m % c R m P u s lili I The Semi-Weekly Campus, Published by the SMU Students' Publishing Company SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, DALLAST TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19. 1944 I TWENTY-NINTH YEAR No. 45 pigma Delta Chi, Male July Seniors Student Council COGS Are Needed An important meeting of the [Journalism Frat, Must Fill Reports Student Council will be held to­ day at 5 o'clock in the Student To Make Kits To National Roster Center. New members will be To Have Banquet installed and a Duchess to repre­ For Servicemen Plans for their Founders' Day Men students previously defer­ sent SMU at Texas Wesleyan More COGS are needed every Banquet, to be held May 1, were red who are graduating by July College will be selected from first, should go by Dean A. C. Zum- day in the workroom to learn how cliscussed Tuesday in a meeting of nominees by the sororities and to make the Red Cross kits for Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journal­ brunnen's office immediately and ISA. fill out the questionnaires for the servicemen, Audrey Ellen Wil­ ism fraternity, announced C. J. Ray Schumacher, liams, president of COGS, urged. JjUten, pi-esident, of the SMU chap­ National Roster of Scientists and Specialist Personnel for the War President A Red Cross instructor will be ter. The banquet will be held at in the workroom Friday afternoon, Stoneleigh Court, and three SMU Manpower Commission in Wash­ ington, D. C. beginning at 2 p.m., to teach the pledges will be initiated at that girls how to make the service kits "This was announced previously, Jime: Alan T. Myers, Clyde. Stew­ so that they in turn may show but few have come by the office," President Lee wi art, and Willis Ross. other COGS how. Four sewing ma- < Miss Doris Comstock, Dean Zum- '? On the Founders' Day program chines are used in the workroom brunnen's secretary, said. will be a pre-release story of con­ Address Library for this project. trolled propaganda under Axis dic­ If the blanks are not sent to Copies of The CAMPUS are still tatorship in a speech by Hugo T. Washington soon, the selective Meeting Tonight being sent out every week to ex- Speck, editor of WFAA-KGKO. Staff Photo by Beggx. service board will have no way of Dr. Umphrey Lee, president of Mustangs now in service. Instead ?Speck, news editor of WFAA- Roy Q. Seale, above, instructor in the Engineering deciding where to place the men when they are inducted. SMU, will speak Wednesday night of being folded for mailing as pre­ &GKO. Speck, a former United School and mathematics instructor was interrupted at SPORT in Fondren Lecture Hall to the viously done, the papers are being Press representative in European —S.M.U.— his desk in the math office for shot as Hilltop thirty-second meeting of the rolled in accordance with postal [countries, and was the Berlin man­ "Ugly Man Dr. Seale won the dubious honor in a recent contest Texas Library Association on regulations. Additional workers to ager for Initcrnational News Serv­ sponsored by APO over ten other faculty and student contestants, "Libraries in the Postwar World." mail the papers are needed too, ice when we entered the war. He Faculty-Students On Wednesday morning, Donald Audrey Ellen stated. entered an internment camp by re­ Coney, librarian, University of The following are excerpts from quest, and lived there for five To Be Featured Hilltop Ugly Man Asserts Texas, will address the group at some of the many letters received months. the Hotel Adolphus. In the after­ by the Red Cross from servicemen .< A fellowship hour will be includ­ 7 In Marriage Talks noon session, Dr. Spencer Stoker, overseas, who have received kits ed in the program, and several professor and director of the de­ like the one COGS are making 'service men just back from combat "Our Side Was Richest ' War and peace-time marriage partment of education, Texas now: ?areas will be present. problems will be presented in a State College for Women, Denton, "Greetings: "The standard of male beauty* panel discussion at the Y meeting 5 Also, in their Tuesday meeting, will talk on "College Curricula in "The other day this Yank re­ on this campus is unusually high," runners-up in the contest who, he tomorrow night in the Student Sigma Delta Chi elected Ervin the War Effort and Postwar Sta­ ceived a Red Cross bag from the declared Dr. Roy Q. Seale, asso­ asserts, were uglier than he was Center at 7:30 p.m. The panel is Eatenson as Vice-President of this bilization." Chapter in Dallas. I wish to thank ciate professor of m athematics, but just did not have the support to be made up of representatives chapter, and made plans to enter­ Miss Mildred Wyatt, librarian, you many times for the contents, who recently was named "Ugly to get elected. He likes golf and from various fields which have tain representatives from the jour­ Stephen F. Austin Teachers Col­ which was a very timely gift and Man" on the Hilltop. Named as bridge, too, but says that Dr. Ed­ been selected accordingly. nalism department of Oklahoma which arrived at the moment when winner of the two-weeks contest win Mouzon, also of the math de­ lege, Nacogdoches, will speak on ICity University. The visitors, four­ To represent the college girl is "Importance of Visual Education such things were badly needed. after a last-minute penny collec­ partment, will have to be con­ Evlyn Storey, who is now a senior Chosen Monda.y afternoon by COGS Steering Com­ teen delegates and two professors in the Library" and Mrs. Mary Such things as sewing kits, with tion by his campaign manager, sulted as to the type of games they on the campus. Mr. and Mrs. Don mittee as outstanding "COG of the Month" is Mary .;jand their wives, will be in Dallas Peacock Douglas, director of SERVICE needles, are rare and we must Luther Pulley, Dr. Scale accepted play; the two are frequent part­ Iglehart are to present the young Ann Barlow, above, on her way to the COG work­ fMay 3 and 4. Sigma Delta Chi school libraries in North Caro­ make our clothes last. Fragrant the somewhat dubious honor with ners. married couples' viewpoint. Don is room with papers to be mailed to ex-students now in service. fin. conjunction with Theta Sigma lina, will talk on "Postwar Plan­ soaps and shaving creams, and candor and good sportsmanship. now attending SMU, and Dorothy, |Phi, women's honorary journalism "I have beans, tomatoes, rad­ ning for School Librarianist." tooth powder are at times hard "Our side was richest," he as­ his wife, was on the campus a fraternity, plans to take them on ishes, and cut worms in my gar­ A panel discussion on postwar to obtain. Magazines and writing serted, the votes in the contest year or two ago. a tour of the offices of the Dallas den," he said proudly, and then libraries and extension in Texas material are luxuries in this out- cost a penny each. We had the Bob Dickinson has been asked to Morning News and Holland Maga- with a sad smile, "the latter will led by Rex Hooper, professor at Mary Ann Barlow Voted of-the-way place. most pennies." He cast a sidelong appear for the college boys' point probably be the victors." the University of Texas will con­ I am very sure that the many zme. glance at his colleagues in the of view on peace and war time // clude the meeting at 9 a.m. Thurs­ service men who receive these ar­ —S.M.U.— math department. —S.M.U.— marriages. Bob is a theologue stu­ day at the Hotel Adolphus. ticles appreciate them quite as dent. Dr. Paul Root, sociology pro­ "The COC Of The Month "Have you ever taught George?" —S.M.U.— much as I do." Sgt. T. Larry Ervin. fessor, will discuss the background was one question fired at him— Nutrition Course Mary Ann Barlow, a junior in was the COG chairman in this "This is just a note from a sol­ Ten Girls Needed of the subject. meaning, of course, his son, George the Arts and Science School, has campaign. She announced that dier somewhere in New Guinea, Will Begin Today At the last Y meting, George Seale, junior in SMU. "No," he Twenty-Five Men been chosen by the Steering Com­ SMU pledged 42 gallons of blood who wishes to thank you all for For Mortar Board said, "George doesn't want me to Irwin, president of the YMCA, an­ Students may enroll today for mittee of COGS as the "COG of through the cooperation and re­ (Continued on Page 4) try to teach him any more than nounced the program for this week the Red Cross nutrition course, sponse of the SMU students. In I want to try to teach him." and suggested that the students Are Now Enrolled the Month." Calling Out Ritual Home Economics 56a, according to this drive Mary Ann had charge hand in questions they would like Mary Ann is the vice-president Ten sophomore girls with B Dr. Seale's fellow professors Mrs. Verna Garrard, head of the to have discussed. From the ques­ of the campaign and handled the Campus Calendar averages or better who arc in the have had a lot to say about his Home Economics Department. One In Safety Courses of COGS and served on the Steer­ publicity. Like other co-eds, Mary tions handed in, problems have ing Committee last trimester. She high quartile of their class, are place in the contest. They con­ hour's credit will be given to stu­ been formed and are to be discuss­ A ten day training course in the Ann is a Blood Donor herself. needed as "Honor Guard" for the tributed lavishly to the campaign has been active in its work since dents who successfully complete ed by the panel. prevention of accidents at Army One of the new COG projects is Wednesday, April 19 Mortar Board Calling Out to be in order that he might win. the organization was founded on the course. The program committee headed Air Force installations is under working on Service Kits to be sent Donald Coney, presented by the held on Wednesday, May 10. the campus last fall. "He's the biggest prof in the This course is taught by Miss by Mary LaPrade and Sue Beasley way at SMU, one of the three Texas Library Association, lec­ She became interested in COGS overseas. Mary Ann and Audrey All girls who might be included math department — physically Mary Walker in the basement of has been working on the questions schools in the country to give the ture: "Libraries in the Postwar because she thought that SMU Ellen Williams, COG's president, in