The Leprechaun A Publication of the Harper Woods Notre Dame Alumni Association - Keeping the Spirit of the Fightin’ Irish Alive Since 2005! SPRING 2013 EDITION The Muggs Set to Release Live Album Page 2 Plus... Ben Blackwell ‘00 Patrick Green ‘83 Joe Vicari ‘75 Charlie Langton ‘79 Adam Siero ‘05 Upcoming Events Upcoming Reunions The LeprechaunSPRING 2013 EDITION The Leprechaun is a newsletter devoted solely to the alumni and friends of Notre Dame High School of Harper Woods, Michigan. It is produced and distributed free of charge. For more information, please see the Notre Dame Alumni Association’s official website: WHAT’S INSIDE... 2 A NOTE FROM THE V.P. 2 COngraTulaTIOns are IN ORDer 2 ND alumnI STOre 3 INTervIEW WITH DannY “muggs” meTHRIC ‘90 7 gerarD casTeneDA ‘94 ON THE COVER: 8 CHarlIE langTON ‘79 The Muggs Set to Release Live Album. 8 upcOMIng reunIOns Page 3 9 INTervIEW WITH ben blacKWell ‘00 14 JOE VIcarI ‘75 THE LEPRECHAUN STAFF ParICK Green ‘83 15 ALUMNI DIRECTOR 15 2013 AlumnI BasKETball TOurnamenT PRESIDENT NDAA REPORTER 16 2013 AlumnI GOlf OUTIng PHOTOGRAPHER LAYOUT EDITOR JOE VIcarI ‘75 17 Jim Mandl ‘90 17 KevIN BORYCZ ‘89 RESEARCH Photographer 18 ANDY DOLD ‘98 & WHITneY ROBInsON ‘98 CONTRIBUTING WRITER Jim Mandl ‘66 In MemORIum 19 EDITOR 20 NDaa spOnsOrs Marge Mandl (Regina ‘66) ARTIFACT CONTRIBUTOR Want to advertise in The Leprechaun? Chet Szerlag ‘66 Business card size ads are free! CONTRIBUTING To place an ad in an upcoming edition, PHOTOGRAPHER contact Jim Mandl ‘90 for more information:
[email protected].