Compiled by Douglas Matthews

AcademicAssistance Council , American Association for the 451, 579,589, 593; periodic 484- 5. 487- 8.545 Advancement of Science , tablesand number , 308- 10, Acadcmyof Sciences, 183 316, 318- 21, 334; splittingof Amsterdam, 431 American Physical Society, 191 nucleus, 386, 394, 397, accelerators, 281, 451, 468, Amery , L . S., 469 399- 400, 402,405, 438- 9, 538, 554- 5,567,586- 8 Ames , J . S . , 171 , 181 444- 5- 46R: ER's Hale actinium, 143, 153, 184,231- 2, Anderson , C . D . , 189 , 562 - 3 , lectureson , 387- 92; in 276- 7 580 warfare, 493- 4; actinon, 153,431 Anderson , R . K . , 421 transmutation, 580- 1 Adams, FrankDawson , 207 ' Andrade , Edward N . da C . : on Austin, Herbert, Baron, 535, Adams, Walter, 485- 7 X - ray tubes , 118 ; on 557,588- 9 Admiralty, 382- 4, 454- 6, 472; gamma -rays , 127 , 288 , 340 ; Australia, 341- 2, 462 seealso Board of Inventions contrasts ER and Lenard , Austria, 231- 2, 235, 252, 258, andResearch 186 ; on accident to woman 260- 1.283 AdmiraltyResearch researcher , 264 ; at AustrianAcademy , Vienna, Laboratory, Teddington, 456 , 275 , 293 , 306 ; at 232- 5,283 Adrian, E. Dilst Baron, Royal Artillery College, 459; Avogadro's Number, 280 526- 7,532 resignsfrom Aeronautical Aeroplane, The( journal), 524 Research Committee , 460 Babbage, Charles, 73 Air Ministry, 491 antimatter , 580 Bacon, Francis, 177 Albert, PrinceConsort , 19, 59, Antonov , G . N . , 340 Badash, Lawrence, 190- 1, 208 70- 1 Apostles, The (Cambridge BakerianLecture ( Royal alchemy, 154- 5,581 society), 543, 545 Society): 1904, 195, 206; Alexander, Samuel, 225 Appleton , Sir Edward , 56 , 463 , 1920.444- 5.447. 547. 567 Allan, Samuel J., 180- 1 494 , 536 , 544 Baldwin, Stanley, 1stEarl , 14, Allen, J., 546 argon (gas) , 81 , 151, 153 4R24R~ ~1~_~20- 1_~RR ~ Allibone, TE ., 450,544- 5, Arm strong , G . E . , 243 Balfour, Andrew, 90 553- 4,557, 559, 586 Arm strong , Henry E . , 194- 5, Balfour, Arthur James, 1st alpha-particles( andradiation ): 341 , 465 , 524 Earl: andRayleigh , 80- 1, discovered, 125- 7; andgas Arrhenius , Svante August , 112, 226; relationswith ER, ionisation, 132- 3, 214- 15; 245 226- 7; address esBritish andX -products, 160- 2; and ASDIC , 352 , 372 - 3 , 375 , 384 Assoc., 226; andBoard of atomicweight , 200; as Asquith , H . H . (later Earl of Inventions, 345- 6, 356, 369, heliumatoms , 205, 208- 10, Oxford and Asquith ), 265 384, 471; setsup Committee 246,278- 9, 284- 6, 389- 90; Astakov , Georgii , 525 for Scientificand Industrial Braggon , 209- 10, 214; ER's Aston , F . W . , 83 - 4 , 326 , 407 , Research, 384; and Nobellecture on , 246; 425 - 6 , 465 , 540 , 544 universityeducation , countingand measurement Astor , John Jacob , 469 417- 19; andKapitsa affair , of, 278- 9, 282- 3, 286- 7, Athenaeum Club , London , 520 290- 1,304, 501; scattering 245 , 453 , 463 , 594 , 598 Balfour, Eleanor, 80- 1 (diffusion), 287, 290- 3, atoms : energy , 133 - 4 , 165 , Ball, Sir Robert, 98, 102- 3, 296- 7. 300- 1. 304.389- 90. 197 , 215 , 285 , 387 - 8 , 405 , 168- 9 392; andatomic structure , 468 - 9 , 493 , 573 , 582 - 4 ; Bancroft, Sir J., 492 2Q4- 7_300_304. 389. 392: as particles, 145- 6, 148- 50, Banks, Sir Joseph, 20 basicunit of matter, 299; and 162 , 196 , 246 , 277 , 286 ; ER 's Barkia, CharlesGlover , 300, H-particles, 392- 4; in Silliman lecture on , 211 - 13 ; 313 collisionwith atomnucleus , structure of , 215 , 242 , 286 - 7 , Barnes, Howard T., 132, 152, 394- 5, 398- 400, 402- 5, . 294 - 305 , 338 , 391 ; 179- 80, 187, 223,241 438- 9, 442, 558, 576- 7; Nagaoka 's work on , 242 ; Bateman, H., 289 origin of, 441- 2; Kapitsa counting of , 279 - 82 ; Baumbach, 0 ., (glassblower), studies. 501, 506; and nucleus , 294 - 6 , 298 - 9 , 301 , 284- 6 neutron, 548, 558 305 - 6 , 309 , 322 - 4 , 335 , 386 , Beattie, Robert, 268 _Amaldi, E., 574 388 - 9 , 391 , 439 - 43 , 445 - 6 , -- Beatty, David, 1stEarl , 367 Becker(Stockbroker). 247 verified by Evans, 335- 6; ER 214 - 15 , 392 ; and Ramsay , Becker . H . , 548 praises theory , 337; and 236 ; and McGill chair , 240 ; Becquerel. Henri : discovers international science, 428; holiday with ER , 261 ; Leeds uranium radiaton , 119 , 125 , ER visits, 428, 567; Nobel chair , 261 , 300 , 366 ; and

133 , 135 ; and X - rays . 124 ; Prize, 428; and electronic X - rays , 289 , 300 , 303 , and gamma - rays , 127 ; and structure of outside of atom, 313 - 16 ; friendship with ER , atomic energy , 134 ; and 450; and Jewish refuge es, 299 - 300 . 339 : and ER ' s excited radiation , 142 ; as 4RR: admires Ehrenfest- 504: theory of atomic structure , rival to ER , 147 ; and and Kapitsa's detention in 300 - 3 ; conflict with Barkia , transmutation , 156 ; Elster USSR, 513- 14; visits to ER , 300 , 313 ; and Madsen , 302 ; and Geitel cite , 157 ; opposes 536. 567: letter from Nobel Prize ( with son ) , 314 , disintegration theory , 194; Chadwick on neutron , 550; 366 ; work in Great War , 346 , ER attacks on and Gamow, 558- 9; and 364 - 7 . 369 - 72 . 374 . 3R3 . alpha-particles, 214; Nobel " liquid -drop" model of 416 ; chair at University Prize , 245 atom, 573; and " mush" College , London , 366 ; and Beilby , Sir George, 260, 346 nature of nucleus, 579, 589, naval research , 456 ; and Belgium , 481 593: on ER 's death. 599: and BBC lectures , 467 ; and Benjamin Franklin Memorial atomic bomb, 599 DSIR , 472 ; and " death ray " , Lecture , Philadelphia, 580 Boltwood , R. B .: as chemist, 474 ; and radium supply , 480 ; Beresford , Admiral Lord 187; at Yale, 189; relations and German Jewish

Charles , 345 with ER . 197: refuge es , 484 Bernal , J . 0 . , 434 , 544 , 564 - 5 correspondence with ER , Bretscher , Egon , 494 199. 20R. 231. 439: and beryllium , 548- 51 Bridge , Capt . Cyprian , RN , beta - radiation , 125 - 7 , 132 , conflict with Ramsay, 368 , 374 , 377 143 , 160 , 288 , 300 ; 302 , 310 , 199- 200. 236: and rock Brill , Dr Otto ( Austrian 337 dating, 207; and structure of Institute ) , 233 , 235 betatron , 557 atom, 213, 295; and ER's British Association for the Beveridge, Sir William (later move to Manchester, 221- 2; Advancement of Science : Baron), 469, 483 and radium " family " , 231, ER ' s first appearance at , 90 ; Bicker ton , Alexander William , 277- 8; and radium standard, 1896 annual meeting , 98 - 9 , 43 - 6 , 58 252- 3, 256- 7; pro-German 115 ; 1903 ( Southport ) " Big Science" , 190- 3, 208, attitude , 252, 344- 5; enjoys meeting , 195 ; 1908 ( Dublin ) , 24R . 507 . 555 ER 's hospitality , 266: I!'R 199 ; 1907 ( Leicester ) , 277 - 9 ; Bjerknes, Y ., 99 meets in Great War , 381; on 1909 ( Winnipeg ) , 292 ; 1913 Blackett , P . M . S . , 440 , 448 , Einstein. 434: and ER 's ( Birmingham ) , 334 ; 1914 489 - 90 . 544 . 556 . 563 . 587 chemical problems, isuicide ( Australia ) , 341 - 2 , 489 ; 1915 Board of Inventions and , 465 ( Manchester ) , 343 ; 1919 Research( BIR ), 345- 6, 348, Boltz , C. H ., 65, 169 ( Bournemouth ) , 431 ; 1923 350 - 1 , 355 - 6 , 358 - 9 , 361 , Bond, J. H . C., 38 ( Liverpool ) , 432 , 440 , 450 ; 365 - 6 , 370 - 1 , 375 , 377 - 8 , Born , Max , 303, 400, 443, 1924 ( Toronto ) . 474 : 1926 3Rl - 2 . 3R4 - 5 . 406 . 454 . 492 : 486- 7, 566 ( Oxford ) , 463 ;' 1937 ( ) , and cooperation with Bothe, W., 548 596 French , 368 Bovey, Henry T ., 131, 135, British Broadcasting Bohr , Harold , 327 172. 222 Corporation , 466 - 71

