Unofficial Commissioner Meeting July 01, 2019

The Board of Adams County Commissioners of Adams County, does hereby meet this Monday, July 01, 2019. There are present, Joe Iveson, Commissioner, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, Viki Purdy, Commissioner, and Sherry Ward, Clerk.

Lyle Sale, Adams County Record joined the meeting.

Whereupon the following proceedings are had, to-wit:

Joe Iveson, Commissioner opened the Adams County Commissioner special meeting at 9:20 a.m.


OLD BUSINESS (items to follow up on): Letter to the adjacent landowner -Linda Vande Brake Mink Livestock-landfill project: no discussion at this time Adams County Recreation: no discussion at this time Courthouse northside cover project: This project will be slated for later this summer. NEW BUSINESS

PLANNING & ZONING: Wendy Green, P/Z Administrator Code Enforcement: Green discussed the importance of code enforcement to decrease the tax burden on those who properly disclose and pay their taxes. Commission Paradis said we should have a meeting with the Sheriff, building department and Assessor regarding matters.

SOLID WATER MATTERS: Jim was unavailable for the meeting. No other items discussed.

ROAD BRIDGE MATTERS: Present Kraig Spelman Weiser River Bridge project: The commission discussed where they were with the amendment to the ITD Cooperative agreement. FLAP Council-Cuprum/Goose Lake: Preconstruction meeting next week in McCall. Hat Company, the successful bidder is contracting some of the work to Knife River.

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SHERIFF MATTERS: Present: Sheriff Ryan Zollman Inmate count: 24

Quote for cameras in the hallway: After review, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner made a motion to approve the purchase of two additional cameras for the north hallway the cost $2,913. The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Replace Control video display pc, add monitor, update holding 2 cameras: After review, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner made a motion to approve the purchase of the following in the amount of $7,934. The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

CLAIMS/PAYROLL AND DEMANDS: The claims were reviewed by Commissioner Paradis. After review, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner made a motion to approve all claims, demands, and payroll in the amount of $76,272.77 The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Current Expense fund 2,735.71 Road & Bridge fund 1,880.78 District Court fund 362.40 Justice fund 3,908.87 ‘911 1,280.33 Health District 2,198.08 Indigent fund 10,702.88 Park & Recreation 261.99 Solid Waste 50,200.85 Weed fund 1,560.45 County Boat 235.55 Title III 382.54 Auditors Trust 482.34 Assessor Motor Vehicles 80.00 Total claims $76,272.77

INDIGENT LIEN 2019-09: After review, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner made a motion to approve and sign Indigent lien 2019-09. The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

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SIMPSON CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP): Present: Brad and Tamara Simpson, P/Z Administrator Wendy Green, no other citizens present for the CUP. Commissioner Iveson stated he went to school with Brad Simpson, Green asked if a conflict of interest would be needed, Iveson stated no conflict. The P/Z Administrator presented a summary along with two maps of the proposed location. Green stated the property is at 3121 Highway 55, New Meadows, Idaho. There permit would be to operate a staging site for Syman, LLC, an erosion control company based in Nampa, Idaho, as it expands its business into Adams County and surrounding counties. The 5.22-acre parcel is situated in the Agriculture, Timber and Grazing Zone. The parcel lies within the City of New Meadows area of impact, approximately one-quarter mile east of the city boundary. There is a shop with living quarters on the site. Surrounding lands are used primarily for livestock grazing, plus a shop and residence on the neighboring parcel to the west and C&M Lumber located across Highway 55 to the southeast. Products and services provided by Syman, LLC include protections for storm drains; straw wattles in netting; and sandbags. Clients include highway contractors. Syman, LLC is not a retail business, although a contractor may occasionally stop by to pick up materials. Simpson would state materials and equipment at this location, including skid steer, pickups, and trailers; machines used in the assembly of materials or filling sandbags; water truck for hydroseeding; plus, piles of sand. In addition, Syman, LLC employees may use the dwelling unit inside the existing shop for short-term housing when working in the local area. Crews typically consist of three to six persons. The business is somewhat seasonal with most work occurring from spring through fall. The north half of the parcel lies within the Goose Creek flood plain. No structures are located or planned in the flood zone. The conclusion of law are as follows: The intent of the ATG Zone is to foster agriculture and forestry land uses while providing for limited, very low-density development uses which will not conflict with ranch and forest practices, nor place inappropriate demands on public services, nor promote indiscriminate conversion of ranch and forest land to other uses. Section 6-2 of the Zoning Ordinance states that a permit shall be obtained from Planning & Zoning prior to the construction, reconstruction, alteration or change of use of a structure or lot. Permits shall also be required when there is a change of use from the intended or stated use or permitted use. In this matter: The applicant stated that she does not intend to add any permanent structures to the property. The county received one written comment from the adjoining landowner, Danny Schlacter, who said he shares a driveway/highway access with the applicant. Mr. Schlacter supports the applicant’s request so long as it does not affect his easement. The Idaho Transportation Department has issued a Right-of-Way Encroachment permit for the approach to Highway 55 for up to ten (10) vehicle trips per day. The ITD permit requires the applicant to pave the apron at the approach to the highway. No other oral or written comments were received from members of the public, the City of New Meadows or other notified agencies regarding this application. Planning & Zoning Commission: Because this proposed use does not convert existing agricultural or timber land to other uses; the business provides support to logging and forest road construction; it is compatible with surrounding land uses; and does not place undue burden on county services or infrastructure, the P/Z Commissioner, by vote of all six (6) members present, recommends to the Adams County Board Commissioners, that the conditional use permit (CUP) be approved with two conditions: The permit be non-transferrable, and the Board consider

