\ (NAEB) Made a Survey Of320 Educational Radio Stafions
DOCUMENT RESUME EM 006 830 ED 025 151 The Hidden Medium: A Status Report onEducational Radio in the UnitedStates. Land (Herman W.) Associates, Inc., NewYork, N.Y. Spons Agency- Ford Foundation. New York,N.Y. Pub Date Apr 67 division of The NationalAssociation of Note- 230p.; Report prepared forNational Educational Radio, a \ Educational Broadcasters- EDRS Price MF-$1.00 HC-$11.60 *Broadcast Industry, Budget s. Descriptor s- Audiences, Audio Equipment, Audiovisual Communication, *Educational Radio,Information Dissemination,InstructionalAids,Interschool Communication Satellites, Radio Technology, *Surveys,Tape Communication, Large Group Instruction,Programing, Questionnaires, Radio, Recordings Identifiers- *National Educational Radio,National Educational Radio Network,NER, NERN In the Winter of 1966-67,the National Associationof Educational Broadcasters (NAEB) made a survey of320 educational radio stafionsrequesting detailed information about budgets, tyjoes of programing,hours of service, stationfacilities, and future plans and needs.The data from this survey,based on the questionnaires returned by 135 stations, documentsthe broad overviewof this report. Educational radio's greatest potentialservicetoschools,professional people, commercial disadvantaged and the communityin general hasbeen severely stations, the socially and limited by low budgets, smallstaffs, and a lack ofboth audience research which distributes program promotion.The National EducationalRadio Network (NERN), 150 affiliate stations,offered 1,895 programs(31,371 tapes of programs to its station hours of broadcasting) in1966, yet the surveydetermined that the average operates on an annualbudget-of-less than $25,000.Appendices include statistics of organizations andcommercial stationsserved: a gathered in the survey; a sampling and a list of educational radio stations; afew in-depth profilesof typical stations: of the EducationalCommunications SystemsStudy which is report on the third phase and being designed to interconnectelectronically a groupof American colleges universities.
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