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...... Womaa’a ISbma IClaaloaaiy lCr.''iiid' Mmw jfttitotirC fc* am' Sodaty ot tba North Matbodlat of Grove War VatamnA wHl hold bburch win bdd ita drat faU maat- Sunday, Mr. _ >hn Mowan mooting"Wadnenday evaaiag a t ' 8 tori|jtt 1^^ at^STSeuS^SS Ytaraday' a g at tba church tomorrow after­ ot LakevlUa,:: Mrr and Mra. o’eloek at the Army and Navy etdh- Thutsdayu . Charlaa Ri' bouaa.. .j ‘ «< Um Ste* noon at 3 o'clock in the church par- add'Mr. and Mra. Slmllax tpa are to ba hold hi dlf- _ loa|U ■ ehorch will lora. Mambera .nd frirada win ba Robort Shaw, Bridgeport but Tha faaidly «t Roy. Warm la ferant perto of tha atato by Rwub- M A N O T E m r t waleome. Aprona for lha aala ahould foratarly of thia team. Norman Ry- grinding tan daya at South tyma. Uoaa woaNot Thnndayi j tcBWwaw afternooB at 3:00 alndar waa hOma for the waak-and Tbn Woman’ll Miaatonaty aoelaty ItopbtiaBt anaatlBf in coanae- ba' brought to tfala meeting. Ot tha Chureh of tha Naaama wtD MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1$, 198$ (SIXTEEN PAGES) \ PRICE THKEECEN ...... "Oowrtjrfair."— flar meet-tonight at 7iS6 at the Obuwb- ____ .wtn ba at the cburcb and. Mary BuibneU Cheney abzillaty, of tha Naiarena. i ^hoataacaa win ba U n . Frank V. V. B. W. V., wUl nold a aoclai meat- The Ladiaa Aid aodety of the Var« ruiiania. M n. John 1C. WUllama, lag tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock non Methodlat church, of which Rev, Jamaa Vlrdnia and lira, in the State Aiinoiy. ;The commit- C. Homer Oinna of thia town ia paa- Sounding Martial Note In Big Nazi Show daa Wbltdiar. taa tndudea Mm Mary /obnaon, tor, win aarva a harvaat aunpar at Mra. Julia L*Hauraua, Mlia Marjorie the church tonight from S:80 to 7:80 Laluy and Mra, Mlimle HolUater. ‘ at a caOderata rata. ^f.-'^SviUlam J. Taylor of H e i^ atraat Waller N.Leclerc COUZENS, MOSES lose "^atamad to hla work yaatatday adth The Women'a Rome League of the ba Silent Glow Oil Burner Corpora- The FaUoiferait Club of Mi Funeral Director ^ Hartford, after, ah enforoad Salvation Army win bold ita open­ cheater Lodge of Maaona wUl hold ing moating of the aaaaon at the cit­ ita drat meeting of the beaaon to­ BBS No. Hate St. : afnM nay. adel tomorrow afternoon - at 3:30 night .at 8 o'clock In dm Maaonlo o’clock. Member! and friend! wlU Tampla INSTATE Center Oiurch Women'# Guild be walcoma lx>Id Ita i ^ t fan maeUny to- afternoon at 3:30 at tba On exhibition In the window of BASQUES OUST THINK OFFICER Cnriey W ins in The gueai apeakar wUl ba the F. T. Bllab Hardware Company JUST ARRIVED! Blizabetta Taylor of Hartford, i! a large piece of petrided wood. It WATKINS BROS. [ATE7 C. 0. r. CHILD SLAYER I j^bject will be '*nu Vlaltlnc: la own^ by John L. Reinarta and ^ Italian Dish Gardens ANARCiflSISJN setts and Lodge I and R w Place in the Oom- the card that accbmpaaiaa the iNooiuroBATiro PoliceraenPatsteYVionsrPIctaw ^mnnlty.’* ChUdren arUl be cared for hibit aUtea that it U probably 1,- Novelty Book Enda WiU Be GivOT^^ A^^ during the mee^g. Mm lOQiaJ noo.OOO yearn old. It waa evidently ROBERT R. ANDERSON Dishes and Novelties On Poster and Prisoners Have 8 m ^la*S****aa 4l4A li ci m t mmmmm . - •• a ^ ^ . ______m ______a .a ._ a ______o lOsPMrty’s , Marte ia chairman of the hoateaaea. dr tree and waa obtained nuMTal Diraetar Juat .the- thing for a bridge SPANISH ffA R .Visions of Big Reward.- itnarts At Lookout Point, g ift H O W IX)NG'since* yoii Wednesday In All Depts. ] Adjutant wniiam L. 'Valmttna, Waahr Funeral aervlce in home­ BY RADIO, TOUR Roebeater, N. H., Sept 18.— Same State; La .Fi like BorroondingB. Ateo cemiteto Bno of Plante ' Mm Valentine and three of the four HarUord, Sept. 16.— (AP) — An Depose All the Sbper-Reds (Ap)—Two men who were at- ’ local jmung women motored down to and Out Flowcva. looked at your roof? rested here thought for a while Rolls Up More Votes T k u New York thia morning to enter the 142 e a s t ' c e n t e r ST. Of Both Th^e Stores employment inaufence bill may Brown to Go Oo^Air Tomor­ they wmfid cash In on their mis­ - Salvation Army Training College. • offered to the special aeaalon of fortune. Miss Faith E. Spillane LDreefiiann*ttob»tiqtted. TlwdS as taOtag from OfficU Posts and The other made the trip with the Telephone: PENTLAND I General .ABserobly thia fall with In the office ot O ty Marahal Eitber Democrats or Ro" Hurtford candidatea. Announces the Open- Office 5171 Honae 7494 THE FLORIST 17 Oak St. wiidi tiieyni leak or catdi flm. row ; Fr. Conghlin Will Fred S. Hartford they aaw a O the Btand of the Manufacturers’ 'As- Adopt Antonomy; Leftists M te r offering a reward for in­ to . and Mm WtlU^ C. ii^ of Her Dancing: Ask tw to wnd an'OTiert to inapect your foof, wMbont sqclation of Connecticut unknown. • formation leading to the arrest publicans; Tammany H a t Q jjg g e g coM-to .yon. .-He’R.ghm-yoa-a-Aanlt rqiioct-on ito — The J W H A I ^ CQRR — ■ The state eommleaion;-Bow-pTe- Speak Tomght at Savm of one, Harry P. Cahill, wanted paring Its report to the Legislature, ' for two weeks. conditico. /M ANCHistiR C o n n * / tiet New Arms Sspply. “for-'ttie slaying of Margaret Mo- t r fo r the Season received no communication or state­ Carthy, 10, in Cambridge, Sep­ ^Stages ComebadL . RqMdring and n-^ooeng am our nedaHy. If yea ment from Connecticut’s organized Rock; Socialists’ Row. tember 9, 1988. e neml a new roof we recommend Juma-lIiiavQle Ae* Induatrlaliita on their position on Saint Jean Pe Lus, FWmee, SepL One of the two told acting ~ Vi ABEL’S S this major issue. . Hollisjter S t School AUTO and TRCOK BEPAIBINO phah Shingles—colorfkil, m od erate p r i ^ , firsand* 16.—Basque Nationalists, long op­ City Marshal dydp R. Cotton 'By Henry S. Beers, chairman of the New Haven, Sept. 16— (AP) ■ the hunted man was in the city l i AD Work Onaranta^l FLOORS weather redstant, and 1^-liv ed . C£H U S € ^ M. posed to tactics of Anarchists In Names known the Nation < 0 0 commission, said today the Connec­ Rummage Sale Tuesday, Sept 22 Rev. C3iarIoa E. CioughUn Joined to­ but his inalatenee only caused Bear 36 Cooper Street TodSy you can buy a new Joims-hlanv&Ie roof out. ticut Federation of Labor and the the Socialist defense forces, estab­ figured in triumph .and defeat Cdaasea From 8:80 to 8:80 P. M. SANDED and : ...... day the ranks of national leaders ^ tto n and Patrolman Vane Given by Each Tuesday, Batabllalied 1931 right, or pay for it imder J-M ’a own deferred payment, Connecticut Retail Merchants Aaso- lished a virtually autonomous gov­ Nickeraon to laugh- day as the returns rolled in DaoKhteni o f Isabella ctatloD have filed briefs, but none ernment in northern Spain today. who have chosen C^innectleut for on Pqllce offloera as a Joke bad primaries held yesterday: lii A eiaas WU alee start at the REFINISHED plan. ThaPa an advantage. l« tU 8 td l you about it.' haa come from Connecticut industry. Anarchists were ousted from all exposition of their political .views. paatM a picture of Patrolman states. . Thursday, S e p t 17 Bookland School, Wednesday, BaUafactlon Onaranteedt Mr. Beers said all groupa have government posts In the Socialist- The radio priest, head of the Na­ WUfrM Berube in plain clothes Saptmnber 38. and every Wednea- had an opportunity to present their dominated territory along the north­ tional Union for Social Justice, will over that of the minted man.- Senator James Oousens, oas-tli UMraafter. / views to the commission. The Nazi cohorts at the Nuremberg congress ot the party were treated to a lavish display of Germ an^' In the Building formerly oc*. ern coast, dlplomatlo reports reach­ growing mlUtary strength. Headed by a drum corps and band the arrival of a detachment Of 17,000 address a rally' tonight at Donovan The two men had been arrested motor car majgnate who turned . The W. G. GLENNEY Co. It waa understood the manufac­ by Berube.X a political career and has aecvadi copied by P. 0. Station A; TAP — TOE — BALLET ing France asserted. Basque offi­ trop]^ at camp la pictured. ^ ' Flsld, Savin Rock. Olaaa Laaaona IBe. BURDETTE JOS. J. FARR OoaL Lumber, Maaona* Supplies, turers were awaiting definite rules cials wore installed in the majority Preceded to Ck>nnecticut during years in tbe Senate, lost to foi North Main street. Private l awaona By Appointmeat. 918 Hate Street TeL 6880 888 No. Blate 8A Tel. 4149 Mkaebeater and regulations from the Social Se­ of poattions. ^ the past month by Gov, Alt H. Lan­ Covernor WUbtr M. Brucker curity Board on procedure for keep­ RepubUcan Senatorial eon Sale Starts At 10 :30 A. M. Phone 4891 HAWLEY :th c.D .vv.ii^i:« CORK Basques, and Anarchists differed don, Col. Frank Knox and Rep. Wll- ing records before deciding on a over military strategy in tbe de­ Item Lemke, Father Coughlin ar­ TALK OF RECOUNT Michigan. P IA N O A N D / aiancnistcr C o m m * coursA fense of San Sebastian before the NEW DEAL TACTICS rived here last night for his second Former Senator George H. At the only public hearing of the attacking Fascists occupied the city ROOSEVELT TO SUMMON Connecticut visit Recently, he long a power In Ck>nservative ORGAN commission, the manufacturers Sunday. visited Waterbury for a conference publican councils, failed In failed to appear. with Btata leaders of bis organisa­ OFMAINEiVOTES back attempt in Now Kami Want to Study BUI Followed by Bejolclng, SCOREDCY COLBY Resumes Teaching: (Anarchists asserted they would tion. The SB-yaar-olit Gov. -11.- . St;, Ptoetwtfat haa aa early deOvafy whieh many oastaman nta It appeared uncertain. today BANKERS TO CONFERENCE State headquarters of tbe NattoB- whan tkay want aa order aapedalv eariy. Pot Boaaia • Coraad defend the resort community to the Bridges beat him for the Repul whether the manufacturers would al Union f o r ;^ ia l Justice reported can Senatorial nomination. Beef • Penltiy or Stowliig Onto for a nooa dinner wtn reach yon studio: 53 Cottage Street • take any open position on Jobless in- end'while the ISasques, maintaining the government’s defense lines, Father Coughlin will apeak ex­ Gov. Brann Defeated by Governor James M. Chirlay . ia Dme aa tUa eight o’eloek trip, plaoaa call aftar you read this Telephone 3270 In the Self Serve and Health Market surance for Connecticut, without temporaneously beginning at 8:80 ____ i.. ' , sought to protect tbe city from de­ Former Wilson Cabinet Offi­ the Demoeratlo Senatorial nomi or hafere 7i48 a, m, far tala earily aervioA HALE’S first studying the bill to come out White House Announces Mu­ p. .in. Arrangements have been Double Green Stamps Given AR Day Wedne^y. of the commisrion. struction. Fascist commanders WOULD ELIMINATE made to accommodate a crowd . of tlon In Maasachuaette hv a blamed -the - anarchists for the de­ 5 ,0 0 0 Is in New York maigte over hla nearest foa, ...... -...... ■ '*1710 -- -Connecticut—Federation" “Of cial Says It Is Jim e to 38.000. Pihehiiiit Fruit w d Vegreiables 'Any Slaver Labor, however, has come out pub­ vastation of the city of Irun, occu­ tual Copperalibn Wifl Be 8boiBlistdm, Jr., captured the Repul Double ^<817 Green Stamps Given In All, Departments All Day Wednesday. Special / of the Anarchists set off*public dem­ Cfity, Legislative and probate court imiiusUon. P otatoes ..... peck 39c ^Flowers..J J E L L O made only by employers. officials at a combined convention. Portland, Me., Sepi 16.— (AP) Alwaya Appropriate | Secretary John J. Egan, has filed onstrations of rejoicing. PoUUcal GtaUsUcUnm w«nt ^ Egg] ecutive Describe Parley. Prison Association Believes , Sept. 16— (A P)— Baln- There waa a poaslbllity that tbe The likelihood of a U. S. Senate T m te. Preahly Pteked Atwaya Appreciated his Federation’s brief with the com. . Popular reaction against Ahar- convention would produce .^n a work on the vote totals from f l 'l i Oteeri fnaa Pure Silk Stretch Top Economy Package mission. It states the labor organ­ chlst participation in the firing of brldge Colby, secretary of state In vote recount ulsplaced in post-elec­ flva atateo—^MoasachussttA MIO Circular Knit Ladies’ J p a c k a g e 1 , the Wilson administration, accused small scale a clash between Left and CMip Oelary V..tm Yellow Com ... doz. 19c PHONE 5403 ization “is most heartUy in favor of Inm and attempts to set fire to San System Tends to Increase Right Wing Socialists similar to be tion discussion today partlaan dis­ gan, New Hampshire, Wb a state law to. provide benefits for Sebastian also was reported caus­ Washington, Sept. 16.— (AP) — A the New Deal today of "a persistent one tbat developed Sunday in Hart­ and New York—today in on ing many withdrawals from the agreement of tbe portent of a Re­ Sw eet Savol theunemployed people under the future White House conference of effort’’ to nullify the CoiutUuUon ford at tbe party'a state conclave. publican sweep In Maine. if anything, P A R K HILL title pf unemplojment compensation membership of Anarchist labor Crime. ^ "by artifice and indirection." • Tbe trio of Soclallat otate oona. HOSIERY unions. bankers V*aa indicated today after Gov. Louts J. Brann, (D), ap­ and to set tip a commission to ad- P otatoes .5 1 b s.l5 e FLOWER SHOP insurance company officials talked ‘Tt is time that tha New Qeal tors w to wielded the bjalance o f parent loser’ by 8,000 votes to V, 8. Fan Shades. Spedall - , minister sarme." The resigning members, it was with President Rooseveltrimterday criticism o f the ConatltdUon, as m pesver during the last sasskm ot the le 7)rim6*F ' resuii Now Leeattooi BLEACHINO Water Tht. Federation reconunqiMia: -« reported, were Joining Socialist and obstacle to.progress, waa silenced,' General Assembly is in the field for Senator Wallace H. White, Jr,, (R), MaUva Four dozen In each package. in what the C3ilef Eix#ntlv« db- Chicago, BapL Mk—

.V - ■■■. I p m ;:, t r r r t ! enU:- — _ aadrahn" Manchester IN Musters church ePIShslatoTaf enoMfi fgr on the dfl uraril^^/L, tend. togutajr,3rtadai viod,'( praMdent. toeor with'the Date Book goiat firs . _ iSp^lBnuMt " Enfith:' new pleoa dt fire fighting iTSANNl^ARY A joint meeting o f the. fbur pom- JatUM " Ooetelloi-f aeoretary, Mra. that - Is due to be deUvei m n m HER£IOM(^OW Starts His, 3 2 tid Season 1 )NixT MONDAY tolM of the Rockrllla Fire Depart­ VlMiSbe Foley; hxecutlva eommlt- distrtet next laontii. 'The tak is laid Coming Breata. ■ V A BENEFTTBY ite the rood that eortendt west (OoattBMd Mm Page One) ment win be held this evening at the tee, Jamaa Touhey, dtalrman) Fred to pay off for tbe r ito East Hartford os for os Hock- . 'sepL 30;—Sub-Alpine annual ban­ J. Foley, Braest Rtohards, Joseph' Center firehouse. Fire Chief George o f the fire daitortmeat anfithe anum. quet. clubhouse, Eldiidge street. Chicago, SepL 16.— (A P )— Dr. f orchastra and its fltst conductor.' Ms pfeessor Bile Joseph Carton, dele- Y0DNlf^e.0.P.0FC(HINTT B. Milne has called the meettnp4or "WUleke, Jr., and John Rourp. dlatilot. although tbe latter Is aaif- Miss Mary Haggerty to Sac- Sept 31— AU-membership meet- Examination Lane to Be Frederick Stock, White-haired bad Joined the' ofganlisdtiOD- "in* World Diplomats to Gatber m o f the University o f Paris, will aeren o’clock. It la Important that aupportlag, but mooey must be ad- In addition to opening a ahortor ing of Merchants* Division of "grand old man" of the dbieago ysMs before as fi yiou alavar. later Take Finil Aodoii at dirtrtftt for WQrtt ***!?irf and much Improved rood into the Chamber of. Commerce at County symphony ordbaathB; b6S6ii tMSjf bsedmiiig the SModsts ooMuotw. Uln..A&e 1 CIb Hw IIBA[ 5 q M fe THlS ETENOW Similarly Harvard undergradu- are aaeda from tbe buatoess section of..Mimoheetee It ceed Mrs. Sarab Healey club. ' V " Open for Boniest Until the final month's preparaSoa for the In its 45-vtar aklstates the or- at ( ^ r a to Discuss property owners benaflted by tha also provides another rood .for peo­ Sept. 27 — Annual outing of opening o f the orcbeatra’a 46th sea­ ohsstra has had but two conductors atos will bo hosts to 84 student dele­ Tliit Week's Sesm a m ESTU’SiJSiS' ”* “’’’" “ IMBIHEOmilSNAKq When \ | ^ l i e d Within gates from 27 American and four Abd Makes BeqO ^ to MseMag servio*. ' ple Uvtog In that part o f the town Army and Navy club' at Villa son—and hU S2nd mason as Its con­ —Thomas and Dr. Stock. Meeting In. Roakvllle Club’s October 5^ foreign colleges and unlversltito. The Delta. Alpha Claas o f the AND BROOD TAEEN who wlah to go to Hartford or to On Committee. Louise. ductor. Langs will be no stranger to Chi­ Broad Program. Order to Meet Sekedde. Roomfi Win Open Carapalum; ItockvlUe Baptist church will meet Neit fotir^eehs. points south o f Bast Hartford that Assisting him will be Hans Langs, cago music audiences. He conduct- As another Tercentenary fegtura Relatives; Bulk to Son. at the home o f Mrs. Florence Sept. 3#—Teachers' card party at the Harvard Buatoesa School Alum- First of Series, WlU do away with some of the oon- Hollister street schOol, benefit of associate conductor , of the New sa several concerts at tbs success- Sobwartx ot Spring street The u h b e r U agiierstaee York Pbllharmonio Symphony or­ ili Assoclatioii will commence a spe­ geation now met on the SUvar Lane A t the meetlag of the Democratic school library. . Garages were busy this morning rm summer serlee at RaVUila park Geneva, Sept. 46.— (A P )—Worid semi-annual mils box opening will Doe Tlnley’g Piurty Cfiptnm road. chestra, whose appointment as as- In suburban Highland Park. cially arranged two-day program The Charter Revision oommitte* RockriUe, Sept 16— The County take plooa at this tlma. Alexander Jarvis, Oct. 24 — Semi-formal dance at making repairs and checking up diplomats who will convene for the and the famed Boston Symphony or­ B*i)uesta o f $100 each to tbs Wo- SeTtn Tesr DM and 14 Three While Mr. Jarvla has c o n tra c t town committee lett nlft'ht . Mr*. suclsts corductor of the Chicago or­ - l-ange Is n o M for his devotion to will meet Friday night to the Muni­ Young RqiubUcans wUI. be the ANNUAL s n u w RIDE contract, for ths Country Club, sponsored by degree faults |p^ local cars and trucks In ad­ chestra wlU give the first of three mea’s Federation of the Center fadlea AM-9feeUag Wertfi DM Snakes. for the buUdtog of the road through 5Uirhh Healey, who ho* been .the team of Scandia Lodge. chestra was announced yesterday. the extension o f American music. annual Aasembljr of the LM gue of cipal building to readme its study of gueets o f the Republican Club of Tha annual meeting of the ladlea vance of the opening of the second Despite his ags-r-hc la In his mid­ tercentenary concerts. Oonip^egatlonal church,, the South Wetherell street from the State Highway Department, be ■ Mcretary of the committee did not Hs la the holder o f several decora­ Nations next Monday face an exten­ ways to reform the town's charter; Rqckvllle-Vemon, Inc., at a meet­ Ald'aoclety of the Tolland Federat­ semi-annual mechanical inapectlon dle sixties— Dr. Stock will continue Tomorrow’s Program to HtUitown road,' has la using men from.the Manchester wlah ti> serve further In that office tions from Ccmtlnental sources and sive b i^ e a s program in addition to Manchester Union of the Women's ing to be held this evening to the ed 'church will be held on Thuraday “Doet Finley and hia crew of of motor vehicles which was begun to carry the major abara of the or­ Is widely known as an exponent 'o f Since it started Us session last Ck> to Andover Lake Where o f men at ’smrk together reUef rollii aa fa r as they ore able and Miss Mary H a «o rty was elect­ peace and armament debates. High spoU of Thursday's celebia- E>ring actounts o f its dlacuatlons Christian Temperance Union, and Republican club rooms in ths Pres­ afternoon. Sept 17 at three thirty ntUem ake hunteta scored a thou­ chines on the road. I t ’irlU U. S. TO WELCOME elsewhere In the state on August chestral reaponalbllltlea, officials chamber music. tlon wlll be the meeting o f the Har­ cott block. The meeting wUl start o'clock at the home o f the prealdent, Games Period and Refresh­ to furnish men, but In tha experi­ ed as secretary of the committee. 17. The Manchester station for In­ of rhe orchestra said. The civic orchestra' will open Ita Election o f League and League and plana have been printed, to meet tbe trustees of the QuorryTiUe sand per cent to a recent snake about four weeks more to enced work o f road buUdtog his vard Chapter of Phi BeU Kappa, at eight fifteen, d. a. t , and will Mra. SamUri Slmpeon. The annual hunting trip to Glaatonbury make ments Are Enjoyed. NORTON’S Thomas J. Dannaher. chairman of spection will open tomorrow morn­ • Dr. Stock took over those respon­ season Oitober 15. Its program will Cotmcil/neinbers and selection of the requirement o f the town meet­ Methodist church tn Bolton, are the jol). . regular men ore employed. national echolostic fraternity, when ing which .raised (he committee, make the opening of tha campaign meeting of the Union Mlaaionaty 8o- grounds when they came across 977 Main S t. Ohenegr 1 the commltfoe, was' empowered to PEACE^Rt ing an-* owners are advised to pre- sibilities In 1905 upon the death of Include 88 concerta here and t'en in three judges for the World (3ourt of Professor Bronislaw Malinowski of m s ^ to the wUl of Mrs. Alice E. filety wUl be held at the same place The eontract, which is a Federal that its plans be published before to Tolland OounW. mother snake and her brood of 14 work'wosjrtarted on Septem- - ^s^rcL- workers, at, the .jinUa. J^Pi.ihe J sent their motor vetdelea for inspec- 'Tbepdors.'rbiomMjL.fOunder, ,of_.tj\e Milwaukee, .______Justice occupy top rank for proapec- JSWflee Rihto ..' "three being elected. Tn this contest natlonal trade as one means of dis­ ment of the old Cheney Brothers seat Is reserved for one of the Brit­ D o r o ^ Porter Stanhope o f . South mond Crumb of Bristol. Mr. Cnnnb Ann Marie MareeUtoo age la estimated to be seven years ot tha sharp curvea to the . atreet the Charles river. Which ftows by mond R. Bowers and Harold toyed and refreahmenta were served the town committee will play a pelling the "di'ead and growing con­ carpenter shop. ish Commonwealths. ne, and on aunt, Ada C Porter was one of the youngest mayors to -Ann Marie MareeUtoo, two knd as she has that qumber of rattles. have been cut away.- ’The rood Is to ------',(■ In addition to cars and truc|cs Harvard, will be iUumtokted and Garrity will draft to legal form, tj by the athletic committee. hands-off policy^ ■ fusion" he saw In intomatlonal of-' New Zealand gave an indication fireworks will be set nga Den mead of Akron. hold office to the state of Connec­ one-half year old daughter o f Mra. The young anakea are about three be so buUt that at a point where Twelve o f werpry 35 cents spent ITurther meetings will bo held by owned In Manchester, the local sta­ IN SIMPSON CASE SQUAD FOR EUROPE otK suggestions of the committee, fiq It was announced that , a special fairs, of her positive .International policy Friday’s final cerem ^y will open action .on which may be taken An her books are gi'ven to her ticut and has made a . most favor­ Margaret MareeUtoo, nurse : at the weeks old. WethereU atreet cTOsaes Bldwell for dgorets goes tor taxes. Read Hie Herald A m .the committee after the town elec­ tion will serve owners of motor ve­ able impression at previous Repub­ RockvlUe City boapital, died at the meeting of the League win be held "The rebuilding of international when aha urged last Septemb«r that with a broadcast of me bells ring­ Friday night's seaalon. ^aon, Hayward C. Bllah of S3 BUsh . The members of the snake hunt­ Tuesday evening, September 29, to atreet Mg outs are made on the tion to put on an aggressive cam- trade offers a splendid opportunity hicles of Bolton and South VVIpdsor. lican gatherings to the county. He home of her granaparenfa Mr. and X an anqed force be placed at the dis­ ing to Southwark Cathedral to Lon­ atreet. Her entire ooUectlon of ing party were "Doc” Finley, Joe take action on a number o f Im ^ r- West Bida of the rood. TMs will ^paign for the stats and national for governments to Improve the Vehicles will be nspected for the Is one o f the most active Young Re­ Mra. BVank 'Dowd o f Ptoney atreet, posal of the League to maintain don, the . region to Which John Har­ mtoerala is bequeathed to her cou­ McCaughey, Fred , Wamock and tant business mattera'pertolntog^to bring the road on a straight line j^electlon In November.' conditions of their people and to as- follow^g; Bnginc number, horn, New London Band Leader Is Four U. S. Warships to Be world peace. publicans to the State and has filled EUtogton on Tuesday, following a WUllam M offett .1 ,, windshield wiper, muffler and ex- vard, .whose bene^tions made the sin, Mrs. Brush. the fall and 'winter activltiM /The from the north to a point about sure them the necessary means She proclaimed her judgmient ITALY TO LAUNCH A fter the death of her son, toe many ^ speaking engagements. He is long lltoess. Thfi child's father. Dr. university posallfie, waa tom. iaJocatad.to.Baa.. next regular meetog will be held 100 yards south ot Bldwell s tm t ‘•e.equlrlng the- essentlels o f well-be- hausl. system.— tail—light.—mirror, 7r"Dr.~Conant will uuufer the degrees _ "Manchester fore another curve la tires, wiring, headlights, stop light, "-Accused ofrKffl’ing-Vottng^ - ^ ^ e d ~ - i r ^ - Enropeair publican Ehcecutlve Committee and ton. u t - R i ing and the raw materials for pro­ League membero are prepared to iff a specially/constructed outdoor 7^081 company U. the'meantlme, U IfORTirENDTApiLLS land League will be gui Change wlU mean that the bridge duction," he said. parking ard miscellaneous lights, “use force against force.” BUILDING PROJECT the N4w Etogland CMuncU o f Young Announce Engagement- steering mechanism, license plates, theater to.Uu Harvard yard, ablaze to be divided equally between Pied- .Mrs. Bessie K. Heck of Promect annual Hallowe’en parfy wlU be held that spana the roadway over Folly The OriOTial Cut Rata Storwl “ If this result can be achieved, with flags and bunting, predomi­ Republicans. He was an alternate service braked, (performance and Girl. ' Waters Soop. To Elec, Suooeesore memt College of Demarest, Ga., and to tbe National Republican Conven­ street on 'Tuesday announced the en­ October 30 ’irlth the Springfield Lea­ BroOk at that point wUl be discon­ OF MAINE’S VOTES one of Ibe fertile causes of dissen­ nantly cri^aon and white. N^tbe American Missionary associa­ NOW BEING MADE OUT equalization band brake, reflectors, The Assembly also must elect (Conttooed from rage One) tion at Cleveland this year. gagement of her daughter, Misa gue of thel Worcester District os tinued and to Its place a new roiad Pull Pint \ H O T W A T E R sion and possible war would be tion of New York a ty , "for chari­ gueata. weakened or removed, x x x A great direction signals. Council successors to Argentina and There will,be short talks by Barbara Heck to Ruasell EUton WlU be built over a culvert that wlU (Dontinoed from Page Uiiei opportunity- awaits great leader- The- Manchester sub-station will New London, Sept. 16.— (A P ) - Washington, Sept. 16.— (A P ) — Denmark. Peru, (Colombia and Bo­ 12-hour air servlcn between Addis table uses among tbe mountam. County Leaders and this will be fol­ Merck, also o f this city. Tbe wed­ Eighth School and Utilities be -73 Inches to diameter. This wilt M ilk of M agnesia ^ B O T T L E S * livia have been mentioned aa candi­ Ababa and Rome, a new flying field vdilte people o f the aoutl; and the ding WlU take place to October. Miss be sufficient. It Is estimated, to take I ship." be o.sen tomorrow morning and will Charged by Superior Court Judge The Navy today announced the RO^EVELT TO SUMMON lowed-tw several acts of entertain­ District to Raise $2,200 .to their party control of Maine's Ij. 8. In Lead close on October 5. creation of a temporary European dates fo'r the Atgentlne sekt. Since will 'oe built six miles iTom the A fri­ Amerteen Indians.” ment. Refreshments will be served Heck la a graduate of the Rockville care of the flow of water. Also be­ I John A. Cornel) that If there are the Assembly customarily has some can capital. It wlU be situated on 'three National House seats, helped The secretary sail', the United squadron under the command of during tlM evening. High school with the class o f 1936 More Than Last Year: ing Ihid ta a new drain pipe 18 i reasonable grounds for the auspt- Scandinavian country on the Coun­ a plateau and will be suitable for and baa been active to Girl Scout P0U(X COURT 2 7 c 3 9 c Barrows receive thc plaudUs of his States has taken the lead In trying Rear Admiral Arthur P. Fairfield. BLINKERS TO CONFERENCE This meeting Is open to the public, tochra through, that wUl take care I cion of a homicide and If evidence cil, Sweden probably >vlll succeed use during the rainy seasor. activities. Joseph Ctoartler, coUector of taxes fellow-townamen. to bring about Improvements .In the The squadron will consist of the\ and It Is not necessary to be a memn o f water from the sides o f the road points to the death being the result Denmark. / ■ Several Italian companies havs EIGHTH'S REUEF BOARD Flan for Trading PoAt to tbe Eighth School and UtUlUea 50e Lady Esther Q *7 _ FnD Pint '■ i The trio, James C. Oliver. Clyde international trade situation, Refor- MANCHESTER CASES light cruiser Raleigh, which will be her of the Club to attend. Both wom­ SlUattoe J. Gardner, 81, o f 99 Oak and WlU empty into the brook near H. Smith, and the Incumbent Rev. ri.ng specifically to new foreign of or Incident to rape or attempted Portugal also ends her t .ree-year (Continue from Page One) been formed to exploit the new Em­ en and men are, invited to be pres­ Tankeroosan Tribe, Improved District, la now making out hia bills street, to PoUce Court this morning Bldwell streeL Further to tbe west C ream ...... O f C Rnbblnfi Akcdiol Admiral Fairfield’s , the de­ pire. Among other things, these plan Order of Red Men and Kiowa Coun­ Ralph O. Brewster, each had de­ trade agreements, he said sales rape It would be justified In bring­ term as a Council member to which ent and bear the constructive mes- for tbe tax that wlU be collected to charged with drunken driving, was along WethereU street there ore IN SUPERIOR COURT stroyers Hatfield'and Kane and the she was elected as a special lai to produce, coffee, cocoa, meat, bides, SESSION SEPTEMBER 22 aages on the campaign Issues which cil, Degree of Pocahontas are mak­ the district next month. cisive majorities In the First, Sec­ abroad in 1936 exceeded those of ing In a true bill of murder In the words, were taking out small poli­ fined $100 and costs by Judge Ray­ many fills snd cuts. Large drain 60cE.'W-H.Be- A f k ^ 4 D o e Econm ny j t Coast Guard Chitter Cayuga. The three years ago. If the seat tot, cies. ' cotton and milk. will be presented. ing plans for a Trading Post such os Tbe grand Ust of the district is mond A. Johnson. He pleodM guU- ond arid. Third Districts respectlvc- 1635, the lowest year, by 3671,000,- first degree, the Grand Jury Im­ last three named have been on emer­ atdratiita.Cream, fr U C . Pkff. Sanonapo.. odo. and predicted a further Increase' paneled here yesterday, tpday was tions which belong to no definiu re­ The President interpreted this' as Organized to Milan, the “ Ethiopi- Eiagagement Annomioed was held at one time by the local less by $1,750,000 than It was to ty. ly. gency duty In and outside of Span­ gional group is maintained, a e th e r a i Cotton Company” has establish­ Oiffeers of District and Mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mazowskt of tribes moat auccbssfully. 