Bohr , Niels : and electron Bowden, Vivian (now Lord ), British Radio Telegraphy and 5,5,- 6 theory , 211 , 328- 34 , 337 , Telephone Company , 202 578 ; achievements , 214 ; Boyle, Andrew : The Climate of Broad , C . E . 34 , 37 - 8 describes ER 's home , 224 ; at Treason, 543 Broca , Prof A . , 363 Manchester , 230 , 275 , 307 , Boyle, Robert , 103- 4, 601 Broca tubes , 351 , 353 - 4 , 358 , 326 - 7 . 333 - 4 : ER Boyle , R. W., 188, 240, 374- 6, 360 - 3 entertains, 266; applies 566 Broek , A . van den . 309 - 10 , 324 quantum theory , 28O, 309, Boyle Lectures, Oxford , 574 Broglie , Maurice , Duc de , 303 , 324 , 329 - 34 , 39O , 392 ; and Boys, Vernon , 98 315 , 368 , 443 - 5 , 578 structure of atom , 289 , 306 , Bragg, Alice , Lady, 228 Bromley , L . C . , 508 327 - 35 , 337 - 8 , 390 ; and Bragg, Sir Lawrence: marriage, Bronson - H - E __ 1R1 atomic number , 310 , 316 , 228; Manchester chair, 228; Brooks , Harriet ( later Pitcher ) , 321; and complementarity , and X-rays, 289, 314- 15; and 152 , 180 , 183 , 164 315, 443; and Moseley, 318; ER 's theory of atomic Brown , S . G . , 354 character , 324 ; career , structure, 300; Nobel Prize Browning , Oscar , 103 - 4 324- 5; working mcthod , 327; (with father), 314, 366; Buccleuch , John Scott , 7th and alpha-particle relations with ER , 339; on J. Duke of - 350 absorption , 327- 9; relations J. Thomson, 407; and Buchan , John , 1st Baron with ER , 328 - 9 , 332 - 4 , gunnery sound ranging, 459; Tweedsmuir , 470 428 - 9 . 464 . 567 . 589 : and Bernal, 566 Buchanan , Edgar S . . 48 marriage, 329; trilogy of Bragg, Sir William H .: on Buckeridge , Miss ( governess ) . papers , 330 - 5 ; theories alpha-particles, 209- 10, 31 627 Bukharin , N . 1. , 509 , 514 , 523 cathode rays , 108 - 10 , 112 - 13 , disintegration papers, 439, Bullitt , William Christian , 525 144 , 160 461 ; and nucleus of atom , Bumstead , H . A . : at Yale , 189 ; causality , 593- 5 442; and shape of and structure of atom , 213 ; Cavendish, Henry , 77, 81 alpha-particles, 443; correspondence with ER , Cavendish Laboratory , discovers neutron , 444 - 6 , 244 , 286 ; on Curies . 256 ; and Cambridge: founded (1871), 497 , 546 - 51 , 563 ; writes in ER ' s Manchester work , 286 ; 19 , 69 - 70 , 73 - 5 ; Clerk ER ' s lab . notebooks , 447 ; on on ER in Great War , 345 ; Maxwell and . 20 . 74 - 8 : ER ER 's declining interest in ER meet ~ in I JSA 1Rl : arrives at , 62 - 4 , 69 , 85 - 6 ; research , 449 , 499 ; checks Scientific Attache in London , under Rayleigh, 78- 80; Petersson's Vienna findings, 456 apparatus , 79- 80 ; under 461 - 2 ; and atomic warfare , Butler , Montagu, 406 Thomson , 82 - 5 , 190 , 494; marriage, 497; and Butler , Nicholas Murray , 240 407 - 10 ; extensions and Kapitsa , 501 ; and Cavendish expansion, 84- 5, 221, Laboratory , 546 ; Nobel Cahan , S . B . , 516 , 522 , 534 - 5 , 416- 17; history of . 96 . 565 , Prize, 549; and accelerating 530 _ 533 586 - 7 ; and X - rays , 110 ; electrons , 553 ; uses electrical Calder. Ritchie (later Baron experimental counters, 556; and building Ritchie -Calder ) , 572- 4 model-building , 213; of cyclotron , 557 , 585- 6; Callendar , Hugh L .: and Rayleigh's grant to, 221; and contributes to Radiations measurement of heat , 132 ; at Radium Institute , 232 ; from Radioactive Substances, McGiIl , 132 , 167 , 170 - 1 , finances and funds , 407 - 8 , 575 - 6 ; leaves Cavendish , 175 , 177 - 9 : 187 ; ER 420 - 5 . 427 . 472 - 3 . 587 - 9 : 585 - 7 ; and Cavendish funds , succeeds at McGill , 174 , ER appointed to chair, 588 ; and Bohr ' s " mush " 177- 80, 223; quits London 408- 14; ER reorganisesand theory, 589; " The Existence chair, 217; at Imperial directs , 415 - 17 . 421 - 5 . of a neutron " , 551 College, 229 427 - 8 . 438 . 590 : and Chamberlain , Sir Austen , Cambridge: ER first settles in, development of radar, 417, 484 - 5 63- 7; described by ER , 66; 423 ; Chadwick made Chantry Cottage, Chute, 542 Newnham Cottage home in, Assistant Director , 427 , 438 , Chemical Society, 235. 578; 413 - 14 , 539 ; life in , 539 - 41 ; 472; large machines Journal , 162 . 194 ; spies in, 543 introduced , 449 - 50 ; 472 , Transactions , 153 , 158 Cambridge Philosophical . 554 - 7 , 585 - 9 ; and naval Church ill , (Sir) Winston , 345, Societ V , 119 scientists , 455 - 6 ; wartime 434 , 490 , 503 , 599 Cambridge University : role , 493- 4; Kapitsa on Chute, Hampshire. 542 reforms , 19, 70- 1; early magnetic lab . at , 509- 10; Citrine . Sir Walter (later opposition to ER , 67- 9, 105; Austin 's gift to , 535, 557, Baron), 469 physics at, 70- 9; as 587 - 8 ; 1930 's achievements , Clarendon Laboratory , international provider of 538 . 545 - 6 . 551 - 3 . 563 : Oxford , 434 - 5 science, 85; and practical described, 538- 9; left-wing Clark , Ronald , 493 application of researchwork , views at , 543 - 4 ; initiates Cliffe , C . A . , 470 96 ; Natural Science Club , 91 , techniques and equipment, Clifton , R . B , 434 105 ; clubs , 105 - 6 ; awards 555- 6; crystallography unit , cloud chambers , 396 , 407 . 426 , BA researchdegree to ER , 565 - 6 448 , 506 , 556 , 562 - 3 123 ; and ER 's move to Cavendish Physical Society, 88, coal research , 475 - 6 McGill , 169 - 70 ; post -war 97 , 122 , 591 Cochran. (Sir) C. B., 469 student expansion , 406 , Celyn, North Wales, 542 Cockcroft , Sir John Douglas: 418- 20; and PhD degree, Chadwick , Sir James : describes urges ER to build cyclotron , 417 - 20 , 425 ; Board of ER , 14, 427; and publication 193 ; smashes atom , 230 , 444 , Research Studies , 419 - 20 ; of ER ' s papers , 94 - 5 , 278 ; 468 , 563 , 573 ; accelerator . political activities at, 543- 5 obituary of ER , 127; urges 281 , 554 - 5 , 586 , 588 ; and Cambridge University Reporter, ER to build cyclotron , 193; atomic physics, 423; and 532 and Radium Institute , 232 ; nuclear warfare , 494 ; Cameron , J . , 512 - 13 on Manchester research expenses , 507 - 8 ; and Campbell, Sir Malcolm , 577 team , 275 . 421 - 2 ; on Kapitsa, 508, 512. 521, 530, Campbell, N . Rim , 301 Marsdcn , 293 ; wartime 532 , 537 , 561 , 554 ; and Campbell, Mrs Patrick, 204 internment 141411 : on FR Cotton 's electromagnets , Canada , 125 , 130 , 172 - 3 , and Cavendish finances and 532 ; transfers Kapitsa 's 189 - 90 , 203 - 4 ; see also policy . 421 - 5 . 427 ; equipment to USSR , 535 ; McGill University background and early career, and ER 's death , 537 , 599 ; cancer : radium treatment of , 421 - 2 , 544 ; relations with background , 544 ; works in ? 17 - R ER , 421 - 2 , 424 , 445 , 497 . USSR , 545 ; achieves Canterbury College, 542 . 586- 7 ; at Cambridge , disintegration and Christ church . New Zealand . 422- 3 ; and atomic physics , transmutation of element , 19 - 22 . 38 - 48 . 51 423 ; as Assistant Director of 553 - 4 , 559 - 63 , 567 , 577 ; and Carnot . Nicolas Leonard Sadi . 178 Cavendish . 427 . 438 . 472 : ER 's acceptance of Cassel, Sir Ernest, 260- 1 collaborates on innovations , 556 ; and 628 scatter , 310 , 327 - 8 , 398 , 442 ; building of cyclotron , 557 , on commercial application of

586 - 9 ; tours USA , 564 , 586 , ER ' s work , 111 ; elected to on Moseley, 312- 13, 315;

588 ; on fund - raising for Royal Society , 239- 40 ; and working method , 327

Cavendish , 588 ; and nuclear atomic structure , 295 , 298 , Davies , Griffith , 487 Davies , Walford , 470 power , 599 300 - 2 ; on ER and new Dawson of Penn , Bertrand , lst Colenso , William , 20 physics, 407; history of

Colladon , J . D . , 350 Cavendish , 565 , 586 ; and Baron , 481 - 2

Columbia University , New Bernal , 565 - 6 Debierne , A . , 143 , 253 , 259 , 377 York , 240 Curie , Irene see Joliot - Curie ,

Committee for Scientific and Irene Debye , P. J. W ., 515 ,

Industrial Research see Curie , J . , 373 Dee, Philip , 551- 2, 560- 1

Department of Scientific and Curie , Marie : relations with Defence , Ministry of , 493 de la Mare . Walter . 467 Industrial Research ER , 14 , 46 , 213 , 254 - 60 ,

Compton , Karl T . , 345 263 - 4 , 431 , 454 ; work on Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR ; Compton effect , 549 - 50 radium , 133 - 4 , 142 - 3 , 210 ,

CondonE . , 559 , 577 256 ; and excited radiation , formerly Committee for Scientific and Industrial Congres International de 142; and pitchblende, 142- 3;

Radiologie et d ' Electricite , fame , 146 ; as rival , 147 ; Research ) : Balfour founds ,

Brussels , 250 - - 3 , 257 , 259 Elster and Geitel cite , 157 ; 384 , 471 - 2 ; and Cavendish funds , 420 - 1 , 427 , 438 , 507 , Congress of Radiology , on radioactive energy , 165 ;

Vienna , 1915 , 264 and Bragg , 209 ; King meets , 546, 588; and sciencepolicy ,

Conseil Scientifique 244; correspondencewith 438 ; and defence research ,

International , 263 ER , 252 , 263 ; and radium 456; objectives and

Constable ( Cavendish student ) , standard , 252 - 4 , 257 - 60 ; development, 471- 2, 475; FR :lnd - 471 - 3 . 475 - 81 : 547 ill - health , 254 , 257 , 259 ;

Cook family ( Cambridge ) , doctorate , 254 ; affair with replaced by research 539 - 40 Langevin, 258- 9; Nobel councils , 473 ; and research

