I ilium™"*11 — Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference EG9700019 on Energy and Envirorunent, Cairo, , 1996

Renewable Energy In Egypt Strategy for the Future

Eng. Abdel Rahman Abdel Mageed Aly

First under secretary of state Deputy Chairman Land Rec. Auth.(GARPAD)

1. Future Dev. plans and energy needs. 2. Ren. Energy Resources in Egypt.

3. National Grid, Now and in the Future.

4. Ren. energy : strategy for the Future:

a. Grid Connected .

b. Stand alone .

-537- 1. Future Dev. Plans and Energy Heeds

1. The over population problem

Egypt suffers from over population in its old lands in the Mile valley and delta .

The Egyptian population reached over than 60 million at the begining of l^S'6, and is expected to reach over 90-95 million at 2025 .

The unique solution is the movement of a reasonable part of population to new regions on Egypt map.

These regions are :

1. Sea shores { Wed. , iied und Gulf 3 ). 2. Sinai poninsula . 3. Naser lake . 4. Western desert . 5. Eastern deaert .

If we consider that today situation will be sustained ( alth-

ough it is not proper ), this means that the proposed popula-

tion movement during the following 25-30 years to the regionB

mentioned above must be in the range of 30-35 millions .

2. The L/evelopment Plans

Allthe Dev. plans build their strategy in the new regions, on

utilizing the natural resoures in this promising areas, beside

-538- absorbing the surplus population moved from the old regions, taking into conaideration all approved rales of sustainable development allover the world.

The dev. plans concentrate on the initiation of integrated communities in the new areas with respect of all known rules of regional planning, and this will be fulfiled by a National Dev. Master plan at first, and then deviding the total area of the state into compact planning regions containting both sub-regions from new and old lands.

The Egyptian Urban planning Auth. had put down a Master plan containing a new Urban map for Egypt. Beside this Master plan, they put down different regional Urban plans for the different Egyptian regions.

All these plans put the strategy for dev. goals up to 2020-2025, with complete co-operation with the other specialized Auth.

All these studies are published and can be obtained from the Egyptian Urban Planning Auth.

In general the dev. axis in these plans are :

a. North western shore of the Med. sea from west Alex- andria up to Salloom, and with depth to the south of about 20-30 Km . b. . c. Naser lake • d. shore from Sokhna at north till at south, comprising all the narrow coastal plain.

-539- e. The depressions of the western desert ( Siwa, Baharya, Frafra, Dakhla and Kharga )•

f. The strip from Naser lake western banks, up till Gilf plateau on the western borders.

g. The eastern desert.

3. The energy needs

There are special ratea for energy needs to facilitate the strategic calculations applied to a dev. plan . Of course this rate differs from country to another according to the dev. level. To calculate the energy needs according to dev. plan of Egypt up to year 2025 we will consider two factors :

1. The promotion of the rate; KW / Capita with 25-50% ( rate of increase 1% every year ).

2. The increase of population to 90 — 95 millions (50-60% increase than year 1996 ).

So we can consider that the energy needs will increase with a change of 75-110% .

-540- 2. Renewable Energy Resources in Egypt

The main two natural resources of renewable energy in Egypt, are solar and wind energy.

1. Solur energy potential

Since Egypt exists in region between lat. of 22°N and 31«5°N, the solar energy is of high potential, specially in the south- ern regions. The attatched figure shows the solar potential variation over the Egyptian land, which can be exploited by heating devices or generating eleotricity through PV systems.

2. Wind Energy Potential

As shown from the attatched figure, some Egyptian regions have a very high potential. The Siiiz gulf ia one of the highest allover the world where wind speed reaches arround lOm/sec. This is due to the geographic profile of the land in this area,which coincide with the main direction of wind in this place. The second class areas are as shown in Redaea shore, Med.sea shore,and the Gilf plateau at the extreme southwest of Egypt, where the contours reach up to 1000m over the aea level as a part of the mid plateau.

