Polish School Camp at the Agricultural Technical Institute “G. Presta”

by the students of V A and V B , November 16th 2019

“We are history” 08/09/1945 – Soldiers and students of the 2nd Polish Corps in Piazza S. Domenico - The Poles in At the end of World War II , the Poles did not want to return to their homeland because they feared Stalin, who had buried many young people in the mass graves in Katyn (1940) and had not lifted a finger to defend Warsaw from the Nazis (1944). Many arrived in Salento with the intent to reconstruct the ruling and middle classes. They opened schools of all types, with the aim of preparing the future ruling class before returning to Poland. The Second Polish Corps In December 1941, General Anders created a new army by recruiting all the Poles escaped from the Concentration Camps. In 1942 Anders’ army went to Iraq where it took the name of 2°Polish Corps. In 1944 it came to where it captured Montecassino on May18th1944. Other freed towns: Ancona, Bologna, Matera.

Wladyslaw Anders 11/08/1892-12/05/1970 Montecassino cemetery. He attended the Russian school for reserve officers , the Polytechnic in Riga and the course of Academy for the General Staff ( Joint Chiefs). After a brilliant military career, in 1946 the Communist authorities revoked his Polish citizenship and his grade of General. In 1954, he became a major figure, a member of the Council of the Three in London, leading authority of the Emigration Polish Government.

Polish schools in Salento

• Matino - Gymnasium High School • - Agricultural High School • - Gymnasium High School • Casarano - Business Management High School • Casarano - Scientific Lyceum • - Rail Workers

Lecce - Polish School Camp

After the armistice in 1943, the "Podestà“ or mayor of Lecce, took over the schoo buildings for Anders’ schools. The "G. Presta ” was suitable, having been designed to be a boarding school.

Agricultural Technical Institute “G. Presta” At that time, the Institute was attended by pupils coming from wealthy families of Lecce, Brindisi and Taranto. The school was provided with Chemistry, Physics and Natural Sciences labs. A vast library and a collection of glass vases containing plants in formaldehyde, exhibited at a national and international level. When the soldiers arrived, the students were transferred to the tobacco company in Lecce. Tobacco cultivation and processing were, at that time, a primary activity in Salento.

Szkola Rolnicza Bazi 2 Korp Lecce The school was active from 14/10/1945 to15/04/1946 and was attended by a hundred soldiers. The courses lasted a semester with an intense schedule and strict regulations. Subjects included accounting, hygiene, plant and animal production, etc. A subject of military discipline was added. At the end of the war, many soldiers returned to their homeland to rebuild their country. Others decided to bring the agricultural sector to Britain where they founded the Cannon Hall Camp in York County. School Timetable Subjects Hours Social problems and village- 40 based cooperative

Religion 30 Polish language / Accounting 40 History and Polish Culture 60 Hygiene 10 Production Plant 155 Economy 90 Animal Farming 145 Agrarian Issues 15

Lecce Habits of Poles

Many of the Polish schools were in built-up areas. But the Agrarian School was outside of Lecce. The historical records in consequence say little of the Polish pupils at Presta. A witness, son of the Institute’s driver, says that in their free time the men walked to Lecce to have “Pezzetti e mieru” at the well- known tavern “Franciscu”.

Planimetry of the Agrarian School (adapted to Polish School Camp)

Back view

Oil mill





The Secondary Superior Institute “Presta Columella”

Thank you for your attention

Bibliography La Scuola Agraria di Lecce, Cristina Martinelli, poloniaeuropae, 2011