this group are requested to con­ speaking," Dr. Recs, former math Snider Hall, said Mrs. Garrard. It which the panel will discuss to­ training. World." Danish Room, Adolphus should have an organization for went to the Red Cross, saw the tact the registrar's office, and the professor used to say. will last three weeks and is a pre­ morrow night. Heading these ac­ The problem confronting the Hotel, 10 a.m. war work. She believes that COGS women making these kits, and de­ ten applicants with the highest Dr. Seale's hobbies, he said, are tivities has been Joyce Fox, presi­ ground safety officer is to develop Student Council meeting, Stu­ requisite to Canteen work and Die­ gives the SMU co-ed a chance to cided such a project would be new grade averages will be chosen. teaching math and kidding the dent of the YWCA. "Many people the safety consciousness of his per­ dent Center, 5 p.m. titian Aides courses. help in the war effort. "The work and interesting for the girls in Mortar Board encourages as have asked us to have a discussion sonnel so that exposure to acci­ Meeting of College Division of is small, but it's the least we can COGS. Mary Ann had said that many applications as possible, and on marriage problems, for certain­ dents will be at a minimum, R. W. Texas Library Association. Speak­ do," Mary Ann said. the initial enthusiasm shown by anyone with a reasonably high ly this is a problem at the pres­ Elliston, safety engineer of SMU's girls has never lagged, but the ers: Dr. Spencer Stoker, "College grade average has a chance to be Ex-SMU Marine With ent time," said Joyce. war training division, told the men. Mary Ann is the co-sponsor of girls have not responded as they Curricula—the War Effort and one of those chosen, stated Miss All students are urged to attend While accidents can still be di­ the Blood Donor Drive that was Postwar Stabilization;" Miss Mil­ May Fee of the Registrar's of­ this meeting, said George Irwin, vided into those caused by me­ held recently on the campus, and (Continued on Page 4) dred Wyatt, "Importance of Visual fice. 30 Jap Planes To Credit president. chanical failure and those caused Education in the Library." Danish —S.M.U.— —S.M.U.— by human failure, the main causes Room, Adolphus Hotel, 2 p.m. are ignorance and carelessness People I'm Not in Love With Mu Phi Epsilon initiation. Or­ Ex-Mustang Is Visits Friends Here which only a continuing education (With apologies to Mr. Ogden Nash) gan Room, 5-9 p.m. Councilmen to Be program can control, he asserted. By BETTY KELLY Arden Workshop. Arden Hall, Lt. Ovis D. Hunter, 23-year-old* Reported Missing Twenty-five military and ci­ !& - l • . • 7:30 p.m. SMU ex, who brought down three Installed Today vilian safety men are enrolled in There are oodles of people Dr. Umphrey Lee, "Libraries Lieut. Leo B. Gordon, Jr., for­ Jap planes to add to the record Who could be shut up in a steeple for all I care. and International Understanding." Deferment Requests Installation of officers will be this first safety class. Similar mer student at SMU, son of Mr. number, 135, his famous squadron For instance: Miss Althea Warren president of Deferment requests for stu­ conducted at the meeting of the courses will be held for Air Force and Mrs. L. B. Gordon, 6158 Bel­ of Flying Corsairs bagged in the There's the guy who'll creep along American Library Association," dents who will graduate by July Student Council this afternoon, an­ personnel beginning May 1. mont, has been reported missing South Pacific, is in Dallas this At five miles in a thirty-five mile limit ; "Libraries in the Nation." Fondren 1 have been mailed to Austin by nounced Ray Schumacher, presi­ —S.M.U.— in action over Italy on March 18. week to spend part of his leave In the middle of the road, Lecture Hall, 8 p.m. A. C. Zumbrunnen, dean of stu­ dent. He was co-pilot of a flying For­ with his friends and relatives. And unless you're especially fond of playing leap-toad, Thursday, April 20 tress. dents. New officers who will be install­ \ COGS Emblem You can't get over, around, or even under him. Texas Library Association panel Gordon has been on foreign duty "This pertains to those who ed are: Lindsay Embrey, vice-pres­ II discussion by Rex Hopper, "Post­ since March, 1943. He landed in were previously deferred and ident; James Beggs, Engineering And there are people who in the middle of a moving picture, war Libraries in Texas—Realities North Africa, was a member of have been just declared 1-2 School representative; Martha Will Be Ready Make for the row in which you seat is a fixture and Opportunities." Danish Room, the United States air force recon- only," said Dean Zumbrunnen, Mather, Helena Underwood, and And proceed to step on your favorite bunions. Adolphus Hotel, 9 a.m. I naissance squadron which took "and includes only ones like Dick Pyle, Arts and Sciences rep- Early in June And after they've seated themselves next to you, you discover Y Meeting. Student Center, 7:30 : I part in the Tunisian campaign. medical students and science sentatives; and Jack Smith, Bus­ they've been eating onions. p.m. • He also participated in the battles and engineering majors who iness Administration representa­ Official COGS pins will be They rattle candy paper indiscriminately Voice Recital by pupil of Mrs. ; j of Kasserine Pass, Gasfa-El Guet- will receive their degrees by tive. They were elected recently to available by June for all COGS 'Till you feel you'll be forced to homicide imminently. Golden. Organ Room, 8:15 p.m. c ' tar and in the Madjez El Bab and or on July 1." fill vacancies which had been made who have completed the required But with the eye of a professional rover Friday, April 21: Cap Bon sectors. in the Student Council. A general thirty COG hours, Audrey Wil­ liams, president, announced today. They discover a seat elsewhere they like better and they climb Delta Delta Delta-Phi Deita ; ; He received his wings and com­ election will be held soon for all after he went overseas, he got the Shape of the pin is that of a Back over you, stepping on the one bunion they missed the first Theta joint picnic. White Rock :S;. mission at Foster Field, Victoria, major offices for next-year. answer—in the sight of a scream­ cog wheel. The inner part of the time. ' , Lake, 6:30 p.m. ^ S:? Tex., in November, 1942. —S.M.U.— ing yellow man going down with wheel will be raised slightly, and By now the picture's over, Saturday, April 22: —S.M.U.— his plane spitting fire. Boys and Girls In the word SMU will be inscribed at And you never do find out who committed the crime Kappa Sigma Buffet Supper;'^.'-SM Youth Fellowship "All I remember of the actual the top and COGS at the bottom. Because they take you away in a strait-jacket. Kappa Sigma House, 8-9 p.mV ; ;>:?;ji fight is that I kept shooting as Commercial Frats Red and Blue will be the colors HI • .. All-School Dance. PerkinsGym;:£i$$i. Holds Services fast as I could, then when I saw the of the pin. Also on my list of people who'd never be missed. 9-12,p.m. •••^:-n:--M<^'^'M Jap drop down out of control, I Have Joint Meet Through Clinginsmith, Jewelers, Are the ones who when you're listening to your favorite radio Sunday, April 23: '.',. '^•F^'&^S: In Arden Forest got scared. That's a funny way to A joint meeting of Alpha ^lap­ here in Dallas, the pins are being show Concert of University Symphony.^VJSN pa Psi, boys' commercial fratern­ Highland Park Methodist Youth feel—scared when you are alive ordered from the L. G. Balfour Decide they'd rather hear "Mrs. Murphey's Tale of Woe," Orchestra. McFarlin Auditorium, ;^K@ Fellowship met in Arden Forest ity, and Beta Alpha Sigma, girls' }: : : : and the other guy's gone. The Jewelry Company, of Attleboro, And before you can say 'Fred Alleni they've turned the dial. , 4 p.m. '•.• - .--'-y' 'B 0"^ M Sunday evening for a vesper serv­ commercial fraternity, was held happy filling doesn't come till Mass. Jeanne Johnston, corre­ If you confess that you don't particularly care for Mrs. Murphey .Monday,. April 24: .'••• '•^^'W-^Wv: ice under the direction of Bill Har­ much later—till you are back on for the" first time at SMU, last sponding secretary, is in charge They protest that you haven't given her a fair trial. : / night at room 126, Dallas Hall. .; -ISA 'meeting.;. ^rgan^f-Rborti>;7i^|'S ris and Bob Brown. Phil Zinn the ground." of arrangements for the pins. Secretly you wish Mrs. Murphey would fall in the bathtub and p.m;' '•••'-•"'.'' ••'••.•••,-:'•:.•: '..-• iV'V^^^Po&'JS^ led the singing. Worship through —S.M.U— Lt. Hunter's first kill was made drown. '• -. Sorority,; • and - :,;:f raterni^^m^ii^|l| nature was the subject of the de­ when he was escorting bombers - IV . votions, and talks were made by Mortar Board To BSU Will Hear I could name many others if I cared to Tuesday,; April .25:;, ^^i^i^^MSffii Bill and Bob. over the Russell Islands. Several months later he bagged two more Who with their sinning brothers, I'd murder if I dared to. V, Glee andvChbral •Clut^OrgpitlJi Recreation was held in the base­ Have Tea Sunday Talk on Missions planes while accompanying bomb­ The people,who cut.out a recipe on the back of which is the end RopnV 5-6>m;'- 0M^^0Mi$0i ment of the church. "Rusty" Mar- Any junior girl who for any Mrs. J. W. Ware, wife of the of a story you're reading, ers over Rabaul. He has bagged 27 Rev. J. W. Ware, pastor of the shall and Mary Ann Frank led the —Courtesy Dallas Mornin* Newfc reason, has not received her in­ And are also busy when the garden needs weeding, * •j. Theta^; :8igbi^i^^fi$i£^^ planes on the ground. Lakewood-Belmont Baptist Church, group in pantomime Contests, re­ LT. OVIS HUNTER vitation by Saturday to the Mor­ But are a great help when it comes to eating what comes up. Lt. Hunter's commanding officer tar Board tea to be held Sunday will speak at the regular meeting lays and races. Young Stokes was But these are only minor faults, ;;vGie^VTOa^*!^^ reading by a verse choir. In August, 1943, three months Hunter's home is in Childress. missions. 