Glengarry News
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GLENGARRY NEWS ALEXAXDRIA, OXTAEIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1926 VOL. XXXIV—Na. 38. $2.00 A YEAR. tood Attendance at Angus Macdonald, ex-M.P. MR. KING AND HIS CABINET AFTER BEING SWORN IN OFFICE Alex. McGuaig Passes 74th Annual [xhihitien Suddenly Stricken In Kentfield, Cal. Undgr anything but ideal iveather While it was generally known that Alexander M. McCuaig, former condition the 74th annual Exhibition Mr. Angus Macdonald ex-M.P. Timis- well known and highly esteemed re- of the Glengarry Agricultural Society, kaming, for some time now had not resident of Napa, passed away Friday, lield here on Thursday and Friday of been enjoying good health, the news -“Vugust 27th, at his home in Kentfield, last week, drew a good attendance of that he had been stricken with a sud- Marin County Cal., after a long illness. den attack of heart trouble, passing patrons. An attack of heart trouble came On the first day, the weatlicr prov- away in a few moments, while on Sil- .suddenly as a complication which un- ing favorable, there was a\ .steady ver St., Cobalt, about eight o’clock, expectedly ended his life. stream of exhibitors entering and Saturday evening, came as a shock to Mr. McCuaig had been better of placing the usual display of fancy and a large circle of Glengarry friends and late and up to the last his friends had useful articles, field and root crops, relatives. entertained high hopes of his recov- garden ■ vegetables, grain and seeds, Mr. Macdonald who was born in dairy produce, fruits, flowers, plants, July, 1867, was the son of the late Mr. Deceased was a native of Mineral etc., to ,such a degree that the hall and Mrs. John A. M«'vcdonald, 14-4tli Hill, Nevada. He is survived by a was a centre of attraction which call- Lancaster. He received his early edu- widow', Charlotte A. McCuaig, and two ed forth much favorable comment. cation at the local school, subsequently sisters. Several business men also had their attending Ottawa University. ' The The funeral was held from Grey’s lines on view which undoubtedly prov- greater part of his life was spent in parlors in San Francisco Sunday after- ed advantageous. different mining camps on the con- noon, under the auspices of Yoilnt A steady downpour of rain Thurs- tinent, in earlier years, however he Lodge, F. *Sr A. M., of Napa. day night, was indeed‘discouraging for had lived in the .Western States, later Mr. McCuaig w’ill be affectionately the directors of the Fair who had going to British Columbia. When the remembered by hosts of old time Napa brought together for the amusement Camp of Cobalt was in its infancy he friends. It w*as some twenty years Friday afternoon of their patron's, established himself, ihere making it ago that he loft Napa to make his some twenty horses to participate in his home for nearly twenty years dur- home in San Francisco where he was a series of what promised to be close iiig which time ho was always actively umployod by the Merritt Glove Co., and exciting races^ The condition of interested in the Labor Unions of the While there he was prominent in fra- the track, however, Friday precluded district, taking a prominent part in ternal circles, being a Past Worthy the holding of same to' the regret of their work of organization. A car- Master of Yount Lodge, He was alsç all concerned. By the afternoon, typi- penter and timberman by trade, Mr. one of the founders of the -old Eagle cal July weather prevailed*, and many Macdonald had been employed at dif- Cycling Club, and its first Captain. at the last moment decided to take ferent mines in the North country. Front row—Hon. J. A. Robb, minister of finance; Hon. Senator Raoul Danduiand, wittiout portfolio; Et. Hon. W. L. Macken- Mr. McCuaig was for many, years a in the Fair, of which the classes devot- It was in 1919, that he came prom- zie King', prime minister and external affairs; Hon. Ernest Lapointe, justice; Hon. Charles Stewart, interior. popula]^ and faithful employee of the ed to horses, being well filled, kept inently in the Dominion limelight by Standing, back rpw—Fernand Einfret, secrçtary of state; Hon. Robert Porke, immigration; Hon. J. 0. Elliott, public works; California Glove Co. all keenly interested. The poultry sec- wresting the old Federal riding of Hon. W. D. Euler, customs and excise; Hon. Chas. A. Thinning, railways and canah; Hon. W. R. Motherwell, agriculture; Hon. P. tion contained many and varied en- Timiskamiug from the Conservatives Mr. McCuaig was the son of Mal- tries, making it very attractive. and so became Ontario’s first Labor J. A. Cardin, marine