JG

Alm. 5 Heol Mabon, Cardiff. CF14 6AL Sec. 64 Eaton Crescent, Uplands, Swansea. SA1 1QN

Ch.Stwd. 54 Heath Halt Road, Cardiff CF23 5QF Alm. 231 Derlwyn, Dunvant, Swansea. SA2 7PE

Ch.Stwd. 13 Cefn Ffynon, Margam, Port Talbot. SA13 2OH


Masonic Temple, Courthouse Street, Pontypridd. Masonic Temple, Park Terrace, Merthyr Tydfil. Second Tuesday, October, February and April, Fourth Thursday, September, Third Tuesday June. Third Thursday, November, March and May. WARRANT 17thAPR. 1906 INSTALLATION 10th OCT. 2017 WARRANT 20th AUG 1912 INSTALLATION 28th SEPT 2017 Number of Subscribing Members - 68 Number of Subscribing Members - 35

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 11th Oct. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 22nd Sep. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. . W.M. * K. Wheeler W.M. * G. Smith I.P.M. * A.E.J. Hopkins I.P.M. * G.W. Davies S.W. R.J. Williams S.W. W. Walmsley J.W. R.A. Jones J.W. * R.M. Budden M.O. W.E. Jenkins M.O. * K.R. Jones S.O. R.G. Jones S.O. * Dr. R.P. Owens J.O. G. Lewis J.O. D.J. Roberts Chap. * M. Grant Chap. * C.D. Davies Treas. * P.S.Cage Treas. M.J. Price Reg. M. R. Smith Reg. M. S. Lancaster Sec. * J.D. Williams Sec. * D. Baldwin D.C. * D.J. Davies D.C. * J. Daniel Alm. * M.G. Williams Alm. * R.M. Budden Ch.Stwd. * M.G. Williams Ch.Stwd. * N.M. Evans S.D. J. Hunt S.D. C. Llewellyn J.D. V. Jones J.D. B. Griffiths A.Sec. R. Thompson A.Sec. A.D.C. * K.R. Mason A.D.C. Org. * B. Eveleigh I.G. B.M. Jones I.G. J. Shelton Stewards M.E. Gibbons S.A. Sullivan Stewards B. Morgan A.J. Maund A.E. Maund E. Huish Tyler * K. Probert R. Jennings P. Stephens G. Scott Tyler V. Barker


1980 H. Davies, PGJO 1987 R.M. Budden, PPrGSW 1982 D. Barnett, PPGM 1988 D.H. Withers, PPrGSW 1984 A.W. Wynne, PPrGJW 1992 E.T.G. Barnes, PPrGSW 1989 M.G. Williams, PGJD 1997 K. Probert, PAGDC 1993 J.D. Williams, PGSD ProvGAlm 1998 R.I. Cushen, PPrGJO 1998 P.S. Cage, PGStB 1999 G.D. Thomas, PPrGJD 2000 M. Grant, PGStdB 2003 D.G. Rowlands, PPrGJW 2001 P. Fear, PPrGJW 2004 G.D. Evans, PAGDC 2002 D.R. Williams, PPrGJW 2007 D. Baldwin, PPrGJW 2003 D.J. Davies, PPrGJW 2009 N.Davies, PPrGJO 2004 R.J. Edmunds, PPrGJW 2010 J. Daniel PPrGJW 2005 H.L. John, PPrGReg 2012 N.M. Evans PPrGSO 2007 R.G. Morgan, PPrGMO 2013 Dr. J.E. Davies PPrGJO 2008 H. Davies, PGJO 2014 C.D. Davies ProvGSwdB 2009 L.S. McPhail PPrGMO 2015 G.W. Davies 2010 N. Marsh PPrGJO 2011 I.H. Jones PPrGJO 2012 B. Eveleigh PPrGMO 2013 F.T. Heathman PPrGSD 2014 K.R. Mason PPrGSD 2 0 1 5 A . E . J . H o p k i n s P P r G I n s p W k s ( M o n )

PAST MASTER MEMBERS M.M.M. WITH PROV. RANK G.C. Atkins 1725 PPrGSW A. Thomas-Evans 772 (Middlesex) T.W. Harris, PPrGStwd G.A. Ponsford PPrGSwdB 185 (Mon) PAST MASTER MEMBERS D.C. Preece, MBE, PAGDC M. Lewis, 1670 PAGDC

W.M. 5 Pant-y-Dderwyn, Pontyclun CF72 8YL W.M. 9 Cwrt Pen-y-Twyn, Dukestown, Tredegar. NP22 4DL

S.W. 58 Primrose Terrace, Porth CF39 9TF S.W. 16 Ernest Street, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 0YP

J.W. 18 Danycoedcae Road, The Graig, Pontypridd CF37 1RX J.W. 9 Alexander Avenue, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 9AE

Treas. 17 Clos Lancaster, Llantrisant CF72 8QP Treas. Maes Melyn, Waunbant, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1HL

Sec. 12 Clos Lancaster, Llantrisant CF72 8QP Sec. Flintstone, 15 Quarry Road, Georgetown, Merthyr Tydfl. CF47 8PS

Alm. Valleys View, Danylan Road, Pontypridd CF37 1ES Alm. 9 Alexander Avenue, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 9AE

Ch.Stwd. Valleys View, Danylan Road, Pontypridd CF37 1ES Ch.Stwd. Caeberthi Farm, Felinfach, Brecon LD03 0TY


Masonic Temple, Stanwell Road, Penarth. Masonic Temple, Park Crescent, Pontyclun. Second Monday, October, December, February, Second Thursday, October, November, Third Thursday May. February, March and April. WARRANT 3rd MAR. 1922 INSTALLATION 17th MAY 2018 WARRANT 29th JAN. 1923 INSTALLATION 12th OCT. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members - 34 Number of Subscribing Members - 37

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 18th May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 13th Oct. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. # S.W.J. Clarke W.M. * G. Hurst I.P.M. * S.J. Attwell I.P.M. * K.D. Crook S.W. D.W. Brown S.W. J. Francis J.W. K.B. Jones J.W. T.J.R. Clarke M.O. P.D. Brown M.O. I. Balman S.O. E. Boyle S.O. C.J. Morgan J.O. J.V. Pithers J.O. M. Green Chap. * C.A. Cook Chap. * P.A. Young Treas. * J.K. Pillinger Treas. * D.N. Morgan Reg. M. L. Barrett Reg. M. * G.D. Hall Sec. * K.B. Ball Sec. * D.G. Caddy D.C. * S.J. Chapman D.C. * P.G. David Alm. * J.K. Pillinger Alm. * J.C. Welch Ch.Stwd * J.K. Pillinger Ch.Stwd. * D.N. Morgan S.D. K. Wismann S.D. N. Cocco J.D. J.D. K. Fox A.D.C. * S.B. Hann A.D.C. * E.R. Haines I.G. M.A. Cuddihy Org. * P.G. Jones Stewards S.R. Adam B. Gray P. Kumar A.M. Rabaiotti I.G. N. Griffin Tyler * V.R. Watkin Stewards R. Saunders S. Powell H. Davies Tyler * D.C. Hicks


1982 S.W.J. Clarke, PGMO, PAsstPGM, ProvGSec 1987 P.G. David, PPrGSW 2002 Sir P.M. Williams, OBE, CStJ., PGSD 1989 P.G. Jones, PPrGSW 2003 E.B.J ones, PPrGReg 1995 A.M. Thomas, PGStB 2004 Dr J.C. Giddings, PAGDC 1999 S. Cocco, PPrGSW 2008 S.B. Hann PPrGJ.D. 2000 D.N. Morgan, PGStB 2009 V.R. Watkin PPrGSD 2003 J.C. Welch, PAGSwdB 2010 G.H. Jones PGIG 2006 D.G. Caddy, PGStB 2011 J.K. Pillinger PPrGSD 2010 A.E. Smith PPrGJO 2012 K. Ball PPrGStB 2011 E.R. Haines PPrGJO 2013 S. Chapman PPrGStB 2012 G.L. Lewis PPrGSD 2014 A.F. Wismann PPrGIG 2013 P.A. Young PPrGIG 2015 R.B. James 2014 D.C. Hicks PPrAGDC 2016 S.J. Attwell 2015 K.D. Crook PPrGStwd


W.M. The Lodge, 128 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1DH W.M. 5 Llys Derwen, Llantrisant, CF72 8PZ

S.W. 36 Pant-Y-Celyn Road, Llandough, Penarth. CF64 2PG S.W. ‘Delwood’, Pantanas, Treharris CF46 5RN

J.W. 15 Barnwood Crescent, Cardiff CF5 4TA J.W. 37 Cemetry Road, Treorchy CF42 6TB

Treas. 11 Pace Close, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2QZ Treas. 18 Tynycymmer Close, Porth. CF39 9DE

Sec. 3 Cwrt St. Cyres, Penarth. CF64 2UE Sec. 9 The Drive, Miskin, Pontyclun CF72 8PX

Alm. 11 Pace Close, Llandaff, Cardiff. CF5 2QZ Alm. 87 Coed Isaf Road, Pontypridd CF37 1EN

Ch.Stwd. 11 Pace Close, Llandaff, Cardiff. CF5 2QZ Ch.Stwd. 18 Tynycymmer Close, Porth. CF39 9DE


Masonic Temple, Guildford Crescent, Cardiff. Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend. Third Friday, October, March and May. First Tuesday, October, December, February and April. Third Tuesday in June WARRANT 12th OCT. 1925 INSTALLATION 20th OCT. 2017 WARRANT 6th NOV. 1935 INSTALLATION 3rd APRIL 2018 Number of Subscribing Members – 26 Number of Subscribing Members – 37

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 21st Oct. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 4th April 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * P.L.C. Morgan W.M. * J. Deenik I.P.M. * H.A. Davies I.P.M. * C.D. Davies S.W. A. Gardener S.W. D. Percival J.W. N. Piercy J.W. J. Henshaw M.O. R.D. Bines M.O. D.M. Ridgeway S.O. A. Thomas S.O. J.T. Kelly J.O. Rev.E.F. Downland-Owen J.O. G.J. Howell Chap. * J. Taylor Chap. * A. Williams Treas. * M.N. James Treas. * D.R. Lewis Reg. M. Reg. M. G W. Jones Sec. C.R. Hindle Sec. * W. Wilson D.C. * G. Snook D.C. * R.J. Phillips Alm. * D.C.N. Franklin Alm. * S.D. Crowhurst Ch.Stwd. * G. Snook Ch.Stwd. * S.D. Crowhurst S.D. N.R. Hosking S.D. I. John J.D. J. Forbes Keir J.D. J.F. Burridge A.D.C. * D.C.N. Franklin A.D.C. J. Davies Org. * Rev.A.E.J. Swinford Org * D.R. Lewis I.G. D.C. Jones I.G. T.B. Williams Stewards M. Iqbal M.C. Jones C. Bean Stewards A.G. Richards B.G. Richards Tyler * M.J. Kidd P.J. Williams R.D. Watkins Tyler * P.D. Armstrong

SUBSCRIBING PAST MASTERS SUBSCRIBING PAST MASTERS 1982 W. Wilson, PGJD 1993 J. Taylor, PGJD 1989 N.O.A. Alleyne, PGSD 1994 P.W. Clee, PGSD 1995 A. Williams, PGSD 1999 W.G.H. Thomas, PAGStB 1996 R. Hart, PAGDC 2000 G.A. Hullin, PPrGJO 1998 D. Hibbert, PPrGJO 2002 R.F. Richmond, PGStB 2001 R.A. Williams, GSec, PGJW 2004 M.J. Kidd, PGStB 2004 C.A. Sanders, PPrGJO 2007 W.A.M. Jones, CBE, PPrGJW 2005 D.G. Powell PAGSwdB 2008 D.C.N. Franklin PPrGMO 2008 D.G. Powell PAGSwdB 2009 M.N. James PPrGSO 2009 P.D. Armstrong PPrGSD 2014 Rev. A.E.J. Swinford PPrGJW, ProvGChap 2011 J. Davies TD., PPrGMO 2015 H.A. Davies 2012 R.J. Phillips PPrDGDC 2013 S.D. Crowhurst PPrGStdB 2014 H. McGleish ProvGJD 2015 D.R. Lewis ProvGJO 2016 C.D. Davies


W.M. 5 Wayne Street, Pontypridd. CF37 2NL W.M. 50 Priory Oak, Brackla, Bridgend CF31 2HZ

S.W. 15 Ridgeway, Lisvane, Cardiff CF14 0RS S.W. 64 Highfield, Brackla, CF31 2PB

J.W. Redbury, Napleton Lane, Kempsey, Worcester WR5 3PT J.W. 5 Talygarn Drive, Talygarn, Pontyclun CF72 9BY

Treas. 84 Heol-y-Deri, Rhiwbina, Cardiff. CF146GJ Treas. 17 Dangraig, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 7HJ

Sec. 16 Squires Walk, Kempsey, Worcester WR5 3JB Sec. 34 Riverside, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9DA

Alm. 19 Orchard Castle, Thornhill, Cardiff. CF14 9BA Alm. 23 Charles Street, Bridgend. CF31 1TG

Ch.Stwd. 4 Vicarage Gardens, Marshfield, Cardiff CF3 2PS Ch.Stwd. 23 Charles Street, Bridgend. CF31 1TG


Masonic Temple, Broad Street, Barry. Masonic Temple, Guildford Crescent, Cardiff. First Monday, October, November, February and April. Third Wednesday September, October February and March.

WARRANT 11th NOV. 1945 INSTALLATION 2nd APRIL 2018 WARRANT 30th MAY 1946 INSTALLATION 18th OCT. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members- 56 Number of Subscribing Members- 22

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 3rd April 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 19th Oct. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * S.P. Cuddihy W.M. * T.D. Hogg I.P.M. * D.T. Hopkin I.P.M. * Capt. A.S. Rance S.W. D.A. Street S.W. M. Pearson TD J.W. G.M. Duddridge J.W. A.J. Manfield M.O. G.A. French M.O. M.A. Baker S.O. B.H. Crockford S.O. J. Rees J.O. P. Coughtrey J.O. M.L. Morgan Chap. * M.A. Jones Chap. * M. Hopkins Treas. J.K. Williams Treas. * G.A. Howell Reg. M. I. MacDonald Reg. M. * M.M. Warman Sec. * S.G. Evans Sec. * D.M. Allen D.C. * A.D. Jones D.C. * Capt. A.S. Rance Alm. * J. Anthony Alm. * N.M.M. Simons Ch.Stwd. * D.J. Goodall Ch.Stwd. * A.C. Greedy S.D. G.E. Huggins S.D. A.R. Jefferson J.D. R.C. Anstee J.D. W. Dyer A.Sec. P.S. Haley A.D.C. * R.R. Harry A.D.C. * C.D. Peters I.G. M.V. Dunn I.G. M.R. Anstee Stewards *M.I Sansom Stewards R.J. Parsons S.N. Fothergill M.J. Harrington Tyler * R. Lawson-Duckett J.M. Williams C.S. Shattock S.J. Slade J.F.C. Agnostini-Green D.G. Quest Tyler * A.S. Duthie


1985 # A.F. Thomas, PGJO 1971 R.R. Harry, PGSD 1996 J. Anthony, PPrGSW 1988 K. Pearson, PGJD 1998 T.G. Thompson, PPrGJW 1990 G.A. Howell, PGStB 2002 D.T. Hopkin, PPrGSW 1993 M.D. Matthews, PPrGSW 2003 K.J. Puncher, PPrGJW 1997 B.W. Hithersay, PPrGSW 2004 M.A. Jones, PGJD, ProvDepGSec 2004 N.M.M. Simons PGStB 2005 K. Hearne, PPrGJW, 2005 A.C. Greedy, PGStB., ProvGTyler 2006 A.D. Jones, PPrGJW 2006 M. Hopkins PPrGSD 2007 B.E. Dowling, PAGDC 2007 D.M. Allen PPrGJW 2008 S.G. Evans, PPrGSD 2008 D.M. Allen PPrGJW 2009 A.W. Seymour PAGSwdB, ProvAsstSec 2009 M.I. Sansom PPrGJO 2010 A.S. Duthie. PPrGJD 2010 M.M. Warman PPrGSwdB 2011 D.J. Goodall PPrGSO 2013 R. Lawson-Duckett PPrAGDC 2012 B.E. Dowling PAGDC 2014 Capt. A.S. Rance ProvGIG 2013 B.E. Dowling PAGDC 2015 T.D. Hogg 2014 C.S. Manning PPrGSD 2015 C.D. Peters ProvGSD 2016 D.T. Hopkin PPrGSW


W.M. 7 Orchard Close, Wenvoe, Cardiff CF5 6BW W.M. 209 St Fagans Road, Fairwater, Cardiff CF5 3DW

S.W. S.W. 95 Pentwyn, Radyr, Cardiff CF15 8RE

J.W. 41 Meadow Vale, Barry CF83 1ER J.W. 26 Chamberlain Row, Dinas Powys, Cardiff CF64 4PJ

Treas. 27 Regent Street, Barry CF62 8DT Treas. 15 Llanrumney Avenue, Cardiff CF3 9BP

Sec. 12 Lakeside, Barry CF62 6ST Sec. 39 Dyffryn Avenue, Cyncoed, Cardiff CF23 6LE

Alm. 152 Jenner Road, Barry CF62 7HR Alm. 1 Waterford Close, Grangetown, Cardiff CF11 8JN

Ch.Stwd. 27 Brenig Close, Cwm Talwg, Barry CF62 7BL Ch.Stwd 12 Bargoed Street, Grangetown, Cardiff CF1 7AF


Masonic Temple, Forge Road, Port Talbot. Masonic Temple, Queen Street, Neath. Third Monday September, November, December, and March. Second Wednesday, October, December, February and April.