1 THE CAMPUS PAGE 2 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1944] yyhuJc. On, JJUL CUMoavaA. Lola Thrasher The Arden Club Is Second /ACRIUPUS Beecham's "Faust" Presented In Book Shell J/UL Recital Thursday In Drama Contest At Lola Thrasher, mezzo-contralto, Downstairs Display Recalls Golden Age will be presented in recital Thurs­ Of Fondren Has University Of Houston By C. J. LUTEN day at 8:15 p.m. in the organ room £ditoJaal foltwuv of McFarlin Memorial Auditorium. Victorian Motif Produced with a vigor and musicianly sensitivity that Mrs. Thrasher is one of the solo­ Edith Hufstedler Takes Second Place By LEE MOSELEY recalled the glamour of the golden age voices at the first ists in the choir of Highland Park Individual Award for Actresses Faust production at the House in 1883, Methodist Church, but her singing In the downstairs library Mrs. EDITORIAL STAFF Sir led a splendid cast of principles in is not limited to religious music. Babb has put up two displays that ' Arden Club won second place in/ the drama festival at the Univer-? Mrs. Thrasher has appeared in are a continuation of the display EDITOR - -...VIVIAN ANDERSON Gounod's celebrated opera Saturday afternoon in a broad­ sity of Houston last Friday and' numerous radio programs, and has upstairs showing books used in The Gay Deception ASSOCIATE EDITOR ALAN T. MYERS cast performance from the Boston* Saturday, and Edith Hufstedler Awistant Editor...- —Barbara Smith been soloist with the SMU Sym­ the study of Victorian English. The Opera House. upstairs display which was dis­ won second place individual award Managing Editor - Hildred Crews In an age of relatively few fine phony. In costume recitals she Will Be Presented Feature Editor _ Helen Wilfong cussed last week is concerning the for actresses. opera singers, it was a pleasure to has met with signal success, espe­ Picture Editor.... „ _ - - James Beggs Pre-Raphaelitic period. Seven schools, including three hear such artists as Licia Alba- cially in her interpretations of folk Cartoonist „ Ann McMillan On the left as one faces the re­ At Carrollton High junior colleges, participated in the nese, Martial Singher, and Ezio music. News Staff „ - Mary Ann Barlow serve desk the display deals with The play, "The Gay Deception," contest. Senior schools were Trini­ Pinza in this, the Metropolitan's From Classic to Modern Doris Allen, Bette Ruth Horton, Dorothy Hyde, Betty the Elizabethian Period. The main which was recently produced for ty College, Southwestern Univer­ Diamond Jubilee Year, that com­ Thursday evening's program in­ Rast, Louise Munger, Lee Moseley, Ann Barrow, Mary feature is a reproduction of a Arden Workshop and has now been sity, University of Texas, and SMU. pared favorably with the fabulous cludes numbers from the classic Jane Baccus. painting of Queen Elizabeth in the recast, will be presented in a per­ Junior colleges were Texarkana,', names of Eames, the DeReszkes, to the modern period. One of the Arts Betty Kelly book, Elizabethan Pageantry by formance Friday at 2:30 p.m. at Weatherford, and Hillsboro. Texas; Sembrich, Journet, Plancon, etc. most interesting groups will be Ervin Eatenson, Cordelia Marshall, C. J. Luten, Alice Harriet Klamrath Morse which is the Carrollton High School Audi­ won first place in the festival with:; Pinza Sings Like the Devil that of the Kentucky Mountain Crowley. a pictorial of costume and its com­ torium, Carrollton, Texas. The "This Land Is Condemned." Society Staff - Mary Helen Smith Outstanding in any operatic per­ Songs and Negro exaltations ar­ mentators from 1560 until 1620. play is under the direction of Billie Maxine Jones, Carolyn Graham. formance is Ezio Pinza—Saturday ranged by John Jacob Niles. Mr. This painting of Queen Elizabeth Doris Chrones, speech major. Arden Club entered "Anti-Clock­ was no exception. As Mephisto- wise," a one-act play, in the con­ Sports Staff Bob Chandler —Courtesy Dallas' Morning News. Miles has received national recog­ is one of four bequeathed to the Carrollton High School is fur­ feles, Pinza sang a superb per­ test. In the cast were Mary Cece­ Willis Ross, Clyde Stewart, Rachel Lloyd, Helen Wilfong. nition for his research in folk lore National Portrait Gallery by the nishing the transportation and the formance and interpretated such LICIA ALBANESE lia Whitehead, Edith Hufstedler, and his programs over one of the late Harold Arthur Dillion, 17th group will leave Dallas at 1 p.m. arias as "LeVeau d'Or" and the She was ecstatically cursed. Mary Ramus, and Jo Sparks. The large radio stations arc exceedingly Viscount Dillion of Ditchley, Ox­ Friday. COUNCIL, ARDEN, AND EXES Serenade with a deviltry that made popular. fordshire. It was painted to com­ play was directed by Miss Edyth ization when personified by The cast includes George Irwin one almost feel the fires of hell Mrs. Thrasher is a student of memorate Queen Elizabeth's visit Renshaw, assistant professor of Singher. Who will soon forget his as James Vaughn, Bill Maxwell as Occasionally we like to pause in our busy world to com­ coming from the loudspeaker of Mrs. J. Roscoe Golden in the SMU to Sir Henry Lee at Ditchley on speech, who also went to Houston. dying malediction to Marguerite? Ashley Barr, Ollie Mitchell as ment on various items of interest either to the students as his radio. We thought we saw a School of Music, and is also a the 20th of September, 1592. The The junior colleges gave their, Such ecstatic curses are rarely O'Toole, Betty Rast as Helen, Bet­ a whole or to groups of students. In such a way we hope little smoke during the Garden teacher of voice. artist is unknown. plays Friday, and a round table heard by a Marguerite; Albanese ty Kelly as Stillson, Josephine, Scene. Violin Class To Assist discussion, presided over by E. to bring together various group interests to a better under­ must have been surprised. "An Attack on the Armada" is Israel as Betty Byewater, Babette Licia Albanese, Italian lyric so­ Assisting on the recital will be Turner Stump of Kent State Uni-; standing of each other's problems, for we have learned that Raoul Jobin as Faust was a pictured on a plate in the middle Johnson as Francette, Shirlee Sto- prano, sang with sauvity and in­ the following students from the vall as Pudge, Clyde Stewart as versity, Ohio, was held that night.j lesser constellation, but he showed of the display. It is taken from an every student group feels his is the biggest task on the Hill­ telligence typifying all that one violin class of Alphonse Carlo: Tait, and Dwight Nance as Fogar- The other plays were given Satur-.' mastery of his role and continues engraving by John Pine an Eng­ top. All he would need to do, in most cases, to realize the associates with Goethe's Margu­ Esta Saxon, Jeanne Marshall, Dor­ ty. day and the awards made at a to show improvement, for which he lishman of 1793. It was taken erite. If her Jewel Song had a othy Ledbetter, and Mary Ann dinner Saturday night. Mr. Stump fallacy of such a belief would be to look around him at some has been duly praised by Sir from a Flemish Tapestry from the —S.M.U.—• few vocal discrepancies, these were Frank. They will play the string was judge-critic. After the dinner of the other groups which are "enjoying" the same restric­ Thomas Beecham. period of 1588 to 1600. The orig­ more than atoned for in her "Roi quartette No. 2 in D Major by inal tapestry was burned, but for­ Adamson Debaters Houston put on "The Women." tions and the same lack of cooperation he has. de Thule" and the concluding Beecham Gives Glowing Reading Borodin. tunately the design had been pre­ "Everyone was wonderful to us," THE STUDENT COUNCIL, we are told, is planning to "Anges purs, anges radieux" and Faust in the hands of the dy­ served in an engraving by Pine. Practice Here Miss Renshaw said. "We stayed at were swept with consideration in Marjorie Poole will furnish the investigate the expenditures of various organizations so namic Sir Thomas was truly a At the meeting of the Debate the home of one of the students her heartfelt scenes with the dy­ accompaniments. The public is in­ Also in the collection is English gratifying experience and con­ Club at 4:30 Thursday the winners and had a car at our disposal.! that it can better give an account to the students where the ing Valentin and the prison duet vited to attend the recital, stated Social History by Travelyan, three vinced this listener that the hack­ of the city high school debate meet 'Sissy' (her last name was Sisson) I activity fee is being spent. We believe this is a commendable with Faust. Mr. Carlo. volumes on The Elizabethan Stage neyed operas can be become vital will have a practice debate. The was propman and stage hand fori Singher Exhibits Excellent Style —S.M.U.— by E. K. Chambers, The Voyagers project for the Student Council, and we hope that they can under the hands of a master con­ and Elizabethan Drama by Cowley, students, who are all from Adam- us. Whenever we needed some-j carry it through. Students should know where their money Martial Singher, the French ductor. and two volumes of Shakespeare's son, are Bob Blevins, Charles Mau- thing, we asked 'Sissy' and it ap-|. is being spent; they should be interested in finding out if baritone who won acclamation for This Saturday: an all-start cast Next Arden Play England. pin, Ruth Rimmer, and Jane Tiepel. peared immediately." his Pelleas in the Met's revival of including the Jan Peerce, Zinka The other window contains ma­ it is going to further the best interests of the University. DeBussy's opera this year, evinced Milanov, Leonard Warren, Kerstin terial of the 18th Century period. Through such a project as the Student Council proposes, his stylistic mastery of French op­ To Be Presented Thorborg, and Frances Greer in A plate contains "Mr. Garrick and era even in the role of Valentin. councilmen will, at last, be representing the students who Verdi's un­ Miss Bellamy as Romeo and Ju­ Valentin, who is practically never Ap•ri l 26 and 27 elected them, and will be doing a valuable service. Too, we der the direction of . liet." The engraving is after a H E A T E noticed in Faust except for his ap­ REVIEWING THE BEST ON STAGE. SCREEN AND RADIO believe, they will find out many things that will be of interest The performance will originato in "Letters to Lucerne," Arden painting by Benjamin Wilson, an T R pealing "Avant de quitter ces Chicago and will start at 1:30 p.m. Club's next major production, will Englishman. (1721-178.) It is in Lillian Hellman's new play, "The "She has written out of high, in­ to them about the expenditures of various groups. Too often lieux," became a vital character- instead of the usual time. be presented Wednesday and the Theater Collection of Harvard Searching Wind," opened in New telligent anger in the literary- people allow themselves the pleasure of criticism when they Thursday, April 26 and 27, in Ar­ Collection Library of Cambridge. l'ork last week. According to thi fashion that only a combination of actually know nothing about details. We are not saying that den Hall. —S.M.U.