JUNE 2011 Volume 96, Number 6 INSPIRING QUALITY: Highest Standards, Better Outcomes FEATURES Stephen J. Regnier Telemedicine consultation for emergency trauma: Editor The 130 million square foot trauma room 12 Linn Meyer Rafael J. Grossmann Zamora, MD, FACS; Barbara Sorondo, MD; Director, Division of Robert Holmberg, MD, MPH; and Pret Bjorn, RN Integrated Communications Disclosing sleep: An ethical challenge from Tony Peregrin the e-FACS.org Ethical Issues in Surgery community 20 Associate Editor Jason D. Keune, MD; Ira J. Kodner, MD, FACS; Diane S. Schneidman and Gerald B. Healy, MD, FACS Contributing Editor Elias S. Hanna, MD, FACS, opens his heart to patients the world over 22 Tina Woelke Diane S. Schneidman Graphic Design Specialist Charles D. Mabry, Extremes of age: MD, FACS Surprising similarities of pediatric and geriatric surgery 24 Leigh A. Neumayer, Mark R. Katlic, MD, FACS; and J. Alex Haller, Jr., MD, FACS MD, FACS Health care integration: Will physicians lose their voice? 28 Marshall Z. Schwartz, MD, FACS Kevin Kavanagh, MD, FACS Mark C. Weissler, MD, FACS Editorial Advisors Tina Woelke DEPARTMENTS Front cover design Looking forward 4 Editorial by David B. Hoyt, MD, FACS, ACS Executive Director Future meetings What surgeons should know about... 6 Clinical Congress Electronic prescribing in 2011 2011 San Francisco, CA, Caitlin Burley October 23-27 Advocacy advisor 31 2012 Chicago, IL, Running for political office September 30– Charlotte Grill October 4 2013 Washington, DC, October 6–10 Letters to the Editor should be sent with the writer’s name, ad- dress, e-mail address, and daytime telephone number via e-mail to
[email protected], or via mail to Stephen J.