Aircraft Exhaust Systems IV" (January Memphis Would Be 32.1435
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AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE REPORT Sponsored and Funded by the Experimental Aircraft Association e Federath d an l Aviation Administration Aircraft Exhaust SystemV sI TRIAVIATHON TROPHY BY BRIEN A. SEELEY, ED VETTER AND THE CAFE BOARD CAFE he goa thif o l s repors i t A FA e th d CAFEan A EA , FOUNDATION to improve the power, are grateful to the following T efficienc reliabilitd an y y major contributor thio st s study: PRESIDENT aircraff o t exhaust systemse Th . Aerospace Welder f Mino s - Brien Seeley report summarize resulte sth f so neapolis for the high quality a 16 month long study. Many of exhaust merge bald san l joints, VICE the systems tested her sime ear - George Johnston of EAA Chap- PRESIDENT ila o onet r s popularly usen di ter 124 for the lathe-machined Larry Ford light aircraft teste Th s. include model of the Coanda nozzle, int4 collectoo1 r systems4 , Sam Davis at Tube Technolo- TREASURER into 2 "crossover" systems, gie Coronan si , Californir fo a CJ. Stephens "Tri-Y" system independ san - the stainless steel exhaust sys- dent exhaust stacks. Additional tem derived from thes tests, and SECRETARY Bill Cannam certifiea , d welder Daniel Waymaii aspects of exhaust design in this study are: ChaptefroA mEA e r th 124 r fo , major effort to assemble the TEST PILOT stainless steel exhaust system. C.J. Stephens Intake waves Curt Leaverton, Jack Norris, Wave speed Andy Baue Stevd ran e Williams DIRECTORS each contributed professional Crandon Elmer Megaphone effects scientific analysis of the EPG's. Otis Holt effectM RP s Jack Norris Exhaust jet thrust Gris Hawkins ABBREVIATIONS Stephen Williams Crossover/Tri-Y reflections Ed Vctter Frequency analysis (FFT's) EVO = exhaust valve opening Header size EVC = exhaust valve closure Collector size IVO = intake valve opening CHALLENGE TROPHY Coanda nozzles FVC = intake valve closure Bends in the pipe TDC = top dead center effectT CH sd an T EG BDC = bottom dead center Ball joint effects W.O.T. = wide open throttle gph = gallons per hour Ove separat0 r35 e Exhaust dB = decibels, slow A scale Pressure Graph (EPG) record fas= -tT FourieFF r transform ings were made using the cy cylindel= r Lycoming IO-360 A1B6 engine coll. = collector CAFe inth E test-bed Mooney msec. = milliseconds M20E thesf o l eAl . were made at 125' MSL as static ground Hz. = Hertz or cycles per sec engine runs of approximately "Hg inche= . Mercurf so y 15 seconds duration. O.D outsid= . e diameter 34 JANUARY 1997 BASIE G TH CEP Files 411 Basic EPG 1.75x34.5x2.25x19.s int4 a : o1 5 equal length headers. 29.5" M.P., A Review 2731 RPM 20.4 gph 86"F. 8-18-96. 125'MSL. Lycoming 10-360 A1B6 firing order: 1324 See text for explanation of P, C, S and R waves shown below Figure 1 shows a basic EPG. It was 411 Cyl#1 411 Cyl #Z —— 411 Intake --- 411 Collector Wave recorded on a well-tuned 4 into 1 col- Bot hsho2 # cylinderopenin w wd lo an g1 s# lector exhaust system which will be pressures at EVO and very low pressure hereafter referre "Fils a o det 411". Fig- during overlap TDC. Some scavenging of ure 1 shows features which arc e intakth e trace appearP occuro t se Th . wave (red) goes negativee th earl n i y Aft looking view Figure 1 essential for understanding the other exhaust cycle. graph thin si s report. Th" axise"X , of collector entry O along the bottom of the graph, shows the degree crankshaff so t rotatio- nbe ginnin deap to dt g a cente r (TDCf o ) the firing stroke for cylinder #1. The vertical "Y" axis shows the pressure measure pipe th . inche n ei n di Hg f so Since these runs were made at near sea level zere th , o pressure level represents ambient pressur abouf eo t 29.92. "Hg The typical EPG shows a steeply risin wav" gf exhaus"P eo t pressure, shown in red, which starts upward at the point of exhaust valve opening (EVO). The tall P wave typically falls beloo t w zero (ambient) pressure later exhause inth t cycle. The intake pressure is shown in — Exhaust Valve blue. There is a black vertical dotted Intake Valve lin t BOea C afte intake th r e stroke, wher piston'e eth s descent ceases. 