1985, when the last tax was coUect- this year. Three Plead Guilt.v and W ill Inquiring 1"to the case of/Robert A. meaning the bottom of the pyramid - Gardner, who w dl arrested early 60c P m p h ylactic Q O Pint Rnaalan ' o I'otviisend Support ish waters since the Spanish revo­ of the smaller countries, rierhapa was getting’ wider. ed offices at Addla Ababa and Is ber of Board of 'Aasesaors to IS High street announces the en­ The tentative dates for the Trad­ ed, but the rate of tax Is Increased this morning at Mato and Cam­ EUcb also bad'Townsend support Be Sentenced Later— Katz Simpson, youthful local band lead-’ lution broke out. ing Post have been selected aa Nov­ T oo th f o n ^ .... t 3 iM C Mineral00..... 0 9 C er, charg^ w ^ murder in the Austria, will be given Pmtugal’a Charles F. Williams, president of planning broad-acole cotton cultiva­ Hear Compiaints On Lists. gagement of their daughter, Bernice (rom one mUl to one and a half bridge streeU.by PoUoemon Joseph NOW I BAT from various sources, and ao did The Raleigh, which now Is at the place. Elizabeth to Josepu Gill, son of Mr. ember 5, 6, and 7. Harold Sebtebe Elects Trial by Court. deaCh of 17-year-old Ellen Sullivsui the Western and Southern jUfo In- tion, advices to the department said. mUIs, which wlU rease $3,200 more A. Prentice, refused to leave hto White. Frank H. Mudgett, sUte VETERANS' PARLEY Norfolk, Va., navy yard undergoing and Mrs.-Andrew GUI of. U2-High -la. chalrman.of the Tribe committee. than was raised to the USt' ebUee- ' 25e'-Dr.-Lvon’a ___-’S .'~o , . .of XirWid street------— ...... Se«t^for.OUnA' surooce jximpany. _laaued-a- atate« „ 1710 department WM . Informed . - Officers of-the F.lghth School and car and auUK Iiome as advlMd'by'lHo - -Townasnd manager,- proclaimed - the routine repairs, wm sail soon for . In addition, the Assembly may ment which he. said bad been ap­ that numerous Italom oonunlssfons UtiUtlee District have given notice street The wedding will take place 'The following committee has been tlon, providing tbe lists of the four policeman the court was Informed ONIONS Tooth Powder .. l O C Alka Seltzer.... The , Jury, which yesterday appointed from the Council to aaaist, election reoiflt a demonstration of TO^ OPEN SUNDAYT Three of the Manchester cases be- Gibraltar to relieve the heavy cruis­ special aeat fgr China ao proved by his fellow conferees. It havs gone to Ethiopia to study the Qiat there will be a meeting held to' to October. or five that have appealed from the this morning. Vpmei VtoMaek Ir Townsend strength. \ I fore the Superior Court of this brought In a true bill in the cose ot er Quincy which is returning to the that Far Eastern countries may declared that life insurance policies possibilities of oU, gold. Iron a ^ the Fire headquarters of the distiict Welconie Home Party Mrs. Annie Etoaeidel, chairman, amount of their lists are not A fine of $10 and costs was Im­ Jtffy WItk White never espoused the Cali­ county which opened In Hartford Leslie Ecqleston of Waterford, United States to make Its final trial have a voice In the ^uncll. The are “the safest of all possible sccur- lead production and to look into op­ on Tuesday, September 22, from 6 The Welcome Party of the Moth­ Mra. Kate Williams, Mrs. Ellen Flas, changed. posed on Robert H. Duncan, 38, of fornia doctor's old-age pension plan, (Continued from I’uge One) j .vesterday with Judge John Rufus’ charged with murder In the death tests. Far East has not been represented lUcs," portunities for the development of o'clock to the afternoon to 7 o’clock er’s Club o f the Union Congrega­ Mra. Clara Miller, Mrs. Mary The grand Hat aa figured this year Chestnut Lodge, arreated yaoterday of Felix Perkins, young Waterford tional ehureh wlU be held this eve­ Meyers, Miss Mary Breanaham, CarroD Cut Rate Perfumer however, and both Smltli and Booth presiding at the criminal The official Navy Department, an­ since Japan withdrew. The Williams statement said In­ trade. -to tbe afternoon, standard time, at amotmta to $5,857,457 and the tax -at 7:40 p. m. by Policeman Prentice Miss cilara Marcus, Mrs. Carrie Brewster had spoken against- it. ness will prevail or that a good time side, were called at the session yes­ gasoline service station attendant, nouncement said that upon the -Ra­ A t least three judges will be elect­ surance company assets “now to­ A general effort to “ co-ordtoata which time the board, sitting ivlth ning to the social rooms of the to be oollected la $8,786.65. This’ for speeding on East Middle tiun- Comer Blain and "Hrch Streets " won't be.Jiad by .all, ...... terday. began its Inquii-y in the Simpson leigh’s arrival at Gibraltar Admiral ed to the World/Uourt. Prof. Manley tal approximately 323,015,000,000, commercial enterprises to Etost A f­ .a n assessor of the town, will act aa church. The business session will Kane and Mias Dorothy Miner. The amount wtU pay. the current ex- pike. : . B e l l -a n s r^-JtsiHibUsaa—Presidential - nomine* be caired to order at eight o'clock two committees 'WUl meet shortly M i M. Landorr. who cnde<’ hia par­ "B.v comparison," said a Legion Frank Noyak charged-with Intox­ case about 11:16 o'clock, with Fairfield would organize the four O. Hudson of /Harvard University, against 320.900.000.000 at the'begln- rica" now is under way, the reports a board of relief. RMI INMOfiSTlOH official, “ the Republican National ication and frequenting a house of Simpson In attendance, as witnesses ships into a unit to be known as who was nominated by national nlng of 1933." said, adding that arrangements ars A t that time property owners to with Mra. Luther Skinner, tha presi­ and the officers of the general com­ ty's Maine campaign by speaking dent, presiding. A t the conclusion mittees' Will be announced. here Saturday, recelyt the results convention crowd Mn Cleveland In 111 fame, pleaded guilty and will be were summoned to present evidence. "Sqtiadron 40 Terapornry." groups from 38 nations, Is expected Loans Falling Off being effected to provide workmen’s the district can make known their Insurance for Italian laborers to of the business session cards wUl oe OoUege Club Elec:ts in the. mid-west, -where he said Jupe) will .seem like a quiet Sun­ sentenced later. Louis Katz, pro­ Attorney Arthur T. Keefe was re­ / First Since 1028. ' to succeed Frank B. Kellogg, for­ , The statement said there are ohjections to the value that has been Ethiopia. placed on property. The only power enjoyed. Every member to the Mias Bertha Upplncott has been Maine bad atarted "a victory parade day school picnic beside a large oak prietor of a North Main street pack­ named foreman of the jury. The navy bos hot had a European mer U n lt^ States -secretary of state 2,000,000 more policies to force than In addition, tach Federation' of that tile board will have to/granttog Union church Is urged to join this elected president of tbe RockvlUe apanntaig the nation." \ tree adjoining a gentle stream.” age store, who appealed from a. fine As he did yesterday, Judge Cor­ squadron since 1929. on the CMurt bench. there were, four years ago, and as­ CoIIegfi CUub for tbe coming year. the National Fascist Party has beea relief tvIU be to a case where prop­ group. The sewing thread baa beea London's running-mate, C^| -Frank The advance guard of what offi­ imposed on the charge of violation nell told the jury that Its function Admiral Fairfield, who Is com­ Aa a Result of the Anglo-Egyptian serted Improvement In general con­ received -by the -secretary and may Other officers elected are vice presi­ treatjy Egypt becomes eligible to ordered to set up charity organisa­ erty outside o f the district Is In­ Knox, who also took i>arK In the cials expect to be the largest Le­ of the liquor law, entered a plea of was to determine If there were rea­ mander of Cruiser Division No. 7 of ditions.‘.‘la reflected to a marked fall- be obtained through tbe members. dent, Miss Ruth McLean; secretary, League membership which is only tag off to loans to pollcy-holdbrs; tions for the aid of their countrymen cluded to the list as though to the Maine campaign, said the results gion convention already Is In town. not guilty and elected to be tried sonable grounds to suspect the guilt the scouting force Is nov/ at Norfolk O. E. 8. Meets Mias Eklith Preusse; treasurer, Misa by the court. avaltoble to “fully self-governing which at the beginning 'of 1933 worklpg to Ethiopia. Eighth District. \-ould have “ an euheaiteiUng ef­ Estimated of ''the expected attend­ of the accused so that he should be on his flagship Astoria. Hri will Hope Chapter, No. 60, O.E.S. ob­ Eileen Murphy; imember at large. ance range as high as 350,000, In­ Mrs. Myra A. Fitzgerald, who presented for trial. He told the jury hoist his flag on the Raleigh next stipes, dominions and oolonles." The totalled approximately 18 per cent The reports to the Commerce De­ . The grand list as made up includes Miss Edith Peck; hospitality com­ fect" on Republicans throughout partment were made by ita commer­ the value that was placed on proper­ served (Charter Member's Ntobt at cluding families of the delegates. appealed from a motor vehicle vio­ It was not bound by the hard and Friday. Bntlsh government, by the treaty, et the companies' assets, whereas their meeting on Tuesday. 'Ihe of­ mittee, Miss Natalie Ide, chairman; the country. i cial representaUvea to Italy. ty by the assessors when they lation charge, did not answer when fast rules of evidence and was not The warships, after assisting In Mprqved establlahment of a oelf- at the present time they are approx­ ficers exemplified the degrees- on a Miss Katherine Dlcktoson, Mrs. Attorney General Cummings call- \ .her name v/as called and her bond governing adminUtratlon In E gypt imately 14 per cent.'" the grand liat of-the town aa oLOc- cd the election “distinctly eucourag- j GETS TWO YEARS bound to. regard any defense which the evacuation of more than 1,000 class of candidates and refreshments Kenneth LttUe, Mta. Roscoe Metz­ was declared forefclted. Her ap­ American nations from Spain, re­ Pointing out that the Farm Credit tobhr 1, 1935, and from which jbere ’(rare served by ' the September ger, and Mias Mary Whittlesey; mg" to the Democrats; and Chair- j Hartford. Sept. 10.~ (A P I —Floyd might be presented. have been' appeals taken ^ the pearance today to Answer to the cently were ordered withdrawn from Administration purchased from life social committee. memberablp Miss Ruth DeForest, man Farley oalJ "Malm remains 'Ranne.v was sentenced to two to five State’s Charge NEW DEAL TACTICS Hartford Gas company, the Savtoga years In prison by Judge John Rufiis charge may result In the bond not Spanish . waters but directed s^ri- Insurance companies 3201,672,500 to Methodist Choroh Notes chairman. Misses Esther Fellows Republican In .a local contest by a ! Judge Cornell said the state Bank of HopkviUe, C. R. Burr Nur- Booth In Superior Court today after being called. Uoned at nearby ports to be In read­ WOEDEUMINATE farm mortgages, the Home Owners The executive committee o f the and Katherine Townsend; program, reduced tnajority." j charged that Simpson criminally Loan Corporation refinanced 3183,- and the Wilson Nursery. The pleading guilty to- burglary while, Ernest Stafford of Glastonbury assaulted Miss Sullivan with vio­ iness to steam again to the rescue SCORED BY COLBY Men’s club o f the Rockville Metho­ Mtos Alice Watts, Abolrman,- Miss and William H. Wilson of Manches­ 600,000 of small home mortgages U tr has been made and the rate of dist church win meet at the parson­ Marlon Butler and Mias Gertrude armed in Enfield. The state alleged lence, against her will and that of United States citizens In Spain ALL COUNTY JAILS one and a half mills has been figured he fobbe asfies______Are Required. COUPLE WAJ4TED for housework. and continuous pressure” behlqd Great Britain demand, 5.06 3-16; was committed and that the death this program. use of favor and patronage that (gallon (contents) ... 25c Either married couple or two girls cables, 5.06 3-16 ; 60 Hay bills, Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 16.— (A P i of Miss Sullivan resulted from STATE’S G. 0. P. In lieu of jails, where It charged amounts to moral bribery." The I charity department baa Tomorrow! to live in house. Write Box R. 5.051-16; France demand, 6.58%; —The Weather Bureau to Its 0:30 But nullification “ ddes not stop , LONGER been noi led that the state selecting SPORT Lifebuoy Soap, something that occurred as “ nearly one hair’ of the "repeating" Herald. cables. 6.58%; Italy demand, 7.86%; a m. advisory said: 7 here" because “ there is the judicial natural consequence of the crlriae criminals were produced, the com­ agency/for the CCC la anxloua to cake...... cables, 7;88H- "Tropical disturbance of great ex­ branch o f the government to be got receive applleatlpns for “local exper- 6c the jury wpuld be justified in bring­ mittee advocated development of Demands: PLANS A DRIVE tent and hurricane intensity central aroimd." leneed" men qualified as auto me­ A^uaker Oats, family ing In a true bill. He asserted that state-controlled regional institu­ at 7 -a. m., eastern standard time, Thus, if laws- are rejected by. the Belgium, 16.80: Germany Free tions, camps and farms for short chanics, blacksmiths, carpenters, of­ COATS Ipre pkg..— 19c 40.23, Registered 22.05, travel where rape la charged in connection approximately at Latitude 28 de­ Supreme Court, he said, "thers lilAt fice/ clerks, supply and tool clerks, \ with a bomlcido there la no need term law violators and lazy ne'er- grees and. SO tolhutes north, lo n g i­ once set fin foqt an effort to paia 22.065; Holland, 67.88; Norway. BYRAWOJOUR do-wells; and hospitals and clinics t^ipamitors, machine shop workers, Orange Juice, 26.44;' Sweden, 26.11; Denmark, for evidence aa to premeditation, tude 66 degrees west. Which is about laws to substitution for the reject- - asona, p ^ control workers, rood As Worn By deliberation of malice aforethought for ’ drunkards, drug addicts and . I l a r g e c a n s ...... CARD OF THANKS 22.61: Finland. 2.23; Switzerland, (Continued from Page Uoe) 300 miles south southwest of Ber­ ed laws, but with the eame'Constltu- oriiers, tool aharpenen, tree sur- 25c mental casea. muda, moving slowly apparently to Can Have The F in the murder. tional defects." . . MARION TALLBY„. iture You Want —.Wa..^wiah-to-..tbiiak -our 32.59: Spain -unquoted:. PoctugaL /gean8,-.-;-tractor operatpra, truck "F o r Its -success'*, the committee a hoiUwnfwa'fd dTritciioh ’ atltoded S e e d l e s s KalsmF,^ frUndM «nd nutKhbors for klndntii 4.61%; Greece, .04%; Poland, 18.85; The juidgo explained to the jury Levy of Bridgeport f o r ' Governor. CoTby termed thia pntcadure ••niil- ' drivers and woodsmen. and aymyathy atiown to ua at the chairman. Dr. Roy K. Flannagan, of by galea and sqi|alla over a large Uflcatlon by. Iteration or repetition, in I lbs...... Czechoslovakia, 4.14; Jugoslavia, the designation of rape, and said Left Wing Socialists wallvU out and AppUcants must be unemployed; Our 25c tilHO ot the death of our huabaud and that If It were decided that no rape Baltimore, Md.. reported “this pro­ area and by wlnd/i of hurricane force on the theory that an Invalid law father. Wc 'Would rkpeciully thank 2.31; Austria, 18.89N; Hungary, nominated a ticket headed by De- gram necessarily means that such Men on probation or parole or under “Follow Your Hefirt” waa being committed or had been near the cent^'. Caution advised may acquire validity by the -fre­ iT’ALIAN the Manchettor und South Manohea- 19.80; Rumania, .74; Argentine. vere Allen aa the gubernatorial InstitUtldns, farms, etc., be ade­ qMvictlon of a crime are not eU- teV Fire Depta. urford Soap Co., dt- vessels to path of this severe storm." quency o f Its reenactment." jilORTADELLA .. 33.73N; Brqall. 8,73li; Tokyo, 29.63; committed immediately prior to the nominee. quately staffed by trained adminis­ gU)Ie. Former members who served ■ Anniversary C^t 45c rectors of Uifhth Dlatrlct. directora Shanghai, 30.25; Hongkong, 81.25; time the girl incurred her fatal.ln- The secretary of atate,- ' Dr. C. at least four months and have been The last word in of. Y. M. C. A.. Police Dept., and trators and apelcalists and be sup­ fashion smartness. rel. 6476 Free Delivery Manchcater linproveniant Club, and Mexico City. 27.88; Montreal in New jurlea there coulri he no true bill.' John Satti, roiMt decide which of the plemented by an Indeterminate sen­ out of tbe CCC at least a year are TO YOU all olhera who aent flnwera and York, 100.06%; New York In Mon­ rival Ucketa IS to be reeognlzed tence law and aatlafaetory proba­ eligible' for re-enliatmenL donated the use of thetr care. treal, 99.03%. LACK OF FUNDS HOLD UP the party’s official alate. Those enlisted wUl be paid $60 g-R"; fiiri. Alice Coleman and Family. N —Nominal. , tion, parole and prisoners’ aid or­ HOMEStiEAD AOQUlsmoiVf. O. O. P. Radio Campaign ganization." BUSHNELL MEMORIAL THURSDAY EVE„ SEPT. 24 month. • . State Re^blican beadquartera Would Save Honey . HARTFORD — ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY CASH PRICES announced p4ans for a radio cam­ “ Washington- (AP)-^Jrhe -slt*^ o f - -The program,-Or.-FUamagaB - de­ SAM M.MAAA/S^ssvtts ------— ths coun(iys first homestead can’t paign and a Speaking tour for mem­ DEFEATED C A N D ID A TB - bers on the' state ticket. State’s clared, would "satisfaetorily and become a national monument until economically protect the community 37 Weeks Tir^Pa^ funds are found for Its acquisition, httorney, Arthur" M. Brown, the gubernatorial nominee, win begin against the unsocial conduct of the FR E THEIR EXPENSES the national park service reports. beginning criminal and in addition This is KEITH’S ANNIVERSARY FINAL Congress, In an act approved last the radio aeriea With a apcech over four Connecticut atationa tomorrov/ furnish the deterrent and guidance O t h e r GIFT TO YOU. R^rardlCM of wheth­ March, authorized eztablishlng the factors now completely absent and national monument In Gage county, night. Other programs will be Three Reporji They Spent er yon bay $5.00 mr $500.00 worth broadcast Sept. 24 and Oct. 1. apparently Impossible to apply to OisJiirJUeCamic^ Sliced lyXct&troM. Sport Coatg Nebraska, and authorised an appro­ the present jail ayatem,” Nothing and. Jamta H. Johq- ^ yon receive an actual CASH GIFT In priation of N O T more than 324,000 -Brown, ac(mmpanled by otner mamMamaisttisaiiammicmTmnjim fitoii Reports Expense of proportion to your pnrehaae. / nominees, wll) tour Fairfield county The committee chairman an­ but did NOT subsequently actually RESERVE SEATS BY BIAIL OR TELEPHONE/-SIT1 $10.98 and up Sept. 21. He Will speak also at Avon nounced that the committee already $18.76. Come in — make yoor aelcetiimX provide the fu^da. had a 31,000 nest egg for its antl- The area, the first homeatead en­ Sept. 22 and at Wiltoh Sept. 35. 55c, n.io, $1.65, $2.20, $2.75 - Orosg Glvea R e o ^ js41 drive fund. It was eontrlbuted John Jensen, unsuccessful, candi­ make a amaO down payment and take tered upon under the general hbme- by G. Howland Shaw, coupsellor to date fpr ranomtoatlon as.Mlectman, 37 WEEKS TO PAY BALANCE! stead act of Ite y 30, 1863, by Daniel Gov. Wilbur L. Creaa. Democratic candidate for re-electioi), addressed the American Eifibassy, Istanbul, H airy B. Benson, unsuccessful can­ T h e N e w Freeman, when acquired la to be Turkey, through the efforts of Aus­ didate for nomination aa selectmen known as "tha homaatead national the Hartford ] County Retail Oro^ tin H. MaeCormlek, commissioner of and Matfilaa Spleas, unsucoeaatui monument o ( America.’’ cera* and Marketmen’s Association last night. The 74-year-oId chief correettoD of New York Chty. eiuididato for nomtoatlon. as repre- "Swing G irr SMART DINNER DRESSES executive gave his audience this saataUve, to the Republican prtoiary THE TEXTILE STORE rec^ for longevity: FEATURE LONG SLEEVES September 8. have reported to Town " I have smoked all these irears, PRISONEE ESCAPES C l ^ £amuel J! Turklngton that never token a drink when I didn’t they ppmt no money to seeking tbe HATS homes ■4 want U and-al y ya v eitod'the''Denio»- :.„.Wjlll6n>stown- ..MasK-AmL.. m VlW W Toq^I^W iflim er cratio ticket.' I f you want a long life (A P )—J'ohh'W. Leonard,-S4, arreft- dreaaea sue being worn by the Jamas Johnston, unsuecesaful that's what you all should do^ ^ yesterday to Hartford, Conn,, es­ amartest women there. Many of candidate In the same primary for Lavery at New London caped from the town lockup to­ these etyles take inspiration from day. the nomination as tax coUeotor, has Syndic^" Bu] New London county Republican reported he spent $10 for printing All Merchandise the Middle Ages. Leonard, who was arreated on a StofckUpNow women gave a “ candidates’ lunch­ aqd $8.75 for a tolipbons at the . One dress in heavy black cloque charge of breaking Into a Wlljiama- Prices Going Up! — a t-> eon" yesterday at Which Albert E. State Armory primary day. Msikes Possible Priced for Quick Sale! had long loose sleeves and no trim­ Lavery, nominee for lieutenant gov­ town garage and alleged ^ u f T t o Smartly faahloned b fdt. For Fall and Winter ming note except a gold metal gir­ support bis wife and three small - Unsuccessful candidates for l . ★ ernor, was the principal speaker. He lectmsB. repreoentativs and tax ool- They speak n eompelUag bn- dle. A frock o f heavy white crape asserted that ‘.‘the codhtiy cab af­ ^lldren, fled through a' window the gnage of newness, qoali^' and CASH PRICES 'was msde with long tight sleeves, bars of which bad been cuL PoUee le c to must file expeuaa ■aeeounto on Curtains- Draperies- Bed Spreads - linens - Towels r Sheets ford to spend, hut what the country or before Septemheg 38. youth. / and Rave snd an old fashioned bodice button­ cannot afford is to break down the said they believed he had outsldo O iir L pw ing down the front above a shirred aaslatance. llHlankets - Cretonnes - Wash Goods - Cahdlewicks - Best Percales confidence of the Amejricah people. iHDiiKiiniiiirwoiiiK BUBNEDOUT full aklrt Several others have escaped from BUY NOW! Another white crepe dress had the two-oeU lockup. ' Flannels — Nearly Every Item Reduced. TURNCOAT NATURE m l Mimi uwDMiHi Loa Angela#—WUllam & Mooney, large putt alaeves shlrrsd on . to the Yen have heard the W o «! W olf! e f H IG » PBIOE8I 37 Weeks To Pay On QadUty fitmitare aboulders, and the , chic contrast o f PLUS . . HUGH EKBUBT | bartender, has. been buihed eut of 1.98 MUbank, 8. D. —^'Natore, disre­ $ DUBLIN INVITED — tai “LOVE BEGINS AT 20“ "'Is job four times. NOW—4he WeK.i# at year doer—aicraE B PRICES Now ymi eon hove the foinliwo of yoor dreonia at mrnwinD- Block—naxt to tiis Boakl-wbea orange velvet In a front-tied garding the calendar, baa decreed '' V f v W i n K alterations are oompleted. Buy Now and Save! falling to the hem. TO NEW YORK. \ He was working on a steamship ore reony here and OOINa HIGHER I Neoriyovery CASH PRICES AND HAVE 67 WEEKS TO PAY Membmhlp in one'of the lorgeot buying erganimr It’e bloaaom time in South Dakota. .::t burned to 1922. Four y a m ...... Growing Following months of drought and man .bring# wlleee ef ADVANCDTO jnUOBS. W* F O B R . .. - tiana In ten eonntry enOblee no to b ^ at LOWBE; ’ TREE FOILS TRBRKOMETER Dublin— (A P )—A detachment of 4 DATS '.ter. firs'destroyed the Rio Janstro Many thrifty peepis forego tho ooBilorte and hixniy PRICES than tha n ven go chnin otoro or eRlgi* ■ ''-On aeorching beat, choke-cherry trees stel that employed him. Ha befep fie not have se uB yom this y en olraody kn«w I t - O n are blooming tn Myron Cannady'e tha Dublin metrOpfiUton garde' wlUT STARTING ed • won fnniahod hene tieeaaro they heritoto .to Okeinah, Okla, (A P )— Okemah their famous band mloy attend tbe TODAY i'.:j same luck to a Philitoelphla we mra en|y wenladlng ymi e t tt tn eennaetieii wHh lay oat Ihio eoeh oeeieeaty for aaeh fntmshing# onfi The . Soring# obtafawd in thi# wny are { THE TEXTILE STORE garden here,, Jena Sorenson's Whit­ bL'tel to 1938, and this w »A a fin raaldenta bel)eve one tree, has pre­ 1089 world's fair tojM ^ York if a iSTATE FURNTTUBe FBIOBS. tteqf So aM wanfi h» poy tho higher peteoa neoafly oar enotooeare' got ratofawd an oxti ney crabapple tree at Flandreau la 849 HAOf STBBBT V a l u e ! did aw^r -wtth his job In a -tavam vented a psVir heat record. The tree blossoming for the second time this suggestion made AEM.by Grovsr Oomlag Sunday:. has gttWvu ovsr ths box housing the near bars. He lost his elothtog each FRADIN’S season, and flowers 'are beginning to Whalen, foim er N ^ ^ Ijlork police lianel Barrymore to IDevU Dell" and “ Yours For Tbs Asking" sq;-: time. official thermometer. bloom In other localities. commissioner, bears‘^ijulL ■

ADVhlK'l' t.'severel yaan.' AiwiiMinesniOit yWtardsy O at a sbte t ^ r t o d aha ChaSMb W, dbaiitaa^' MISS OLTMUA MARTINA ilto Made at the addition at 41 bad bean algbtod aff this coast mov­ Deaths Last Night bytartoa :Churah Letil r nsabclato mambon dtFtng Uia ing atowly toward Hallfart,' ' NOW York. Ha w artha Frank Btanehard and John BaoaMa, earceat asaaoo. ' Bba took on ptovlalona from, a sevoral books. ASliRANTS TO CCC board of govemorai Frank Asdar- nCB GRADE FEA C ^ Are yon troubled arlth head* (aVEN KITCHEN SHOWER TTia Lyma group'a aaaaon will snd paaaing afaiip in mid-ocean, it v to WILLIS CONTINUES lUTKIETOIIEAD iion, ehairman entartainment 'eom- IN RADIO SERIES naxt Sunday svmung. Attandanoa reported. Madison, Wls.—-Dr. Alfred W. . IIDENTIAL PUBUCITY lulttaa, Harry Paarson, Edward aches?' If so, eatt your Chiro- baa oxeatdad that aC any pravioua Briggs, 34, director of the BtatoOa- - TO MEET TOMORROW Oopahtad; WlUlatn'Shields, WiUlain COME INTO M ARKH p ra c to r— autumn ibow. Kora than two bun- parxnient o< FubUo Welfare.' KeaUng, Harold Oida, membetabip A hot dbg roast Hollowed hy a KODKBN YOUTH ./Jnherst, Mass.—Bdwln Auguatus keilevadial AS ACnNG CHIEF ARMY-NAVY dU B DR. e . A. CAILLdUBTTB’* Utchaa ihower waa giyan last night drsd of thoM vlawing Um axhlblUon a$« r oomndnaa; Carl Eh Andetaon, Eteriy 119 Center S t " Phono Sg3ft lA R C A IN IND during t o past two waoks have bean ICanteo, N. C,—The aon of Mr. Itosvcnor, 91, profeaaor ameritus of esased alaimles. sad a £AR£D IN HIGH SPEED I ’aaraon, house committae. RepnbGcan Nominee for at the home of Irena Laser, Taylor flrat-tlms vlaltera to the Old lyms history and Intemationai law at hsaltn^duim s ugly de-1 Those lo This District Inter- The final outdoor outing of tlM Sales in Anetion Here Tester- and Mra. Desmond Rogers la. 16 Amliarat.CQllaga.___...... eSted 111. Joining to„Attend seastei wWI hs haM ft - - nlieTF.------—: dag.oid and baa eeveK taeth;------fcWwWii • ■ ’ .dar llliaaUI.aa4.gfi —-JUrlLl Martina, Prospect atraat, who is to Tha baby bad four solid upper Vienna—AlexaqdeT Zaimia, 81, WiB Head^Nortlr filiT Rre State Capitt^ Conbietor and^ Assessor It at the Vma: Looise. of 11.10 Beadiod. ^oremor to bmagoMe bo married In October to Thomsa lANTDIFFERENT BHDS j SCROONBBBAFB teapi at birth. Three others sines former President of Qranoe . iward J. Nefl Gives Yo.a a , .... ii"—■y i' It ^ i| P. MoUoy at Rartf orA Thirty-five h*,y mppmrai in the lower jaw ., ' 8 t, Paul, Minn.—Dr. Bdmund B. R e s m o i ■rhe beauty of your hair—atotbar gether. - ' Reserve 1-4 oup flour and Series Tomorrow NighL gpieets from Hartford and Manchea- O F ‘ORANGE PEK O r TEA Department m That Ca' Yotmg men from this recruitlnig Named to Succeed Ardmr WINNING LEGION TEAM Total aalsa’ in t o Manchaator you want aoftly natural wavoo, deep mix with nut meats and fruit ter were present. Blue and yellow Halifax, N. 8„ Sent 18.--(Caaa- (Xmpse Belund tibe dlstriat who are Interested in iguroU- Auction market yaatarday reached and flowing, or tight chic curia with Cream shortening, add sugar graa- decorations were used. Mias Mar­ dian Prtaa.)—CnwHng up harbor pacity UntQ Jane. ing next month In t o Civilian Oon- McCann Last Night. $1,884.60 with paachaa accounting ■aucy ringlet tods dependa upon t o ually arid cream wriil. Add unbeat- tina reostved some very lovely glfta. ax three knota, the long-overdue TO BE G f ^ DINNER for $780.00 i t CASH proceaa used, 'tlie operatora at the sn egg ytrika, salt and grated orange The RepuhUcaa party win inau­ Norwegian achoonar Oad today was Scenes at the Big Political aervatlon Corps will meet. tomor-‘ to total. Peaches How'many of us really know the brought to the market yesterday Cash to buy the thlims Mary Elizabeth can ^ve you a per- iihu. Beat . well. Mix nut meats, gurate its radio campaign in t o ending.h^ 77-day crossing of the true meaning of the words "Orango row at 3 p. rn., in the Old Senate AtlanOT'from Sunderland, England. Henry Alutrle, of 43 Brarrford Capt. Qnish’s Ctunpaigners to ware o( a high grade and brought a .znanent that holds . its loveliness citron and cherries into part of state Thursday night with Arthur LYME ARTISTS ADD Headquarters. Pekoe"? Every day we h-!ar In Harlows W. Willis, first asaisfant Chamber, second floor. State Capi­ high of $ia0 a tub.and a few aold you need or pay wfaaV longer, and is more strikingly beau­ flour. Add sifted dry ingredients Six weeka overdue, the three- restaurants, tea rooms, and even at chief of the Manchester fire depart­ street, locid contractor and member Dine at Expense of Losing M Brown, gubomatorial candidate, Boester had been given up aa lost home, people asking for, and tell­ ment, will remain as acting chief tol, Hartford. of the Board of Assessors, was elect­ for a low of 80 oenta, with the aver- 'yon owe. W ell lend it tiful. Mrs. Seastrand’a Mary alternately with orange juice. Add spealring over a network of four of the department until the annual Those at t o meeting will Include ed president of to Army and Navy Teams On ^tnrday. ■gli ,aala a tub at nearly 05 centa. to yon qntcldy and like EUiabeth Beauty Nook is now lo­ prepared fruit and nut meats. Fold Connecticut stotions. — MANY NEW MEMBERS days ago, and it was^not- until ing you they drink "Orange Pekoe" Paachaa brcnighC tn yeaterday' were cated on t o ground floor at .085 m beaten egg whites. Fill very {EDITOR'S NOTE: Back of tea. If you ask them why they district meeting to be held next Captain . . C. ’arren, 1193rd 00.,- club at the annual meeting last hundreds of other peo. Mr. Brown will go on t o air for tbe Presidential campaign pub­ drink “Orange Pekoe”, they will tell June, W. W. Robertson, president of Camp Britton, representing the night. Mutrie succeeds Arthur Mc- The three losing teams in t o ra- Buch aa to carry well and aix Main street. small greosto mifflin pans half full fifteen nfinuter at 7:30 p. m. (d s.t.) licity and adverttelng flooding Army; Superintendent L. C. Blair of cent membersbte drftte di held by Dil- tuba of aacqnd grade ware offai pie, yon’Q find it easy to and bake in moderate oven. When Old Lyme, Sept. 16.