and fisheries; Hon. James Malcolm, trade and'commerce; Hon. Dr. J. H. King, health and D.S.C.E.; Hon. Lu- colm McCuaig of Peveril, Que., and During the afternoon the Valleyfield M.P. He represented that district in cien Cannon, solicitor ceneral: Hon. P. L Vaniot. ijoslajaslar asûfflsL. Hpn. Peter Heenan. Labor.' his wife Isabel McLennan of the Bntss Band rendered a delightful pro- the House- of Commons for six years Township of Charlottenbnrgh. •gramme of music. retiring at the general election of 1925 A special exhibit of automobiles when the riding was divided. Running made by our veteran salesman, Mr. D. as a straight Labor man in the by- Macdougalil Agaia Miss lydia Bertrand Oninio Elections BIf Celebrate Iheir Kindness of Ottawa Citizen / A. Kennedy, occupied h conspicuous election caused by the death of Hon. place on the grounds and the interest Prank Cochrane in 1919, Mr. Macdan- Through the kindness and considera- taken^ in it emphasized the popularity ald carried the seat in the three cor- May Head doard Bride of Ooaald F. Bewar lilf Hew fear Golden Wedding tion of the Ottawa Citizen we repro- •of the auto as a means of transit. Mr. nered fight being 2200 votes ahead duce this week a group picture of Ottawa, Sept. 29.—TIIQ impression Kennedy was interested in the first of Arthur Slaght, the Liberal who ‘ (Lake Pl^acid News) Toronto, September 29.—According (The '^Independent, Stettler, Alt^;) Premier King and his Cabinet after seems to be deepening in official cir- On Wednesday dfteriioon, September sale of an automobile in Glengarry came second. At the general election to a new.s column story in the Tor- The golden w’eddiiig of Mr. and Mrs. being sworn in office also a late pic- cles here that Senator W. L. MaeDou- back in 1911 and each succeeding of 1921 Mr. Macdonald was again in , at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. onto Telegram today. Premier Howard A. M. Campbell, w'as celebrated on ture of the' Prime^ Minister Rt. Hon, gald, who resigned the Chairmanship -season finds him doing business on a the field and again was returned al- Jesse G. Brewster, Lake Placid. Lyda Ferguson has decided to put off the Monday, September 20th, when the W. L. MacKenzie King, all of which ^ of the Montreal Harbor Board on ap- more extensive scale. though. by a majority of less than one Theodoroa Bertrand, formerly of King- provincial general election until next family gathered at the residence in will pjr^ve of interest to our numerous pointment to the Senate, may return THE PRIZE LIST hundred votes in a keenly fought ston, Canada, and Donald Praser De- year, and, instead, to hold a series of town and gave them a dinner and a readers. ■HORSES struggle. During this term at Ottawa to that position in an honorary capa- war of Toronto, Canada, ivere unit- by-elections to fill some of the va- purse of gold. citj\ He could not retain the Sena- ed in marriage. Rev. Sidney T. Ruck Class 1 .Stallion Heavy Draught Mr. Macdonald was' greatly handicapp- cancies in the House. All the family were present, con- Stallion^ 4 years and up—James ed by continual ill health. He was torsiiip and draw as well the salary of of St. Eustace Episcopal church ' offi- The Telegram says: sisting of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Clarke the head of the Harbor Board but could Vallanee, R-B. 2, Maxville; Stallion, unmarried. ciating. Tlie conventional Episcopal ^‘Information vouchsafed the Tele- of Kanata, Mr. and Mrs. J. MacDonald W.M.S. Auxiliaries Met fill both positions, if the latter were service was employed. ^ years, D. J. MeCrimmon, R.B. 1, Dal- He is survived by two brothers, gram today is to the* effect that a pre- of Stettler, Mis.s Violet Campbell of without remuneration. ^ Tlie bridesmaid was Miss Gertrude keith. Roderick J., of Bridge End and D. J. liminary series of the four or five by- Cincinnatto, ReV. and Mrs. H. Ellis of ‘Class 3 Horses for Agricultural Pur- Senator MacDougald’s return to the Bertrand, sister of the, bride; b(^st elections will be held before very long, Ghion Lake, Sask., Miss Gladys Camp- At Norih Lancaster in Yakima, Wash. Harbor Chairmanship, where his ad- man, Dr. James J. Perkins of Lake pose (Heavy Draught) The rema’ins, accompanied by Mr. two of the first to be Kenora and Coch- bell of Stettler, and Mrs. J_ Lyle of ministration .was^regardod highly, may Placid; Jesse G. Brewster of Lake Pla- The joint meeting of the Presbyter- Mare or gelding, 3 years old—lst D. Ale.T. J. MacDouell, Of Schumacher, ar- rane.vaeated by Hon. Beter Heenan Lloydminster, Sask. All the grand- be the easiest way out of a difficulty, cid, gave the bride aivay. ian W.M.S.