Sponsor of the competition:

The mayor of the municipality Of

General Sponsor:


OEMUC ”St.Naum Ohridski” – Ohrid

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


7. International competition Ohrid, 2019

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


Official name Republic of or North Macedonia


Official language Macedonian

Government Unitary parliamentary republic

Demonym(s) Macedonian

History Independence declared from SRFY 8 September 1991 Officialy recognized 8 April 1993

Area 25,713 km2 (148ма)

Water (%) 1,9%

Currency (MKD)

Membership in international United Nations1993; European Council; organizations

Independence Day 8 September

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”

The state's name derives from the Greek Μακεδονία (Makedonía). The name was used for Macedonian Empire, later for the Roman Province, Byzantian theme Macedonia, until today for the region Macedonia and the state Macedonia. The name is believed to have originally meant either highlanders or the tall ones, possibly descriptive of the people.

Archaeological findings show that civilization existed on the territory of Macedonia from the period between 9000 BC. and 3500 BC For the first time, the Macedonian Kingdom appears in the 9th century BC, and there is a dilemma about who was the first Macedonian king - Karan (considered to be the mythical ancestor of the Argeades) or Perdiccas I (the first historical king of the Kingdom of Macedonia) .

The penetration of the Roman Republic to the east leads to the so-called Macedonian-Roman wars (215 BC - 168 BC) in which the Macedonian Kingdom, led by the Antigonine Dynasty, falls entirely under Roman rule, and the last Macedonian king Perseus was taken as a slave to Rome. It becomes a Roman province as part of the Roman Empire and is divided into two parts - Macedonia Prima and Macedonia Salutaris. In 837 AD, Macedonia began to fall under the rule of the Bulgarian state, and by the middle of the IX century most of Macedonia fell under Bulgarian rule and the other part was included in the Byzantine Empire.

By the end of the XIV century, Macedonia was completely subdued by the Ottomans, thus destroying its economic and social system, as well as its further social and cultural development. After the First World War, Macedonia became part of the Kingdom of and is known as the " Banovina", after the Second World War became an equal republic in the SFRY until 1991.Since 1993 Macedonia has been known as FYROM due to the veto which has put in the UN on the name Macedonia. The longstanding dispute was resolved in 2018 with the "" since Macedonia agreed to use the name North Macedonia. From 11.02.2019 it is officially called the Republic of North Macedonia.

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https://macedonia-timeless.com Matka Canyon

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Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”

Ohrid – city of UNESCO

Ohrid is a city in the southwestern part of Macedonia. The carries its name. Ohrid Lake - the largest and most significant natural lake in Macedonia, from the biological point of view is the most important stagnant water ecosystem of the continent. Its geological age is estimated at about 2-3 million years and is the oldest in Europe.Thanks to these characteristics, in 1980 the Ohrid Lake and the city of Ohrid were declared a World Heritage Site, under the protection of UNESCO. The global importance of the lake is confirmed in 2010. when NASA and the International Astronomical Union decide one of the lakes of Saturn's moon Titan to be named "Ohrid Lake" (Latin Lacus). Ohrid and Ohrid Lake are one of the main tourist destinations in Macedonia. Due to the large number of churches and monasteries, the city is named Balkan and European Jerusalem. Turkish traveler Evliya Celebija visited Ohrid in the 14th century and noticed that there are 365 churches there, as there are days in the year. Ohrid is also known as the "City of Light", a literal translation of its old name, Lychnidos.

The modern Ohrid is the heir of the ancient Lychnidos. According to the data, the city is first mentioned 2,400 years before the new era. Lihnidos was on the Via Egnatia, the oldest and most notorious Roman traffic road. The Ohrid region at the end of the 6th century was exposed to mass Slavic colonization. The Ohrid region until the 1930s was completely colonized by the Slavic tribe Berziti. Lihnid has since then been named Ohrid.

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”

Thanks to the work of Clement and Naum, the city of Ohrid, in the second half of the IX century, grew up in one of the most developed and well- known medieval Slavic cultural centers. Ohrid was not only the most important city in the region, it was also the most important educational center and source of literacy for all Slavic people. In Ohrid there is the oldest university in Europe (IX century), in the place of Plaoshnik near the city, there is the restored church of St. Clement whose findings point to the fact that there was a university from the 13th century .

In Ohrid there are many historical monuments that testify to the immortality of the city, its fall and rise over the centuries, proudly above the modern Ohrid stands the Samuil fortress, which testifies to an old time in which Ohrid was the capital of one of the largest Balkan kingdoms - Samuel Kingdom. (976 - 1018)

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”

Today Ohrid is a modern city that strives to become one of the most important tourist centers in the and Europe. Today tourists in Ohrid can visit 100 Orthodox churches, of which 60 are active, 10 Islamic objects - mosques and one Catholic church. Ohrid offers many cultural events for its visitors such as:• Prlicev's talks "- Days of the poet Grigor Prlichev

• Festival "Ohrid Summer", "Ohrid Calling" festival

• Balkan Festival of folk dances and songs, and many more events that would catch the attention of every visitor.