—The Lyme you that It Is considered better than worth-OomeU Poet, American Le­ They aold for 00 centa a tub. Among Helm’s .sensational new cold, cover with orange icteg. Art esaociatloa artist membership tlte country w the race neara any other kind of tea. Camp Buck, representing the fores­ gion, will play host to Captain Other aalea tn the market yeater­ repay. Here’a a qniek has been tncreaseid to 37 by the alec- WAKE UP YOUR the atrctcb are' -he amooth- In reality, all "Orange Pekoe” try department; Leroy Johnson of models fh fur coats is one in horse Orange Icing. eenriring niihllclty departments .m ay^t-hC good tca,Yor these^rea-. Camp Brlttcn..represcnting .tha.edu-! Quish'a winning team with a dinner day Included 894 baakhta of toma- nmy to g«t'lhe jtolh, _^ThlaJz l&e pony in texture tkM 'isr Frederick Xi 'S aton and ■Bt'the''vma-LoulB»'OH-satnrd«yaw= ^toaa-for'ahlglt’orM:4^tx'BHd-a’'l6W ~but Ja white'"flecfc'ea ’ with 'black' —M tx’mgredlentr'ln Drtfer"glvear B e rtiw O. Brueatle who are resl- of the Democratic and Repub- sons: "Orange Pekoe” la almpl,v catlonaL department of the CCC; ne^; ' Phone ns toda^ Beat all together thoroughly tmtil Ucan parties. They are enter- the name of a leaf of the tea plant Joseph M. Loughlin, director of se­ ning, September 19. of 20 centa; 40 baskets shell beans, hairs. ‘Another coat is in white denta of New Haven but hav^ sum' Membership Chairman Donald high 80 cents, low 00 oenta; 10 baa- Loans Up to $ 30 0 . . . ' calf skin and answers to the'name very light and smooth.. Spread on mer studloa in Lorme. Each has ex­ priaea which cost millions and and the distinguishing mark of the lection, from the State Emergency Hemingway is in charge of the din­ keia grapes, high 60 cents, low 20 tea cakes. > hibited la Old l^m e tirows for the embrace ail the states in their size of the leaf as well. You can' Relief commission; Austin F. ,,,2 0 month* to repaf of “Danny." network. Read this interesting have good, bad or indllTCfeot Hawes, state forester; Mrs. Mar­ ner and invites all Legionnaires who cents; 33^ bushels lima besms, high story by an ace reporter of The “Orange Pekoe" tea, all depending guerite P. Miller, sdclal .service Wish to attend to notify him by 70 cents, low 00 cents; 20 buimels T)i» ni<« •t taterMt Orange Tea Cakes. A free trial, offer will prove to Evening Herald and the Asso­ Thursday evening. The ^ a i r is not spinach, $4; 17 half bushels pears, m4 U three (t) pmw eeat. vl-4 cups flour, sifted, It itttt IIr b o w ^ Om b te ta «p upon two things—first, the elevation director, ana B. H. Van Buren, state rfStrict^ to members of t o mem­ high 00 cents, low 40 centa; five box­ per moBth. or tlilrtyelz you t o superiority and economy of BtomMih. Ton c«t eeestlpeted. Too ciated Press). a^ v s the level of the sea at which selecting agent. (80) per eent. f«r aiuiBBi teaspoons baking powder. ' whole SFBtam Is petooewd end foo leeleoe^ bership team but is open to all Le­ es broccoli, 40 centa; 036 cratM' No. automatic gas water bearing. Now Are yoG an uthm a victim? eoak BM the woHd looks poak. the plant is growing, and second,, the Mr. Loughlin will open the ses­ y ' 0B' *the napaid aaftonat of ' cup shortening. you can enjoy this modem depend­ By EDWARD J. NELL gion members. . 1 cauliflower, high 95 cents, low 85 th e lo a B .. *eup sugar. If SO, call your Chiropractor: lAxethee e n oalp niekeehtfle. A OMCe care exerci.sed in its manufacture. sion. falks wUr Include “The En- cents; 111 crates No: 3 cauliflower, able hot water sjrstem. Let the hewel nerwoeet doesn’t wet et the ohae. It New York, Sept. 16.—Telephones Experience has proven that the Boom % 1-4 teaspoon salt. Manchester Gas Co. know of your lekM thoM abed, old Gtartet^e L IttirL Im rollee and His Life In the Camp," by MAYBE NAPPING ' high SO centa, low 30 . cents; four State Theater BnlKUni: DR. G. A. CAILLOUETTE POletocettMee two ponstde ed MJeflewh« tangle, duplicating machines, con- higher the elevation of the tea gar­ Captain Fatren; “The EnroIIea and Lincoln, Neb.—Nebraska's aged half bushels apples, high 60 centa, 3 egga interest and toy will select to freekrend mekepoo Yip ndnp**.Ebtai> 753 5IIkin St. TeL 3430 1-3 cup orange juice. Imb, tentle* /e t eaeslaie tn mektng hOsAow rmnces, clerks, myseengers go den, the richer the flavor of th e^af His Ufe in the State Forests," hy aren't t o only ones wanting to low 00 cents; two dozen water­ automatic gas water heater that 119 Center SL Phone 3628 pound and round and^out comes the gathered. For example: the coarsest Superintendent Blair; and. “Educa­ 1 tablespoon grated orange rind. will meet your needs and matall U ...... knovv the details of the state old melons, $2.00; two bushels cabbage, -FecumaLEliuiiiCB^o.^ -l-4-cup-cltroiMchoi^:to.)------t r eam of publicity dealgneer 1. The set • •. «• •...... JL a aF tbw electoral'votes of 130,000,000 choicest blend of Ceylon, India and acting chief and the district oSlcors her husband, t o secretary of state, To Celebrate the 25th Estate ..naopla______.... Java.teaa, ____ have decided to allow t o present Her Single Appearance in Republican candidates and Issues lri\the White House. But she has a of the campaign will be presented T / Pobllcity Budgets set-up to continue until the annual “First Lady” to Be Out­ rival, the wife of a supreme court Of the Democratlo budget of more meeting next June. BRAKES over the air In almost daily broad­ Anniversary, Ihe Estate than 12,000,000, about $1,500,000 has THE COST R E U N B D - F R E E l standing Theatricai Event in judgK who Is mtereated m a young casts during the latter part of Alco Capitol Fountain Pens ...... $1.25 CURB QUOTATIONS Mr. Willis has been a member senator whom she hopes to make October, with several broadcasts (Made iff Waterman.) been esnnarked for the purchase of of the Manchester fire department GREYHOUND 6S1 Hartford. radio time. OF DRIVING nrealdeiat; and It Is the bitter battle scheduled for the first half of the Dealers of Manchester are The Republican budget, unan­ since 1920, when he joined No. 2 MAIN STREET waged by these fashionable and month. Alco Capitol Fountain Pen and Pencil nounced, also calls for large radio company. In 1931 he was elected YOUR OWN CAR What promises to be one of the fascinating hostesses that makes the Mr. Brown’s talk Thursday eve­ By ASSOCIATED PRESS foreman of that company and held FARES average outstanding theatrical events of this ^Setfl ...... ,...... $1.35 expenditures. Am Gen ...... 9 sparkling comedy described by one ning will be his first over the air gtOTK a wMstlinK Pc^ric :=^And' n o one will even dare 'a t­ that office for three years, declin­ season is the appearance of Jane writer as “a hrigkt business and an since his nomination September 9. Ark Nat Gas ...... 5 ing a re-election In 1934 and was Sava '4 to ‘- i the Coat of Other Yonr Safety Depends Ok Cowl m her convulsing comedy, tempt to estimate the additional Assd Gas and El A ...... 2 unholy joy”, adding “whatever party Tea Kettle (value $7.50) to succeeded by Fred Sankey. Mr. Puhlle Tranaportatlbn “First Lady^., which-la booked at t o you belong to. here’s your ideal the­ TOSSED COIN FOR JOB millions being spent in state, coun­ Am Stip Pow ...... 2H Willla waa made second assistant Waterman Fountain Pens ...... $3.00 ty, city and even town contests. O nt States Elec ...... 2 REAKINO «n racords for low-ceit tnoi- Good Brakes Bushnell Memorial in Hartford for ater party." chief of the department and held B portation. Orryhound farra now avarasa one pertormance, Thursday night, Thompaonville, Sept. 16.—(AP)- everyone who purchases a Under Campaign Manager John CIt Serv ...... 4 that office until the resignation of laul nin IHe.por mil* for round trips. Luxurious Rtadjr Uafid Braka Waterman Pen and Pencil Sets____$4.25 D. M. Hamilton, the Republicans are C?lt Serv., pfd ...... 56 D«w iuptr>co«ch««, lr«qu«nt tchediuiSa Mhom r«r aD fef«* Sept 24. The numberless mqulriea DEMOCRATIC PARLEY Two candidates for the Democratic based mainly in Chicago, with im­ William McQonIgal, who had been tar Can •xebaagaC and reservations being'received m- nomination to a place on the Enfield El Bond and S h are...... 211)4 first assistant chief and who had Mj\NCHESTER, c o n n . Da Ui« tab mratlf dicate, a record-breaking attendance Hartford, Sept. 16.—(AP) — The Range this month. portant branches here and in Wash­ King Hud Pow ...... 15 Round Trip Driving park and playgrounds commission ington. From the Nation’s capital moved out of the district. Mr. fad wn kp to fU. for this Music Box hit which thp First Congressional District conven­ settled their dispute'by the toss of Conklin Fountain Pens ...... $2.75 Penn Road ...... 5^. Willla continued In the position as Fare Cost* Saving producer, Sam H. Harris, is sending tion will be held on Saturday m seven “field investigators" range Segal Lock ...... 3 ■1-, a coin rather than through ballot­ about examining New Deal activi­ acting first assistant until last June NEW YORK .. .$3.85 $10.62 here exactly as it was performed all Hotel Bond, at which Representa. ing. Conklin Fountain Pen and Pencil TJhlt Gaa ...... 7% when he waa ^elected to that office. BOSTON 8.6.1 8.01 last season In New York. rive Henpan P. Kopplemann, will be ties, communicating their findings Unit Lt and Pow A ; ...... , 7 /• When the moderator at the party’s ■ H e r e ’S a birthday celebration you will want ta}o!n. During this iBeBth, a!l Estate directly to Chicago. His place of business is located CLEVELAND T. 18.85 62.11 Written hy Katharine Dayton, renommated for his third term. town caucus called tor a vote on the ^3ets V...... #...... $3.05 / near the fire house and his home is CHICAGO...... 26.55 83.34 Electric Range dealers of Manchester are giving a wHistlmg Electrio Tea Kaittta (valua The flow of publicity streams WORLD'S LARGEST whose political satires have gained Sheriff William A. Seymour ’ of position, Raymond Stone and Thom­ steadily, with increasing pressure, on Henry street. He has been ac­ WASHINGTON 10.10 31.68 her Intemationai' fame, and George Granby will present Mr. Kopple- as Bernier went to t o front of the $7.60) to everyone who purchases an Estate Electric Range. WHITE OAK TREE tive in the department and has been BUFFALO ....14.40 35.64 S. Kaufman, who aieo staged the mann’s name to the convention. The out of Chicago as November neara. IS DYING o r AOE hall and flipped a coin. Work Uke Reporters one of the drivers of the fire trucks. 'Based oh average of iVjC per mile. play, “First Lady" baa tumlsbed nommatlon of Mr. Kopplemann Is Bernier 'won when Stone esU^ the 26 years in the electric range business is tke record of the Estate Stove Company; t o glamorous Jane Cowl with a expected to be unanimous. A. H. Kirohhofer, chief of Lan- Wllllaiiison, W. Va.—(AP)—Old turn. who have pioneered in the buildihg of fine electric ranges and whose 1986 ranges don’s publicity foroea assigns his CLAIMS BIGGEST W^VBDEN Center Travel Bureau character which, according to one Miss Julia Doyle of Enfield, mem' R. DONNELLY ^ staff of men and women writcrq ago—700 years of It—Is creeping up At the Center Phone 7007 critic, "belongs in the grreat gmiery her of the State Legislature, is ex­ On Nov. 1 t o sun passes the represent a new triumph in smat^esB^cleuiliness and efficiency.-:____ like reporters, to the "cover-1 on the Orcat White Oak of Mingo. of Emglisb-speaklng comedy, hung pected to be elected ten^orary meridian about 16 minutes before JEWELER State'Forester D. N. Qrlffin fig­ EddyvUIe, Ky.—(AP)— On the same walla as MlUamont and chairman. the clock shows 12; in February, 515 Main Street Ing" of meetlnn, executive bSlces. state penitentiary claims the big­ Manchester ~ Visit an Estate Electric R^inge dezder immediately. See the new models with ths"^ They write stones, prepare material ures the 145-foot forest veteran— Lady Teazle.” A luncheon will follow the conven­ it passes the meridian 1 or 15 . ' • /:■ fpr state chairmen and publicity dl- the world's biggest whlte-oak—is gest warden In the country in Jess GREYHOUND Contrary to the general assump­ tion with admission by card only. minutes after I t • -balanced -Q¥enr^TaBexcIU8iyeJ!&tete-featnrer=yJiich-.-iMuigS--ttniih^ baking .rwmltfc . irs,- keep-up witb..an enormous about at the end. He took sqme Buchanan, six feet four and weigh­ mailing list covering the nation. borings and diagnosed: ing 330 pounds, recently appointed See the independent broiler Unit. See the fast h e a t^ Estate cooking nnits. See the Hamilton conducts press confer­ "There's nothing wrong with it by Gov. A. B. Chandler. new cooking-top lamp whiph diffuses light evenly ovhr the entire range. See the “Time* ences as though he were, gathering I mean in the way of plant dis­ dally with friends of long standing. ease. It la just dying of old ace." Estate” Automatic Qveiv Time ControL See the electric ranged in black and ivory. Like “Big Jim" Farley, Democratic The Great Oak was a sturdy See the countless other features By which Estate Electric Ranges have woo a place (4 campaign manager based in New sapling In what in now Mingo coun­ leadership. . . / ' '' York, Hamilton speaks frankly, ty about the tltne of the Crusades, openly, taking reporters into his according to Griffin's figures. If it confidence, 'courleouS'ly welconirng had acted like other wlilte oaks "It the newcomers, spreading the gospel would have died 400 years ago. H b y b b i b 8pttiB’typioal ! m o d B l i : and always remembering that pa­ “And now he's going,” said Grif­ pers have deadlines. fin. "Therh's only 90 feet of mer­ Vndir Farley the Dei icratlc set­ chantable timber left In that old up is pretentious. trunk, 145 feet high and nine feet 48 Organizations /orty-elght itate organizations, through the middle." with % vomen's dlvirlon under Miss 'Mary Dewson operating separately ^ ORDER.S IS ORDERS and on a amaller scale, report di­ rectly to him. Oakland, Calif. — When police ' ETnance departments, radio, pub ordered James Clinton, 30-year-oId -ttelty, speakers' bureaus, statistical itinerant, to leave the city he pro­ departments, library, divisions that tested he didn't have feiryboat fare. range all the way from foreign lan­ “Then swim,” said Inspector Eugene guage sections and Young Demo­ Murphy, “but get out of here.” cratic 'clubs dirough stage and The police soon received a call screen to Jack Dempsey’s sports from the Clay Street pier, Clinton ’erganisatton, fill the BUtmore with was. disrobing for the transbay a constant rush and clatter, and the swim. He was locked up. , frame of Charjey Mlchelson, publici­ ty chief who also directed Roose­ velt's press campaign in 1932, with busy glee. lughlights of the day's political To Women i-ths Democratic -strong' You Could FEEL th e Fabrics bold are Farley's press conferences. Wbo W ant COMItNATION YOAt OITOtt ------AHWIVt Ilf A»T. I W O A t------He asks far more questions them the You Could SEE tiie Colors AND ILIcreiC reporters who gather around him Ales. liutaUcd 9M4.$e Planned foot You Could HEAR t h e Comments Pziet, IntnUed 9179.71 AUowaace for old atovt toward each morning. He breezes in, greet­ Allowaoct for old itors toward ing all, sits wrong side to on a Comfort. You Have TASTE for Quality . . . wirihg tf.oe ______s t^ g h t backed chair in the middle Waiver of yaor’s trial U.ee - of the group, and demands: THEN YOU’LL WANT THESE Waiver of year’s trial g fm "What's t o Jews about the other f'''T fella? What do you hear? What's new?" We offer Drew s famous' NEW FALL Nine-tenths of V-verything Farley shoes for women. FOUR These prices apply only to standard overhead service, apflrtments excepted, on the line* says is “off t o record" or “in t o room." If it's absolutely secret, it's style groups ore instock DRESSES AND COATS of the Man. Electric Div. of the Conn. Pdwer Co. idead, dead in the room." for your approval. ' He, too, talks frankly. Us offers Tunic strifl And the new Princess styles with flared skirt a list of peopie-to-see to one report- ' Low down payments-^*-aa littlaae $5.00 -^-r ‘ er about to start -in a cross country trip. He promises to . “gang" on ...... ■-=■■■ Low weekly payments—as little as $,60 a week Vice-President Qainer to get him to DRESSES make a camprd^'SpehCS or 'twbl 'Hi ./*.4 '.'o . leaves reporters a n d u p' to SepubUcah campaign releases, see one of these dealerat * itch he gets ^ advance, though 100% An Wool I not on t o mailing list •« ^•F arley also makes a small bet oc- ,for tobacco Uy. He lost five dollars on POTTERT0N & KRAH of Maine. Fur-TRIMMED-COATS WehaT«J Trimmeil with Raccoon • Beaver - Fox . Wolf - Etc. 589 Main S tr^ t TeL 3731 THOBEE m E DT C3tA ^ $6-50 0 t right to smoke right Movar,

b- ^ ■ m, .« . 1 ' ■ ' 'am ' .. r,

llAH G H igim BVENINO HEBAUV UANCHttrat. CONN. WSDNBS&AY^ SgrtEM B fik 16,108S< osntuiy day and this day flOk^a.' ’.fMi oMi.' tt' every UvlM temMatndi Mlag’. -V tibfA twentieth century. •raanemr. wck of Is tt* flgiaw sad than that of the air, r a ^ i s M il h'ot and ooTd running water. Bui ■ara a onenlatloa at from 500.. not the. etfler .which samites thssL, ^ m \------^— - r r r - The founders gaye us beyond One o f tbs moat admirable sjuali- those Aigenttoe mounto ora posi­ 000 U 750JM0. MIcbelsoa When p. breaaa atrikas thd hsdy and tbs patents at a (M Mbbtltuto for ICn. Wward son, Robert, ooUed on friends to 1 l pair boiise mice and thS; question the. finest governmental Um in the essential^ British char- tively epmied by their ma- tera been working on an advertising Tbs eldest sffsettra tnsursnoe J at oarrias away heat from It '’ Auilditar, them last,.84«ur- Smith) Paul Ooatea ton the first at the weelA 7 ^ ' ' 1 : hig hetu to .them in a year Borne 4,600,000 ppstc^rda ondl STAFFORD SPROiDS HEBRON structure of its. time. .It Is our actor la Ita Inq^erturbabitlty—Ita re-' Those tborooghbrede ora iraia- pragrtun, ctft he Won t iZy w company in the world D Ubyd’s, pf|-' day. Mr. Bopktes la a tbnMr irari- Elder Oscar Snipes ot Nsw Lon­ MARLBOROUGH Mra. Charles niimors of Hehroa ed from ooltbood. They travel la mafch. the RepUbliean bUlboorda. can produes 1000 descendonta In ■tamped envelopea ore sold byl dent o t Stafford Bpriags and a don offidatsd at a mooting oC tha Is substituting at the Canter aobi ' business.to preserve It ' The way slstence to the "rattles.” ' In most London, named ^ on 18th eentimy that year. a style surpsaMng their riders' for He tUnks baipoards ar* too ox- coffee house where merchonta American pogtomcea in the.counal nephew o t Mr. and Mra John Peters n>a Hebron Cardinals wan again Savmth Day Adventists at Hope Both the RepuhSoafla and Demo- ter Miss Fanny A. BUeh who la U1 countrlea a perfOnnanGe like that ef a year; Vallty In ths old Mathodlst eburch plaurisy. to preseme It la Hite the way of pre­ luxury sad expease. Oouehoe guard pepalTe and not very effeettvo. .. gathered to excbsng# trade la- The slaiMl ’ U toe largest of oO SENATORIAL NOMINEE o f West Main strsst. ricten in the boraboU game ployed serving any structure—to replace staged by McMahon would have them ae Jealously eg they would a antelope, being as heavy as a Cow. 'The earlier pipes « ItBringl Sstwraoy.- A oengfegatlon of obonh Mr. and Mrs. Charits formation. with the Dofileleon nine Sunday af- thtrtv atUndsd. This Is the first with’ new-oaes;-tn either ofteS Mm hfS IttS on the spot royal Infant. New Jersey The chickadee Is as much at IHands oda easily ■ t a t y a in l^ d o n ’s Tute rMBraysl Repul I wood have rotorned from Capd Cod toraoon oa .tlw T)tntoloQn.flBid,_hF a leang of tbs kind to he hold ter a Pouf Roben; hoard of raUaf, T. W. whare they were on a vmc»r or brought him « long term In ADDRESSEOEEmiCANR ______itvmiBg Bseapi keep it freeh and serviceable and fluenzo, these Argentine poalM uta; newest thoiMfl can do 1801 ■eoro of 5-3. tongJUme. Dobemnta: aeleetmeo. lot, T. W. Miss Rebecca BueU has^stunsd prison. But the Old Bally Court nfUst MI kept under surveillance, parsley contain more ritOBlIn A dtldn. dectrle tans increoss room tarn- wspm from Nova Scotia where Abs spent Ouad*** «aa aolidap* Batarail at til* provide it with new buttressing Iban doca apinoeh. I Just as enraged bee perature hwteod « ( towering it. though run only from 130. to 100| Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Belaeman Ames W. Slsnon spaot ths week­ Fuller; 2nd, N. R. Lorit; - agent of Peal Oltle* at MaaehaataT_Oeaa. against new erbstons and stresses. deemed a year a sufficient period A veterinorlah oocompanlee them feet a minute aa yeL Franklin R. .Orenft Attende and chUdren returned to their home end ogalnat his Items in Hops Vol­ towa-deporit fund, R. T. BueU; port of her vocation. Cateed Clan Mall Matter. ley, and entertained a friend. of reflection for a man already far sver^bere ead takes their tern- Meeting of Stafford Club Next Saturday, September 18th, li Blmtauiat, L. I., lost Frldoy, hav­ grand )urora Paul Roberta, William Not to let it severely alone till one pmturee eevsral times a day.' Mr. and Mils. T. JH. Kellogg and Caffyn, Ralph Kornglabal; auditor, BUWSCHilTIUN BATKB Held Monday Evening. new voters for the town aieetlon ore ing spent the summer vocation at Una leaf, ay Mall ...... day It shaU fall to pleoee from dry from young, particularly to view n e ir dolly bath and grooming is a to be mode at. the South Windsor Uielr Hebron place on the : Green. children of West Hertford spent Miltra J. Lord; ooartablea, W. H. Pat Hoath. by Mall M rot of the fact that, despite the promi­ ritual "never negleoted. And their town hall. 'There have been over Mr. BUaeman returned Saturday for Sunday at thstr oountry place In Miner, Robert N. Chapman, Benja­ Slngla Coey ...... 01 Franklin R. Oreutt of Coventry, Hope VsUey. Oallvarrd ona year ...... tl.M nence of a deadly weapon in the teeth are claoaed and cored for bet­ two hundred and thirty-two names the week-end to close the place for min Lord, Vincent Rotiarte: ngiiH ter than any flebutaate's. Republican candidate for Senator Tsoelvafi thus for. the season. - Mrs. Lefoty Benstoger bad aa trar, Lucius Lord; oohool commit­ UEMBFr o r rHK. 4MOCIATBD affair, there was no evidence that guests Sundav a Mrs. Dorrow and a tee, Sarah BUah, Milton Lord. PRESS INSURANCE PARLEY from toe 86th district which in­ ThS Federated Workers will hold A boras chestnut tree In the rear he had any real Intention of Injur­ their next meeting at the home of Mrs. Silver ot New London. Democratlo nomlnotlona; Aeseo- Tb« A««6ctat*S Pr«M i« •sclostv«lf cludes Tolland coupty made his first of the Town Record buUdlng has put Mias Stella Johnson, who haa •nttUad to' tho om for roonbltoatioo The much discussed conference of ing the king. Evidently he wanted Mrs.. Albert B. Btlles at two o’clock out new leaves and blossoms tola ■or, William Ueser; bosid-of raUef, of oil Bowt diopotebti orodttod to It political appearance at a meeting ot completed three years of work at Henry Hqrowlts; selectmen, 1st, Can ha./ qnloUy ohiatead II insurance executives with President to create a sensation with himself next Friday afternoon, September fall. Tbs south sl(^ of the tree is yon at^ steadily aaftplayadon or Bot oth«rwlM orrdftoS to tbfi BEHIND the Stafford Republican club held 18to. the WUltmontic State Normal Train­ Leslie Bodge, 2nd, John Wimmer; »ab«r ftnd oIm th4( toool oowo onb In the center of it A yrar In Jail well covered with the blossoms, and ing School, is taking her fourth and •alaiw-witkonlaaaarilyei aa- f Roosevelt didn't result In anything Monday evening to the court room The quarterly conference W the presents a novel appearance. agent ot town deposit fund, Robert Uhod boroiiB. Is, after all, a pretty fair price to of the-'town hiUl following tha cau­ lost year at the Teachers’ CoUraie, Woodford; grand , Jurors, Joseph dotaan. Olbat plana avalL Al] rfgrhu of ropQblloftttoaa of very sensational, after alt ' The THE SCENES Metoodut church wUl be held thla Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McDonald eMa—emmmte up to S 3 0 0 - •roo!ol dlopatehoo borolo or* oloo.ro* cus. Mr. Oreutt was introduced os New Britain. Rsnkl. Horry Klngbotn, Ir., Jacob executives refused tp_tstt to ra pay for such an ambition. IN THE “ Tuesday evening, at the Wapping and daughter Blaine, of Hartford, The Rev. B. A. Lewis preached at wlth SO nmntha to lapay. a —r v o A ^ a - . --- the next. Senator from this district Commuhl^ church house, at 7:45 Horowlto; auditor, Frank Austin; Tha rate • { Intorast ohaipad te ■* J' porters after it was over. Issued a ' Ih this countrju'tn all.probebUlty, ■by the - Pr^dent, Jtmn' C. -Netto-. 'He Sunday. evira.tog J»tt«M Jit the the Hebron' and Gilead Congrega­ ouastables, WUlts Hall, Jr,, Anthony * Poll Mrrtoo olloot of N V A SorO' McMahon would biive either been With new> spedally priced Wdck.'JOrmemben^a home of. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gray. tional churches Sunday from the Ihfea (3 ) paz.eanl. pat numfli, l0«. fDO. Statement calculated to reassure CAMPAIGN f gave a brief talk asking the co- 1st church are requested to be pres­ Cssello, Ralph Ueser; registrar, 01 Ihltiytoijc (36) pat oaat. lynched or electrocuted or dis­ 'operatton of the local Republicans Mias Groce Ratobun qf West theme, "Finding God through Serv­ Charles HoU; school oemmlttea, i ^ Pablttbor*o RoprotoatotWot Tb< anyone who may have been made ent, to make arrangements for the Hartford spent the week-end at tbS ing Men." The choir sang a special ■nmue an unpaid asaounl a t studio couches (as to put Tolland county bock Into tbs forming o t the new Community Mary Walker, Carolyn Isleib. louis iolluo Mofbowo Sooelol Asoaey—Nov nervous by Col. Frank Knox's dec­ charged and ^ven a Hollywood con­ AU-Time High Is Beeehed In Oam. home of her mother, Mra. F. A. anthem. In the evening the Chris­ A Young Democratlo' Club wag' York. CMooro. Ootrolt ood Beoioa. tract Over there they better fol­ polgn Propagandaopogond Drive Republican column. Harold W. church. Ratobun In Amston. tian Endeavor service at Amstim laration that "today no life Insur­ Innnn Bruce, chairman of the. town com- The members o f the council for organised Monday night with ths IDEAL HNANC^O M£Mui^ < AUDIT anRBAD OP low Blr Arthur Sullivan's method of lumerobfe Stunts Tried by O. advertised Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Lord, were brought out about 60, including An­ following officers: Proalde- *, Ralph CTRI'lllJiTIUNa. ance policy Is 'secure, no saving ac­ O. P. Leaders . . . Rivals Lack in this weeks ^/mlttee also gave a brief talk on the new Commtmlty church will guests at a dinner party Sunday at dover members. The "bot dog ASSOCIATION. Ina making the punishment fit the meet at the close of the Methodist Ueser; rice-president, Samuel Horo- 881 Main Sttrat count Is safe." Money to Keep Up Pace Set by vbat took place at toe state con- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan roast" at the close of the open olr wlts; ceoretory, Anthuny CspeUa; When Alone With Your Thoughts„ Tbo florold Prlatiaa Gompoaf, lae. Clime—and are pretty likely to pre­ Kepublleans. htlon. Mrs. George Slswlek who church meeting. b. Lord to Ellington. Others pres­ service was greatly enjoyed. OVER W. T. g r a n t s t o r e oosuaoo BO flaaaeloi rooponalbilltj It Is doubtful If any such assur­ SATURDAY EVENING POST) treasurer, Michael Ronkl. Phone 7381 for tTporropbloo] orroro oppoortat la I active to toe Republican party The Federated church choir will ent were Mr. and Mrs: Mohlon Chap­ Dwight Martin left 'Tuesday for Just Picture the Type o f Monument That Yon WonM '^ serve their sense of proportion. hefld their rehearsal next Friday Mr. and Mra Howard B. liOrd and '^advortlooaioaro la tbo Ifoaobootor ance was necessary. Colonel Knox also spoke on what toe women are man and children of Rockville, and M t Vernon, Maas., where he wUl at­ Choose To Represent YOU In the Years That WiD Bvonlaa HoralA. Is a campaigner of rather florid Herald VPaohlngioU Correspondent doing. In the campaign which la now evening at toe church, about eight Lucius ,W. Robinson and two sons tend school this year. The Hte. 'i. o’clock. R. Keen motored with him t^the Fojlow. style anyhow. Besides he has been '?FLU” VIRUS to full swing. Following the meet- of Columbia. T he H a r t f o r d A r t Sc h o o l - WEPWBCDAYy SEPTEMBER 16 New York. Sept. 16 — Nothing tog, Mr. . Oreutt pereonally met Mm . Horry P. Flies, and Mrs. Professor Austin Warren of Bos­ school, accompanied by D v^fit’s Those Who Have Sought Our Advice D^aicing a tfemendoua' humbef '''of AFhouncement hyTJr.' WHtlam Or - quite -like—the..-propaganda ....ef­ every-member-present.-The meeting ,B!meatlne-.„D^^S)illlvan and__Uttle ton University acted os-orgOBlst at grandmother, Mrs. T. D. Martin. \ 25 Athenenm Square, North daughter Barbara Ann, who have The selectmen and town clerk will Have Profited By I t public speeches ever- since last Smlllle, professor of public health fort In this campaign haa ever was largely attended. 