Cook , Charles Henry Herbert , Price , 259 ; at Solvay associations , 476 - 9 ; and

41 - 3 , 47 Conference , 262 ; and radium supply , 480 - 2 ; and

Cook , Capt . James , 15 - 16 , 20 international research funds , Kapitsa, 507- 8, 510, 531- 2

Cooke , Lester , 184 263 - 4 , 431 ; and atomic de Renzi, Eileen (" Bay" ), weights , 263 , 322 ; at 1913 540 - 1 Coolidge , WilliamD . , 553

Coolidge tubes , 404 British Association meeting, deuterons , deuterium , 567 - 9 , 571 - 2 , 582 Copenhagen , 428 334 ; ER meets in Grcat War , ne V()n ~_Sam _590 - 3 cosmic rays , 577 . 377; gift of radium from US Cotton . Aime . 532 women , 427 ; and Institut Devonshire , William

Coutts Trotter Scholarships , International de Physique, Cavendish , 7th Duke of ,

101 - 2 , 170 430- 1; organises 1921Solvay 73 - 4 , 77 , 79

Cowies , J . A . , 38 Conference , 433 ; Treatise on Dewar , Sir James , 199

Cox , John : supports ER at Radioactivity , 256 Dirac , P . A . M . , 515 , 527 - 8 , 532 . 545 . 562 . 578 . 590 , 592 McGill , 151 , 155 , 175 , 177 , Curie , Pierre ; work on radium ,

179 - 81 , 222 ; and ER ' s 133 - 4 , 143 ; and excited direction-finding

appointment , 167 - 8 , 170 , radiation , 142 ; difficulties , (antisubmarine ) , 363- 4, 370 - 1 172 ; and McGill physics , 187 ; 143 ; as rival , 147 ; on

retires , 188 ; and Arm strong , radioactive energy , 165 ; and disintegration theory , 132, 243 disintegration theory , 194; 161 - 5 , 194 - 9 , 205 , 255 - 6 ,

Craig , C . A . , 38 relations with ER , 213 , 256 ; 320

Creswell , John , 383 death , 254 , 256 ; and Dixon , Harold Baily , 228- 9 DNA . 75 . 213 Crewe , R . O . A . piezoelectric effect, 373 Dolbear , 201 Crewe - Milnes , 1st Marquess cyclotron , 189, 193, 424, 468,

of , 467 557 , 578 , 585 - 7 Dorn , E . , 143

. Crookes , Sir William : separates Dunhill , Sir Thomas , 598 - 9

uranium - X , 143 , 151 , 153 ; Dainton , Sir Frederick , 564 , Dunlop Company, 477

and active uranium , 156 ; and 573 Dunn Laboratory , Cambridge, 420 transmutation , 158 , 162 ; and Dale , Sir Henry , 49 , 59 , 69 , 91 ,

disintegration theory , 194 ; 105 , 110 - 11 , 169 - 70 , 515

and alpha - particles , 278 ; on Dalton , John , 145 , 149 , 286

isotopes , 321 ; and atomic Dandy , Arthur , 40 earth : age of , 205 - 7

number , 322 ; in Great War , Darwin , Charles , 18 , 20 echo-sounding, 356 346 Darwin , Sir Charles Galton : Eddington , Sir Arthur , 431 ,

Crowe , G . R . , 569 Manchester Readership, 230, 587 , 592 , 594

Crowther , J . G . : on ER ' s first 275 ; and theory of spectra , Eden , Anthony (later 1st Earl

research , 50 ; on Thomson ' s 289 , 314 - 15 ; and ER 's of Avon ) . 520 - 1

relations with ER , 65 , 68 ; on theory of atomic structure , University , 147

expansion of Cavendish , 84 ; 295 - 7 , 309 - 10 , 392 , 394 , Edison , Thomas , 381

on science at Cambridge , 85 ; 442; and alpha-particle Edward VII , King , 260 629 Ehrenfest , Paul , 504 E R 'ssmoking , 123 ; and Fowler , A . , 331 , 390 Ehrlich , Paul , 247 gamma-rays, 127; and dating Fowler , Eileen (nee Einstein , Albert : discoveries , of ER ' s letters , 128 ; on ER 's Rutherford ; ER 's daughter): 83n , 198 ; relations with ER , lecturing , 177; works with birth , 142 , 147 , 204 ; 214 , 248 , 433 ; and ER , 184 , 186 , 188 ; on ER ' s childhood , 228; family life , Weizmann , 225- 6; special professional confidence, 191; 266; and father's knighthood , theory of relativity , 230, 262, and ER 's mortgage , 204 ; on 340; marriage, 449, 497; 311 , 431 - 2 , 562 , 577 , 594 ; at ER at Manchester , 228 ; and death , 449 ; relations with 1st Solvay Conference, G . E . Arm strong , 243 ; and father, 496- 7; life-style, 539 261 - 2 , 433 ; and Planck on ER 's Nobel Prize , 249 ; and Fowler , Peter , 464 radiation , 330 , 333 ; radium standard , 253 ; on Fowler, Sir Ralph Howard : welcomes Bohr ' s theories , Curies , 256 ; on ER and marries Eileen , 449 , 497 ; and 336 ; ER meets , 428 , 431 ; Moseley, 318; relations with Lindemann , 490 ; and atomic Fokker and , 431 ; reputation , ER , 339 ; wartime service , warfare, 494; and Kapitsa's 432- 3, 600; and 1921Solvay 369 ; and ER in Great War , equipment, 532; and Conference , 433 ; political 373 , 377 ; and reform of defence, 536; Lady views, 433- 5; resignsBerlin National Physical Rutherford disapproves of , post , 483 ; and Jewish Laboratory , 465; invites ER 539; plays golf with ER , 540; refuge es, 483- 4; admires to broadcast . 467 ; on ER ' s and theoretical ohvsics . 590 : Ehrenfest , 504 ; denies social application of science , at Cavendish Physical indeterminacy, 594; and 585 ; and ER 's death , 598 Society, 592 atomic bomb , 599 Evelyn, John, 601 France , 367 - 8 , 372 , 374 , electrical counter . 555 - 6 570 Everett . E . . 112 . 11 & 377 - 80 Electrician, The (journal ), 198, exponential function (" e" ) , Franklin Institute , 451 202 - 3 139 - 40 , 159 , 248 Free Cancer Hospital , London , elcctricity , 108- 9, 144- 5 238 electromagnetic waves, 87- 97, Fabry, M . P. A . C., 381 Frisch , Otto , 583 107 , 109 Fajans, Kasimir , 275, 319, 320, Fullerton , Capt. Eo, 455 electrometer , 116 - 18 400 electron : Thomson discovers , Faraday, Michael , 51- 2, 70, 83 , 116 , 119 , 129 , 134 , 108 Galvani, Luigi , 599 144 - 5 , 186 , 388 ; in structure Farr, Clinton Coleridge, 48- 9, gamma - radiation , 126 - 7 , 288 , of atom , 211 - 13 , 323 - 4 , 182 . 567 300 , 311 , 340 , 549 , 550 388- 91, 442, 578- 9; charge Feather , Norman : on Gamow, G.: particles theory, measured , 280 , 287 ; Bohr 's Bickerton ' s calculations , 44 ; 230 . 281 . 558 - 9 . 567 . 576 : theory of , 211 , 328- 34 , 337 , on ER ' s first research , 50 - 2 ; and Kapitsa's detention in 578 ; deformation and on ER ' s papers . 276 : on ER USSR . 513 . 516 . 526 : quantum theory . 400 ; and alpha-particle scattering, correspondencewith ER , no " itive ~ RO 293 . 297 : and Bohr 's model - 566 ; and atomic bomb , 600 elements : tables of , 308 - 9 , 335; and technological gas , gases : rare , 81 , 143 - 4 , 316 - 31R - 19 - 334 - 57R : and inadequacy, 443; relations 395- 6; electrification by isotopes, 320; evolution of , with ER , 497 ; sends radon Xrays . 94 . 108 - 11 . 113 - 14 . 390 - 1 tubes from Baltimore , 116 ; and ionisation , 112 - 14 , Eliot -Smith , Sir Grafton , 547 - 8 ; and neutron , 549 , 117 .-119 - 21 . 125 -. 131 - 2 ., 551 - 2 . 582 : leaves 105 - 6 . 225 , 264 136 - 8 ; emanation as , 153 , Ellis , CharlesD . , 422 , 440 , 442 , Cavendish , 587 395 448 , 575 , 587 Fermi , Enrico , 493 , 566 , Gates, Fanny Cook , 183 Elster , Julius , 157 573 - 4 , 582 - 3 , 600 Geddes , Sir Eric , 382 " emanation " , 137 - 41 , 143 , Fessenden , R . A . , 349 - 50 , 355 , Geiger, Hans: and ER in 151 - 4 . 159 . 163 . 195 373 - 4 , 378 - 9 Manchester , 266 - 8 , 270 , Empire Marketing Board , 478 Fisher , H . A . L . , 419 , 467 272 . 274 - 5 . 27R - RO: 3ncf energy , 197 Fisher - Admiral John atom-counting , 278- 84, 286, Erskine , J . A . , 48 , 53 , 61 Arbuthnot , 1st Baron , 290 . 292 . 294 . 296 : counter - Erskine Murray , J . see Murray , 345 - 7 . 356 . 369 -. 3R2 283, 430, 556; work praised, J . Erskine Fitzroy , Admiral Robert , IS 286 - 7 : and ER ' s atomic ether, the (aether), 96- 7, Fleck , Alexander , 1st Baron , structure theory , 289 , 295- 6, 579 - 80 130 29R . 303 _304 - 6 : and Evans , E . J . , 288 , 331 , 334 - 6 , Fleming, Sir Alexander , 600 alpha-ray scattering, 298, 390 Fleming, Sir Arthur , 553 300 . 304 - 6 . 390 . 392 : move ~ Eve, A . S.: biography of ER , Fletcher, Sir Walter Morley , to Berlin , 305 ; and Bohr , 40, 47, 373; and E R'searly 480 - 2 327 ; in Great War , 341 , 344 ; life in Cambridge, 67; on Florance , D . C . , 241 , 288 , helps Chadwick during 343 - 4 ER ' s work on radio -waves , detention , 422 ; post - war 90 ; on ER at British Fokker , A . 0 . , 431 relations with ER , 429 - 30 Association , 98 ; and ER on Ford , W . J . , 34 - 5 , 37 Geissler , Heinrich , 108 radioactivity , 119, 128; and Forman , Paul , 595 Geitel , Hans , 157 , 253 630 GeneralAdvisory Council , Harty , Sir William Ha milton , hydrophoncs , 349 , 351 , 354 ,

