Game Accessibility: a Survey
Univ Access Inf Soc manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Game Accessibility: a Survey Bei Yuan, Eelke Folmer, Frederick C. Harris, Jr. the date of receipt and acceptance should be inserted later Abstract Over the last three decades, video games Hollywood's box office sales [105]. According to the have evolved from a pastime into a force of change that NPD Group, currently more than 100 million consoles is transforming the way people perceive, learn about, are present in U.S. households [62], and an estimated and interact with the world around them. In addition 63% of the U.S. population plays video games, with to entertainment, games are increasingly used for other 51% of players playing games on at least a weekly ba- purposes such as education or health. Despite this in- sis [20]. An explanation for this popularity could be creased interest, a significant number of people encounter that games provide something that other forms of en- barriers when playing games, due to a disability. Ac- tertainment, such as books, music, and movies, cannot cessibility problems may include: (1) not being able to provide, i.e., interaction. Games are also increasingly receive feedback; (2) not being able to determine in- used for other purposes than entertainment. Educators game responses; (3) not being able to provide input are discovering the cognitive potential of games in the using conventional input devices. This paper surveys classroom [84,29,45,46] and games have also been used the current state-of-the-art in research and practice in for health [87], religion [88] and politics [66].
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