'The next the 11 a. m. service at St. Peter’s CONSTITUTION DAY l^viT^PuirrEasy ^ ir r\ - been spending the summer months Episcopal church Sunday. The Rev. bold a session at the town clerk's Spring Sod he may be a Uttle tired. meeting of the club will be held on V IP YOU W A N T TH E BEST administration at Harvard Medical been seen before. All the old at Bonney Eagle camp. West Bus- Harold R. Keen read a Labor Day office Saturday, September 19, to 59th Y ear Opens bn Mbndbyy Sept. 28tii Tomonow win be the hundred He made one of those mistakes that Monday Sept. 38th and will be open AND AT A SMALL INVESTMENT . . . School, at the school’s tercentenary stunts for Influencing public opin­ Studio Couch to all. Republican candldatea for torn Maine, returned to their home message especially prepared for toe admit as voters those found quaU- Day and Evening ClagSes. Drawing. Painting, ^nlpture. and forty-ninth anniversary of-the every campaigner Is bound to make ion are being used, plua a very in Wapping last Monday afternoon. use of the churches: Quite a num­ fled, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. (stand­ yesterday, that epidemic "flu" has ■ / town offices have been Invited to Modelling, Casting, Poster, ■Layout, Lettering, Illustra­ TELEPHONE HARTFORD 2-4129 completion of the United States If be tries to say the same thing In large number of new wrinkles, CharUe Hitchcock of Wapping ber of out-of-town visitors were ard time). Another seralon wUI be been conquered—or at least that Its some of them bizarre. One at the specially planned studio couches, advertised la . addreaa the gathering. Center, who waa taken to the New­ present Mr. Keen announced that held for those whose rights mature tion, Design and Coetnme. Museum and Library. Constitution by the OonitltuUonal a hundred different ways on a hun­ Oaucuaes Convention of 1787. Probably a Immediate conquest Is assured—is It is Irhposslble to get any ac­ tflla week's Saturday Evening Post Oomfortabla by day . . ington hospital very tertously sick the Young People’s Fellowship group between September 19 and October ■\ ' Registration and Consultation S ept 21 dred different occasions—he put an curate list showing toe way toe At the Republican caucus held are invited to unite with toe Con 5. This, will be held Oct. 3. There one of the most Important develop­ the pillow support brings the pillows Just far enough forward last Tburaday afternoon, Is reported / through 26 frodi 2 to 5 P. M. The McGo v e r n cRANitE g o . hundred commentators, here and Idea Into words capable of being millions for propaganda are be­ Monday evening there were three to be Improving. gregatlonal Christian Endeavor So­ wlU also' be a seeslon Saturday, Oct- ments to which medical science has ing spent. It appears obvious to to moke toe eeot comfortable. EAsy to operate at night . . contests. Selab Sanger of utafford- 10, In time to admit oe votere those Catalogue upon Request there, win aay in print sub’stantlany given a false Interpretation by Lawrence Briggs, son of Mrs. ciety next Sunday evening. the same thing—that while the fam­ yet attained. n.ost observers, however, that Re­ simply remove toe three pillows and pull the book forward. vUle defeated H erb ^ Glazier of Susie U Briggs is spending a week , Professor and Mrs. Cornelius who WlU be eligible to vote at toe using them alone, without the ac­ publicans are Speridlng far more West Stafford for the nomination of Kruse of Middletown were guests ot national and state election. ous and revered instrument may not No one who remembers the terri­ The couch opens quickly and toe bM section spriniga up with relaUvea and friends In toe companying sentences. money to “unsell R o ^ v e lt" than automatically 1 In smart combinations of rust green or assessor. Attorn^"^ Joel H. Reed, state of Maine. Professor and Mrs. Eugene P. Chase be wholly perfect, its inspired qual­ ble devastation wrought by that Democrats are spending to defend 2nd of Highland 'Terrace won over over toe week-end. What Colonel Knox was trying to .Mies Bklltb Carroll and her ity is adequately proven by the fact disease diiring the World War and him. brown homespuns. ■ William Blssonette for the office of brother Leslie CarroU, who have Miss Helen Carr ot Manchester, put over was the Idea that the poli­ that under it thin country haa ex- Immedlatelir thereafter can fait to High-pressure adve^stng and reglatrar of voters in toe second been vislUiw their uncle and aunt, N. H., was a tecent visitor at toe cies of the administration must in­ appreciate the magnitude of thla sales technique • Is being plugged district Mias /Mary Smith of High­ Mr. and kite. Carroll Young to horns of her brother, Allan L Carr. iated for almost a century sod a bard at national Republican hrad- Czechoslovakians of the commito' evitably lead to currency inflation achievement If, as there seems to Other Simmons Anniversary Studio Goachee at land Terrace defeated Mrs. Howard Framingham, Mass., have returned half more successfully than ■ any quarters In . Chicago. The tech­ Learned of Dennis Lane for toe to their home on Deming street, ity held a special service Sunday and that currency Inflation would be no reason to doubt. It comes all nique Is 'baaed on toe fact that afternoon at S t Peter's Episcopal THEfRE HERE!! jA e _ v i^ ^ has ever 829.76,885,889.75, 849.50.859.75 and 889.50 nomination aa member of the school Wapping. They also visited their r4(!llPj8.ih*lBujTh?slng p^wer of in­ the way through. t ost voters don’t and can’t >under- committee. The following were grandparent^, Mr. and Mra. Henry church. The Rev. John Bellan of known. Tlia impresstm'virflT''he st^d the Issues or comprehend Stafford Springs preached tq them surance policies and savings banks ■The devSop’ment Is proceeding at nominated by acclamation. First Young. conveyed that no repubUo ever en­ Just 'whst tod candidate is taiktng -The -United French''societies held -to-toelr native tongue.''’''' " accounts. That la the belief of a Rockefeller Institute, New York. about Seleettnan, " -Andenr... Jacobsen; ' Of Officers nominated at toe Repub­ dured so long before. East street, selectman, Milo Brad­ a harvest picnic at Hill’s grove to FALL H A T S great many people. Knox was Just It Is also being carried on with Democrats are stlcklpg to more Wapping last Sunday. There were lican caucus heldF Monday afternoon , This Imprtaaion would not be al­ (knaervatlve and traditional meth­ way of StaffordviUe; ^ a rd of Re­ V ere: Assessor, Wlntorop S. Porter: little unlucky in the manner of slight variations In Ekigland. The lief to fill toe imexpired term of the about 600 people present. together a correct one. The Ho­ ods under Charlie Mlcbelson, al­ AS YOU LUCE IT—-describes toe Elisabeth Park Exhibition Home to perfection! board of relief, J. Banks Jones; first its expression. American treatment Is in the form Corn- tote Fred Glover for two years, Harry P. Ftlea, Jr., of Boston, man RepubUc came Into wdatence though some big fellows In toe pletely furnished and decorated In Modern, Uvabla style. Smart sophisticated! ’ HeHome open Mass., is spending a few days at his selectman, Edmund H. Horton; sec­ administration ■ are frankly wor­ Herbert Glazier of West Stafford; ond, Wlntorop 8 . Porter; auditor, An L MS iraata before Christ and omtln-. The Roosevelt publicity bureau of a culture of vlrua taken directly MODERN every day tola week from 2:80 tor 7. home to Wapping. . An * ■ 1 . 2 9 ried as to the effects of toe op­ for too three year term, Joseph Charles E. Hllding:. griind Juror. seised upon the opjxirtunity and the from Influenza patients .and admin­ Gfrfors Styles ued for 344 years unUl 385 B. C position’s huge barrage of radio, Tonldandel of West street; auditor,' Philip Motz, John Palmer, William AD and tha tremendous growth and de­ insurance conference was either istered as a vaccine under the skin. screen, newspaper, billboard, gro­ Raymond B. Kelsey of Stafford BETTER LATE Owen, Morris Goldstein, Karl Links; Head Sizes velopment of the United Statea can arranged with a view to making the It does not make the patient 111.— ’ cery store, literature, and word- Hollow; constables, Elrlc Ramsey, constables, Charles Ratobun, Harold of-mouth propaganda. Kansas city—In college 63 years Gray, LeRoy Kinney, Raymond moat of it or taken advantage of as The destruction of human life Albert Klhl; Braman Sibley‘""and h a n ^ be laid to have eseeaded that Fred Wormstedt; registrar of vot-r ago Basqqm Robbins mailed a pro­ Smith; registrar of voters, John N. of republican Rome. a lucky circumstance. If It had been 'wrought by the "flu” Is enormous. Bound Trucks on Tour ers to the first district, Pliny U. posal to EUa Lyen. Tbs reply an­ Hewitt; members of school board SCHOOL GIRLS’ SPECL arranged before, and played up as If it Is now to be beaten the World Eight motor trucks left Chi­ nounced her betrothal to D. M. Ken­ Mrs. Charles FiUmore, Mrs. A. W Amerioail Mode Bibbed or Plato The Roman RepubUc lasted until Colburn of Stafford Hollow; Agent nedy. Robbins ' married another has reason for gratitude to sclentlflc cago toe other day on a Re­ Hllding. Robert E. Foote acted aa class lines and luxury, brought spectacularly as possible. for the town deposit fund. Town girl- publican motor tour through Ull- QUALITY PAYS clerk, Harold L. Andrews; Harold chairman and Mrs. M. W. Hills as about something a good deal lOte It Is doubtful, however, that the research for another Immeaaurable nols, Minnesota. Michigan,. Iowa Since then, the mates of both secretary. W. Bruce chairman of the town have died. . modem Faadam. Then came the Incident will figure greatly during blessing. and South Dakota. The Demo­ The Democratic caucus was held FELT ROLLERS 8 9 c crats will have sound trucks, committee called the meeting. Her­ Recently, as secretary of\a hospi­ Monday evening, with the following Regularly 51.00, AH Colors. Xmpire, with an Its mag^oanM, tha'fomalnder of .the campaign. carrying speakers and some music.' bert A. West acted aa mi^erator tal, he sent her a copy of Its publi­ ticket named; Assessor, Maurice-J. power—and decay. Ur. Roosevelt Is banking very heav­ But these Republican trucks wlU DIVIDENDS and Attorney Joel H. Reed, 2nd waa cation. Replying abe bad ‘Isome- Keefe; board of relief, Ben Jones; It’s Time Now To Break- .e It la, we beUeve, something of a ily on the Western farm wn $ 3 — $3.5ci Mutual .\dmlratloh gars’’ who ask for a dime and In- committee and.^ Francis P. Murray affair of mlnutea iSwltaerUnd, as that the government does not pro­ Probably the Only currently pop­ all cushlona are removable makes it easy to recover, or slip cover pose to permit the Western plains alBC on telling how New Deal pol­ at any time. In homespun covers. acted as chairman and John J. Fitted Back Sport Coat an independent enUty. In tha aplrlt ular musician who once' played un­ icies made them what they are to­ Lynch was clerk. The Republicans to become empty desert, nor the der Victor Herbert’s toton Is Oeorgs day. Democrats insist these men if not for s4 of the time in pro- Hall, who leads an orchestra In New held their caucus In toe court room growers of the nation's bread to are In Republican pay and that so .while the Democrats met in toe ^dsely tha form of a oonatltuUonal York. His anecdotes of the immor­ ore. many barbers, hairdressers, republic, is venerable compared to starve—these dramatic products of tal Herbert are numerous, but one auditorium op the second floor. SWEATERS and bartenders hired to dissemi­ Notoe , the United States. the ^lltlcal sound-truck have Sud- he likes to recall Is the night the nate antl-New Deal monologs . In ■denty, .within the lest two weeks, maestro and he sat at a Saratoga their contacts with the public. > Mrs. Hfenry Defosse has returnM . I t {| if' misconception that the T ? n * '" \ to her home to Norwioh after spend­ faded into something very like still­ bar after a successful afternoon -at $ 4 . 5 0 - $ ( | 3 American cblonlsta ware tha ' first the track. Blackboards Spread "News” ing last week visiting with her sdn- ness. In-tow, and daughter, Mr. and-Mrg. people In ail the world to envlalon Herbert, Hall rflatM, loved good The Republican '"bTackbOard Ueantlme we get such after-sight beer and the Pilsner was line. To trick" has annoyed Democrats. EmiUtoPanciera of 6 rant_ayeiuWc^ a land of liberty. There have been of the aep sltuatltm as the follow­ add to the general gaiety, it was That's toe one where toe national Attillo Seraflii, manager at the , many free peoples throughout' the servcfl by a Ben Turplnlsb bartender committee provides blackboards Workers’ Oo-operativa store and $ 6 . 5 0 - $ 7 ing from the financial pages In the known centuriea Free, that la. In who was solicitous of Herbert’s wel­ for butchers which say prices Ernest Cote of WlUlngton avenue "back yard" of fare. the eoneept In which the^ people of aren’t high, but taxes are. TOese attended the Oo-operative Conven­ of Monday: Well, after delivering the fifth boards purport to show that when tion in Maynard, Mass., last Sun­ Men’s W onted I and this oountry were free when they pitcher, pouring the brew deli­ If any one Ulked about this you pay, for example, 45 cents a day In reference to the opcsoing of a It Isn't Altogether How COAT SWEATERS .... $4.00 adopted their ConsUtutlon; part of cately into the steins and holding pound for pork chops you’re pay­ Boston wholesale house. seasonis qjrops in terms other than the container agolMt the light.so them were free and took part In the political Implications of ing 30 cents.for meat and IS cents Miss Julienne Carlier and Miss we could see the lich' a.-nber, he for taxes. Helhn Schrler of Stafford recently ■/ Men’s Shaker SW EATERS \ f l A government, and part were not. shortage, It would he said that set It down ■ reverently, fixed his The only way pemocrats oon In white, nary and maroon ...... X ...... v a Rs UA/ were not free and tha Thursday’s go'vernmen _ l-^ra^poB—the—composer, -combat_tlUM-la -tn^have housewives Were negaflvely reassuring. Tak- Canada. sjj—^uch Money You women were not free and neither and asked, "Mr. Herbert, how's ask toe butcher to explain the tax •Ing the corn crop area as a whole, toe beer?" Item, wflich neither he nor anyone Michael Zuk a member of the New White U gh t W eight became f m until a war liberated August evidently by no means did Fine, my hoy," the Jovial lune- else tan do. . Uhlted Statea Navy baa returoed^to The Children S W E A T E R S ...... • «*eeeeaa«e e-h • • e $ ^ and a Constitutional change the damage that the dispatches smlth replied, ‘T don’t recall when Tb'tn there’s the device of send the Naval atatlon at Ne'wport. R- 3.00 gave poUUcal equaUty to the other. ■ h ^ seemed to' Indicate. it waa any better.’’ tog women around from., bouse to I., following a ten day furldugb at hla home on Tolland avenue. Have—lt'S What You Boys’ SMp-ou^ - A O. P. is ordering pamphlets . former resident of thla town who possession of it. But, put in a Sav- Eali-sten-iks Immortal Document came straight pert and not as a political writer. - . . "Blue Danube" la next and leaflets in enormous quahtl- died at her home In Monaon, Mara, OXFORDS Vtf Jakwwi la s -goiie haek-toB SniaUer newqpapera through the Etoat- street. Get The Habit of Depositing For Boys and Girls Sizes 12 Btatea was the-product of the com­ ■velt's puWetty bureau has been per­ oountry, for Instance,' receive j- Mr.-and Mra Frank T. Turcatte dlo City o n indication, tha to 3 '...... up bined wisdom and high purpoee at mitted to get away, so to epeafc, No. 1 txa offloe la Fred Astaire, cllpsbeeto, cortooh service with of Amherst, Maas., and Mr. and $4.50 $5.00 BLOUSES $4.00 mats, and Choflie MIchelson’a $ . “'$ a very able group of men who hM with murder In this matter of the who dickers there In ‘*w lng Time.' Mra Gaorgs Flehatte of Indian 1 00 1.15 weekly letter. Pamphlets - ore Orchard, Maas., were recent guest Regularly,, In been brad to the tradltloi|s of Uag- Immensely exaggerated drought. Pampered Pantos distributed to voters through state . of Mr. and Mra. A. Rooebueh of ?S:.. 89c “r'$1.10 SlzesStoS ...... $6.00 K n a Chorta and British constltution- A few of us went to the Intarna- headquortisn and county chair­ 4x6 Hand Hooked Ru]E[s ilI-75 ! Morton street. I ® . ^i|nm. They crystollaed and en- men and sometimes direct through ' Lawrence Paoclera of Westerly, tionml Polo Matches to watch Uiiass' precinct workers ^ i li^ *** those tradltlona. ' They KEPT THEIR HEADS elegantly groomed Argentines to oo* J 'R. I., has -been visiting for a few Democrats expect to distribute Tha filial touch that eomNetae a rvj#i..i«i room! And thaaa a very fltte Job. But they were Uon against such loeal favorites os between 10 anil 13 million .buttons,, I 'lays at toe hoiie ot Mr. and Mra. Osorge Andrew McMahon^ the Tomnw Hitchcock, - Pete B d s t^ k ore great big ruga meaeurtog four by olx feeC Moot of them o n j ■'-"mond Campo of High street. The Savings Bank os compared with fewer than nine Ci.H0USe”^S0N, npt gods, and their InqiiratloD bleak but imaglnaUve sorehead who end Wiaaton Oue^ Some of the to the rare medelMon type of pettezna Colore ere eoft end Mib> I ' r. and Mrs. Thomas Foley of million In 1053.. The official cam­ dued ee though by age. Made ehUrriy at rage and hand hooked INC. ^r.4>nuld need to have been godlike tf threw a pistol at the feet'lif King boys 'watched the matoh. Tour cor- paign book, primarily for speak­ ar AAANCHESTER CONM ' : Stafford Sprtoga. hotel ore ret^ondent toiteNd near tha stoUa through burlap. 514.50 t^ua. I -sndlna a few dajrs in New York ^ V 'tte y could have eavMoned even Bdward during a Ixmdon parade a ers and cqvortag. oU New Deal eeMenth of the change that bos' to learn something about equine phaeei,''ls'Miout 'raiidy. I ' vfa'ting with relatives. couple of months ago. drew a year etiquette, I ll&d that it to not so I ■ U;b. NclUe Lynch of Proqpect milkfntf |;ptan|NB their •ighteentb A ' million eoptss of the party to prison as hla sentence up%• Bow iMUrt office announced that throe towtaa^ fore the recent National convention WliUoiB Ml. H a r ^ Alaska Jna ...... 16% NPUt All profraiTM to koy and.hMlo chatoo or crouM cmlott opoct- BIG ALTESlA’n O N SALE OF FOREST FIRE of that party. However, be elected LANDON1^ BACK Local BepreaeolaHve AUeghisny ...... riiod: coast to coast (e to o) doslfTiattonsrtiiotuds mU aTaflabls stadona. Trumbull, Bethany and CSi^iin -*■ to nomtnate OOL Frank Knca, Uan- S P M WAR Ststiont rsBorvo fight ehangs programs without provious iiHlos. P. Me Bid Asked Allied CSiem ...... ‘.'.r.'.225 have Indicated the^ wont to vote on ^ NOW IN FULL SW m e ebastar and CSdcago publisher, for Cap. Nat Bk. and T^i 32 35 Am Can ....^.128% NBC-WBAP wta* wesh kyw whlo wfbr .wre obat: Hal Munro'a OrahaM h 'ik- UMsaaonal amount of rainfall, the Htfd. Conn. Trust .'i J' 77 83 Am Rad St S . .k,..'.. 4<3^ 6i3G-Pr«U. Radio N o..,, ____ ed for ‘ho parmit" The queatim Due^ti Popular worked his way through college, ...... 21)4 after the arrival of a Scandlnaviaa wpy when wcas wtam wwi wsai; Mid* '... Fall aeojon ^variably flndf Oonnec- Htfd. N at Bk. A Tr. 37 29 Am Smelt ...... 83 wsst) ksd wmaq wofl wbo wow wdaf* '4fSS— 6:$6^Btooball Sooroa —\rabo; for each in a town election win be the University o f Maine, and re­ (Oonttnoed from Page One) freighter fr6m BilMo. The war Bon Bofie Papular Songs—chain ’i tlmit voodlahda extremely dry fol- Phoenix S t Bk. A Tr, 260 — Am Tel and Tel .i,'., ...... 174% MIDWBST«""WOOd wlrs split Into three choices—"no per-' Demand We Are ceived honorary degrees' from «iulpment waa reported by inform^ NORTHWEST 4 CANADIAN — ^tRiJ 4 ^ 4 ^ 6;46»» Ranfraw of tn# Moimf ;W- lowlac the beat o f aummer, and Insoroiioe Stocks Am Tob B ...... 101 koo'Wilay'a Song Pain mlt,” "boar only" or “all liquors.” Dartmouth college and New Hamp­ •Thla- aplrit goea far beyond sources to have been shipped from/ wiba kstp wobc wday kfyr cret cter 6:16—. 6:16—Papaya, Skatioh — basib ;; there la eonaequently a aeiioiu dan- Aetna Casualty ...... Am Wat Wka ...... 24) J SOUTH — wrva wptf wwpc wavs wjaa Hartford Director Edward Repeating Our Big V (e r ot foreet fire outbreake, a etate- shire and Maine Universities. 'H e is partisanship and refiecta an aroused 108 Czechoslovakia by way 'of “ ' wfla-wsun wiod warn wmO Wab wapl To Bo Announetd—Dlzla dtizenry' determined to have Aetna F i r e ...... 61)4 Anaconda...... 40)4 wjdx wamb kvoo.wky wfaa wbap kpre 6:80— 6:30—Qooaa Craak Paraan ■aaat' Raevas o f the Did A ge ASalatanca ment from larger OocnectlcUt water married and has three children. The 68H burg, Germany.* . 6:46— 6:46—Bosks Cartar’a Commont Founltiin Pen truly representative government In Aetna Life ...... 31)4 Armour, ill...... 5)4 wool ktba ,kths waoo wtar wla Vose \ Bureau said checks sent each week aupply uUUtlee pointed out today family Uvea on a small farm three 33)4 Merchant ships from Francs wfbc * . 6UK>— 7d)0—Amarioan Cavalcado—to o Waahtn^on. AutomobUo ...... 34 36 Atchison ...... 80)4 1:80— 7:60—Burna and Allan Comady Connecticut persons 66 or more V while at the same time urging pub­ mUes from Concord. transferred loads of food andjaiip- MOUNTAIN^koa kdyl katr kphl ktar 10 are in need of help reached the Offer! “Every day Americans at every Conn. General ...... 89)4 Auburn ...... 30)4 PACIFIC—kfi kpw komo Khq kM kgu 7:00— 8:OOKffKeataianatt Dane#—to o lic co-operatlcm In the matter of Returns from 379 of the state's A-vlatloir Corp ...... pilea to govemment-domlpatMl cit­ 7:30— iilO ^C om o On Lat'a Sing—to • • 10^)00 mark last week. preventing such fires and the de- 395 precincts ga-ve Bridges 40,055 atop emphatically voiced their en­ Hartford Fire ...... 71% 73)4 6)4 ies In anticipation of Foscl^- at­ Cant. Esat. '* 1:00— 9:00—Tha Gang BiiatarS'—to ...... Hartford Steam Boiler 80 83 Balt and Ohio ...... 24% Jack Armstrong, Skttch 8 :8 0 - 6:30—Tha March o f Tima—to • London — A New London Watch Tomorrow’s strucUon of valuable timber. votes, to 38,497 for Moses and 3105 thusiasm. Their attitude la proof Bendlx ...... tempts to establlah a sea biodcada Si4S"- 4:4^Natfonal Amstsur, Qoif i:46— 9:46—Jack Shannons tho Tanor \ ' J National Fire ...... 66 68 ...... 29)4 along tha coaat. / county Grand Jury brought in a The plea for public co-operation la for Callahan. wa are moving forwnrd to victory Beth Steel ...... 4:0(^ S:0(^Flying Tims Advsoturs 6:00—10:00—Clyda Luoaa A Orohoatro PboAilx Fire ...... ; 85)4 87)4 ...... 69% 4 :fSa- 6t15"-"Nsws; Clark Osnnit, Song 9:3^ 10:30—Geo. Qtvet Radio Clroua true DlU Indicting LesUa B. Be- Paper! made ly the water companies chief­ Major Francis P. Murphy, wealthy In November.” Borden ...... (Fasdsta have wame 8:aS*BsssbAll by Pord Bond— east: Geota Crtek Parson—w. rpt. charge oK first dagrea murder In ’ own. large ’ boldlnn of thickly tlm. the Republican guberlatqrisl nom­ In ten rear platform appearances Travelers '...... 640 565 ...... 12)4 before Insurgent war^ps lay a woat: Dorothy Paso, Song8"-chaln 10:30—11:30—8, Cummins A Orohotfra Case (J. I.) ...... 1 4 8 11:00—12tOO—Organ, Orch., Clroua—w connectionX^th. the death of Felix $ tered watershed, but It is also aim' ination in bandy fashion from Billot yesterday and last night, Landon PlibUo UUUty Stocks blockade of mines bmOre harbor 4l48~ 6t4S^0llly A Batty—wsaf only: Cerro De ,p a a ...... 63)4 Thrta Ssampa—chain Perkins, 1 8 ,^ s o o f Waterford, vriio ed to safeguard all OonnecUeut for* A. Carter, also a Nashua manufac­ entrances. The ^lallata have Srt)0— 6:00"^Amos 'n* Andy—east only NBC-WJZ (BLUE) NETWORK aiwailed “ Federal Interference" with X Cornu L t and Pow. 76 Cbes and Ohio ...... 6 6 % waa shot laatXjuIy while resisting a QUINN’S ests, private and public. The wam- turer. The vote In 379 of the 205 farm production. CJonn. Power ...... 54)4 also declared their Atention to es­ Stlft— 6:1S^Unela Ears Radio Station BASIC — East: wja wbt*wba6 wbal Chrysler ...... 1 1 3 6:30—F. Parkar—waaf wmaq wham kdkit warar wxyz wlw wayr wmal service atsdlonXholdup. t m l|;lng of forest fire danger follows a predncta waa Murphy 39,437, Car­ Htfd. Elec. L t ...... 69 tablish mine blockadea.) The governor will’ devote a few OOca Cola ...... 121 8:4S~ 6:46—Edwin C. Hili, Commont w(ll waby webr: Mldwaat: wcky wenr New Britain-^iaa <3raca Milton summer which has seen several dis­ ter 25,613. Hartford Gaa ...... 47 ■An attempted Svolt In tha gov­ 6:00— 7:00—Ona Man's Famiiy—toe wla kwk koU wtan wm^q kao days'to rest before resuming bla Col (3arbon ______.....1 2 3 of Wampanoag ateexad low gross Fred MacMurray and Jock Oakia as tkey appear, first aa bandits, astrous Ifiazes In other states. A fire So. New England ... 158 ernment garrisonr at Bilbao .was end­ 6:30* 7:3(^W ayna King's Orehaatrd MIDWEST—wmt wol Gaa and Elec ...... 20 7:00— 6:00—Cei A. Budd% Amataura NORTHWEST A CANADIAN — wtlK| honors in the Class it division In the and than as peace officers. In the film epic "The Texas Itongsra", stort­ Drug Store in New Jersey took several Uvea, IN NEW YORK ed speedily by/exetutlon of 62 6 :0 0 - 9:00—Tha Parada of Hits—to e wiba katp wabo wday kyfr orct ctc( Governor’s three children returned Haanfactnrlng Stocks Coml Solv ...... 15% one day tourney of the Connecticut while In Rhode Island OCC workers Albany, N. Y., Sept. I . . - ( A P I - Saturday from Estea Park, Colo., belHous officers. .. 6:00—10:00—dolly Coburn Oroheatra— SOUTH—wrva wptf wwtto wla w jaz ing todgy at thS/Btata theater for four dayaT Ks:.; dispabfiied to fight a forest confia- Acme W ir e ...... 46 Cons Edison ...- ...... 42 raat: Amos Oi* Andy—wait rapeat wfla-waun wiod warn wmo w*b wapl State Women’s Golf tesoclation at J ' Regular Republican and Democratic where they spent tha aummer. Cons Oil ...... The officers, diplomatic dlapaU f!S(^lD:S(^~Nawai Crawford at Organ wjdz wamb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpro the Shuttle Meadow Country Oub. gration barely escaped with their Am. Hardware...... 35)4 . . . ; . 1 2 % 10:00—11:00—Henry ^Bussa'a Orehastra woal ktba ktba waoo wave woao wfbo — ------— ------g...... votes smothered the bopee today of Friday, the nominee will addren Cont Can ...... 71 ea decIarecL'attcmpted to lead She complied a score oit 40-44-84. Uvea py walking down the bed of Townsend and Coughlin candidates Arrow H and H, com. 6 8 % 10:3(^1i:30>r*'Lights Out" Melodrama MOUNTAIN—koa kin kaltr krhl ktar Rugate of Bridgeport la the preal- a National conference of Young Re­ Com Prod ...... soldiers, MO civil guards and PAC.—kgo kfsd aez ksa kieca kjr. kya A field of 92 competed X^or the Men’s brook, from which they emerged who sought 13 o f New York's 45 Billings and Spencer . • 2 % ...... 65 CB^WABC NETWORK dehL publican leaders. Bristol Brass ...... ,.. 64 Del Lack and Weat ..-. Rassault /guards through the gov­ Cent. East. prizes. ' badly singed and blackened. A sert- Congressional nominations in the ...... 19% BASIC—Batti wabo wade woko wcao New Ha)^en—State High school Underwear. In High Splrita Collins Co...... 110 Du P o n t ...... ernment'lines to join the Fascist 3:30— 4:30^The Singing Lady—eaat New Haven—Trustees of thq New oua fire on Cape Ood cut off automo­ fall primary...... 169)4’ forces. / wnab wnac wgr wkbw wkro whk wjr 3:46— 4:46—Orphan Annie—aaat only football coaches will meet here Fri­ The nominee returned from hla Colt’s Pat. Firearms.. 47% Elec and Mua ...... 6% wdre wcau wjaa wean wfbl wspd wjsv: 4:00— 6:00—News; Animal News Club Haven railroad announced tho, $3,- TOPCOAT Alieifi-A Union Si bile traffic between Hyannls and Eugene D. Crooker, won In New The plot was discovered, the offi­ MIdweati wohm wfbm kmbo kmoz day night following a dinner. Falmouth, forcing several motorists New England awing In high aplrlta. Eagle L o c k ___ . '. . . . 25 Elec Auto Lite ...... 41 4:15— 6:16— Mldga WIMIama In Seng 076,000 three per cent equipment York's 43nd Congressional Dlstrlc.t cers Xxinvictod o f treason at sum­ wbaa kfab krnt 4:30— 8:3<^Pfeaa*Radlo Newe Period trust certificates have been awi ' Spcciail L'Sr to abandone their cars and fiee for At Kansas City, London bade good­ Fafnlr Bearings ..... 100 Gen Elec ...... 45)4 EAST— wpa whp wheo wlba wfea as both a Republican and Townsend- Gen Foods ...... mary court martlals, and the eXe- 4:36— 5:36—The Revelers—w ji onlyt ed to a Boston ayndicate niana_ $14.93 ' $1.50 Grade.. ’ ' their lives. ite. His opponent waa Anthony bye to his fHend and confidential Gray Tel Pay Station 19% 21)4 ...... 38)4 wore wfoo efrb ctcao wlbz wmaa w e if Caittea of Romance, Vocal—chain STABS' MOTHER ILL $1.21 Oonhectlcut's record In reduction adviser, Lacy Haynes, who left the Hart and C M e y _____ 160 _ Gen Motors . V...... 6 6 % cuMons by firing squads followed. DIXIE—wgat wafa wbro wqara wdod 4:46— 6:46—Lowall Thomaa — east: by WblUng, Weeka A Knowles, Inc.,' Grade $ 1 2 . 9 5 Short sleeve, ankle length Fitzgerald, a supporter of the Na­ President Roosevelt’i finger, pressing a button In Washington, Gillette ...... / (Copyright, 1936). klra wreo wlao wwl wtoo arid ktrh Orphan Annie—repeat to midwest subject to the approval of tbe Inter­ o f forest fire, losses has been greatly tional Union for Social .lustloe. train to drive to hla home In Bon­ Ladders, Frary A Slk. 46)4 48X ...... 14)4 6:00— 6:00— Eaey Aeea, Skit—fiiao cat 2 buttonKin-shoulder styh loosed the torrents of water seen pouring from the outlets M o w Gold Dust ...... ktaa waeo koma wdbo wbt wdaa wblg state Commerce Commission and \6 reenwich. Sept. 18.— (A P )— Two $18.50 Improved In recent years, but fires Crooker will oppose Rep. James M. ner Sprlnks, Kaa. A crowd was Boulder Dam at the rate of 3,800,000 cubic feet a second. Visible In Mann A Bow, -Class A 7 9 ...... 13)4 wdbj wwva wmbg wsja wmbr wala 6:15— 6:16—Presidential Pell—baalo Hershey ...... k fk o wcoA wemo wnox kwkh :30— 6)30—Lum A Abner—east only the Federal District Court. The motion picture stars, Frank and .Grade $ 1 5 J 5 Still break out, luvaiiably as the ro- Mead, Democrat, In November. gathered at the tracks despite the do., Oass B ...... __ 2 ...... 60 J:46— 6:46— Mario ConI'a Sonp—ba- this remarkable aerial view are the 12 dam outlets, six on the Hudson Motors ...... M i d w e s t —w d wmbd wisn wibw km bid was 100.272 with tbe average RalM Morgan, webe at their III " suit of carelesraess. Bonfires of Two other backers of the *200-a- fact only ah operating atop was New Brit Mch., com. 32% 844 ...... 16) wamk wkbn wcce wsbt ksej wnz woo ale; Poll Repeat—wtam wood $22.50 Williams Brothers Nevada side and six on the Arizona side. (Constructed at a cost of Int Harv ...... 6:00— 7:00—Wllile A B|igene Howard Interest cost of tbe issue approxi­ moUier'a bedside today after a hasty V fallen leaves and other debris may month pension rah fairly close races scheduled and cheered as Landon $168,000,0.00, Boulder Dam, man’s most ambitious effort to harness do., pfd...... 100 ______77 wpwo mately 2.07 per cent. Grads spread fliunes to nearby timber If Int Nick ...... 6:10— 7;30—Lavander and Old Laos flight by airplane from HoUywood, $ 1 9 . 9 5 Shirts and Draweil for Congressional nomination In smiled and waved. / nature, will supply power and water to 30,000,000 acres. This North and Judd . . . . . 39 )4 41) M O U N T^kvor kla kob kal kgvo kfbb 7:00— 8:00—Tereantanary at Harvard Calif. \ ^ . started on a windy day or If the per- Int Tel and . Tel ...... COAST—khj kola kfro kol kfpy kvl 8:00— 0:00—The Parade of Hits—to o Middletown—Roland Fortin of western New York, but their defeat Before leaving hlw train, Gover­ photo was made from a Richfield Oil (Company plane. Peck, Stow A Wilcox 15% IT) % EYES EXAMINED — GLASSES PITTED Slight Qulrge for Any Regnhur 69c. .n, son burning the rubbish does not waa almost .certain. Russell Mfg. Co...... 34 39 'Johns Manville ...... 14 kfbk kmj kwg kem kdb kgmb kipb 9:00—10:00—Newt} Ink Spots Quartat Middletown waa acquitted by a Su­ Their ‘mother, Mrs. Josephine nor Landon said no arrangements Kermecott ...... jr,., Cant. Bast. 9:16—10:16—John B. Kannady—aaat; perior (tourt jury oo a eluugo of Wuppermot), 84, wealthy president Altering During Sale. N o w i ...... o y i ' guard the fire and see that it Is com­ They were Emmet J. Larkin, op­ bad been made for 4 visit with Her­ X Scovll Mfg. Co...... 43 45 49 Praeldantlal Pell Repeat—west SmsB WseUy Psymenta pletely extinguished with water or Lehigh Val Coal ...... 3:16— 4:16—Vanida Jones and O ^an 1:30—10:30—Carl Ravazza Orehaatrp breach of peace In connection'with of the AngOa^a-Wupperman com­ Two few $L10. posing John L. Beyer in a Democra­ bert Hoover. Before starting for total gross expenditures of last year Standard Screw ....-1 6 0 160 2 % 6:30— 4:80—Buddy Clark Song Prog. sand before leaving It Clgarets tic fight, and Clare Barnes, oppos­ by $121,776.48. Stanley W orks ...... 51)4 63) Lehigh Val R oad ...... 10:00—11:0O^8hahdor with Hit Violin the stoning o f an automobile duitog pany. Was remrted “very lU” at her Maine Landon i^ d he hoped to con­ 17)4 6 :4 ^ 4:46—WlldarnsM Road, Serial 10:00—11:06—A1 Donahue A Oroheatra a . Remln^n-Rand strike disturb­ v dropped carelessly in the woods or ing Rep. Daniel A. Reed, veteran OPENjTORUM Llgg and Myers B . . . 