Cover photographs of mucosal tissues kindly provided by: • Ann Marie Carias and Thomas J. Hope (Northwestern University), US (top right, ectocervical tissue) • Kimberly Smythe and Nicole Frahm (HVTN/FHCRC) and Kim Melton (FHCRC), US (bottom left, rectal tissue) Back cover photographs kindly provided by: • Kimberly Smythe and Nicole Frahm (HVTN/FHCRC), US (top right, rectal tissue) • Ann Marie Carias and Thomas J. Hope (Northwestern University), US (bottom left, vaginal tissue) How to cite this Guide: Capturing Participant Data for Mucosal Sample Interpretation: A Guide for HIV Investigators. Published by the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise with the support of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the HIV Mucosal Immunology Group (MIG). Second edition, March 2016. Organizing Committee: Mary Gross (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, FHCRC); Patricia D’Souza (NIAID); Amapola Manrique & Yegor Voronin (Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise). To order copies: Global HIV Enterprise 64 Beaver street, # 352 New York, NY 10004, US Email:
[email protected] The online version is available at: Capturing Participant Data for Mucosal Sample Interpretation: A Guide for HIV Investigators 2 N D E D I T I O N | A P R I L 2016 Acknowledgments The Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and the HIV Mucosal Immunology Group (MIG) gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the many experts who responded to requests for concepts, content, references, and comments. We would like to thank them for the practical and essential feedback they provided on prior drafts of the document. Notable contributors are listed here in alphabetic order: Maria L Alcaide (University of Miami Miller School of Medicine), Michele Andrasik (University of Washington, HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN)); Peter Anton (University of California, Los Angeles); Chuka Anude (Henry M.