BBC. 469- 71 367 357 , 363 , 365 , 368 , 374 GeorgeV . King, 265 Hartley , Sir Harold , 492

Germany, 483- 8 Harwich : Parkeston Quay, 369, Imperial College , London , 229

Gerrard, H., 358- 60, 364- 5, 374 - 6 . 382 . 455 India , 596 - 8 370- 1 Havelock , New Zealand , Inskip , Sir Thomas , 491 - 2 Gibson, C. S.. 485 29 - 31 Institut International de Gill, Eric, 500 HawkcraigExpetimental Physique , 430 Gladstone. WE .. 19 Establishment, , Institution of Mechanical Glasson, J. L., 547 349-50,357-60,365,367, Engineers . 577 Glazebrook, R. T., 77, 82- 3, 369-70,372-3 International Physics 169,260- 1, 344 Haworth, Mary, 271 Conference - 1934 - 563 Godlewski, Tadeusz, 183, 222, Hayies, W. H., 130,538 International Physics Institute , 344 Headlam, A. C., 219 263 Gollancz, Israel, 467 Heath, SirFrank , 438, 465, 473 loffe , A . , 496 , 503 , 514 - 16 Goodlett, Brian L., 554 Hcctor, James, 21 ionium , 231 , 277 - 8 GottingenUniversity , 176 HeidelbergUniversity , 186 ions , ionisation : nature of , 110 , Gray, A., 60 Heidra(drifter ), 360, 362, 369 112 - 14 ; of gases , 112 - 14 , GreatExhibition , London, Heisenberg, W., 303, 392,578, 117 , 119 - 21 , 125 , 131 - 2 , 1851, 19; Scholarship, 59-62, 591,593 136 - 8 , 426 ; study of , 116 - 17 ; 69,85,101,119 hclium, 164, 189, 195, 199; ER on mathematics of , 129 ; Gregory,Sir Richard,488, 523, 598 alpha-particlesas, 205 , and alpha - rays , 132 , 278 - 9 ; Grey, SirEdward (later 208-10,246,278-9,284-5; and excited radiation , 142 ; Viscount Grey of Fallodon), andrare light gases , 396 and cloud chamber , 426 ; and 250 helium3, 447 gamma - rays , 549 Grier . Arthur G . . 180 - 1 Hclmholtz, HermannL. F. isotopes , 163 , 197 , 320 - 1 , 324 , Griffiths , E . T . , 169 , 171 von,74 327 , 342 Groves , Gen . L . R . , 599 Henderson, Arthur, 471 Gurney, R. W ., 559, 577 Henderson, W. C. Craig, 96 Jackson , Sir Henry , 474 Henry, Joseph, 60, 92, 96 Japan , 241 - 2 H-particles, 390, 392- 8, 400- 2, Henry Sidgwick Memorial Jeans , Sir James , 262 , 334 , 404 - 5 . 438 - 9 . 447 Lectures , 573 - 4 , 581 432 - 4 , 467 , 594 , 597 - 8

Haast , Julius von , 21 Hertz , H . R . , 50 , 56 - 7 , 84 , Jeffries , Caroline ( nee

Hahn , Otto : with ER at 109 , 113 , 144 , 486 Shuttle worth , then

McGill , 183 - 5 , 187 ; and Hertz , Miss M . , 486 Thompson ) , 17 - 18

radio chemistry, 197, 242; Hess , Victor Francis , 344 Jeffries , William , 18 and thorium , 198 , 282 , 321 ; Hevesy, George von: at Jellicoe , John Rushworth , 1st in Ramsay 's lab . , 199 ; on Manchester , 275 , 310 ; and Earl . 367 . 384

alpha-particles, 210; Bohr , 327 , 330 , 336 , 429 ; and Jenkins on , SH . , 44

relations and correspondence ER's knighthood , 340; Jews : persecution of , 483 - 8 , with ER , 213 , 231 , 242 , 252 ; post -war relations with ER , 543 and radium " family " , 231 , 429; persecuted as Jew, 483; Johnson , Samuel , 494 242- 3, 277 ; and Ramsay 's on losing assistants, 587; and Joliot , Frederic , 538 , 548 , 563 , emanation theory, 236; ER's political views, 596 573

career , 242 ; ER visits , 247 ; Hicks , W . M . , 77 Joliot - Curie , Irene , 538 , 548 - 9 , and radium standard , 252 - 3 ; Hight , James , 48 551

on Regener 's scintillation Hill , A . V . , 488 , 490 Joliot - Curie Laboratory , Paris ,

experiments, 282; and atomic Hitier , Adolf , 483 - 4 , 503 424 , 538 - 9

number , 322 ; and ER ' s Hobson , E . W . , 418 Joly , J . , 239 Hoch " tetter - F - von - 21 knighthood , 340; post-war Joule , J . P . , 178

relations with ER , 430 ; and Holland , Sir Reginald Sothern, Joynt , J . W . , 36 - 7 , 41 372 . 3R2 - 4 . 454 uranium fission , 583 Jutland , Battle of ( 1916 ) , 369 Haldane , Richard Burdon , Hooker , Sir Joseph Dalton , 20

Viscount , 418 Hooker , Sir William , 20 Kamenev , L . B . , 508 - 9 , 523 .

Hale, George Ellery , 432, Hoover , Herbert , 380 Kapitsa , Anna ( Mrs Peter ) , 456 - 8c Hopkins , Sir Frederick 511 , 516 - 18 , 521 - 2 , 526 - 9 , Hale . W . E . . 344 . 380 - 1 Gowland , 420 , 484 , 515 , 523 , ~ 12 _ ~ 14 - ( )

Hale lectures, Washington, 545 Kapitsa , Peter L . : equipment 341 - 3R7 - 390 Hopkinson , Alfred , 52- 3, 222 transferred to USSR . 193 .

Halifax , Edward F. Lindley Hopkinson , Bertram , 346 529 - 35 ; work at Cavendish ,

Wood , 1st Earl of , 485 Houtermans . F . G . . 486 440 , 496 , 499 - 502 , 506 ,

Hall , Commodore , 383 Humphry , Sir George , 103- 4 509 - 10 , 545 ; and large

Hallwachs , W . L . F . , 253 Hutton - Frederick W _- 21 machines , 449 , 472 - 4 ,

Hankey , Sir Maurice (later Hutton , Robert Salmon , 268 504 - 7 , 532 , 554 - 5 ; ER