105% 4:00— 6:00—George Hall A Oroheatra 10:30—11:30—L. Romanalll’a Oroheatra ■ Greenwich boi^ of a heart ailment RICHARD STONE fer with the yx-presldent on Hoo­ Increases in wages, being con­ Torrlngton ...... l o i 103 ance July 22. The Jury deliberated Cooper’s thrown froiU an automobile Into Buffalo Republican. '' sidered by the selectmen, may In­ Union Mfg. Co...... 7 )4 s ) Loew*a ...... 59% Attending her are Doctors B. O. o m o u N ver’s return lyest from New York. 13 minutes. Parker of Greenwich and Lewla , leaves and brush along the roadside Tipnmany demonstrated vitality crease thle year*! budget above that U S Ehivelope, c o m .., 80 — Lorillard 22)4 Peggy Anne, the govem or’a 19- 11:30—Benny Goodman’s Orches­ Blsbw and Alexander Lambert of sVBb #» INFBBVIMIf VpVOmSBTMS . Jockey Shorts are a serious menace, since they against Independent opponents In submitted by Mr. Waddell. do., pfd. ^...... ,.1 2 6 _ McKeesp Hn 88 Crom-well—AU o f the officers of year-old daughter, met the special KITCHEN tra. New 'York. continue to glow long after being New York City, apparently nomi­ The tentative budget calls for In­ Veeder Root ...... 100 104 Mont Ward .. 48)4 the Funeral Directora. Aaabclation T tS B Ia h iS l VeL4T3S With or Without L cii at Lawrence and joined her father OPERATING BUDGET Tomorrows Prograni discarded. nating William F. Brunn president creases In appropriations, for 11 de­ Whitlock Coll Pipe .. 4)4 6 ) Nat Else ___ 30% WTIC of CtonnectiCut were re-tiected at Her actor sona arrived laat night Regular 60c. i Watershed timber represents on the ^ a l 30-mlIe dash home. FREEDOM A. M. the 48th annual convention. A. Leo o f the Board of Aldermen and three partments and for state, county mili­ J- B. WiUismis cjo. .. 38 45 Nat Cash Reg 25) 4 Travalera Broadcasting Servlee. 7:00—ETA ALPHA PROGRAM— and Immediately rushed to her aide. large Investment on the part of the judges. Nat Dairy ..» N ow ...... 0 9 1 tary and Old Age Assistance taxee, Mlacenaneoua__ , 26) 4 Hartford, Oonii. ColUn Driggs, Organiat “‘ -in t e r Utilities. Timber raising...is — PracUcally-nU Congressmen end REALLY INCREASED totaling $24,428.14; and decreaees In Nat Dlstm .. r « . . . 29)4 Kellogg’s Com Flakes open the 50JKM) W. IMO K. O. 282K H. ' about the only means that the utlU- Chapman Valve .... 25 27 7:30— Shoppers Special — 1st Soe-. Legislators came through the pre­ INDUSTRY IS SNENT five appropriations, totaling $184, N T Central ...... 44 door to leisure—-save hours for tlon. ' ties have o f obtaining soma financial Conn. Invest M gt ... 3 )4 4 ) (Eastern DayUght lime.) AtWetic SHrts; liminary test One exception waa 428.14. The total- of decreases In­ NT NH and H ...... 4)4 things you like to do. Every* 7:45— ^Newa Bervicu. __ .eturn on their Inveatment In land Rep. Richard JiTonry o f the Eighth Elec Steam Sterilizing 2 3 North Am cluded a drop In the appropriation ••••.... 31)4 body loves th'eir crisp, delicious 8:00—^Treasure House. Reffolftr 50c. Q Q surrounding their reaervoirs, since New York City District, apparently ON IDLE INSURANCE Appropriations in 11 De­ Gt. Lak. Stmshp. Co. 44 47 Packard Wednesday, Sept. 16 that land muat be kept acrupulously for temporary notes, less this year King Seeley Corp ... 11% 13) ...... 12)4 flavor, and they’re ready to 8:15—Shoppers Special — 2nd Sec­ ]^^OW • a a • • •••eA’As* •- beaten by Donald L. O'Toole tor the by $125,000 Uian it waa last year. F^nn ...... 38% P. M. tion. clean to avoid pollution of the drink- Democratic nomination. Sanborn Map ...... 100 _____Phlla Rdg aerve. No cooking.. Get Kel­ (Oontinned from Page One) With the exception of the de­ ...... 2 % 4:00—Harry Buaae’S Orchestra. 9:00—Morning Variety. Ing .water auppV- The treea are scl- B. -Harold Cluett, wealthy collar-^ partments Increased — Sparta Foundry 1... 23 25 Phil Pete ...... 40)4 logg’s today at your grocer’s 4:80—Gene Arnold’s Ranch Boys. ™ :entiflcaUy planted to produce good, manufacturer and insurgent Repub, crease for temporary notes, the ten­ Sylvanla Indus...... 30 32 9:30—L a n y Vincent. tative budget, .dlafegardlnjg what­ Pub Serv N J ...... <5)4 —oven-fresh. Made by Kellogg 4:45— Noraganaett Special. 9:45—Rhythmic Melodies. B .V .D .’s -iatral^Mlmber-tirthe-greateet poa- Mean designee fo r the 39th Dlstrti Workora sent^uitaide-tb» atata by Taylor-Colquitt ... 42 44 Radio employers shall also be covered. ever action the selectmen may take ...... 10% in Battle Creek. 6:l5—Program from New York. 10:00—Betty and Bob. The Modern Trend Is Towards InV[^ aible abundance. Watershed forests Republican nomlnattpu, defeated Query Is Answered. Utah-Idaho Sug. <3om. 2% 3 ) Readln, [ilare theijefore more valuable thsia The Quallflofttlons on wages, Includes decreases in ap­ ...... 47)4 6:30—Jack ■ Armstrong—The All- 10:15— Modem Cinderella. Carlton J. King. A Townae^ite New York Bank and las. Stocks Rem F ^ d ...... 19% a * • a oO«-S •<« • 9 5 woodland growing naturally. Thou- alao loat In this race for the s u t o f To qualify for benefits, the work­ propriations for operating expenses American Boy. 10:30—John K. Watklna — Who’s Bank of New Y o rk .. 505 615 Rey 'Tbb B ...... 6 6 % Nothlag takM Iht plan of Who In the News. ; Bands of new trees are set out,each the late Rep. William Thomas' Re­ er must be employed not less than of $9418 and increases of $24,428.14, Bankers Trust ...... 70 72 5:45—“Dick Tracy.” Editor for a net increase of $16,010.14...... S afety Stores . . . . a . . . . 30 10:42—Bett]r Crocker. ^ year. Increasing the value of the publican. three weeks by the last employer Chase .;r;r; 7T..7 ;7 46 48 6:00—WrlghtYlUe Clarion...... and not las* than 26 weeks of "the Manchester Herald ScheSley Dia ...... 44)4 6:15—A. B. McGlnley on Sports. 10:48—Hymns of All Churches. Cooper Athletic _ timber stands.. The watersheds are No United Statea State Senatorial Manchester, Conn. Chemical ...... 66 68 Sears Roebuck ...... wreU-guarded against trespassers, prevldua two years by employers ...... 86 6:30—News. 11:00— Blue Flames. nomlnatlona were- decided. Guber­ Dear Sir: TO PAT TURK PRISONERS X Central Hanover .. 133 134 ^ e ll Union ...... IJhfan hut a clgapet filcked from an auto­ natorial nomlneea will be chbaen at subject to the A c t ...... 21)4 6:46—Pat and Don, Harmony Duo. 11:15—Hartford Tuberculosis and One Lot Hen's Of course, we are all very much FOB ENOINEE^Dfa WORK Continental ...... Ig 20 Yocony V a c ...... 13% C O R N r u u o M Public Health Program — Dr. Regular $1.00. mobile may result in the destruc- ataate conventlona, -> The worker “must be capable and Com Exchange ...... 66 68 7:00—Amos 'n' Andy. available for employment but unable interested In the proposed reduction louth Pac ...... 41)4 Charles C. Wilson, "School Health NoV • ease asa.* # V 9 . Uon of acre upon acre ot treea be- In addition to Cole and Mead, First National ...... 2140 2170 South Rwy ...... 7:15— Uncle Eizra's Radio Station. L^^fore tha blaxe can be axthigulahed. other Congteiialonal tncumbanta who to obtain employment." In the tax rate. Howevef, In the ar­ Ankara, Turkey (AP)—Iron-fist­ 2 2 % 7:30—“Unaolvad Mysteries.” Program for Ckiming School SHIRTS ed Dictator Kamal Ataturk, the Guaranty T rost ...... 862 867 St Brands ...... 15% Year." defeated the Townaeml and Cough­ He shall not be denied compenaS- ticle I have before me, I note that Irving ...... 15 17/ 7:45—“CJount of Monte Cristo.” tlon becauke of refusal to accept ' a “Grey Eagle of Turkey,” believes In St Gas and El ...... • a . . 6 11:30—The Chicagoans. Fancy Patterned and White lin forcea were Bertrand H. Snell, the “tentative operating budget for Manhattan . ; ...... 32 34 St Oil Cal ...... 8:00—Gne Man’s Family. Houae minority leader; Francia D. position where a strike, lockout or hard work—with pay—for his coun­ ...... 36% 12:15—Joseph Muscatello, aongs; Sizes Q Q ^ M en’ s COUZENS, JO SE S LOSE labor dlsputa exists. ____ the fiscal year ending August 16. try’s con-vlcts. Manufact Trust .... 61 68 St Oil N J ...... 60% T h u r s d a y 's ■>6:80—Wayne King’s Grebestra. A1 White, pianist _ _ CuIklD, Bart Lord. Jamea W.-Wada- National City Bank . 41 -43 ' 9:00—Got. Stoopnagle and Bud. .14 to 17 ...... 9 0 C He ahan not get beneflta If he Is 1937 will effect a saving of about His latest scheme calls for the Tex C o r p ...... 37% 12:30—Tho Ad-Uner. / worth and Walter O. Andrews, all New York ...... 142 144 10:00—Your Hit Parade. eligible for workmen's compensation $114,276." I would be roost grate­ employment of 6,000 convicts, work­ Timken Roller Bear ...... 64% 12:55—Connecticut Produce Market --- - IN STATE PRIMARIES Republicans, and Alfred F. Belter, Publlo ...... 48 / 51 1 1 :01—News. ------jChart sho.^ng .growth oj S2S DemocraL or gets old age assistance from the ful If you would have your M r Mar­ ing In twenty gangs of 300 each, on Trana America ...... 13 % Bulletin. 'Xlaotria TlUe ...... 10 / Specials at 11:15—Jolly Coburn’s Grehestra. Eiectrie Aldeii White and slate. / tin, who la soon to become, a select­ a $1,650,000 engineering feat which 1 1 % Union Carbide ...... 05% 1:00—Matinee Memorias. , / Union Pac ...... 11:30—Jess Crawford, organist. electric cooking iii Man­ Bongea New Fall Patterned (OooHniied from Page One) IN »nOHIOAN He shall not receive benefits for man, explain In your valued columns will transform lofty Ankara Into a Insurance ...... 137 1:30— Academy of Medicine Pro­ Unit A ir c r a ft...... 12:00—Weather Report. Detroit, Sept. 1$—(AP) — Wil­ the first month of unemployment whether this really Is a reduction In seaporL American (Newark) . 13)4 15% ...... 26 gram. American Reserve ... Unit Corp ...... ert B. Greenwood and Thomas ber Marlon Brucker, 42-year-old However, If jobleaa, he ahall re­ ■'the operating budget." Ataturk’s capital is located on 26% 27% . * . . . . . r 7)4 Tomorrow^ Program 1:45— Doris Kerr, songa. chester from 1929 up to C. O'Brien, polling In all more than ceive compensation thereafter dur­ I, of course, am at this writing American Surety .... 66% 6 8 % Unit Gaa Imp ...... 16) EverybodyV A. M. 2:00— Et _ casts, the Music Appreciation Hour, $4.95 Value $ 4 . 4 9 ^ ley (D) and former State'Treasurer the fact the Senator annoimced hla 855 Main Street ‘ Rubinow BoUdinff 1:15—Market Report. Work Shorn.. ‘ John W . HaJgla (R ) were nominated 2 2 5 ^ ^ 1:30—Charles Stenroaa’ O rcheat^ in atarting another season under Eyeiy home on bur lines is entitled to an Electric support for President Roosevelt ■•k for governor without opposition. only three weeks before the primary ’‘WHERE. THRIFTY SHOPPERS SHOB” „ 3:00—Program under the auspices tb« direction of Dr. Walter Doin- roach, is moving to an afternoon Men’a ' . Mrs. Edith Nourse Rogers of and made no effort to promote hla - —...... Conning of the WPA. Franklin New Fall Lowell won the Republican renora- candidacy, 2:15—“COncer Control."—M . H. achedule aa far as tbe eastern and ■ Ination for United States Repreaen- Murphy waa making almost a Thursday SPECIALS Thursday PEACHES! Griswold. M. D. central time zdnea are concerned. Range under our liberal Trial and Purchase Plans. If:; tatlve In the Fifth Oongressional walkaway ot hla contest with 2:20—Aeolian Trio—Herbert An­ Tha time wiU be 2 p. nt. ' W ork P ants OXFORDS ... DjaW et from a field o f four.___ ^ Welah. With retui^ _from ^,178 derson, Director. Blacka or Browns - .-i '- The dean of the Maaaachusetta pthetheta had been counted7 YHV €OOL WEATHER SUGGESTIONS 2:30—Carol Dels with Orchestra. Tuning In tonight: Wing Tips - Plain L.Oongreaalonal delegation. United former Detroit mayor had 100,559 XheliinCof 6 9 . 16 qt^bskt. — 8:00—Pepper—Younga Family. ■WEAF-NBC, 6:15—Uncle Bara; |1.59VldM . . $ 1 s 3 9 CENTER OUT Statea Representative Allen T. votes and Welsh 64,103. Included 3:15—^Ma Perkins. 7— One Man’s Family; 8—Col. and and Dress Oxfords Treadway, defeated Milton Bradley, were 200 Detroit predncta that gave r r PORK CHOPS B e l i e v e m e 3:80—Vic and Bade; Budd; 9—Hit Parade (alao WJZ- $2.69 Value . . $ 2 . 3 9 Regular $3.95. f t O 4 ^L^ownaend and Union. Party candl- Murphy 22,163 and Welsh, 7,940. 8:45—The O’NetUa. NBC); 10:80— Jeosa Crawwford, T R I A t P L A N '.date, for. the Republican renomina- Tfi the DemociatlQ Senatorial m a to M i . PURCHASE PLAN N ow ...... CHOICE OUT B yoa bavs to sbaoa b i b e d , og organ; ll;30-:Ligbts Out. ...“ tlon. Ah an opponent for Tread- contest, Rep. Prentiss M. Brown, of WABC-CBS, . 7— Cavalcade of $2.96 V^ne .. aiasMai $5.00 Grade. JCi Way In the election, Dmocrats In the St. Ignace waa leading Louis’ B. SIRLOIN OR CUBE . APPLES! . ■ ■ -^ Ward, endorsed by the National Just lev yo n ca n g e t « qn id L America; 7:30—^ui(Ba and AUen; Yoa CAB have the uae of a modem electric range Visit your local dealer, sdeet the model that best Sius 29 to 50 .Waiata. Now...... First Congressional district chose 8 - ^K6sfeIimetx'iDance; 8;80—Let’s' --' Owen Johpaon,. the novelist. Union for Social Justice, 65,980 to STEAKS clean shave wtfli a Sdhtok Shaver. for a whole year wlthoot any rental charge. 47,240 in 2,176 prd:lncts. WDRC Sing; 9—Gang Busters; 10:80— suits your needa, make a small idown payment (as .. Returns in ^ ostp Congressional Benny Goodman Or^estra. contests trickled In slowly. Governor FYank D. Fitzgerald lb. There's so xneMineH) fax yon use -If you no longer want yoor preeent stove, we will^ little as $5.00 in many eases) and he will install the piled up a margin o f nearly 800,000 PORK BUTTS 4 ^ 236 Hartford, Oonn. ■ U80 WJZ-NBC. 6—Easy Acea; 7- ■ -O 'B rien’s stickera were dtatribut- take it in place of any installation charge or deposit- votes over R os^ C. Fiteh for the \ NO LATHER. J e n oaxmot cot (B u to m OayUglit Time.) WUUa and Eugene Howard; 7:80— eiectrie range in your k itte n . Mmitlily payihents Boys’and Children’s SHOE! ed with the aid o f state upits of the Lavender and Old Lace; 8^ H a r- In caoe yon hrlsh to retain yoor iwesent stove, the National Union for Social Justice. Republicam guliematoriai nomina­ yonzaalL k r b has N O BLADES. Great Scott Oxfords Si: tion. Country Roll O ^ Smoked or Fresh 1 _ (fiiaae 6 Banbom vard Tercentenary concert; 10— can be made over a four-year period and are payable Regular $2.96. Sizes 1 to 6. V T h e use ; Gtev. H. Styles Bridges the RepubU- than either tha Republican and rtKB g lS M tration at Northweatem; 3:80—^Dr. • • , * bead 7:00—Lee WUey. nomination fo r tha Upper Houae Democratic ' paiitea, late returns S iw in q — Glenn Frank Constitution Day Talk; Pipf Corigreas. FRUIT/' SPECIALS BAKERY 7:15-r-Popeye the SaUor. 4:30—(Constitution Day drama. 1 0 % OPT . M en’ s Socl from yaatardaya Wlaconain primary 7:30—The Goose Creek P'areon. Electric O >oki^ is cheaper now than ever l>efore under the Electric Home Rate. W illiam J . CkUlalian, 72-year-old election Indioated today. WJZ-NBC, 8:30 a. m.. 1;M and 3 ------Cooper Mads nd candidate, a poor third. Ruiiifuwl ii pia% 7:45—Boake Carter. Almost from the start of the tabu- M. WIOR p. m., Harvard Teroenteiiaiy: 12:30 . MeINTOSH ROCKY FORD 8:0O.,-Cavalcade of America. ’ 25c€Stade, f t l A i - Townsend candidates were fkr latloti, the 89-yaar-oUI gOTemor’s BekbiF Posodee, flris psrtet 1 ______GRAPEFRUIT JEWELER —Farm and Homa Hour; 4—Oper- An ci^er Itenii Not lind the leaders. alao be osed In dafly (b ssisn Hmo APPLES MELONS CERTO! 8:30—George Bums and Grade Al­ etto, "Trial By Jury." 5 pair-TT'^^i. eP 1 aM- vote total aurpasaad that of the two 999 Main S t Near Maple St len—Ekldy OuchUi’s Orchestra. •Y . a ; ^ ’ Moaea, unwilling td concede de­ Democrats who sought to oppeaa and ^ fanprose flayer and tsKtma. Some Thursday short waves: 35e Grade, bt yasterday’a primary even in So. Manchester '9:00—Chesterfield Presents —Andre Otherwise Marked him in November. Today, with new 3 fo r 2 5 c Koatelanetz’s Orchestra, Ray 'TPA3 2«45 p. mu—^Piano^jGoncert; 4 pair face of odds be could not over- bateto of Milwaukee returns biking 5 lb s. 2 5 c J f o r 2 5 c GSP OSD KSC London, 6—Gypsy ne, left Manchester early t o ^ 2 0 « Heatherton, f b y Thompson and tha totals, ha pulled ahead -of the sonfllCa, etc.; in prepaeiug esfabags, eanU- O v.tM .S Rhythm Singers. Music; DJD Baiiln, 0:l^ M o^ ea T K e '. hla home in Concord. Manchester-Eleclfic Division vote polled by two Republicans In a w AOmU of tha new time and'9:15—Variety : W m onlx oomment to requests tor flosme. bsacBoU, and oOiar vagahibiM; to '<;0— PalmoUve Community Bing. close contest >' *tandaa* sod tnugiwe flascr in baaf or Sliced • Rye Butter RoDed- Wen FiUed - 9 0 10:00 '“Gang Busters” — PhUUpa musical; Madrid, 7— CbUdran's 1 was; “Not yet, not yet," With 2,597 o f the etata’a 2,938 PORK & BEANS! 1 program; YV2RC Caracas, 8:45— comncnoui ;.ln 1983, Fred Brown, a Democrat pork Bose. Lsani all alioiit Umbs *Nevr . Raisin Bread iTord. , , . m pownt oonpAifr ^MfinoU reported. LaFtfilette had COFFEE RINGS Jelly Doughnuts , «:J0—March of Time,’ Melodies; GSF GSF «GSC London, 'aated Moaea’ 14 years of aarv-^ S r i l M K . 158,074. . Dee^^—send post card ragoeBt flor Free 10:45—Jack Shannon. 10—Satire, “Panny Colored"; GIRO 4 tbfijhaiata- la that tbne ha the other gubernatorial con- eeggr of the Bear Dw Cook Boot; to lo a f cans .11:00—Sport Review. CJKX Winnipeg, 13:00—Orchaotra raflatra that brought taats, tha vote was: T b b B q m r b d O oM aa m B dK fdbd, R. L 1 2 c e a c h t l ^ C doz. s i i \ v i : i s 917 Main Strsat promlntnea. His 11:05—News Service.’ and aololats; JVH Tokyo--Overseaa Democrat 2,681 predncta: WU- U:i& —Clyda Liucaa* Orcbeatra, program. ■-. ■. ‘‘. .J > '.t;> '.;3vv;v.:

auditor. WsOaee BiniRd; 8 8 * VogM and OM of WMrt Vnuington jurora; Charlba ,_'Wri*^t, cl wot.’* also present, i .marriag* of their daughter, M i_ irmoixst Brown, Jr., ThomiM Lswls; oob- WlU be eerved at 6 o^olobk ond'"at Mra ESMlle Pratt, who has ibeen Julia Konlar to. E(Iwla Partaek, so* stableo, WalUuie BtUlard. Burton 7:80 there.win be a meeting with visiting her dsughter, Mra Frank ■K', -’f ef Mrs. Anastasia itutK of North B V I W S C A S r MM. Milford Newberry froin Nor- Lswls, Paul Carlson. Bertram Mias Manaret Slatte-y, the apei^- Joslin for several weeks, will go to OaroUna, which took place, q moafii wleh who was sick and unable to at­ Wright; registrar of voters, John er. Mias Slattefy, who attended the Hyde Park, Masa, this week to ths ago. Nwln Parlsel: spent't^ sum­ Hutchinson; board of eduimtlon, 3 World Supday School convention at home at her sod, ^bert Pratt mer with hls grai^athe,, Anton tend school when tt opened last weak year tarm, Rachael Stanley to flU Texu Rangws” Now Is well again and took m bar dutlea OMo, Norway, will give aa account The WtlUngton Towners again an- **• *• fian dsoii o f the unexplred term, Rachel White; of th* gathering. amed'-th* Twilight Leeihia oham-- ^ at aa principal of the Anifovar Onun- Fra.ik Parisek who «etsbUsbad the State — Ta Con* mar .school and teacher of the 6th, children's aid, Mra Arthur Savaga The women’s societies of ths ptbnship Sunday afternoon in a ball p w l button factory, Mr. and Mr*. 'ttiae IliroatKh Satn^ar*. Mra Howard Spear, Mra Frank church will have ea outing Satur- Compiled h r Sta^oitg of Msnefaester High School 7th and 8th grades, Monday. Shs la game with th* Jumbo* by th* score Parisek br.ve gone to North (Mro- boarding with Mrs. Clarice Too- Hamilton; Ubrary director, mum d » at Rocky Nick. The membera o f 2 to 0. Dempsey, Proehaaka and 11ns to. reside. \BBOm HEBE TODAY French with a simply dressed m&iui. Mary Hyde; imancs board. Maxwell will take a baaket lunch. Woodworth of tha/Io ores in road which waa at first grassy In Paul De Kruef, and a new travel about 800 pledges or It will be heard , to say that the same thing election. The Democrats met In and Edward Hughes (pent the week­ hope that led the two to splash book by Carveth Wells. Nova Scotia”. T. M. Longatreth; necessary to curtail some activities. "Oh, those are skiers," she said. . "After all, we’re not getting mar­ Normandy. They passed dugs dress­ the middle. Soon the ascent began through the rain for directions to' "Week-end Gardening” , Sterling *niat’a Soda Springs. Do you.-like- held for successful long distance the dining room with -Nathan end in New York. ried as arabUelty stunt" she de­ ed up with hats and pipes and har- JIIBBT ’^HE_FOLK81___ and the grass was no longer merely List of Fiction Patterson; “Chemical Engineers’ The price of the S. A. A. Uoket marriage in this modem aget Oatchell, moderator, and John Yeo­ Miss Vlrglnl* Gladys who Is em­ teelr destination. Mutually they The new fiction Is: "Eight (brook­ la to be, as It waa last year, 8150. to sW?" clared. "The ceremony is much too . .BKl.to. carta; people baking bread in tl,e middle but covered tlie road Handbook", J. H. Perry and W. W. "Love It I But I thought CAll- But suddenly 'Ted turned mans, Clark and nominated the fol- ployed tn Staffordville, has besn en­ thought of a fireplace, warmth, ed Trenches", FiAncla Heeding; This, It waa pointed out, la a very around and saw Kay, and hta face Asae*sor, Lewi* Phelps; t an event Ih oiir Uvea to have in outdoor ovens; and thatch-roofed (Editorial Note: The following entirely. The driver shifted to sec­ ease. Finding tee house, the two Calcott; "The Joy of-Cooking”, L 8 . tornla wrns all orange graven and joying a two weeksf vacatkm at her it take place in the atmosphere of bams and bouses. 'Roll River”, James \Boyd; "Maln- good bargain aa .t constitutes a sav­ bnike into the that dlstla- board o f relief fof 8 y«M*,-B. - H. hpniB;------;:...' t -...... - ..... chatecter sketches were written this ond and the road seemed to be go-- once more splashed ttmough tee spring” , Beatrice Burton; “With AH Rombauer; ’’Nantucket”, W. O. sunshine.” Cook to fill unexplred term, Holden -baUyboo and hippodrome." At Murray Bay, Louise boarded a week in a Senior class. Names are Ing up In earnest. The road was Stevens; "Embroidery Book”, Mrs. ing of several dollars if a person "There’s more snow between guiabed him. He had recognized The annual oonventlon of the Tol­ boat which took them up the St. rain only to be told that their friend My Heart”, Sarah Christy; "Cton- uses the ticket for all the ocUvl- her! But 'Monte Blaine already alre Bfovro; 1st selectman, Percy Cook; land County Council of Religloua Both are scheduled to finish work suppressed out of consideration for no longer grasHy, instead huge rocks waa away not to return for several M. H. /Thomas; ‘The Heart of Old Reno and Sacramento Uum there bt "Oold Diggers of 19S7" Friday. Lawrence as far as Tsdousssc where stant Sex” , E. F. (torfaett; “Mount tles to Which It enUUes him. Some Is In all Switzerland," she said. waa pumping hls hand. 2nd selectman, Edwin Undholm; Education will be held next Sunday the members of the families here and boulders formed the tracks. days. Royal”, B. F. CJorbett; "Road to New/England”, A. H. VerrtU; - Monte drew Kay forward and. agent of town deposit fund, Lewis "If we finish with tbi picture they turfied up the Saguenay. While described.) The car would fly off a rock on the ’’Goorte EUot", B. C. WlUlama. of these are; .-all home atbletlo She came back again when tbev early enough Friday, then we’ll be on the St. Lawrence, ’ they ar.w a Camp ha^l.to be made, but in the San Jacinto", J. F. Davis; "Golden said; ‘T want you to meet a swell Phelps: auditor, Henry Rosenblum; "Voung Pete." right only to bump up a small cliff rain, .where— oh, where 7 events imd a series of six “profee- passed over the American river married on that day,” said the ac­ amall whale end when at Tadoussac, Cord”, Warwick Deeping; "Snow sional-talent’’ assemblies. canyon, a gigantic black yawn In girl I found to Reno last night. grand jurora, William Palmer; Fred He Is just a young boy of 13; but on the left Soon a shift to low ('To Be Oontbnied.) Against the Sky” , Mary Dunstau; Kay Dimn.__ Brass, John Yeomans; (xinstablesi tress. ."If not the qermiMny.jvllLtl!e. nmy^musicl.aiis. seated on the wharf so small and thin la he; that one A pommlttee was appointed con­ - the earth. She wanted to-show W h y P a y M o r e lay; Tt'wm be'a small affair, and ethall cshlldren singing French "Golden Lady” , Dorothy Gardiner; W O m CARTOONIST HAS sisting of the president of the him the two forks of the river, Ted la'ughsd, and put but bla Walter Hendrick. EllswoVth Mitten, usually takes him for nine or ten "Blood Relations", Sir P. Gibbs; bond. "I'd never forget' that hair Nathan Gatchell, Arthur Nielsen; when you can buy the new in a private home,. with only my songs.. The boat went up the Sague­ summers. Council and oiie member of ea(fii like tiny silver thresuls weaving ; family and a few of our closest nay as far as Bagatvilie. The scen­ "Curse In the Colophon”, E. J. as long as Td live,” he aald. registrar of voters, WUIlsm Palmeb; He loves the outdoors, so much In class in school, for the purpose of In and out in the black deptho. .friends present -tnd that’s all I’ll ery along the river was moat beau­ GAS STATION ACTIYITY Goodspeed; "Green Lion”, Francis HAD EVENTFUL C A t e But Monte was sound asleep In Monte was nonplussed: "Why, board of education, Nathan Gatchell; fact that the only time he la In the Gadding About organizing the drive for pledges. have , you already met? Gosh, sun children’s aid, Walty Brown, Clerics ECONOMY ay." tiful as bluffs formed the banka, Hackett; "Crystal Tree” , L. P. The work of the committee will be his chair. . Powell and his bride-to-be are to some as high ss 1,800 feet. The boat house is to sleep and receive meals, Hauck; "Pyramid”, Robert Hichend; I dumb! Or have I been taken Yeomans,, Katherine Mitten; library Hello fotka, — presented to the school Wednesday He sleep all the way. to Oakland d lre^r, Thomas Blrmingbsm; r leave Saturday on a honeymoon trip would atop and a blast from the and sometimes he skips the latter. NOT SIMPLE AT RRST Spring Storm", A. 8 . Johnsofa; Attended r School hi California, Alrpcjrt, wh-lien he woke up Kay for a ride by—” From experience, I say It Is bet­ Now that les vacances (vacation In an assembly which will officially "I once knew Mr. Orabaun for finance board, John Yeomans. The GRAHAM to New fo rk by way of the Panama steamer’s whistle would be given be­ "Faith, Hope, no Charity”, Margaret New Hampshire — Taught launch the drive. had w s arm. and was Shaking Cwu. ter to hold one’s tongue than to tell to you non-French studea) Is ended Lane; "Weather In the Streets” , fes- him. exactly three hours," Kay said. Democrats also elected a new town neath the bluffs, from which the Self to Cartoon- comlttee and voted to increase the echoes were extremely clear. Peter to go to the store. After Herbert Seymour. Masters we’re all glad to be back In schooL amond Lehmann; "Life la For/Llv- —E. L. a "This la (Oakland, sir!” ahe aald. "He helped me get my job on persuasions, pleadings and threats, (No?) Overland Airways. He was very number to nine. The committee Is The Loa .Angeles Ehcam.tner said Visits Shrine Ing”, Kay Upke; ’TJootor", /Mary "You change here for the trans­ be goes; and not to my surprise, Hazards of Pleasing the Roberta Rinehart;' "Contraharid”, kind." as follows; Chairman, Thomas today that Charlie ChapUin and bis From Murray Bay, Louise drove *T juat can’t draw women," said pacific flight-" Birmingham, William Palmer, Paul $718oo the bread or butter takes a step In Touring Public. H. B. Sirtford; ‘T o the Motmtaln", HOME TRAINING COURSE Ted winked at Monte. ’Tve young actresB protege, Paulette Heah we ah! Pardca my Bouth- WlUla Kilpatrick, STB, when Inter­ When be atood up beside her, Kralovlch, John Gasper, M()x Asher, .iMddard, bad declined to comment to Saint Anne-de-Beaupre. She was price. em accent. By the way. have you Bradford Smith. / laughing, she saw how tall and got a special Interest in this R^fL" DELIVERED fortunate In being there July 36 He hates school, (It’s family viewed by Arthur Johnson, Friday Hs faced her. "And what ore you John Yeomans, Carl Carlson, Mrs. on a new report that they are mar- noticed how Sammy Harris drawls "Argonaut Gold", C. ‘if . Snow; afternoon In the senior journalism broad he viraa. She handed him Clarice Yeomans and Mrs. Kath and aa low aa risd.—?— -■ whan pilgrims eome from all over heredity). He usually la at home What te It that prompts one to It out? We^ heah he had a nlee "Rubber Band”, Rex Stont; "Black READTTOAIDJORLESS hls hat, and said, "I hojw you en­ doing here?” the world to worship there. - because of a headache, toothache, seek work during tee school vaca- gal down teeah. class. Wllljs Is an able cartoonist .—‘Tve spent one night a - week erine Mitten. Friends of the two, aaid the paper, Swan”, A. W. Strawbrldge; "Death­ joyed your trip, sir!" The Republicans met la the main A very Impressive and beautiful ache, or In other words, Uon T It may be a small struggling and hopes to enter that field after “ Now I ask you," Monte said, for 10 weeks In Oakland, hut you 82 c a D a y e wblqratiiV tbat they .were mar­ ceremony that is held each year on blow HUl". P. A. TayIor;"Criter and graduation. He taught himself to Arrangements have been complet­ were always in ,” ahe said, htll with Donald Tuttle moderator, ried June 33, 1834, In a ceremony bistoty test, geography test, or spark. of ambition or the prespec- Other people have been places Other Dogs”, A. P. Terhune; "Dead ed for starting the CtonnecUcut ■ ‘‘is that the way to talk to me?' and Eilaworth' Covell, clerk and Save money by driving a U\at day, started at dusk with a spelling teat draw by following the outlines In ; Kay said quickly, "Ooodby, laughing. "Or Honolulu. Or Ma­ ; .aboard C bai^'s yacht. Panacea, off tlve jingle of a few extra coins In too: tee Rlaley slstera seem to have End Street” . Lee Thayer; ’Third Act Household Workerff Training pro­ nila. I ’m stewardess number 10, nominated the following: Assesor, new Grahani. It gives ! jBanta Catalina Island, with C*ptain ouge proceaeion of people ' with Hls friends range from five to In Venice", Sylvia^ Thompson; th dally funny-papers. The work sir!” J. lighted candles winding up the slg- the pockets. enjoyed themselves 'neste the (Cal­ became easier as he practiced and gram In Man(;hester. This eoursa im on the run from, Reno tp Oakland, Montague White; board of relief 3 ' pave Anderson, master of. the craft, twenty-five and include both boys 'Within tee Walls”, i . C. Vaughan; being sponsored by the Emergency She saw him > talking to the pi­ zag path to the church to the tune ifornia sxmshlne. Florence Salmon- he soon found he waa able to draw lot, and a moment later be waa rm vety much In the air.” year term, Charies Wright, to fill 20-28 MILES PER, Officiating. and girls. In fact were he to dress Joining the ranks of the laboring son, one of our new freshlea, spen't 'Short Stories”, H. G. Wells; Relief Clonunlsslon, cooperatins| Ted. regarded her smlllhgly. ‘T the unexpired .term, Ersklne Hyde; of continuous chanting. in girls’ clothes, and sing hhi opera students in an up-to-date gasoline without tee aid of. a pattern. back. “A t last I know your ^ Chaplin, through bis publicity Louise attended services at the tee vacation tn Europe, aa did Mary World Over”, , M lth Wharton; with W. P. A., and la offerM free. told you our paths would, cross.” 1st selectman, L. B. Whitcomb; 2nd GALLON OP GAS '^agent, Oatherlne Hunter, was quot- notes there would be no difference Btatlon, proved to be an education tn Fogarty also. 