-541- 3. National Grid Now and in the Future

The Egyptian electrical national grid had been promoted to a great extent in the last ten years. All the old lands are coverd, and at the same time the big indust rial projects outside that land are coverd ( such as iron ore mines at Baharya and phosphat mines at Abou Tartour ). Now, extending the grid to - Hergada and are goingon .

It is planned to connect - in the near future all the main urban centers on the Wed. west coast up to Salloom.

The figure attatched indicates the plan according to the " Annual report of electric statistics 1994-1995, published by the Egyptian Electricity Auth. ( EEA ).

-542- 4. Renewable Energy Strategy for the Future

By comparing the plans of dev. with the position of the national grid, we will notice clearly the dev. axis searching for their proper energy needs. Comparing this energy needs with the renewables potentialitiaa.we can see a bright picture for the possibilities of energy supply for these areas.

1. Stand alone systems

These areas are remote and isolated.so we can use stand alone systems. As shown in the figure attatched,some of the them can find it suitable to build FV systems and others wind energy systems.

In some special cases we can use both of the two systems for different applications( PV for communications, navigation aids, and wind energy for other applications like the case of the islands in the northern part of the red sea ).

2. Grid Connected systems

Due to effective development of the wind turbines, and its economical feasibility, it is possible to have big wind farms of hundreds - and may be thousands - of Megawatts.

So the promising areas in Egypt with rich wind potential can be used to construct large wind farms and can be connected to the grid passing near by.

-543- This had been already applied in some contries ( Denmark and USA on a large scale and in UK, Holland on a smaller scale), and is going to be applied now on a large scale in Spain and Morocco.

Egypt began to construct at Zaafrana that type of grid connected - large wind farms begining with 60 MW as an initial phase, and will end with 600 MW total capacity on year 2005 .

The same thing can be applied on the Med. western coast in the near future and on the Gilf plateau in the far future specially after the construction of Egypt - Zaire E.H.T. Line connecting Aswan high dam station with . Inga dam station.

-544- Diagrams &

Illuatrating Figurea

-545- Egyptian Dev. Axis

-546- UNIFIED POWER SYSTEM 1993/1994

500 K.V.T.L 220 K.V.T.L 132 K.V.T.L

-547- Egypt Annual Average Wind Power Estimates

10m Power Wind Power Speed* Class (W/m7) (m/s)

1 < 100 <4.4 250-300 6.0-6.4

2 100-150 4.4-5 1 300-400 6.4-7.0

3 150 200 5156 a Hov'i'qh diilr>but»oi 4 200 250 5 6 6 0

Thts map of annual wind power estimates was prepared by number AID-263-01 23 C 00 4069 00 The wind power estimates Battelte. Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland. Washington. •in; bnsod primarily on historical wind data available from wpathr>r< under contract to Louis Berger International. Inc.. lor the Egyptian obsnrvmq stations throucjhout Egypt Extrapolations were made to Renewable Enerqy Field Test Program Fhi» proqram is bninq ainns whrvrt no dntn were available by considering targe-scale tt»r performed in cooperation with the Egyptian Electricity Authority tain inMuunrus on thn airflow In general, the estimates represent of the Government o1 Egypt under thn sponsorship of thfl UmtiMt values (or locations that nre welt exposed to the prevailing winds States Agency for International Development under contract However, focal tnrrnin features can cause variability in the wind power ovnr distance scales too small to be depicted on this map

-548- Egypt Annual Average Of Solar Energy on Full Traclung System

I I < 7.5 kWh/mVdby 9.0-9.5 kWh/mz/day I | 7.5-8.0 kWh/mz/day f&El 9.5-10.0 kWh/mz/day

I I 8.0-8.5 kWh/mz/day TWk 10.0-10.3 kWh/mVday 1F?>1 8.5-8.9 kWh/mz/day fESt 10.3-10.5 kWh/mz/day I---M 8.9-9.0 kWh/mz/day f I > 1C.5 kWh/mVday

Map (105) The annual average (if Uic solar energy densiLy on full tracking Byaleni over Egypt, in

-549- Grid Connected Wind Farms and their priorities

-550- Positions of Stand - alone Wind Farma

-551- Poaitiona of Stand - alone PV systems

-552- -553-