— critics we have read, it is one of fine technical theatrical ability all money expended by the Student Council from the Activity Discovery Of Radium "Lucerne" is the story of an ex­ Miss Hellman's finest plays, which and great basic talent can accom­ Fee is well spent. We are merely suggesting that many clusive girls' school in Switzer­ Dallas College means it's one of anybody's finest plish." councilmen as well as the Student Body as a whole, will land at the outbreak of the war plays. It has a wonderful cast, We hope in some critics' heaven in September, 1939. The play was too, which includes Cornelia Otis to see "The Searching Wind." wonder how some groups run on as little as they do. By Garson Proves We written by Fritz Rotter and Allen To Have Art Show Skinner, Dennis King, and Mont­ Otherwise we'll just have to wait THEY DO NOT SEEM TO BE MAKING MUCH OF A Vincent, and was produced on Opening of the annual exhibit of gomery Clift. Mr. Clift, whom we for the movie. SECRET OF IT, so we mention here the proposed plan of a Descend From Amoebas Broadway a few seasons ago. work done by art classes of Dal­ saw here in 1911 in "There Shall COGS-Arden Club "Talent Show." The proceeds _of such a In the cast are Babette Johnson, las College of SMU, the downtown Be No Night," is said to be mar­ Louise Latham, Dwight Nance, velous. "The Searching Wind" is show would be spent in the war effort. From where we stand The age of the earth has given on the depths of the earth. It is night division of the university, WSGA Will Meet known that the earth was' original­ Mary Ramus, Doris Chrones, Betty has been postponed from April 17 a political drama of the last twen­ rise to a great deal of specula­ Rast, Lucy Lawler, Jo Sparks, Sue it looks like a good idea which would serve a two-fold pur­ ly a molten mass, like melted ice to April 26. The exhibit will hang ty years. But like all of Miss Hell­ tion. Many years before the earth Kuykendall, Steve Axilrod, and Thursday at 4:30 pose. First, it would serve as an outlet for much student cream, only hot. Dig down now for a week in the recreation room man's plays, the world drama is Dorothy Dolencie. The Women's Self-Governing was formed, people began worry­ and you will reach the conclusion of the college, which occupies the presented in terms of its effect on talent which is going to waste and which would, if instructed Association will meet at 4:30 ing about how it got here in such that his molten mass has solidi­ —S.M.U.— fourth floor of the YWCA Build­ her characters, which makes the as Arden is capable of instructing, provide many a laugh p.m. Thursday in room 111, Dal­ a mess. fied into a relative hardness, espe­ ing, 1709 Jackson. No admission tragedy more personal. for the student body. Second, it would be a tremendous boost Spanish Opera To will be charged. George Kadel is las Hall, according to Jo Frances Fossil bones and calcareous and cially if you are fool enough to dig The Critics' Circle Gives an Award instructor in all the Dallas College Seegar, out-going president. to a war effort with which the Student Body is in complete preservations indicate something, with you fingernails. Be Presented At - sympathy. We can see, also, the flaws in such a plan, but it is art classes. Critics have been raving about All old and new members of we know not what. In the frozen One man, Archbishop Ussher of the association must be present at least worth a try. tundra in Siberia, a complete fos­ Ireland, established beyond (the Civic Federation Studies exhibited will be in color, Miss Hellman ever since 1934, pei spective rendering, dynamic when her first Broadway success, for the meeting is very im­ TO OUR EXES IN SERVICE we extend greeting when­ sil from an ancient elephant was pale of reason, that the earth was LA DE TRIANA, the portant, Jo Frances asserted. dug up one year, completely re­ created on October 26, 4004 B.C., symmetry, layout, lettering, and "The Children's Hour," was pro­ ever you are. The campus is again green as only the Hilltop dramatic Spanish film with Eng­ silk screen procession. duced. Her play did not win the frigerated by Artice Locker Un­ at 9 o'clock in the morning. The lish sub-titles, starring Imperio Coffee will be served between 7 Pulitzer Prize, and it is signifi­ can be in the Spring. The fountain has the colored lights on incorporated. Unfortunately, be­ main obstacle to this theory today Argentina, will be shown by the and 9 p.m. on the opening evening. cant that the next year the Critics' again, and the longer days leave more time for strolling fore men of science could back­ is that we run on war time. We Civic Federation on Friday and Far-Away Princess —S.M.U.— Circle Award was first given. For track and extricate the fossil, wild made no allowance for the cor­ Saturday at 8:15 p.m. couples to enjoy that period between supper and dorm dead­ five years after her initial suc­ dogs had carried off some of the rection of the difference in siderial . CARMEN LA DE TRIANA is To Have Tryouts lines. We miss you a lot around here, and hope you are Choral Club Will cess, Miss Hellman hibernated in precious bones. Their dogs are or star time, and daylight saving. the Spanish screen version of the Hollywood, writing movie scena­ Tonight at 7:30 happy wherever you are. Reports tell us you are doing a hungry. They should be fed more As to the moon and stars and noted opera in full dramatic form. Sing at Luncheon often. Communism and the share- rios. Her next Broadway success bang-up job of defeating the Axis; that Mustang spirit, we sun, they are just like us, only, The scenic effects are effectively Twenty members of the SMU Tryouts for the play "The Far- fair plan should be introduced to (she came back once in between knew, was undauntable. We are enjoying, too, having the are there people? It is enticing to produced. The smugglers' cave, the Choral Club, directed by Thomas Away Princess," directed by Mary theseiJRoosian mammals. with a flop about Labor) was "The lads in Navy Blue around. It might seem a little odd to speculate that-there might be no Spanish dragons, the toreador, S. Williams, will give a program Ramus, will be held at the regu­ man-power shortage on Mars. At the supporting cast as a whole Little Foxes," which was one of the lar meeting of the Workshop at you, but these buys are quite indispensable around here now. Epeiric seas and crumpled moun­ of six numbers at the Lions Club main contenders for the Critics' tains designate time areas of the any rate, they must be either too combine to make this one of the luncheon at the Adolphus Palm 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, according to Award. The award wasn't given They are a part of all we do, and they are truly Mustangs. earth. Counting these crumples and young or too old, if our computa­ most appealing of dramatic films. Garden on Friday at 1 p.m. Joan Slaughter, vice-president of that year. However, she did win vanished seas helps enormously in tion of the age of the earth is This is perhaps the most popular —S.M.U.— Arden Workshop. The play con­ the award in 1940 with "Watch on finding the age of the earth. How­ right. Spanish film every presented by sists of an all girl cast and is a NOW IS THE TIME "Whatever happened to Hig- the Rhine." "The Little Foxes" ever, there are more than ten. Be All this goes to prove that we the Civic Federation and is shown gins. senior project. gave the first inkling of the pow­ "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of wary of starting if you have not are descended from an amoeba. again in response to general de­ "He didn't do well as an archi­ David Russell, Assistant Profes­ reached the proper level of edu­ Few people have considered this, mand. er of her political drama, which sor of Speech, will conduct a tour their country," so goes the quotation. Most of the good men tect, so he went on the stage." was more fully realized in "Watch cation. If you have, beware the and the fewer that have refused to Musical prelude at 7:45 to 8:15 "How's he doing?" through the McCord Museum, ex­ have responded to the call of their country and have gone on the Rhine." more. admit it. Amoebas have low intel­ p.m. "Still drawing poor houses." plaining the exhibit and relating to its aid. ligence; therefore, why argue the There Are People Who Do Evil The salt of the sea is important. its history. However, what about the women, especially the young point? It is conclusively proved. Miss Hellman's lines from "The If you think he is the salt of the Students will also be able to re­ women who in a few short months will be graduated from —S.M.U.— Little Foxes," which rather sum view the Max Reinhardt Exhibit earth, just see the sea. By esti­ up her philosophy, present this college? What will they do to aid the country? mating the number of salt grains at this time. message: that there are people in —S.M.U.