Managing System Resources on ‘Teras’ Experiences in Managing System Resources on a Large SGI Origin 3800 Cluster The paper to the presentation given at the CUG SUMMIT 2002 held at the University of Manchester. Manchester (UK), May 20-24 2002. Mark van de Sanden
[email protected] Huub Stoffers
[email protected] Introduction Outline of the Paper This is a paper about our experiences with managing system resources on ‘Teras’. Since November 2000 Teras, a large SGI Origin 3800 cluster, is the national supercomputer for the Dutch academic community. Teras is located at and maintained by SARA High Performance Computing (HPC). The outline of this presentation is as follows: Very briefly, we will tell you what SARA is, and what we presently do, particularly in high performance computing, besides maintaining Teras. Subsequently, to give you an idea, on the one hand which resources are available on Teras, and on the other hand what resources are demanded, we will give overviews of three particular aspects of the Teras: 1) Some data on the hardware – number of CPUs, memory, etc. - and the cluster configuration, i.e. description of the hosts that constitute the cluster. 2) Identification of the key software components that are used on the system; both, system software components, as well as software toolkits available to users to create their (parallel) applications. 3) A characterization of the ‘job mix’ that runs on the Teras cluster. Thus equipped with a clearer idea of both ‘supply’ and ‘demand’ of resources on Teras, we then state the resource allocation policy goals that we pursue in this context, and we review what resource management possibilities we have at hand and what they can accomplish for us, in principle.