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4 limiting hours of operation to “routine business hours” or “daylight hours.” The commission leaves the specifics of the proposed condition to the Board’s discretion. Board of County Commissioners: After discussion, Viki Purdy, Commissioner, made a motion to approve the Simpson Conditional Use Permit with the permit to be transferable to the new owner for the specified Conditional Use Permit use only. The motion was seconded by Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

FRONTIER PRECISION GIS SOFTWARE *GOTO MEETING/SUE EDMUNSON: Present are the following: Amanda Branstetter, Sue Edmunson, Wendy Green. Frontier representatives are the following: Jacob Wittenburg and Alison Walker. A presentation by Frontier Precision was prepared to identify uses of the software for Adams County.

RETIREMENT PARTY-SANDY HAREN: Sandy Haren retired from the Prosecutor’s office.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (ACTION ITEMS): Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, moves that the Board, pursuant to Idaho Code convene as the Board of Equalization. The motion seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner, and carried unanimously to go into Board of Equalization.

Present are the following: Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraisers: Amanda Branstetter, Meredith Greenwood, and Kayla Nichols

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -RON & JANET MYERS: Present are the following: Janet Myers. Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraiser Amanda Branstetter, Appraiser Meredith Greenwood, and Appraiser Kayla Nichols. Parcel #RPC000400030030, Location: Blk 3 Lots 3&4, Council Mesa Orchard, 1336 Old 95 Road, Mesa, Idaho. Commissioner Joe Iveson explained the BOE process. Property: 18.30 acres/ 15 Rural Subdivision, Current year’s value $52,063, Taxpayer’s opinion of market value $(in progress), Last year’s value 1,263. Appellant: Appealing the category change of assessment. When purchased in September/2018 the category was 05-dry grazing land. In June 2019 we received a new assessment as a 15-rural subdivision. We received the agricultural exemption form after we requested one in June 2019. We have spoken to Mike Ball and he is going to rent this parcel from us. Janet Meyer stated we have rented our agricultural land for over thirty years in both Adams and Washington counties and have never had a written lease agreement. Our renters included Ron Dunham, Royce and Bob Schwenkfelder, Larry Shelton, Mike and Pat Ball, and Russell Wilkinson. Again, we have no rental agreement in writing. Assessor’s office: Appraiser Amanda Branstetter presented several maps, Idaho Administrative code, and pictures of the property. The subject property is not contiguous with other land owned by the appellant, which is being used agriculturally. The appellant has applied for a building permit for a shop with living quarters in May/2019. The basis for the appeal is that the agricultural exemption is reinstated on the subject property as that is what it was classified as when it was purchased. As

