Kinnaird Head Bus Information

Fraserburgh Service Number Operator Route Operation Lighthouse Stagecoach - - [67] - - - M-F, S, Bus Network 67.X67 Museum Bluebird Ellon (Park+Ride) - Ellon (Market St) [67] - Su Stagecoach Fraserburgh - - - Mintlaw - Clola - Ellon M-F, S, Q 68.X68 u e a Bluebird (Park+Ride) - Ellon (Market St) [68] - Aberdeen Su r rac ry Ter R o e Stagecoach Fraserburgh - - - Kirktown - - M-F, S, 74 a tl d s 69 a eet C Str Bluebird Su Denmark Bath eet Street Bath Street Stagecoach Peterhead - St Fergus - Kirktown - Crimond - - M-F, S w Str Ga 69A Bluebird Cairnbulg - Fraserburgh - Watermill Road t d 74 e a 2 early morning inbound journeys only re o Ma t R S d oa k R in r Stagecoach Fraserburgh - - - * M-F, S, a Bus Station 74 coni S m te ar t n a Bluebird * peak only Monday- Saturday Su M re e Terminating: e See Fraserburgh D sg t a Town Centre map rr 67.X67 68.X68 74 75 t Stagecoach Fraserburgh - Cairnbulg/Inverallochy - St Combs M-F, S, Su on reverse Ba e 75 s 251 252 253 270 271 e n Moray r Bluebird e t rd Road 272 273 452 a S G A98 College Bounds calling: e Balaclava Pier hore Stagecoach Fraserburgh Town Service: Broad St, Bus Station, Gallowhill Hill, M-F, S ts or 76 W es 69 69A 76 78 270 77 h Bluebird Road, Dennyduff Road, Broad Street

W S e 251 s ts 78 Moray H h 69A 74 78 igh Stagecoach M-F, S 74 Road S Fraserburgh Town Service: Dennyduff Road, Buchan Road, or 273 Hamilton 251 270 271 tree 77 e 69A t Town Hall Bluebird Gallowhill Road, Bus Station, Broad Street 271 Road A R 74 F 98 270 273 A o inlays Albert Bus

lber a Street Stagecoach M-F, S Walker C Fraserburgh Town Service: Broad Street, Bus Stn, Asda, d Station over St ha Han 78 Crescent H 271 t Bluebird Scalloway Park, Buchan Rd, Smiddyhill Rd, Asda, Albany Court, 251 Road a ✱ l o r l S 74 m Fraserburgh 76 l n mi ot r t ✱

74 B il e C North S te

t 77 r Stagecoach Fraserburgh Town Service: Broad Street, Tesco, Buchan Road, M-F, S r o

o Wat o t 78 School 79 n r Broad Street s a Stree e Albert Bluebird West Road, Tesco, Broad Street s d et

Street Roa

Walker S S

t Crescent t tr Fraserburgh - Tyrie* - - - Maud - M-F, S B9031 et r d re t e S e Stagecoach Albert Mid et e Terminating: 251 - Ellon 251 Viewfield t Bluebird 74 Lane 76 77 78 79 273 Road Mid St * Saturday serves: Sandhaven - Rosehearty - New Aberdour Union l Road 271 78 Gallowhil 77 Grove 76 et Stagecoach Fraserburgh - Lonmay - New Leeds - Fetterangus - Mintlaw - M-F 270 271 Stre 252 Viewfield 78 Bluebird - New Deer or via Memsie - Strichen to New Deer 271 74 Road 251 69A Union 67.X67 Frithside 74 Gallowhill Grove St Andrews t F Asda Mary Stree t Stagecoach Fraserburgh - Lonmay - New Leeds - Fetterangus - Mintlaw - Tu, F Road een i Primary 68.X68 69 Stree oad Qu n merce 253 R S Com l Gallowhill la Bluebird Old Deer - Maud - New Deer - Cuminnestown - Terminating: il U School m t A 74 252 Road ys n A 74 l be 69A i

on 270 271 o 8 Water n Barrack Fraserburgh - Memsie - Strichen - New Pitsligo - Tyrie M-F, S n d A9 76 r

t Asda 74 272 452 Stagecoach r Lane

Macrae e S H G Station S 270 Certain journeys run reverse route and also serve Banff &

w 77 t ar Seafoods r 78 S ✱ r t Brae Bluebird o r s e e b e v 78 Buchan College e Commerce


School e ou

e D t

t Street

ri 271

Commerce r v d Fraserburgh - Banff & Buchan College - Sandhaven - Rosehearty - M-F The

e R Asda a Lane Stagecoach

o Hexagon o School Police treet St 271 New Aberdour - New Pitsligo - Woodside - Macduff - Banff Victoria S a Fraserburgh d R Bluebird Station S re


