m % c R m P u s lili I The Semi-Weekly Campus, Published by the SMU Students' Publishing Company SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, DALLAST TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19. 1944 I TWENTY-NINTH YEAR No. 45 pigma Delta Chi, Male July Seniors Student Council COGS Are Needed An important meeting of the [Journalism Frat, Must Fill Reports Student Council will be held to­ day at 5 o'clock in the Student To Make Kits To National Roster Center. New members will be To Have Banquet installed and a Duchess to repre­ For Servicemen Plans for their Founders' Day Men students previously defer­ sent SMU at Texas Wesleyan More COGS are needed every Banquet, to be held May 1, were red who are graduating by July College will be selected from first, should go by Dean A. C. Zum- day in the workroom to learn how cliscussed Tuesday in a meeting of nominees by the sororities and to make the Red Cross kits for Sigma Delta Chi, honorary journal­ brunnen's office immediately and ISA. fill out the questionnaires for the servicemen, Audrey Ellen Wil­ ism fraternity, announced C. J. Ray Schumacher, liams, president of COGS, urged. JjUten, pi-esident, of the SMU chap­ National Roster of Scientists and Specialist Personnel for the War President A Red Cross instructor will be ter. The banquet will be held at in the workroom Friday afternoon, Stoneleigh Court, and three SMU Manpower Commission in Wash­ ington, D. C. beginning at 2 p.m., to teach the pledges will be initiated at that girls how to make the service kits "This was announced previously, Jime: Alan T. Myers, Clyde. Stew­ so that they in turn may show but few have come by the office," President Lee wi art, and Willis Ross. other COGS how. Four sewing ma- < Miss Doris Comstock, Dean Zum- '? On the Founders' Day program chines are used in the workroom brunnen's secretary, said. will be a pre-release story of con­ Address Library for this project. trolled propaganda under Axis dic­ If the blanks are not sent to Copies of The CAMPUS are still tatorship in a speech by Hugo T. Washington soon, the selective Meeting Tonight being sent out every week to ex- Speck, editor of WFAA-KGKO. Staff Photo by Beggx. service board will have no way of Dr. Umphrey Lee, president of Mustangs now in service. Instead ?Speck, news editor of WFAA- Roy Q. Seale, above, instructor in the Engineering deciding where to place the men when they are inducted. SMU, will speak Wednesday night of being folded for mailing as pre­ &GKO. Speck, a former United School and mathematics instructor was interrupted at SPORT in Fondren Lecture Hall to the viously done, the papers are being Press representative in European —S.M.U.— his desk in the math office for shot as Hilltop thirty-second meeting of the rolled in accordance with postal [countries, and was the Berlin man­ "Ugly Man Dr. Seale won the dubious honor in a recent contest Texas Library Association on regulations. Additional workers to ager for Initcrnational News Serv­ sponsored by APO over ten other faculty and student contestants, "Libraries in the Postwar World." mail the papers are needed too, ice when we entered the war. He Faculty-Students On Wednesday morning, Donald Audrey Ellen stated. entered an internment camp by re­ Coney, librarian, University of The following are excerpts from quest, and lived there for five To Be Featured Hilltop Ugly Man Asserts Texas, will address the group at some of the many letters received months. the Hotel Adolphus. In the after­ by the Red Cross from servicemen .< A fellowship hour will be includ­ 7 In Marriage Talks noon session, Dr. Spencer Stoker, overseas, who have received kits ed in the program, and several professor and director of the de­ like the one COGS are making 'service men just back from combat "Our Side Was Richest ' War and peace-time marriage partment of education, Texas now: ?areas will be present. problems will be presented in a State College for Women, Denton, "Greetings: "The standard of male beauty* panel discussion at the Y meeting 5 Also, in their Tuesday meeting, will talk on "College Curricula in "The other day this Yank re­ on this campus is unusually high," runners-up in the contest who, he tomorrow night in the Student Sigma Delta Chi elected Ervin the War Effort and Postwar Sta­ ceived a Red Cross bag from the declared Dr. Roy Q. Seale, asso­ asserts, were uglier than he was Center at 7:30 p.m. The panel is Eatenson as Vice-President of this bilization." Chapter in Dallas. I wish to thank ciate professor of m athematics, but just did not