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5 of April 15, 2019, no agricultural exemption application had been submitted to the Assessor’s office for the 2019 qualifying year. The lack of a submitted application by a new owner causes our office to change the valuation of the land from agricultural exempt to market value. The owner has stated that the land was not used in 2018 by the previous owners, as there are no fences that would contain livestock. Upon physical inspection on 6/27/2019 by myself and Kayla Nichols, no agricultural use was observed at this time. The property does not have a solid perimeter fence separating it from the roadway or surrounding property owners, and no temporary fencing appeared to be in place. Mike Ball has stated that he has intentions to graze the parcel later this year if the fences have been repaired. The agriculture exemption is granted to property owners based on the actual use of the land as part of a For-Profit business, this is defined in Idaho State Statutes and further clarified in Idaho Administrative Code, which has been included for reference. Whereas the property was not used agriculturally during 2018 per our office’s knowledge, and no Agricultural Exemption was submitted by April 15th, as well as the property not qualifying based on being contiguous, it was fair and just to remove the exemption for 2019. The Assessor’s office requests that the assessed value for the subject property is upheld for 2019. Property owner closing remarks: Janet Meyer stated they wanted to fence the property to graze the land to fire mitigation purposes for 2019 only. She also stated she has been waiting for Idaho Power to turn the power on so water can be pumped to water stock. The decision on the case: After discussion, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner made a motion to affirm the Assessor’s value of $52,063 The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. County Clerk: The clerk will mail to Mrs. Janet Myers, an Idaho Board of Tax Appeal form/booklet after review and the final value motioned by the Board of Equalization.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -FRANCIS STEELE/RICHARD PFAU: Present are the following: Francis Steele and Terry Cairns. Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraiser Amanda Branstetter, Appraiser Meredith Greenwood, and Appraiser Kayla Nichols. Parcel #RP16N01W148005A, Location: 1700 South Exeter, Council, Idaho. Commissioner Joe Iveson explained the BOE process. Property: Current year’s value $4,929, Taxpayer’s opinion of market value $500. 3.590 acres Appellant: The property was valued at $245.00 last year. Now the value is $4,929. The property has no value except to change boundary lines. Assessor’s office: Appraiser Amanda Branstetter presented the following information; maps, pictures, and comparable. This parcel is contiguous with parcel RP16N01W147801A. The property was last appraised in 2018. It was last physically inspected by Amanda Branstetter on June 26, 2019. The appellant wishes to contest the value of the property and believes it holds no value beyond its function to change the boundary lines of the adjacent property. The property is a small strip of bare land contiguous with a 77.57-acre parcel. During reassessment this year, it was determined that the parcel and the adjacent property were not being used for agricultural production. Thus, both properties were determined to be ineligible for the agricultural exemption and were recategorized from dry grazing land to a rural residential tract. As such, the assessed value no

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6 longer reflects the agricultural exemption rate and is instead assessed at its full market value. This account for the rate increase on the subject property denoted by the appellant, from $245 to $4929. The county looked at comparable for bare-land. Since the property is not being assessed as a standalone property, we then looked at comparable bare-land properties that were 10-80 acres. It is worth noting that if the subject property were to be assessed at an unbuildable lot rate, the adjacent 77 acres would no longer be eligible for the $1373 per acre rate, but rather the 79.99 acres and under the rate of $1546 per acre. The Assessor’s office requests that the assessed value for the subject property is upheld for 2019. BOE questions: Commissioner Mike Paradis explained how each The decision on the case: Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to affirm the Assessor’s value. The motion was seconded by, Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. County Clerk: The clerk hand delivered to Francis Steel an Idaho Board of Tax Appeal form/booklet after review and the final value motioned by the Board of Equalization. The clerk stated to Mr. Steel; he is allowed to appeal onto the Idaho Board of Tax Appeal if he is unsatisfied with the decision on his appeal.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -TIM LABROUSSE: Present are the following: Tim and Joani Labrousse, Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraiser Amanda Branstetter, Appraiser Kayla Nichols, and Appraiser Meredith Greenwood. Parcel #RP00373001055A. Location: Blk 1 Lot 50, West Pine Addition Phase II, New Meadows, Idaho. 1.00/ 15 Rural Subdivision Commissioner Joe Iveson explained the BOE process. Property: Current year’s value: $25,160, Taxpayer’s opinion of market value $600.00 Appellant: Mr. Labrousse attached a letter sent last year to Stacy Dreyer. Mr. Labrousse states there have been no improvements on any lots in Adams County since the West Pine subdivision Phase 1&2 were completed in 2005. The only improvements that have been made are those individuals that chose to build on their parcels. No other parcels have been “improved”. The one- acre parcels singled out to be assessed separately are not covered by any Idaho Code/Statute assessment or part of any question and answer segments on your website that I can find. Ms. Dreyer last year stated that she voluntarily and arbitrarily” made this change because she felt it was fairer to those who had built a home on their lot. This does not sound like an Idaho Code or Statute assessment to me, but an “arbitrary and capricious” attempt to garner more funds for Adams County. We chose not to build on our lot. We should not be taxed on a parcel that has not been improved since it was originally purchased in 2006. We choose to appeal this decision and the assessed market value for the 2019 tax year. We feel that the approved assessment market value should revert back to the 2017 market value with entire 5.78 acres designated as Forest Land. Assessor’s office: Assessor Dreyer presented Application for Owner’s designation of forestland option, photos, administrative code, recorded covenants, and subdivisions. The lot is 5.77 acres and purchased by the Labrousse’ s in 2005. Adams County Assessor’s office observed inequity among assessed values on bare lots in subdivisions due to “homesite” values not being placed on all lots within the same subdivision. The homesite value is derived from the market value of bare land