— Whatever course they may choose to enter into some present, taking into account dis­ Engineering Quiz the world who do evil and there vital war industry, to join the WAC's WAVES, SPARS, tillation and solvency of rock-salt are people who stand by and from the earth, it will be found Silverware Study watch; and those who watch and or Cadet Nurse Corps, let them enter into the field they have that the total amount of sodium Highlights Program do nothing are as bad as those Open for Women chosen wholeheartedly. alone would weigh 16,000,000,000,- who do evil. "Watch on the Rhine," 000,000 tons. This, divided by the Junior and senior women in When the quotation, "Now is the time . . ." was written, which was written before the war, annual increment of drainage, Of ASCE Meeting SMU have been invited to partici­ women did not have equal rights with men. Now women was the story of a German under­ 158,000,000 tons per year, leaves pate in a psychological study of have equal rights and by the same token, equal obligations The American Society of Civil ground workers who came to good taste in silverware now being us with the staggering figure of Engineering Student Branch held a Young women, plan now to do something worthwhile for your more than 100,000,000 years for America to leave his family with conducted by the psychology de­ meeting Thursday, at which time his wife's mother; and to collect partment. They are asked to go county when you are graduated. The rights are yours. the age of the earth. Jasper Overall gave a talk on "Sea Shoulder the responsibilities that come with the rights. money from sympathetic Ameri­ by room 103 Dallas Hall today There are ways of double-check­ Bees," and Henry Towles spoke on cans. It presented the American where they will select their choice ing on this. Sedimentary strata are "Huts in the South Pacific." naivete in matters of world poli­ of ten patterns of silverware on HERE LIES . . . (AN OBITUARY) laid down in choronological order A quiz program on engineering tics. Paul Lukas played it here in display. from the Cryptozoic Eon to the subjects was directed by John Win­ 1942, in the most beautiful per­ Senozoic or Modern Area. Specific —S.M.U.— In the recent elections, nine constitutional amendments ston, quizmaster. Charles Meers formance we have ever seen. His and different flora and fauna are We heard that a member of the won the quiz and received a prize wife was beautifully played by were proposed, all were defeated. This is a sad reflection preserved in each age. In this age, Arden Club was learning lines of a box of candy. The runner-up Mady Christens. on the "sheep-mentality" of the student body. Admittedly, for example, we have the lowely from Macbeth when Betty Kelly was Herbert Bartell who received Back to "The Searching Wind" not all the proposals were good. However, the defeat of earth-worm; not completely fos­ called her. The aspiring actress a pair of black shoe laces. Tom Miss Hellman still writes scena­ was told Betty was calling, and proposal number three (which stipulated that members of silized, of course, but more useful Owens won the booby prize which in its present state, both to birds rios, for Goldwyn now, and her pic­ still involved in the script, answer­ the Student Council who absented themselves more than five consisted of a box of crackerjacks. tures are always tops. Her last ed the phone with, "Hail, Betty! and fish . . . ah . . . fishing. I The ASCE will meet on May 3 times were automatically suspended) just shows how little once knew a worm. Ooy-gooy. That was an original — "The North What's cooking with thee?" at which time Mr. Yaeger, secre­ Star." But her first love must be —S.M.U.— thinking is done by some students. was his name. But that's another tary of the ASCE professional Separate the wheat from the chaff. When you vote, know angle. Ummm. . . . Yes. the stage because she keeps com­ After a difference of opinion branch, will speak. ing back to Broadway. Jack with the judge, the lawyer turned The amazing discovery of ra­ Courtesy Dallas Morning News. for what you are voting.—Alan T. Myers. —S.M.U.— O'Brian, of the Associated Press, on his heel and showed his back. dium by Greer Garson was another It was a deathbed scene, but the has called her new play "Trench­ "Are you trying to show your recent step forward. By timing director was not satisfied with the ant, biting, incisive, abjutation contempt for the court?" the Beware the fury of a patient man.—Dryden. the rate of disintregration of WE SEARCHING WIND" £=,. 2 hero's acting. •.'.'• '"..'"'.—•' nis King, and Cor­ against appeasement and diplo­ judge demanded. uranium into heavy lead we find "Come on!" he cried. "Put more nelia Otis Skinner are in Lillian Hellman's new political drama, on matic evasion of international po­ sparks that may throw some light "No, indeed," was the attorney's They always talk who never think.—Prior. life in your dying." Broadway. See Theatre. litical gangsterism." He also says: reply. I'm trying to conceal it." T H EC A MP US WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1944- PAGE* All-School Spores Dance Is Scheduled For Phi Delt's, Tri Delt's Plan Southernaires Orchestra joint Picnic For Friday To Play In Perkins Gyln Phi Delta Theta fraternity and* \ Delta Delta Delta sorority will For Dance From 9-12 j"have a joint picnic beginning at SherleyQuinker * 6:30 p.m. Friday at White Rock An All-School Dance will be given by the Students' Asso­ Lake. Takes Vows With ciation from 9-12 Saturday night in Perkins Gym, announced Phi Delts and Tri Delts and dates Ray Schumacher, president. The Southernaires will play for follow: Lt. J. A. Dunsmoor the dance, the third of the trimester. It will be a sports ; Harry Bass and Mary Mathew- -^danee, said Billy June Kay who is ; son, Charlie Sloan and Leta Jo Sherley Quinker Uecame the in charge of arrangements. :• Calhoun, Joseph Esteve and Jeanne bride of Lt. John Alva Dunsmoor Jackie Johnston Dr. Roy Q. Seale, recently elect­ ; Johnston, John Ware and Ruth at 11 a.m. Saturday morning at ed Ugly Man in the APO contest, the home of the bride's parents, 303 :• Sowell, Bob Abernathy and Betty will be presented in a program N. Clinton. Lt. Dunsmoor is the \ Slicker, Bill Harris and Betty Weds Lt. Smith prepared by APO, according to son of Mrs. Martha Dunsmoor and ; Hudgins, Lindsay Embrey and Charles Meers and Paul Wallof. the late John Parker Dunsmoor, Saturday Night Chaperones at the dance will be Billye June Kay, Bob Evans and Cleveland, Ohio. • Bobbie Jean Jones, George Esteve Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Glanville, and The Rev. Marshall Steel conduct­ Jacqueline Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Besio. . and Dorothy McLendon, Charles ed the wedding ceremony and Fay- Mrs. Ruth Tyler Johnston, was Special plans are being made ; Ferguson and Arabella Barnett. rinne Smith of SMU sang, ac­ married to Lt. John Andrew Smith for the next All-School Dance, Maurice Lee and Claire Greaves, companied by Miss Marion Flagg, III, son of Col. and Mrs. J. A. said Schumacher. It will be the • Jimmy Lowry and Billie Maxine director of Public School Music in Smith Jr., 8:30 Saturday night at last oi' the year, and an attempt Jones, Bob McKemie and Winnell Dallas. the Highland Park Presbyterian —Courtesy Dallas Morning News. is being made to make it the big­ Cason, Bob Spear and Cara Pat The bride was attended by Pat —Courtesy Dallas Moraine News. Church. Dr. Wm. M. Elliot Jr. per­ MRS. JOHN ANDREW SMITH, III gest of the year, he concluded. Aiken, Paul Vinsant and Patsy Sarton, Mrs. Otis E. Holmes, Jr., formed the ceremony and Miss Hayes, George Wright and Winni- Louise Mackey sang. —S.M.U.— Lt. Charles Fabry of Ft. Worth Detective: "You're looking for fred Stark, Henry Buschman and fciNvjAvlfcJJ Roger Ericson, formerly of the Navy V-12 unit, was best man. Other attendants • who graduated in March. Their wedding date will your cflshier? Is he tall or short?" Dorothy Johnston, sister of the Grace Williams, Irwin Chronister were Capt. Wells M. Wade and Jameson-Seabright be announced later. Broker: "Both." Carol Gene Wilson bride, was maid of honor; and Mary and Lucille Lawler. Gordon M. Crittender. Helen Smith, sister of the bride­ Tommy England and Topsy Haw­ Mrs. Dunsmoor attended Ward- And Elwood Love groom, was bridesmaid. Dr. Rich- Nuptials Told thorne, Chester Fullinwider and Belmont and is a graduate of the adf M. Smith was best man; and Laura Baker, Charles Joiner and Southern Methodist University Ellen Gallagher, ushers for the military wedding Ann Bell, Charles Otto and Jan School of Music. While on the Marriage Told were: Col. Phillip Thurber, Capt. AtCampMaxey Mary Irma Seabright and Klide Murray, Fairfax Breneman and Campus she was a member of John Kehoe Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Wilson, Robert Dixon, Lt. Lynn Northrup, Sue Beasley, Greer Dowell and Gamma Phi Beta. Lt. Frank Brehm, Lt. Richard Pot­ Allen Jameson were married April 3636 Binkley St., have announced 10th at the Post Chapel, Camp Betty Dollarhide, Hart Willis and the marriage of their daughter, ter, and Lt. James Nance. Jane Coleman, Leslie Cunningham Exchange Vows Maxey, Paris, Texas. Mrs. Jameson Carol Gene, to Herbert Elwood The wedding reception was held is the daughter of Mr; and Mrs. and Jeanne Marshall, Billy Hilliard Ellen Marie Gallagher became Love, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Johnston at I and Lura Dell Hamilton. Frank Herr Knight, Bloomfield, the bride of Lt. John Thomas Ke­ H. E. Love, 2810 Lovedale. The 4700 Shadywood Lane. Virginia Iowa, and the groom is the son of Barbara Murph and Jimmy Da- Qreek News hoe, Jr., at noon Saturday at St. wedding took place January 6. The McLendon had charge of the bride's Mr. J. E. Jameson of Dallas. ' vis, Bobbie Lee Wendland and Bur- Patrick's Church, Ft. Worth, Tex. junior Mrs. Love attended TSCW, book, Ruth Edwards served punch, The bride attended Lake Erie ; ton Tanco, Ann Leach and Bill and is now enrolled in SMU where Peggy Wallace and Jean Settle cut Zeta Tan Alpha sorority an­ Mrs. Kehoe is the daughter of Mr. College, Painesville, Ohio. The Freeman, Jean Venturine and Cul- the double-i-ing cake. Evelyn Storey nounces the initiation of fifteen and Mrs. James Edward Gallagher, she is a member of Sigma Kappa bridegroom was a graduate of : Ien Tubb, Elizabeth Shawver and girls Sunday, according to Dorothy Fort Worth, and Mr. Kehoe is the sorority. caught the bride's bouquet. Southern Methodist University, : Wade Hampton, Alice Altman and Bruton, president. They are Inez son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Kehoe, Elwood attended Texas A&M, Mrs. Smith was a member of where he was a member of Pi Kap­ Fred Bailey, Pat Bay and David By BILLIE MAXINE JONES Neilson, Ann Moore, Sara Jane 4183 Druid Lane, Dallas. and is now enrolled in SMU where Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at pa Alpha fraternity. Leatherman and Wanda Jean Cal­ Brazil, Katie Bourland, Sara Beth The bride attended Incarnate he is a member of Alpha Tau Ome­ SMU, and president of Alpha Kap­ —S.M.U.