WARRANT 21st JUL. 1947 INSTALLATION 20th NOV. 2017 WARRANT 8th APR. 1949 INSTALLATION 11th APRIL 2018 Number of Subscribing Members – 32 Number of Subscribing Members- 44

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 21st Nov. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 12th Apr. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * P.D. Rice W.M. * B. Warlow I.P.M. * B.G. Lloyd I.P.M. * W.J.D. Davies S.W. E.J. Shepherd S.W. N.A. Jenkins J.W. A.C. Painter J.W. C.J. Collins M.O. P.J. Haigh M.O. D.F. Burgess S.O. Dr.J.A. Parr S.O. K. Hoyle J.O. B. Morris J.O. M.M. Bailey Chap. # J.K.O’Leary Chap. * G. Richards Treas. * R.W. Adler Treas. * W.J.D. Davies Reg. M. * T.G. Davies Reg. M. L.C. Williams Sec. * R.C. Adams Sec. * E.G. Bolton D.C. * R. Lawrence D.C. * D.M. Mogford Alm. * J.D. Phillips Alm. * R.D. Gale Ch.Stwd. Dr.J.A. Parr Ch.Stwd. * M.P. Nicholls S.D. K.J. Price S.D. R. John J.D. S. Watkins J.D. R.P. Davies A.Sec. D.A. Bright A.Sec * T.D.J. Newton A.D.C. * D.J. Rees Organist * M.G. Couch Org. * M.G. Couch A.D.C. * P.R. Gilbert I.G. J. Heatman I.G. L.C. Saunders Stewards M.V. Curtis N.H. Thomas R. Wills Stewards D.G James C. Antoniazzi P.R. Jones * W.R. McE Walker Tyler * J.D. Phillips P.P. Berryman G. Fry J.M. Anderson Tyler * R.C. Measday


1981 # J.K. O’Leary, PGJO 1989 T.G. Davies, PPrGSW 1979 G. Richards, PAGSwdB 1993 M.G. Couch, PPrGSW 1985 R.C. Measday, PPrGSW 1999 J. Lane, PPrGSW 1989 G.R. Clarke, PPrGJO 2003 D.A. Williams, PPrGMO 1992 J.L. Morris, PPrGSW 2005 G.L. Richards, PPrGJO 1995 D.M. Mogford, PGSD 2006 V.C. Davies, PPrGJO 1999 H.J.Lines, PAGSwdB 2007 R.W. Adler, PPrGJO 2000 P.R. Gilbert, PPrGSW 2008 R.C. Adams PPrGJO 2001 T.D.J. Newton, PPrGJW 2009 J.D. Phillips PPrGJO 2002 R.D. Gale, PPrGMO 2011 A.H. Thomas, GStwd, ProvDepDC 2004 W.R. McEWalker, PPrGJW 2013 D.J. Rees PPrGJD 2005 B.J. Isaac, PAGSwdB, ProvGChStwd 2014 R. Lawrence ProvAGStdB 2009 P.K. Coleman PPrGStwd 2015 B.G. Lloyd 2010 J.S. James PPrGSD 2011 K.O. Fry PPrGJD 2013 R.J. Davies PPrAGDC 2014 M.P. Nicholls PPrGJD 2015 H.J. Lines PAGSwdB 2016 W.J.D. Davies

PAST MASTER MEMBERS MMM WITH PROV RANK C. Evans, PGStB M.M. Bailey PPrGStwd D.G. James PPrGStwd J. Ashmore, PPrGJW (Warwickshire) P.J. Cornthwaite PAST MASTER MEMBERS A. Williams 1592 PAGSwdB L. Clark 1685 PPrGJO


W.M. 45 Harlech Crescent, Sketty, Swansea. SA2 9LN W.M. 4 Ena Avenue, Neath SA11 3AD

S.W. 14 Newton Avenue, Port Talbot SA12 6BU S.W. Holly House, 15 Main Road, Neath SA10 7PD

J.W. Brynnedd, 1 Main Road, Aberdulais, Neath SA10 8HG J.W. 47 Falcon Drive, Cimla, Neath SA11 3SG

Treas. 52 Wern Road, Margam, Port Talbot SA13 2BA Treas. The Willows, 2 Brombill Barns, Margam, Port Talbot. SA13 2SR

Sec. 36 Woodland Place, Nth Cornelly CF33 4EW Sec. 10 The Chantry, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2NN

Alm. 1 Broom Hill, Port Talbot SA13 2US Alm. White Haven, Brynawel Close, Crynant, Neath SA10 8TG

Ch.Stwd. 4 Heol Bryn Glas, LLantwit Fadre, Pontypridd. CF38 2DJ Ch.Stwd. 65 Bryn Road, Cwmllynfell, Swansea SA9 2FR


Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend. Glen Usk Hotel, Llandrindod Wells. And, elsewhere in the Province of South Wales, Monmouthshire; Third Saturday September, Second Saturday April and June 31st March, (Bridgend); Fourth Saturday in September (Elsewhere). WARRANT 4th APR. 1956 INSTALLATION 31st MARCH 2018 WARRANT 20th APR. 1966 INSTALLATION 9th JUNE 2018 Number of Subscribing Members – 116 Number of Subscribing Members – 37

OFFICERS OFFICERS ® Denotes R.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 31st Mar. 2017 # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 10th Jun. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. T.R.E. Jones W.M. * R.S. Smith I.P.M. A. Williams I.P.M. * P.M. Grace S.W. J. Beddoe S.W. R.J. Hill J.W. R.A. Jeffery J.W. H.A. Lewis M.O. L.J. Guttridge M.O. I.F. Buckley S.O. D.G. Gait S.O. * E. Haines J.O. J.P. Childs J.O. I.L. Dyer Chap. A. Williams Chap. * R.O.W. Edwards Treas. E.G. Bolton Treas. * B.A. Lopez Reg. M. W.G.H. Thomas Reg. M. * D.R. Andrews Sec. N.M.M. Simons Sec. * G. Andrews D.C. A.H. Thomas D.C. * P.W. Davies Alm. W.Mullins Alm. * E.B. Garner Ch.Stwd. K. Probert Ch.Stwd. * P.W. Davies S.D. A.R. Thomas S.D. * D.H. Elliott J.D. J.D. Williams J.D. A.J. Spelman A.Sec. M.A. Jones A.D.C. * D.I. Price A.D.C. P.W. Davies Org. * P.D.W. Edwards JP Org. M.G. Couch I.G. * M. Buckley I.G. J.D. Giddings Stewards *T.G. Radford *M. Grant *W.H. Davies Stewards M. Davies D.J. Davies M.H. Williams D.N. Morgan M.G. Stevenson M.J. Lewis E.B. Garner M.J. Davidson W.S. Shemwell Tyler * K.J. Heath D.J. Morgan P.D.W. Edwards P.J.E. Harries J. Pillinger Tyler M.J. Kidd


1997 D. Barnett, PPrGM 1976 J.S. Bishop, PPrGSW 1999 S.W.J. Clarke, PGMO, PAsstPGM, ProvGSec 1980 P.A. Lewis, PGStB 2005 A.F. Moore, MBE, PGSO, DepPGM 1981 P.A. Lewis, PGStB 2009 P.R. Clement, PProvGM 1991 A.R. Thomas, PGJO 2011 W.J.L. Groom PGSD 1994 D.W. Evans, PPrAGDC 2012 K. Pearson PGJD 1995 I.D. Moseley, PGStB 2013 A.F. Thomas PGJO 1996 B. Lopez, PPrGSW 2014 W.G. Lloyd PAGDC 2001 R.O.W. Edwards, PPrGJW 2015 N.H. Matthews PGJW 2006 E.W. Jones, PGOrg 2016 A. Williams PAGSwdB 2007 T.R.E. Jones, PGM 2008 D.I. Price, PPrGJD 2009 E.B. Garner, PPrGJW 2010 D.R. Andrews PPrGSD 2011 G. Andrews PPrGJO, ProvAGChStwd 2013 T.G. Radford PPrAGDC 2014 M. Buckley PPrGJW 2015 D.H. Elliott ProvGInsWks 2016 P.M. Grace


All members are Installed Mark Masters JOINING PAST MASTERS G.D.Evans, PAGDC K.J.Heath, PGJD P.W.Davies PAGDC H.L.G. Vaughan PPrGJW M. Grant PGStdB E.R. Haines PPrGJO D.J. Davies PPrGJW D.N. Giddings PPrGJO (Mon) W.H. Davies PPrGJO (Mon)

W.M. Sunnybank, Mill Street, Crickhowell NP8 1BA W.M. 10 Castle Park Close, Newport NP20 3NG

S.W. 73 Gilfach Road, Tonyrefail. CF39 8HH S.W. Glantwrch Farm, Pumpsaint, Llanwrda SA19 8DJ

J.W. 118 Glenwood, Llanederyn, Cardiff CF23 6UU J.W. Grove Villa, Crossgates, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6RE

Treas. 10 The Chantry, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2NN Treas. Ithon View, Ithon Road, Llandrindod Wells LD1 6AS

Sec. 1 Waterford Close, Grangetown, Cardiff CF11 8JN Sec. “Ti Ni” Aberdare Road, Cwmbach, Aberdare CF44 0PG

Alm. 36 St. Marys Crescent, Garth, Maesteg CF34 0UX Alm. 49 Pinewood Crescent, Penylan, Cardiff. CF23 9HF

Ch.Stwd. Maes-yr-Haf, 4 The Walk, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8RS Ch.Stwd. 79 St Martins Road, Caerphilly. CF83 1EH


Masonic Temple, Princes Avenue, Caerphilly. Masonic Temple, New Road, Porthcawl. Second Thursday September, November, March and May. Second Thursday October, December, May; First Tuesday March. WARRANT 27th AUG. 1968 INSTALLATION 9th NOV. 2017 WARRANT 15th MAR.1971 INSTALLATION 14th DEC. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members – 47 Number of Subscribing Members - 43

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 10th Nov. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 8th Dec. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * C.D. Pitman W.M. * R.A. Dicks I.P.M. * N. Gregory I.P.M. * S.E.J. Rock S.W. M.W. Thomas S.W. D.J. Hughes J.W. T.G. Ap Hywel J.W. A. Morgan M.O. N.W. Morton M.O. F.L. Morgan S.O. C.W.W. Hughes S.O. J.H. Wall J.O. M.Tipples J.O. J.S. Evans Chap. * J. Matthews Chap. * G.S. Gubb Treas. * W. Cowley Treas. R.M. Raikes Reg.M. * H.J. Mallett Reg.M. * R.N. Tucker Sec. * M. Davison Sec. * P.E. Taylor D.C. * T. Scarfe D.C. * J.P. Childs Alm. * R.L. Codd Alm. * L.J.Guttridge Ch.Stwd. * D.H. Elliott Ch.Stwd. * P.F.Brothers S.D. M.J. Webley S.D. C. Evans J.D. V.J.J. Haskins J.D. J.I. Tombs A.Sec. * A.W. Lewis A.Sec. S.G. Fidler A.D.C. * A. Morton A.D.C. * W.J. Jones Org. # A.F.Moore Org. * R.J.Parsons I.G. A.G. Evans I.G. W. Hopkins Stewards G.A. Tipples A.B. Wilkes J.R. Sweeting Stewards J.E.Hoskins R.E. Stephens J.A. Babbage C. Jones S.C. Hackwood J.A. Williams A.P. Almroth Tyler M. Rees Tyler * M.J. Houlton


1973 D.L. Lewis, OBE, PPrGSW 1991 L.J. Guttridge, PGSD 1983 H.B. Marriott, PPrGJW 1993 A.J. Morgan, PPrGJW 1988 A.F. Moore, MBE, PGSO, PDepProvGM 1996 G.S. Gubb, PPrGSW 1990 A. O’Neill, PPrGSW 2001 A. Taylor, PPrGSO 1994 E.G. Bolton, PGJD 2002 R.C. Norman, PPrGJW 1996 D.R. Evans, PPrGSW 2003 J.P. Childs, PGSD 1998 D.L. Lewis, OBE, PPrGSW 2004 C. Evans, PGStB 2000 R.B. Pugh, PPrGJW 2006 A.J. Morgan, PPrGJW 2002 K. Gemmell, PPrGJW 2007 R.J. Parsons, PPrGSO 2003 K.M. Gough, PPrGMO 2008 P.F. Brothers, PPrGJO 2004 P.W. Davies, PAGDC 2010 C.M. Herbert PPrGJO 2007 M. Davison, PPrGJW 2011 G.D. Rees PPrAGDC 2008 R.L. Codd, PPrGMO 2013 M.J. Hulton PPrGSwdB 2010 T.J. Scarfe PPrGSO 2014 W.J. Jones ProvGJD 2011 W. Cowley PPrAGDC 2015 S.E.J. Rock 2012 J. Matthews PPrGJD 2013 H.J. Mallett PPrAGDC 2014 A. Morton ProvGStwd 2015 N. Gregory


W.M. 36 Lon Isaf, Bondfield Park, Caerphilly. CF83 3SU

S.W. 172 Pontygwindy Road, Caerphilly CF83 3HR W.M. 63 Sandpiper Road, Porthcawl CF36 3UT

J.W. 8 Pembroke Court, Caerphilly CF83 2TN S.W. 116 Victoria Avenue, Porthcawl CF36 3HA

Treas. 42 Ariel Reach, Newport. NP20 2FP J.W. 4 Vernon Road, Porthcawl CF36 5LN

Sec. 62 Kirton Close, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2HB Treas. Awelfor, Heol Broom, Mawdlam, Bridgend CF33 4PN

Alm. 44 Heol Pen-y-Bryn, Penyrheol, Caerphilly. CF83 2JX Sec. 7 Ewenny Close, Nottage, Porthcawl. CF36 3HQ

Ch.Stwd. 47 Tylcha Ganol, Coedely, Tonyrefail. CF39 8BY Alm. 5 De Breos Drive, Porthcawl CF36 3JP

Ch.Stwd. 22 Heol Fawr, Nth Cornelly, Porthcawl CF33 4HB


Masonic Temple, St. Helens Road, Swansea. Masonic Temple, Park Crescent, Pontyclun. First Monday, November, February and March. Last Friday September, October, November, January and March.