'Fields of Gomotyah” , Mrs. N. G. He has become Interested In uame! PQ be waiting in a taxi­ selectnum, Ralph Bass; agent of new BariUoa and saw, around the Classes will be held from 8:80 a* cab outside the terminal in -0 Mont* had hls arm. “Coin* on, !: 'tai aa making only this cornu ent: between him and Maty. itself to Herbert Seymour, ’37B. White; "Pole Stai/’, S. E. 'White and writing and hopes to further his In­ m., to 2:80 p. m., five days a weedt let’s go. Paint the town red.” town deposit fund, Lewis Phelps; Btstue of Saint Anne, hundreds of He quickly learned to bob out of terest through tee study of Journal­ minutes, Kay Dunn.” -‘I’ve krpt quiet shout It for e crutches and canes left by people ’The above is not to Impress you Harry Devlghne;,/"Rover House” , F. for eight weeks. This Is an excellent' Ted eyed him sternly. "Sorry. longt; time. Why should 1 talk now ?'' that he Is a sissy; -on the contrary! tee station with a chamois at tee Noticed the loads of sweatera the B. WlUqughby:/“Let the King Be­ ism. Twenty minutes later *be came JOE’S GAIUGE who had been healed at the shrine. rtris have knitted this summer? opportunity for girls between tlm out of the airport terminal, and Not for me. ^ v e a lot of pe­ ' filebe kmg-estabUshed attitude of He rides a bicycle better than the first sight or sound of a customer. ware”,'H onors Wlllsie; "Broken A native of New Hampshire, he tal] to attend to here. Report to Center Street Bias Ooddard is, “ 1 never talk In . Montreal / Startling cloudy streaks werr sure Ambition! Wow! One Junior made ages of 18 and 80 to learn a voca­ there be was, sitting In the taxi­ average school boy, swims and dives 14 dresses. A record! Journey", Dnilsa Wilson; "White traveled quite a hit going to vari­ tion. my bffics In the morning.” Manchester, Conn. public of my private affairs." In Montreal ahe enjoyed a three- almost as well as the OrfltelUs, to appear when he tried to wash a Ladles”, F. B,- Young. ous towns and (teanglng -sch(X)ls cab. He opened the door for her, Favorite Photos Soma reglstratlona bava already and bdped her In. "Whats— 13 days in foreign TeL , She had the lea'-ing feminine role hour slght-aeelng tour of tee city. skates as well as the neighbor's translucent windshield which was Clanameiy*, Ethel Bolleau; "Shad­ ..often. When his family moved to waters' and ho wbhopee!" Monte in ’’Modem -nmes," latest produc­ The most noteworthy t^ngs to children, and all In all, he U, the receiving Its first cleaning since tbs Speaking of the freshmen (they ow Mountshi’’, B. M. Bower; "The been made for the course .and ap­ “You’re not going to walk out Framed California be attended three or four plications may he made at the of my life, Kay. Now what shall exclaimed. tion of the 4fi-year-old pantomlnlst. Louise were the wax muteum and baby brother. last rain storm. Hls first attempts arc hero you know e’en teb’ they Man from Nordlands", John Buchan; different schools several times larg­ “Not for me,” Ted replied. “ I’ll Notre Dame Cathedral. The wax at pumping gasoline ended in de- may be small to see) one of ours clinic rooms at 3 p. m. on Thura- we do? Dine first or go watch Latest “Curly Tops," ’Tell ■ Gre^ tee Pines”, Slgmsn er than Manchester schools. Al­ the Flsrlng Mariner come in? She’s be up half tbe^ttlght — checking Return to health has Its problems museum was full of Ufe-Uks scenes This Individual who I am about poslt’ng more of the precious fluid searched tee whole basement floor Byrd: "DvUms Along the Mohawk”, day or by calling Mrs. Hauck at th* the results of the Isst trip. Con­ Styles In the Franklin b u ll^ g looking though the entire top floor* were Clinic during the CUnlc homa. The due at 6 o’clock, and It’s 5:45.” , fbr Adolphe Menjou, fashion-plate of Christ’s Ilfs and Christianity with to describe answers to the nickname on the grotmd than in the tank. The W. D. Ecuonds; "The Mountain and used exclusively for caftetrlas the ditions were excellent for a re­ ' fUnt star. reprxxluctlona of the catacombs and hood was sure to receive a rUsty- for Room 28. ' day upon which the course opens Kay’s heart skipped a bmt. The Square of "Curly Tops." She Is an ador- the Plain” , H. S. Gorman; "Vlslon- student body was so larga In aome Flying Mariner was Ted Graham's check of the radio navigation de-, He gained so much weight In a scene ahowlng the Pope and hU abls rascal of three. with a lovely water washing when a radiator was nalre”, 'JuUen Green; "Morning of will be announcejjl tn the newspaper, vices, partlchlarty ths new direc­ ate weeks’ trip abrord hie noted attendants, In which the clothes of betnik flllei and, when he checked Instances that ^ e r a l lunch/houra tblp. Oral personality and a winning smile. It’s been rumored that If ever Life", Krlatmann Oudmundmon; had to be provided to'* nodate Hie sold, breathlfos, "Let’s tion finder. See you tomorrow. wardrobe may have to be remodel- the Pope alone are valued at five Her, ropnd baby face is speckled, oil, a shiny fender would be decorat­ you want a speaker "AT’ Brown Royal Purple", Mra B. L. Hard­ Good night." thousand dollars- ed with a mammoth drop of the lu­ the students. watch the Mariner come in." Rectangular with freckles and she has a little will qualify as he can ipve wonder­ ing: "WhlpporwUl House’’, Mrs. L. They stood . on the landing He -took Kay's hand, tipped hls m for many nxmtha, he left Hoi- -When crosring from. Canada Into bricant. He found tee nice her, flow- lingers to hls cap, anil was gone. nose which very much resembles a ful talks on tee weather. P. Hauck; "Lost Morning” , Dubose ars and varieties at docks at Ship Harbor and vlyWood to oonvaleece m the com- tne United Statte Louise was sur­ After many trials, he finally be­ Heyward: "Waterloo”, Manuel Kom- I quite en- Kay’s spirits suddenly went low. Johnson Paint Co. prised to hear many police whistles button. There Is a look of mis­ j03rable. watched the blood-iad sun sink : Ptey of .1>1* actreas-wUo, Verse chief In her blue eyes and yet her came proficient In all tee required Pot Mohr seems to be aspiring roff; "CosinopoUtans’’, W. S. Maug- Into the Golden Gate of the bay. This was the diamStle meeting 600 Main St. Phone 686* :.Tteadala When hi>' arrived home, bellowing at her and more, surprised points of nervlcs and lea, ,;bd to wait A keen Interest ^ sports led she had averted no long—the past face portrays a picture of innocence to be another Joe Louis, what with hau; "Ths Informer” , Liam WUlls to" try out t< The. dying rays of the sun fell LOUIS S.JAFFE I» welcoming friends abouted: to find that she had passed, without upon each customer with tee great­ O’Fiaherty; "No Moon But This”, the track team two months! 881 Mala S t , "Hello, fatty!’ and her little Ups always look as if hls right band in a cast Who got when he waa iman at M. 'H. across the gigantic cables o f the noticing, the signs of the customs. est of.easo. tee worst of it “Pot?" Mrs. H. D. Partridge; "San Felice”, new bridge, longest in the world. . (To Be Oontlniied) "The Ameriesh flag and roads she were pouting about something. 8 . Hs was on the relay She makes a pretty picture with ’There were other dlfflcultlea con­ ■Wncent Eteeon; ‘The Tavern", Mar­ A squadron , of leviathans, kattle- Blnnle Barnes’ recent vacation In were a welcome sight," concluded guerite Steen; ‘The Chirtoln Rises”, terun. This, . didn’t aatlsfjf r her golden curls bobbing up and fronting him, however. Among these You girls can now try your band him so hs ahlps, was^ anchored under the “YOU’RE ALWAYS K’ltano, Nevada divorce capital, atart- Louise, “after seeing so many Brit­ was pleasing the customers; the Hilda Vaughan; "So Long -to the grade for foot- bridge. ^JMtrumors but they were deflated to­ ish flags and driving over Canadian down , and Is the most agreeable at Badminton. ’There’s a new set of ban when . s a Bophohiore. For WALL ST. BRIEFS child I ever knew. fussy matron who wanted all points It over at gym'. Learn", D. E. Wallace; "The King’s They saw the Mariner,- wing­ R iG irr day with the arrival of the blonde roads. It certiUnly was a raarvel Good Servant", O. B. White. two seasons he has been an aUs tfBHtlah aotress’ husband, Samuel ous trip." Dad Goes Hitler. of car service with the motor over­ ing her way across the Ooldm New Toilc, Sept- 10. — Alvan hauled In tee bargain; tee business The new non-fiction includes: and valuabls plasrer. Gate, the sun’ rays- gltnilag on WITH FLOWERS” i Joseph,-bom LOhdoo. —P. L. W„ ‘SSB. This, my dear friends la an at­ We wonder If Miss Psge likes Vennsrd. Macauley, president' of Packard tempt on my part to describe my man who deaired quick and efficient "English Prelude", Marguerite Allis; R oom H IP metalled silver bull and wings. It Motor Co., said todAy dealer or­ Joseph, an art dealer, announced . /■ the Main building better than the ‘Ten Years in a (Juandry", Robert to Kay, a sight both fantastic ^.be would, spend two months visiting father; Dad is seven feet aiven service, knew what he wanted and ders for 1987 Paidcsrds received didn’t hesitate to ask tor It; tba Franklin aa do some of the atudente Benchley; "World Adrift", R, L. and unreal.'- This plane.. in the Phone 5463 > Us wife btfore business eegaga-< Ittchea talL Hia hair la black on who just came oyer. EVERY SUNDAY sjMtce of five days, bad dipped in- since their Introduction earlier this iCseepte called him a i ^ . top, touched here and there with young lady who Insisted upon light­ Buell; "Russian Revolqtlon” , W. H. month have been up to SH^eetatfona Soccer H ighlights ing a clgarqtte over teA esca^ig Chamberlain;—"Practical Amateur FACULTY MEimERS to-tb*-Chlna ^.Seas,— into— Mafiiia PARK HILL gray and aurrounded with gray. He Oh! Oh! Seventh period lists bay, into the tiny coral lagoops ’The voTume of oif(foril, h# foldr"llf^ la not very big but be la of stocky fumes of tee gas tank; and finally Photography", W, S. DavU; "Why fCNIDULI dleated the production schedule of FLO W E R ^0 P The fltat call for soccer Monday the old gertlen)an who bad a kind eome out at tee end of next week Keep Them Alive?" Paul de Kruif; that dotted the i^d-Psciflc ocean. build. Hls mouth la nice when he so we’d better scurry slonsr to our AT A u i n o MEETING 9,000 monthly la (xmaervatlve. The New Location: after sbhool was attended by a large word tor all. “OoUeeted Poems”, T. E. EUot; . 7MAM. , Into the bay at Honolulu, and waa group of boys In Coach Warren smUcs but. If he’s not In a igood hu­ studies or else----- now coming to rest In .Stuj/'Fran­ best previous monthly rate waa 7,- 8 East Oenieir St. No summer job 'a without poaal- "Youte' Looks at the World”, B. A. Lv. M ia . •-•I AJL 700 cara motattons— Morton’s room. Many veterans of mor, It. Is apt to appear in. a sneer ’The Gadsbouta. IhwtnAiUMi * AM, cisco bay. . Odd FeUows Bldg. or look as if it was going to bite btUtie* and they will, no doubt, help Fletcher; "Forty Years at Psychic Superintendent nUng. Mr. Piper hurt yeqr have returned.----- — Reaesreh’’, Hamlin Garland; "Ad­ •lt.lt A jt- It -was a little dark lore the your bead off. He seems to be al­ us to appreciate our future work for and Mr. Wigren were among teoae Mariner reached John E. Rousmahlere, New York I don’t advise young athletes to which B^ool Is fitting us. vertising and Its Mechanical Pro­ MYVRiriM Shto 'bor sad most alwaya on the go but when be from Manchester who attended the suddenly the lights- wey swltclicd flnendef and president : of Cabot tzain ’ on bubble, water (cham- Warren Mortdp succeeds Hugh gets hls nose In a paper, try and —Seymour, ’STB. rOOTHS’ MAIUZINE duction” , C R. Greer; "Moaoow Re­ annual welcome given ^ the Hart­ csr. nmt T«*k (o. a In Uie “ ■■■ ■ ' iitg. Co. 6t Bontog, was rieotod a ie),‘ but vfhen jrou’ve been in Greer as coach. Mr. Greer resigned hearsals", Norris Houghton; "Over laScliStffMl ...... 7M,* on in the so porthol^ 'it looked get It outi ford County alumni of Wesleyan iMd t> ■pMdil cMfik Ma ,lf a flying hptel /were coming Erector of A m e lia Woiden Co. aa xitition as long as I have. It to become phyrical Instructor of Ariean Jungles", M.B. Johpaon; -‘The college to the entering freehmen of m it1» St StttlOft TlfikiM Onv«i successor of Chailes HajnJen, at w- Ides nesded relaxation. South Windsor High school. He wears black rimmed' gtaases Scho(A of Femininity", Margaret dovm out at the aklc^ They beard CALL moet of the time and he never RECEIVED AT K S. Hartford county Thursday, Septem­ the roar at tbi fffiir 800-b0rse- Hayden Stone and Oo., resigned. >r Holm Jarrett. GRID TOPICS Lawrence; "Father Struck It Rich”, ber 10. The event was held at the THt N E W HAVEN u.i!. A ARON COOK At ths meeting Mr. Morton laid drinks or smokes. He keeps his Evelyn Walsh McLean; !T(J Live It power motors ae the Mariner clothes as neat aa be can and la very Sore muscles and tired bodies la home of Dr. (kuey In Omton. There glided down tomrd the waters, Shipments of raw sugar from 9 pel down several strict rules ooncenvtng Again”,. E. J. O’Meara; "Shenandoah were abcrut.60 persons In attendance Puerto Rico to the United States to work out for himself that training practice and eating bBore careful apout getting dust or Unt on the consequence at the first two M. "Sdenc* safeguards the Air Potter", A. H. Rice and J. B. Stoudt; atiu speckled vritb the glint of ToBoyorSeU them. Oh, yea, I can’t fo ^ et the H. 8 . football practices held at. tee Traveler’: Is the UU# of the feature of wUch twenty-five were boys en­ the parting sun/ from January 1 to September 13 ; personal of all relations, man’s games, ^m e hints were mentioned "Pruning and Repairing o f ; Trees tering Wesleyan this fall. Ted Tbs flying ihlp eame to resL amounted to 656,156 short tons iHllMipn to the universe.' about actions on ths field and tee moustache. It’s erne a t those HlUer West Side field, Monday and Tues­ article In a recent sample copy a t and Shrubs’’, V. H. Rles; "Whsre STOCKS OR BONDS affairs, of a triangular ihape; he day. the* National News weekly for Nelson, 85B, was the only boy from settling down Uke a giant Wrd. against 567,761 in ths Uke 1985 *^*oger . tv. Straues, New Toi* care at Injuries. L ife.. Is Better", James Rorty; H e ra ld p^od, an luerease of 11.6 per cent, Representing ^ ariglaeor, asking for tolerance -seems to be always frimmlng the youth, "Young America", r^ v e d Manchester^ and then tiuded slowly to the About sixty cooteatants turned "America Must A(st", F. B. Sayre; A program of sporth including Isndlhg. ^ according to cabled odvleeir to the ■^m religions matters. There are fourteen games UUng.jQilhg.: MaybeMayte ^ some e dayd s T he’U ^ get iattt.Mch..,(Mtenyini> .to.Ahow—.thelz. at M. H. S. - " Ypiir MexlpjtTi imclcT'’- xc— w v PUI N AM * CO. ’ seariltt - Maaai i ^ ^ r I ^ irngni ttg ■ilteff’m fif *‘= T rW "*T a a e“ ffie’~auffiOT com­ ----- yTJBO; .RJIV UIU nOFPBnRMr ability. Until Friday only setting Scott: ‘T ^ A ^ D e ^ S S r / R o b ^ that attending ths landing of a Chang* from the Puerto m u Pro­ M bucks like me are really a meets. off and, boy, that will be the day! pare* flying aids pest and present Sherwood. was enjoyed. A ' picnic supper was exerdsas'And running wlU be had served.. There was an Informal trans-AUantie steamer. Orders ducers Association. Refined .ship­ Hartford, Conn. to the motion picture Bfy Aunt. jN that the player can ^ t Into eon- The first man cross country fllghCa "This Soviet World”, ‘ A. L. - were barked. Bells rang, . We ougiit to ite> aside My aunt U about-JS years eld. meeting during which several oliun- ments so far this yaer were ostl- Td.: Evedng 5501 Ths soccer team will have _ dltlon for some rough play. Ooaeh in nineteen twenty one took 88 Strong; “Green Mountain Cook gangplank was thrown over thh matod St 99A00 tons against 106,761 and give young talent a strong line this year, but there ere a Her brown hair, which Is hem^Tn- hours. If ths plane held together nl and members of ths Wealsyan Day, Hartford 5-0151 Thomaa Kelly and Aaatstant .Coach Book”, H. E. IVler; "They Tound faculty spoke. . side, snd the porters went on to a year ngtfi and that la what I pro- few backfleM poeltlone open. down her back when she wakes In "Vlo” Knappman hare stressed untU It reached the deetinsHnu, Gold", A. H. Verrll; "Bermuda in do. - ' Others attending from Manches­ ADVTS,/ take off the mall and baggage. the morning, must be tied up In a that an cofiteetante get In perfect Today, giant airliners span the Three Colors", Carveth Wells; Twelve poaengers cams ' down to Bowen, BoUjwoed etar, The team has had a good record knot on the back of her head before ter included Rev. Dr. Woodruff of condition SO that they eiui " t ^ e It.'' oontlnent In slxtoen and one half “Roots of America", C. M. Wilson. the Center church. the quay, and araltod for this cus­ and this season the returning mem­ breakfast She has bright blue hours and the passenger* .may pass “Book at Furniture and Decora­ Gat resaltfi for Imndreds toms ,rit*mlnatlon. rejects ths sbsurdlty" e( ber* should add sUture to that leo- Ooaeh Kelly Is looking forward to ->"E. L. a eye* that ar* almo*t always looking a good season. Jaoky Fiaher, eap- tea time eightaeetng, reading, sleep­ tion", Joseph Aronson; "Stalin", Kay watched ths passengers which is foreign ord. for some abelf to claan off that la Henri Barbuaae; "Burning City", of adyertiaera. No mat­ Bine f kies Ukove Toji flwed and to onr temperd- tain and signal caller Is hoping for ing, typing or oonverslhg, in sound TENNIS closely. What a story they —Vltq, AgoetlneUl. 87A. tee laaat bit untidy. She loves to a good season. "Sqiiat’ ’and Cobb proofed cabins. Stephen Vincent Benet; "King V i- told o f . this superhuman under­ and wide expanse* of 8ea below cook, especially baking, which la ward VIT!, K F. Benson; "Complete ter what yon may want or — that'* the view from “ Ship's win probably help Jacky back up The pilot is In constant touch The tennis tournament everyone taking In the ur. There was a OBAQS liN D J< » 8 her specialty. She make* tempt­ tee Ime. Willla ^p atriek veteran, with the ground by means of radio­ Oiursea In CavU Service", J. W. missionary, tom* frorii (foina; a. , Dsok*' Dellcipns food; 2 3 0 ing cake* and pie*. Galley; *TBxperlmentlng With Our is heartng about around the school what you have to sell— ite tt be Lennard Nelse, veteran tackle, telephone and he Is aided In the Chinese student coming to Amer- Inxorions zooms. InexpenrtvWi She ha* a pleasant dlapoaltion M o n ^ , Nell Carotbers; "Holland Is not a C C 1 L meet Irs; s Japanese merchant. One c, but a nude Bore last yeara grads have been Frank Davis, guard, and Bmaat flight by many Instruments. Among It Is the annual tournament held Unique etmosphere. BookleL tracked down. A t Morse Buetneaa and loves to cmverea about ptdlUcs, Wolfront, center will eompoee part these are the gyro pilot and auto­ on 850.00", and "Norway on 150.00", nldist Couple, tourists, still had especially the Repubacan*. 8 . A. Clark; ‘TTireeiseOre*’,. S. N. each fall for the school ebampiqn- ‘ 'r.-naltan lets around their necka: o a u „ ar. College are RoberU AJlen, Dorothy of the Una. matic stabiliser. ahip. It has noteing to db with the She bM many ^-faahionad way* —Kd. This weekly, U o f great Intarart Cteghora; "EUsabeth, Bhnpress Of ariny office.- strode down the IHMt, Summer Roberta, snd Dana Austria” , B. C. Conti; “Murder in tennis team or members who tried ."^ngplamf, resplend(mt with spurs. Heach. Rose OrflteUl is working in a t doing thing*, among teem tedng to high acluxil students because of CLASSIFIED different herni for ■IckneOT the Cathedral", T. S. EUot; “Publle out for the team although they may "’here wa* a taU, gangling Eng- Kreages la Hartford, and Mary Its vattous departments, such' aa enter. B ew w i Oerter epensd the other bitter testing medldilea Many OUISSB AGAIN Woika In Prtwperily and Depres- ■ ’.ntan In tweeds, ebatUng wjth BJlnaky la Oonneeticut Geaaral "Listening hi on the W o )^ " a aeO- ■lan” , A. D. Gayer; "Life and Times Ray DellaFerra woo th* Open bis daughter, a pretty girt with rich Ufa Insurance Company. Mar^ of these remedies have remarkable tlOH' devoted to short new* arttolas, ^dvertis^no effects, some for tea better and of King G*(»ge V", Sir PhlUp Gibbs. Tennla (Thampionahlp of Maneherter reddish cheeks. A woman in blank thmUomiar. O m O f A njU R fO O lTrS FINEST HOTEUT pstfuaMS sun elu- fim t e Peabody recently found a M)r. P en y (In gMmeby. elas*)— "Sports,” "Mhviea." "Solanos" and veils waited aUently. A smartly many aome for the wnra*. What*a A leeusT "My Great, Wide, Beautiful High In *SS( WUUgm Sit namoa in n sssn vgsi* svs. • m o l soohtbb, m*i ;1 [Job In Hartford Fire--Jhsurmaee aev«ral Mtort^stortM ^psatlng in W orl^, Jusnlta Harrison; "John *84, Lebro Urbanettl In ’88, and Bring the Uesi.. gowned young woman chatted in lOooQaiqr. ^ AU In all ah* 1* a good person to Veto* item fcaoli at Toeae-eA d ’ s T (T ir ir r s r s fw r r if AT ifiT d M have around the bouse. Raed”, Granville Rieks and John Carl Harris In *8^ ' , Besnlta. eOKKg TO)NBSDA,Y»n :e Students RKHMAN Secret Order Makee WFA^ e /.M l Chicken Coops STORY OF QDARRE Four Billion Dollar Machine New Deal Propaganda Outlet SPREAD DISORDERS lOV. DrAmen'aad' woman, of today,” ha said. _ Mv-CAW^Dr^ Hartford, BapL 16.—(AP)— FbrAtoey do, you or not Ba accuraU in JorgMUMI. prMKMBt of ;; H* said the young' pe^ls were New York Newspaper Re­ about torae y e iA during vaeatlona Ststo OoUegc. believe* not reoefvtng'adequate preparation EofiHcal Riots Com]dicate figures also in weights imd maoa- when ha WM a boy. Governor CkoM 'waa. . ■ hM fhIM to glT« her for the problems of tomorrow. acted as a clerk in a geneM store ...... G)aching Chances. y No. I ...... I end women of conefe a .Ooimecticut State Oollege, be ports He Ordered Pilot to SitaatioB; Many Persons "The merchant in buying goods said, is rapidly becoming a Federal in- GurleyvUle,. Mansfield, Com. He must buy them at the lowest was often left In full bharga durli^ CCH. ACTS JON NEW fOOTBAlL RULES Kntflcg* head otted hia own in* rather than a state institution be­ Dinnp Gasofine. rica in order to make a fair profit; HOMICI^ SQUAD BUI IMS hmf euffeitacfrom lack cause of Uuf'growlng amount of bjnred. to# day. Omaequently, When assign­ e also must keep posted with toe Steffen Bade at Carnegie; lat la mipport of higher ad- Federal support and the decreasing ed the task of writing hla first gmarket' because If ha buys goods la aa addrem before the amount of state support each year. esMy In a private school, in Sep­ and pays mors for them than, they tember, 1876, he ehoM for hia aub-' Street Parent Teaohera ' So desperate is the need for dor­ Moegrava Hatimr, Bepb 16 — Paris, Sept 16.— (A P)—MlUUnt are worth he must expect to sell Kebart and Beletii Meet GRIDPUYER.4S. DIAMOND MARKS GALOl on iBiit Bight- mitory faculties, the president (Canadian Press)— Harry Rlcbmaa Ject one for which practical 'ex­ them at a loss. In keeping an aa- Doubles m Benches Again F ra ch workers declared fresh perience supplied toe background. . elal^icatlhg etatem^te Includ- asserted, that 39 students are boused and Dick Marrlll, working la. ap- aortment - of gobda. toe merchant the Ihdlana pinned hack the i * report by ofHaal* of the In "chicken houses, basements and A strikM today as Franoe’Svtroubled The eas^ was read by toe governor must.alm to suit aU claaaea of peo­ pareat harnumy to gat fhelr traas- On m C A Alleys Tonight PLANS A COMEBACK Sets Home Ron, Extra Base tot Red Sox 18-8, IMt night at toe bamquet of the • I ^ 'Preeideht Joygenaea laid garages” 4nd on the second floor Atlantic monoplane out of a bog, labor Situation w m oompllcStpd by ple. 4 -" CALL MEETING TO This Is toe first of a aeriea a* Schoolboy Rowe poeted hla < becoming head of the col- of the farm machinery building, denied they bad quureled ever political' riots in 'which 84 persons Hartford County Retail Grocers’ as­ “ Some people want goofl goods foolban ogaeliing ehaagaa t f 1986. Ing win number 18 at toe car which has been turned Ihto a girls' were hijured. sociation. It follows:' and are willing to pay -a fair pries I tern than a y w ago, he baa dumping their gasoline ^supply off Formal opening ~at- toa 1936-87ftrow night at toe Cfliarter Oak alleys. and Rno-Maiang Stand­ as ha twirled toe Tlgen to i Bd that the pi»plfi_gf the atate dormitory. toe Newfoundland coast Mcmday af­ Employees in factories at Nancy, "A store keeper or a clerk ie''a for them. There ia another cIbm of RECONSIDER VOTE . By CMESXEB L. SMITH dedsioa over toe AtUattaa The library situation, be said is person that tends store. There are bowling stason in Mancheater takes Tha lanes have been put tn perfsot Intends to Win Berth On Cal- NBA Bervloe Special OomspondeRt -little or ^ h ln g about the ternoon. Brest and La Rochelle Joined In de­ people that want .toe same kind c i condlUon after toe sununer layoff staff U endeavoring to ao- ^atrocious.’' “ There ia po truth in the stato- manding French emplpyera begin’ different kinds of stored The kind goods and are . not willing to pay place tonight with a match between ards in Addition to Many The faculty ranks "tops” among toe 40-h(flir week for industry in ad­ I refer to is a grocery .store and and toa little maples i^ u ld fly They have baen playing football n-ent,’’ RIcbman said, ooncemlng re. what they are worth. To be a suc­ QisrUe Kebart and Dom Belattl thick and fast when Ksbart and ba futiue of-thls ataU Institutlona of its kind and can hot ports published in New York. Mer­ dition to wage increasM for toe dry goods ' store combined. Hie cessful merchant requlrea vigilance, ifomialEleYen As He Did at'Carnegie'Tech for 80 yean, and workers. Wants Federation Cods that ranka.as one of toe most Inter­ Belettl turn on toe heat for 10 of them toa nam# t f .Walter Others; trim White Sox | League Standi this ,dountry . wOl depend on be matched in many institutions of rill nodded agreement. clerk’s busineM is to wait upon cus­ Industry and a good trade. esting alley/Sventa held here in r^ . .Kebart boa been town champion Crowds of Leftists stormed tluree um P. Steffen has graced toe edaohing f take care of the young the country, be concluded. Richman, however, conceded that tomers, keep toe store clean, "WILBUR L. CROSS" cent years, bringing togetner a cou­ ainee 1988 and haa met soma of the Two Decades Ago. TBSTERDAYM BESCUni "our very trying experiences have meetings of Social Party members the customers with respect, whether Sept 37U1. 1870. Tabled for Year; League Staff; As Pearson Is HnrL ple a t pin-toppling .sharpshooters finest atara In toa sport In dual Long before be was Judge, and made our nerves and tempei at Lyon where supporters of Col. who are regarded as toe town’s out­ gM.” Francois d« la Roeque gathered to matches,. Belattl has boen perform' was known aa Wally, toa roaring Noiienal standing performers on toe polished' tng on-toe alleys longer than any Berkeley, <3allf. Sept 16__ {.KP) little back who bad out such (AH games poatpbn«di.'“ n ’The wbols village turned out to dlMUM partlsaa problems. a bill which you may use in the In- Members to Use Intercol­ lailea. Atiny^-qm lING IS SLOW ABOUT TOWN Lain toe filers, who planned to wheel CThe new Social Party succeeded other local bowler and atlU scatters —^William Loans West, 45, part eapen for toe University t f Chi­ BySIDFBDEB tereets of toa common wsaL A Kebart-Beletti match has been the pins In brllUant style from oea- 'Aaaeelated Preea Sporta Writer Washington 18-4, S t I/ntis T-0 their plane to a.smooth shore for in­ toe Nationalist Croix de Feu League, ^UB ALPINE aU B "Sincerely, talked atout for a long time, each (Zherokes who la older toan his cago, Steffen coaoheo toa Tartana. spection and possible repairs on the dissolved by toe Socialist govern­ legiate Roles As Before. Bon to season. Kebart will probably He was toe head coach from 1914 Detroit 8, PhiladalpUa 5.. A daughter, Marilyn Elisabeth, spot "A Friend.” ha-vlng hla share of supportera, but go-lnto toe match a favorite hut toS coaches, threw out his massive ohCat until well into the 1630’s, whan his From toe looke of totnge, toe fel- aeveland IS, Beaton 8. ON STOCK MARKET ment of Premier Leon Blum.) Tha letter was postmarked Sh^ nothing hSt. ever oome of it Until margin is so slight that it shapes up was bom Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Invading one haU. toe LefUata en­ today and announced he intends to political sctivttlas beeama ao preas- lowe who keep toe record booke are New York 7, CSileago 1. Robert E. Martb of 64 Cottage BANQUET SUNDAY b03rgan, Wia. The bill probably will now. The mate < .v.ill be a ten-game ■a an even-stephen event If toe PARTS ON WAY . gaged in flghta with toe National­ be turned over to toe State treasur­ Tbs Central Connecticut I n t ^ win a place on' toe University of mg hat he asked to be raUaved. going to do a lot t f overtime work street, Meriden, Conn. Mrs.. Marth Cardonear, Newfoundland, Sept total plnfall affair with toe first five boys are in form, the match should Tech solved toe problem by naming BTANDlNiMI COUNTRY ists and sought to fire toe building. er. seholaatlc League voted unanimous­ games slated' tonight at toe Y. M. California’s No, 1-footbaU team, as whafa tola big league baaehaU aeaaon before her marriage was . Hiss 16— (AP) — (AP) — Capt. Eddie produce plenty of high eooree and him adviaory coach and turning Nafional Elisabeth Kean of 66 Benton etreet. ■onoiii Mobile guards and mounted police C. A. alleys and toe last five tomor- excitement he did two ago. Taking General With Rlckenbacker substituted toe m'otot dlspei-Md toe struggling opponents ly last night at a meeting in West over toe active duties to Bob Wad­ ends, trying to catch up with those • -- - W. L. ship Lincoln for an airplane today after Mveral charges. Hartford to request President Wai­ A lame knee haa dropped him'to dell of Bucknell, who had Jolnad toe runaway Yankeea New Y o r k ...... 85 88 Trinity Past Noble Grands asso­ corns OF TBia u o au. nmiBi,paBUCATioMs Annual Get Together of in fresh efforts to reach Harry Lille, center of the textile strike ter B. Spencer of the Connecticut toe reserve squad, but that trifling staff in 1933. It's going to ba a man’s bIm Job S t Louis ...... 81 61 Many Issnes Taking ciation will meet Monday afternoon RIcbman and Dick Merrill tli Mus- OP TO AST tXSUS) aUMBEX WIU. MS FfleWASOB TOWN ADVERTISEMENT detail failed to dim hia amMtlon to A t toe end at toe ’S3 season, Ctoleago which hM drawn 85,000 workers Interscholastic Athletic (inference of revising to Jot down toa exploits t o 88 at 8 o’clock at Odd Fellows ball, grave Harbor. M einberi of Eidridge SL come back. Two days after he Judge Steffen said he had enough. Pittsburgh 77 66 vpt* nopisr to xmarmnm tsm es, m ' from their Jobs, was tenM under a to call a meeting of the Conference of Just about toe greateat crew of with Sunset Rebekah lodge as Rlckenbacker Isleading aa expedi­ ^ v y guard. An official of one miil CHANCE OFFER SHAPES donned a football su lX W est re­ He retired—permanently, ha declar­ record-breakers toa bualnesa Ctoctonatt 71 71 Sigiit Losses. hostess. ' tion c a r r ^ g gasoline and spare TAX COLLECTOR’S to reconsider too vote of approval ported to toe Infirmary with a case ed—and Ms most famous pupil, Boston ...... 