— vert, Pat Goar, Betty Broadus, Ar- Word College at San Antonio and The change in climate is definitely affecting the Hilltop- pa Delta. Lt. Smith attended Ala­ Shands, Pat McWhorter, Martha pers in many ways. Tawny skinned EMILY ANN STEWART ga fraternity. Mother (over phone)—"Come mina Schenck, and Helen Fairchild Beresford, Rose Ann Woods, Gerry Lindenwood College, St. Charles, —S.M.U.— bama Polytechnic Institute, and quick, Doctor, the baby has swal­ and dates. Moore, Betty Westbrook, Betsy Missouri. The bridegroom was a and LOUISE LATHAM have been singing "You Are My was a member of Sigma Nu social lowed a bottle of ink!" —S.M.U.— Anna Walker, Ruth McKinney, and graduate of SMU, where he was Sunshine" to themselves. They must have spent the week­ Gamma Phi Beta fraternity and Scabbard and Blade, Doctor—"Incredible!" Putman, Bobbie Jane Cruse, Mary a member of Lambda Chi Alpha end sunning, judging by those luscious tans. honorary ROTC organization. Mother—"No, doctor, indelible!" Sigma Tau Frat Celia Tucker. fraternity. —S.M.U.— ALEX SCHELL and BETH EDDLNS are calling it "stead­ Installs Officers Following the initiation serv­ ies" these days. We know lots of people who are unhappy Choose Members ices, held at Beth Reynold's apart­ Gamma Phi Beta held installa­ ment, a banquet honoring the new Gamma Phi Beta about this . . . and lots more who are Happy. tion of officers in the chapter Sigma Tau, honorary engineer­ initiates took place at the Dallas Just ask MARY CAROLYN BOSTON, BARBARA RICH­ rooms, 3440 Normandy, at its reg­ ing fraternity, will meet Thursday Country Club. Gerry Moore was ular meeting Monday evening. Of­ at 4 p.m., in the Engineering Honors Alumnae ARDSON and MARY FLETCHER CAVENDER about Chapter IX presented a diamond for her pin springtime at A&M. They had a scrumptious time last ficers who were installed were Building. Joe Murray, president, by the chapter, as an award for Betty Rast, president; Fayrinne JOHNNY WINSTON announced that candidates for being the most outstanding pledge. At Tea Saturday Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. MARY CAROLYN'S date Smith, vice-president; Katie Frank By MARY FLETCHER CAVENDER membership will be discussed. Betty Westbrook, who had the practically had to keep her surrounded by a regiment to keep Slack, recording secretary; Betsy Requirements for candidacy in highest grade average of her Honoring Mrs. C. H. Dragert, the football players from bird-dogging. Patterson, "corresponding secre­ Synopsis of Preceding Install­ comes along. I know 'cause 1 go: the fraternity are a B average in pledge class, was given the schol­ retiring president, and Mrs. W. B. tary; and Mary Louise Chambers, ments: Not much to say this time caught in my own trap!" all college work, recommendations Newest sparkler is Sara Stephenson's from NEYLAND arship honor ring by Norma Bullock, incoming president, the treasurer. for an introduction; if you haven't The way to pick a girl for a by three professors in the school Wright, last year's recipient. Mar- Dallas Alumnae chapter of Gamma HESTER at Lubbock Tech. date was very simple xbr Johnny. Other officers for the year are: caught on as to what is going on of engineering, and unanimous ap­ jorie Wright, retired president, re­ Phi Beta entertained members of While driving PVT. WILLIAM MACLAY back to Camp Jerry Davis, assistant treasurer; "I like the ones with the sweet J proval of the members. ceived a gavel necklace as a the faculty and of City Panhellenic Wolters Sunday evening, MARTHA MACLAY noticed some Mary Jane Rickles, pledge trainer; yet, wait until The CAMPUS pub­ look. Not too sophisticated. C - Members of Sigma Tau are Wil­ token of appreciation from the with a tea Saturday at the home marines walking along the road and yelled excitedly "Look Jacquelin Jourdan and Frances lishes Campusolbgy in a book in­ course, she must be fairly pretty liam Henry McAlpin, Navy V-12; chapter of her leadership. of Mrs. Roy C. Coffee, 6325 Pres­ Smith, rush captains; Sara Swick- stead of weekly installments. and mix well." At every question, Fred Benkley; John Alexander ton Parkway. Receiving the guests at the bluebonnets." She claims, of course, there was a blue- After dinner the new initiates heimer, publicity chairman; Bennie The Navy unit at SMU should he said "Of course, that is all out Savage, Navy V-12; Ray Schu­ were Mrs. Coffee, Mrs. Dragert, bonnet field nearby. gave a skit, which was a take-off Joe Wilson, activities chairman; definitely be represented in a con­ now." His system must have work­ macher; James Patterson Dowell; Mrs. Bullock, Mrs. Elmer Wheeler, on an old-fashioned melodrama. CAROL GENE WILSON and ELWOOD LOVE pulled a Virginia McDowell, Crescent Cor­ sensus of opinion for girls and ed fairly well. He is the only one Charles Richard Glanville, Navy Betty Rast, president of the SMU —S.M.U.— fast one on all Hilltoppers by keeping secret the fact that respondent; Essie Do Saxon, song boys who are just being launched of the debutramps with substantial V-12; G. L. Hoehn; Marvin E. chapter, Mrs. Carl Sprague, and chairman; Anita Scott and Kath­ on their social careers, so this time proof that his line works. Snyder, Navy V-12; William Guy members of the alumnae chapter. they have been Mr. and Mrs. since early January. Now they Kappa Sig Mothers leen Redden, Panhellenic dele­ we journey out to see Johnny Since Johnny is an engaged man, Redmond, Navy V-12; and Jo­ are "Happy in Love" with wedding rings 'n' everything. Dean Lide Spragins, Mrs. Fisher gates; Becky Young and Jerry Winston on the good ship Virginia. there came to our minds that may­ seph Jackson Murray, V-12 unit. To Meet Friday N. Davis, Mrs. Myron Everts pre­ BOB McKEMIE says it would make an awfully good item Davis, Panhellenic alternates; Might be also called the (Alice) be he would like to give advice to A meeting of the Kappa Sigma sided at the tea table. Assisting in to ask certain Mustangs about the "Rats". We don't profess Bette Hilger, historian; Kathleen Virginia (Meyers) ship. boys who were new on the campus. Mothers Club will be held Friday the dining room were members of to understand . . . but what about 'em? Redden, literary exercises chair­ The interview with Winston "Be natural. Don't brag or put on afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home the active and pledge chapters of Seen at the Century Room Saturday night . . . LOLA man; Betty Bells, chairman of war seemed to be spoken in two tenses a front. It's fun to see if you of Mrs. Lawson Dailey, 3214 Cor­ Alpha Xi. The table was decorated activities; and Virginia McDowell, can get away with it, but usually BELLE WISSEMAN and BILL BARTLEY, HILDRED —the past and the future. He nell. with pink carnations, the sorority scholarship chairman. gave advice based on his actions you don't. Then if you don't admit Ne wofficers-will be elected at flbwer. CREWS and JIMMY BEGGS, MELBA ARNOLD and RAY —S.M.U.— in the past and he gave speculative you're caught, people don't like it. the meeting. Mrs. William S. Max­ —S.M.U.— LANGFORD. A young law-school graduate advice based on his near future. If you do, they just laugh, so it is better to be natural at all times. well will discuss "The Appeal of DORIS ALLEN enjoyed the visit of Aggie-lander HUGH wrote letters to the postmasters of According to Johnny, flattery is I personally hate a person who says Favorite Poems." several towns which he picked out a noble weapon for a date. "You Sororities Choose TAYLOR over the week-end . . . BOBBIE JEAN JONES that he did this or did that, and —S.M.U.— from the atlas, asking about the don't need to overdo it to make it and ED are still exchanging long letters and deep sighs you can look at him twice and see He—"Darling, will you marry professional openings which their effective, but a little flattery, such he didn't. Braggadocia can ruin me?" Duchess Nominees . . . PATSY BRYAN woke all the sleeping Atkins beau­ communities offered to an honest as telling a girl that you like them, anyone regardless of how swell he She—"Yes, if Daddy's willing. I Monday night in meetings of ties Sunday by screaming "He's coming back to Texas." young Republican lawyer. works wonders." He advises boys to may be otherwise." always do what he wants me to." sororities and ISA, nominations She meant the guy whose silver wings she wears. From an Arkansas town, he re­ play the field until they are really He—"Do you think he'll con­ were made for the duchess to the All JIMMY BEGGS can think about is the many social ceived the reply: sure they have found the right girl. Pre-war and pre-engagement, sent?" 30th annual May Festival of Texas "If you are a Republican, the "If they have done that—played Johnny though that an ideal date She—"Of course. Daddy always Wesleyan College in Fort Worth. events he is missing this week-end because he must have game laws will protect you; and if the field—you will have no doubt was a supper-dance at the Country does what I want him to." his tonsils out . . . CORDELIA MARSHALL is in the same The ten girls nominated will be you are an honest lawyer, you will in your mind when the right one (Continued on Page Four) • •• voted upon Wednesday in Student boat, but for different reasons. The latter and PAULETTE have, no competition." Council meeting. The girl select­ GILMAN are planning a "quiet" week-end in the dormi­ —S.M.U.— ed and her escort will be presented tory. Housewife—"Are these at the ball Saturday, May 27, at eggs Rumor says watch 'BELLA BARNETTE and RED WIL­ strictly fresh?" 7:00 p.m. Grocer (to his clerk)—"Feel of Hillcrest State Bank Girls who were nominated are: SON . . . SUE BEASLEY and JAY VICKERS are too those eggs, Jim, and see if they're Chi Omega, Lee Moseley; Delta wrapped up in each other to see the world going by. cool enough to sell yet." University Park Delta Delta, Elizabeth Shawver; Some "deah" chap wrote the following on HARRY TUCK­ - Dallas, Texas ;"'.