Academy alto Inbound from Banff via Tyrie s


e Albany ff Road 76 77 Commerce t W nydu Court Den Lane u Stagecoach Fraserburgh - Memsie - Strichen - New Pitsligo - Woodside - M-F 251 The Hexagon n Saltoun Pl 272 74 Chapelhill nyduff Road 273 Anderson Road Den Gardens Bluebird Macduff - Banff 78 Robertson Road Fraserburgh Library a 271 Court c X68 69 74 78 Hillcrest Academy X68 69 74 76 e 270 Union Saltoun Stagecoach Fraserburgh - New Aberdour - Troup - - Macduff - X68 Union Gardens 273 S 270 271 Grove 69 Bluebird Banff 74 69 Chapelhill 252 Grove 77 252 270 271 Leisure

G Unio St

Road Queens 69A k r 74 r Centre Lochpots King a Stagecoach Fraserburgh - Memsie - Strichen - Maud - New Deer - - Tu 8 a tt 75 9 74 K A P A 76 Edward 452 Primary n a y n ing Street Bluebird - - - a 76 n 79 w School d 77 G r P

o e

l 77 r 253 Scalloway Edwar l R w 252 o la a 67.X67 Key M-F - Monday to Friday S - Saturday Su - Sunday Tu - Tuesday F - Friday Col - College Days Sch - Schooldays only oad Park s ve c Fraserburgh c 270

e S Dri 270 68.X68 78 Academy 271 473 v d 252

Scalloway e

Park S 270

Union tre Bo Fraserburgh Hospital Grove 272 West et o Union Bus fare information thby Scalloway Road Grove 452 Park West College Road 81 R Terminating: 9 d a o Lochpots Road A

o a 69 271 d Terrace Ticket type d ndra King a Alexa R o Edward calling: r R rrace Street u l a Te King l dr o X68 74 252 270 y an Edward g ex b r Al Street r A Lochpots Lochpots Alexandra a Single For a one-way journey, available on the bus. 74 Road Road Alexandra Terrace H Banff and Buchan Terrace M King 78 X68 o Edward For two trips - One outward and one return. Provides a discount on the College r Street

74 m Return cost of 2 singles. Available on the bus P FRASERBURGH o 271 76 n r 270 d o 252 77 A v W ve ost Nobl 74 Unlimited travel in a specified zone during one day. Available on most e e 252 Day tickets A ✱ Westfield s services or multi-operator (GrassHOPPER). Available on the bus. v 69 Ar t

e School St Modans n X68 Ro g St Modans u Place Rd y Cortes e a Place M l

n l d Crescent e o Unlimited travel in a specified zone for 7 days. Available on most o rm rs u e Roa o Weekly d 74 ad n nd M services or multi-operator (GrassHOPPER). Available on the bus. en o e A Bervie Road H R v v a l e S d 77 l A n i u con e o h Maconochie 76 h u h t Crimond r Place th c och Provost t o Longer term tickets Options vary so contact the operator for details. i l d Court i

Milne H W h oa oad i R P ck a Bu Cortes Drive R e so Argyll 452 Kes rb

Crescent Crimond c Road Arisai g D Witchhill Provost ns 272 R o h rive South Park Court u e o a Road Milne Children under 5 Free travel when accompanied by an adult. B e r 74 n School 270 a a Drive d

r Qu R r R d 252 76 X68 74 o a o Arisaig 76 a Argyll 77 a ad o 77 Drive Brodick P 68.X68 d C Road 79 rov R Road re os Child fares Half price travel for those aged under 16. 79 s t n 67.X67 c M e 270 ent ilne D 76 Brodick rive trich Road S Derby Maconochie Biggar 77 74 Student tickets Available on most services. Day, 4-week and 13-week tickets available. ad h Place Key Court 78 o Corbie al R l Phingask Av Drive 79 Road k en s ue Bus services operating around Fraserburgh a 69 Concessionary 1/3 off single fares for cardholders aged 16-18. Smiddyhill 270 g n Road hi 69A Travel Free travel for cardholders aged 60 and over, or eligible disabled people. B Phingask P 67.X67 W B r 75 o Road o est Beacon d o i Drive 79 th c 68.X68 X68 k R b 253 Ro o y Ro 76 Lewis a 69 78 d 270 Road ad 77 Buying your ticket 252 ad 79 d 69A 76 Cemetery tery R 77 252 Ceme Depending on how often you travel and the type of ticket you need, there are a number of different ways d 79 a Christian Lewis 270 Old 74 o Watt Drive Road B Strichen you can purchase your ticket: R uc ha Road l n

il Ro Cemetery W a 75 h 78 d n Rd

y e On the bus e ch d s i Duthie tr d a idd t S a Place 76 r o Tesco m a R Ro y n S o 69A Many tickets can be purchased directly from the driver when you board the bus, including standard single Pa rkt rk Ki ur 77 o 75 and return tickets, day passes and family saver tickets. Change given by driver.