Baron ) , 493 - 4 Huygcns, Christiaan, 303 supports , 489 , 497 , 506 - 7 ; Harper 's (magazine), 191, 207 hydrogen, heavy, 567- 9 relations with ER , 496 - 507 , 631 Kapitsa. Peter L . - cont. ER meetsin War, 377, 385 Lorentz , Hans : on 533 : character . 497 . 528 : Langmuir, Irying, 427, 456- 7 electromagnetic mass, 146; describes ER 's intuition and Lantsberry, WalterC ., 239 relations with ER , 214 , 248 , mind . 49R . 5 ()()- 502 - 5 : Larmor, Sir Joseph: on 430 - 1 , 454 ; Nobel Prize , Cambridge scholarship, 506; electromagneticmass , 146; 245; presides at 1st Solvay and DSIR , 507 - 8 , 588 ; andER 's nominationfor Conference , 261 ; and revisits USSR , 508 - 9 . 511 ; RoyalSociety , 194; accepts research funds , 263 ; and proposes and directs Mond ER's disintegrationtheory , transformation , 311 ; at 1913 Laboratory , 509- 11, 588; 194- 5; andactinium supply , British Association meeting, and low - temperature 231; andCrowther 's election 334 ; on German scientists in physics , 510 , 529 ; detained in to RoyalSociety , 239; and War, 345; sendspupils to USSR , 511 - 12 , 514 - 29 ; ER's battlewith Manchester , 431 ; organises writes to ER . 533 -. ~ in :. government, 251; at Solvay 1921Solvay Conference, resigns from Mond . 534 ; and Conference, 262; on ER and 433 ; death , 465 ER 's death , 537 ; and science Planck, 280; at 1913British Lothian , Philip Kerr , 11th in IJSSR - ~Q7 : Associationmeeting , 334; Marquess of , 469 " Recollections of Lord andscientists in GreatWar , Lydall , 52 Rutherford " , 500 346; andER 's appointment Lyttelton , George William , 4th Kapitsa Club, Cambridge, 497, to Cavendish, 408- 13, 421; Baron , 44 538 , 551 , 559 , 563 LadyRutherford on , 413 Kay , William , 386 , 399 , 401- 2, Laski, Harold, 225, 521 404 Laski, Nathan, 225 McAllister , Donald , 105 , 168 Kaye, G. W. C., 261 Last News, 516 MacBride . A . E . , 172 Keane , M . C . , 43 La Trobe, W. S., 106, 182 McClelland , J . A . , 88 , 90 , 116 Kelly , Dr ., 239 Laue, M. von, 314 McClung , R. K ., 131, 180, 182. Kelly , W . J ., 37 Laurman, 527, 529, 531, 533 214 Kclvin ..William Thomson, Lawrence, Ernest0 .: develops McCormick , WilliamS . , 475 Baron . 70 , 72 , 74 , 82 , 95 - 6 , cyclotron, 189, 424, 468, 538, Mac Donald , J. Ramsay , 265 194 - 7 . 206 - 7 _211 - 12 563. 578. 585- 6. 588: Mac Donald . Sir William , 162 , Kharkov : PhysicoTechnical correspondencewith ER, 166 , 172 - 7 . 186 - 8 , 222 Institute , 508 - 9 566- 7; visitsto Germany, Mac Donald PhysicsBuilding . Khrushch ~ v . Nikita . 519 596 Montreal , 130 - 2 , 147 , 162 , Kikuchi . Baron . 241 Leacock, Stephen, 190 166- 7, J 79- 80 . 187. 189- 90, King , Louis L . V ., 243- 4, 355, lead: asfinal productof 217 377 radioactivefamilies , 342 McEachen , C . J . , 38 King's College, Cambridge, 66, Lechicn, G. L., 481 McGill Physical Society, 102 - 3 Lcigh, AugustusAusten , 103 148 - 51 , 154 - 5 , 163 King's College, London , Leipunski, A., 521 McGill University , Montreal : 217 - 19 Lenard, Philipp, 109, 121, 144, ER as professor at, 130- 2, Kinoshita , S . , 241 1Rn - 24~ 146 - 7 , 166 , 168 - 71 , 177 - 9 , Kirkby , Rev . Paul V ., 269 Lennan.481 190 - 1; ER lectures at , 135 , Kleeman , R . , 240 "Levin. Max. 184 174- 7, 200 ; Soddy Kovarik , Alois F . , 243 , 288 . Lewis. G. N.. 566- 9 collaborates with ER at , 344 . 3& 1 Lewis. W. Bennet, 555- 6 151 - 2 ; conditions at , 166 - 7 , Krajanovsky , 517 Lincoln. F.. 425 172- 3, 178- 88; study of Kuhn , Thomas , 280 - 1 Lindemann. F. A. (later physics at , 187 - 91 , 213 : ER ViscountCherwell ). 347, leaves for Manchester , 216 , Laby, T . H ., 241 434- 5.463. 490. 493- 4. 536. 222 - 3 Ladley, Henry , 26 545. 599 McGill University Magazine, Laing, R . M ., 58 Lippmann. Gabricl. 247. 255 165 Lamb , Sir Horace , 290 . 297 , liquid-air machines. 162- 3, McGill University News, 155 350 . 39R 167 McGowan . Sir Harry . 486 Lambert (school inspector. lithium. 560- 2. 582 McKay (Head, Nclson College, New Zealand ) , 31 Littlcjohn. WilliamS., 33. New Zealand ) , 32 Lanca ~hire AntiSubmarine 35- R.4J Maclaurin , J . C . , 60 - 1 Committpp 1R ~ Litvinoff. Emmanuel. 513 Maclaurin , R . S . , 61 , 106 Lang, Cosmo, Archbishop of Lloyd George. David. 1stEarl . McLennan , John C . . 188 Canterbury , 594 368. 406. 469 Macmillan , Harold , 544 Langevin , Paul : on ER , 90 ; Lockyer. Sir Norman, 150. 391 Mc Naught on , John , 155 McClung meets, ] 82; LocomotiveExperimental M 'Taggart , John M ' Taggart friendship with ER , 213, 255, Station.. 476 Ellis , 104 - 5 , 420 259, 339; King meets, 244; ' Lodge. Sir Oliver. 50. 56. Madscn , John . 302 and Curies , 255 ; affair with 194- 5.322. 346_432_4n7 Malsky , Ivan, 511- 13, 516, Marie Curie , 258 - 9 ; at Loeb, Jacques, 205, 380, 440; 519 - 21 , 526 . 533 - 4 Solvay Conference, 262; son, 243 Makower , Walter , 288 invents sonar device , 372 - 6 ; Lombroso, Cesare, 505 Manchester Guardian - 225 244 632 ManchesterLiterary and Metro - Vick company , 553 - 5 , New London , USA , 379 , 381 PhilosophicalSociety , 286, 574 New Zealand : development , 298, 301 Meyer , Stefan : and radium 13 , 15 - 19 ; education in , ManchesterUniversity : ER supply , 235 , 260 - 1 , 305 ; and 19 - 20 , 22 , 32 , 59 ; science in , appointedto professorship, radium standard , 252 - 3 , 20 - 2 ; University founded , 216- 21; ER arrives, 223; life 257 - 8 , 260 - 1 ; and Great 22 , 33 ; ER revisits , 342 , 462 ; at, 224- 8, 266- 7, 272- 3; War , 341 , 344 ; post - war and imperial preference , 479 research" school" , 228- 31, relations with ER , 436 , Newall , H . F . , 83 268- 76, 287- 9, 306; radium 461 - 2 , 464 Newbolt , Sir Henry , 467 supply, 231- 5; ER's Nobel Mezhlauk , Valerii I . , 519 Newnham College , Cambridge , Prizecelebrated at , 249; Michel son , A . , 245 581 curriculumand projects , Miers , Henry A . , 411 News Chronicle , 520 - 2 270- 1; ERleaves , 411- 13 Millikan , R . A . , 280 - 1 , 380 - 1 , Newton , Mrs Arthur de Renzy , Mann, Frederick, 540 4 ~ 1\ - 7 48 - 9 , 182 Marckwald, W., 322 moleculcs : properties of , 76 Newton , Sir Isaac , 56 , 70 , 146 , Marconi, G., Marchese, 50, 58, Molotov , Vyacheslav M . , 519 , 297 , 303 , 432 , 442 - 4 87.94- 5. 97. 99. 201- 3 525 - 6 Nicholis , Charles , 467 Marris. Sir William So, 47- 9 Mond Laboratory , Cambridge , Nicholson , J . W . , 323 , 330 , 332 Marsden, Sir Ernest: on 500 , 510 - 11 , 516 , 522 , Nimmo , R . R . , 566 BalfourStewart 's influence 529 - 35 , 546 , 554 Nobel Prize : ER wins , 188 , on ER, 27; on ER 's Morton , J . W . , 33 245 - 9 , 266 ; Thomson wins , intellectualabilities , 31; on Moseley , Harry ( H . G . J . ) : 220 , 245 ; ER and ER's education, 34; on ER's working habits , 244 , 312 - 13 ; nominations for , 240 ; Mme school teaching, 61; on on ER ' s Manchester research Curie wins , 259 ; Braggs win , Manchesterteam and atomic team - 269 - 70 . 275 . 307 : on 314 , 366 ; Bohr wins , 428 ; structure, 289, 293, 304- 6; structure of atom , 289 , Chadwick wins , 549 ; ER ' s andalpha -particlescattering , 309 - 10 , 319 , 335 , 338 ; on lecture . 162 . 246 . 286 290- 4,298,304- 6, 390, 392; ER ' s blunder on beta - rays , Norman , Montagu , 477 meteorologicalresearch , 311 ; describes work , 312 , Norman Lockyer Lecture , 293; returnsto Manchester, 578 ; and X - rays , 314 - 19 ; 1936 , 584 303,404; grantfrom Royal lingoism , 316 ; and atomic nuclear physics , 85 Society, 304, 343; andER in numbers , 319 - 21 ; in Grcat GreatWar , 341;. chairat W3r - 342 - 3 : killed . 344 Occhialini , G . , 563 Oldham - H - Y _ _ 1O3 Wellington, NewZealand , Moseley , Margery , 315 343, 393; andH -particles, Mott , Neville , 443 , 590 Oliphant , Mark ; and 392- 5,398,404; warservice , Mules , F . J . , 37 equipment shortage , 425 ; 404; andNew Zealand wool Murray , J . Erskine , 94 , 201 - 2 and discovery of helium - 3 , production, 479 447 ; relations with ER , 497 , Martin, Miss, 65 Nagaoka , H . , 241 - 2 , 301 542 - 3 , 586 ; on Cavendish Mary, Queen,265 National Meteorological Laboratory . 538 : Massey, Harrie, 423, 494, 544, Office , 82 background , 544 ; builds 548, 551 National Physical Laboratory , accelerator , 555 , 567 , 586 ; MaudCommittee , 494 82 , 260 - 1 , 465 , 472 , 476 , 480 and cyclotron , 557 , 587 ; on Maxwell, JamesClerk : National Research Cockcroft and Walton , influenceon ER, 20; Development Corporation , 559 - 60 ; and particle counts , electromagneticfield theory, 203 570 ; and ER ' s clumsiness , 57, 84,313; andphysics at Nature ( journal ) : ER reviews 570 - 1 ; Birmingham post , Cambridge, 72; Cambridge for , 101 ; Rontgen article in , 587 ; and High Voltage chair., ' 74, 77- 8; andpractice 110 : ER on Villard in , 128 ; equipment , 588 - 9 ; on ER ' s of SCIence, 74- 7, 81; Ramsay writcs for , 200 ; lecture notes , 591 ; and ER ' s lect\ire~. 76- 7- 79: death. 78: prints ER ' s letters on radium death , 599 andradio waves , 88,416; on " family " , 276 - 7 ; Onnes , Kamerlingh , 189 , 245 , experiments, 167; "Treatise Moseley / Darwin paper in , 248 , 262 , 430 - 1 on Electricityand 315 ; ER ' s tribute to Moselcy Onslow , William Hillicr , 4th Magnetism" , 77, 78 in , 344 ; de Broglie ' s article Earl of , 36 May, Allan Nunn, 543 in , 443 ; Hill ' s antiGerman Oppenheimer , Robert , 538 , . Medawar, Sir Peter, 115 protest in , 488 - 9 ; prints 600 MedicalResearch Council , ER ' s letter on neutron , 550 ; Ostwald , W . , 145 , 203, 480- 1 Cockcroft / Walton discovery Ottawa Conference , 1932 , 478 Meitner, Lise, 430, 538, 583 announced in , 562 Owens , R . B . , 135 - 8 , 140 , 180 MelbourneAge , 342 Nelson , New Zcaland , 16 - 17 , Oxford University , 19 Mcldola, Raphael, 195 24 - 5 ; College , 31 - 8 Mendeleev, D. 1., 308, 321,578 neutron , 441 , 444 - 7 , 451 , 468 , Page , S . , 53 , 58 Merz, Sir Charles, 384, 454- 5, 497 , 546 - 53 , 558 , 572 ; and Paget , Sir George , 78 491 atomic encrgy , 573 - 4 , 582 Paget , Sir Richard , 350 - 1 , 353 , Metchnikoff, lIya, 247 Neve , Frederick , 37 - 8 367 , 370 , 374 633 Paget, Sophia, Lady, 98 at Solvay Conference , glow, 146; as helium Painleve , Paul , 368 261 - 2 ; and atomic compound , 164, 195, 199 ;