-. Delta Gamma, Josephine Reele; ER'S mirror (and in tooth paste at that): Gamma Phi Beta, Mary Wallwork; "In the springtime TUCKER'S fancy STATEMENT OF CONDITION | SELECT AUTHENTICALLY DESIGNED Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alice Webb; Kappa Alpha Theta, Nor­ Lightly turns to thoughts of NANCY." ; or Close of Business, Apr ill 3, 1944 f^- JjiaJbzAmJU^ Qawsdhy- ma Norman; Pi Beta Phi, Marty Seen walking across the campus: JOY DAY and DAVID Smith; Sigma Kappa, Doris Sen- RESOURCES BALL holding hands so charmingly. Thursday, Friday, Saturday FROM YOUR OFFICIAL JEWELER seney; Zeta Tau Alpha, Ann Moore; ISA, Ann McMillan; Delta Bouquets to Professor LON TINKLE so maybe he will Loons and Discounts . $1,105^83^7 Zeta, Tommie Collen Orton. hurry up and get well. Really, your classes miss you so, United States Government Securities. . 3,109,05! J0Qi Only questionable merchandise is sold at "NORTHERN questionable wholesale discounts, as it is The student council will choose Mr. Tinkle. Just ask the one CAROL ANN GREEN taught State, County and Municipal Bonds.. . 25,370:00: not necessary to use such sales methods to the represntative from SMU to­ the other day. PURSUIT" Other Securities . . 10002.06 sell standard quality products. Cash in Vault and Due from Banks .. day at 5 o'clock in council meet­ It's Happy Anniversary to JOE FLATH and ANNA MAY With . 2^64,803193^ Buy Jewelry you won't have to apologize ing. Bank Building ...... 87,875.00 for. —S.M.U.— MAURY who celebrated their first Monday ... a whole ERROL FLYNN Vaults, Furniture and Fixtures . year pinned. And Orchids to the both of you. 21,247,74j "Have you noticed Henry's wife? Plus Official Fraternity Jewelrs She always laughs at his jokes." That mysterious iSAE pin that we saw JO ROOP wearing $6,624333.44= "They must be clever, all, all one night at Louann/s, has been located at Austin with its COLOR CARTOON right." rightful owner, ROY R. EVANS. LIABILITIES 'Wot very—but she is." What happened between OLLIE MITCHELL, GEORGE Capital Stock .. 100,000.00 IRWIN, and the coalmines??? Sundayv Monday, Tuesday Surplus ... 100,000.00 BARBARA ROBERTSON turned up with a shiny new M Undivided Profits 48,640.79 Kappa Sig pin Monday morning. ... And . . .VIRGINIA GIRt€RAZY" sits ,,.:. SIM MAPLE AVE Opw T P. M. • ;.''"' with;-;- ;\ . Trada? and WedftMatjr SMITH finally won her wings from the "hot pilot" in Wash­ MICKEY ROONEY : 1707 PHONE LO QUE EL VIENTO TRAJO ington. Wonder how many hours she had been up in the •w:. ^AV.V ':'••• -••••• ' ••'-•' ^M M^s?imp^^m^^^mMm4fm MAIN 4

THE CAMPUS PAGE 4 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19, 1944 Reds Avenge Loss With 19-6 Win Over Blues * * • •a**-******************************.************************-*** *.*"* ****** **************** * Texas Badminton Championship To Be Played Here Event Attracts Entrants Two Bowl Teams pllP'lltS&Si:'£>? ^ ?' — vE^MH H Cham Leads Reds; Of Nation-Wide Repute Will Be Opponents C. D. Allen Racks Up The Seventh Annual Championship of the Texas Bad­ Of SMU Gridsters minton Association will be played on the courts of the Per­ Southwestern And Only Blue Touchdown kins Gymnasium at SMU on the 28th.and 29th of April, Randolph Field Ivan Cunningham, tailback, sparked the Red team to a Mrs. Virginia Dalton, physical education director, announced Are Added to List 19-6 victory over the Blues in a scrimmage game Saturday today. Southwestern University of afternoon in Ownby Stadium. The tournament is open to all*" Georgetown and Randolph Field of it is hoped that SMU will have a San Antonio—both bowl teams— Cunningham did some good passing which led to two of civilians residing outside of the St the Reds' touchdowns. state and also to all military per­ good showing with several contest­ have been added to the SMU foot­ ants. sonnel from any other state. Civil­ ball schedule for 1944, according to • Bud Cox, wingback, showed up Outstanding Sports Event James H. Stewart, business man­ well and J. T. Watson and Cecil ians residing in the state must The tournament is sponsored by ager of athletics. Campusology Sutphin, ends, played a good game. belong to an association affiliated the Greater Dallas Badminton Club, The Southwestern Pirates play­ Claude Hill and James Meletio, (Continued From Page Three) with the State Organization. Play­ SMU, and the Texas Badminton ed in the Sun Bowl last January linemen, helped toward victory by ers residing within these cities Association. It will be one of the first and Randolph Field met the Club. "Or almost anything that is playing hard all the way through should make their entry through outstanding sports events of the University of Texas in the Cotton usual—girls like different things." the game. the local club president. year in Dallas and will attract spec­ Bowl. The second part of the lecture C. D. Allen Lead Blues tators from all sections of the April 25 Is Entry Deadline Other non-conference games on was on marriage versus school C. D. Allen again was the big country. the Pony schedule are with North All entries must be received by versus war. Johnny shares the threat of the Blue team and crossed The ticket sales are being spon­ Texas Agricultural College, Tu- Mrs. Dalton by noon on April opinion of many people today in the double stripe for their one sored by the Park Board Lions lane University, and Texas Tech­ 25. An entrance fee of $2 will be that he feels that couples should score. Jimmy Kendrick, tailback, Club. nological College. charged which entitles the contest­ go ahead and marry if they would played outstanding ball for the ant to enter all the games and the have regardless of the war. "But Blues, and ends Bruce Smith and finals. The gym will be open from if they have just had a couple of Eugene Wilson looked good. The 1 until 2 p.m. every day for prac­ dates and he is headed overseas, Blues had a pair of aggressive tice games. don't get married." In peace time, linemen in Herbert Ferrill and Gene Entries of all events are expected if the boy had left SMU to merely Allen Holt. to run well over three hundred. The Mustang girls fight back in the age-old game 'of volleyball, as popular now as ever. Battling go to another college, the girls Saturday was the best scrim­ events are men and women's OVER here are two of the sororities who hope to win the league titles when the game reaches its wouldn't marry him on that short mage yet, according to Head Coach singles and doubles, mixed doubles, season's end next week. See Gals in Games. notice, but since he is going over­ Jimmie Stewart. "The boys were veteran men's doubles for men over seas they think it patriotic, John­ really hustling and played a rough, hard game. There was a lot of 40 and women's doubles for women (Continued From Page One) ny said. 30 or over. rivalry as the teams were more "However, if two people are in evenly matched than before," Stew­ Play Begins April 28 SMU To Be Host To 400 COGS Need love and know they are in love, art stated. The play will start at 10 a.m. they can work anything out." The last scrimmage for spring the bag which I received. It was a on Friday the 28th and continue Many co's and ed's have gotten training will be at 4 p.m. Thursday fine gift and really the contents until the quarter finals have been Students This Week-End married only to have him moved at Ownby Stadium. were of more value than can be reached. Quarter finals are expect­ to a camp in a distant place. John­ Reds Make First Touchdown described."—Pvt. Russell N. Stal- ed to be played at 7 p.m. the 28th ny thinks that the girl should, if Given the ball on their own 35- bird. in Perkins gym and the Girl's Gym. In Region 3 League Meet possible, go to where the boy is. yard line at the beginning of the The semi-finals -will be played at Between 350 and 400 high* "But definitely, the boy should go game, the Blues were unable to 2 p.m. on Saturday the 29th with "Thanks for the handy Red Cross school students from Region III first and see how the land lies and gain ground and kicked to the 50- finals scheduled for 7:30 p.m. the kit, will be on the SMU Campus Fri­ Cycen Fjodr Will find a good place for the girl to yard marker against the wind. Led You certainly have done your bit 29th. Saturday morning will be By HELEN WILFONG However, the Kappa's could give day and Saturday for the Universi­ stay. If things aren't handled in by Cunningham, the Reds made To make a lonely soldier glad devoted to consolation singles for Gals in Games fashion review of son. ty Interscholastic League Meet, Meet Today, Plan this manner, it could easily mean three consecutive first downs on And grateful for the friends he's all players who are eliminated in the week: shorts replace the time- Standings in the league, as cal­ which is under the supervision of Work for Year the breaking of their marriage. For plunges and passes and then drove the first two rounds. worn starched linens and drape- culated by our favorite mathema­ had. Dr. C. L. Wisseman of the Educa­ one thing, the girl will have to over from the one-yard line for the I shall read the book and divert Cycen Fjodr will meet Wednes­ Prizes of loving cups will be shapes as the SMU gals glitter and tician, are: tion Department. undergo hardships that she has initial score of the game. Cunning­ my mind, day at 7 p.m. in the Student Center, awarded the winners of each meet. glide across volleyball courts and LEAGUE A Contests will begin on Friday never even seen before. The first ham kicked goal. I shall write to the folks I left announced Scott Ernest, president. Tournament Open to Beginners over and under badmiton nets. W. when tennis and debate prelim­ few years are the hardest, and if In possession of the ball on their behind, After the regular business meet­ Mrs. Dalton stressed that the Games know no season and cer­ Pi Beta Phi 2 inaries . will be held. the couple are away from home own 35-stripe again, the Blues I shall sew on my buttons, play ing, the Knights will discuss the tournament is open to beginners as tainly this is the season. Delta Gamma 21 and then have to be out of even started an offensive. A penalty and solitaire; Debate teams, under the di­ possibility of obtaining a club well as more advanced players. It Volleyball is the topic of fash­ Sigma Kappa 1 the environment they are used to, an off-tackle smash by Kendrick Dust off my boots and wash my rection of Dr. Sartain, will repre­ sponsor. If it is decided that there is believed that this tournament ionable SMUites as they all spike Kappa Alpha Theta _... 