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”

OEMUC “St. Naum Ohridski” - Ohrid


• 3 and 4 year programmes • Electrical engineering • Mechanical engineering • Transportation • Personal services

71 employees

550 students

33 classes

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”

Balkan Junior 2019 – PARTICIPANTS

8 country / 8 schools / 9 headmasters / 14 mentors / 16 competitors / 1 goal


Vlado Jankuloski Aleksandar Lazaroski

MACEDONIA Sasho Nedeski

Ljupcho Baleski Nadica Kuzmanoska

Ivica Komadina Noa Bertovič


Alen Šestak Dalen Grdič

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


SLOVENIA Janko Pogorelčnik Jožef Hrovat Anže Nik Hernaus

Simon Konečnik Klemen Hleb Vid Vybiha


Vukoman Lekovič Marko Devič


Branko Goloskovič

Goran Mičovič Nemanja Divnič

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”



Osman Actan

ROMANIA Constanta

Cornel Mihail Dumitrascu Stere Grase

Cazan George Alexandru

JU Srednja strucna škola

Veljko Vukotić

MONTENEGRO Nikšić Slavko Bojović Zoran Vujićić

Jovan Vukosavljević

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


Ali Göztürk Yasin Akçay


Melih Berat Yaşar Bodur Güler

Sakib Ahmič Ervin Hadžimujič

Bosnia and Muharem Herzegovina Saračevič

Mujo Zeničanin Tarik Ibrahimovič

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”



DAY 02.05.2019

Arrival of the guests in the school School 17:00-18:00 Accomodating the guest Accommodation of students students in students' homes

18:00 -19:00 Arrival and accommodation in the hotel Hotel„Garden“ Dinner

DAY 03.05.2019

Breakfast Hotel„Garden“

Arrival in the school 8:30 Opening ceremony of the competition

Meeting of all competitors and their mentors: Meeting hall • Getting acquainted with the agenda • Selection of mentors in the Commission for 9:15 evaluation of the professional-theoretical part of the competition • Choosing a mentor in the Commission for assessing the practical part of the competition • Selection of the Central Commission Theoretical part of the competition: 10:00-11:30 • Instructions to the competitors Classroom • Written test 11:30 -14:30 • Work of the examination commission Practical part of the competition: 12:00-15:00 Workshop • Performing a practical task 15:00 -15:30 • Reviewing and scoring the practical work 15:30 -16:30 Lunch Restaurant

16:30 -17:30 Central Committee meeting and ranking

17:30 -18:00 Preliminary list and complaints from participants

18:00 Announcement of the final rank list

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”

18:00 -19:30 Sightseeing of the old part of the city

19:30 Dinner Hotel„Garden“

DAY 04.05.2019

Breakfast Hotel„Garden“

9:15 Gatherin g in front of the school "St.Naum Ohridski"

Whole day trip

Gala dinner for all participants and announcement of the 19:30 Hotel„Garden“ winner

DAY 05.05.2019

Breakfast Hotel„Garden“

9:00 Departure of competitors and mentors

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


Each participating country participates in a team consisting of two contestants. The contest consists of a theoretical and practical part.

Prior to the beginning of the competition, the commissions for practical and theoretical part are determined - by extraction.

Each committee is composed of three members. The number of the test to be solved, the number of the practical task and the number of the graphics are drawn out.

The theoretical part consists of 6 previously prepared tests. Each test contains 60 questions from the fields that are taught in the following subjects: - Electromotor drive, Digital Systems, Automatic Control, Technical Mechanics, Mechanical Elements and Hydraulics and Pneumatics. The theoretical part lasts 90 minutes. The selected three-member panel reviews the tests. Each team gets max. 100 points from the theoretical part. The test is solved by the two competitors separately (each can win 100 points), and the total points won by the two contestants are divided by two.

The practical part consists of the task of managing the entrance sliding door - made on a model according to a given technical description, with a microcontroller. The task has four possible modes of operation. The mode that will be produced will be drawn before the start of the competition. Before the start of the competition, one of the four given graphics will be drawn out, which will be drawn on the door with a mini CNC router. Competitors work in a team. They program a microcontroller in C language. They program the CNC router, mount, connect and test.

For the practical part, a maximum of 200 points is obtained by a three-member committee, according to a given valuation table. The practical part lasts 180 minutes

Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”


OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski” - Ohrid


Balkan Junior 2019 NEWSLETTER OEMUC” St. Naum Ohridski”