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7 sales in like subdivisions. It is a value that is reflective of the fact that land within a subdivision is developed unlike land outside a subdivision. Specific to West Pine Subdivision, all lots have been approved for building, have underground power and phone, have been approved and tested for septic and the subdivision has developed roads throughout. In addition to the developed roads, the lots were provided with access roads to the proposed home site. The access road for lot 50 still exists today. The road is however overgrown with brush at this time due to it being approximately 15 years from the time it was originally created and not being maintained. Property owner closing remarks: Tim Labrousse stated we were going to build but chose not to at a later date. I would really like to see the timber status stay and I understand if we build it would go away. The decision on the case: Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to affirm the Assessor’s value. The motion was seconded by, Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. County Clerk: The clerk had delivered to Tim and Joani Labrousse an Idaho Board of Tax Appeal form/booklet after review and the final value motioned by the Board of Equalization. The clerk stated to Mr. Labrousse; he is allowed to appeal onto the Idaho Board of Tax Appeal if he is unsatisfied with the decision on his appeal.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -GARY PHELPS: Present are the following: Gary Phelps, Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraiser Amanda Branstetter, Appraiser Kayla Nichols, and Appraiser Meredith Greenwood. Parcel #RP17N01W023701A. Location: 3021 Fruitvale-Glendale Road, Council, Idaho Commissioner Joe Iveson explained the BOE process. Property: Current year’s value: $174,558, Taxpayer’s opinion: $153,000, prior year’s 81,415. 10 acres Appellant: Mr. Phelps states last year’s value to current year’s value up 214%. Even if the assessment was done six (6) years ago value is not up 214%. The last assessment had already accounted for additional footage to the house. I understand market values -a contractor for 30 years. Choose to retire and live here for lower property taxes. Assessor’s office: Appraiser Kayla Nichols presented maps, photos, comparables. The property was purchased in March 2015 and included 10 ac, existing home, and a few outbuildings. The property was physically reappraised in 2018. A decision was made to change from a Class 2 to a Class 3 which they felt was more comparable with like homes. This change made a significant difference in value. Also, during the visit, a new garage was construction and almost completed. This also contributed to the large increase from the previous assessment year. We evaluated each home individually and compare characteristics with similar class homes. The average and median sales price per square foot values are higher than the rate that the subject house is being assessed. Also noted to the taxpayer that the property would benefit from the homeowner’s exemption. The Assessor’s office requests the assessed value for the subject property be upheld for 2019.

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Property owner closing remarks: No other questions or remarks. The decision on the case: Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to affirm the Assessor’s value. The motion was seconded by, Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. County Clerk: The clerk had delivered to Garry Phelps an Idaho Board of Tax Appeal form/booklet after review and the final value motioned by the Board of Equalization. The clerk stated to Mr. Phelps; he is allowed to appeal onto the Idaho Board of Tax Appeal if he is unsatisfied with the decision on his appeal.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -THOMPSON FAMILY LIVING TRUST: Present are the following: Dick Thompson, co-trustee Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraiser Amanda Branstetter, Appraiser Kayla Nichols, and Appraiser Meredith Greenwood. Parcel #RP00600040020a. Location: Lot 2, Block 4 Council Valley Orchards, 2320 Orchard Road, Council, Idaho Commissioner Joe Iveson explained the BOE process. Property: Current year’s value: $143,060, Taxpayer’s opinion: $47,519, last year’s value $105,686. Appellant: Mr. Thompson presented an additional letter dated June 20, 2019, 2018 & 2019 assessment notices. The reason for the appeal states we were not able to apply for an agricultural exemption. We lost the 3.4 acres of irrigated pasture category on the land. The 4.4 acres were reclassified rural subdivision increasing the value. Assessor’s office: Appraiser Amanda Branstetter presented map, photos, blank agricultural exemption application, copies of Idaho Statutes 63-602K, 63-602,63-604, Idaho Administrative code 613, 645, 2017 Agricultural exemption application. The basis for the appeal is that the agricultural exemption is reinstated on the subject property. As of April 15, 2019, no agricultural exemption application had been submitted to our office for the 2019 qualifying year. Since the acreage is less than 5.00 and only 3.4 acres qualify, a yearly application is required as per Idaho Statutes. The lack of a submitted application and approval by the County Board of Commissioners causes our office to change the valuation of the land from agricultural exemption to market value. The agricultural exemption is granted to property owners based on the actual use of the land as part of a For- Profit business, this is defined in Idaho Statutes, which has been referenced. Whereas the 2019 agricultural exemption application was not submitted by April 15, 2019, nor approved by the commission it was fair and just to remove the exemption for 2019 and value the land at market value. The Assessor’s office requests that the assessed value for the subject property be upheld for 2019. Property owner closing remarks: No other questions or remarks. The decision on the case: Viki Purdy, Commissioner, made a motion to affirm the Assessor’s value. The motion was seconded by, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. County Clerk: The clerk had delivered to Dick Thompson an Idaho Board of Tax Appeal form/booklet after review and the final value motioned by the Board of Equalization. The clerk stated to Mr. Thompson; he is allowed to appeal onto the Idaho Board of Tax Appeal if he is unsatisfied with the decision on his appeal.