WARRANT 4th DEC. 1975 INSTALLATION 5th FEB. 2018 WARRANT 24th JUN. 1977 INSTALLATION 29th SEP. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members – 22 Number of Subscribing Members - 32

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 6th Feb. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 30th Sep. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * T.R. Clarke W.M. * A.I. Roque I.P.M. * Y.B. Mathur I.P.M. * G. Fox S.W. J.K. Barnes S.W. G.G. Evans J.W. * M. Stayt J.W. P.J. Quinn M.O. R. Fry M.O. R. Clarke S.O. * P. Devichand S.O. I. Tideman J.O. * R. Slater J.O. * M.J. Lewis Chap. * R.J. Nettleship Chap. * D. Parsons Treas. * P.W. Adamson Treas. A.R. Hulbert Reg.M. * C.P. Jones Reg.M. * N.F. Charles Sec. * S.J. Needs Sec. * N.F. Charles D.C. * P. Bevan D.C. * K. Dascombe Alm. * C.P. Jones Alm. * S. Evelyn Ch.Stwd. * P.W. Adamson Ch.Stwd. * G.A.E. Longmore S.D. * I.R. Jones S.D. * R.G. Parsons J.D. * M.H. Williams J.D. * R.K. Powell A.D.C. * R.L. Griffiths A.Sec I.G. V. Thomas A.D.C. Tyler * T. Douglas-Jones Org. I.C. Hooper I.G. C.M.L. Davies Stewards M.K. Unsworth Tyler * A.P. Cope


1985 B.R. Phillips, PPrGJD 1987 Wg.Cdr.J.I. Davies, CBE, PGJW 1990 M.R. Evans, PPrGSW 1992 N.H. Matthews, PGJW, GIWks 1997 A.H. Gow, PPrGMO 1991 F. Fox, PGJD 1999 P.W. Adamson, PPrGSW 1996 S. Evelyn, PGJD, ProvGSW 1997 D.J. Yeates, PPrGJW 2001 R.J. Nettleship, PGSD 1999 J.H. Morris, PPrGJW 2002 K.B. Ferguson, PGJD, ProvGTreas 2000 G.J ones, OBE, 2004 R. Slater, PAGSwdB PGSD 2007 P. Devichand, PPrGJW 2001 D. Parsons, PPrGJW 2008 P. Bevan, PPrGJO 2003 C.M.L. Davies, PPrGJW 2009 S.J. Needs PPrGSO 2004 D. Tucker, PAGDC, ProvGDC 2010 R.L. Griffiths PPrGJD 2005 G.A.E. Longmore, PPrGJO 2011 M.H. Williams PPrGSO 2006 N.F. Charles, ProvGJW 2012 W.P. Knill PPrGSD 2007 K. Dascombe, PAGDC 2013 I.R.L. Jones PPrGStwd 2008 P. Jones PPrGJW 2014 C.P. Jones PPrGJD 2009 P.C. Hunt PPrGJO 2015 T.N. Douglas-Jones ProvGSD 2010 M.C. Richardson PPrGJD 2016 Y.B. Mathur 2011 M.J. Lewis PrGSO 2012 R.K. Powell PPrGStwd 2013 A.P. Cope PPrGInsWks 2014 R.G. Parsons ProvGStwd 2015 G. Fox



W.M. 22 Heol y Wylan, Cwmrhydyceirw, Swansea. SA6 6TB W.M. The Willows, Broadstreet Common, Peterstone Wentloog. CF3 2TN

S.W. 14 Cwrt-y-Cadno, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9FT S.W. 1 West Side, Senghennydd CF83 4HZ

J.W. 108 High Street, Glynneath, Neath SA11 5AL J.W. 36a Smithies Avenue, Sully, Penarth CF64 5SS

Treas. 38 Broadacre, Killay, Swansea SA2 7RU Treas. 19 Plorin Road, North Cornelly, Bridgend CF33 4PZ

Sec. 9 Bude Haven Terrace, Norton, Swansea SA3 5PY Sec. 14 Bridgewater Road, St.Mellons Rise, Cardiff. CF3 9TF

Alm. Vernel Uchaf, Waun Road, Loughor, Swansea SA4 6UD Alm. Woodlands, 13 Melville Avenue, St Mellons, Cardiff. CF3 5TZ

Ch.Stwd. 38 Broadacre, Killay, Swansea SA2 7RU Ch.Stwd. Plasnewydd, Church Road, Pentyrch CF15 9QF


Masonic Temple, Guildford Street, Cardiff. Town Hall, Cowbridge. Fourth Tuesday, September, Third Thursday January; Third Friday, October, February, April and Fourth Friday June. First Thursday April. WARRANT 9th May 1979 INSTALLATION 5th APRIL 2018 WARRANT 2nd SEP. 1981 INSTALLATION 16th FEB. 2018 Number of Subscribing Members – 20 Number of Subscribing Members- 27

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 6th April 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 17th Feb. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * A. Thomas W.M. * D.A. Westall I.P.M. * M.J. Davidson I.P.M. * J. Welsh S.W. D.M. Barker S.W. K.L. Jones J.W. A. Blasebalk J.W. A.E. Price M.O. M.L. Morgan M.O. H.P. Davies S.O. B.J. Brooks S.O. * J.W. Hatherley J.O. A. Davidson J.O. * D.J. Morgan Chap. * G.H. Thompson Chap. * B.V. Thomas Treas. * P. Kelvin-Smith Treas. * M.H. Williams Reg.M. A. Gretton Reg.M. * C.D. Synan Sec. * M.C. Bignell Sec. * D.S. Griffiths D.C. * K.H. Harries D.C. * R.E.W. Andrews Alm * G.H. Thompson Alm. * C.D. Synan Ch.Stwd. * B.B. Smith Ch.Stwd. * J.W. Hatherley S.D. B. Woods S.D. * W.J.L. Groom J.D. H.I. Montoya J.D. M.J. Lench A.Sec. A.D.C. * M.P. Wake A.D.C. * T.J. Evans I.G. * G.N. Rosser Org A. Blasebalk Stewards M.G. Thorne L.G. Reid I.G. * E.L. Rees Tyler * H. Lewis Tyler * E.H. Pahl


1990 R.K. Hopkin, PGJD 1984 W.G. Lloyd, PAGDC 1997 I.D. McILquham, PPrAGDC 1987 W.J.L. Groom, PGSD 2000 K.H. Harries, PAGDC 1990 P. Frost, PGSwdB 2001 G.H. Thompson, PPrGJW 1993 A.M.M. Hart, PPrGSW 2004 M.J. Davidson, PPrGJO 1997 L. Owen, PPrGJW 2005 P. Kelvin-Smith, PAGDC 1998 P.J. James, PPrGSW 2006 D.C.G. Power, PPrGSwdB 2002 C.D. Synan, PPrGJW 2009 M.C. Bignell, PAGDC 2003 M.H. Williams, PPrGJW 2011 E.H. Pahl PPrGSD 2004 J.A. Roberts, PPrGJW 2012 E.L. Rees PPrGSD 2006 D.J. Morgan, PPrGJW 2013 T.J. Evans PPrGInspWks PPrGStwd (Cyprus) 2007 D.S. Griffiths, PPrGJW 2014 B.B. Smith PPrGSD 2008 B.V. Thomas, PPrGJW 2015 P. Kelvin-Smith, PAGDC 2010 R.E.W. Andrews. PPrGJO 2016 M.J. Davidson, PPrGJO 2011 R. Jasinski PAGDC 2012 J.W. Hatherley PPrGSO 2013 G.N. Rosser PPrGStwd 2014 H. Lewis PPrGStwd 2015 M.P. Wake ProvAGDC 2016 J. Welsh

W.M. 1 Blackthorn Court, Llanharry, Pontyclun CF72 9WU W.M. 25 Cledwen Close, Barry CF62 7TE

S.W. Plas Watford Annexe, Watford Road, Caerphilly. CF83 1NE S.W. 7 Oakland Drive, Pentre CF41 7QW

J.W. Eastbury House, 3 The Paddock, Penlan, Cardiff CF23 6ER J.W. ‘Eastfield’, 46 Llanmaes Road, Llantwit Major CF61 2XF

Treas. The Banks, Tudor Gardens, Machen, Caerphilly. CF83 8PD Treas. ‘Cartref’ Heol-y-Geifr, Pencoed CF35 6UN

Sec. 12 Court Close, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1JR Sec. 52 Grange Gardens, Llantwit Major CF61 2XB

Alm 30 Le Sor Hill, Peterson Super Ely, CF5 6LW Alm. 35 Boverton Brook, Llantwit Major CF61 1YH

Ch.Stwd. 20 West Rise, Llanishen, Cardiff CF14 5RE Ch.Stwd. Llys Wen, Gadleys, LLanmaes, Llantwit Major CF61 2XR


Masonic Temple, Canon Street, Aberdare. Masonic Temple, Castle Street, Maesteg. Third Tuesday, November, January, April and May. Second Wednesday, September, First Wednesday, November March and April. WARRANT 29th Apr. 1983 INSTALLATION 15th MAY 2018 WARRANT10th JUN. 1983 INSTALLATION 1st NOV. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members – 29 Number of Subscribing Members- 26

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 16th May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 2nd Nov. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * D. Crowley W.M. * Dr.S.P. Howlett I.P.M. # A.R. Thomas I.P.M. * A.J. Searles S.W. R.C. Murphy S.W. T.W.H. Harries J.W. * N.L. Angell JP J.W. R.A. Calder M.O. M.J. Randell M.O. * D.E. Williams S.O. * S. Waters S.O. * C. Dando J.O. N.A.C. Dash J.O. * V.T. White Chap. * A.G. Frankum Chap. * D.F. Court Treas. * V.G. Watkins, JP Treas. * W.J. James Reg.M. * D.G. Gait Reg.M. P.P. McCarthy Sec. * C.D. Soal, JP Sec. * E.G. Bolton D.C. * D.W. Cotter D.C. * M.R. Winn Alm. * H.M.Jones Alm. * V.T. White Ch.Stwd. * V.G. Watkins, JP Ch.Stwd. * M.M. Greig S.D. C.J. Perry S.D. A. Williams J.D. * B. Gait J.D. D.K. Crompton I.G. * P. Matthews A.Sec. Stewards * G.A. Howells A.D.C. * K.M. Bonham Tyler * W.H. Rowland I.G. * W. Mullins Stewards S.J. Thomas Tyler * R.N. Tucker


1992 D.W. Cotter, PGSD 1992 A. Williams, PAGSwdB 1997 A.G. Frankum, PPrGSW 1996 W. Mullins, PGSD 1999 D.G. Gait, PGJD 1998 M.R. Winn, PPrGSW 2001 M.L. Clarke, PPrGJW 1999 W.J. James, PPrGSW 2002 H.M.Jones, PPrGJW 2002 D.F. Court, PAGDC 2004 D. Crowley, PPrGJW 2004 D.E. Williams, PPrGJW 2005 C.D. Soal, PPrGJW 2008 V.T. White, PPrGJO 2006 G.A. Howells, PPrGJO 2011 C. Dando PPrGSD 2007 V.G. Watkins JP, PAGDC 2012 C. Dando PPrGSD 2009 A.W. Oliver. PPrGJO 2013 K.M. Bonham PPrGSwdB 2010 D.N. Parker PPrGJO 2014 A.J. Searles 2011 P. Matthews PPrGReg 2015 Dr S.P. Howlett 2012 S. Waters PPrGSwdB 2013 N. Griffiths PPrGStB 2014 B. Gait PPrGSD 2015 W.H. Rowland PPrGStB 2016 A.R. Thomas PGJO

M.M.M. WITH PROV. RANK PAST MASTER MEMBERS G.R. Davies, PPrGTyler J.V. Harries, 1670 PPrGInspWks M.J. Randell, ProvGStwd JOINING PAST MASTERS PAST MASTER MEMBERS E.G. Bolton, PGJD R.N. Tucker. 1377 PPrGSD A.R. Thomas, PGJO N.L. Angel, PGJD M.M. Grieg. 1125 PPrGMO D.R. Andrews, ProvGSD G. Andrews, PPrGJO, ProvAGChStwd

W.M. 50 Glanmor Road, Uplands, Swansea SA2 0QB

W.M. 9 The Fairways, Aberdare, CF44 6WY S.W. 6 Bridgend Road, Llangynwyd, Maesteg CF34 9SW

S.W. 21 Richmond Road, Mountain Ash CF45 4FN J.W. 8 Curlew Close, Porthcawl CF36 3QD

J.W. 1 Pendinas Avenue, Croespenmaen, Crumlin NP11 3GP Treas. 15 Duke Street, Maesteg CF34 0LR

Treas. ‘The Gilwern’ Ty-Du Road, Nelson CF46 6PH Sec. ‘Glenelg’, The Chantry, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2NN

Sec. 159 Brynmair Road, Godreaman, Aberdare CF44 6LT Alm. Tyderwyn, Llangynwyd, Maesteg. CF34 0EH

Alm. 2 Springfield Close, Aberdare CF44 0EL Ch.Stwd. 31 Daphne Road, Rhyddings, Neath SA10 8DP


Masonic Temple, Forge Road, Port Talbot (June) Masonic Temple, Princes Avenue, Caerphilly. Masonic Temple, Princes Street, Caerphilly (December). First Saturday, October; Third Saturday, March. First Wednesday, December; Fourth Wednesday, June. WARRANT 15th May 1984 INSTALLATION 27th JUNE 2018 WARRANT 8th SEP. 1989 INSTALLATION 7th OCT. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members – 91 Number of Subscribing Members - 35

OFFICERS OFFICERS ® Denotes R.W.Bro # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 28th June 2017 # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 1st Oct. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. ® T.R.E. Jones W.M. * J.W. Carter I.P.M. J.R. Bevan I.P.M. * R. Munkley S.W. # A.F. Moore, MBE S.W. D.L. Jones J.W. # A.F. Thomas J.W. C.W.W. Hughes M.O. # J.K. O’Leary M.O. M.J. Richards S.O. W.J.L. Groom S.O. M.D. Prosser J.O. F. Langford J.O. B. Scott Chap. # A.R. Thomas Chap. * W.P. Ellis Treas. W. Wilson Treas. * B.A. Lopez Reg.M. D.W. Cotter Reg.M. * A. Jones Sec. A. Williams Sec. * G.J. Parry D.C. ® N.H. Matthews D.C. * M. Lewis Alm. K. Pearson Alm. * C.D. Davies Ch.Stwd. L.J. Guttridge Ch.Stwd. * K.R. Jones S.D. # R.A. Jeffery S.D. P. Hopkins J.D. J. Taylor J.D. P. Thomas A.Sec. D.G. Gait A.D.C. * G.D. Evans A.D.C. F. Fox I.G. * N. Davies Org. N.C.W. Liles Stewards *D.L. Lewis A. Hopkins *A. O’Neil I.G. # K. Willans J. Child Stewards K.B. Ferguson J.D. Williams A.M. Thomas Tyler * N.M. Evans J.P. Childs W. Mullins S. Evelyn Tyler W.P. Ellis