b r 253 G Buchan a 78 ree H Road ✱ nbank B9 Online h R t 0 79 oa 452 u 253 3 d Maconochie o 3 S Buy 4-weekly or monthly (recurring) tickets for Stagecoach from their website. 272 Road 75 3 251 Greenbank 270 1 903 C 8 B 69A d rai 9 a g 252 A Travel Shops o el 252 R li ad e 79 o C by R Maconochie s Bo ir oth e cl 68.X68 Bo Road i othby e Duthie Place Stagecoach Bluebird Travel Shops located in Union Square Bus Station, Fraserburgh Bus Station and 253 b 67.X67 252 Terminating: ob Peterhead Interchange. Ro 79 270 Gr R 252 ad 270 e 67.X67 en b 271 a n k

A Planning your journey 272 v e

n u e 273 e For help planning your journey, including bus times and live departure information, contact Traveline on ra


0871 200 22 33 or visit


452 Road n 67.X67 If you would like to receive bus times direct to your mobile download the Traveline App from your

Boothby ow

t Road k 69 App store. You can also visit the Council website at for local R 252 Direction of travel obbi bus stop departure information. es R 452 1 o 8 ad 272 9 90 Kir A Bus stop A 270 Building 252 0 100 200 300 400 500 metres 1 km Bus maps and timetables 68.X68 Contains Ordnance Survey data 1 © Crown copyright 2016 0 100 200 300 400 500 yards /2 mile

Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative If you’re looking for a particular bus timetable or for the Aberdeenshire and Moray Public Transport Guide please contact Aberdeenshire Council on 01467 539525. Further information is available at or by contacting the operators directly. Contact details overleaf.

Fraserburgh_Bus_Leaflet Aug 2017.indd 1 20/07/2017 13:15 NORTH EET STR Key

Fraserburgh D Road served by bus A Town Centre ©P1ndar Bus stop TE RO Bus Stands A G S Car parking A The Buchan Link Service is RR A NO B RTH Contains Ordnance Survey data LANE © Crown copyright 2015 BICYCLE FRIENDLY Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative Fraserburgh A2B dial-a-bus Would You…? H Rural Service: Mondays – Fridays E IGH STREET • Love to ride your bike to work but think it’s too far? C 1000 - 1345 hours • Think the bus is a great way to get around but don’t want to walk or drive to the bus stop? A L Town Service: Tuesdays & Thursdays • Want to ride to your destination but ind that part of your journey is along roads that P

you don’t feel conident cycling along? E 1000 - 1430 hours N A98 I L Then why not ...... A2B dial-a-bus is a demand responsive door-to-door transport HIGH Town Hall service operating in Fraserburgh and outlying areas. The service is CARO S TAKE YOUR BIKE FOR A RIDE TREET open to people who have difficulty walking, those with other A9 disabilities and residents who do not live near a regular bus route. Aberdeenshire Council and Stagecoach Bluebird are pleased to promote the Buchan Link Service 0 between Aberdeen, Ellon, Peterhead and Fraserburgh as bicycle-friendly, allowing your bike to be Bus carried on the bus at no extra cost. Station All trips require to be pre-booked. If you would like to make use of this service simply contact Stagecoach Bluebird on the number below to book a place for your bike. Please note that due to the diferent types of buses operating Simply call our booking line 4 HANOVER STREET C on this route, you are required to provide at least 24 hours’ notice before travelling to ensure a bus 5 ROSS Broad Street to request a trip. with a suitable luggage hold is available for your journey. STREET 3 HANOVER 2 1 Contact the A2B office on: To book a place for your bike please call 01779 470077

between the following times: ST FRIENDLY Monday 09:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 19:00 CHARL R Tuesday to Friday 09:00 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 17:00 M EET 01467 535 333 Saturday 09:00 to 12:00



SC S O O E STR A Option 1 for Bookings TT H O D

E O S STREET L Option 2 for Cancellations E T R S ET E TR E T Option 3 for General Enquiries E ET


STR Note: It is your responsibility to load and unload your bike - bus drivers cannot assist you. Bicycles are transported at your own risk MID - if lost or damaged no liability is accepted by Aberdeenshire Council or Stagecoach Bluebird.

