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Page 1 Blonde Hair ••• Hazel Eyes (Colored Contacts Available) LANI MINELLA 800-357-7040 5' 8" • 125 lbs FILM & TELEVISION ABC Sports Documentary ("Our Greatest Hopes....Fears") Esther, Oshrat ABC Network Lost Book of Nostradamus (History Channel) Enza Massa, Martinol, Piccinin,Misti,Fadiga Matchframe/1080 productions Scream Test Star (Vampire Host) GTE Interactive TV Bloopy's Buddies (national TV series) Bloopy, Sgt. Lookout, Chef Cuisine Creative Children's Group, New York The Almighty Fred (feature film) Principal BFD Productions America's Most Wanted Principal Fox TV Networks ANIMATION & CD-ROM *Additional List Available Upon Request World of Warcraft: Cataclysm • Lich King • Warcraft 3 Succubus, Zaela,Tuskar, Banshee,Geist,more Activision Blizzard Super Smash Bros. Brawl • New Super Mario Brothers Lucas,Pitt,Lin,Larry,Lemmy,Wendy, Morton Nintendo Mass Effect 3 Last female Krogan "Eve", Asari Medic EA/Bioware Starcraft 1 • Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty Dropship pilot, Zerg Queen, Medivac Activision Blizzard Nancy Drew---(all game titles) Nancy Drew & misc VOs Her Interactive Justice League "Flash and Substance" (cartoon) Mayor, Waitress, Camera op, Worker Warner Brothers Animation Sonic Heroes • Adv.:1,2 • Shuffle • Maken X • D2, etc Cast, Direct, Write,VOs SEGA ofAmerica/Atlus Japan Mortal Kombat 9 Sindel, Sheeva, Elder Gods, Radio Ops Warner Brothers Interactive Toyota PRIUS '07 Voice of Navigation system System Simulations/Denso Soul Caliber 3, 4, 5 Ivy Namco Bandai/Cup of Tea Prod. Disney's Toon Town • Nightmare Ned • Krash Multi-VOs/Rollercoaster
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