Papal Academy of Sciences, measurement , 280 , 287 ; and ~ Q(; and spectrum , 199- 200 , 298 ; physics , 303 ; and structure of and age of rocks, 206; family Parkeston Quay, Harwich , 369, atom , 323 - 4 , 390 ; ER meets , tree, 210, 231, 277; Bragg's 374 - 6 , 382 , 455 428 ; Samuel invokes , 595 work on, 209- 10; family Parsons . Sir Charles . 346 . 412 Playfair , Lyon , 1st Baron , 60 tree, 210, 231, 277; supply, particle-probe, 117 Poincare , Henri , 124 , 244 231 - 7 , 260 , 283 , 427 , 436 , Pate , Miss , 407 Pollard ( student at Cavendish ) , 480 - 2 ; and cancer treatment , Pauli , W . , 578 547 238 - 9 ; standard , 249 - 50 , Pearson , H . E . , 527 , 529 , 531 , Pollock , J . A . , 201 252 - 4 , 256 - 61 ; actinium and 533 polonium , 142 - 3 , 210 , 231 , " rowth of , 276 - 7 : Peck , Col . , 460 255 , 547 - 50 nomencl ~ ture , 277 ; and Peel , Sir Robert , 71 Pontecorvo , Bruno , 574 measurement of Peierls , Rudolf , 537 Pope , W . J . , 188 , 368 , 374 , 410 alpha-particles, 279; Peirse , Vice - Admiral Sir positron , 189 , 562 - 3 , 580 disinte2ration . 301 - 2 : and Richard , 368 Powell , J . H . , 363 Medical Research Council , penicillin , 203 Pratt , Alec Einar , 35 4RO - 1 Periodic Table , 308 - 9 , 317 - 18 , Pring , J . N . , 229 Radium-Beige, 481 . 320 - 1, 334 , 578 protons , 438 - 9 , 441 radon , 153 , 395 , 431 Perkin , W . H . , 225 Prout , William , 150 Ramsay, Sir William : and rare Perrin , John : and cathode rays , Pryor , Joseph , 104 gases , 81 , 143 , 395 ; Hahn 113, 144; McClung meets, Pupin , M . , 380 and, 184; Soddy works with , 182 ; on atom structure . 211 : Pyenson , Lewis , 187 , 190 163 - 4 , 195 , 284 ; conflict with King meets, 244; and Curies, ER , 198 - 200 , 284 , 286 ; ER 255 . 259 : at Solvav quantum theory , 85 , 165 , 262 , meets , 224 ; and radium Conference, 262; ER meets 280 - 1 , 326 ; Bohrand , 280 , supply, 232- 7, 283; and in War , 377 309 , 324 , 329 - 33 ; and atomic emanation , 236 , 284 ; Loeb Petavel, Sir Joseph E., 223, structure , 309 , 323 - 4 , 329 , on , 243 ; offends Mme Curie 229 . 268 . 271 . 277 . 283 . 465 392 , 578 ; and electron on atomic weights, 263; and Peters Electrical-Engineering deformation , 400; Bohr alpha-particles as helium , Laboratory , , 271 develops, 443 284 ; and atomic number . Peterson, W ., 168, 170- 1, 178, Queensland, University of, 322 ; and new elements , 391 222 Brisbane, 240 Ratcliffe , J . A . , 544 , 556 Petersson, Hans, 461- 2, 547 Ray Club, Cambridge, 105 Petrie, J. P., 38 Rabinovitch , Philip , 529 - 31 , Rayleigh, Evelyn, Lady (nee Philips laboratories, Holland , 533 Balfour ) , 80 588 radar , 417 , 423 , 474 Rayleigh, John William Strutt , Phillips, Charles ES ., 238 Radio Times , 466 3rd Baron: appointed Philosophical Institute of Radioactive Displacement Cambridge Physics Canterbury, New Zealand, Law , 197 . 319 - 20 Professor , 78 - 9 ; and 45 , 50 , 62 radiation , radioactivity : ER ' s apparatus , 80 , 118 ; influence Philosophical Magazine: ER workon . 112 , 117 , 120 - 1 , on ER, 80- 1; marriage, 80, contributes papers to , 119 , 125 - 31 , 133 - 42 ; and 226 ; discovers argon , 81 ; and 137 , 141 , 162 - 3 , 195 , 286 , disintegration , 132 , 161 - 5 , scientific research , 82 ; 311 , 338 , 441 , 558 ; Kinoshita 194 - 9 , 205 , 255 - 6 , 320 , 333 , resigns, 82; acceptsER 's contributes to , 241; Geiger 451 ; and atomic energy . disintegration theory, 194; and Marsden write in , 304 - 5 ; 133 - 4 ; induced ( excited ) , ER visits at Teriing , 206; Bohr 's papers in , 331 , 335 ; 140 - 3 ; as property of matter , private grant to Cavendish, Marsden in , 393 ; Gamow 146 ; decay and " half - life " , 221 ; ER meets in London , reads , 558 159 , 165 ; and transmutation , 227 ; and radioactive

Physical Society, Cambridge, 162 ; ER and Soddy ' s theory supplies, 231, 261; Nobel 67 of , 162 - 4 ; ER ' s book on , Prize, 245; at Solvay Physical Societv . London . 182 195 - 7 ; and dating of rocks , Conference , 262 ; at 1913 piezoelectric crystals (and 205 - 7 ; medical uses , 238 - 9 ; British Association meeting, effect), 356, 358, 373- 5, 480 - 1 ; units of , 250 , 253 ; law 334 ; and sound waves in 394 - ~ of displacement , 319 - 20 ; and water , 350 pitchblende, 133, 142, 207 nature of atom , 386 - 8 ; and Rayleigh, Robert John Strutt , Pitcher . F . . 1RO alpha - particles , 441 - 2 4th Baron , 96 , 433 Pitcher. Harriet (nee Brooks) , radio - waves , 58 - 9 , 87 - 96 , Regener, E., 282 180 200 - 3 Reith , John , Baron , 467 ,