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 390 420 450 480 510 540 570 600 amoune Th - f valvo ex t e eth liff o t Crankshaft Degrees After Firing TDC haus intakd an t e valve shows si tht na e bottom of the graph. At overlap TDC, intake valve opene sar pressure e th , n si unfavorable reverse flow could occur both valves are open for a brief interval. the exhaust pipe, combustion chamber at overlap argumen.e Thion - s si us r fo t The EPG often shows additional and intake tract can all influence one ing wide open throttle (W.O.T.) waves which come from reflections, another. How much influence depends whenever possibl hign ei h altitude turbulence and collector-equippen ,i d upon the valve lift during overlap and cruise flight. systems, the firings of the other cylin- how long both valves remain open. ders (cross-talk). These are labeled by During overlap TDC, the suction in a PUMPING GAS their cylinde waveR f origie ro th s s na tuned exhaust's header can help empty in Figur. 1 e combustioe th n chambe burns it s f ga rto Normally, engine designers try to waveC e thosc sTh ar e measuren di residues. This effec calles i t d "scaveng- place EVO about 40-75° prior to firing the collector, the common pipe into exhause ing"Th . t suctio evey nma n BDC so that the peak of the very high whic mergec har individuae dth l head- enhance the combustion chamber's fill- in-cylinder pressure can be dissipated ers. Each cylinder produces a separate ing from the intake valve, thus im- during blowdown, before BDC. A C wave. The time T between the rise of proving volumetric efficiency and tuned exhaust system, wit hvera w ylo attendane risth e th f wavth eP o d etan horsepower. With sufficiently long opening pressure at EVO, can assist in wavC usee vers eb i dn y ca shor d an t overlap intervals possibls i t i , r theefo evacuating the cylinder quickly, and to calculate the velocity of the wave. suction to pull some cool intake charge can thu bso t e allo delayeO wEV d until The "blowdown" cycle is defined across the hot exhaust valve, cooling later in the cycle. The later EVO al- perioe th firins o t da froO g mBDCEV , the valve face, stem, seat and guide. lows the positive in-cylinder pressure and is labeled "B". It is during this in- Such cooling comes at a price, which is to do more work pushing the piston terval thasteee wavP th t pe eristh f eo that raw fuel is being wasted out the ex- downward prio EVOo rt . Thus tunea , d is seen, as the cylinder discharges or haust pipe. Higher compression pistons exhaust system work stime besth f -i t 'blows down' throug exhause hth t should scavenge theibetteo t e r du r s i delaye O o takt EV d inf eo g valve and the in-cylinder pressure smaller combustion chamber volume. advantag tuninge th f eo . rapidly falls. Positive in-cylinder pres- Note tha Figurn i t ee intak 1th , e After blowdown in the exhaust sure during blowdown is still doing pressur greates ei r tha exhause nth t stroke pistoe th , n begin riso st e from some useful work by pushing down- pressure at overlap TDC. Such a pres- risinBDCA . g piston pushing againsta ward on the piston. sure gradient will encourage sca- high in-cylinder pressure causes a loss vera Overla s i y importanC pTD t venging t parA . t throttle intake th , e of power know "pumpina s na g loss". interval. When both the exhaust and pressure woul muce db h lowerd an , Instead, the rising piston should be SPORT AVIATIO5 N3 pulled upwar negativa y db e pressure thn i e cylinder, thus producinga Files 411/41 effec e megaphonea Th f 3o t 1.75x34.5x2.25x19.s int4 a : o1 5 equal length headers. File 413 has a 17Lx2.25x4" megaphone added to 411. Both at 29.5" M.P. "pumping gain". Suction in a tuned ex- (W.O.T.), 86°F. 8-18-96. Lycoming IO-360 A1B6 firing orderl324 Run at 125'MSL. haust syste n producmca e suca h pumpin lato t egd exhausgaimi n ni t —— #411 2731 RPM 20.4 gph 106.9 dB. no meg stroke. This is shown in Figure 1 where #411 intake pressure, no meg • the exhaust pressure goes negative at —— #413 2737 RPM 20.6 gph 107.8 dB, with meg 260° of crank angle, which is 80° after #413 intake pressure, witg hme BDC earlie e exhause Th th . n ri t cycle e megaphonTh n increasca e e powey b r that the P wave subsides and goes neg- lowering the opening pressure at EVO, and ative or below the ambient (zero) scavenging mor t overlapea noise Th e. level pressure, the more pumping gain can is significantly higher, however. occur, makin greater gfo r horsepower.