1 it is more than a hardship; it is gave them a first down on the 47- hair; sent Dallas, Ft. Worth, Wichita will be a Cycen Fjodr festival this one of the things that lead to will be the best that has ever and serve, and serve and spike. The Delta Rho 0 yard marker and then Kendrick Whatever I do it will be with joy Falls and winners from Collin and year, the date of the festival will divorce." been held in the seven years his­ final winners are far from cer­ LEAGUE B passed to Smith for a first down on At being adopted a Texas boy." Grayson counties. be ascertained. At this time mem­ tory of the Badminton Association. tain but already bets are being W. the 40-yard line. Allen went off CPL. WM. L. HESS Tennis teams will be under the bers will have an opportunity to Johnny thinks that a couple them a good challenge. Neither Delta Delta Delta 3 tackle for another first down. Gene Outstanding players from all direction of Dr. Gerald Huff and voice their opinions on the desir­ should have a large wedding, if team has lost any games this sea- Kappa Kappa Gamma 2 Wilson nabbed a pretty pass from over the country are expected to the tournament will be held on the ability of purchasing Cycen Fjodr possible. "It is the best show of placed and odds are high. Early ing a good brand of ball which Kendrick to put the ball on the enter. WAC Cpl. Bert Barkhuff, Zeta Tau Alpha 1 four concrete courts of the uni­ Keys. their lifetime, and everything in the season we predicted the Pi they are capable of playing to three-yard stripe, and then Allen former national women's champion Chi Omega 0 versity. Winners from Dallas, should be just the way that they Phi's to cop the cut for another re­ best the Theta's. If the SK's can crashed over for six points. His from Seattle, Washington, is the Gamma Phi Beta 0 Ft. Worth, Mexia, Burkburnett, —S.M.U.— would like to remember it. Even if peat performance. Their playing eke an equally good play this Fri­ attempt for extra point failed. only woman to ever win the nation­ Results in last Friday's games Wichita Falls, Henrietta, and Col­ it is a home wedding, it should not has proved our points and theirs day, they have a good chance of Interception Saves Reds al championship in all three events. found the Sigma Kappa's besting lin and Grayson counties will par­ Yeagy Nips Barrow be a hackneyed affair, but care­ too. With a win over the Sigma spilling the Pi Phi's. True, the Other players of outstanding the Theta's 34-33 while the aGmma ticipate. fully and tastefully planned." A recovered fumble in midfield Kappa's this Friday they will have Phi Beta's forfeited to the Kap­ Sigma's have already lost to the ability from New Orleans, St. 3-2 in Pingpong If two people get married, John­ and two neat gains by Allen put the championship of League A pa's, the Delta Gamma's beat the DG's, but anything can happen in Other contests slated for the Louis, Tulsa, and other places in ny thinks that they should not let the Blues in scoring position again cinched. Delta Rho's 34-25, and the Tri a little harmless game of volley­ meet will be held on Saturday. Gaining revenge for his defeat surrounding states, however, the it interfere with their education. a few moments later, but an inter­ Delt's beat the Chi O's. ball. Approximate figures as to the last year by Emmett Barrow, Bob events can easily be won by play­ League B should see the Tri "If their families can, and will, cepted pass on the goal line ers other than these expected, and Delt's as the winners of the fracas. The Sigma Kappa's were play- The Tri Delt's hit top-speed to number of entries in various con­ Yeagy bested Barrow three games brought the Reds out of danger. tests run as follows: declamation, they could help them the first out-score an inexperienced and ill- out of five this year to win the At the start of the third quarter, around fifty entries; essay writ­ couple of years, so that the couple practiced Chi Omega team. How­ pingpong finals in the tournament the Blues canned the ball into ing, twelve; extemporaneous can prepare themselves for a good ever, it certainly is well to notice held by the School of Theology. scoring territory again, but Cun­ SHE WANTED A PART IN WINNING THE WAR! speech, twenty; one-act plays, career. However, I don't feel that the sportsmanship of all the teams In the semi-finals Yeagy beat ningham blocked a pass on the ANN, A REAL AMERICAN GIRL, JOINS THE WAVES eight casts; typing, forty entries; the family is obligated to do so. who come down and play for their Walter White two to one and Bar­ goal line to break up the threat. shorthand, twenty-five entries; My family wants to help me, and sorority, win or lose. And can still row beat Lewis Risinger two to An intercepted pass gave the Reds slide-rule, which is a new contest, I am glad that they fel that way. THE FUNDAMENTALS PRILLING cheer for the winners or losers one. the ball in midfield near the end one team; and around 150 people I don't think that marriage should when the final whistle blows. of the period and Cox skirted end for the field and track meets. —S.M.U.— have to be postponed because of One of the teams which shows either or both of the couples at­ on a reverse for a 20-yai-d gain. Other towns represented in the the most team spirit is that of "What did you go fishing for?" tending school." Cunningham made a first down on meet, besides those previously Delta Rho. We are happy to wel­ "Oh, just for the halibut." the eight-yard line and then pass­ mentioned, include Electra, Waco, Johnny expressed utter disgust come Paulette Gilman, that well- —S.M.U.— ed for the touchdown. Denison and Sherman. There are and distaste for couples who get known Brooklyn Bum, and her sis­ Recovering a Blue fumble by J. approximately thirty counties in "He makes money hand over pinned or engaged and then are ters into intramural circles. They T. Watson started the Reds on the Region III. untrue. "Some of them never meant have done themselves proud this fist." march for their final score. Cun­ to be true, and it would have been volleyball season, and we hope Spectators will be charged a "Capitalist?" ningham went off tackle for 15 better if they had not acted as if they'll enter more and more teams small fee to help defray expenses "Naw. Pugilist." yards and a first down 15 yards they wanted to be. If they are go­ in more and more contests. connected with field and track en­ from pay dirt and then passed to The Red Cross can't supply the ing out with other people, I think Badminton Scores tries. Watson for a first down on the —S.M.U.— girls with gas anymore, and for that they should tell each other. Everyone gets the bird down at that reason the trips will have to three-yard line. A plunge account­ the Gals Gym, and the birdies' On the whole, I feel that they (Continued From Page One) be discontinued. However, the ed for the final touchdown. fly south. shouldn't even want to, cause if girls turned out as they should, you're in love, you don't care about We will take the Kappa's to and every trip was a success." —S.M.U.— win intramural badminton this COG of Month going out with anyone but that Mary Ann has worked 36 hours "Waiter, bring me some year. With a combination of Loma one person," Johnny said. oys- should to the new job on the serv­ in the work room. She is active in Greenwell and Doris Hurt, they "Marriage is like death—it lasts ters." ice kits. "This work is a good other organizations on the campus are unbeatable. Doris hails from a long time." "Stewed, sir?" project," she said, "and one that also, being a member of Zeta Tau Indiana where back in 1942 she and "None of your business." the boys appreciate. The things Alpha, Theta Sigma Phi, WSGB, Johnny ended with "I am afraid her partner won second place in COGS have done have been so and is the News Editor of The that I haven't been much help to state badminton doubles. Needless gratefully accepted, that I feel CAMPUS. the boy or girl who is just starting KELLY SAYS to say, she's good. And Loma, like­ that it is worth while, and that is "COGS is the only organization on the SMU campus, but that's all wise, can swing a mean racket. the reason I have enjoyed working on the campus devoted entirely to I have to say." However, the things Standing in Badminton read: with it," she said. war work. It is a most democratic that he discussed are aired daily LEAGUE A "I do not believe that it will organization, and I think the work by freshmen as well as sophs and W. L. be possible for us to continue the we do through such a service is seniors. Johnny is definitely repre­ Kappa Alpha Theta 1 0 trips to McKinney, because of the the very least we can do for the sentative of a type that is in col­ Delta Delta Delta , 1 0 gas situation and transportation. boys," Mary Ann concluded. lege now. Chi Omega 0 1 Next week we take one who is Sigma Kappa . 0 2 unique in that The CAMPUS LEAGUE B knows of no one who is like him. W. L. SMU's 1944 Football Schedule Not even Kelly or McGoogan have Kappa Kappa Gamma 2 0 Sept. 30 North Texas Agricultural College.: Dallas ever seen a person like George Pi Beta Phi „ 2 0 Oct. 7 Southwestern University Dallas Butler—the tall silent sailor with Delta Rho 1 l Oct. 14 Randolph Field (night) ...San Antonio the puppy brown eyes. Gamma Phi Beta 0 1 The next Tried V True pro­ Oct 21 Rice Institute (night) .'. Houston ject will be to get an allotment Delta Zeta 0 1 Oct. 28 Tulane University New Orleans —S.M.U.— Zeta Tau Alpha 0 2 Nov. 4 University of Texas ...... Austin from the Student Council to —S.M.U.— Insurance Official: "What provide soap, towels, and hot Nov. 11 Texas A.&M. College (Homecoming Day) Dallas caused the fire?" WATCH -FOR THE FURTHER Dean S.: "Shall we have a Nov. IS University of Arkansas ... - Dallas water for those who want to friendly game of cards ? « Investigator: "Spontaneous com­ mmtm^^_„ _f , APVEMTURES or AHH •« Nov. 25 Texas Technological College ...... Lubbock bathe in the main fountain in Barbara P.: "No, let's play bustion—a $10,000 policy on a '/Trite or goto nearest Navy Recruiting Station or Office of Naval Officer Procurement for copy of new WAVES booklet. Dec. :2, Texas Christian University ...Dallas bridge." $5,000 house." the quadrangle. N«-J ,..-••