Produced by Aberdeenshire Council GDT21261 - March 2013 M C 2017 August



S Aberdeen & Grampian Tourist Board main offices are listed below E Mid Street ET E Guide Transport Public

R S Shop, 23 Union Street, Visitor Information Centre, Elgin Library, TETA90 STREET Aberdeen: Elgin: ST S MID T

C Aberdeen AB11 5BP Tel: (01224) 288 828 Elgin, Morayshire IV30 1HS H

O E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (01343) 562 608 / 562 614 O E-mail: [email protected] L : Old Royal Station, Station Square, Fraserburgh

S Ballater, Aberdeenshire AB35 5QB Inverurie: Information Centre, 18 High Street, Commerce T R Tel: (01339) 755 306 Inverurie, Aberdeenshire AB51 3XQ Street E E E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (01467) 625 800 T ST E-mail: [email protected] HSIDE : The Mews, Mar Road, Braemar, FRIT Aberdeenshire AB35 5YP Tel: (01339) 741 600 Alternatively visit: E-mail: [email protected]

We have equipped all bus stops 251 271 Fraserburgh Area 74 Pittulie Key in Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen City Rosehearty Bus services operating via Fraserburgh with QR Codes. ©P1ndar Bus Network Sandhaven 67.X67 75 271 This will allow you to look up 68.X68 251 272 271 bus times from your stop 69 252 273 251 in seconds using your Smartphone* 74 69A 253 452 DON’T 74 270 Peathill FRASERBURGH Look for symbol like this Enquiries Contains Ordnance Survey data 0 1 2 kilometres © Crown copyright 2016 at the bus stop Union Square Bus Station All Enquiries

0 1 1.5 miles Digital Cartography by Pindar Creative 0800 - 1845 (Mondays to Fridays) ...... (01224) 597 590 Percyhorner 271 273 GET LEFT 0900 - 1700 (Saturdays) ...... (01224) 212 266 69A 251 98 271 A Pitblae 75 75 Inverallochy 74 270 Just scan the QR Code, like the example Elgin Depot ...... (01343) 540 928 74 253 69A Coburty 251 below. If you have a Smartphone, hold 271 273 0900 - 1700 (Mondays to Fridays) 270 270 273 452 it over the area indicated by the symbol 251 272 74 Fraserburgh Bus Station ...... (01346) 517 000 273 To Banff 270 below and it will take you to a page 67.X67 BEHIND! 68.X68 showing the departure times from your stop. 0900 - 1630 (Mondays to Thursdays) 69 69A 74 Mid 0900 - 1600 (Fridays) Ardlaw 252 252 75 Towie 253 St Combs A 1 9 8 0 Peterhead Interchange ...... (01779) 470 077 New 9 A Aberdour Gowanhill 69A 0900 - 1900 (Mondays) 271 Boyndlie Tyrie 75 0900 - 1700 (Tuesdays to Fridays) 74 270 Memsie 270 8 251 0900 - 1200 (Saturdays) 9 271 A 74 251 Whitewell

452 272 Rathen Cairness Ladysford 270 253 68.X68 69A 252 67.X67 69 252 271 Fiddler's 270 Hillhead of Green 251 69 A Auchentumb 90

1 67.X67 8 Newburgh Craigmaud 9 A 252 98 253 A 69 452 Lonmay 253 272 69 Old 270 69A Rattray 68.X68 To receive advanced

92 252 251 A5 270 271 notiication of changes to bus 69 A9 272 0 A 69A 95 253 69 0 69A services in Aberdeenshire by To Banff 252 Crimond 271 272 New Knowhead 67.X67 Blackhill email, sign up for our free alert Pitsligo 272 270 Strichen service at 68.X68 252 270 272 452 * Requires a QR Code Reader application to be Apps/publictransportstatus/ installed on your device and for an internet Whilst every effort has been made to ensure complete accuracy of this information, The Public Trans- 452 port Unit cannot be held responsible for any problems arising from errors in, or changes to, the infor- 251 A 9 New Leeds connection to be available. 50 69 69A mation given in this guide. We would welcome notification of any errors so that they can be corrected. 1 To Peterhead This service requires information to be retrieved 8 9 Passengers are advised to check details with the relevant bus operator prior to travel. A 67.X67 To Aberdeen from the internet, as such depending on your tarriff 252 Correct at time of print July 2017. 252 To New Deer there may be a charge for the data used. 251 To New Deer/Ellon To Inverurie 452 To Aberdeen 68.X68 253 To Turriff

Fraserburgh_Bus_Leaflet Aug 2017.indd 2 20/07/2017 13:15