1997 D. Barnett, PPGM 1997 W.G.H. Thomas, PGStB 2005 S.W.J. Clarke, PGMO, PAsstPGM, ProvGSec 1999 B.E. Langley, PAGDC 2010 P.R. Clement PPGM 2002 W.P. Ellis, PAGSwdB 2015 J.I. Davies PGJW 2003 G.D. Evans, PAGDC 2016 J.R. Bevan PGJD 2004 J.V. Harries, PPrGInspWks 2006 M. Lewis, PAGDC 2009 G.J. Parry PPrGMO 2010 K.R. Jones PPrGJD 2012 J. Daniel PPrGMO 2013 N. Davies PPrGJD 2014 N.M. Evans PPrGSO 2015 R. Munkley



W.M. Sunnybank, Mill Street, Crickhowell NP8 1DA W.M. 43 Smithies Avenue, Sully, Penarth. CF64 5SS

S.W. 83 Van Road, Caerphilly CF83 1LA S.W. 18 Lyncroft Close, Old Street, St. Mellons CF3 5PX

J.W. Ty Ni, Port Road West, Barry CF62 3 AZ J.W. Preswylfa, 45 Pandy Road, Bedwas, Caeerphilly CF83 8EN

Treas. 34 Riverside, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9DA Treas. Ithon View, Ithon Road, Llandrindod Road, LD1 6AS

Sec. 23 The Drive, Miskin, Llantrisant CF72 8PX Sec. 18 Andrews Close, Heolgerrig, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1SS

Alm. 5 Bryneglwys Gardens, Newton, Porthcawl CF36 5PR Alm. Glenview, Woodland Terrace, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 0NL

Ch.Stwd. 5 De Breos Drive, Porthcawl CF36 3JP Ch.Stwd. 152 Cae’r Wern, Ynysfach, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 1AD


Masonic Temple, St. Helens Road, Swansea. Masonic Temple, Cerrigcochion Road, Brecon. First Wednesday, November, March; Second Friday, June. First Wednesday October; Third Wednesday, March; First Thursday, May. WARRANT 3rd JUN. 1991 INSTALLATION 8th JUNE 2018 WARRANT 22nd SEP. 1994 INSTALLATION 3rd MAY 2018 Number of Subscribing Members – 35 Number of Subscribing Members - 42

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 9th Jun. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 10th May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * K.J. Mitchell W.M. * H.R. Morgan I.P.M. * P.G. Davies I.P.M. * C.E. Thomas S.W. P.J. Morris S.W. R.G. Rogers J.W. G.M. Davies J.W. * N.D. Matthews M.O. J.S. Hancock M.O. W.R.L. De Melderva S.O. K.J. Morris S.O. * A. Jones J.O. D.M. Davies J.O. M.J. Maguire Chap. * D.M. Mogford Chap. * D.J. Davies Treas. * J.R. Aston Treas. * H.L.G. Vaughan Reg.M. D.G. Rowbottom Reg.M. R.G. Thomas Sec. * M. Lloyd Sec. * G.M. Davies D.C. * S.J. Francis D.C. * R.J. Ackroyd Alm. * P.G. Pattison Alm. * G.C. Atkins Ch.Stwd. * M. Lloyd Ch.Stwd. * G.C. Atkins S.D. J. Bowen S.D. R.J. Williams J.D. * A.D. Jones J.D. W.O. Jones A.Sec. K.R. Lippiatt A.D.C. * E.C. Beaumont A.D.C. * D. Rees Org. * H.R. Williams I.G. A.J. Bamsey I.G. J.A. Ingham Stewards B.N. Frost J.C. Hughes G. Bennett Stewards C.P.B. DeWinton P.C. Deane, M.B.E. C.A.G. Hopper R.H.E. Woodward Tyler * R.A. Rees Tyler S.J. Lewis


1992 P.R. Clement, PPGM 1994 H. Davies, PGJO 1993 L. Clark, PPrGJW 1996 A.R. Thomas, PGJO 1994 D.M. Mogford, PGSD 1999 D.C. Preece, MBE, PAGDC 1995 B. Davies, PPrGSW 2001 T.R.E. Jones, PGM 2001 M. Lloyd, PPrGSW 2002 G.C. Atkins, PPrGSW 2005 D.L.W. Griffiths, PPrGSO 2003 H.R. Williams, PPrGMO 2006 D.P. Jones, PPrGMO 2004 D.W. Moore, PPrGMO 2007 S.C.E. Harries, PGJD., AProvGM 2005 H. Hughes, PPrGSW 2008 Dr P.J.E. Harries PPrGSO 2006 I.D. Moseley, PGStB 2009 P.G. Pattison PPrGSD 2008 D.J. Davies, PProvGJW 2010 J.C. Taylor PPrGSD 2009 H.L.G. Vaughan PProvGJW 2011 W.J. Williams PPrGStdB 2011 R.A. Williams PPrGMO (Mon) 2013 S.J. Francis PPrAGDC 2012 A. Jones PPrGSwdB 2014 D. Rees PPrGSW 2013 E.C. Beaumont PPrGSO 2015 A.J. Owen PPrGJD 2014 N.D. Matthews PPrGStdB 2016 P.G. Davies 2015 R.A. Rees PPrGJD 2016 C.E. Thomas



JOINING PAST MASTER MEMBER Dr.P.R. Calderwood, JP, PGSD, DepProvGM R.J. Ackroyd PPrAGChap(Mon)

W.M. 4 Cwrt Emily, Birchgrove, Swansea. SA7 9GE W.M. 3 Scout Lane. Brecon LD3 7DX

S.W. 47 Llwynderw, Three Crosses, Swansea SA4 3QG S.W. The Oaks, 10 Pontwilym, Brecon LD3 9BT

J.W. 8 Heather Rise, Jersey Marine, Neath SA10 6LJ J.W. Ynysfaen, Cwmwysg, Brecon LD3 9BT

Treas. 88 Croft Street, Swansea SA1 1QD Treas. Hillside, Groesffordd, Brecon LD3 7SN

Sec. 12 The Crescent, Cwmdare, Aberdare CF44 8TN Sec. 37 The Struet, Brecon. LD3 7LW

Alm. Man-yr-Afon, Heol-y-Parc, Hendy, Swansea. SA4 0XC Alm. Llandetty Hall Farm, Llandetty, Talybont LD3 7YR

Ch.Stwd. 12 The Crescent, Cwmdare, Aberdare CF44 8TN Ch.Stwd. Llandetty Hall Farm, Llandetty, Talybont LD3 7YR

55 CWM RHONDDA MARK LODGE No. 1812 SOUTH WALES MARK PROVINCIAL STEWARDS LODGE No.1829 Masonic Temple, Canon Street, Aberdare. R.A.F.A.Club, Bute Street, Treorchy. Masonic Temple, Park Terrace, Merthyr Tydfil. Fourth Monday, November and February; Third Monday, May. Second Wednesday May (Merthyr Tydfil), Third Wednesday November (Aberdare) WARRANT 1st MAR. 2001 INSTALLATION 21st MAY 2018 WARRANT 12th MAR. 2003 INSTALLATION 10th NOV. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members – 29 Number of Subscribing Members - 33

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 15th May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 16th Nov. 2016 *Denotes W.Bro.

W.M. * G. Williams W.M. * V.R. Watkins, JP I.P.M. * D.P. Hanney I.P.M. * K.D. Crook S.W. A.N. Hughes S.W. * K.M. Gough J.W. D.J. Williams J.W. M.M. Bailey M.O. A.K. Biggs M.O. * J.C. Welch S.O. R. Hanney S.O. * B.J. Isaac J.O. S. Thorne J.O. * D.R. Andrews Chap. * G.R. Thomas Chap. * E.B. Garner Treas. * D.N. Morgan Treas. * D.N. Morgan Reg.M. R.J. Wilde Reg.M. * S.B. Hann Sec. * J.K. Mathias Sec. * M. Lloyd D.C. * A.M. Thomas D.C. * W.S. Shemwell Alm. * T.L. Williams Alm. * D.R. Andrews Ch.Stwd. * T.L. Williams Ch.Stwd. * V.G. Watkins.JP S.D. R. Green S.D. * K. Probert J.D. A.N. Davies J.D. * G. Andrews A.D.C. * R. Bowen A.Sec. * G.M. Davies Org. * P.G. Jones A.D.C. * D.R.E. Williams I.G. * J.C. Welch Org. * N.C.W. Liles Stewards *G.W. Morgan I.G. * P.E. Taylor Tyler * C. Roberts Stewards * E.G. Bolton K.J. Evans R.G. Payne D. Parsons V.T. White G.N. Rosser R.K. Powell A. Hutchings G.D. Hall H. Lewis Tyler * M.R. Winn


2004 T.L. Williams, PPrGJO 2003 E.G. Bolton, PGJD 2006 R.G. Morgan, PPrGMO 2006 N.C.W. Liles, PGSD, GOrg 2007 J.C. Welch, PAGSwdB 2008 E.B. Garner, PPrGJW 2008 R. Bowen, PPrGSO 2011 G.M. Davies PPrGJW 2010 C.W. Eveleigh PPrGSO 2012 M.R. Winn PPrGSW 2011 A. Jones PPrGSD 2013 D. Parsons PPrGJW 2012 G.R. Thomas PPrGJD 2014 G.D. Hall PPrGSD 2013 J.E. Charles PPrGJD 2015 K.D. Cook PPrGStwd 2014 C. Roberts PPrGJD 2015 D.P. Hanney 2016 D.P. Hanney


JOINING PAST MASTERS D.N. Morgan PGStB P.G. Jones 784 PPrGJW J.K. Mathias 585 PPrGSW H.R. Williams 1725 PPrGJO

W.M. 3, Glyncoli Road, Treorchy CF42 6SA

S.W. 181 Dumfries Street, Treorchy, Rhondda CF42 6TN W.M. The Gilwern, Ty-Du Road, Nelson. CF46 6PH

J.W. Blaenllechau Farm, Blaenllechau, Ferndale CF43 4UF S.W. 2 Church Road, Abertridwr, Caerphilly CF83 4DL

Treas. 18 Tynycymmer Close, Porth, Rhondda CF39 9DE J.W. 14 Llys Gwynfryn, Bryncoch, Neath SA10 7UB

Sec. 10 Column Street, Treorchy, Rhondda CF42 6SG Treas. 18 Tynycymmer Close, Porth. Rhondda CF39 9DE

Alm. 92 Conway Road, Treorchy. Rhondda CF42 6UW Sec. 12 The Crescent, Cwmdare, Aberdare. CF44 8TN

Ch.Stwd. 92 Conway Road, Treorchy. Rhondda CF42 6UW Alm. 2 Windsor Street, Trecynon, Aberdare CF44 8LL

Ch.Stwd. The Gilwern, Ty-Du Road, Nelson CF46 6PH

56 TRINITY MARK LODGE No. 1845 DEWI SANT MARK LODGE No. 1914 Cyfrinfa Marc Dewi Sant Rhif 1914 (Authorised to hold ceremonies in Welsh) Masonic Temple, Cardiff Road, Bargoed. Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend. Third Tuesday, March, May, October and First Monday, December. Third Monday, September, Fourth Monday, November, Second Monday in March. WARRANT 16th FEB. 2004 INSTALLATION 20th MARCH 2018 WARRANT 15th APR. 2010 INSTALLATION 12th MARCH 2018 Number of Subscribing Members – 28 Number of Subscribing Members 35

OFFICERS OFFICERS # Denotes V.W.Bro. ® Denotes R.W.Bro. Invested on 21st Mar. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 3rd Mar. 2017 # Denotes V.W.Bro. * Denotes W.Bro. W.M. * J.C. Easton W.M. * D.A.H. Reynolds I.P.M. * N.E. Hill I.P.M. * R. Thomas S.W. G.M. Davies S.W. J.L. Phillips J.W. L.B. Grey J.W. * G. Andrews M.O. M.G. Cotter M.O. * S. Atwell S.O. S.K.S. Daniel S.O. A.M. Evans J.O. N.R. Davies J.O. D.K. Davies Chap. * W.G.H. Brice Chap. * Rev. D.H. Edwards Treas. * K.J. Evans Treas. * G.W. Thomas Reg.M. * A.J.P. Archer Reg.M. * P.D.W. Edwards, JP Sec. * C. Shore Sec. * E.W. Jones D.C. * W.S. Shemwell D.C. * J.T.J. Davies Alm. * C. Shore Alm. * R. Hart Ch.Stwd. * D.J. Irish Ch.Stwd * D.C.N. Franklin S.D. T.N. Arnold S.D. D.E. Rees J.D. B. John-Davies J.D. T. ap Hywel A.Sec. * A. Hutchings Asst Sec. * D.R. Andrews ADC * S.J. Rowe A.D.C. * R.O.W. Edwards I.G. P. Trigg Org. D.R. Lewis Stewards P.A. Prout I.G. M.L. Morgan Tyler A.C. Lilley Stwds G. Davies D.S.G. Thomas A.J. Davies G. Parsons Tyler * M.J. Kidd


2007 W.S. Shemwell, PAGSwdB 2010 E.W. Jones PGOrg 2008 K.J. Evans PPrGReg 2011 T.R.E. Jones PGM 2009 R.J. Jenkins 2012 J.T.J. Davies ProvGMO 2010 C. Shore PPrGSD 2013 Dr. S.D. Bassett PPrGJD 2011 D.J. Irish PPrGSwdB 2014 G.W. Thomas ProvGSD 2013 A. Hutchings ProvGStwd 2015 J.L. Howells ProvGOrg 2015 S.J. Rowe PPrGJD 2016 R. Thomas 2016 N.E. Hill

JOINING PAST MASTER PAST MASTER FOUNDERS D.C.N. Franklin PPrGMO D.R. Andrews PPrGSD D.R. Evans 1348 PPrGJW M.R. Prince 401,1845 PPrGJD PAST MASTER FOUNDERS PAST MASTERS MEMBERS Wg.Cdr.J.I. Davies, PGJW W.G.H. Brice PGJD N.P. Davies PAGDC M.J. Kidd PGStB S.C.E. Harries PGJD, AsstPGM A.J.P. Archer PPrGMO (E.Lancs) R. Hart 950 PAGDC Rev.D.H. Edwards PPrGJW P.D.W. Edwards JP 1318 PPrGJW R.O.W. Edwards 1318 PPrGJW

W.M. 35 Parkfields, Pen-y-Fai, Bridgend. CF31 4NQ

W.M. 31 Gellideg Close, Maesycymmer, Hengoed. CF82 7RR S.W. 9 The Dell, Tonteg, Pontypridd CF38 1TG

S.W. 17 Rolls Avenue, Penpedairheol, Hengoed CF82 8HP J.W. Ty Ni, Aberdare Road, Aberdare CF44 0PG

J.W. 14 The Villas, Markham, Blackwood, Caerphilly NP12 0PU Treas. 27 Heol Pant-y-Celyn, Cardiff CF14 7BX

Treas. 52 Heol Ddu Road,Bargoed. CF81 8SW Sec. 55 Black Oak Road, Cyncoed, Cardiff CF23 6QU

Sec. Flat 5, St Gwadlys Court, Bargoed. CF81 3UG Alm. 60 Westminster Way, Cefn Glas, Bridgend CF31 4QX

Alm. Flat 5, St Gwadlys Court, Bargoed. CF81 3UG Ch.Stwd. 19 Orchard Castle, Thornhill, Cardiff CF14 9BA