Planck, Max : quantum theory, radium : heating effect , 132 ; 469 - 70 165 , 262 , 280 , 326 ; radiation Curies ' work on , 133 , 142 , relativity , 85, 230, 262, 311, laws , 198 , 330 - 3 , 337 ; 255 - 6 ; and energy , 134 - 5 ; 431 - 3 relations with ER , 214 , 248 , extracted from pitchblende , RevueScientifique , 211 280 - 1 ; and value ol ""e " , 248 ; 142 ; radiation , 143 , 153 ; Reynolds, Jacob H ., 30 634 Ridgeway, (Sir) William, 418 (formerlyNew Zealand 269, 307, 409- 11; Trinity Roberts, J. K., 547 Institute), 45; Transactions, Collegescholarship , 101- 2; Robert son, T. Brailsford, 236 50 attendsCambridge Robey, (Sir) George, 470 Royds, T., 236, 275, 284, 288 Universityclubs , 105; Robinson, H. R., 266, 270, RubberIndustries Bill , 1933, intuitivevision of physics, 273- 5, 306 483 114, 133, 293- 4, 299, 386, rocks: datingof , 205- 7 Rubens, H., 262 390, 439, 498, 571- 2; skill at Rogers, A. L., 367 Rumelin, Gustav, 184 measurement, 116- 18, 125; Romer, Alfred, 123 RumfordMedal ( Royal favoursexperimental Rontgen, WilhelmConrad , 89, Society), 195 evidenceovertheory, 120, 107, 109- 10, 115, 124, 126; Russ, Sidney, 480- 1 230, 303, 328- 9, 444; study NobelPrize , 245 Russell, A . S., 275, 319- 21 of radioactivity, 121, 123- 42; RontgenSociety of London, Russell, Bertrand, 3rd Earl, socialmanners , 122; 238 395 smoking, 122- 3; Cambridge Roosevelt, FranklinD., 599 Rutherford, Barbara BA researchdegree , 123; Rossi, R., 288 (grandmother), 17 moveto Canada, 125, 130, Roth, Leon, 225 Rutherfordof Nelson, Ernest, 172; perceivesgamma -rays, Rothschild, Lionel de, 488 Baron: birth, 13- 14, 18, 25, 127- 8; McGill professorship, RoyalAcademy of Arts, 594- 5 75; personality, 14- 15, 23, 130- 1, 135, 168- 71; 190- 1; RoyalArtillery College, 28,46, 49, 186, 225, 230, 264, marriage, 131, 135, 172- 4; 458- 60 274, 495,563; friendshipand on atomicenergy , 133- 5, RoyalAstronomical Society , affectionfor , 14,46, 182, 142; lectures, 135, 174- 7, 432 223, 274- 5,494- 5; 200, 208, 211,224, 336- 7, RoyalInstitution , London, 98, forebears, 17; education, 341- 2, 387- 90,444- 5,447, 206, 278, 336, 552, 568, 574, 19- 20,26, 30- 2; New 552, 568,574,577- 80, 584, 579- 80 Zealandhome life , 23- 30, 590- 2; laboratory RoyalMilitary Collegeof 39,43, 61; attitudeto notebooks, 140- 1, 160, Science, Shriven ham, 460 women, 23- 4, 49, 122, 173, 283- 4, 386, 393- 404; 446- 8, RoyalNavy : scientificand 181, 184,255,264; early 450; isolationin Canada, researchstudies , 356, 454- 8, reading, 26; inventiveness, 147; debatewith Soddyon 474; andnational defence , 30; attitudeto money, 30; atomictheory , 149- 51; 491- 2; seealso Board of intellectualpowers and collaborationwith Soddy, Inventionsand Research ; concentration, 30- 1, 34; 151- 4, 156, 158- 64; submarines attendsNelson College , describedat McGill, 155- 6, RoyalSociety of Arts, 432 31- 8; learnsGreek , 34; 184- 7; recordingof , 176- 7, RoyalSociety of Canada, 467; writingstyle , 35, 54, 213; at 487; uninterestedin religion, Transactions, 136, 150 CanterburyCollege , 38- 48, 178, 596; offeredchairs in RoyalSociety of London: ER's 51; asmathematician , 42, 44, USA, 182, 240; " school" of first paperto , 90, 92, 97; 55- 6, 129,226, 230, 295; collaborators, 183- 5, 188, Thomsonrecommends ER earlyresearch , 45- 6, 50- 62; 268- 71, 274- 6; informality, to, 94; andER 's radium kindness, 46, 186- 7; early 186- 7, 504; NobelPrize , paper, 135; ER elected romance, 49; apparatus, 45, 188,245- 9, 266; Fellow, 193- 4; andER 's 53- 4,57- 9, 80, 87- 8, 92- 3, internationalinfluence , supplyof radioactive 117- 18, 184- 5, 242, 273, 189- 93; electedto material, 231, 436; 279,397; asinterviewer , 55; Fellowshipof RoyalSociety , Crowther's electionto , 239; interestin magnitude, 55- 6; 193; presentsdisintegration andgovernment inertia over work on radiowaves , 58, theoryin England, 195- 6; radiumstandard , 251- 2; ER 87- 97, 200- 3; 1851. limits publiccontroversy , on Council, 265- 6; grant Exhibitionscholarship , 197, 199- 200; buysland in awardsto Marsden, 304, 343; 59- 62, 101, 119; school Canada, 203- 4; andage of Schusteras Secretary , 338; teaching, 61; acceptedat earth, 205- 6; speculative discussionmeeting on Cavendish, 62- 4, 85- 6; early capacity, 207- 8; transferto constitutionof atom, 338, life in England, 63- 7; health, Manchester, 216- 23; 465; andCavendish funds , 63,65; earlyCambridge honorarydegrees , 223, 421; 1919meeting on oppositionto , 67- 8, 105; and 381- 2, 487; describedin relativity, 432; ER's practiceof science, 76, 124, Manchester, 224- 6, 271- 3; Presidency, 449, 451, 462- 6, 137, 191- 2,226, 230; and politicalviews , 226- 7, 265, 555; andDSIR , 471; and Balfour, 81; andrare gases , 469,480,489, 500- 1,544- 5; Germanrefuge es, 485, 487; 81; powersand learning andradium supply , 231- 5, foundsMond Laboratory , recognised, 90, 104; 260; refutesRamsay over 510, 546; andKapitsa in commercialapplication of radiumspectrum , 236- 7; USSR, 515, 521, 523, 525, work, 95- 6, 111, 201- 3; and correspondentsand contacts , 527, 530, 534; Philosophical X-rays, 98- 9, 107, 110- 20; 238- 44; workinghabits , 244; Transactions, 94, 131; joinsTrinity College, 100; physicalconditions , 244- 5; Proceedings, 52, 291 financesand earnings , electedto Athenaeum, 245; RoyalSociety of NewZealand 100- 1, 172- 3, 217, 246- 7, buyscar , 247; and 635 Rutherford of Nelson - cont . methods, 541, 569; holiday Gamma -Rays from international radium cottages, 541- 3; disdain for Radioactive Substances " , standard , 249 - 53 , 257 - 8 ; at other sciences, 564- 5; later 311 Solvay Conferences, 262- 3; clumsiness, 569- 71; and " The Periodic Law and its and relativity theory , 262; communication with public , Interpretation " , 578 and international research 572- 3; on atomic energy, " Possible Existence of a funds , 263 ; on women 's 573- 4, 582- 4; and social Neutron " , 550 fashions , 264 - 5 ; self -esteem , application of science, " The Probability Variations 264- 5; on Royal Society 584- 5; raises funds for in the Distribution of Council , 265- 6; family life , Cavendish, 587- 9; mellows Alpha - Particles " . 292 265-:-6; knighthood and towards theoreticians, 590; " The Propagation of Waves honours , 266 , 339 - 40 , 464 ; described as teacher, 590- 3; throu ~ h Space " . 579 Manchester achievements , on metaphysicsof science, Radioactive Substances and 266 - 7 , 280 - 9 ; and 594- 5: death. 537. 598- 9 their Radiations , 299 , Manchester research and WORKS. 302 . 333 curriculum , 270 - 3 ; rages , " An Anomalous Effect in Radioactive 273 ; attends Lamb 's lectures Nitrogen " , 394, 404 Transformations, 208, on probability , 290; and " Atomic Projectiles and 213 government science , 339 ; their Applications " , 577 Radioactivity, 127, 195- 8, attitude to Great War , " Capture and Loss of 302 340 - 5 ; antisubmarine Electrons by " The Radioactivity of research , 346 - 72 , 385 , 416 ; Alpha -Particles" , 448 Thorium Compounds" sonar device , 372 , 374 - 6 ; " The Cause and Nature of (with Soddy), 158 wartime scientific mission to Radioactivity " (With " Radioactivity Produced in USA , 376 - 81 ; named in Soddy), 162 Substancesby the Action Sothern Holland report , 383 ; " The Chemical Nature of the of Thorium appointed Cavendish Alpha -Particles from Compounds" , 141 Professor, Cambridge, 404, Radioactive Substances" Radiationsfrom Radioactive 408- 15; inventory of (Nobel Lecture) , 246 Substances( with possessions , 414 , 541 ; Collected Papers, 52, 94- 5, Chadwick and Ellis), reorganisesand directs 373 575 - 7 Cavendish , 415 - 17 , 421 - 3 , " Collision of Alpha -Particles " Recent Research es on 426 - 8 . 438 . 473 - 4 . 590 : with Light Atoms " , 394 Transmutation " , 581 argues for pure research , " The Constitution of " The Scattering of the 416 - 17 , 475 - 6 , 596 - 8 ; and Matter and the Alpha - and Beta-Rays Cambridge University Evolution of the and the Structure of the affairs, 419- 20; modesty, Elements" , 387 Atom " , 298 427 ; internationalism , " The Disintegration of " The Scattering of 428 - 36 . 461 . 499 - 566 - 7 : on Elements" , 438- 9 Alpha -Particles by relativity , 432; and science " Electrical Waves and Matter " . 292 policy , 437- 8 ; ennobled , Oscillation " , 53 " Some Cosmical Aspects of 444 . 449 . 476 : de Brol !lie 's " The Evolution of the Radioactivity " , 207 article on, 443- 4; Presidency Elements" , 390 " Structure of the of Royal Society . 449 . 451 . " Experiments on Secondary Radioactive Atom and 462- 6; declining interest in Circuits" , 51 Origin of the research , 449 - 50 , 462 ; and " A Magnetic Detector of Alpha -Rays" , 441, 446 introduction of large Electric Waves and Some " Transmutation of Matter " , machines , 449 - 50 , 504 - 5 , of its Applications " , 92 568 , 574 555- 7, 585- 6; paratyphoid , " Magnetic Viscosity" , 50, 52, " The Transmutation of the 451 , 464 ; as man of affairs , 54- 62- 6~ Heavy Elements" , 581 453 , 460 , 493 - 4 ; promotes " Magnetisation of Iron by " The Velocity and Rate of naval research , 454 - 8 ; and High-Frequency Recombination of the RA College, 459- 60; 1924 Discharges" , 50 Ions of Gases Exposed to tour of Australasia , 462 ; " Measurements of Current Rontgen Radiation " , diary , 462- 4; golf , 464, 540; in H and He 120 broadcasts and BBC Experiments" , 395 Rutherford , Eileen (daughter) interests , 466 - 71 ; and DSIR , " The Nature of the see Fowler , Eileen 472 , 475 - 82 : and Bel2ian Alpha -Particle" , 286 Rutherford , George radium supply , 481- 2; aids " Neutrons and Radioactive ( ~ rand father ) , 17 - 18 refugee scholars, 483- 9; and Transformations" , 580 Rutherford , George (brother ), national defence , 490 - 4 , The Newer Alchemy, 581 29 . 173 536 , 596 ; Tizard on , 493 - 4 ; " On the Passageof Rutherford . Herbert (brother ). wide reading , 494 . 504 . 581 : Electricity through Gases 29 knee injury , 536; life in Exposed to Rontgen Rutherford , James( father), Cambridge . 539- 41 : and Rays" , 117 17 - 18 . 24 , 26 . 29 . 38 - 9 , 382 ; grandchildren, 540; working " The Origin of Beta- and death , 465 636 Rutherford , James (brother), Manchester, 268; as relations with ER , 240 ; 31, 169 Secretary of Royal Society, elected to Royal Society , Rutherford , Martha (nee 338 ; and 1915 British 240 ; and radium standard , Thompson; mother): Association meeting, 343; in 253 , 259 ; and radium marriage , 18; influence , 23 , Great War , 344 ; and DSIR , " family " , 277 ; and 26 , 28 ; two sons drowned , 471 alpha - particles as helium , 29; and ER 's education, 31, Schuster, Cary, Lady, 220 284 ; and radioactive tracers , 34 : letters from ER in Schweidler . Evan . 253 310 ; and law of radioactive Cambridge , 87 , 123; letters Science Advisory Council displacement , 319 ; and from ER in Canada , 200 , ( DSIR ) . 473 . 