have the support to be made up of representatives chapter, and made plans to enter­ Miss Mildred Wyatt, librarian, you many times for the contents, who recently was named "Ugly to get elected. He likes golf and from various fields which have tain representatives from the jour­ Stephen F. Austin Teachers Col­ which was a very timely gift and Man" on the Hilltop. Named as bridge, too, but says that Dr. Ed­ been selected accordingly. nalism department of Oklahoma which arrived at the moment when winner of the two-weeks contest win Mouzon, also of the math de­ lege, Nacogdoches, will speak on ICity University. The visitors, four­ To represent the college girl is "Importance of Visual Education such things were badly needed. after a last-minute penny collec­ partment, will have to be con­ Evlyn Storey, who is now a senior Chosen Monda.y afternoon by COGS Steering Com­ teen delegates and two professors in the Library" and Mrs. Mary Such things as sewing kits, with tion by his campaign manager, sulted as to the type of games they on the campus. Mr. and Mrs. Don mittee as outstanding "COG of the Month" is Mary .;jand their wives, will be in Dallas Peacock Douglas, director of SERVICE needles, are rare and we must Luther Pulley, Dr. Scale accepted play; the two are frequent part­ Iglehart are to present the young Ann Barlow, above, on her way to the COG work­ fMay 3 and 4. Sigma Delta Chi school libraries in North Caro­ make our clothes last. Fragrant the somewhat dubious honor with ners. married couples' viewpoint. Don is room with papers to be mailed to ex-students now in service. fin. conjunction with Theta Sigma lina, will talk on "Postwar Plan­ soaps and shaving creams, and candor and good sportsmanship. now attending SMU, and Dorothy, |Phi, women's honorary journalism "I have beans, tomatoes, rad­ ning for School Librarianist." tooth powder are at times hard "Our side was richest," he as­ his wife, was on the campus a fraternity, plans to take them on ishes, and cut worms in my gar­ A panel discussion on postwar to obtain. Magazines and writing serted, the votes in the contest year or two ago. a tour of the offices of the Dallas den," he said proudly, and then libraries and extension in Texas material are luxuries in this out- cost a penny each. We had the Bob Dickinson has been asked to Morning News and Holland Maga- with a sad smile, "the latter will led by Rex Hooper, professor at Mary Ann Barlow Voted of-the-way place. most pennies." He cast a sidelong appear for the college boys' point probably be the victors." the University of Texas will con­ I am very sure that the many zme. glance at his colleagues in the of view on peace and war time // clude the meeting at 9 a.m. Thurs­ service men who receive these ar­ —S.M.U.— math department. —S.M.U.— marriages. Bob is a theologue stu­ day at the Hotel Adolphus. ticles appreciate them quite as dent. Dr. Paul Root, sociology pro­ "The COC Of The Month "Have you ever taught George?" —S.M.U.— much as I do." Sgt. T. Larry Ervin. fessor, will discuss the background was one question fired at him— Nutrition Course Mary Ann Barlow, a junior in was the COG chairman in this "This is just a note from a sol­ Ten Girls Needed of the subject. meaning, of course, his son, George the Arts and Science School, has campaign. She announced that dier somewhere in New Guinea, Will Begin Today At the last Y meting, George Seale, junior in SMU. "No," he Twenty-Five Men been chosen by the Steering Com­ SMU pledged 42 gallons of blood who wishes to thank you all for For Mortar Board said, "George doesn't want me to Irwin, president of the YMCA, an­ Students may enroll today for mittee of COGS as the "COG of through the cooperation and re­ (Continued on Page 4) try to teach him any more than nounced the program for this week the Red Cross nutrition course, sponse of the SMU students. In I want to try to teach him." and suggested that the students Are Now Enrolled the Month." Calling Out Ritual Home Economics 56a, according to this drive Mary Ann had charge hand in questions they would like Mary Ann is the vice-president Ten sophomore girls with B Dr. Seale's fellow professors Mrs. Verna Garrard, head of the to have discussed. From the ques­ of the campaign and handled the Campus Calendar averages or better who arc in the have had a lot to say about his Home Economics Department. One In Safety Courses of COGS and served on the Steer­ publicity. Like other co-eds, Mary tions handed in, problems have ing Committee last trimester.
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