84 78 STAtz BiAoqaiignH. a u Met om ex suxs. , arrested aa angered strikers given toe National Federatlonal from which, also, cams toa NotM ever known. parts to toe American transAtlantic threatened to mob him after he fired Chb; Dancing Follows. diagnosed as water on toe knee. Howard Harpster, toe AU-Amenea Dame style of play qa it was Not satiafied with toe doaan or Brooklyn ...... 60 81 A son, Charles James, was bom fliers. SUMrr. B.T. football code. The League’s decision Part of toe calisthenics program ^ij^erback of 1928, took over toe plcS^ta** ^ to toe air to disperse NOTICE OF SALE tau^ht to.^ toe ^ t e Knute Rookna ao marks they’ve already shattered Philadelphia . . . . 49 98 N«Hr York, Sept IS.— (AP) — A Saturday morning in tbs Memorial He transferred his expedition, came after a lengthy discussion on GRID COACHING CAREER is fpr one athlete to ride on toe as a team, and other Various in- Amerioan' Stock Market today leaned hospital to.Mr. and Mrs. Charles fuel and a new propeller for Rlcb- To Appeal To Blum Members of toe Bub Alpine dub tbs question that has caused a heat­ shoulders of another. Wpst ruefully dlviduala seem on the way to break- or noan's 8100,000 plane. Lady Peace, ed controversy in state iehoolhoy recalled he was a rider. ’Hia "horae" dvlatioU and specialty is- Luce of 74 Durant street Mrs, Luce Demands of toe textUo workers— will hold their annual banquet Sim- In pursuance to toe provisions of Steffen INseipIe of Stagg An Aoeldent ing,'-toe.boii>lelda squad ia going N e w Y o r k was formerly MUm Ruby Adams of to toe motor ship Lincoln, leaving the General Statutes of toe State circles. tie, toe only blot on our aeason’e collapsed under the 215-pound load - O i l c a g o . . Here is toe expensively prInUd cover of a typtool HPA-New Deal who aeek principally toe 40-hour day at toe duhhouse on Eidridge Now toe Judge la back. Three dge .Steffen’s ooaoh- right along smaabug new ones 390 Hackmatack otreet his plane at toe Harbor Grace Air­ propaganda pamphlet Uaoed by toe New York SteU divistota and paid week voted by toe French Parlia­ of Connecticut and tax warrants Principal Edson M. Bailey of Early Success in Montana record. and West made a one-point landing yeaan off toe footbaU bench and on Tero footbaU, Indden- about every other day, W aafatogton Pmflt taking Was general port. Manchester High Is president of toe —on his left knee. West ia not for oat of the billions appropriated for Preoident Beoaevelt to qieod M ment iMt June—were to be placed street A large attmidance of toe properly issued to me as Tax Col­ We generally were accepted _ toe bench of Justice era more toan In 1936 when toe Tar? B«-M aktag Beeord D efroit' .. bout other sections of the Re expected to reach Musgrave lector by -toe Town of Manchester, C. C. L L., which also Includes East tor Westein Conference champions ready to concede footbaU la strictly aevalond ...with most of the steels, motors, S t Mary*! Junior choir will hold he eeea lit. It w m authorized imder aemet memorandom No. 8816. before Premier Blum’a Cabinet for membership Is indicated. A fine hs could stand. Bo ha’a doubling in led NOtVe Dams, 19 to 0, Only last Sunday, they aoUpeed a rehearsal tomorrow evening at Harbor by noon and expressed official consideration today. Later you are hereby notified that I, Ed­ Hartford, West Hartford, BrUtol, Spurs Young Mentor, Bilt that year dr.spite toe tla a young man’s game although bis benebea once ■more. when to* Irish ware toe home run and extra base reo- B o s t o n . . . I UUlttiea and oils shifting into belief toe Lady Peace could be re­ Italian dinner prepared home style 6:80. All membera are urged to be Blum expected to confer with rep^ ward J. MacKnlght Tax Collector Meriden and Middletown. All coach The gam* I remember bMt dur: age doubles that of soma other can­ Tech’s fortunes, alnca tha Judge toward toe national oham- orda Since then, toeyva alraady S t L o u t o . r for deciinea of fractions to a paired quickly to continue Its flight Posltlye evidence that toe . four' will be served promptly at one for toe Town of Mancheater, Conn'., ss and principals . of these schools Ing my oAiege career was toe lest didates. preaent A abort moating win fol­ billion dollar Works ProgreM Ad­ local Democratla poUtlool laodera, iMentaUves of toe employees and o’clock. There -win be a good speak­ took hla lisava in. 1083, have not That game qtUl ranks as posted a new run-making mark tw a Philadelphia or moi«. Trading near the to Now York. it Mya: the factory owners. will sell at public auction enough or ware present last night. It was felt War Curbs Progress; one tn which I played. It was When ha announoed in Atlanta, been toe best Neither haa toe toe most astounding revara- ____I'hour was extremely slow. low to make final plana for toe out­ Richman, night club entertainer, ministration has been converted by ing program following toe banquet pennant winning club piling up toa "On all project visits, toe fact Despite an apparent deadlock, all of toe following property be­ that toe -vote taken last May by against Wisconsin at Madison, Ga., a few weeks ago his intention material,' for that matter, but there form evsr known. ^ amasing total of 1,018 talUea .to sur- TODAY’S O ABm vftBtlcs, whUe exciting more dls- ing Friday afternoon at 4:30 at toe and Merrill, veteran pilot, were' forc­ toe New Deal Party Into a propa­ Wives anfi membera of toe fami­ bad ' a pretty fair afternoon, doing to try out for toe CalUornIa footbaU GUead country home of Rev. Jamea that local government officials ini­ Mme sources predicted a settlement longing to Michels Borelli and Mar­ toe Conference was not a represen­ SeTen Letters Won by was a mUd explosion on toa campus Ju-tge is credited with da- poaa toe 1,004 the ohamplonship Nadonal i .ln the boardrooms, appar- ed down on toe isolated Newfound­ ganda machine to blanket the coun­ lies will be preeent at. toe clubhouse garet BorelU of Manchester, Conn, tative one and that a meeting most of toe ball carrying, intor- team, oq which he played in 1017, after lost season, and it was dsdaeq vialng toe now unlveraahy used Stuart NeUl and hla famUy. try Is dlacloaed In a secret official tiated toe projects' should be in 'the strike was llkqly. These Cardinals of 1080 compiled. ChloagD at B oetoa (8). tly was a neutral influence. Blec- land coast Monday when their plane brought out so that due credit may following the banquet for an after­ to pay taxes due to toe Town of should be held to reconsider the cepUhg a lot of passes, and doing he told Intervlewera he was "aroupd to bring Steffen back on toe spinner play—in which a b a ^ fakes 1 forecasts varied widely. ran short o f fuel after they bad bat­ documeirt Juat made public. aouroes expreraed beUef the owners, noon and evening of dancing. White toe hot National League S t Louis at PhOadalphla (8)^^ be given them." while holding firmly against volun­ Manchester: matter. President Spencer has no Noted Gopher Football many other things that any young- forty.” He explained later he did baslB that be left-rodvlBer to a pass to one or more mattf,^Mp- fight took.a day oft yesterday,.mdn and industrial news Tryouta for membership In toe tered rain, fog and sleet during toe The pamphlet, marked "Not For not disclose his true age “because Plttaburgb at-N aw -Y otk/ Numerous pamphlets, expenslyely tary acceptance of toe WoVkera* de­ A certain lot of land sttiuiUd in alternative but to (iSir siich a meet­ eter-will ■ do When he naa one of star, who remains as bead Ihg toe ball hidden from toe d< washing out the entire ] (knetonaU at 'B rooklyn (3) I Its -ooastruotive flavor, G Clef Glee club wui be held this last stages of a trans-ocean, flight Release,” la.a.confldentlal memoran- toe Town of Manchester,. County of those "lucky” days. The Gophers they might think I was too old.’" The Judge la one of the gkme’a and then suddenly streaks evening at 7:80 at the Emanuel from Southport, England. printed and' filled with pictures of mands, would not attempt to resist PURITAN C»NSCIENCB ing as under toe by-laws three giving tha Giants a i btfora they : to stimulate buying ardor dum (No, 8618), and was issued Hartford and State of Gonneotiout Guide/ won, 20-8. Skeptics searching for baUyhoo In most droamio peraonalltleaZ His a delayed opening in toe Una. pick up toe Job of pi I .the majority of instances. Luther^ church. about March 1, 1936. It contains' WPA projects and New Deal offi­ and would Impose settlements be­ member schools con petition for a irving their W ashington at S t Lotfla cials are being circulated under au­ cause of the tension in the situa- known and designated as lotq No. special session of toe Omferance. It was something of a surprise, toe woodpile discovered he was offl- rule at 'Tech was that of a/benevo- As toe story goes, Tech was pi 4yi game lead, toa Yanks ^;^Wrlght Aeronautical stood out Tfie New York Dally News, In a detailed Instructiona to toe WPA Hartford, Sept 16— (AP) — Coa- and clinched our claim to toe cham­ dally re^stered. He is a Junior ■ advani Philadalplila at D etroit thority of tola memorandum, all tion. necticut was 810 richer today ky the 173 and 175 of toe tract known aa As matters now stand, toe C. C. lent deapoX and his fanmus “Iron Ing Washington and Jefferson many step nearer a couple more marks N ew York at (M icaga . a gain of some 10 points at its Washington Loyal Orangt Lodge eopjrright story from Musgrave •Information aervlce” directors in Thli pionship. Wisconsin then, as now, student In a letters and science haX” a black derby whlro he never years ago when toe fuUbaok, who Harbor, said a row during toe flight paid for out of toe bilUons appro­ In the latter case, it was forecast, grace of a “Puritan conscience” in ”Homestead Park Addition,” a map I. L. Intends to play football under W le toe third of five articles banging three White Box pitehera Boston at aevtfan d although it backed dp in the will hold its regular meeting start­ every state and to their district re­ too owners would compel the gov­ or plan at which tract is on file In Bernle Blerman, football’s was Minnesota’s oldest and keenest course. He formerly played end but faUed to wear, became a harbinger was aappoaed to poaa to a halfback, for a, 7-1 irlctory. Other leaser eulvances between Richman and Merrill "end? porters In each of toe hundreds of priated to be spent as PrMldent Wlnconsln. To toe governor’s office the IntercoUeglate rules until fur rival. this time la a tackle Candida^ ex­ ing promptly at 7:80 tonight The Roosevelt sees f it - ernment to take responalblllty for toe town clerk’s office In said Main toer notice. Bristol meets Nen Bri­ foremost coach—by hInMelf.. tf Sklbo conquest diacovered toe fact that toe half- A i a .rresult •' toe ■ record f o r extra scored by Douglas Aircraft, report of toe worthy master on his ed in toe dumping of 600 gallons of WPA dlatrlcU throughout'^ each came' toe following letter: plaining he is not as fleet of foot . - Tke“ Steffen-. system”, is. A com., D in a ty a O klahom a 1 The artistic cover of one of toe whatever economic effects might "My Dear Governor: Chester, refe^’^ c e is hereby made. tain and West Hartford faces basA wallopa, ruua batted in. total Curtiss-Wright, United Alr- trip to toe supreme convention in gasoline and all but crashed the state, as to bow to: By BERNIE BIERHAN Bicrmea ISckles Old Rival and a trifle stout around toe girth. bination of numy, but its roots are So tbs fuUback turned rules. Principala .of toe state are from the start at the season until we ■f- for toe btggsst lei I a pennant : Jersey, Weatingbouse, General trip must have tickets tbs commit­ EFFECTS OF HURRICANE District of Manchester. toe. above mentioned taxpayer as slated to meet after toe game and school all I could think of was tee warned today- . - ed to land on the beach here, but ters. glorifying the New Deal con­ o’clock at the W. P. Quiah funeral follows: got togsiher. , ' has been in lesa trouMe toon any wtoner. over .toe in ihe paek-:^ ■ dc, Du Pont,.SMta Fe, N. -Y. home and-9 o’clock at S t James’s the matter , is likely to be brought a coaching career. That was the thair victory yeii like in everything else 1 had no say tributions to toe community, List of October X 1930.m m m . 8S.69 only thing on ray mind when I re­ W(- lost that one—a game I reate lioinsoD , Smith and Emery other player, except Cincinnati's having left Southern Pacific and Dela- church. Rev. William P, Reidy w m . up at that time. Manchester High r o R ’GANSETT RACE Johnny Fischer, who has shot par them oMy a game half away I and Hudson. '—including toe dumping of toe 4. —Secure time over the radio Severe Tropical Storm Moving Notice is hereby given to all toe List of October 1, 1031..«..•• 4.68 turned to Detroit Lakes, Minn., ly had set my heart on winning os in charge of toe Servlcea and also will use the intercoUegiato rules in ■oon ax I knew tost 1 would be toe golf for two da^. „ from it And, by eliittfitog tha bonds attracted a Uttle at- gasoline that was more toan enough for WPA speakers "to editorialize— taxpayers In toe Eighth School A List of October 1, 1932 4.05 where my father was engaged, in to get us from London to New York. officiated at toe grave. The bearers Northwestward Through the its dally practice sessions at the Minnesota coach. Beaten by Unknowns In “I’d sure like to aee Johnny win, American League flog t on the upside but other loans AHORNEY GENERAL expreM oplnlonz" and otherwiae UUIlties District that a board of List of October 1, 1938 • a a.* a e'.iB 4.96 the grocery business. But coaching The paper said as Richman ap­ spread- New Deal propaganda. were John Howi .rd, Elwood McGow­ Atlantic Today. West Side in preparation for the I won seven letters at Minns but tola ia a mod scramble—how today, they took toe t : time. Grains rallied at Chi- relief meeting will be held at- toe List of October 1, 1 6 3 4 ...... 6.48 opening game early in October. opportunities were few and far be­ proached during toe conversation It is understood that WPA will an, Andrew Gaively and WilUam List of October. 1, 1936 ...... 4,60 sola, three in football, three in Diwoyery Carries 1^0 well I know Itl” oald UtUa "He’a earliest date to league Other commodities were Fitzgerald, 'all Of town. Burial was Hose House, corner Main and Hil­ tween. I marked time for a month Nadonal Play; Garden City for as available records he and - Merrill looked in opposite pay all toe bills of tola widespread TIME AND PLACE OF SALE. or so, trying to make up my mind track, and one in baskatbalL ot toe game tor this course and all 'Sterling and the French ISSUES WARNING directions. in S t Jamea’s cemetery. Jacksonville, Fl^, Sept. 16,__ liard Streeta, Tuesday night Bep- confined my track activities to Pearaoa IS Injtoad slipped a shade either way. propaganda bureau through regular teibber 22nd, 1936 from 6:00 .to 7:00 Auction sale will take place on aa to what my next move would ge’s got to do Is kero 1 (A P)—Bermuda, British resort is­ sprints on the advice of my coach, Pounds in Special, Yalued With Smith and 'Thomson reduced Their victory yestordaj channels aa part of toe WPA setup land 680 miles east Of toe North p. m., eastern standard time, for too Monday, November 9, 1986, A. D , WRESTLING be. Conrse Favors Old Tim­ financed by the taxpayers. HUSBAND MURDERS WIFIL Leonard Frank, after he bod seen to tha status of spectators, and Scot- close to being a hesut-1 Carolina coast,, began feeling effects purpose of hearing any and all com­ at eleven o’clock, A. M„ Standard Then, in midsummer of 1916, through injury to Monte fONTTB sT tintBODUOB Here are some direct quotes from BURNS BODY IN OEIXAB. Time at tba Town Hall in Manehes* me in action as a freshmai). at More Than fs io O O land’s flashy Jack McLean falling as WEST HARTFORD HOMES today of a severe tropical storm plaints in regard to toe tax list New Haven, Conn.—Abe Coleman, something happened to me tb^t I took a fling at baseball, too, ers; Goodman Is Choice. yet to do anything startling, there the number one hurler. BSD WHBAT t o KANSAS Merchants May Not tola'hitherto secret document: moving nortoweatwmrd through too W. W. ROBETSON, tor, (tonn. . - 306, New York, won over George bad much to do with shaping my ' "A t least one capable, experienced Trenton. N. J.j.Sept 16.— (A P)— as an outfielder,' but this conflicted was a lot of support for Goodman, Rosenthal, Sox outfielder, stepped AtlanUc.. CHARLES B. LOOMIS. Dated at Mancheatee, (tonnaoti- Keverly, 318, California, the latter career. I received an offer to take with track and I hod to give up one his right ankle in beating out a bit pianbattan, Kas.— (A P )— More RANSACKED BY THIEVES newspaperman...... who knows the In a grave in too cellar of RmnOn euX this fifth day of Septembar Albert (Scotty) Campbell of fleatUe, Display Amounts of Fed­ The Weather Bureau said Bermu­ WM. FOULDS, JR., ' being disqualified during toe third over toe football coaching duties of them when L became a eopbo- Pawtuck^, R. I., 'l§ept. 16.— (AP) and some of toe . veterans to/reach in toe eighth inning, causing a « 0 years ago a- quanUty of personnel o f the newspapers , and Cota’s home police found today toe da probably wopld not be in toe di­ EDWARD J. MURPHY, 1936, A. D. fall. Garden a ty , N. Y., Sept 16.— body of his wife, Emily, who h ^ at BUtte, Mont, High schooL '* mora Len Frank sold me track tn —A. G. Vanderbilt’s Discovery cap­ .Friday's semi-finals. / painful hurt but exomtomtlon dis­ bard red seed wheat was preM associations should be in every rect path of too. storm but would WM. R. CAMPBELL, EDWARD X MACKNIOm. Providence, R. I.-i- "Dropklck” also had .to teach three subjects tured toe att'ent(bn of Nbw Eng­ (A P)—The ghost of Walter J. Tra­ _bt to Kansas by Menaonltes Valuable Jewels and Mrniey been missing three montha a big way because I liked baseball Nobody was going whole hog\ on closed he’ll be back to a few days. eral Taies. state Information Service." experience bad weather m toe dis­ WELLS Tax OoUactor. Murphy, Boston, defeated Tony I forget what toe salary was, but a Uttle mors. land race trade fans today in toe vis, who laid out toe Garden a t y The Senators regained sole pea- Ruaela and on this start was "Another tie-in opportunity, tola Chief of PoUoe^ Richard Brettel golf course to suit hie skillful game. any ona player, especiaUy after ybe- Taken from Residences of turbance "of great extent and hurri­ Morelli, Italy, two stitfgbt falls. at the time it wouldn’t have made I went out tor basketbaU Narragansett simclal despite an un­ teraay*a tidal wave of upaeta \ session at third place with a double- the hard red winter i wheat time by radio, is open whenever a of Hamilton townhhlp said Cota, cane intensity’ passed at sea. only favorable port and toe threat of Is raising bob with some of toe Prominent Citizens. / who Is 45, led poUce to toe grave any difference. one year—as a sophomore, l.fote header win over the Browns. They ng industry of this aeptioh. high administrative official, espe­ All ships for miles around toe As coaching was something new four dangertus fjvals including F. world’s most brilliant young players lupded '-out a 19-hlt, 18-7 triumph V Ksuisas is returning the ser- Washington. Sept 16.— (AP)— cially if he is from Washington, after giving a statement he killed Book basketball In order to keep in toe y . 8 . amateur championship, Oulmet broke, a praetlea of many Attorney-General • Cummings warn­ Hartford, Sept 16.— (AP) —The storm 6rea were warned to use TOWN ADVERTISEMENT to me, I required plenty of teach­ up my scholastic standing. A. Carreaud’s ’niria Supply. years before his match with J. M. tile opener, and Buck Newsom TWo thousand pounds of Ten. comes to a city to make an addrcM /his 61-year-old wife last June 14. but smiling respectfully on many ed today against toe displaying of homes at three prominent/' business greatest caution. ing. I decided to have a chat with I Joined toe Alpha Delta fni' The mile and ^ three-sixteenths Biggs of Raleigh, N. C. He went [Itched a one-Mt <*i edge to 'toe >eed wheat and 1,000 pounds before a convention or other assem­ The grave was five or six feet deep ForecMters said toe storm center TOWN ADVERTISEMENT These Hats Are event wU) be worth 888,600 to toe at toe oldsters who are carrying bn placards in stores indicating that a executives were enUred tn WMt and the body wrapped in a blanket my old' coach. Dr. Henry L, WIJ- temity in my. sophomore year. in toe qVavls style. ■' to toe practice field and bit half a htoap, which waa cut to I qeed, developed in Kan' part of toe pricea posted on com­ Hartford last night and in two cases bly. The rad)o station wlU usually was about 800 miles south south­ TAX COLLEaOR’S Uams. "Doc” came to my .rescuC. ' I was enrolled in toe college of victor if nine thoroughbreds start dozen warm-up shots. togs by darknesa been shipped to. Russia for be glad to give him ten to twenW Brottel said. west at Bermuda at 7 a. m,. Eastern Sellins: Fast At T h e, Vanderbilt acA which has Five genuine veterans and one modities consisted of Federal taxes. valuable Jewelry and some money Brettel said (Jota told them toe TAX COUECTOR’S He gave me my start in coaching arts and science, and gihduated "Junior veteran" remained in toa *T don’t know why 1 did It,” he Hal Trosky bloated homers ai rifhental use on Soviet farms. •He said this might possibly be a vio­ stolen. minutes for a talk.on hils convention standard time, and w m -moving —helped me in many other ways. with toe class of June, 1916, with burned up a ton of New England ■aid. *Tt Was toe first time and her’ to and 40 os ba and toe rest/Of subject or any other subject on killing was "partly accidental and slowly northwestward attended by / NOTICE OF^ALE mohSy this year and laSX win carry field .of 64 today as toe tournament lation of Federal statutea The large residences of Graham partly in self defense.” Cota, Whs These Prices During: Dr. Williams contributed much to toe moniker "Bashful Bernle” pret­ -went Into its first double header when we started off 1 was afraid 1 At a press conference, toe attor- R Treadway; Frank W. Adams, and which ha ia an authority.’’ . gales and squalls over a wide area NOUCEOFSALE football and. 1 am especially tni ty much of a fixture for years to top weight of ISO pounds, a light might be Jinxed." . PATROL BBDUCIiS "The camera should be utilizM as quoted by toe chief as Mylng his and by full hurricane winds of more load for him, but he -win Start from program. By sundown toe original P. 8 . Oulmet won, 6 and 8. ROAD DEATHS INHfOlA ney-general said he had received Bertram N. Carvalho, were enter^ wife afad an unidentified man at­ In pursuance to tke pro-vUdona of debted to him for the helping hand come. A newspaperman named Andy stating lineup of 210 will be shaved "quite a number of protesU from one of toe most helpful aids in toe than 76 miles an hour near toe cen­ Our Alteration Sale he gave me. ((eefe gave me that I didn’t have toe No. 5 stall and, since m ia slow by first floor window breaks, accord­ tacked him in the boiue and he ter. the General Statutos at toe State In pursuance to toe provision tf to J16 for th# fifth round Of toe 40to various parts -jf toe country that ing to police. work of.toe Information Service... of Connecticut and- tax warrants Some pretty fair material await­ much to-say evdiy time he intar- to get going may get burned about Judd Bromley, 42-yeai?old Green­ ay (AP)—^The American Moving pictures are to be arranged hurled a machinist’s hammer at The Unar Monarch of Bermuda toe General Statutes of toe State ■before he reaches toe first turn. championship. 11 patror syatem which has some merchants have been'putting The bedroonu at toe Treadway properly issued to me as Tax 'Col­ of Connecticut and tax Warrants ed me in Butte. Our team rah up vl'ewed me. ville, Term., hotel proprietor,? and for through Washln^on." them, hitting his wife. was to sail on schedule for New (Copyrisht m i by NBA Service, Inc.) Time Supply, which conquered C Th*The old timers, such as Francis Charley Yatea Jittery Atlanta Inter- out in certain Indian up.placards Indicating .a part of and Adams homes were' visited lector by'toe Town of Manchester, properly issued to me m Tax Col­ 300 points to 6 for toe opposition. Gambling Allowed their prices was due to Federal tax- After liutructlng how to invite York at 3 p. m., today. It appar* C , Discovery and several other stars in Nbilmim et Max Msrston, Charles natlonaUst bad several disputes ’ the safety fli^t association, while members of toe households ently had plenty of time to cross you ate hereby notified that I, Ed­ lector by toe Town of Mancheater, We played Great FallB, llissoula, (ChlC atim," slept Nothing was taksn at toe club, civic and other officials to tour QUADRUPLET LIFE SAVERS Billings, and other Montana squads. NEXT: Buslneas or coaching bo- toe 826,(K)0 Suffolk Downs feature, ,0k) Evans, Jr., George Voigt, durtog toelr match which Bromley red a great success in help- ahead at toe storm. ward J.’ MacKnlght Tax Collector you are hereby notified that I, Ed­ has drawn a 12X-pounds loa dW d ElUs Knowles and tha much- jmung- 'nie protests, Cuminlngs said, in­ Caivalho home as toe thief Is be^ WPA projects, toe memorandum for toe Town of Manchester, Omn., Our big battle was with Billings, roert won on toe 20to hole with a birdie I reduce road deaths. Mys: ■ /■ HoUU, Okla. (AP)—The Keys Forecasters here predicted show-' ward J. MacKhight Tax Collector bis favorite No. X starting posit^ er Johnny Goodman, who belongs I system came to India in -t>e-^ dicated that toe placards had been lleved to have fled when Mrs. Car­ will sell at public auction enough which won toe title in toe eastern V two. Several times Yates thought d^tribi^ted for political purposei, "Suggest to one of toe leading quadruplets—Leoto, Mary, Mona era and squalls along toe eastern for toe Town of Manchester, COnn., Sonny Workman has been assign) because of his experience, are coping he waa playlhg hla opponent’s ball. ' 193S and the Drat patrol was valho returned home at 11:30 last and Roberta—recently paMed toe seaboard from Florida to Cape Hat- or all of toe following property will sell at public auction raough part of toe state. We beat BUUngs, much bettor'with the exacting par They also said tout toe placards night. ' ______club membera that ha tell toe local 64-0, and generally were accepted to'ride toe Carreaud pride onL At toe eighth, Bromley had toe bet- Ij i t a high schopl in Dedar, Red CroM life saving testT h e sis-'' b flo n ^ g to Mary Daley and, Cath- or an of the foUowing property be­ Johnny Bejshak will be up on Dis^ 78 layout toan players many yaan Jnij^tt'tend to restrict the sale “ o f A valuable pearl necklace was mewapaper about toe prepoaed visit, mrie l^rgaaa of Broad' Brook, os ■tate-rtuunplossr-Two'games hod MORIARm GRT^AHL lerj0l.U iai!rim tv about flve yards, r'that time thv patrol farm products. tera took their toats together. 800 miles east of .Cape < averaX longing to Jake -Hamer of^ Brook-' covery. toelr Junior;* ------—— L in affective daily operation, taken with other pieces of JeweJry 00 that a re{mrter and a photo­ Connecticut to pay'taxea diie to toe to be cancelled because of heavy but Yates thought it was hia ball "7 sincerely hope," Cummings grapher may accomfihny toe party.” lyn, New York to pay toe taxes due A1 Q. Taro’s Rushaway, with a Instead of toe "modem” game Even after four 'caddiu said Brum- ' children as Jiey go to and at toe Adams home. Mr. Adams is Town of Manchester: ' , to the Town of Manchester. ■nowstoems. IN PRACTICE TOraGHT 111-pounds Impost, about- nine less of booming drives or lofted ahota hooh' aal4 "that partlsaa zeal will not first vice-president and general “Publishera, editors and report­ A certain tract tf land situated f'^T h e success of my Butte High ley out-drove him, Yates kept up toe learn anyone to . violate toe Federal ers should be included, but only one A certain pSrcel of lan^ situated toan he has bMa toting tola season, to greens tost slope away, experi­ argument manager of toe Fuller Brush com-, in the Town of Manchester, County in toe Town of Manchester, Coimty school team made toe coaching toe'Foxcateher Farm’s Roaemont enced campaignera like Oulmet statutes. It would be embarrassing pany. in each car so that they may hear profession . even nmre fascinating P a rle y finally said, "Go ahead SHRIVELS UP 'o f Hartford and State of (jonnMti- of Hartford, aniTState of Connecti­ Morlarty Brotoen’ football .team and Chdumet Farm’s Speedy Sun Evans and Goodman, strive for ac- and hit U, Judd. Wa aren’t playing yBTafiODWEST HEAT WAVE aU around and toe JusUce Depart­ Captain George J^'SulWan was aa- what toe others (in toe car) have cut known and designated as lots than' I bad anticipated. ' ment does not want to be drawn in­ to say." , cut and known and designated aa vrin bold its second- practice o f toe Teddy, which will ba comfortably fortos jmrldchM nsM p.’’ algned to the case. No.' 43 and 44, toe location being lots No. 34, 47i 48, 66-and 57 of toe wSightod with' 117-pounds, will not to partisan Incident / The thief enUred toe Treadway Regarding means of flattery for M anch^t^ Public Market season tonight at 7 o'clock at the Held, Mo— (AP)—The heat j. shown by a map dated August 28, tract known os Mornlngslde Park, Store la Final Game After lack supporters in toe expected 40,- That’s toe only aray a playerpkysr can when ounnheo "I hope this warning,” he ■aid. noma by forcing open a living room "When Scotty CarapbeU . waa s withered crime ''sharply in “will have a salutary effect” 1887 on file , in the town clerk’s a map br plan .of which la on file Being Kept (hit by Injniy West Side field and Walter Crockett 000 crowd. The others scheduled score here and hope to stay in the caddy a few yean ago he said he id during the summer, in window. Mr. Treadway's white gold office of said Mancheater, known as I was lUl set for a permanent to-go postward are Stand PaX Ac­ suddro-deato tournament. Otea ttw Btatatea wrist watch and about 836 tn bins STEAK SALEl in toe town clerk’s oflloe tn aald requests that all fonner players and thought most lieople who pla)rea.a a ■ • a 4 S C l l l e Catherine BurgeM.hy Mrs. Nora B et^ toe same land conveyed to in toe Marine Corps. seaslon drew a goc^y number of issue are Granville, toe three-year- mise with Travis’ testimonial, two lass felonies committed in vestigated. •< ' FLAPPERETTE BurgeM~on March 10, 19()6, re­ But before going into my ex­ old champion, (Oivalcade, w hi^ at­ MEANS Iowa, Cummings oatd he had leafn- A pone o f gloM was taken from Pnre Pork Sausage Meat , 20c lb. Jake Hamer by Philip E lse n b ^ by promising candidates for toe - team red-hot pre-tournament i choices, than for the corresponding ed that Section 1138 of toe Federal corded in toe ManchMter Land deed dated 'March 16, 1922, record­ perience In toe service and subse­ and Crockett reports that toe pros­ tempted a comeback at tots oval Hector Thomson, toe British ama­ the den window at toe Carvalho resi- Fresh Made Lamb Patties I a • a 6 6'-a a « S a a a • • 5 for 19c Records, Volume 38 PSge 101. quent acUviUes at toe University and failed tiriee. And AcUon, Mrs. teur champion, and Reynolds Smith, last year, Wommack'said, aUtuUs might possibly boAppUCa- denoe and toe window . unlocked, ed in toe Manchester lAnd Records, DOBBS pects for toe iwaaon are bright if a Racing Notes are Just naturally steering bls to posting of placards auen as PURPOSE OP SALE. ybiume 69 Page 298.. of Montana,- It might be weU to capable coach eon he obtained to Ethel Jacob’s 81000 seven-year-old Dallas Walker Cup star,ater, as a wan. " as it Daniel Donaghua who fii- The above sale la to be made tor first review my . playing days at wonder horse, which has wem lO out Walter Emery of Oklahoma the Jail. They know^ how those deecribed in toe telegnuna. found evidence that tn. A FUL L L tf^ OF SUGAR CURED CORNgD BEEP PURPOSE OF SAUt handle the team. The candidates Most of the top flight toorough- INSTANT DEATH! ’ ThAt Jaw, hS Mid; toe parppM,'0<. paying- taxes, inter? HATS Minnesota. - Include several high school stare of of 11 starts this season. tha 1986 runner-up to Lawaon^^'^ Last week—for the. ninth oonaecu- ' over there and they are robbM had attamptafl tq - _ - . - Tha above sale is to be mods, foe bceda were included in toe 47 nom­ ~of fwtag "locked" ■ajUUU6,.LJLtA.2 t* fl * ^^a 12 c Ibg m t the purpdae of paving Inter- I was physically sound" hr l 9I4 recent yean as. wtfl- 'os veteran tia ware knocked out of the show. inations snnotmeed - yesterday by ; tive year—Flreatott# tires wars on anyone found guilty o f msviTH' any * a cablne Bald. taxes were levied ^ toe'^^>wn ..