Ch.Stwd. 52 Rolls Avenue, Penpedairheol, Hengoed. CF82 8HQ


Masonic Temple, Guildford Crescent, Cardiff Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend First Saturday in June and December First Friday in May and Fourth Friday in September WARRANT 11th APR. 2013 INSTALLATION 2nd DEC. 2017 WARRANT 12th MAY 2014. INSTALLATION 4th MAY 2018 Number of Subscribing Members 22 Number of Subscribing Members – 39

OFFICERS OFFICERS ® Denotes R.W.Bro. ® Denotes R.W.Bro. Invested on 3rd Dec 2016 # Denotes V.W.Bro. Invested on 5th May 2017 # Denotes V.W.Bro. * Denotes W.Bro. * Denotes W.Bro. W.M. * R. Jasinski W.M. * B.E. Dowling I.P.M. * J. Pillinger I.P.M. * A. Williams S.W. S.R. Adam S.W. * A. Hulbert J.W. J. Winn-Reed J.W. * R.E.W. Andrews M.O. F.T. Holyland M.O. C. Evans S.O. * H.A. Davies S.O. * M.J. Hulton J.O. G.J. Jones J.O. * A.J. Morgan Chap. * Sir P. Williams OBE, KStJ, DL Chap. * A. Williams Treas. * V.R. Watkin Treas. * W. Wilson Reg.M. * G. Jones OBE Reg.M. * M.J. Lewis Sec. * G.H. Jones OStJ Sec. * S. Williams MBE D.C. * A.F. Wismann D.C. * A.H. Thomas Alm. * M.A. Jones Alm. F.L. Morgan Ch.Stwd * J.K. Pillinger Ch Stwd * M.A. Jones S.D. J.W. Richards S.D. R.J. Rixon J.D. G.H. Jones J.D. * A.W. Seymour A.D.C. * P. Jones Asst Sec M.S. Flanagan Org. * N.C.W. Liles A.D.C. * P.E. Taylor I.G. P.M.M. Grimson Org. * P.D.W. Edwards JP Stwds H. Jaynes M. Arapis I.G. K.W. Miller Tyler * M.J.Kidd (Hon) Stwds *C. Dando C. McCann *D.N. Smith R.M. Raikes *R.J. Phillips Tyler * J.P. Childs


2013 Sir Paul M. Williams OBE, CStJ, DL, PGSD 2014 J.P. Childs PGSD 2014 G.H. Jones OStJ. PGIG 2015 P.E. Taylor PPrGSwdB 2015 F. Fox PGJD 2016 A. Williams PAGSwdB 2016 J. Pillinger PPrGJD

MMM WITH PROV RANK PAST MASTER FOUNDERS S.R. Adam PPrGSD W.G.H. Brice PGJD M.A. Jones PGJD M. Davies PAGSwdB Dr. A.J. Strachan PAGSwdB C. Evans PGStB N. Davies 1845 PAGDC JOINING PAST MASTER L.E. Hughes 179 PPrGJW D.S. Griffiths 1573 PPrGSO D.J. Goodall 1043 PPrGSO

W.M. 5 Orchard Close, Sigingstone, Cowbridge. CF71 7LY W.M. 32 Westward Rise, Barry CF62 6PN

S.W. West Mount, 25 Palace Road, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2AG S.W. 19 Plorin Road, North Cornelly, CF33 4PZ

J.W. Greensleeves, Penyfai, Bridgend CF31 4LS J.W. 7 Cardigan Crescent, Llantwit Major CF61 2GP

Treas. 9 Birch Court, Latteys Close, Heath, Cardiff CF14 4PZ Treas. 34 Riverside, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9DA

Sec. 18 Clos Llysfaen, Lisvane, Cardiff CF14 4PZ Sec. 32 Severn Road, Porthcawl CF36 5LE

Alm. 77 Lakin Drive, Barry. CF62 8AH Alm. 2 Brian Crescent, Porthcawl CF36 5LE

Ch Stwd. 11 Pace Close, Danescourt, Cardiff CF5 2QZ Ch.Stwd 77 Lakin Drive, Barry CF62 8AH


All communications to be addressed to:

Provincial Grand Secretary The Lodge 128 Newport Road Cardiff CF24 1DH Tel: 02920 490555 Email: [email protected] Website:

59 R.W.Bro. T.R.E. Jones Provincial Grand Master

W.Bro. Dr P.R. Calderwood RAMGR Dep. Prov. Grand Master

W.Bro. S.C.E. Harries RAMGR Asst. Prov. Grand Master

All matters relating to this degree are governed by the Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council. The degree is claimed to have been worked from “Time Immemorial,” the earliest record of the Degree in England and Wales is at Bath in 1790. In 1871 the Degree came under the control of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons. The Degree of Royal Ark Mariner is more popular in England and Wales than in any country. When a Royal Ark Mariner Lodge is formed it must be attached “Moored”- to an existing Mark Master Masons Lodge and must bear the same number as that Lodge but not necessarily the same name. The Degree is not only very beautiful and interesting but also contains valuable lessons. The Royal Ark Mariner degree is one of the oldest, if not the oldest rite in Masonry. As its name suggests, it is based on the legend of Noah and the great del- uge. The ceremony of Elevation refers particularly to the wisdom of Noah in constructing the Ark, his strength of character and the beauty of his workmanship. But there are other significant mes- sages and even for the experienced Mason a powerful reminder of our reliance on a spiritual as well as a material enlightenment. Despite its great age, it is essentially a thinking man’s degree, conducted in a friendly, intimate and rewarding atmosphere. The rainbow coloured ribbon which decorates the regalia of the degree provides a colourful spectacle to all its ceremonies. The pre- requisite for Elevation into this beautiful degree is that a candidate must be a Mark Master Mason.

Further information about this and the Mark Degree can be found at : www.southwalesmarkmas-

Dates for the Diary 2017 12th December (Tuesday) Royal Ark Mariners Annual Assembly and Investiture, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London

2018 28th April (Saturday) Royal Ark Mariners Provincial Assembly and Investiture at Bridgend


W.Bro. K. Dascombe W.Bro. R.T. Pelzer W.Bro. N. Marsh

W.Bro. M.H. Williams W.Bro. K. Hearne W.Bro. E.J. Shepherd 950

W.Bro. K.O. Fry W.Bro. P.W. Davies W.Bro. P.F. Brothers

61 W.Bro. M.H. Williams W.Bro. M. Green W.Bro. D.J. Yeates 1455

No Photograph available

W.Bro. H.L.G. Vaughan D.N. Parker

62 The Following Brethren were appointed to



Wor Bro Stephen Charles Evans Harries was advanced in the Sketty Hall Lodge No 1685 in March 1994 and served as Master in 2007. He became a joining member of the South Wales Installed Mark Masters Lodge no. 1201 in March 2009 and became a founder member of Cyfrinfa Marc Dewi Sant Rhif.1914 in 2010 where he held the office of Treasurer until 2016. He became a joining member of the Provincial Director of Ceremonies Lodge No 1813 (Province of Worcestershire) in February 2012.

He was promoted in Provincial Mark Grand Lodge in June 2010 to Asst PrGDC. In June 2011 he was promoted to Deputy PrGDC and again to PPrJGW in 2014. In June 2015 he was appointed as GRAND STEWARD in Mark Grand Lodge, subsequently becoming a Joining Member of De Cymru Grand Officers Mark Lodge No 1606 as well as The Grand Mark Stewards Lodge. In June 2015 he was appointed as the Provincial GDC. In June 2016 he was appointed as Assistant Provincial Grand Master.

In the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners he was elevated in the Sketty Hall Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners no 1685 in November 2007 and installed as Commander in March 2012. He became a joining member of the South Wales Installed Commanders Lodge No 1201 in April 2013. Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Rank accompanied his appointment as Assistant Provincial Grand Master in June 2016 and promotion to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank on the 13th June 2016 and membership of the De Cymru Grand Officers Royal Mark Mariner Lodge number 1606..


W.Bro. Jeff Williams was advanced into the Arthur Lewis Mark Lodge No 585 in 1980, and was installed as Master in 1993 and has been the secretary since 2003.In Provincial Mark Lodge he was appointed as Provincial Assistant Director of Ceremonies in 1998, promoted to Provincial Grand Master Overseer in 2002, and in 2003 promoted to Provincial Grand Junior Warden, subsequently being appointed as Provincial Grand Almoner in 2013. He is also a joining member of SWIMM Lodge no 1201. In Mark Grand Lodge he was appointed Past Assistant Director of Ceremonies in 2005 and subsequently become a joining member of De Cymru Grand Officers Mark Lodge in 2005. Being promoted to Past Grand Senior Deacon 2016. In the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners he was elevated into Arthur Lewis RAM Lodge No 585 in 1993.Installed as Worshipful Commander in 2006 and has been the scribe since 2010. He is also a joining member of SWIC Lodge No1201. He is a Founder member of the Tremains RAM Lodge No 1952 and its’ Primus Warder in 2016 He was Promoted to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 2011 and then to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 2016 and subsequently became a joining member of De Cymru Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1606 in 2016.


W.Bro. G. (Tony) Howell was advanced into Principality Mark Lodge in September 1983 and installed as Master in September 1990. He is currently Treasurer, a position he has held for 10 years. In Provincial Mark Lodge, he was appointed PrGStwd in 1993, promoted to PPrGJO in 1999, in 2004 promoted to PPrGJW and in 2009 to PPrGSW. In 2010 he was appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer. He joined De Cymru Mark Lodge in 2010. He was elevated in May 1994 into the Principality RAM Lodge and was Treasurer for 4 years. He was installed as Commander in 2002. He was appointed to Provincial RAMGR in 2008 and Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 2016 and then joined De Cymru RAM Lodge that year. .


W.Bro Denis Tucker was advanced Ysgolion No. 1487 in March 1995, and installed as Master in 2004 He became a Founder member of Dinas Llandaf Mark Lodge No. 1942 in 2013. In Provincial Mark Lodge he was appointed Assistant Director of Ceremonies in 2007, and promoted to Provincial Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2009,.In 2016 he was promoted to Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies. In Mark Grand Lodge he was appointed to Past Assistant Grand Director of Cer- emonies 2011. He is a joining member of the De Cymru Grand Officers Mark Lodge No. 1606.

In the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner he was elevated in Cambrensis R.A.M. lodge No.1528 in 1996, and was installed as Commander in 2001, and is currently the Treasurer, also became a joining member of South Wales Installed Commanders Lodge No. 1201 in 2016, Appointed to Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 2010 and to Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank in 2016. He is a joining member of the De Cymru Grand Officers RAM Lodge No. 1606.


W.Bro. William Mullins was advanced into LLynfi Valley Mark Lodge No 1592, in November 1983, and installed as Master in 1996. In Provincial Mark Lodge he was appointed ProvGStwd in 1999 and promoted to PPrGJW in 2005. In Mark Grand Lodge he was appointed to Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2007 and promoted to PGSD in 2014. In the Degree of Royal Ark Mariner he was elevated into Dunraven R.A.M. Lodge No 950 in May 1997. He was a Founder member of Llynfi Valley RAM in 1998 and was installed as Commander in November 2001. He was appointed to Provincial RAMGR in April 2008 and promoted to RAMGR in 2016. He joined De Cymru Mark in 2007 and De Cymru RAM in 2016.

64 ST. JOHN’S LODGE ABERTAWE LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.28 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.179 Masonic Temple, Guildford Crescent, Cardiff. Masonic Temple, St. Helen’s Road, Swansea. Third Wednesday, November and April. Fourth Wednesday, January and March; Fourth Monday, September. WARRANT 17th SEP. 1874 INSTALLATION 18th APRIL 2018 WARRANT 6th DEC. 1945 INSTALLATION 25th SEP. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members – 27 Number of Subscribing Members - 23


Invested on 19th Apr. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 26th Sep. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * K. Duggan Commr. * D.S.G. Lewis I.P.Commr. * C.E. Mugford I.P.Commr. * Dr.A.J. Strachan S.W. E.H. Pahl S.W. P.C. Bunyan J.W. M. Priddle J.W. T.D. Angelow Chap. * M. Fogarty Chap. * M. Richards Treas. D.R. Lewis Treas. * P. Davies Scribe * C.M.L. Davies Scribe * H.A. Barnes D.C. * F. Fox D.C. * M.E.G. Clarke Alm. * R.A. Jeffery Alm * H. Osborne Ch.Stwd * J.C. Giddings Ch.Stwd * H. Osborne S.D. R.G. Payne S.D. M. Poptani J.D. R.G. Parsons J.D. C.Y. Chak Asst.Scribe D.C. Rowlands ADC * R.M. Coombes A.D.C. * K. Dascombe Org. Org D.R. Lewis Guardian * H. Osborne Guardian F.L. Farr Stewards R.E.J. Harris Stewards M.J. Thomas A.W. Preece B.R. Munn Warder * G.S. Mabbett P.F. Camilleri Warder * N.F. Charles


1984 S.W.J. Clarke, RAMGR 1993 P. Davies, RAMGR 1992 R.A. Jeffery, RAMGR 1995 D.E. Davies, RAMGR 1999 F. Fox, RAMGR 1997 L.E. Hughes, ProvRAMGR 2004 J.C. Gidding, ProvRAMGR 1998 B.T. Davies, ProvRAMGR 2006 C.M.L. Davies ProvRAMGR 2000 R.D. Jones, ProvRAMGR 2007 M. Fogarty ProvRAMGR 2005 H. Osborne ProvRAMGR 2008 E.M. Wannell ProvRAMGR 2007 B. Richards ProvRAMGR 2009 R. Prole ProvRAMGR 2008 M. Richards ProvRAMGR 2010 W.D. Williams ProvRAMGR 2009 H.A. Barnes ProvRAMGR 2011 D.J. Yeates ProvRAMGR 2010 M. Davies ProvRAMGR 2012 K. Dascombe ProvRAMGR 2011 R.T. Pelzer ProvRAMGR 2013 G.A.E. Longmore 2012 J.H.T. Aylward 2014 N.F. Charles 2013 R.M. Coombes 2015 R.J. Corbett 2014 G.S. Mabbett 2016 C.E. Mugford 2015 Dr A J Strachan

Commr. 40 Lon-y-Celyn, Cardiff. CF14 7BW Commr. 96 Goetre Fawr Road, Killay, Swansea. SA4 8JG

S.W. 16 Hazelhurst Road, Cardiff CF14 2FX S.W. 31 Heol-y-Fran, Cwmrhydyceirw, Morriston, Swansea SA6 6TL

J.W. 10 Laburnam Way, Dina Powys, CF64 4TH J.W. 34 Meridian Bay, Trawler Road, Swansea SA1 1PS

Treas. 17 Dan-y-Graig, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 7HJ Treas. Whitewalls, Church Road, Pontardulais. SA4 8JG

Scribe 1 Lakeview Close, Cardiff Cf23 6DU Scribe 64 Eaton Crescent, Uplands, Swansea SA1 4QN

Alm 118 Glenwood, Cardiff CF23 6UU

Ch.Stwd. 57 Windermere Avenue, Cardiff CF23 5PS

65 ARTHUR LEWIS LODGE St. TYDFIL LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.585 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.639 Masonic Temple, Courthouse Street, Pontypridd. Masonic Temple Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil. Second Friday, November; Second Tuesday, February; Second Tuesday September, January, March and May. Fourth Friday, May. WARRANT 6th FEB. 1986 INSTALLATION 10th NOV. 2017 WARRANT 2nd OCT. 1947 INSTALLATION 8th MAY 2018 Number of Subscribing Members - 31 Number of Subscribing Members- 28