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BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -ALLISON GERDES LIVING TRUST: Present are the following: Allison Gerdes appeared by phone, Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraiser Amanda Branstetter, Appraiser Kayla Nichols, and Appraiser Meredith Greenwood. Parcel #RP002400030010. Location: Blk 3 Lot 1, Mountain View Estates, Council, Idaho, 8.50 acres Commissioner Joe Iveson explained the BOE process. Property: Current year’s value: $43,500, Taxpayer’s opinion: $36,000 Appellant: Allison Gerdes stated we purchased the property six(6) months ago for the agreed upon price of $36,000. We have not made any improvements to the property. In your letter, you quote Idaho Code 63-201(15), which says the market value is defined as: “ the amount of u.s. dollars a property would exchange hands between a willing seller and an informed, capable buyer.” That sets the market value of our property at $36,000. We disagree that the value has increased in just six(6) months to $43,500. Assessor’s office: Appraiser Kayla Nichols presented a map, photos, and comparables. This is an 8.5-acre lot which includes power provided by the developer. It will be up to the homeowner to install a well and septic system at their expense. The property was physically inspected on June 27, 2019, in preparation of the appeal. A purchase price of $36,000 in January 2019, was listed on the appeal form submitted to the clerk’s office. We are limited by the fact that we only receive sales information voluntarily by purchasers or multiple listing service. Bare land is identified by the class which is based on location, topography and similar characteristics. Sales from October/2017 to September/2018 were used in our study to set the assessed value as of January 01 of the current assessment year. In this study, we must divide the current assessed value with the sales price to determine a ratio. All ratios within each land classification are compared and using the median ratio, we attempt to determine if we are under or over assessing. In 2017, our studies showed a ratio of 93%, the following year the 2018 review showed a ratio of 66%. With very few sales, we made the decision not to implement an increase but to continue with the same rates for another year. Our sales in 2019 reveal a ratio of 1.23%. We again chose to hold to the current land rate because we didn’t feel there was enough data to change. The comparable data available to use since October 2018, including the subject’s sale data, support the class 5 land rate of $3,228 per acre. The Assessor’s office requests the assessed value to be upheld for 2019. Property owner closing remarks: No other questions or remarks. The decision on the case: Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to affirm the Assessor’s value. The motion was seconded by, Joe Iveson, Commissioner. Commissioner Viki Purdy voiced no-vote to the decision. The motion passed.

County Clerk: The clerk told Allison Gerdes that an Idaho Board of Tax Appeal form/booklet will be mailed to her.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION -ESTER SUE LAMBERT: Present are the following: Ester Sue Lambert. Assessor Stacy Dreyer, Appraiser Amanda Branstetter, Appraiser Kayla Nichols, and Appraiser Meredith Greenwood. Parcel #RPC0260002003AA. Location: 100 ½ North Galena Street, Council, Idaho.