^Nnig J n ll Styloa and . hafaiiss -.Jt_p^tty JsMvVsiian' /V U iW the wtontog car to'the dattoaJPIke' Treadway is a repreaentatiTa Fahey Boneless B ridcet...... >*a a a 2 5 c I b o eat accrued thereon an3 o t& f lim lipro pacEottnare.______written or oral sti^menta In oon- of Manchester against toe above /charges. - Said taxes were well in toe sprints toe previous _ . they secretary, for toe 87,500 added aiito raea Narrow'roads^' o f too Hortford-Oonnectlout Trust I a • • • • 29c lb. tiA S FINED. nection with the sale of aiq/ articles Lean Chude Pieces to slioe cold mentioned taxpayer aa follows: by toaTown o f Manchester and toe Cross Country tfa pf spring, Dr. Williams gave me 6 batted toe ball an out at proportion Riggs handicap to be renewed at treaebarous curves—m slip would Company and Mr. Carvalho la preot? to toa boundaries at toa fairways have meant toatant' death. You per­ when toe aUtemenU «ra InUnded dent at the Metropolitan - Fire Re­ U st of Obtober 1, 1925...... 8 SflS S ^ n d School District thereof Weight ...., v O e U v lot of attention during my second Pimltoo, Nov. 7. Among toa nomina­ Sept. 16— (AP) — to lead penona to IMleva that any lis t at October 1„ 1036.. 8.91 against toe above mentlo'had tax? season. I was a regular all that Leading Batters and tha brutally-trapped greena tions were William Woodward’s haps srill never be called upon to assurance C om paq and first vloa- , FRESH SHIPMENT OF SEA FOOD ON (aUDRON TONKHT B i n B olt -M-year-old Syracuse, cltoto n k e’a Peak, but wito Au- I Hoch,1, who according to h]s part of an article's price conaiaU at preatdant of toe Rossln Inauranoa List of October 1, 1937.I • • • • • 61 8.91 payer as follows: ■ America’s Moat Popular faiL We suffered setbacks at toe GranvUla Elwood Soohsenmaler’s to police spent two hours a Federal tax. The law further pro- Fancy Fresh Mackerel...... 10c lb., 3 lbs. 25^ List of October 1,; 1928. 10.40 List of October 1, 1028...... 816.60 Hatl hands. of Illinois and Nebraska. NATIONAL N. Y., automobUs salesnmn, who Roman Soldier and Alfred O. Von- tumn-’B vrst oUppary pavements you (Company. knocked out Smith after wiping out owe .lt to younelf to do NO OAM- "iBSt teturday evening after albiU knowingly making false sUt»- AU toe dweUlnga antared are with­ Fresh Swordfish, centeraUces ...... 45c lb. List of Ootober 1, 1929...... 10.66 List-Of October X 1930...... 16iS0 Chicago gave us our only licking (Unchanged from yeaterdoy.) dtrbilt’a Discovery. menu concenolng toe amount at List of October X 1980...... 11J3 in my sophomore year. The following ore askad to report a three-bote deficit with a sub-par BUNO. Firestone give you greater Rtt two padaatrlans, wiw in doM proxlmfly - of each other, Fancy Large Smelts • • a«a a 0 . 6 « Myo ' List of October 1, 1087...... flSl; Averin, Indiana. XtS. of the 'Oriotea foothali team, town round- tola morning. Holt and evading responsibtUty. AAed if toe law could not be In­ Stewing Oysters List Of October 1, 1938...... 11.88 List of Ootober X 1988...... 14A4 Berg Hats eral games as the (result o f having Runs—Gehrig, Yenkeea,, 161; ly of William Woodward’s Granville quickercer Itoan other leading makea voked against gaooUne oompanlM champs: Q. MltcheU, Balohunos, Thompson, buddies for years, are that ha has assigned toe three-year remittod 880 of toe tine. DIVOROB BEOOMMmrDBD List Of October 1, 1 9 3 4 ...... 13.07 List of October 1, 1964...... 16.33 toe muscles torn from my hip. (MfX Browns, 188. and moviag picture tbeatera which Chowder Clams Steaming Oams n i never forget one of them. Gabb^, Kaminiki, A. Skarchtick, eanmlng out nearby in an, auto- old son of Gallant Fox 180 pounds EQUIP TOUR CAR TODAY WITH Rag a trolley car ba lis t of October 1, 1986...... 19A0 List of October 1, 1035...... 1X65 By the Makers of Dobbs’ Runs batted in—^Troaky,.Indians, Archlvy, J. SwUcl% M ..8 wlkla, J, trollar. Boatrloe Gaudette, and Mve been in the practice of posUag TIME AND p l a c e : OF SALE. TIME AND PLACE OF SALE. I was captain and, because Illinois 148; Gehrig, Yankees, 144. for the mile of toe Jerome handicap toe amount of Federml. tax included Bridgeport. Sept 16 — (AP) — YaworSkl, M. MltohsU, jL Olendsr. Hank Koiral o f HamUton, N. Y., to he run at Balmont Park s a t u r - liU who ware about to Stats R tf area Frederick M. Peoaley AT OUR BAKERT DEPARTMENT Auction sale will take place on Auction sals will take place on had handed us our only revene m te—Averin, IhdIanB, 316; Geb- V. AbraltU, C Maleek F. Kuba, f U r e t l o t i t <* toeaUr Regular $3.50. fonnar Colgate captain, who day. Tha Woodward star probably oar. They were not today recommended to Superior SHE’S FLAPPER FANNY’S Monday, November 9, 1986,-A. D. Monday, November 0, 1986,'A. O., Now ____ ... toe previous autumn, I suffered ringer, Tigers, 31X Men, Blosla Branniok. Tumlnakl trounced Hector Thomson 4 and 3, **rhe Misterpieefl of Tire ConstroetioB’* h jtg tt Dckeu, Cummings said it Large Fresh Baked Madcerel...... 15c ea. at C>ne O’clock P. M„ Standard $2.99 my keenaat disimptfntment when Doubles—Walker, Tigers, M ; sriU not start howsvap, m be la be. although both were might ^ U y »vp\y u, «Kh eaoea Court tost • dtvoica Ue geoated to at Ten O’CHock A. M , Standard Buifea AugusX Kiboldar, Iriali, 81a> was matched against ox-Chsaapioo Ing reeerved for toe 837,000 Lawr* L'l^a basnttal. Hoch told Dr. Maorioe O. Oorrigaai Newtown LITTLE SISTER AND SHE Home Made Cocosnut Oakes.. .2 dos. for 25e Time ,at toa Town Ball in Manchea­ Time at toe Town Hall in Manches­ I couldn’t play against Bob Zuppke’t Gehringer, Tigers, 68. go. Ooburo. but that such prteas so poaUd by outfit at Urbana. Marston. - f enee ReeUaation, Sept 36, and the w bit ear bad atruck dentist , JOINS THE HERALD’S BIG ter, Conn. ter, Conn. Trimao—A-verlU, Indians, and Dl. plqyara tha prea Although anyone can f a n victim common consent ' German Rye BFead, idaln or seeds ...... lOcloaf Veteran Minnesota fans remem­ a g i ^ Yanksas, 15. Jockey Qub Golf Chip, Oct 8. bat the reason ha did Corigaa charged hu wife, Eetow . Dated at Manchester, Connecticut Dated at Mancheater, Connecticut of R.' Harrington,n, Bddla WibcnWiloCn aad to an 18-hola match upset the Good- ' Warren Wrigbt’a Sun Teddy, re? tVVp.'S — V 'll' t ' iinKniB >iniiiwri¥iiiiwwpwfflwi(iiww~iiniiwpHMMMMHWWff¥i m n " I wn'nniii ~t- i -. f. ~i-i- irii !■ • hw~inmrpt i w < ir~ i* m w it rfW n w n w n M itW f■ * i—w — M>iiMW<*i>MiiiMii»*iniriiiiiB>iM«mi< '4.' «*.• »’OOTS AND HER BUDDIES A fter AYhat H e’s,Been Throiisrh r : _____L ....-iiT-' . ii-i-M' ' y \ONfT V\Nl-V \ F IE V -b O ft W TftVl VU* B U Y % m . W L . M ^ a 7^ i i i f SENSE and NONSENSE AP9\3StClKtt A U - yvA* KACE. V «s AaSE HAVSE.ViOVOAOWi^E ‘ IN Which Inatanoo I’d Oo EVOEA-V-IV T W S 'E a G5«cPfr OAV y'B'E AU 'Jt. Completely Un-Olpey. NO* OOn*T VET NCMOV3E. TEVV 4 1 think Pd like to live the life of M g cM *Mi /FmsmcM mwMtcwf mvarrfil * gipsies, jsty and free, Ft-APP.% FANMy S a y s V A 0 \ W ’Q E ^S T B l P l I i l ru steep ‘ each night beneath the . stats. Just sheltered by a tree. And every morn, when Pd awake. LOST AND FOUND i P E I^ O N A L S 3 POIJL;i 4 y AND SUPPUES 43 APARTMENTS—FLAIB— Should not be permitted to I’d walk through.dew-klBSed flow- K FOR SALE—RHODB ISLAND Red TENEMENTS 68 BIG THREE STARTS To Battle Read OWENS CANT RUN; era STRA.TBID OR BTOUIN at MEN! QBT VIGOR at once! 1 conference between the Oatrex tonic tableta contain w Pulleta, 16 weeka old. Telephone FOR RENT—MODERN 5 room Tu some cool spring; and there Pd .jrtiT tiidM. (hort hair Mack and A. A. U. omdals bathe; nor count the passing wlitta male cat. Anawan to oyater invlgoratora and ol r $272. downatalr flat O ct lo t 418 Boot - amootb out the affair of aUmulanta. One doae papa Omter. atreet D. J. SuBlvan. TeL WORKOUTS ON GRID hours. of Sirntty. Reward for ta- MEET CALLED OFp .the double suspension and the meat Pd not rush to appointments —and : tm return of eat Floyd organa, glanda. If not deUgh ^ ARTICLES POR SALE 45 7487 or 8108. / was caUed off. In addition -to hav* maker refunda few coita paid. < be.late to them each day., " ff*«»vPP«P’, Oorentry. Telephone WU- Ing been rendered automatically A balmy breeze would blow o'er me, Bmaatle Dhr. lOSS-18. Mancheeter or write Arthur Drug atorea. ' FOR SALBl—WHITN'BT atroUer In t OR RENT—6 ROOM tenement InelMbie on the r*pro” announce­ with ,aU convenlencea, newly reno­ and waft my-cares Sway. 48U. ^ - fine condition. Call 5$06 or 852 ment, Owens prevloualy had been vated. 418 Center atiW . Caledooiaii (M Pd like to spend my days ^.outdoors, ^ Center atreet barred beoause of his "run out" on b and then In moonlight sleep; AIJTOl^OBlLES FOR SALE ^ post-OIymplo meet In Sweden. _____ V Z i ? n , ANNOUNCEMENTS 2 - POINTESR POPPY, ■7 montha. All FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM apart- Begiq Practice for Coninit Affair When AA^efnses Unless—an awful bug or worm tMFrmamwiaMiic. t. M.’sta u. a sat, osr. p papera. Alao aeveral guna, all m ^ t, with private bath $50. per should on my fair form creep. TRB tA D T rfbo had JCureka , —Lyla Myers. truck. In good condition - makea. Phone 8053, kfter 6 o’clock. nmhtii. Steam heat $5 extra pef .fWaotnun cleaner left.on trial, kind- mimth during winter montha. Ap­ Toonerville Folks By Fontkine Fox land Turnpike. Tel. 42^ Football Seasoo. to Lift Ity caU Watldns Bro*. ply Supt, Apartment 4. 26 Birch Yesterday's Stars | A well-known sophomore at m State University was returning to A PRIVATE HOME Ucemed to FOR SALE— 1930 CHEVR r FOR SALB—BABY atroUer and atreet" T h a t f a t b c 3y t h a t M i c k e v M c G u i r e i s a l w a y s c h a s i n g care for elderly people. Eaperlenc- >- play yard, $8.00. Telephone 8196. HU Trosl^, IhdlanB— school after an unusually exhtlackt- OUR B(^ARDING HOUSE Spact roadater |10^ 1929 C New York; Sept. 18.— (AP)—Aft- Wew York, 8 ^ lA—(AP) bomera and ' drove in seven runs ed care for the siclt TeL S106. let coach »40; /1927 C2u t ■ ------r a belated but vigorous atart| son ing "night before.” tie went Into F<3UR ROOMS for rent. Apply 2 B eto^ Jeaayowens can’t run Bgalnst Red SOx. a r e lin k restaurant and ordered a aedan, 38S. Othe^uaed cara SO football players, hopeful of re George Selkirk, Yankeew-r-Hlt two Alao uaed parp ^ and Urea, BUILDING MATERIALS 47 Broad atrMt an ai^teur, ^there won’t be any soft-boiled egg. Tho waitress i-POWC « r THE, Bsentlug the famous old “big driUbles and single, driving In two (vrho, strange as It seems) dropped I nr DesERVEB taleo Broa.. lyetherell atreel iree" on the gridiron this season. track meet at the Yankee StadUun FOR BALEr—ABOUT 80 rtpilng TO REaTT—THREE room apart­ runs, against White Box. tho egg. ’’Now wliat shall I do!” LA-2V -POOCHf TH' OLD WRECV< ‘ t i m e q u t -^t h ' M toehester';' 8346. / feet of oectlonal office partition, ment with electric Ice box and ' tomorrow night Joe Kuhel and Buck Newsom, tho cried. atove. Apply Edward J. HoU, 865 Senators—Former's single and twoi 'TH E MA30R WOW!T IS BOWLEeSED O L D H A S Evening Herald, j 1931 PO> tC SEDAN, 1 . double giaased, 3 foot aectlons, 6 According to their agreement, The New Yoric Caledonian Club The college boy, still a little o •, doofs—can be uaed to make up Main atreet Tel. 4642. , doubles sent three runs across ini Isloepy, shouted: “Cackle!” LOOKTH' SAME, T=WOM TOTlIsiS Uac coup 1932 Austin work until Sept made that dechdon last night after twin bill opener; Newsom .stopped^ ■ 0 E E M S M T OKA S O CLASSIFIED ' 1932 Au coupe, 1930 < t rooma of any alae—peorect condl'- C>m FOR RENT-TW O ROOM apart­ Frjlta Crlaler of all efforts, including the interceB- Browns with one hit In nightcap. H IS M IB S IM ADVERmEHENTS coupes 0 tion, eaay to Inatall or take down, Winifred—1 believe you had bet­ The girl who drtiiks In a man's MAKJY TIMES, H ment, Centennial $27 per month. slon of A. A. U. authorities In his Schoolboy Rowe, Tigers—Helped tor come to the point before long. Packed e Wendheiaer’a Muaic atore, ; Rock­ CaU Mancheater Construction <3o., win his own ban game against Ath­ iTne^ thirsts tor flsttery. I T S L A P .^ LOOKS T3E3ECTED" ' Ooaat ela anrac* worae to a Ua* ville, Conn. home dlstaiet had failed to have ' WilUara—Do you mean that you aambars aad abbrevtatloae Hot 4181 or 4279. the Ohio State Negro restored to letics with two-run double. baeh eouot a* a .'Ofd aad eompoaod ------' ■ - J Llkewlae all three fotmd doubt my love? ITS SPIW T IS -FULL O P i - r good standing. Winifred—It isn't that, but father worda aa two wordk tUBlmnni eeet la .... 1 SPEED RECORD LOW TIDE IS NOT THE TIMB erica el three Uaea GARDEN-"FARM— DAIRY Believing that Owens, winner of Is tired of seeing you around so Uae rmtea e«r day (er tranaleat HOUSEHOLD SERVICES HOUSES FOR RENT 65 four Olympic gold medals, would Woodstock, Va.—Cati Feller aefv- FOR DISCOURAGEMENT; iT IS ^ PRODUCTS 50 Harlow, starting hla second sea- ed a "twomay” Jail sentence In two mudh. He says you" can either THE TIMB FOR PREPARATION. EKADEPR6S6eD OFFERED FOR RENT—6 ROOM single house, outshine all the other Olympic stars tidic my hand or hls foot. ***" Meettva atateh tt, laof entered gs a "drawing card”, the minutes. fU Caab Cbarse, . FOR SALBJ-CONCORD and CUn- with aU. Improvements. Inquire 16 i a OomaaeaUre Uaya I etw a at) FOR 8A IE —FLUFF B club cancelled the entire meet Convicted of driving an automo­ Friendly Lady (to'little boy with . ton grapea, watermelon, yellow Lydall, after 7 p. m. bile after bis permit had been revok­ Junior— My fatlier must have a mongrel pup)—What kind of a Oaaaaaatlee Oayt I eta II Ing shop. Ruga made fro rather than have It "flop” without 'Been In lots of mischief when he 1 pay ...... I II oU| II : pats. C. Schulze, S Cl 2 Wax otrtngl beana, Uma beana and h l^ ed, he recelv^ the minimum term. dog Is that? j Ali Olden for Irracnlai laaerw cauliflower. McCleUar.d Farm, 81 FOR RENT—8E /B N room single, | ig a number of veterans, Harlow He entered hla ceU at 11:59 p. m., ■was a boy. atreet, Rockville, Conn! ■ with all improvementr with or . Prevloualy Owens had gone to Boy—He’s a i^'lice dog. will be Obaraed at the oae Ur* . Lake atreet Tel. 3589. redlcted tMs yesur’s team would be walked out again at 12:01 a. m., a Friend—How do you know? Friendly Lady—Why, he doesn’t i aaelal ratee for ' laar *terai Arery without furniture. Manchester : Cleveland, vrhere the registration Junior—Because be knows just day adrertlalna give apoa raOoeat. imewhat inore i succfssful than free man. took like a police dot;! n ■" '■ ...... ' ' Green section. Apply ESdward J. ; larvard wad in 1935. committee of the Northeasteni Ohio what questions to ask me y;hen he . Ada orda^ far three at REPAIRING Association, A. A. U„ bad ques­ Boy—No ma’am. You ,see, he’s HOUSEHOLD GOODS SI HoU. Telephone 4642, 866 Main St. Crlsler bemoaned his lack of ade- ADVICE 'TO POUOEBfEN wants to find out what I’ve been In the secret service. uatp reserves as he w atted bis tioned him then forwarded' a recom­ aeveland—Eliot Ness, director of doing. ' ", teal Bambar af 4maa the /4 aypaar* LAWN MOWER SHARI FOR RENT—CENTRALLY locat­ Tony Amors mendation that his suspension for aA ahantiaa at the rate>aracil, hat >• CQMBINA'noN KITCHEN rangq, juad of 72 bulky Princetonians, public safety, swore In 10 new How would yoii like to have your aa BUewaaee or refaBda, repairing. Key - making, * blue and white with oil burner, ed, 55 EIro atreet, 6 room house, Sen commented “thdre’s a raft of having announced public^ hts Inten- patrolmen and gave them this ad- YOU HAD Be t t e r w is h cleaners etc., cleaned, roc garage, ateam heat Particulars Tony Amore, slugging welter­ timi 'Of turning professional be lifted more feeble thoughts recorded In ae ilz tliae ade after the * $26.00. Headquartera for oil burn- nds and we don’t know yet who's weight from the tost side, wUl be In vice: t h a t y o u r h a ir WOULD ■tth day. ad. Tool abarpening. Bra Phone H. E. Marcham, RockvUle, Immediately. Instead the Metro­ COME OUT THAN YOUR TEETH, cold type! play Uaea act ’• era, $13.00 and up. Benaon E\tml- ’bo.” Ehid coach Sampbell Dickson one of the feature bouts down at "You are expected to be honest H e^U ierhida~t S3 Pearl atreat. 978-5. politan district re^tration com­ ■a l t h o u g h y o u c a n p u t u p ture and Radloa. Johnaon Block. tarted to find out by having the the 15th outdoor ehow at South and to know that you will get no EJlolie —^My' sweetheart’s a dia­ Herald wlU eat ha raapoaatble mittee, adhering to the A. A. U, rule great rewards for being honest. A BETTER FALSE FRONT WITH - a . FOR RENT—MODERN 7 room rlngmen tackle the backs on the Park tomorrow night. mond outtcr. .* far amra than oue/lnaerreat laaarUea ■ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE for ecelvlng end of punts. The Tigers that one year must elapse before 'When you walk into a restaurant for THE LATTER. af aay aCrartlaemaat erderao ter HELP WANTED— house 860 per month. Call Man­ The popular east-sider will battle reinstatement, warned the club that a meal, pay foFit." Janice—Oh—In the jewelry busi­ n a n *»»■ oae aqlO. call after 4 p. m. at 24 Knox ness? FEMALE i BtTML ' chester Construction Co. 4131 or the hardy Jock Read of N6w Haven. • Lady (to her servisnt) —Jane, The laadrartedt enuaaioa el laoor 4270. ■ Blotse—Not exactly— he cuts the " lleeU n M adeertlalas wlU he At Gale’s Ferry camp Pond foimd Topping the card this week wUl you have broken more dishes and oaly/hy aaaeellatloD of the WANTED—WHITE girl. a FOR SALB—ONE COAL atove IE. -glossest. than your wages amount grass on the baseball field. afeaiae mpde/lar the e4rrloe naderad. icperienced players among his 58 be Bobby Poison Ivy of Hartford and one gaa atove. Inquire 20 andidatas to stage a dummy ecrlm- versus hla one-time conqueror, Mike to. RTiat can be done to prevent All adranuamaats n ail eoafom e Knox atreet. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 FOREVER WORRYING ABOUT la atyia. aapy aad - typoanphy with ■ lage the first day and to outline Pronto of Meriden. Pronto stopped this? THE PRESENT CUSTOMS IS •7^ raBalMlpae aaforoed by the pablleh* 8-4650. FOR SALB—WOODBRIDGE Tav­ the. local boy’s tush earlier In the Jane—Well, mum, you might WHAT KEEPS FOLKS FROM EN­ e n aad /thay raaerre the right to ern at Green, 30 rooma. Ideal for fto*4 HAL CO CH R AN :BCARBO raise my wa^s. adit, raylae or ia|ee‘ aay oopy .ooa> n WANTED—TO BUY .58 season at the park and Is out to re- JOYING* THEMSELVES. aldared objoauoaabla WANTED—MIDDLE-Bged tourist home, tea room, antique Harlow alao picked up where he peat. for housework, go home hig C L O ^ O BOUltA—Claealded ada to shop. Price $3600. See B. T. Mc­ Here is the complete card as an­ WE OFFER $500 REWARD TQ ' «a pttNlahad eama day aaast ba re- quire at 39 Cottage street. Kinney. Tel. 6230. -eatVed by it Caloek. aooa; aatardaya . WANTB3I>—RO>V BOAT or dory. nounced by Matchmaker Pete Per- W(?1GUEY'S"JS- AI4Y CANDIDATE FOR -STATE lliN a . m. CAPABLE YOUNG woman, { . Call 8165 between 6 and 9 p. m. FOR SALE—TWO family house. rone: FiNE. «=iO(a A DR.V OFFICE, ANY POLITICAL FAITH eral housework and care of Joe Lamon^, Wllllmantlc, vs. Joe WHO ISN’T IN FAVOR OF RE­ TELEPHONE YOUB Juat off Eaat Center atreet Ideal AND DOSTy THROAT I DUCING TAXES. W A N T ^ S . children, no adult cooking. E home and good investment. See E. Masso, HarUord^ Jim Russo, New nights, Bundaya off. Call 5439. ^ BOARDERS WANTED 59-A I -■------iG till r«iuiM r«i Ada era aooapud orot th* uiaphoha T. M ^limey. Telephone 5280. Sports Roundup Haven, vs. Young” Miller, Thomp- sonvUIe; “Codfish”^ Balesano, Hart- Friend—So the police were com­ at the CHAROl! RATH glvaa aboea CAN ACCOMMODATE two ladlea pletely baffled , when your raoth^r- aa a aoBraalea .> la advartlaara, bat ford, vs. Pat Casey, Hartford; Julee ' the OABtl RATES Wiu a., aacaptad aa YOUNG LADY For housework. o wttb room and board Call Man- LOTS FOR SALE 73 By EDDDfi BRIETZ in-Iaw was kidnapped?,, Associated Press Sports Writer Mucker, Windsor Locks, vs. Johnny S( ()R( HY SMITH ,\ Someone In A Hiirry! By JOHN e. TERRY FilU. Pa TMBNT It paid at tba anal- 1. cheater Conatructlon Company. Gravs, New Haven. Gerald—Yes, If I hadn’t baffled aaaa oSlee on or before the eeeentb - 4181 or 4279. FOR SALE—GOOD building lot, them they’d have brough t'her bai;k. day followtaa the Bret ineerttoa of New York, Sipt. 16.— (A P)—Sure ^ each ad ottaemee the CHARUB HOTELS, RESORTS eveiT c. 'With plenty ol trees. Summit Jerry SteVens, New Haven, vs RATB will be oolleoled, Mo reiponel- Inexperienced—experienced, atreet extension. PHce $8500. See sign of football: First top coat of Joe Wasnik, ThompsonviUe; Wheel ' blUty tor erron la telaptaoaed ade tact good Jobs. $40-$;i26 m< y- . . ' B. T. McKinney. Tel. 5230. season made ‘ its appeuance on er Louis, Hartford, vs. ’liny Lesco IT IS EASIER FOR A YOUNG ' wlU ba ataumed aao their aeearaoy Enclose stamp. Scharf S Broadway yesterd^...Joe..L o ^ WUUmanUo; Xleorge Hovey, WlUl aaaaat- be waaraateed. ' ------—-—:r MAN TO FOOL HIS OWN MOTH­ K 5 -L 849 W. 45thi New York. turned down a fat offer to campaign mantle, ve. Joey Pinto, Hartford; ER THAN IT IS FOR HIM TO IN D E X OF for one of the big polltlcu parties / ’’Blgboy” CaMlU, Hartford, VA Jack FOOL ANY OTHER WOMAN.' CLASSinCATlONS r FOR SALE Last Night's Fights ...I t Is not true that the'^rdlnal Galvin, East Hampton; ’’Goldfish” front office has soured on \farmer Balesano, Hartford, vs. George . AT PINE FOREST Frank Ftlsoh.' He’s more solid Gian aanaata • ssss*assd,a.0 sh m # • • FEMALE New York—Ralph (Indian) Hur­ Pepo, Meriden; Tony “ Schnozzola’ • •a aBBSS* a • ^ Leaving town, must sacri* ever with the firm of Breadoi^and u .Paatba ...... tado, 187, Panama, outpointed Char­ Amore, Hartford, vs. Jack Read, YOUNG WOMAN wishes hoi a- flee modern 7-Room Home, Rickey...all that Is keeping Tony New Haven; Bobby “Poison” Ivy, S',‘ Card ot Thanks BBBBBBBBB ley Gopaer, 134 3-4, France (8). Canzonerl from meeting Jimmy Mc- Is Uamorlani OBBBBB BBB work, hy the day or hour, >r famished or unfurnished; Hartford, vs. Mike “CshnonbsU” Chicago — Harry Thomas, 198, Larnln in a return bout O ct 2 Is the (READ THE STORY. T m N COLOR THE FIOTUBB) bait aad Fonad BWBBBBBBBBBBBBB laundry to doi good reference. ' ■1- 2-car garage; oil homer. Eagle Bend, Minn., knocked out K. approval of the boxing fathers here. Pronto, Meriden. AaBonaeaBiaBta a a ^ B BB'BBBBBBSB 4985. ___ » The Tlnymltaa wer" much de­ all wondering where we oah be, hut . Paraoaale . aat«*'aBBBB«B*BS Ideal location, Price very O. Clementa, 187, Pittsburgh (4). pressed. Bald Windy, "Now, who Loa Angeles—Bob NeateU, , 188, we are not down-hearted. ’Stead of Aatanabaaa low for cash. Don^t be surprised if Rip Collins is going to blossom out with sa en­ would have guessed that we’d be left that we’re full of cheer. AatOmobtiaa tor Bala ...... « Los Angeles,' knocked out Nash Gar; of the Cktrdinala la Bill. Terry’s larged and enclosed press box which Autanebllaa tor Bxoaaiiaa ai.n> t alone out in a reU strange land like "We’U move along tUI we locate PHONE MANCHESTER rlson, 182, San Jose (2), choice as first sacker for the Giants will take care of 200 reporters, this? ■ Aato Aaoaaaortaa—Tlraa > a B BBAB 4 New York—Domelnoo CeccareUi, some brand-new town. Won't, that Aato Rapaliinx—Paiauag i “ 3704 next season . . .hats off to Jimmy photogs snd radio guys this season. "I wish the Bsidmo would come be great! -Perhaps, b«(ore we reach Aato Seboola ...... t-a 177, Italy, defeated Jimmy De Sola, Dykes of the second-place White You can’t miss seeing tho band of right back. A t least we would have AatoB—Bblp ay Track S 181, Spain (10). a town, somebody wW appear." ABtoa—Far ufre ...... f Sox for one of the neatest managerl- Coach Charlie Bachman behind this aomeone that we U' eould take to. OBraBaa" 'BarTlea- Starasa ••••• 10 Bl jobs of the season.. .Lfoyd Lewis, ...every dime Frankie Frisch has That lad . surely will be missed." They traveled on till Coppy said, Mataroyalaa—Bleyolaa...... II the new sports od, has the sporta torned in a World Series la in a spe­ "Aw, we’ve been stuck this "Hey, Tlnymltes, look overhead. A Wanted Aotoa—Motareyelaa . . . It section of the Chicago Daily News cial bank accoimt' Since Frankie way before, when we knew not big balloon’a above us and It’s land­ WASHINGTON TUBS ByXCrane OUT OUR WAY By W illiam s ■aaiaaae aad Brataaalaaal Bai elaaa sparkling like nobody’s bis...the has played In seven an^ probably what was in ab-re," said Soouty. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Ktosser /.\FT B -^ A FEW CAV5, LllLU BEaE TAXES THE PRAMKOM Baalatia Barrlaaa Ollarad ...... it ing right this way! ^THERRTHERE^^VWS Y Flortata—Nnraa.iaa ...... II Gone la making a hit with exactly est.. .the little birds say Charlie "But, they have gone, so that Is 1 BIN TMIMKIN', HONEVPIE, BECAUSE COOLPNT BOVS'I GOTTA WORMf YOU'VE) SAID A PRETTY NOTHiM'ABOUT FnaanI Olraeton ...... II POUCE have a happy hunch that this m«y < y nobody...Syracuse bag 43 players Gehrlnger’s arm Is troubling him.so out What say we all begin to be our lucky dqy." V IS S IE IS YER BUM HEARTS MAVBE^VE BETTER I A C T IN LO O K .TH IS RUINED THIS WORD OLt>,TOOf COINS, B U T ' Raatlax—Plamblnx—BooBag ^ IT 2:30 to 7:00 P. M . - H erald-EU zaboth Park N O T s h a r e TH E s h e r if f J O B Wl' ME,, JU S T A N laaaiaaoa li on Its grid swad. Cornell has 45 be may have to toift to another po- shoutT Peihapa someone will hear "There’s no use yelling," Windy , FARING Q U A R TER UP. G A N G -W ITH ABOUT BOY,rM MXl STARTED HUllatry—OraaBmahlag ...... II and Colgate 60 for a total'Of 147. Bitlon next season. ua and oome walking into eight" ADVISORV FIRST -.IT MAY YOUR G E T - 4 S43 Exhibition H om e cried. ‘Tlcnow, right now, that we’ve ■ CAPACITV? GETTIN COIN* THIS DISEASE Itorlag—Traoklag—BiAnga .... M Yet, all three combined are 47 short been spied," And then they watch­ SOME ''n e w s 'Ji BE WORTH A RICH-QUICK j BIG TO h o l d O F G C T T IN ' Fabtlo Paaaaagar ganriaa I...-..M -A of the number Elmer Layden has to Falatlag—Papartng ...... II FIRE Completely furnlabed In lateet deolgna and oolora. Look Followers o f Tenth Avenue Tech . Then ,i they all let their voices' ed the b’loon drop down. It filled ■lOTTA MONEY-'/ IPEES/ r MONEY ONTO RICH VVlTHOUI Frotaaaioaar BameM It over the new Section D on Tanner atreet if you’re Intereated In pick frbm at Notre Dame. Just the (N. Y. football Giants) were stsr^ loose, but soon found It was df no them all with cheer. i t e m s '’ laSTjr THAT'S OUGHTA FORCED T H IS Rapairlag . ll S ooth W O R KIN '- building a home. same, Elmer . couldn’t mo4ui any 'tied when the Giants missed two use. "Why yell qur heads off?" Dot­ The little, basket swayed about; OVEN THEIP PRETTY OLD^ POKE TWIS CaN ST’" DIMEf, POKE HIM Tallarlag—Oyalag—OlaaalBg 14 louder If he was on a coast-to-coast points after touchdown against the ty salA *TLat's lAart to hike along. aad then a little girl leaned out I WON’T SPEND, O N YOUR ToUat abode and Barrlaa ...... II hookup. I N EVER O N E -r WHY. ,Rraatad~.Baatassa '’ga.naa BSBWBB II ROBERT J. SMITH AU-Stara. That didn’t happen when "Three tots can push the sled a Bald she, "Hell% there, Tlnles. Yon RADIO, AS THAT, TILL I N O S E A N ' OPENED 4 S21 Ken Strong was booting ’em In. mile, aad then hop on and itot soon will be glad Pm here." H E S GCOT- OWNER AND DEVELOPER KNOW' TW IST fT-:> MYTRAR', EVEYBODY , N orth The New York sports . mob has . A M E A N S ‘ U ] t OOBraas aBd Oeasas ...... || MS Bfaln Street TeL 8454 Earl W alu, Fordham backfield up While tbe other three are push- WATCMIN* TH ’ Jto .Frivato iBstrnetloa ...... u . « . . It shifted to Dave’e blue room for Its coach, takes the air tonight with a ing. Let’s cheer up and sing a song!" (The Tiniee are taken aboeud ttw OF alaBalag ~ o...... i|.a midnight gabfest.. .l^chlgan State Co i n s / Itealeel—Otamatle ...... I II brand new football feature. And, so thay dlA "Lost tots are vre, balloaa In the next story.) ;r.|Rmitad—laatraatlea ..... mwnw * M 5432 EXTENDING HIS .. artgagaa AMBULANCE Ks>" artoalUaa • a B BlBBBt M YRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE A n Onlooker By THOMPSON AND COLL eaBBBBBB •• (D o o ca n ) VACATION.... Balp asB OHaaUaM TEENA ' OEHAVe VOURSELP/COME SBLIA H*snuv RETBIEVEE yiHAT ARETOU DOT VSMY m OCXNd TD SEND fe u t WaOM A NEAR'BY 0OOF* Uatp Waatod—Famsla ...... U MERE <■ THESE MARMOSETS AREJ THE NOTE TO JACK, VVHICM (30lNOTDI>Ct THIS> NOTE TD JACK LANE, OP TOR A TENSE FI6URB CARE- WaMd—Mala ...... |l aa Waatad ...... la-A 5430 MISCHIEVOUS LnTLE DEVILS- mvKa h a e > c o n c e a l e d in CELIA LANDER? COUR&E/ 1 COULDKrr THINK OP PULLV CHECKS THE CDMIN06 Baatag..>Mala ar Faauriai->— IT ------(HoUoraR)— — ------1 s w - w H A m r AESTTBR VVAVjJOThCT HIM^— -ftMa^iOINeS^ “ AT^TTHE MBBia MTantad ...... It-A ~ w . fUaaUona Waatad—Famala ... II ,V thatT I HERE, RSLATIAL OL^RTERS OP MlMUoat Waatad—Mala ...... II 3 0 6 0 VCLL. MYSELF/ PeOFESSOR OARSTIM, BnplaynaBt Agaaolaa 41 INELL/ U r* PtaaB Pata . Paaltiy-bTaMflea (Q idah ) 7 HOW P?g»r8*«'«»T-Pa‘a ...... 41 •>PLEM- U PID V „ " f ^ MUCH a^taS - Pats^^Maitiy^UjtoA 44 4S40 WORK. Bar aalo '' Mia ~ \ TEENW ATUelaa tor Sale tt 0 amts aad AooiBsoilsa ...... 41 HOSPITAL w y - Mldlng lUUildla...... 4T ttaMBda-Wi^haa-aswsIry .. 41 O' Banrleal ApFlIaaeaa—Radio .. 41 5131 f a.a a a a a a a e a a a a a aa a 49*A k Frodaato H DOlO .OOUdft aa ajaBBMBBBBBm- §1 ilaary/ead Toaia . . . . « « » . II W ATER DEPT. Ileal natnuBanta ...a — ft aad dkora- Bqalpnaat-« .. 14 a at the S tona...... f| 3077 4B_a Apnur^Fan IT ___ T. _ •® -^®y-'-eewrBieeBirwiW""'~‘S6" -