475 atomic number , 322 ; and 204 ; letters from ER in Science Masters ' Association , atom building , 323 ; confirms Manchester , 229 , 241 , 247 , 293 , 309 Antonov ' s work , 340 ; 249 , 257 , 413 ; on ER ' s scintillation , 282 - 3 , 291 , discovers new gases , 395 ; wartime mission to USA , 399 - 400 revolts against Royal 381 - 2 ; and ER 's Searle , G . F . C . , 420 Society , 465 appointment to Cavendish, Segre, Emilio , 574 . Sokolov , 533 413 Shaw , A . Norman , 155 , 175 Solvay , Ernest , 262 - 4 , 430 Rutherford , Mary , Lady (nee Shaw, George Bernard, 470 Solvay Conferences , 261 - 3 , Newton ; wife): ER courts, Shaw, William Napier, 82- 3 281 , 326 , 431 , 433 , 563 , 585 49 , 121 ; letters from ER in Shimizu , T . , 448 , 556 Solvay Foundation , 430 - 1 England, 64, 66- 7, 87, 94, Shipley, Sir Arthur , 410 Solvay Institute , 317 , 430 97 , 101- 4 , 111 , 121; and Shuttle worth family , 17- 18 Sommerfeld , A . , 262 , 450 ER 's smoking , 122- 3 ; visits Siepmann , Charles , 469 sonar devices , 372 , 375 England (1897), 123; letters Silliman Lectures (Yale), 208, South Africa , 465 from ER in Canada . 130 - 1 . . 211 _277 Souttar , Dr , 481 140, 172 ; marriage , 131 , Simon , John Allsebrook , 1st spectroscopy , 144 ; and radium , 135 , 142 , 171 , 172 - 4 , 265 - 6 , Viscount , 494 , 515 199 - 200 ; and atomic 539; birth of daughter, 142, Simonsen, J. L ., 596 structure , 288 ; and X - rays , 204 ; and ER 's McGill chair , Skinner , Sir H . Ross , 382 313 , 316 , 318 ; Bohrand , 330 , 168, 170- 2; shynessand Skobelyzin, D ., 562 336 , 390 difficult manner, 173- 4, Skovoroda, Grigori S., 498 Stark , J . , 335 , 488 449 , 539 , 540 ; returns to Smith , Sir Frank Edward , 460 , Steven son , John , 48 New Zealand as widow . 174 : 47J - 4 - 4Rl - 2 - 492 - 521 - 525 - Stewart , Balfour , 19 - 20 , 27 , 72 at Nobel Prize ceremony , 532 - 4 , 598 Stokes . Sir George , 98 246 ; as ER 's amanuensis , Smith , Frederick , 110 Strangeways , Dr , 481 358 ; and move to Smith , Lorrain , 326 Stratton - F - J - M . . 381 Cambridge, 413; piano, 414; Smith, P. Leigh, 521 Strief , Mrs ( sister ) , 30 home life , 414 - 15 , 539 ; Smithsonian Institute , Sturm , J . C . F . , 350 disapproves of Fowler , 539 ; Washington , 219 submarines : counter -measures and grandchildren, 540; on Snow, C. P. (later Baron): on in Great War , 347 - 61 , holiday , 542- 3; on ER's ER's diffidence, 49, 174, 364 - 5 , 367 , 370 , 373 , 375 , death , 599 221 , 557 ; and ER ' s move to J7R - JRO - 3R3 . 3R5 . 456 Ryan , Commander C . P., McGill , 169; on ER 's Sydney Morning Herald , 342 , 349 - 51 , 354 , 357 - 8 , 360 - 2 , defence secrets , 493 ; on 462 364, 366- 7, 369- 72 Kapitsa, 497, 505, 517; Szilard , Leo , 600 Rvle . John Alfred , 598 - 9 socialism . 544 : on Cavendish achievements , Tait , James , 225 Sakharov, Andrei D ., 514 563; interviewed by ER , 564 Tait , P . G . , 147 Samuel, Herbert , 594- 5 Society for the Protection of Taranaki Hera /d , The , 166 , 169 Schmidt, G. C., 126 Scienceand Learning, 488 Tar /air ( ship ) , 360 , 365 Schoenberg , David , 176, 545 Soddy , Frederick : debate with Taylor , Dr , 380 Schott, George Adolphus , 301 ER in Montreal , 148- 51; Taylor , G . 1. , 540 , 592 Schrodinger , E . , 303 , 315 , 443 , collaborates with ER at Theoretical Biology Club , 565 559 , 578 McGill , 151 - 4 , 156 - 8 , 160 , Thomas Hawksley Lecture , Schuster , Sir Arthur : studies 162 - 5 , 180 , 182 , 187 , 194 , 1932 , 577 under Maxwell , 78 ; as 333 ; on transmutation as Thoms , Capt . Thomas , 17 candidate for Cambridge alchemy , 154- 5, 581 ; Thomson , Sir George , 384 chair , 82 ; ER succeeds at describes ER , 156 ; works in Thomson , Sir Joseph John Manchester , 216 - 21 ; ER London , 163 - 4 , 195 ; ( " JJ " ) : influenced by Balfour meets , 224 - 5 ; and ER ' s life discovers and defines Stewart , 27 ; ER challenges in at Manchester , 228 - 9; pays isotopes , 163 , 197, 320 , 324 ; early paper , 50 , 56 , 64 ; Manchester Reader 's salary , lectures at McGill , 177; and accepts ER as research 229- 30, 268 ; and ER 's radio chemistry , 197 ; worker , 62 - 4 , 69 , 85 ; radium supply, 231- 2, 235; lectures on radioactivity , relations with ER , 64 - 6 , at Solvay Conference, 262; 198; helps Bragg, 210; 68 - 9 , 85 ; lectures at continues occasional work at correspondence and Cambridge , 68 ; and 637 Thomson, Sir ("JJ" ) - cont. practical application of work , Trevelyan , George M . and Cambridge scienceteaching , 416 ; on PhD students , 418 ; Janet , 484 71 , 75 ; and Rayleigh , 80..: 1; and ionisation of gases , 426 ; Trinity College, Cambridge, as director of Cavendish , chairs Royal Society meeting 63 , 100 , 406 , 411 , 497 - 8 82 - 5 , 190 , 407 - 8 ; on relativity , 432; views on tritium , 396 . 447 , 568 , 571 backeround and career . relativity , 433; and national Trotsky , Leon, 508 82 - 3 ; discovers electron , 83 , defence research , 454 - 6 , Tyrwhitt , Sir Reginald Yorke , 116 . 119 . 129 . 134 _ 144 - 5 - 459 ; and DSIR , 471 - 2 ; 369 186, 388; experimental work , investigates " death-ray" , 83 - 4 ; appearance , 86 ; on 474 ; Recent Research es in ER ' s radio work , 87 - 9 , Electricity and Magnetism, 84 ultraviolet light . 121 95 - 7 ; on ER 's powers , 90 ; Thomson , Rose Elizabeth , uncertainty principle . 392. Rayleigh's biography of , 96; Lady, 64- 6, 97- 8, 101- 2, 593 - 4 promotes and encourages 121 - 2 underwater signalling and ER , 97 - 9 , 101 - 2 , 111 - 12 ; thorium :radiation , 126 - 8 , detection . 349 - 75 and Trinity College, 100; on 130 - 1 , 135 - 43 . 152 - 4 : United States of America : ER King's Fellows, 104- 5; and Soddy collaborates on, offered posts in . 183, X - rays , 107 - 8 , 110 , 112 - 13 , 151 - 4 , 156 - 60 ; Hahn and , 219 - 20 ; ER ' s influence in , 115 - 16 , 118 - 20 ; and British 199 , 282 189 - 91 ; E Rvisits , 341 ; Association , 115 ; on thorium - X . 151 , 153 - 4 , 156 - 60 wartime scientific mission to , instrument failure , 118 ; letter Thorndike . Dame Sybil, 469 376 - 81 . 456 : PhD students from ER on " emanation " , thoron , 153 , 395 , 431 from , 418 ; naval research in , 4 ~ (\ - R 137 ; on mass as Thorpe , T . E., 60 electromagnetic, 146; and Threlfall , Sir Richard , 147 , 350 , United States Navy Research Laboratorv . 458 ER ' s isolation in Canada , 383 , 454 , 473 147- 8; finds radioactivity in Times, The (newspaper), 195, Universities of the Empire , 419 . 4 .17 Cambridge water, 157; and 197 , 432 , 485 , 488 , 522 cathode rays , 161 ; and ER on Titanic (ship), 349 University College, London , 366 alpha-particles, 162; and Tizard , Sir Henry : on ER as McGill appointments, lecturer , 175 - 6 ; relations University Grants Committee , 420 167 - 70 , 178 ; letters from ER with ER , 341 , 489 ; and at McGill , 181 ; offered Yale Second World War aerial uranium : and radiation , 119 , chair , 183 ; on Canadian mines , 347 ; mission to USA , 121 , 123 - 5 ; ER 's work on , physics, 189; nominates ER 377 - 8 ; and DSIR , 465 , 121 , 123 , 126 - 31 , 133 , 141 ; for Royal Society, 193; ER 473 - 4 , 490 , 507 ; and reform and Periodic Table , 308 ; dedicatesRadioactivity to , of National Physical fission . 583 195; and Soddy's lectures, Laboratory . 465; and grant uranium - X , 143 . 151 , 153 , 158 , 277 198; gives Silliman lectures, to Cavendish , 473 - 4 ; and 208 ; and structure of atom , development of radar, 474, Urey . Harold . 566- 7, 569 211 - 12 , 294 - 5 , 297 - 8 , 490; and radium supply, 480; 300 - 1. 335 . 338 . 388 : and and national defence , Van Dern Graaff machines , 468 , ER's return to England, 489 - 93 ; conflict with 538 , 563 219 - 21 : Nobel Prize . 220 . Lindemann . 490 . 493 . 599 : 245; and Ramsay's Vansittart . Sir Robert . 513 . and atomic warfare . 494 ; 516 emanation theory , 236; and describes ER . 494 - 5 ; and Vernon , HMS , 353 Crowther's election to Royal Kapitsa. 507; sendsEvelyn Vickerman , Capt . , 39 Society, 239; and tribute to ER . 601 - 2 Vienna : Radium Institute , nominations for Nobel Prize , Toepler pump. 108 231 - 2 , 235 , 252 , 258 , 436 , 240 ; congratulates ER on Tout . T . F . . 225 , 467 461 ; Congress of Nobel Prize, 249; as delegate Townsend , J . S . : research es at to Brussels Congress, 252; at Cambridge. 65. 67; assistsin Radioactivity , 436 Villard , Paul , 127 - 8 Solvay Conference, 262; and ER ' s radio -waves Villiers , de , 106 electron charge value, 280, experiments, 88- 90. 98; at Volta Centennial Congress , 287 , 297 ; and elements , 308 ; Trinity College. 100; Como , 451 , 464 , 486 and orbiting electrons, 323; introduces ER to Ball . 102 ; and Bohr , 324 - 6 , 330 , friendship with ER , 106; and 334- 6; attends Royal Society ionisedgases. 116. 121. 148. Waal, de. 106 meeting on atom structure, Physicschair at Oxford . 121, Waals, vander . 262 338; knighted, 339; in Great 269 ; restlessness . 148 ; as Wakefield, Gibbon. 16. 24 War , 346 , 352 , 356 , 369 , 384 , McGill candidate , 168 ; Walton. E. T. S.: andsmashing 491 ; and ER 's mission to Cambridge Fellowship. 170; of atom, 230, 444, 468. 573; USA , 377- 8; appointed on alpha-particles and ions. accelerator, 281, 554- 5. 557. Master of Trinity College, 278 588; disintegrationand 406- 7; and new physics, 407; transmutation , 153 - 5 . 162 , transformationof element. and ER's appointment to 581 - 2 553,559- 63,577 Cavendish , 408 - 12 , 415 ; Trenn , T . J . . 55 . 306 Walton, F. P., 177 638 water , 568 - 9 Wigner, EugeneP ., 600 X-ray crystallography, 564- 6 Watson , William , 229 Wilberforce, L. R., 86, 239, Xrays : discovered, 85, 89- 90, Watson -Watt , Sir Robert , 600 358- 9 93 . 109 - 10 . 124 : and Watt Lectures, Glasgow, 493, Wilkinson, Col. M. L., 459 electrification of gases , 94 ; ~ 74 Williams, 193 ER ' s work on , 98 - 9 , 107 - 8 , " weak " forces , 389 Willows, R. S., 182 110 - 15 . 119 - 21 . 131 : Webster , H . C . , 547 - 9 Wilson, C. T. R., 396, 407,426, popular interest in, 107- 8, Webster . W . L . . 521 . 525 556 146 ; tubes , 118 ; not deviated , Weinberg, Alvin M ., 191 Wilson, HaroldA ., 240- 1, 287 160 ; and atom structure , 289 , Weizmann , Chaim , 225 - 7 , 488 Winnipeg, 292 300, 309; Braggs and, 289, Wells , H . G . , 346 , 555 Wood, Albert Beaumont: 300, 303, 314- 16; Moseley Welsbach , 322 . background, 275; andBohr 's and , 313 , 315 - 18 ; nature of , Wersky, Gary : The Visible theories, 336; warwork , 347, 313 , 315 - 16 College , 544- 6 358- 62,364- 5,367, 370- 1, Western Australia , University 373; marriage, 372; on Yale University , 183, 189, 220, of , 240 Langevin's sonar, 374- 5; and 381 - 2 Wheeler , H . L . , 573 NavalScientific Service , Young , Thomas, 313 Whewell , William , 70 - 1 384 White , Sinclair , 239 Wood, T. B., 463 Zeeman , P . , 596 Whitehead , Sir Alfred , 432 Wooster, W. A ., 544 Zeeman effect , 335 Whitehead , Alfred North , 42 Worthington-Evans, Sir Zeleny, J., 116, 182, 189, 222, Whittle , Sir Frank , 600 Laming, 459- 60 381 Wickham , L . , 239 Wotton, William, 601 Zetland , L . J . L . Dundas , 2nd Wien , Willy , 262 Wynn-Williams, CE ., 555- 6 Marquess of , 467