Invested on 11th Nov. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 9th May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * R.J. Edmunds Commr. * D. Irish I.P.Commr. * B. Eveleigh I.P.Commr. * N. Davies S.W. R.A. Jones S.W. G. Smith J.W. L.S. McPhail J.W. C.D. Davies Chap. * W.P. Ellis Chap. * M. Lloyd Treas. * P.S. Cage Treas. * Dr J.E. Davies Scribe * J.D. Williams Scribe * D. Baldwin D.C. * N. Marsh D.C. * D.W. Cotter Alm. * M.G. Williams S.D. G.W. Davies Ch.Stwd * M.G. Williams J.D. K. Jones S.D. R.G. Morgan Asst.Scribe B.M. Jones J.D. G.J. Jones A.D.C. * V.G. Watkins JP Asst.Scribe G. Lewis Guardian * N.M. Evans A.D.C. * H.L. John Stewards A. Jones *Dr. R.P. Owens Guardian A. Hutchings Warder K. Probert Stewards V. Barker B.A. Morgan W.E. Jenkins K. Mason G. Ponsford Warder V. Jones


1989 D. Barnett, RAMGR PPrGM 1991 D.G. Rowlands, RAMGR 1991 H. Davies, RAMGR 1996 D.W. Cotter, RAMGR 2000 W.P. Ellis, RAMGR 2001 A.G. Frankum ProvRAMGR 2002 M.G. Williams, ProvRAMGR 2004 J.E. Davies, ProvRAMGR 2005 J.D. Williams RAMGR 2005 D. Crowley, ProvRAMGR 2007 P.S. Cage ProvRAMGR 2006 M. Lloyd, RAMGR 2009 D.R. Williams ProvRAMGR 2007 C.D. Soal, ProvRAMGR 2010 M.G. Grant ProvRAMGR 2009 M.L. Clarke ProvRAMGR 2011 N. Marsh ProvRAMGR 2010 V.C. Watkins JP ProvRAMGR 2012 R.R. Morgan 2011 D. Baldwin ProvRAMGR 2013 T.L. Williams 2014 N.M. Evans 2014 H.L. John 2015 J. Daniel 2015 B. Eveleigh 2016 N. Davies


Commr. 31 Llys Cynon, Hirwaun, Aberdare CF44 9PR Commr. 52 Rolls Avenue, Penpeair, Hengoed, CF82 8HQ

S.W. 18 Danycoed Road, The Graig, Pontypridd CF37 1LS S.W. 9 Pen-y-Twyn, Tredegar, NP22 4DL

J.W. 14 Ffordd-y-Gollen, Tonteg, Pontypridd CF38 1TA J.W. Glenview, Woodland Terrace, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 0NL

Treas. 17 Clos Lancaster, Llantrisant CF72 8QP Treas ‘Rhoslyn’ Merthyr Road, Llwydcoed, Aberdare CF44 0YE

Scribe 12 Clos Lancaster, Llantrisant CF72 8QP Scribe. ‘Flintstone’, 15 Quarry Road, Georgetown, Merthyr Tydfil CF47 8PS

Alm. Valleys View, Danylan Road, Pontypridd CF37 1ES

Ch.Stwd. Valleys View, Danylan Road, Pontypridd CF37 1ES

66 STABILITY LODGE ST. ILLTYD LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.758 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.784 Masonic Temple, Park Crescent, Pontyclun. Masonic Temple, Stanwell Road, Penarth Second Thursday September, January and May. Third Wednesday February, March and November WARRANT 3rd JUL. 1980 INSTALLATION 14th SEP. 2017 WARRANT 12th FEB. 2013 INSTALLATION 21st FEB. 2018 Number of Subscribing Members- 26 Number of Subscribing Members- 22


Invested on 15th Feb. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 18th Sep. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * G.M. Davies Commr. * D.C. Hicks I.P.Commr * G.H. Jones I.P.Commr. * A. Jones S.W. J.K. Pillinger S.W. P.A. Young J.W. A.F. Wismann J.W. W.S. Shemwell Chap. * C. Cook Chap. * A.M. Thomas Treas. * V.R. Watkin Treas. * D.N. Morgan Scribe * Scribe T.J.R. Clarke D.C. * K.H. Harries D.C. * P.G. David Alm. * Alm. * J.C. Welch Ch.Stwd. * D.N. Morgan Ch.Stwd * D.N. Morgan S.D. * N. Marsh S.D. G.R. Thomas J.D. R.B. James J.D. I. Balman A.D.C. * T. Thomas A.D.C. * P.G. Jones Guardian K. Ball Org * J. Beddoe Stewards M. Cotter N. Gregory A.Morton H. Mallet Guardian K.D. Crook Warder S. Attwell Stewards C.J. Morgan J.E. Charles Warder * C. Shore


2014 Sir P.M. Williams RAMGR 1989 P.G. David, RAMGR 2015 S.B. Hann ProvRAMGR 1996 P.G. Jones, ProvRAMGR 2016 G.H. Jones 2000 S. Cocco, ProvRAMGR 2002 A.M. Thomas, RAMGR 2006 A D. Jones, ProvRAMGR 2007 A.E. Smith ProvRAMGR 2008 D.N. Morgan RAMGR 2009 E.R. Haines ProvRAMGR 2010 E.R. Haines ProvRAMGR 2012 G. Hurst 2013 J. Francis 2014 C. Shore 2015 A. Jones


Commr. 17 Rolls Avenue, Penpedairheol, Hengoed CF82 8HP Commr. Bryn Glas, 65 Graigwen Road, Pontypridd CF37 2EG

S.W. 11 Place Close, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2QZ S.W. Ty Mawr, Wyndham Street, Tonypandy CF40 1EW

J.W. 14 Redhouse Crescent, Ely, Cardiff Cf5 2QZ J.W. 11 Margaret Street, Gilfach, Bargoed CF81 8JN

Treas. 9 Birch Court, Latteys Close, Heath Cardiff CF14 4PZ Treas. 18 Tynycymmer Close, Porth CF39 9DE

Scribe 7 Shiredale Close, Maesycymmer, Hengoed. CF82 7QL Scribe. 37 Cemetery Road, Treorchy CF42 6TB

Alm. 7 Shiredale Close, Maesycymmer, Hengoed. CF82 7QL Alm. 87 Coed Isaf Road, Pontypridd CF37 1EN

Ch.Stwd. 18 Tynycymmer Road, Porth, Rhondda CF39 9DE Ch.Stwd 18 Tynycymmer Close, Porth CF39 9DE

67 CAMBRIA LODGE DUNRAVEN LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.823 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.950 Masonic Temple, Guildford Crescent, Cardiff. Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend.Fourth Tuesday January, First Fourth Monday September; First Monday December and June. Thursday March, WARRANT 6th DEC. 1945 INSTALLATION 4th JUNE 2018 First Tuesday May and November. Number of Subscribing Members - 24 WARRANT 2nd JAN. 1964 INSTALLATION 1st MARCH 2018 Number of Subscribing Members - 27


Invested on 19th June 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 2nd Mar. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * N. Piercy Commr. * R.J. Phillips I.P.Commr. * P.L.C. Morgan I.P.Commr. * V.R. Watkin S.W. H.A. Davies S.W. J. Davies J.W. C.R. Hindle J.W. J. Deenik Chap. * J. Taylor Chap. * A. Williams Treas. * M.N. James Treas. * W. Wilson Scribe * D.C.N. Franklin Scribe R.E.W. Andrews D.C. * C. Tugwell D.C. * B.V. Thomas S.D. N.R. Hosking S.D. J.W. Henshaw J.D. J.A. Forbes Keir J.D. G.N. Rosser Asst Scribe S.K.C. Richards A.Scribe. M.P. Wake A.D.C. * M.J. Kidd A.D.C. * J.W. Hatherley Org * W.B. Warlow, OStJ Guardian C.D. Davies Guardian I. Teiderman Stewards G.W. Jones J.T.Kelly G.J. Howell Stewards D.C. Jones M.C. Jones Warder * Warder * G. Snook


1985 R.R. Harry, RAMGR 1983 W. Wilson, RAMGR 1992 P.W. Clee, RAMGR 1987 N.O.A. Alleyne, RAMGR 1996 W.B. Warlow, ProvRAMGR 1988 W.G. Lloyd, RAMGR 2000 G.A. Hulin, ProvRAMGR 1989 W.J.L. Groom, RAMGR 2002 J. Taylor, ProvRAMGR 1995 A. Williams, RAMGR 2003 W.G.H. Thomas, ProvRAMGR 2003 R.A. Williams, RAMGR 2007 M.J. Kidd ProvRAMGR 2004 R. Hart, ProvRAMGR 2009 M.N. James ProvRAMGR 2008 B.V. Thomas, ProvRAMGR 2010 W.A.M. Jones CBE ProvRAMGR 2009 P.J. James ProvRAMGR 2012 C. Tugwell 2010 R.C. Adams ProvRAMGR 2013 D.C.N. Franklin 2011 D.S. Griffiths ProvRAMGR 2014 G. Snook 2012 M.H. Williams 2015 Rev. A.E.J. Swinford 2013 C.D. Synan 2016 P.L.C. Morgan 2014 R. Jasinski 2015 J.W. Hatherley 2016 V.R. Watkin


Commr. Redbury, Napleton Lane, Kempsey, Worcester WR5 3PT Commr. 77 Maes Talken, Brackla, Bridgend. CF31 2LQ

S.W. 14 Heol Nant Castan, Rhiwbina, Cardiff CF14 6HJ S.W. 22 Hendre Road, Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 6TA

J.W. 16 Squires Walk, Kempsey, Worcester WR5 3JB J.W. 16 St. Mary’s View, Coychurch, Bridgend CF35 5HL

Treas. 84 Heol-y-Deri, Rhiwbina, Cardiff. CF14 6HJ Treas. 34 Riverside, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF31 9DA

Scribe 19 Orchard Castle, Thornhill, Cardiff CF14 9BA Scribe 7 Cardigan Crescent, Boverton, Llantwit Major CF61 2GP

68 BARRY LODGE PRINCIPALITY LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1043 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1057 Masonic Temple, Broad, Street, Barry. Masonic Temple, Guildford Crescent Cardiff. Second Monday September March and May. Fourth Wednesday, October, and First Wednesday, May. WARRANT 23rd NOV. 1970 INSTALLATION 11th SEP. 2017 WARRANT 12th APR. 1951 INSTALLATION 2nd MAY 2018 Number of Subscribing Members- 26 Number of Subscribing Members- 18


Invested on 12th Sep. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 3rd May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * C.D. Peters Commr. * M. Hopkins I.P.Commr. * A.W. Seymour I.P.Commr. * M. Pearson S.W. D.T. Hopkin S.W. A.J. Manfield J.W. D.J. Goodall J.W. T.J. Scarfe Chap. * D. Parsons Chap. * Capt. A.S. Rance Treas. J.K. Williams Treas. * M. Pearson Scribe * A.F. Thomas Scribe * K. Pearson D.C. * A.D. Jones D.C. * D.M. Allen Alm. * A.S. Duthie Alm. * N.M.M. Simons Ch.Stwd. * M.A. Jones Ch.Stwd. * A.C. Greedy S.D. A.F. Wismann S.D. D.H. Elliot J.D. J.K. Pillinger J.D. * T.D. Hogg A.Scribe. G.M. Duddridge A.D.C. * G.D. Evans A.D.C. * D.A. Street Guardian * R. Lawson-Duckett KStJ Org. * N.C.W. Liles Stewards Guardian G.E. Huggins Warder * B.E. Langley Stewards M.A. Cuddihy A. Reynolds K. Rattenbury T.F. Hill Warder * S.P. Cuddihy


1985 A.F. Thomas, RAMGR 1992 K. Pearson, RAMGR 1986 A.S. Duthie, RAMGR 1997 B.W. Hithersay, RAMGR 1998 E.B. Jones, ProvRAMGR 2000 Sir P.M. Williams, OBE,KStJ., DL. RAMGR 2003 N.C.W. Liles, RAMGR 2002 G.A. Howell, RAMGR 2004 B.E. Dowling, ProvRAMGR 2004 N.M.M. Simons, ProvRAMGR 2005 D. Parsons ProvRAMGR 2005 A.C. Greedy ProvRAMGR 2006 D. Parsons ProvRAMGR 2006 M. Hopkins ProvRAMGR 2008 S.B. Hann ProvRAMGR 2007 D.M. Allen ProvRAMGR 2009 A.D. Jones ProvRAMGR 2008 D.M. Allen ProvRAMGR 2010 M.A. Jones ProvRAMGR 2009 B.E. Langley ProvRAMGR 2011 K. Hearne ProvRAMGR 2010 G.D. Evans ProvRAMGR 2012 S.P. Cuddihy 2013 Capt. A.S. Rance 2014 A.W. Seymour 2014 T.D. Hogg 2015 C.D. Peters 2015 R. Lawson-Duckett 2016 M. Pearson

Commr. 24 Laleston Close, Barry. CF63 1UA Commr. 37 St.Margarets Road, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 7AB

S.W. 13 Rise, Barry CF63 1DT S.W. 26 Chamberlain Row, Dinas Powys, Cardiff CF64 4PJ

J.W. 27 Brenig Close, Cwm Talwg, Barry CF62 7BL J.W. 23 Cae Caradog, Caerphilly CF83 2AA

Treas. 27 Regent Street, Barry CF62 8DT Treas. 95 Pentwyn, Radyr, Cardiff CF15 8RE

Scribe ‘Ty Ni’ Port Road West, Barry CF62 3AZ Scribe. 5 Bryneglwys Gardens, Newton, Porthcawl CF36 5PR

Alm. Capel Bwythyn, Ffordd-y-Gyfraith, Cefn Cribbwr CF32 0BU Alm. 1 Waterford Close, Cardiff. CF11 8JN

Ch.Stwd. 77 Lakin Drive, Barry CF62 8AH Ch.Stwd. 12 Bargoed Street, Grangetown, Cardiff CF1 7AF

69 AFAN LODGE NEATH LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1088 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1125 Masonic Temple, Forge Road, Port Talbot. Masonic Temple, Queen Street, Neath. Fourth Tuesday September January and April. Fourth Tuesday June, Second Friday January. WARRANT 4th MAY 1978 INSTALLATION 19th SEPT. 2017 WARRANT 3rd JUN. 1982 INSTALLATION 12th JAN. 2018 Number of Subscribing Members - 14 Number of Subscribing Members - 25


Invested on 27th Sept. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro Invested on 13th Jan. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * E.J. Shepherd Commr. * G.L. Lewis I.P.Commr. * P.J. Haigh I.P.Commr. * R.J. Davies S.W. R.W. Adler S.W. C.J. Collins J.W. Dr. J.A. Parr J.W. T.D. Newton Chap. * J.K. O’Leary Chap. * P.R. Gilbert Treas. * A.C. Painter Treas. * W.J.D. Davies Scribe * P.J. Haigh Scribe * E.G. Bolton D.C. * A.H. Thomas D.C. * A.R. Thomas Alm. * J. Lane Alm. * P.M. Grace Ch.Stwd. Dr. J.A. Parr Ch.Stwd. M.M. Bailey S.D. * M.E.G. Clarke S.D. K. Hoyle J.D. M.V. Curtis J.D. R.P. Davies Asst.Scribe D.A. Bright A.D.C. * D.M. Mogford Org * M.G. Couch Asst.Scribe * W.R. McE-Walker Guardian G.L. Richards Guardian H.A. Miles Warder * D. Williams Stewards *B. Warlow *G.R. Richards K.J. McCormack Warder * N.A. Jenkins


