Argyll Array Offshore Wind Farm: Habitat Regulations Assessment – Screening for Likely Significant Effects 14 May 2014 Project Number: SGP6346 RPS 7 Clairmont Gardens Glasgow G3 7LW Tel: 0141 332 0373 Fax: 0141 332 3182 Email:
[email protected] QUALITY MANAGEMENT Prepared by: Name: Rafe Dewar Title: Senior Ecologist Signature Authorised by: Name: Martin Scott Title: Principal Ornithologist Signature: Current Status: Draft for Comment Issue Date: 14 May 2014 Revision Number: 4 Revision Notes: - Project File Path: J:\SGP 6346 - Scottish Power Argyll Array Birds\Reports\Reports in Progress\ This report has been prepared within the RPS Planning and Development Quality Management System to British Standard EN ISO 9001 : 2008 COPYRIGHT © RPS The material presented in this report is confidential. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of ScottishPower Renewables and shall not be distributed or made available to any other company or person without the knowledge and written consent of ScottishPower Renewables or RPS. REPORT TEMPLATE TYPE: Planning ISSUE DATE: 18 May 2011 REVISION NUMBER: - REVISION DATE: - CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1 The Project ............................................................................................................................................ 1 The Habitat Regulations Requirements ...............................................................................................