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This is a follow-up to last week’s review. Property: Current year’s value $223,6630, Taxpayer’s opinion of market value $120,000 Ms. Lambert stated the property is over 100 years old and improvements like replacing the roof had to be done before it was livable. Lambert said we should not be compared to Boise, Idaho; we don’t have law enforcement, garbage pickup, or zoos. Improvement costs are under $20,000, taxes went up 100% between 2017 and 2018. The second structure was changed from commercial to residential in 2017 due to an individual living in the structure. Assessor’s office: Appraiser Amanda Branstetter stated after a visit last week the Assessor’s office reduced the market value from 223,663 to $212,276 The decision on the case: Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to accept the changed value of $212,276. The motion was seconded by, Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote. County Clerk: The clerk hand delivered to Ester Sue Lambert an Idaho Board of Tax Appeal form/booklet if after review and the final value determined she may move onto the Board of Tax Appeal.

Equalization of the roll: Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to accept the main occupancy of 2,280,112 and the main roll of 522,597,764. The motion was seconded by, Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

BOARD OF EQUALIZATION (ACTION ITEMS): Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, moves that the Board, pursuant to Idaho Code adjourn as the Board of Equalization. The motion seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner, and carried unanimously to go into Board of Equalization.

COMMISSIONER MINUTES: June 24, 2019 minutes were reviewed. After review, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by, Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

MONTHLY ROAD MAINTENANCE REPORT: June 10-20, 2019 maintenance report was reviewed. After review, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to approve the report. The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

WEED REPORT: June 3-14, 2019 weed report was reviewed. After review, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to approve the report. The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.


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BUILDING INSPECTOR POSITION: After discussion, Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to approve hiring Randal Nichols as the new building inspector. The motion was seconded by, Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

Road and Bridge Weekly Log June 24-27, 2019 Monday: June 24 New Meadows: Doug checked roads, and cleaned culvert heads on Substation, Norris, and part of Cemetery road. Lamont checked road and hauled gravel to Hubbard road. Council: Denys off. Shawn bladed and rock raked Wildhorse road. Ed hauled big rock and gravel on Wildhorse road. Vern mowed ROW on Fruitvale/Glendale road, Monroe, West Fork, and part of Ridge road by West Fork bridge. Chris worked on weekly sheets, water permits, and road logs. William and Dan took parts to NM for #108, worked on #16, #9 crack sealer and #68 mower. Indian Valley: Steve cleaned ditch on Ben Ross road. Greg mowed ROW on Indian Valley and S Grays Ck Rd.

Tuesday: June 25 New Meadows: Doug cleaned culvert heads on Cemetery Road and assisted with maintenance on #16 patrol. Lamont checked roads and hauled gravel on Hubbard road. Council: Shawn finished Wildhorse and assisted w/ culvert and ditch cleaning. Denys and Ed cleaned culvert ditch by D Jordan’s on C/C road. Vern mowed ROW on West Fork, Ridge, N Fk Ridge and Old Hornet roads. Chris worked on weekly sheets, bills then off. William and Dan worked on #16 in NM. Indian Valley: Steve cleaned bar ditches on Ben Ross and Little Weiser roads. Greg mowed ROW on Indian Valley, Ben Ross, Anderson and Mundy Gulch roads.

Wednesday: June 26 New Meadows: Doug laid out and watered the new gravel on Hubbard road. Lamont put up signs on Whitney Lane and hauled gravel on Whitney Lane. Council: Vern off. Shawn finished rolling Wildhorse road. Ed and Denys hauled big rock on Wildhorse road flood repairs. Chris worked on weekly sheets and bills. William and Dan worked on #70 mower head and #68 Ford mower, and Assessor vehicle. Indian Valley: Steve cleaned bar ditches on S IV and Mundy Gulch roads. Greg mowed ROW on S Grays, Little Weiser, and S Indian Valley roads.

Thursday: June 27 New Meadows: Lamont off. Doug did final blading on Hubbard road, painted the new front plow on #16, checked roads and worked in the shop. Council: Dan off. Shawn watered, bladed and rock raked Calf Pen, Steve’s Ck and Bear Cemetery roads. Vern mowed ROW on Jackson Ck and Cottonwood and transported backhoe from Bear to Council. Ed and Denys hauled big rock on Wildhorse road. Chris attended the Weed Tour in New Meadows. William worked on Assessor vehicle and mowed ROW.

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Indian Valley: Steve followed mower for fire safety and put up signs. Greg mowed brush and did significant work.

MOTION TO ADJOURN MEETING: Mike E. Paradis, Commissioner, made a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Viki Purdy, Commissioner. The motion passed unanimously by voice vote.

With no other matters to come before the Board, the Board adjourned until Tuesday, July 2, 2019.

ATTEST: ______Sherry Ward, Clerk of the Board Joe Iveson, Chairman

July 01, 2019, Adams County Board of Commissioner Minutes