1980 J.K. O’Leary, RAMGR 1992 D.M. Mogford, RAMGR 1998 J. Lane, ProvRAMGR 1997 P.R. Gilbert, ProvRAMGR 1999 M.G. Couch, ProvRAMGR 2000 A.R. Thomas, RAMGR 2005 D.A. Williams ProvRAMGR 2002 P.M. Grace, ProvRAMGR 2008 A.H. Thomas ProvRAMGR 2005 G. Richards ProvRAMGR 2010 E.J. Shepherd ProvRAMGR 2007 E.G. Bolton, RAMGR 2013 A.C. Painter 2009 P.K. Coleman ProvRAMGR 2014 P.J. Haigh 2010 B.J. Isaac ProvRAMGR 2011 W.R. McE-Walker ProvRAMGR 2012 K.O. Fry ProvRAMGR 2013 H.J. Lines 2014 W.J.D. Davies 2015 N.A. Jenkins 2016 R.J. Davies

Commr. 14 Newton Avenue, Port Talbot. SA12 6EU Commr. 3 Waungron, Rhydyfro, Pontardawe SA8 4RW

S.W. 52 Wern Road, Port Talbot SA13 2BA S.W. 47 Falcon Drive, Cimla, Neath SA11 3SG

J.W. 4 Heol Bryn Glas, Llantwit Fadre, Pontypridd CF38 2DJ J.W. 60 Delffordd Rhos, Pontadawe, Swansea SA8 3HL

Treas. Brynnedd, 1 Main Road, Aberdulais, Neath SA10 8HG Treas. The Willows, 2 Brombill Barns, Margam, Port Talbot SA13 2SR

Scribe 10b Callencroft Court, Newton Road, Newton SA3 4TG Scribe 10 The Chantry, Llandaff, Cardiff CF5 2NN

Alm. 51 Maes Llwynonn, Cadoxton, Neath SA10 8AQ Alm. 25 Greenacres, Penclawdd, Swansea SA4 3GD

Ch.Stwd. 4 Heol Bryn Glas, Llantwit Fadre, Pontypridd. CF38 2DJ Ch.Stwd. 14 Llys Gwynfryn, Bryncoch, Neath SA10 7HB

70 SOUTH WALES INSTALLED COMMANDERS LODGE CAERFFILI LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1201 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1348 Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend. Masonic Temple, Princes Avenue, Caerphilly. Fourth Saturday October and April. Third Friday September, November and May. WARRANT 7th JULY. 1988 INSTALLATION 28th OCT. 2017 WARRANT 2nd APR. 1981 INSTALLATION 17th NOV. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members - 103 Number of Subscribing Members - 30


Invested on 22nd Oct. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 18th Nov. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. F. Fox Commr. * G.M. Davies I.P.Commr. D.G. Gait I.P.Commr. * K.J. Evans S.W. L.J. Guttridge S.W. T.G. Ap Hywel J.W. S. Evelyn J.W. G.G. Evans Chap. W. Mullins Chap. * L. Jones Treas. E.G. Bolton Treas. * W. Cowley Scribe M.A. Jones Scribe * R.B. Pugh D.C. D. Tucker D.C. * P.W. Davies Ch.Stwd. C.A. Cook Alm. * C.D. Pitman S.D. R.A. Jeffery Ch.Stwd. * A.E.J. Hopkins J.D. W.G.H. Thomas S.D. V.J.J. Haskins A.Scribe N.M.M. Simons J.D. J. Mathews A.D.C. J.C. Welch A.D.C. * A.E.J. Hopkins Org N.C.W. Liles A.Scribe. * M. Davison Guardian J.D. Williams Org. * A.F. Moore, MBE Stewards J.P. Childs M.J.Kidd M.J. Lewis B.E. Langley Guardian M. Rees M. Fogarty A.D. Jones D.G. Powell Stewards *W.G. Roberts G.A. Tipples J. Sweeting A.F. Moore A.R. Thomas B.E. Langley R.W. Jones S.K.S. Daniel L.B. Grey Warder G.C. Atkins Warder * C.D. Pitman


1998 S.W.J. Clarke, RAMGR 1982 D.L. Lewis, OBE, RAMGR 1999 N.O.A. Alleyne, RAMGR 1988 C.D. Pitman, ProvRAMGR 2004 C.A. Cook, RAMGR 1989 A.F. Moore, MBE, RAMGR PDepPrGM 2008 A.F. Thomas, RAMGR 1992 A. O’Neill, RAMGR 2010 P.R. Clement PPGM GMRAC 1999 J.C. Welch, RAMGR 2011 K. Pearson RAMGR 2000 E.G. Bolton, RAMGR 2013 A. Williams RAMGR 2001 R.B. Pugh, ProvRAMGR 2014 A.S. Duthie RAMGR 2002 L. Jones, ProvRAMGR 2015 D.G. Gait RAMGR 2005 D.R. Evans ProvRAMGR 2008 W. Cowley ProvRAMGR 2009 W.G. Roberts ProvRAMGR 2010 K.M. Gough ProvRAMGR 2011 P.W. Davies ProvRAMGR 2013 M. Davison 2014 A.E.J. Hopkins 2015 K.J. Evans


Commr. 14 Heol Carne, Whitchurch, Cardiff. CF14 1HD Commr. 17 Rolls Avenue, Penpedairheol, Hengoed. CF82 8HP

S.W. 5 De Breos Drive, Porthcawl. CF36 3JP S.W. 8 Pembroke Court, Caerphilly CF83 2TN

J.W. Woodlands, 13 Melville Avenue, Cardiff CF3 5TZ J.W. 1 West Side, Senghenydd, Caerphilly CF83 4HZ

Treas. ‘Glenelg’, The Chantry, Cardiff CF5 2NN Treas. 42 Ariel Reach, Newport NP20 2FP

Scribe 77 Lakin Drive, Barry CF62 8AH Scribe 13 High Street, Llanbradach, Caerphilly CF83 3LP

Ch.Stwd. Derlwyn, Cross Common Road, Dinas Powys CF64 4TQ Alm. 36 Lon Isaf, Caerphilly CF83 1BT

Ch.Stwd 16 Heol Cefn Yr Hndy, Miskin, Pontyclun CF72 8QT

71 PORTHCAWL LODGE SIR FREDERICK ALBAN LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1377 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1455 Masonic Temple, New Road, Porthcawl. Masonic Temple, St. Helens Road, Swansea. Second Thursday in October, First Tuesday in March, Fourth Thursday in April. First Monday, November and First Tuesday, May. WARRANT 4th JUN. 1981 INSTALLATION 22nd APR. 2018 WARRANT 3rd SEPT. 1981 INSTALLATION 1st MAY 2018 Number of Subscribing Members - 38 Number of Subscribing Members - 22


Invested on 27th Apr. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 2nd May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * F.L. Morgan Commr. * R. Slater I.P.Commr. * A. Morgan I.P.Commr. * Y.B. Mathur S.W. J.H. Wall S.W. R. Fry J.W. K.M. Bonham J.W. J. Barnes Chap. * A.J. Morgan Chap. * R.J. Nettleship Treas. D.J. Hughes Treas. * P.W. Adamson Scribe P.E. Taylor Scribe * S.J. Needs D.C. * M.J. Hulton D.C. * P. Bevan Alm. * R.C. Norman S.D. I.R.L. Jones Ch Stwd. * P.F. Brothers J.D. J.V. Thomas S.D. J.S. Evans A.D.C. * P. Devishand J.D. C. Evans Guardian * C.P. Jones A.D.C. * R.J. Rixon Warder * T.R. Clark Org R.J. Parsons Guardian J.I. Tombs Stewards R.A. Dicks A.J. Searles R.M. Raikes S. Williams S.G. Fidler D.J. Cashmore D. Palmer C. McCann M. Burke Warder * C.M. Herbert


1995 C. Evans, RAMGR 1985 B.R. Phillips, ProvRAMGR 1997 G.S. Gubb, ProvRAMGR 1993 N.H. Matthews, GMRAC 1999 L.J. Guttridge, RAMGR 1997 A.H. Gow, ProvRAMGR 2001 A. Taylor, ProvRAMGR 1998 P.W. Adamson, RAMGR 2006 J.P. Childs, RAMGR 2001 K.B. Ferguson, RAMGR 2007 R.C. Norman ProvRAMGR 2002 R.J. Nettleship, RAMGR 2008 G.D. Rees ProvRAMGR 2003 R. Slater, RAMGR 2009 A.J. Morgan ProvRAMGR 2007 S.J. Needs, ProvRAMGR 2010 W.J. Jones ProvRAMGR 2008 W.P. Knill ProvRAMGR 2011 R.A. Watts 2009 Dr P. Devichand ProvRAMGR 2012 P.F. Brothers ProvRAMGR 2010 P. Bevan ProvRAMGR 2013 M.J. Hulton 2011 M.J. Stayt RAMGR 2014 C.M. Herbert 2012 M.H. Williams ProvRAMGR 2015 R.J. Rixon 2013 C.P. Jones 2016 A. Morgan 2014 T.R. Clarke 2015 Y.B. Mathur 2016 R. Slater, RAMGR

Commr. 2 Brian Crescent, Porthcawl. CF36 5LE Commr. Sker House, Lon Ger Y. Llan, Pontardulais. SA4 1HJ

S.W. 23 Springfireld Avenue, Porthcawl CF36 3LB S.W. Old Police Station, Parkmill, Swaansea SA3 2BQ

J.W. 21 Birch Walk, Porthcawl CF36 5AN J.W. 14 Cwrt Y Cadno, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9TF

Treas. 116 Victoria Avenue, Porthcawl. CF36 3HA Treas. 38 Broadacre, Killay, Swansea SA2 7RU

Scribe 7 Ewenny Close, Nottage, Porthcawl. CF36 3HQ Scribe 9 Bude Haven Terrace, Norton, Swansea SA3 5PY

Alm. 44 Hall Drive, North Cornelly, Bridgend. CF33 4HR

72 CAMBRENSIS LODGE CYNON DARE LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1528 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1590 Masonic Temple Guildford Crescent, Cardiff. Masonic Temple, Canon Street, Aberdare. Second Wednesday, October and February. Fourth Wednesday, May, Third Tuesday, November and April. WARRANT 2nd APR. 1981 INSTALLATION 14th FEB. 2018 WARRANT 23rd OCT. 2003 INSTALLATION 25th MAY 2018 Number of Subscribing Members - 32 Number of Subscribing Members - 19


Invested on 8th Feb. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 24th May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * A.R. Hulbert Commr. * A.G. Frankum I.P.Commr. * P.J. Quinn I.P. Commr. * S. Waters S.W. * F.T. Holyland S.W. * D. Crowley J.W. R. Clarke J.W. M.J. Randell Chap. * J.I. Davies, CBE Chap. * M. Lloyd Treas. * D. Tucker Treas. * D.N. Parker Scribe * M.J. Lewis Scribe P. Matthews D.C. * K.H. Harries D.C. * D.W. Cotter S.D. A. Thomas S.D. * V.G. Watkins. JP J.D. B.B. Smith J.D. R.C. Murphy Asst. Scribe * P. Frost ADC * G.D. Evans A.D.C. * R.K. Powell Guardian G.A. Howells Guardian D. Barker Stewards *A.W. Oliver C.J. Perry Stewards M.J. McNiff M.L. Morgan Warder * N. Griffiths Warder * E.L. Rees


1986 S.W.J. Clarke, RAMGR 2003 D.G. Gait, RAMGR 1992 Cdr. R.K. Hopkin, RN, ProvRAMGR 2004 D.W. Cotter, RAMGR 1994 Wg.Cdr. J.I. Davies, CBE, RAMGR 2005 A.R. Thomas, RAMGR 1998 Wg.Cdr. J.I. Davies, CBE, RAMGR 2006 D. Crowley ProvRAMGR 2000 S. Evelyn, RAMGR 2007 M. Lloyd RAMGR 2001 P. Kelvin-Smith, RAMGR 2008 V.G. Watkins. JP ProvRAMGR 2002 M.J. Davidson, ProvRAMGR 2009 G.D. Evans ProvRAMGR 2003 G. Jones, OBE, ProvRAMGR 2010 A.W. Oliver ProvRAMGR 2004 D. Tucker, RAMGR 2011 D.N. Parker ProvRAMGR 2005 D.C.G. Power 2014 N. Griffiths 2006 K.H. Harries, ProvRAMGR 2015 B. Gait 2007 D. Tarling, ProvRAMGR 2016 S. Waters 2009 M.C. Bignell ProvRAMGR 2010 M.J. Lewis ProvRAMGR 2011 P. Jones ProvRAMGR 2012 M. Green ProvRAMGR 2013 E.B. Garner 2014 E.L. Rees 2015 R.K. Powell 2016 P.J. Quinn


Commr. 19 Plorin Road, North Cornelly, CF33 4PZ

S.W. 41 Heol Coed Cae, Whitchurch, Cardiff CF14 1HJ Commr. 55, Llewellyn Street, Aberdare CF44 8HU

J.W. 20 Eaton Court, Heath, Cardiff CF14 4HZ S.W. ‘Rowan’, 9 The Fairways, Aberamann, Aberdare CF44 6WX

Treas. 8 Cae’r Odyn, Dinas Powys CF64 4UF J.W. 6, Lionel Terrace, Rhydyfelin, Pontypridd CF37 5HR

Scribe 16 Triscombe Drive, Llandaff, Cardiff. CF5 2PN Treas. 18 Asbourne Court, Landare, Aberdare. CF44 8HA

Scribe 181 Ynysddu, Pontyclun CF72 9UD

73 LLYNFI VALLEY LODGE DE CYMRU LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1592 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1606 Masonic Temple, Castle Street, Maesteg. Masonic Temple, Princes Avenue, Caerphilly. First Wednesday in December. Third Saturday April and November. Masonic Temple, Forge Road, Port Talbot. Fourth Wednesday in June. WARRANT 6th MAR. 1998 INSTALLATION 18th NOV. 2017 WARRANT 14th MAY 2003 INSTALLATION 6th DEC. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members - 20 Number of Subscribing Members - 52


Invested on 19th Nov. 2016 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 7th December 2016 ® Denotes R.W.Bro.

Commr. * C. Dando Commr. R.A. Jeffery I.P.Commr. * W.J. James I.P.Commr. A.F. Thomas S.W. * D.E. Williams S.W. J. Beddoe J.W. * W. Mullins J.W. W.J.L. Groom Chap. * D.F. Court Chap. A. O’Neill Treas. * V.T. White Treas. W. Wilson Scribe * A. Williams Scribe A. Williams D.C. * L.J. Guttridge D.C. ® N.H. Matthews Alm. * V.T. White Alm. D.W. Cotter Ch.Stwd. * D.F. Court Ch.Stwd. C. Evans S.D. N. England S.D. D.G. Gait J.D * M.R. Winn J.D. J.R. Bevan Asst. Scribe * A.D.C. K.B. Ferguson A.D.C. Org. N.C.W. Liles Guardian * S.G. Evans Guardian B. Davies Warder * Dr.S.P. Howlett Stewards B.W. Hithersay P.R. Calderwood P.W. Adamson P.D.W. Edwards J.P. Childs Warder P. Frost


2002 W. Mullins, RAMGR 2003 N.H. Matthews, GMRAC 2003 D.F. Court, ProvRAMGR 2005 D.L. Lewis, OBE 2005 L.J. Guttridge, RAMGR 2012 F. Langford 2006 J. Lane, ProvRAMGR 2013 K. Pearson 2007 D.E. Williams, ProvRAMGR 2014 P.G. David 2008 A. Williams ProvRAMGR 2015 A.F. Thomas 2009 M.R. Winn ProvRAMGR 2011 V.T. White ProvRAMGR 2013 C. Dando 2014 S.G. Evans 2015 Dr S.P. Howlett 2016 W.J. James


Commr. 7 Meadow Rise, Brynna, Pontyclun. CF72 9TA Commr. 118 Glenwood, Llanedeyrn, Cardiff CF23 6UU

S.W. 27 Coity Road, Bridgend CF31 1LT S.W. 73 Gilfach Road, Tonyrefail CF39 8HH

J.W. 36 St. Mary’s Crescent, Garth, Maesteg CF34 0UX J.W. Flat 2, Geoffrey Ashe Court, Cardiff Roaad Cowbridge CF71 7EP

Treas. Tyderwen, Llangynwyd, Maesteg, CF34 0EH Treas. 34 Riverside, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF32 9DA

Scribe 36 Daphne Road, Rhiddings, Neath SA10 8DP Scribe 23 The Drive, Miskin, Pontyclun CF72 8PX

Alm. Tyderwen, Llangynwyd, Maesteg, CF34 0EH Alm. 17 Carys Close, Penarth. CF64 3RD

Ch.Stwd. 19 Yr Ysfa, Maesteg CF34 9AG Ch.Stwd. 21 Waun Sterw, Rhydyfro, Pontadawe Swansea SA8 4NF

74 SKETTY HALL LODGE BRYCHAN LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1685 ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1725 Masonic Temple, St. Helens Road, Swansea. Masonic Temple, Cerrigcochion Road, Brecon. First Wednesday, November and March. First Wednesday October,Third Wednesday March, Fourth Thursday, May. WARRANT 16th FEB. 1995 INSTALLATION 7th MAR. 2018 WARRANT 19th FEB. 1998 INSTALLATION 24th MAY 2018 Number of Subscribing Members - 26 Number of Subscribing Members - 28


Invested on 1st Mar. 2017 * Denotes W.Bro. Invested on 25th May 2017 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * G.M. Davies Commr. * G. Andrews I.P.Commr. * S.J. Francis I.P.Commr. * C.E. Thomas S.W. D.P. Jones S.W. D.R. Andrews J.W. K.J. Mitchell J.W. R.J. Ackroyd Chap. * B. Davies Chap. * J.C. Welch Treas. * J.R. Aston Treas. * H.L.G. Vaughan Scribe * M. Lloyd Scribe * G.M. Davies D.C. * D.M. Mogford D.C. * D.W. Cotter Alm. * P.J. Pattison Alm. S.D. J.S. Hancock Ch.Stwd. * G. Andrews J.D. D.M. Davies S.D. R.G. Rogers A.D.C. * P.G. Davies J.D. C.B.P. deWinton Guardian C.A.G. Hopper A.D.C. * G.C. Atkins Stewards G. Bennett L.G. Clement A.D. Jones Org. * H.R. Williams D.G. Rowbottom C.J. Harries Guardian * D.J. Davies Warder S.J. Lewis Stewards A.J. Spelman R.A. Rees Warder * J.T.J. Davies


1996 P.R. Clement, GMRAC PPGM, 1998 H. Davies, RAMGR 1997 D.M. Mogford, RAMGR 1999 A.R. Thomas, RAMGR 1998 B. Davies, RAMGR 2000 D.N. Morgan, RAMGR 2006 P.J.E. Harries, ProvRAMGR 2001 J.C. Welch, RAMGR 2007 P.J. Pattison, ProvRAMGR 2003 T.R.E. Jones, PGM 2010 A.J. Owen ProvRAMGR 2005 D.J. Morgan, ProvRAMGR 2012 S.C.E. Harries RAMGR, AsstPGM 2006 G.C. Atkins, ProvRAMGR 2013 W.J. Williams 2007 H.R. Williams, ProvRAMGR 2014 P.J. Morris 2009 D.J. Davies, ProvRAMGR 2015 P.G. Davies 2010 G.C. Atkins, ProvRAMGR 2016 S.J. Francis 2011 H.L.G. Vaughan, ProvRAMGR 2013 D.W. Cotter RAMGR 2014 G.M. Davies 2015 J.T.J. Davies 2016 C.E. Thomas



Commr. 8 Heather Rise, Jersey Marine, Neath SA10 6LJ Commr. ‘Ti Ni’ Aberdare Road, Cwmbach, Aberdare CF44 0PG

S.W. 9 Challcombe, Newton, Swansea SA3 4TN S.W. 2 Winsor Street, Trecynon, Aberdare CF44 8LL

J.W. 4 Cwrt Emily, Birchgrove, Swansea SA7 9GE J.W. 3 Ashbrooke Terrace, Charles Street, Brecon LD3 7HE

Treas. 88 Croft Street, Swansea SA1 1QD Treas. ‘Hillside’ Groesffordd, Brecon LD3 7SN

Scribe 12 The Crescent, Cwmdare, Aberdare CF44 8TN Scribe 37 The Struet, Brecon LD3 7LW

Alm. Man-yr-Afon, Heol-y-Parc, Hendy, Swansea. SA4 0XC Ch.Stwd. ‘Ti Ni’ Aberdare Road, Cwmbach, Aberdare CF44 0PG

75 TREMAINS LODGE ROYAL ARK MARINERS No.1952 Masonic Temple, Coychurch Road, Bridgend. First Friday May and Fourth Friday September (Installation) WARRANT 4th APRIL 2016 INSTALLATION 22nd SEPT. 2017 Number of Subscribing Members – 28


Invested on 23rd September 2016 * Denotes W.Bro.

Commr. * A. Hulbert I.P.Commr. * Dr A.J. Strachan S.W. R.E.W. Andrews J.W. P.E. Taylor Chap. * A. Williams Treas. * W. Wilson Scribe S. Williams, MBE D.C. * A.H. Thomas Alm. F.L. Morgan Ch.Stwd. * M.A. Jones S.D. C.Evans J.D D.J. Hughes Asst. Scribe A.D.C. * A.F. Thomas Organist * P.D.W. Edwards JP Guardian R.J. Phillips Stewards R.M. Raikes K.W. Miller *M.J. Hulton *M.J. Lewis Warder * J.D. Williams

PAST COMMANDER FOUNDERS W.Bro. J.P. Childs RAMGR W.Bro. E.G. Bolton RAMGR W.Bro. A.F. Thomas RAMGR W.Bro. A. Williams RAMGR W.Bro. P.D.W. Edwards RAMGR W.Bro. B.E. Dowling ProvRAMGR W.Bro. A. Williams ProvRAMGR W.Bro. A.H. Thomas ProvRAMGR W.Bro. M.J. Lewis ProvRAMGR W.Bro. J.D. Williams RAMGR W.Bro. M.A. Jones ProvRAMGR W.Bro. Dr A.J. Strachan


Commr. 19 Plorin Road, North Cornelly, Bridgend CF33 4PZ

S.W. 7 Cardigan Crescent, Boverton, Llantwit Major CF61 2GP

J.W. 7 Ewenny Close, Nottage, Porthcawl CF36 3HQ

Treas. 34 Riverside, Aberkenfig, Bridgend CF31 9DA

Scribe 32 Severn Road, Porthcawl CF36 3LN

Alm. 2 Brian Crescent, Porthcawl CF36 5LE

Ch.Stwd. 77 Lakin Drive, Highlight Park, Barry CF62 8AH

76 TOWNS IN WHICH MARK LODGES MEET (Please note that those Lodges with * have a Royal Ark Mariner Lodge attached)

ABERDARE 1590 ... CYNON DARE 1829 ... SWMPS (Installation)


BARRY 1043 ... BARRY*


BRIDGEND 950 ... DUNRAVEN* 1201 ... S.W.I.M.M. *(Installation) 1914 ... DEWI SANT 1952 ... TREMAINS*

CAERPHILLY 1348 ... CAERFFILI* 1670 ... PROGRESS 1606 ... DE CYMRU * (Election)





MERTHYR TYDFIL 639 ... ST TYDFIL * 1829 ... SWMPS (Election)

NEATH 1125 ... NEATH *





PORT TALBOT 1088 ... AFAN * 1606 ... DE CYMRU* (Installation)




BARRY 1043 ... BARRY



CAERPHILLY 1348 ... CAERFFILI 1606 ... DE CYMRU (Installation)




NEATH 1125 ... NEATH





PORT TALBOT 1088 ... AFAN 1606 ... DE CYMRU (Election)




Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. G.R. Hicks 8 Lilac Close, Milford Haven SA73 1DF

Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. M. Lowe 8 Lilac Close, Milford Haven SA73 1DF

Provincial Grand Secretary: W.Bro. E. Bell Derwyn Deg, Capel Isaac, Llandeilo. SA19 7AD ______


No. of Date of Lodge Warrant

116 ‘MANSEL’ Masonic Hall, Carmarthen. First Tuesday October , December, February and April. Installation First Tuesday February. 1870

256 ‘FIVE ARCHES’ Masonic Hall, Tenby. First Monday November, February and St. David’s Day. Installation St. David’s Day. 1880

297 ‘PICTON CASTLE’ Masonic Hall, Haverfordwest. Fourth Tuesday, October, November, January, February, April and May. Installation Fourth Tuesday February. 1882

729 ‘ST. BRIDES’ Masonic Hall, Milford Haven. Second Tuesday, September, November, March and May. Installation Second Tuesday November. 1921

820 ‘LLIEDI’ Masonic Temple, Llanelli. Last Monday October, February, April and Third Monday December. Installation Last Monday October. 1948

1102 ‘PENFRO’ Masonic Hall, Pembroke Dock. Second Friday October, December, February and April. Installation Second Friday April. 1948

1287 ‘LOVENTIUM’ Masonic Hall, Aberaeron. First Friday, October and February, Second Friday, December and May Installation Second Friday May. 1964

79 No. of Date of Lodge Warrant

1441 ‘TEIFI’ Masonic Hall, Cardigan. Third Monday, March, May and September. Installation Third Monday September. 1975

1535 ‘DYFED INSTALLED MARK MASTERS’, Masonic Temple, Llanelli. Second Monday December and Third Monday June. Installation Third Monday June. 1980

1674 ‘ABERYSTWYTH’ Masonic Hall, Aberystwyth. Second Tuesday, February; Second Saturday October; Second Wednesday December. Installation Second Tuesday February. 1990

1700 ‘GORLLEWIN CYMRU’ Mark Grand Officers Lodge Masonic Hall, Llanelli. First Monday November; Second Friday June, (Carmarthen). Installation First Monday November. 1992

1705 ‘CARREG WASTAD’ Masonic Hall, Fishguard. Second Monday September; First Thursday November, Second Tuesday January; Third Wednesday June. Installation Second Monday September. 1993


No. of Date of Lodge Warrant

116 ‘CORACLE’ Masonic Hall, Carmarthen. Second Wednesday October, November, January and May. Installation Second Wednesday May. 1931

256 ‘DE VALANCE’ Masonic Hall, Tenby. First Monday October, December and February; First Friday May. Installation First Friday May. 1933

297 ‘DYFED’ Masonic Hall, Haverfordwest. Second Monday, October, March and April. Installation Second Monday October. 1956

820 ‘LLIEDI’ Masonic Hall, Llanelli. Fourth Friday September, December and March. Installation Fourth Friday March. 1983

1287 ‘CEREDIGION’ Masonic Hall, Aberaeron. First Friday September and Second Tuesday March and April. Installation First Friday September. 1981

1535 ‘DE GORLLEWIN’ Dyfed Installed Commanders First Monday September and Second Friday June. Installation Second Friday June, Carmarthen. 1991



Provincial Grand Master R.W.Bro. Derek Thomas The Firs, Blackvein Road, Risca, Newport NP11 7NU

Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. David R. Powell PGSD Belle View Cottage, Belle View Lane, Upper Cwmbran. NP44 5AL

Provincial Grand Secretary W.Bro. Philip E. Sefton PAGDC 28 Carlton Road, Newport. NP19 7LA



No. of Date of Lodge Warrant

109 ‘KEYSTONE’ Masonic Hall, Newport. Second Wednesday September, November, January, March and May. Installation Second Wednesday November. 1870

185 ‘ASHLAR’ Masonic Hall, Tredegar. Fourth Thursday, October, March and May; First Thursday December. Installation Fourth Thursday October. 1875

214 ‘ST.JOHN’S Masonic Hall, Abergavenny. Third Wednesday September, October, January and February. Installation Third Wednesday October. 1877

604 ‘TYLERY’ Masonic Hall, Blackwood. Third Tuesday September, October, November, March; and Fourth Tuesday May. Installation Third Tuesday September. 1909

731 ‘CUBE STONE’ Masonic Hall, Newport. Third Tuesday September, November, February and April. Installation Third Monday February. 1921

796 TORFAEN’ Masonic Hall, Pontypool. First Wednesday October, Second Wednesday December; Fourth Wednesday January, March, and May. Installation Second Wednesday December. 1923

81 No. of Date of Lodge Warrant

1031 ‘MAIUS’ Masonic Hall, Risca. First Thursday November, January , March and May. Installation First Thursday November. 1945

1317 ‘ALBERT EDWARD’ Masonic Hall, Castleton. First Thursday October; First Friday November, February and April; Second Friday May. Installation First Thursday October. 1966

1422 ‘LLANTARNUM’ Masonic Hall, Pontypool. Third Thursday October; First Wednesday December; First Thursday February; Fourth Thursday April; Last Thursday May. Installation Last Thursday May. 1974

1436 ‘PORTWALL’ Masonic Hall, Chepstow. First Wednesday September; First Monday November, March and April; Third Monday January. Installation First Monday April. 1975

1447 ‘MONMOUTHSHIRE INSTALLED MARK MASTERS’ Masonic Hall, Pontypool. Second Friday October; Fourth Friday April. Installation Fourth Friday April. 1975

1474 ‘BEAUFORT’ Masonic Hall, Ebbw Vale. Fourth Monday January, September November and April. Installation Fourth Monday April. 1977

1478 ‘ST.MARGARET’ Masonic Hall, Blackwood. Second Wednesday January, March, May, September and November. Installation Second Wednesday May. 1977

1586 ‘WENTLOOG’ Masonic Hall, Castleton. Fourth Friday September, November, January and March. Installation Fourth Friday September. 1982

1709 ‘LADY OF THE LAMP’ Masonic Hall, Chepstow. Third Monday September; Third Tuesday March and June. Installation Third Tuesday March. 1993

1836 ‘UTRIQUE FIDELIS’ Masonic Hall, Chepstow, and elsewhere by decision of the W.M. Third Monday in May (Chepstow) and November. Installation Third Monday in November. 2003

1940 ‘LOYAL MONMOUTH’ Masonic Hall, Monmouth Second Tuesday September, November, February and April Installation Second Tuesday in April 2013


No. of Date of Lodge Warrant

109 ‘KEYSTONE’ Masonic Hall, Newport. Third Tuesday October, January, March and May. Installation Third Tuesday October. 1920

214 ‘ST.JOHN’S’ Masonic Hall, Abergavenny. Third Wednesday January, April and September; First Monday December. Installation Third Wednesday January. 2001

604 DYFFRYN’ Masonic Hall, Tredegar. Second Monday September; November, February and May. Installation First Friday May. 1970

796 ‘TORFAEN’ Masonic Hall, Pontypool. First Friday October, December, March and June. Installation First Friday March. 1980

1031 ‘MAIUS’ Masonic Hall, Risca. Last Monday October, February, First Monday June. Installation Last Monday October.

1317 ‘ALBERT EDWARD’ Masonic Hall, Castleton. Third Wednesday April; Second Wednesday June; Fourth Thursday November. Installation Fourth Thursday November. 1993

1436 ‘PORTWALL’ Masonic Hall, Chepstow. Last Monday March; Last Thursday April and September; Third Friday November. Installation Last Thursday April. 1981

1447 ‘MONMOUTHSHIRE INSTALLED COMMANDERS’ Masonic Hall, Pontypool. First Tuesday November and May. Installation First Tuesday December. 1975

1709 ‘LADY OF THE LAMP’ Masonic Hall, Chepstow. First Friday September, February and June. Installation First Friday February. 1994